Louise Linton, the Treasury Secretary’s wife, is deplorable on Instagram

Special screening of 'War Dogs'

I don’t have time to keep up with the people I consider secondary to the Deplorable Movement. It’s upsetting and aggravating enough trying to keep up with the main players, the people who will eventually be under indictment (fingers crossed). So before this week, I had paid no attention to this woman, Louise Linton. Now that I’ve done three minutes of research, I’m here to tell you that she’s basically another Megyn Kelly/Tomi Lahren/Random Bitchy Blonde Republican Woman. Louise Linton is married to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Mnuchin is RICH. Like, really rich. That’s how he can afford Louise Linton and her expensive taste. Linton posted an Instagram yesterday of herself and her husband deboarding a taxpayer-funded plane in Kentucky. Linton tagged the IG with all of the designer labels she wore in the photo, #Valentino, #RolandMouret, #TomFord, #Hermesscarf and more. When someone called her out in the comments for being tacky and deplorable, Linton unloaded.

Actress Louise Linton, who married Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in June, posted and then deleted a photo of her and her husband as they walked off an Air Force jet Monday that was akin to a fashion shoot tagging the designers she was wearing. After facing criticism from an Instagram user, Linton, who is married to the man who is fifth in the presidential line of succession, responded to the user with a long comment filled with classist attacks. Linton has now taken her Instagram account private, not allowing Instagram users who don’t already follow her to see her account.

Linton has tagged designers she appears to be wearing in previous Instagram posts, but it’s unusual, if not unprecedented, for the spouse of a Cabinet secretary to promote the designers she is wearing in any social media post, much less one that includes a photograph of her with her husband while on government travel. An Instagram user, called “Jenni M,” responded to Linton’s post and said, “Glad we could pay for your little getaway. #deplorable”

Linton’s response to Jenni M came after she appeared to examine Jenni M’s Instagram feed, making note of Jenni M’s family and children.

“@Jennimiller29 cute!….Aw!! Did you think this was a personal trip?! Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol. Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country? I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day “trip” than you did. Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours. You’re adorably out of touch. Thanks for the passive aggressive nasty comment. Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute. I know you’re mad but deep down you’re really nice and so am I. Sending me passive aggressive Instagram comments isn’t going to make life feel better. Maybe a nice message, one filled with wisdom and hunanity [SIC] would get more traction. Have a pleasant evening. Go chill out and watch the new game of thrones. It’s fab!”

This is not Linton’s first encounter with controversy. In 2016, Linton came under fire for her self-published memoir, In Congo’s Shadow, which detailed her time as a student in Zambia. In July of 2016, Zambians, and their advocates, criticized Linton’s portrayal of Zambia as a war-torn, poverty-stricken nation with wild animals running through the streets. Linton was also criticized for portraying herself as a white savior. Under pressure, Linton withdrew the book from sale and pledged to give any proceeds to charity.

Mnuchin and Linton were in Kentucky on Monday to tour Fort Knox, which holds the federal government’s $200 billion gold reserves.

[From HuffPo]

You know the worst part of this story? THIS TRIP WAS UNNECESSARY. They went to Fort Knox for a “tour.” It wasn’t really a business trip that affected the future of the American economy. They flew to Kentucky on the taxpayer’s dime for a fun getaway and a stupid tour. Anyway, yes, this woman IS deplorable.

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204 Responses to “Louise Linton, the Treasury Secretary’s wife, is deplorable on Instagram”

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  1. ArchieGoodwin says:

    Maybe she’s all salty cause her hair is yellow.

    • burnsie says:

      Seriously. All that money and she can’t afford purple shampoo

      • Coop says:

        I just used some purple shampoo yesterday… Brand new bottle. Hoping it’ll take some brassy tones out of my hair, such as orange, yellow, red, orange……….

        Hey! Let’s all chip in to send Frump & friends some purple shampoo! Nothing helps a failing administration like some cool toned highlights and lowlights!

      • Carmen says:

        LOL you mean she can’t even spiring for a bottle of Clairol Shimmer Light?

        BTW I use Shimmer Light to enhance my gray and it’s terrific. Completely gets the yellow out.

      • Lindsey says:

        You can learn so much here!

      • senna says:

        One of my obsessions is nice-looking natural grey hair. It’s to the point that when I see a person with great natural grey hair in the media I send a photo to my husband with “LOOK AT THIS HAIR!!” I KNEW all you classy bitches would be up on that shit with your toning shampoo. I’ll be over here slowly cultivating my one grey streak as it grows.

