Amal Clooney wears lilac Versace at Venice ‘Suburbicon’ premiere: lovely or meh?

'Suburbicon' Premiere - 74th Venice Film Festival

Here are some photos of George Clooney and Amal Clooney at the Venice Film Festival from the past few days. On Saturday, George premiered his latest directorial effort, Suburbicon, and Amal was obviously his date for the premiere. The Clooneys rolled up to Venice early last week, having spent most of the summer in Como, Italy. Amal hasn’t been on a red carpet since she had the twins, Ella and Alexander (again, I’m really hoping they call the kid Sasha Clooney).

For the premiere, Amal did not wear a bubble dress, nor did she wear vintage. I’m shocked! Amal went with Versace, obviously an Italian designer and obviously a nod to how beloved George is in Italy, and a nod to George and Amal’s Italian love story. I feel like I’ve seen this dress a million times, but it still feels new on Amal, because it seems like the first time she’s worn this silhouette and this color. The lilac is lovely on her and the actual design is fine. It fits, the skirt is pretty, etc. I think her “faux bob” is a little bit overdone and too helmet-hair-ish, but it’s fine. My least favorite thing about this look is the earring(s?). Way too matchy-matchy.

Meanwhile, George has obviously been asked a lot of political questions while in Venice. The Daily Beast has a rundown of some of his press conference highlights, and here are some assorted quotes:

How the screenplay came about: “The genesis of the screenplay [came when] I was watching a lot of [Trump] speeches on the campaign trail about building fences and scapegoating minorities, and I started looking around at other times in our history when we’ve unfortunately fallen back into these things, and I found this story that happened in Levittown, Pennsylvania…When you talk about ‘Making America Great Again,’ America being great everyone assumed was the Eisenhower ‘50s, and it was great if you were a white, straight male, but other than that it probably wasn’t so great. It’s fun to lift up that curtain and look underneath that thin veneer and see some of the real problems that this country has yet to completely come to terms with.”

Whether he’d like to run for president some day: “Would I like to be the next president? Oh, that sounds like fun. Can I just say that I’d like anybody to be the next president of the United States. Right away, please.”

Growing up in Kentucky: “I grew up in the South in the ‘60s and ‘70s during the Civil Rights Movement, and we sort of at that time thought we were putting to bed a lot of issues— segregation was going away, and we thought that we were putting these issues to bed. Of course we weren’t, and we have these eruptions that blow up every few years, and we realized that we’ve still got a lot of work to do as far as our original sin of slavery and racism.”

On Trump’s America: “It’s probably the angriest I’ve seen the country, and I lived through the Watergate period. There’s a dark cloud hanging over our country right now. I’m an optimist… I do believe in the youth, and I believe that we’re going to get through all of these things, and I think that the institutions of the U.S. government tend to work. We see them work with the press, and with the legislative and the judicial branches of government.”

The Confederate monuments need to come down: “This is something that’s really festering right now in the United States, when you talk about the Confederate flag and the [removal of] Jefferson Davis monuments. I grew up in Kentucky, and you know, they would come to my hometown and do Civil War reenactments, and they’d go to the townspeople and you got to pick if you got to be a Union or a Rebel soldier, and you want to be the Rebel, you know? It’s fun. But you really didn’t understand the history of the Confederate flag, and understand that that was a flag that was designed to be carried into battle against the United States of America in favor of slavery—and they lost. Now, if you want to wear it on your T-shirt or if you want to hang it off your front lawn, have at it. Good luck with your neighbors. But to hang it on a public building where partially African-American taxpayers are paying for it, that cannot stand. And we have to come to terms with those things. That’s important.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I don’t have a problem with anything he says here. He’s from a generation that grew up post-Jim Crow (or as Jim Crow laws were being dismantled), and with images of the Civil Rights movement, but he also admits full-on that growing up, he didn’t really think too much about what all of those Civil War reenactments meant. It’s a weird thing when you grow up in the South and you’re just used to seeing the Confederacy glorified in everyday life – after a while, you do forget why it’s a big deal. It’s easy to see some redneck with a Confederate flag bumper sticker and shrug off that person with a “he’s obviously an ignorant dumbass,” but we live in an age where ignorant dumbasses have all the power in this country.

'Suburbicon' Premiere - 74th Venice Film Festival

74th Venice Film Festival - 'Suburbicon’ - Premiere

'Suburbicon' Premiere - 74th Venice Film Festival

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid.

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156 Responses to “Amal Clooney wears lilac Versace at Venice ‘Suburbicon’ premiere: lovely or meh?”

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  1. tracking says:

    She looks stunning. Love the color and silhouette on her (exquisitely fitted) and her styling. I said this on the last thread–she looks wonderful with the few extra baby pounds on her and hope she isn’t trying to become stick thin again.

    • Maple Girl says:

      I dont like it at all. Amal is one of the very few celeb wives who doesn’t have boring style. This is so boring and safe, like something Matt Damon’s wife would wear.

      She usually looks so much quirkier and more interesting.

      • Don't kill me I am French says:

        You stole my commentary about Damon’s wife outfit .It is not a bad dress but her choice is so safe.

      • detritus says:

        Yes, this. Her boobs look great and she’s obviously feeling herself, but the dress is boring. And I hate to say it, but the colour is bad on her.
        Bring back the weird and wonderful dresses, Amal!