    • detritus says:

      Her hair is actually ANGEL HAIR I will have you know. And she can’t afford her purple shampoo because her book deal was cancelled.

    • greenmonster says:

      I call that shade of blonde pee-blonde. Always looks like someone peed on it.

      • GiBee says:

        Maybe that was her Unique Selling Point.

      • greenmonster says:

        Probably. And Trump’s first words were ‘You have such beautiful hair.’

      • AnneC says:

        Trump was probably jealous of that perfect pee color. Anyway, she’s his 3rd wife (magic number in trump administration) and her photo should pop up on anyone googling truly Deplorable. I’m sure they’re 8 month marriage will be spectacular!

    • Sharon Lea says:

      Had to take a 2nd look, it is yellow.

    • Courtney says:

      I noticed that too. If you can afford #Hermes, you can afford a decent colorist.

    • Feedmechips says:


    • magnoliarose says:

      Meyer lemon hair. It is all I see.

    • ELX says:

      She is definitely a Trump disciple–all she really wants in life is a fat divorce settlement and a spot on ‘Real Housewives of New York.’

      With all that Goldman money, Mnuchin buys the most basic, social climbing shiksa he can find.

    • Shirleygail says:

      Wow. You started a trend critizing the woman’s appearance. And got folks agreeing with you. With all else she has done that is egregious, you choose to focus on the colour of her hair. Crap thinking, crap following. Sad.

      We do nobody any favours when we take on a woman’s appearance in this manner. CeleBitches are usually so much more self aware than this. @ArchieGoodwin, you’ve won. Instead of attacking behaviour, you are attacking appearance. Sad. And deplorable.

      • Alix says:

        We’re criticizing the choices she makes re: her appearance, which is different. Still bitchy, but different.

        Also: “actress”? Really?

      • ArchieGoodwin says:


        thanks. today should be the day I buy a lottery ticket!

      • whatWHAT? says:

        she took on her own appearance. others took it from there.

        she’s bragging on the stuff she owns and how expensive and exclusive the brands are. I think it’s totally appropriate for people to notice/comment that she spends literally THOUSANDS on a scarf or shoes or sunglasses, but has hair that looks like a $10 bottle of L’oreal.

      • lunchcoma says:

        For better or worse, there are a lot of comments about women’s hair and clothing choices here. (Have you managed to avoid clicking on all the Middleton and Kardashian articles somehow?) People aren’t criticizing Linton’s body or facial features. They’re criticizing her styling. If anything, it’s more relevant to this story than others, as her bragging is the only reason people are paying attention to her.

      • Bros says:

        She thinks very highly of herself. Get a load of her bs in this interview about her wedding jewels. She has no clue she’s an idiot.


      • Who ARE These People? says:

        She posted hashtags on everything she wore, which was all about her appearance. She’s an actress. Her hair is a strange colour. Give people a break!

      • Veronica says:

        Oh come off it. Badly bleached hair is a choice, not a quality or physical characteristic over which she has no control. She literally created a post inviting people to scrutinize her appearance and personal design choices. There’s a world of difference between mocking or belittling women about their physicality in contexts in which it holds no bearing and then there’s being a vapid moron on Instagram, telling the American people you “sacrificed” for your Hermes scarf and Valentino shoes purchased with your wealthy husband’s money.

      • hmmm says:

        Drumpf’s hair is mocked all the time. You are so virtuous and better than us all. And obviously, sexist. LOL

      • magnoliarose says:

        Louise go to your colorist and fix it. Don’t suddenly get sensitive.
        We are here to help you, dear.

      • Backstage Bitchy says:

        I would like to comment on her appearance- she appears MISERABLE in that wedding photo. Look at Donnie Johnny and his Slavic Barbie, and Pence and the Mrs all grinning away, while she is styled like Child Bride Barbie, ringlets, marionette smile, dead eyes and all…

      • senna says:

        I think the point is she can’t even do “aspirational” right. If she’s bragging about her luxe life yet her hair looks like she did it herself with $5 box of hair dye, she’s not winning.

    • Carol says:

      I don’t get the yellow hair either. If money is not an issue, why would she choose that awful hair color. plus, her hair doesnt look like it moves.

      • Heidi says:

        Ladies, you all don’t get it.

        The hair NEEDS to look this way in order to attract a rich republican man. It says: ” I have no political opinion whatsoever, no intention of ever working again, no other hobbies than shopping and couldn’t care less about my hubby’s character as long as he provides for me.”

        Also, I had Barbie dolls in the 1980s wearing wedding gowns that had more class. Maybe she is watching “Dynasty” reruns. Or she thinks she is Duchess Kate. Who is just a brunette version of THE PERFECT REPUBLICAN WIFE.

    • still_sarah says:

      Seriously. I have this complaint about WAGS (mostly sports but also political). If you and your husband are so rich, why can’t you afford a decent colorist to do your hair? I want to stand up and shout “MULTI-TONAL BLOND!” at my computer. A bit of butterscotch here, a bit of warm honey blond there ….

      There. I am done now but thanks for giving me the chance to vent 🙂

    • lavin says:

      I thought Donald was going to drain the swamp?


    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      The worst hair color. My god, so brassy.

  2. Nicole says:

    Oh geez she’s THAT idiot that wrote that stupid book. Ugh say no more

    • INeedANap says:

      I remember that book and actually skimmed through it for a hate-read. The story was made up whole-sale and wasn’t even a compelling read. She’s tacky and boring.

      Also basic — those Rockstuds are overplayed. I’m no fashionista and even I know that.

      • Courtney says:

        Bragging about rockstuds in 2017=nouveau riche

      • still_sarah says:

        @ Courtney : there was a great article on BBC.com about how the “real” rich show their wealth. It was called “The New Subtle Ways The Rich Signal Their Wealth” by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett. It was all very low key and coded and did not include hash tagging your designer label stuff on instagram, Ms. Linton. LOL.

      • Andrea says:

        Which book is this?

    • bluhare says:

      I wonder if she’s the inspiration for Savior Barbie on instagram.

  3. Esmom says:

    Yeah, nothing to add, she is standard issue deplorable. That wedding photo, though. Comedy gold.

    • velourazure says:

      Her wedding photo depicts one of the 9 circles of hell.

      That woman calling ANYONE ‘adorably out of touch’ should be the new dictionary definition of irony.

      • mee says:

        Ugh. totally ridiculous. fits right in with all the gold and this wacky tacky evil admin.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Wow, resting bitch face on the day of your wedding. One can only imagine your expression by the 10th or 20th anniversary-

    • magnoliarose says:

      She looks like a pure idiot in that wedding photo.
      Someone messed with her wikipedia page lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Linton
      Someone hates her very very much.

      • Nic919 says:

        I didn’t realize there was another “not yet credited by the ABA” law school out there in addition to the Florida Coastal School of Law, to which I was accepted upon applying to write the LSAT.

      • magnoliarose says:

        What happens if the school isn’t accredited? Can you take the bar?

      • Alix says:

        “She has appeared in films such as Cabin Fever and a single episode each of television series CSI: NY and Cold Case.”

        Hee, hee!

      • Nic919 says:

        If the school isn’t ABA accredited then you cannot write the bar in certain states. Some states like New York and California do not require an American JD to write the bar. So if you have a law degree from a Canadian or U.K. school you can write it there. But the implication is that if you attend a non ABA accredited law school in the US, it is a junk law school that accepts anyone.

      • swak says:

        @Alix, she must not have had a major role in CSI: NY and Cold Case, because I have seen them and don’t remember her. May have to go look them up!

      • Lucky Charm says:

        Since she was born in Scotland, I want to know if she’s here legally or is an illegal immigrant. 🙂 Wouldn’t that be lovely if she was deported? Sorry Scotland.

      • Jerusha says:

        @Alix @swak. Did she play a corpse? She’s dead inside, so it would be an emmy worthy performance.

    • pinetree13 says:

      All I could think of when I saw that wedding photo was:

      “I wonder if Mother approves of that plunging neckline? AND isn’t Pence standing TOO CLOSE.”

  4. lightpurple says:

    Family members do, by law, have to pay for travel on government planes. So, she very well may have paid. Where this has gotten very sticky is that Orange Voldy has labeled Princess Nagini “staff” so she doesn’t have to pay her travel expenses, we do. By the way, whenever the deplorables defend Trump’s abuses with the Obama girls and Michelle’s mother, you can point out that there is public record of Obama paying for his family’s travel.

    But yes, this woman is outrageously tacky and she makes the same error that she is accusing others of doing – she has no clue what others have contributed to this country. Her husband is a cabinet member, not the same thing as military, firefighters, law enforcement, teacher or even a bus driver.

  5. Cannibell says:

    It looks like a Barbie Wedding from Hell.