      • minx says:

        I think for her first post-baby red carpet she wanted to look a certain way–glamorous and showing off the nice boobs and figure. She obviously likes the movement of the dress. I agree it’s not a typical Amal dress or color but for the occasion she looks beautiful and the fit is great.

      • Jayna says:

        I agree, but I think she wanted to go glamorous for the red carpet.

        But she still pulled off quirky for the non-red-carpet parts of the film festival where they went to some party or event. A few nights before she wore this. You can’t see the whole dress, but I loved it because it is unique. Others may not like it. But that is also what I like about Amal. She has an eclectic style.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        I agree about the color. In fact, the more I looked at it, I quickly came to the opinion that pastels in general do/would not work for her at all. She needs richer, stronger colors with her complexion. Jewel colors would be great, if she wanted an eye popping color…sapphire, emerald, ruby. Even a darker purple like an amethyst.

      • Sabrine says:

        She looks stunning and so elegant in this dress. It fits her to perfection and her figure looks amazing. I like seeing her in this color, something different for her.

      • FLORC says:

        Color is wrong. It’s not awful. It’s just blah.

        Her posing… idk… If the engagement pr hadn’t been so aggressive I wouldn’t still view her as so thirsty still.

      • Taxi says:

        Combination of the boob-wrap & the fabric looks like a cheap nightgown.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I agree with you, tracking. She look lovely. I love how the dress is a perfect fit, and that bodice is very flattering. I saw some photos of her last week in casual clothes with minimal/no makeup. She looked wonderful and she could tone her makeup down a bit. It seems she wears the same face all the time, and it often makes her look very hard.

    • Felicia says:

      I think she looks spectacular, especially at 2 months after having babies. Does anyone else remember how fabulous you felt (particularly after the first pregnancy) when you could finally get into something that made you feel atttactive again? She’s clearly feeling that. Probably twirled around in front of a mirror several times at home too. 🙂

      I’m guessing she’s probably got some industrial shapewear under her dress, but still… no shade, she’s enjoying that feeling. Which she has the perfect right to do, just like the rest of us did.

      The earrings look to be another nod to Italy. Assuming the bottom “drop” is coral, which it appears to be.

    • different day says:

      She definitely exudes old Hollywood Glamour. I love her hair a bit more natural, looks easier to care for and absolutely lush. It’s my hope these two remain involved in politics- albeit fundraising, etc.

      • cara says:

        “Hollywood Glamour’, what are you smoking????

      • JaneGoodall says:

        The dress looks like an entry for the Mrs. USA evening gown competition. It borders on a southern cotillion mother-of-the-bride ensemble.

        Just because she puts her hair in pin curls does not make for “Hollywood glam” – plus her hair is her reigning glory when she loses the length, she just looks, like the rest of the plebs that worship her. Plus, it’s one less opportunity to whip and flip it around for the paps.

        For those who say that her basking in the glory of the attention is not so bad, have you personally been around an attention-seeker? S/he always is looking around to see who is noticing her; she’s always wanting to be the center of attention. It’s tiring, boring and tedious. Really charming people are inquisitive and interestED- which makes them interestING. Jeez, I knew Amal when she was just billing hours. I can see how she became Mrs. Clooney! She LOVED the attention then and she absolutely revels and gets drunk in the attention now. A perfect pair.

        Amal is handsome, not beautiful. She’s striking as she’s tall and thin with dark hair and large features (ie nose and eyes). Beauty is subjective, but it’s being throw around as though it’s institutional knowledge that she’s beautiful here?

        Before the “oh you’re just jealous” misogyny begins, No one’s jealous of Amal. Other women had the best of George 20 years ago when he was good looking and she’s got the sloppy leftovers now he’s an old man.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      I agree. She doesn’t look gaunt anymore; she looks voluptuous. The lilac on her is beautiful.

    • cara says:

      She is so “meh”, and an embarrassing famewhore, but George looks 70 years old. I wonder if they hired the surrogate as one of the nannies.

    • bella says:

      I love it, and I think that both of them look fantastic. Also, in this article, George comes across as very thoughtful.

  2. Shambles says:

    Amal looks lovely. Absolutely beautiful.

    I’m from Georgia, and I see lots of rednecks with confederate flag bumper stickers, license plates, actual flags duct taped to their trucks… I wish there was more I could do about it, aside from sending them “you’re an @sshole” vibes from afar. At this point, if you’re still holding on to that crap, you are an actively sh!tty human.

    • tracking says:

      Agreed on the confederate symbols. Nazi monuments were destroyed–noone felt Jews should have to look at them or that the historical moment should be celebrated in anyway. Why should black Americans have to look at this shite *celebrating* men who were willing to die to protect white supremacy (and who, by the way, were traitors who should be celebrated by no US citizen anyway). Retaining those monuments in public spaces disenfranchises black citizens who have already suffered enough. Destroying them could be understood as a kind of restitution. Also agree with Clooney that what the dumb@ss Confederate sympathizers do with their own private property is their business, however. As annoying as the bumper stickers etc. are, frankly at least it lets me know who I’m dealing with.

      • LAK says:

        Firstly, i agree with you

        ….but i feel this is the one area where private property shouldn’t be an excuse. Blanket ban, whilst teaching ALL the history, like they do in Germany and Austria, should be the way to go.

        The community rights should supersede individual rights on this point.