    • INeedANap says:

      Her dress is HIDEOUS. I actually think Melania’s and Mother’s dresses are lovely and well suited for their wearers. #SomethingNice

    • Ama says:

      Aaawhhh, if I look at him, their age gap, his position, wealth and his power and see the Dollar signs in her eyes, I bet it was real L.O.V.E. why she got married to him. Celebitchy! 😉

    • still_sarah says:

      I hate Trump but I would like to speak in fashion defense of Mrs. Pence who is always dressed appropriately. She appears to me to be a person who accepts that she is a “woman of a certain age” and dresses well within that description. I doubt Karen Pence even owns a pair of stilettos (cough-Melanie-cough).

  6. tracking says:

    Well, isn’t she just the perfect specimen of a Trumpette? Plastic, fake, and materialistic on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  7. Catherine says:

    She’s pure eurotrash.

    • Olenna says:

      Eurotrash or just Scottish, this heffa basically gave the fuck-you to all Americans who feel her display of wealth is tasteless and shameful. And, that rant? It was so malicious, I don’t even have the words to dissect it.

      • Fifee says:

        As a Scot I dont want anything to do with this bint and Im pretty sure theres plenty other Scots who feel the same ….

    • Trashaddict says:

      She’s also pure sociopath. She wrote in defense of her book this opener:
      “I wrote this book with the hope of conveying my deep humility”…..

  8. Marion C says:

    I’d be willing to bet based on percentage of income, most people pay more in taxes than she and her husband and have contributed more time, talent and treasure towards nonprofits/philanthropic causes as well.

  9. Green Is Good says:

    Plastic-faced tw@t.

    • HadToChangeMyName says:

      This. I’m more upset by the comment by the alleged black man happy to get “class” back in the white house. What exactly is “classy” about this group of uneducated (albeit, rich) group of people? hmmm. Self-hate is real.

      • Parigo says:

        I would bet money man is a paid troll and probably not even black.

      • Radley says:

        Probably a bot. Maybe even a Russian one. The internet is crawling with them these days. Sometimes you can tell by the odd spelling and misuse of American colloquialisms. The election is over but they’re still hard at work supporting El Diablo Naranja, his minions and spreading batsh!t conspiracy theories.

      • Radley says:

        I wish women would stop aspiring to be trophy wives. I have a few in my orbit. They’re plastic, shallow and ill informed. And on top of that their husbands don’t treat them with love and respect. #sad

        I will never understand women who will lay with any lizard because he has money. Mnuchin seems to be one of those lizards.

      • magnoliarose says:

        They are all over the place in record numbers. They usually sound like that. Especially after the recent events it is very fishy that someone would put that on her page.

      • Spring says:

        I found the self-described black man’s reply repulsive until I reread it and started thinking that maybe he’s doing a stellar job of shading the shit out of her. And that it would go right over her head.

      • Parigo says:

        Word. Best thing to do is not engage with trolls as it bumps up their comments in comment feeds. Even with real deplorables it’s just better to ignore them as they enjoy offending “the snowflakes” .

        I’m amazed people got so offended by Hillary calling them deplorables but now we still use the term because that’s what they are.

        Also this woman is tacky and gross. That is all.

      • Payal says:

        40 year old Blackman is a troll. He pops up on a lot of these deplorable post.

  10. Tia Maria says:

    I’m so embarrassed this idiot is from the same country as me (Scotland). They were recent photographed swanning around Edinburgh with multiple costume changes for the pap shots. Urgh.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Tia if you can forgive us for hosting this mess of a government, we certainly ought to forgive you for this woman invading the Scottish gene pool.

  11. Maria F. says:

    Noveau riche. Why brag about all your brands and designers if your husband is loaded?

    Apart of the fact that it is totally classless to do this as the wife of a member of cabinet.

    They are all not fit to be representing the US, but it also feel it shows that there is not leadership in the adminstration, nobody who is schooling these newbies about what is appropriate or not.

    • Mermaid says:

      Uh huh. Nouveau to the nth degree. Tacky and show-off types are the worst. Back to etiquette school honey for a loooooong time.

    • Carmen says:

      Just goes to show, a million dollars can’t buy an ounce of class.

  12. Courtney says:

    She’s been married for all of 2 months. Before her marriage, her tax bracket was one of a D-List actress/model/whatever. So she can stop it with the “we” shit.

    • Christin says:

      Her wedding really was just weeks ago. She’s confident, eh?

    • magnoliarose says:

      Quotation marks for each career because she had one and one only. Bag a rich fool. I have a feeling she is a second wife. There will be a third dyed blonde.
      What is with these Republican women with bad dye jobs like they have on blonde dry helmets.