        Picture the alternative, using Hitler and the Nazis as the example. As an individual, you can’t ‘zieg heil’ in Germany or Austria. It is understood that the greater good of the community supersedes the individual right for anyone to do it.

        And they teach everyone *why* it’s a good thing to make it illegal as opposed to relying on the individual’s moral compass to figure out that it’s not a good thing.

        Sometimes, the state has to step in and legislate these things because humans are shitty and selfish, especially where stuff has been going on for so long it has become ‘tradition’ or ‘culture’.

      • magnoliarose says:

        What you said is the reason why I think all the symbols should be treated like hate symbols are in Germany. To have black children sit in schools named after Confederate generals is a crime.
        Put into context and it should be put in the very same context I wonder if southerners would be so quick to defend it?

        I like the way Baltimore did it. All of them were removed in the middle of the night and by morning they were gone.

        Harriet Tubman won’t be on the 20 dollar bill to replace Andrew Jackson now because Obama is gone. He was one of the most ignorant racist presidents we ever had. Remember 45 praising him? Foreshadowing that went unnoticed.

      • German Girl says:

        @ tracking

        Not quite correct about Nazi monuments, but anyway.
        Because if you destroy all Nazi monuments then how can you “prove” that it happened? It is better to remember history with actual historical things and that means that you have to keep certain monuments and tell visitors how bad Nazis / Fascists / Racists… are / were.

        Most of the former Nazi concentration camps (KZs) are memorial sites nowadays who educate visitors about the history of the Nazis and Nazi crimes and racism and fascism.

        Perhaps instead of destroying confederate monuments they should become part of memorial sites who educate about slavery and racism in US history. ??? Just imagine the effect which such a memorial site would have on today’s southern confederates 😀

      • Nic919 says:

        Most of the confederate monuments were put up in the 1920s when Jim Crow laws were being enacted, so the monuments aren’t a commemoration of the Civil War but of the racist assholes who couldn’t get over losing the war 60 years later. That’s why they need to come down.

        Everyone in the south knows the Civil War happened and African Americans still live the effects of it to this day, so they really don’t need a statue to remember how racist people were, because they still live it.

      • LAK, I think what you’re proposing would be a very dangerous precedent. I don’t like obnoxious people who like to display offensive things anymore than you do.
        However, if we do that, than what’s to stop people’s houses from getting raided because someone down the street claimed they might have a confederate flag or something? What if some common object most of us own would someday become considered offensive?
        I’m not being hystrionic, I just feel that this is how things got started when places became dictatorships.
        And yes, some people abuse their freedom of speech privileges. I remember when Eminem first came out, his schtick was to bash gay people…

      • LAK says:

        Holly: i agree 100% and i am a big supporter of individual rights over state censorship, BUT this is one ‘right’ that has been tested several times and found to cause untold harm including, but not limited, a world war, concentration camps in Europe and Africa, etc. It has been tested and found to be wrong. Period. No ifs or buts about it. And even though the world over knows it to be wrong, humans STILL can’t self regulate not to indulge it therefore the state should step in and legislate in the same way they legislate killing or thievery!!!

        We know where the theory of Nazism & their Aryan purity leads. Banning that one thing as they have done in Germany is not a bad thing nor has it caused a slippage of individual or societal rights in those countries. Germany or Austria aren’t suffering eroded rights or policed thoughts because they outright banned statues of Hitler from the town square, Nazi memorabilia decorating items or people ‘zieg heiling’ in their countries.

        It works very well in Germany and Austria, and no one is banning other forms of expression or thoughts or gestures.

        Finally, it’s bemusing that Americans are happily living in a police state with very few civil liberties, but banning this one penicious thing outright is a step too far?

      • LAK says:

        Holly: one more thing, in my country, under the equal rights act as well as the public order act, Eminem would be prosecuted for gay bashing. The state has legislated against hate speech as well as discrimination of sexual orientation. Various versions of this law have been in place since the 1970s, and have been revised and amended in the 90s and 2010.

        As far as i know, our society has not slipped because the state stepped in and legislated.

        And our civil liberties aren’t eroded because of it.

      • So, your country is England? I took a glance at the links you posted and will read more in depth later.
        I still stand by my point, although I can’t speak for your country.
        What exactly do you mean by “Americans happily living in a police state with very few civil liberties”? People are always protesting here. Now, if you’re talking about the NSA (or whatever alphabet soup agencies are involved) surveillance, then that is a valid point.
        ETA: Quite a few conservative folks/organizations are being censored/semi-censored on places like YouTube, and, no, the ones I’m aware of aren’t “Nazi”/”White Nationalist” because I don’t follow such channels.

      • lara says:

        One correction (from Germany). It is illegal to display nazi symbols in public or to trade certain types of nazi memorabilia. It is not illegal to own them and keep them at home. The argument, that the Police could raid your home, if your neighbour claims you have danned symbols or flags is not valid.

      • mary s. says:


        @Holly. You’re argument is what? That people’s houses could be raided because a neighbor down the street calls in a false report about someone harboring symbols of the confederacy? A neighbor could do that now — many things are illegal. Drugs and sex trafficking are two examples.

        Symbols of the confederacy should not be displayed except within their (negative) historical context. The analogy is artifacts of Naziism, not Eminem’s lyrics. As to Americans living without checks on their civil liberties, check your privilege on that one.

      • @Mary S.
        Um, what exactly am I supposed to “check my privilege” about?

        And, although I don’t yet have a copy of 1984 that I can double-check, I understand there’s a passage in Chapter 5 about statues and streets being renamed, books being rewritten, and records destroyed.
        FWIW, I heard somebody someone suggested putting up statues of historical black leaders in close proximity of these Confederacy statues….?

      • mary s. says:

        Holly, in America, people of color don’t have the same type of liberty or freedom as white people.

    • third ginger says:

      Fellow Georgian, now in Virginia. My “favorite” is the moronic “heritage not hate” sticker.

      • Shambles says:

        Same. That sticker is completely invalid after Charlottesville

      • Esmom says:

        Oh geez, hadn’t heard of that one. People are idiots. Willfully ignorant. Grr.

        Just this morning I was behind a car with a Trump number sticker, a confederate flag sticker and a bumper sticker that said “Not a liberal.” A little redundant, lol. I was having a nice morning until seeing that crap.

      • Lorelai says:

        I hadn’t heard that one either, and am eye-rolling at how noble those particular people must fancy themselves. SMH

      • meowren says:

        saw one the other day here in orange county, ca that said “confuse liberals. use facts and logic.”. which is just the epitome of irony for me.

      • third ginger says:

        meowren, I have seen that one, also. I guess by “facts and logic”, they mean the arguments that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, Trump actually won the popular vote, and climate change is a hoax.

      • Adele Dazeem says:

        I saw a couple last week that made me chuckle out loud:
        ‘Does your Trump sticker make you feel stupid yet?’
        ‘Don’t blame me…I voted for Her!’

        I do think those moderate/conservatives/fence people who ‘didn’t like hillary’ really regret their decision now. If only the others same to their senses…

      • wolfpup says:

        Jiminy. My family hails from the first plantations in Virginia. My grandfather left that home for the West. I saw “Gone With the Wind” at age 5/6, and was forever turned off, because of the character of Aunt Mamie – and who could ever find Scarlett attractive? That was never on my wish list of being woman. After years, I found my family on the plantations of Virginia. Robert E. Lee is a cousin. So is QE. Put it in my mouth – what is there in my blood (Mamie) that makes me fret against horror? Outside Williamsburg, is the estate of John Lewis, who was my father’s father, and all that. My family in the west owned property, such as oil wells and jewelry stores, and I would give it to others who are more useful, than I. Sillies, do you see this – honor and reputation means nothing, nothing, nothing at all when it comes to the horror. Who are the little jerky boys running the confederate flag on their truck ships? They are the poor white trash, not the gentlemen of the south, just the poor white trash who fought the economic war. How did I end up in Venice, CA, not knowing? I will always love the babies, of Mamie, who are black.

    • magnoliarose says:

      @German Girl
      I think German Girl is from Germantown Pennsylvania. If you were German you would not tell such a lie. Don’t argue I have been there several times.
      What a coincidence. We have this conversation and wouldn’t you know a “German Girl” arrives. lol
      No one needs to prove anything. Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany and there are no symbols anywhere but museums. Just like it should be here.
      Is there a rule that one alt right shill has to respond here every few days?

      I had to write this so misinformation was called out like it should be.

      • wolfpup says:

        I am old, and therefore have a right to my life’s experience. My husband was stationed in Germany. Perhaps it is against the law to deny the Holocaust – but there are books printed there that do just that. Germany is my favorite country – I love the rhythms. If I were German, I would live there. It was 30 years ago, but I would ever go there. There are Oberamagau and Uberamagau, and simply Amagua – obviously, I have forgotten the spelling – and the books are gone too, after my last move. I took the train to the Passionspiel all alone in its 500th year after the plague. This is a blessed country. The children learn English in schools so you can ask all sorts of questions when visiting this very progressive country. Church bells, and shops closing in the afternoon for 2 hours…such lovely memories. It is not like America, where profit 24/7 rules. It is a country that centuries have solidified the good life – which is not for profit.

      • lara says:

        @ magnoliarose
        if you read geman Girls comment correctly, she wrote, that not all nazi sites were destroyed. some were converted to remembrance sites. If you have ever been to germany, you would have seen it.
        And yes, Holocaust denial is a crime, as well as showing the swastika in public (exept in an educational context), making the sieg heil gesture or trading nazi memorabilia.

      • tracking says:

        No, magnoliarose is correct. My language was very specific–there are no *monuments* left. Google the Allied order of May 1946. Here is a portion: “Every existing monument, poster, statue, edifice, street, or highway name marker, emblem, tablet or insignia, of a type the planning, designing, erection, installation, posting or other display of what is prohibited by Paragraph I of this Directive must be completely destroyed and liquidated by 1 January 1947; also all military museums and exhibitions must be closed and liquidated by 1 January 1947 throughout the entire German territory.” Some architecture and public spaces were converted to other uses, not monuments. Concentration camps were preserved as memorials to the suffering of Jews, not Nazi monuments–there is a difference.

      • lara says:

        Sorry, maybe the Problem is, that english is my third language, where is the difference between a memorial and a Monument?

        I understood you comment (wrongly) that everything the Nazis have ever build has been destroyed, and history errased, insted of placing history in context with Memorials (not monuments?) and exibitons about the Holocaust.

      • tracking says:

        lara, there can be overlap, but a memorial functions to preserve the memory of specific people who have died, can be public or private. A monument typically has a significant physical presence in public space and celebrates an ideology as well–like confederate monuments are more about “lost cause” and white supremacy than the specific people who died, and insisting upon that in public spaces.