  13. Neelyo says:

    She’s hideous. In Zimbabwe, she’s known as White Savior Barbie.

    Mnuchin is having a horrible week and I’m loving it.

  14. littlemissnaughty says:

    We all know you cannot buy class or good taste so why is she trying? Girl, you may want to invest in a better colorist, that is some brassy-ass yellow.

    I’m sad she made that IG account private but her website is f*cking hilarious.

  15. emma33 says:

    Hahaha…I cracked up when I got to the bit about “In Congo’ s Shadow”, because I remember that controversy. The twitter responses were EPIC, because it turned out that people in Zambia actually have the internet and were able to call bs on her white saviour nonsense.

  16. Talie says:

    I first heard about her when her book came out and caused crazy backlash for the white savior thing.

  17. Christin says:

    Is visiting Fort Knox a usual part of the cabinet job? I have no idea.

    Rather than get snarky about her silly response, I’m remembering my Dad and many others who helped guard Fort Knox through the decades. #uniformbyarmy #serviceofmany

    • graymatters says:

      Yes. It’s the anonymous multitudes who truly serve this country. I’m grateful for their service.

    • swak says:

      McConnell went also. The last time Fort Knox was visited by a member of Congress was 1974 and Mnuchin is only the 3rd treasury secretary to visit it. Not sure the reason they felt they needed to visit it.

      • stinky says:

        Don’t kid yourself. they went to Kentucky to see the eclipse in totality.

      • kaiko says:

        You hit it on the head stinky!!…bet that is EXACTLY why they tagged along! I also get the distinct feeling she is just a slightly classier version of courtney stodden, willing to do what it takes for the media to notice her, even post a strange classist rant on facebook after someone predictably calls out her tasteless hashtags…who knows??

    • Trashaddict says:

      These guys and gals get off on wealth. Is there a “Fort Knox club” like there’s a Mile High Club?

  18. Tiffany says:

    Yacht girls pay taxes. I thought they were paid in cash.

  19. Kakoo says:

    What a wanker she is.

    You’d think with all her husband’s money she’d be able to afford decent injectables in her face.

  20. Lizzie says:

    ALL (clap) OF (clap) THESE (clap) PEOPLE (clap) ARE (clap) TACKY (clap) TRASH

    louise – your rockstuds were over before they began – 3 years ago. those high waist white pants look like an adult diaper. your haircolor looks like you left $7.99 nice’ n easy on for too long. your wiki page says you’re 36 but your neck says 45. take a seat.

    • magnoliarose says:

      A hard 36 because she looks like a 50 year old that has had some work. Nothing can make this chick look elegant. Nothing.

      • KiddVicious says:

        I thought she was 50, was shocked when I saw 36.

        @Lizzie – that was perfect!

      • Titleauth says:

        Came here to say the same thing. All that work on the face and dieting has given her a more mature look than she intended. Thinning hair too, probably due to nutrient deficiencies. She looks like a frail, elderly person – nothing wrong with that but she’s only 36.

    • The New Classic says:


    • neelyo says:

      @ Lizzie, love you!!!!

  21. Mia 4s says:

    On a totally unrelated note, remember Marie Antionette? Man that was a crazy historical time wasn’t it? 😒

    Someone needs to fire the sanitation workers in charge of the White House. They’re letting far too much garbage sit around that place.

    • Alix says:

      And I was just about to thank everyone for not dragging Marie Antoinette into this! She could spend (though no more than any maitresse en titre), but girlfriend was no snob. And, for the record, NEVER said “Let them eat cake.”

  22. Hannah says:

    First result for a YouTube search for ‘Louise Linton’? “Hollywood’s Newest, Sexy Bombshell, Louise Linton”.
    In. Yer. Mind. Granted, she didn’t write that but she does come across like she really buys into her own hype.

    • Adrien says:

      Lol! Actress? I checked. She was in mostly B-movies. I only remember her for that white savior Zambia gap year book. Why is she even publishing her memoir?

  23. Tate says:

    She is f@cking THAT guy and she is making fun of other people’s lives?? Oh, ok…. 🙄

  24. S says:

    To be clear a third-wife of Goldman-Sachs, piss-poor, self-published fabulist, failed actress is hash-tagging her obnoxiously expensive outfit like she’s a Kardashian and this is group always referring to others as the “cosmopolitan elite”? (And claiming HRC was the Goldman Sachs candidate 🙄)

    Oh and, as for taxes, I’m guessing this bargain basement Queen of Scots using the royal “we” and her hubster have paid 1/10th, income-percentage-wise, as much as my family. Not to mention, our company has never had to be bailed out by more tax dollars than 100 Steve Mnuchin’s will ever contribute, because it was run so recklesssly it would have other otherwise collapsed the global economy.