      • lara says:

        @ tracking: Thank you for your clarification.
        Now I also understand the debate about the confederate Monuments better. Please correct me if I am still wrong. It is not about erasing history but rather about not celebrating the confederate Generals defending slavery anymore?
        I did not realise, that the statues are simply standing in public places without any further historical context.

      • tracking says:

        lara, yes that’s right. Why one proposal is to move the monuments, either to history museums (therefore with context) or elsewhere. In Budapest, for example, they moved all the communist statues to a single park, and there is a lot of activist educational efforts surrounding them.

    • cara says:

      My advice…..MOVE. I doubt your neighbors like you anymore than you like them.

  3. BeamMeUpScottie says:

    I like. The dress is lovely on her and she looks beautiful, esp. having just had a baby.
    Not many women could carry off that dress without looking frumpy or dated, but Amal does old Hollywood glam so well.

  4. Babs says:

    She looks beautiful but I loathe that color.

    • Shambles says:

      Really? I don’t see bolt-ons at all. Her breasts look perfectly natural to me. Probably bigger because she just gave birth.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      She had twins and is likely lactating. Can’t judge about the rest.

    • Escondista says:

      Totally agree about the color and I actually like it…just not on Amal. Can you see that dress in a wine or warm burnt orange color on her? Swoon!

      I have a 9 month old and I am JUST now getting back to having some time to prepare healthy food and go to the gym. Amal looks great.

      • Shirleygail says:

        It was six months after my c-section that I came up for air and could walk and talk at the same time (even though I went back to work after 4 months!) and actually felt bonded with my boy. It was 2 years before my soul and my body and my self re-connected…….

    • Snowflake says:

      They look fake to me as well, but maybe it’s just that she’s lactating?

      • wolfpup says:

        My ex chose for me to get implants. I would never recommend this to any woman -little shits who call these “bolt-ons”, perhaps because they cannot afford them? They are very difficult to carry around, and one gets all sorts of bad attention from disgusting men who need to prove their worth by your “bolt-ons”. Divorce the husband, and dance in the love of your body. I had them removed 7 or 8 years ago. I had just these little teeny-tiny’s left – I felt as though I were a cancer survivor with a mastectomy – but they grew back just right. Is it so hard to get attention from men – they always court to plow. I’m not going to write about boobs, big or small – they are milk. Moo. Watch your waist line, not boobs, even needing a mama is not a reason for wanting “bolt-ons”.

    • Babs says:

      I don’t know. I’m lactating and my boobs don’t look like that at all, and she did her nose, so…. I guess we’ll see in the future.

      • wolfpup says:

        Woman, nurse your child. Your body will become yours once again. Lactating lasts only a small fraction of your life. Enjoy it. Know the pleasure of feeding your baby. It’s all over, and then there are school plays to attend. Your boobs find their meaning during lactation, but sex is good too, sex is always good for you.

    • Mle428 says:

      When I was late in my pregnancy and breastfeeding, my boobs were a 34H (H! As in, holy *%&$!). I’m not a busty lady at all under normal circumstances.

      • wolfpup says:

        With the “bolt-on’s my boobs were F’s. I thought they were disgusting. I have a problem with lots of men as well, so do not be confused.

      • Robin says:

        Lol, I’m size 32G naturally. Never been pregnant, but I hope to in the future and am terrified what’s gonna happen to them

    • magnoliarose says:

      Those are post-pregnancy breasts with heavy support. There is a trick using pads and tape to make the cleavage look like that. If you look closely you can see her breasts are lifted and some flesh is pushed out on the sides. She is fuller overall and it suits her.

      She looks lovely and I like the color. The hair is ok but it could have been better.

      • wolfpup says:

        After bolt-ons, I would never do tape and pads. I just want to be left alone. This is my body and flesh. Men get hard-ons over anything – why go under the knife for something as simple as a man’s penis? Go – live with the wind in your hair.

        One feels so confined when lactating. I remember going into the hall and twirling just to be free of being sucked on. I had three children, in four years. And then they are grown, and you miss them. This is the best part of your life. There will never be so much love, as is yours, just now.

    • salmah says:

      I think she had a very well done small augmentation a while ago which has been exacerbated post pregnancy (old photos of her swirl around online before any nose/body surgery because she was quite active in the Oxbridge socialite arena). She’s not averse to a little surgical change (and very good work at that) and, speaking as an Iraqi, I know that generally many Middle Eastern women are pretty gung-ho about aesthetic surgery across all social/monetary brackets – it’s not as taboo as it is in the west and many, many women openly walk around with bandages and dressings post surgery or with very obviously filled lips, cheeks, etc. (something I noticed particularly when travelling in Beirut and the Gulf States).

    • Veronica says:

      I don’t feel like they’re round enough at the top to be fake (though I’m not ruling it out because it is so common these days). But there’s usually a “hardness” to the outline when they’re implants. I suspect she’s still sporting post-partum breasts and using a front close bra to get that cleavage effect. She’ll likely go down a size or two when she stops lactating. (Unless she’s unlikely like my friend and goes from a DDD/E cup to an H. 9_9) If she’s had work done, it’s very good and very subtle.

    • Sumodo1 says:

      Thank you! That color clashes with the gold undertone of her skin. A yellow, orange, peach or salmon color would be perfect. I won’t quibble with the dress design, because this post-babies body is the most gorgeous Amal has ever been

    • isabelle says:

      What does it matter if she has fake boobs or not? She looks great in the dress.

      • wolfpup says:

        Isabelle, +++’s, and exactly. Don’t get that surgery! My granddaughter is named same as you. I hope that she loves her name.

        Why do women need to see themselves as in a man’s eyes? Amal is simply beautiful.

    • cara says:

      She would only look “beautiful ” if she had a face replacement. It’s apparent she’s had cosmetic surgery (didn’t help) while the surrogate was pushing out the doner egg and sperm.

  5. OTHER RENEE says:

    Absolutely stunning dress. She looks great. I just wish she weren’t always preening for the camera. She makes it way too obvious.

  6. Christin says:

    I’m with him on everything he says.

    Her dress is a nice color, and she looks good in it.

  7. Sushi says:

    I think she looks so much more beautiful after the birth of her babies. This dress reminds me of a yellow dress that Angelina worn to Cannes 2007

  8. third ginger says:

    As a fellow Southerner,I love Clooney’s comments. You just never know where this crazy historic revisionism on the part of some in the South is going to pop up. A few years back, I took my ghost story seminar students on a tour. The elderly man conducting it knew lots of supernatural lore but was also obsessed with the Civil War. Suddenly, he began to lecture the kids on The War of Northern Aggression, which was NOT about slavery. I literally walked behind each student, saying No, it was an attempt to have a separate slave owning nation, which, of course, they already knew. And yes, there were African-American students there.

    Now,of course, we are living with the hideous results of the “white resentment” appeal.

    • wolfpup says:

      The most difficult thing about this is that simply I want to bash someone. What a bunch of hogwash – the people that protest for the Confederacy did not own slaves, they were supplanted by slaves, without jobs, and termed white trash. However, speaking of the trash, they were the bodies sent into battle for their landowning state. They didn’t own anything – tell them to shut up already! They have no skin in the game – except for the vilest of human nature to feel better than another. Perhaps I just need to learn how to spit!

  9. Who ARE these people? says:

    She looks stunning.

  10. crazydaisy says:

    I still can’t decide if I think she’s pretty or not. LOL

    That lavender/lilac color is very pretty… on a flower. I don’t like it on her. Might look nice on someone with blue eyes and California blonde coloring, a la Malibu Barbie. But I don’t care for it on Amal.

    • Shirleygail says:

      with blue eyes and California blonde colouring (a la Canadian, West Coast Barbie LOL – short, fat woman here), but with that colouring!) that colour would wash me right out…unless I had a tan (not good for fair skintones), tons of highlights in my hair and wore lots of make up……..
      I think with her colouring she can pull off pretty much any colour she damn well chooses. I’ve loved most of her clothes, but some of her dresses have been too short. So, I’m happy with this. She look glamourous and absolutely lovely. She also looks happy, which makes her utterly gorgeous!

      • minx says:

        Agree, I am fair and lilac is a color I cannot wear. It makes my skin sallow and it just looks terrible on me.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Fellow blondie and I can’t wear that color either my olive skin turns sickly looking.

        I have always thought women with dark hair and dark eyes can wear more colors that are flattering than any other hair color/eye color combination.

    • crazydaisy says:

      Yes, for blonde/blue you would totally need a tan, hence the Malibu Barbie reference (dating myself, evidently). I also love this color on a much darker skin tone. I think Lupita Nyong’o would look great in it. Amal has a nice olive complexion, but somehow, especially with her hair and eyes, it doesn’t quite work for me.

  11. Giulia says:

    Best I’ve seen her look. Fabulous.

    • isabelle says:

      One of the few dresses she has worn which i like. Her taste is no where close to mine but love this dress.

  12. Annetommy says:

    They both look nice. Beautiful dress on her. And George talks sense.

  13. Elisa the I. says:

    She looks absolutely stunning and I love the color of the dress and her hair.
    IMO her nose looks a bit different, but whatever she had done is subtle and suits her.

    • crazydaisy says:

      You are right! I was wondering what was different – her nose looks way shorter. Strange choice as the strong nose gave her face so much character. (And looks like it was already worked on before, per the quick Google search I just did.)

  14. SM says:

    I agree with most of what he says with the exception on his assessment of what period the White House terrorists are talking about. I think that Yale history professor Timothy Snyder has a more nuanced explanation by dating the great America to the 1930-40’s when in fact there was a political strategy calling for putting America first over war in Europe against nazism. The matter of fact is Hilter himself was very fond of the racial policies in US as the time. Here is an exceprt from one of his articles on this: ” Thus the nostalgic moment for this White House is not the 1950s, usually recalled warmly by American conservatives, but the dreadful 1930s, when fascists of the new right defeated conservatives of the old right in Europe. Whatever one might think of conservative nostalgia for the 1950s, it is notable for what it includes: American participation in the second world war and the beginnings of the American welfare state. For conservatives, it all went wrong in the 1960s. For the Trump administration, it all went wrong rather earlier: in the 1940s, with the fight against fascism and the New Deal. Stephen Bannon, who promises us new policies “as exciting as the 1930s”, seems to want to return to that decade in order to undo those legacies. For anyone wanting to understand the connection between current politics and Nazi ideology in Germany I highly recommend reading at least the first chapter of Snyder’s book Black Earth, of for more light and fast reading his short book he wrote right before the election On Tyranny.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      All good points, and I even think much of the WH rhetoric sounds WWI era, reminiscent of Woodrow Wilson’s racism, segregation and anti-immigrant views, as well as his reluctance for the U.S. to join the war. I have to admit that it’s been surprising, but hopeful, to see the press and public actually discuss legit historians and history when trying to deal with our current plight. I hope it inspires young people to become historians. I enjoy seeing people like Jon Meacham on the pundit shows.