    Brag away, sis. There’s not one iota of your life I crave. #TargetLeggings

  25. Sharon Lea says:

    Ugh, that comment she made about how her husband has ‘paid more taxes’ than the commenter. Remember when Warren Buffett honestly stated he paid less taxes than his secretary?! There are tech giants who like to say the same thing, they employ thousands and they are paid $1 a year as a salary blah blah blah they ‘are so great and altruistic.’ Well they are paid in stock in their company and are taxed far lower, like 15%, than an employment tax like all of us pay!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Most likely he made most of his money through investments, so he’s probably paying a lower tax rate than your average American wage earner.

  26. Va Va Kaboom says:

    I can only imagine what the Doyennes of New York and D.C. Society think of her. Tryhard behavior like this never gains you respect, even if you’re an otherwise kind and worthwhile human being. Which, let’s be frank, this woman is not.

    • magnoliarose says:

      I need to get the scoop on her. I know he is a creepy troll and that even some gold diggers decided a part time job was better than going for him.

    • Carmen says:

      They probably refer to her as “that woman”.

  27. Betsy says:

    What a low class hag.

    And since it does probably mean so much to her: her brassy yellow hair is as trashy as she is. Hope the husband who bought her gets some nice silvery bracelets clapped on him soon. #handcuffsasjewelry

  28. Cee says:

    Queen of Kitsch.

  29. MellyMel says:

    Money doesn’t buy you class that’s for sure. And all those hashtags!! It’s drives me insane ugh!

  30. Tess says:

    The comment above hers by “ralphale” is pretty gross and I feel like by the comment saying he’s a black man it only further fuels this whole racist mindset of the administration.

    • Reef says:

      Ralphale is what/who stuck out to me, too. Like bro, are you ok? I don’t have an Instagram but I’m curious if that’s a real person or a bot.
      I’m really wondering why the Deplorables are so silent about these ostentatious shows of wealth w/tax-payer money. It’s bizarre. Mrs.Obama couldn’t go to Target without an uproar, but folks are oddly silent about this.

    • Veronica says:

      Honestly, the fact that he specifically identified by age and race within the first line makes me highly skeptical of the validity of those claims to begin with. Fake accounts designed to troll and create invalid support for garbage behavior are infamous in feminist and pro-minority forums.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Trump bots have been using stock images of minorities to create bot accounts. It is possible that was one of them.

  31. Jerusha says:

    She’s perfect for the trump administration. $$$$$$$ and rubbing it in people’s faces, that’s what they’re all about. And on a trip to Kentucky! Nice touch, classless, clueless cow!

  32. mayamae says:

    This woman was born in 1980?

  33. teresa says:

    I believe her married name is now “Louise Linton Mnuchin Antoinette, Third Time is the Cheapest Divorce.”

  34. tw says:

    Tacky, ugly-on-the-inside, designer-tagging mean girl.

  35. Chetta B. says:

    All I see is an over-surgeried face and a persona as shallow as a spring puddle, profoundly empty-headed and materialistic.

  36. meowren says:

    y’all, i got into an fb argument with strangers who twisted my words (surprise) and ultimately wound up comparing me to a white supremacist. i deleted and blocked the messages and people, but i’m still shaken, as i take these things quite personally. i know i have a safe space here with like-minded people, so i want to thank y’all for calming me down from my ugly social media high with your valued insight to this horrible administration. ❤️

  37. SandyC says:

    I refuse to believe that Steve Mnuchin is married to a label-obsessed gold digger! I just don’t believe it!

  38. D says:

    She’s the classic mean girl, Regina George all grown up.

  39. Jeremy says:

    I mean she did go to Fort Knox, not Santa Barbara. Ever look at how many useless trips Congressmen and women take to go “fact finding”? They don’t do it as much as they used to but Fort Knox has strip clubs and strip malls. Not exactly a vacation destination.

    However the designer shout out is still tacky.

    • Christin says:

      This is being viewed as an unusual field trip by a former Hollywood producer who is now a cabinet member. He wanted to see if the gold was still there.

      There is a reason for ‘Fort Knox’ being representative of ultra-secure.