  15. Jerusha says:

    Amal looks wonderful, love the color and the fit. George looks great and I agree with everything he said. I hope his movie does well. I’ll go see it.

  16. Freddy Spaghetti says:

    She looks amazing! I can’t believe she recently had twins, but I do think the tiny bit of extra weight she’s carrying really suits her.

  17. Aerohead21 says:

    The silhouette is safe, but the color is gorgeous for her. The only thing is it isn’t spring…….maybe go with a jewel tone purple for fall…

    That said I had twins a year ago and she looks fabulous!!!

    • wolfpup says:

      If you want to look fabulous don’t eat – except for nutrition. If you want to eat a lot, then don’t expect fabulousness. And why are we caring so much about outer appearance? Why?

      • wolfpup says:

        I am 62, 120lbs and fully exercised Quite frankly I would love just to sit down and be fat – but then your inner thighs rub against themselves. There is nothing good about being fat- I remember crying at the hospital after my third baby. When I have gained more than 10 lbs – I put a photo of a woman with a body type like mine on the fridge to remind me of what I don’t want to look like. Honestly, stop eating! Green juices will take away the cravings if you use them for 10 days.

  18. Jayna says:

    The color is growing on me. I have never seen someone that can wear all colors and hues and it flatter her, but Amal can. I’ve always envied that. I have to stay away from certain shades of colors.

    But this is the first time at first glance I thought this lilac color was not flattering on Amal, but maybe it was that I thought her makeup was just a little too harsh for such a subtle color. It is a beautiful silhouette on her and a beautiful gown. I’m just not a fan of the color in general, so maybe that makes me biased. Most on here seem to love the color on her, so what do I know? LOL And I agree, it is a different style gown than she has worn before.

    But I am more partial to the royal blue Missoni gown she wore the night before, because I thought the color was very striking on her. And I love the earrings she wore with it. Very Amal.

    • Jerusha says:

      She does look great in deeper jewel tones. I love all shades of purple and think she could really carry a grape shade.

    • Christin says:

      I’m admittedly biased on this one, because lavender and lilac purples were my mother’s favorite colors. It’s not a color everyone can pull off, but she does (I think it’s the contrast with her hair and skin tones).

  19. lightpurple says:

    Yes, we’ve seen that dress a million times, starting with Elizabeth Taylor in this:–philippe-halsman-taylors.jpg

    Amal is no Liz but she does look nice.

    • wolfpup says:

      Not Liz, but who would want to be Liz? Amal is worthy of admiration.

      • lo says:

        Sorry ….but it is only in your dreams Amal comes even close to Liz T with even all her imprefections and Amal Oxford ,law whatever ,Oxford graduate1000+s everyyear like Amal but not Liz.

        name me one job worth that admiration you re talking about?

  20. KLO says:

    She looks perfect in this outfit. What a babe. I absolutely love the color too.

  21. Miss M says:

    She looks fine. The pregnancy weight does wonders to her.
    To me, it feels like she is always copying Elisabeta Canalis red carpet style (clothes, make-up, and hair).

  22. Maynra says:

    She looks healthier with the post baby weight for sure – radiant and happy.
    Not a fan…I don’t find her to be attractive and nothing she wears ever does a thing for me.

  23. cleveland girl says:

    OMG! I wore that dress to my Sr. prom in 1982! I am dead serious!!

  24. Dippit says:

    George has gone from saying something like “I’m not suited for office/as a politician because who would want that kind of scrutiny in their lives” (last year) to now saying being President would “be fun”. I believe the blind item implying the proceeds of George’s sale of Casamigos have been put into a war chest for a 2020 run. Also I believe this has been his intent for quite some time hence the judicious marriage and having children.

    I would prefer to see no further celebrities (Red or Blue) making their bids for the White House. 2020 should be a time for Dems to align behind a grassroots credentialed politician with the education and experience to run a country and help it recover from the damage the current celebrity (with his own personal war chest millions $) has inflicted on the Office, the US, and the wider world.

    • Jayna says:

      I’m pretty sure he said “fun” in a very sarcastic way. George’ s interviews are always filled with some humor thrown in. I didn’t read it as “fun” to be taken literally.

      • Dippit says:

        Perhaps so. However, I’m still of a mind that he is gearing up for a run. That said, points against that eventuality are that he is a celebrity elite and the voters may well be soured against two of those in quick succession – particularly Dems who would look hypocritical nominating their own celebrity candidate after all they have said of Trump’s lack of qualification for office. Also against the theory is the fact that George still looks set to maintain his main home base in Europe for the foreseeable future – that would disqualify him in a lot of American voters’ eyes.

      • Jerusha says:

        I knew someone would take it literally. He’s joking. He’s not running for any office.