      • Christin says:

        Correction – He’s still a producer. I’ll be avoiding any of his ‘executive producer’ movie funding efforts, since he and wife 3 are sacrificing so much more than us regular folk.

      • Holly hobby says:

        Yes he produced Wonder Woman

      • Tiffany :) says:

        My friend and I were watching the credits for Wonder Woman and both said “WHAT?” when his name came up.

        Ultimately, though, he just made an investment.

      • stinky says:

        Eclipse in totality is why they were there.

      • Christin says:

        @stinky – I thought of the eclipse path as well. Timing is certainly suspect, isn’t it? The fort is very close to the totality path through KY/TN.

  40. Avery says:

    Just imagine being in your 30’s and being so insecure and self loathing that you are already pumped full of botox and lip injections. Looking like you are 50 years old.

  41. Kakoo says:

    I just looked at the hashtags and cackled at #nicest #people and #hermesscarf

    Bless her.

  42. Veronica says:

    LOL. Okay, honey. You keep telling yourself that.

  43. Chaine says:

    Steve Mnuchin always looks like a cardboard cutout of himself.

  44. purple prankster says:

    I remember the angel haired mzungu. maybe she was hoping to get her book turned into a movie starring her ofcourse! i looked at some of her interviews and honestly she was quite attractive, its sad to see her looking so much older and so much more plastic such a short time later.
    was her instagram post sponsored or does she get her self esteem from showing people how much money she has?she sounds very unhappy to me. did steve cut her allowance and tell her it was going to taxes? is this the great sacrifice of which she speaks?she sounds jealous of the other lady and her cute kids.

  45. Penelope says:

    Wow, what a snarky, condescending, completely out of touch, nasty, rude, bitchy comment. She comes off as tacky and nouveau riche, too. Oh, and her grammar is awful.

    Classy woman!

  46. Holly hobby says:

    This tacky ass fake Barbie Also held her wedding at the White House. Did we pay for that too. Steve Mnuchin can pay for his own travel. But what can I say about him? He stuck to Orangino after he said the Nazi’s are fine people.

    Hell is running out of space for these clowns!

  47. K says:

    Her face is so caked, that looks like stage makeup from the 1930s. She’s a young woman making herself look like one of those old ladies who won’t age with dignity. IDK, maybe the doll look does it for her husband. If that comment is any guide, it can’t be her personality.

  48. Neelyo says:

    Mnuchin’s Twitter is on fire.

  49. HK9 says:

    Nellie Oleson on steroids.

  50. K says:

    Oh my goodness. The woman she tried to snark at (own goal all the way, little will she appreciate) posted a response:

    ““According to my 20-second Google search, [Linton is] an aspiring Penthouse model who married an old rich guy in a wedding officiated by a homophobe and attended by other couples of similar age and beauty gaps. She says she’s a nice person. I doubt it. There weren’t any Nazi sympathizers at my wedding. #byelouise.””

    • stinky says:


    • AMA1977 says:

      I wonder if JenniMiller29 has an Amazon Wish List or something, so I can buy her a thank-you gift? Jenni, if you see this, set one up, girl. I would loooove to send a token of my appreciation for your wit and humor. Seriously, I needed a laugh and you gave me one.

      I am neither surprised nor amused by the erstwhile (third) Mrs. Mnuchin. She is exactly who I would expect a textbook swamp-dwelling former Goldman shill who is dumb enough to buy himself a little “blonde” “treat” to marry. I bet he fools himself into thinking she really loves him, too. I am exhausted of the whole lot of them and wish they would crawl back under their gold-plated rock.

      • Payal says:

        She has a GoFundMe for a friend who suffered a stroke and can’t afford rehab.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        For anyone who can spare the price of a Starbucks (or more) and wants to demonstrate their approval of Jenni Miller, she has a fundraising link on her Instagram to help a friend who had a stroke. I’ll be dropping a fiver and a supportive comment.
        Oh, and White Saviour Barbie evidently apologized–not sure if it was for the post or her reply.

    • magnoliarose says:

      For a man with money he has budget taste in women. They aren’t even doing the stereotype with any imagination.

      • Christin says:

        His second wife (mother of his three kids) was prettier, fresh and normal looking. And he (the foreclosure king) looked happy in photos. He didn’t have the cardboard, frozen look.

        If this one is supposed to be a trophy wife, I think he got the booby prize.

        Jenni M is on TV right now, and said she and her husband likely pay a higher marginal tax rate. She said they don’t make enough money to hide. Burn!

  51. lavin says:

    That ladies hair, looks like one of those 1970’s doll heads, where you could just style the hair, etc. it was just a big doll head with yellow blonde hair.

    Does Melania keep her hair brown as an act of defiance to Donald?
    I think when he met Melania and before Baron was conceived she was a blonde….. LOL Just saying.

  52. Ash says:

    Look up the pics (sorry I’m too lazy to find a link!) of their honeymoon. It’s so disgusting and over the top and gross. The pics of them coming out of the airport are ridiculous! And this is coming from someone who takes a suitcase for a weekend! You don’t need all that and it’s gross how she decided how much designer clothing could she possibly wear in a day and be photographed in! Sorry I’m bitchy today bc I’m still waiting on the big payout Trump said he was going to offer small businesses. Still waiting! 😂

  53. Patty says:

    I’m disappointed in the “brother” who said he wanted to marry someone/something just like that. Shaking my damn head.

  54. Who says says:

    OMG they are the perfect couple for the Trump administration. Rich white guy with a trophy wife. I wish people would stop bashing Louise Linton I’m sure she married Steve Munchin for love. The more I read and watch about some of Trump’s administration, the more they become the best examples of cartoon villains, but this is real life.

  55. Eurogirl70 says:

    Coco Chanel:

    Luxury is not the opposite of poverty. It is the opposite of vulgarity. This administration is the epitome of vulgarity. Can you imagine Jackie O doing this? Or Mrs. Obama? People know quality, and if you have to shove it in their faces, then all you know is the price of everything but the value of nothing! All the wrong people have money anymore!! Case in point, the Kardashians.

    • Veronica says:

      Although, Coco Chanel was a Nazi sympathizer, so I’m not so sure she’s the best gauge of vulgarity, lol.

      • Eurogirl70 says:

        Well, you have me on that point. But there have been plenty of people, like Audrey Hepburn, who had class and did not display the vulgarity of rubbing the “hoi polloi’s” nose in their wealth and privilege. It didn’t matter whether Jackie was going barefoot on the beach or wearing an off the rack dress to her debutant debut; she just carried herself as a lady. This Louis Litton is already in trouble for being a liar, as she wrote a book about her time in Zambia and made it out to be a war torn hovel. That representation has proven to be a false one. She never made it in the movies and thought she would try her had at a fictionalized account of the blond white woman dropped in the midst of civil war on the African Continent. Compare that with Audrey Hepburn’s work with UNICEF.

  56. hogtowngooner says:

    Proof that money can’t buy class. What a tacky, petty woman.

  57. why? says:

    Last week people were calling Mnuchin to resign because of how he stood there and smiled as during the King of Lies and Fake News planned meltdown in which he continued to blame the counter-protesters and spread hate. Now this from his wife? When will enough be enough for the GOP? The reason why the stock market keeps having these false positive is because of people like Mnuchin. What policies has he pushed to make his stock do well? How much of a profit have he and his wife made from this presidency?

  58. Baltimom says:

    I can’t keep all these Deplorable Barbies straight!

  59. PassTheCovfefe says:

    you KNOW that for the third marriage, the pre-nup is iron clad. So, relish in it now, because you’ll be at the curb soon enough, Your Majesty!

  60. gwen says:

    Here’s a breakdown on how much this all cost:

    The Tom Ford sunglasses retail for $445, the Hermès scarf for $940, the Valentino heels are $995, and the Roland Mouret trousers are $1,395 (though they are now on sale for $348). The cost of a Hermès Birkin bag usually starts around $10,000 but can go upwards of $150,000. Regardless of which one exactly Linton slung on her arm, it most certainly cost thousands of dollars. This brings the low estimate for her outfit—which managed to stay perfectly crisp and white en route from Kentucky—to $13,775.

  61. Julia says:

    She’s even uglier on the outside than she clearly is on the inside — vile personality.

  62. Trashaddict says:

    I love the glorious posters of Celebitchy – calling out hypocrisy everywhere!
    With humor and class. You all make my day.

  63. JosieOhs says:

    I am dying. Went to college with her, and remember when she was auditioning for a reality show even then. Deplora-reality!

  64. Cleo says:

    She certainly puts the D (list) in Deplorable.

  65. Cinderella says:

    Aww, what happened to the Linton Collection of handbags, you little entrepreneur, you.

    More like entrepre-NOer

  66. Jenny says:

    That wedding dress is deplorable. Guess money can’t buy taste. Just my 2 cents.

  67. Sara says:

    You would think that money could buy her blonde hair that is not yellow