    • Franklymydear... says:

      Agree, 1000%!!! I am tired of celebrities thinking they know anything about running a country. At least Ronald Reagan was governor of California before throwing his hat in the ring. He was terrible, but at least he wasn’t trying on politics for the FIRST TIME as leader of the free world. If our next election is Clooney vs. The Rock, I’m going to have to give up and go live in the remote woods of Who Knows Where.

      • Jayna says:

        Jaysus. He wasn’t serious with that comment. How in the world does anyone think he was serious saying being president sounds like fun? He’s a little deeper than that as far as what the presidency entails and the responsibility. Anyone who has seen a George Clooney interview before can almost see the face he made and tone of voice as he answered such a question put to him.

        “Would I like to be the next president? Oh, that sounds like fun,” he said. At which point Matt Damon, who stars in the film, interjected: “Can I just say that I’d like anybody to be the next president of the United States. Right away, please!”

    • LAK says:

      A politician who has experience running a country is an impossible utopian ask since the only people with such experience are ex-presidents.

      No politician can claim they have that experience since by it’s very unique nature only only 45 people have/had it and nothing in their background qualified them for it.

      Amazing that the public can be sold on this particular point when it is an impossible skill unless the politician in question is an ex-president.

      • Dippit says:

        LAK – I didn’t mean literal past presidential experience; I meant having a relevant background and credentials.

      • wolfpup says:

        However, Clooney could give Trump a run for his money – if Mueller does not deliver, we need any other person next election – Trump destroyed all his Republican adversaries, and Hillary, because…Russia? Amal could help, and I am positive that George would not diss her intelligence nor imput.

        I am all behind it.

    • Christin says:

      I am so desperate at the moment that I took his words as OK, but I agree about getting behind a non-celebrity, qualified candidate next time.

      • Jayna says:

        LOL I get the desperation. We’re in a nightmare right now that feels never-ending, but George was being sarcastic when he answered.

        Here he is answering the question at the Suburbicon press conference. It’s early in the clip, like 20 seconds in or so.

        The beginning of the clip shows Amal in the lavender gown getting off the boat and walking with George. I said her makeup was harsh compared to the pale gown in an earlier post, but she does look prettier in person makeupwise compared to a photo.

      • Dippit says:

        Thank you for the clip Jayna. It did indeed appear to be sarcastic.

  25. Alix says:

    Amal’s dress is stunning — love it.

    Do the twins have middle names?

  26. Cupcake says:

    I think she is LOVING showing off her post pregnancy physique. This dress is really flattering for a tiny waist and newly larger bustline. However, in her face you can see that she’s aged and looks predictably exhausted.

  27. Karen says:

    Amal looks much better with weight. But she has had lots of plastic surgery-breasts, nose looks like eye lift. I think she looks the best she ever has.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yes, well done work. Wish I could afford it. Not that I think I’m ugly or anything but being able to tweak your looks just a tad would be nice.

    • wolfpup says:

      Looks are not everything when it comes to boobs. Imagine having your loving cupping his hand around an implant? It is not sexy –

  28. adastraperaspera says:

    Amal is just beautiful! George looks more relaxed in the pics, like maybe his back pain is being medicated properly now.

  29. Cat says:

    That dress is very glamorous and the color is lovely.

  30. weegie warrior says:

    wow she looks stunning – motherhood agrees with her – they both look very happy which is nice.

  31. Snowflake says:

    I feel like the women George is with always have work done while they are with him. Okay, amal had a nose job before him but she’s gotten more work done since seeing him. Elizabetta especially changed. They all seem to change while dating him. It makes me wonder if he’s critical of their looks or if they do it because they are in the spotlight now? Idk.

  32. WyoGirl says:

    Amal is my style icon. Love everything she wears, including the casual looks of her single days. Seriously, who else has hair that shiny? She’s tall with perfect skin and glossy hair. How high maintenance is she? With thousands of dollars of work done, beautiful baby twins of both genders, and George Clooney at her beck and call. I hate her. 😀

  33. Hazel says:

    It’s an Ava Gardner gown; lovely, but I liked the two gowns she wore earlier in the week.

  34. FHMom says:

    She sure does enjoy the red carpet. They both look great.

  35. pupax says:

    Beautiful dress. Too bad about the nosejob. The original nose fits the face better 99% of the time. Sigh. Stop messing with your unique beauties peeps!

  36. Cleo says:

    aren’t ‘wives of’ sort of last century? What about all the women directors, writers, and achievers at the festival?

    • LAK says:

      It’s an ongoing scandal this year that Venice has only one film by a female filmmaker in the official line up.

  37. Dorky says:

    I thought that was a picture of Clooney with Joan Crawford.

    • Christin says:

      I see a Joan resemblance as well (esp in the video Jayna posted). Likely due to the strong brows/makeup.

  38. Sarah says:

    🙄 at Amal’s look. She can do better, is what I had in mind as to why. Other than that I agree with everything George said.

    That said, wake me up when the inevitable happens, or George admits that the marriage is nothing more than a way to for him to shut Tina & Amy up about his love life.

  39. RdDr says:

    I find her very smug and superior. When is George announcing he’s running for CA gov?

    • Jenny says:

      I don’t know RdDr, I’d probably be smug and superior too if I had her life and her looks…

    • wolfpup says:

      What’s wrong with being beautiful? Accidents of birth happen. Amal lived her life without a partner and thrived. My dog is pretty – I tell him all the time.

      I admire the Clooneys for not selling baby photos.

    • RdDr says:

      Objectively speaking, she’s a rather ordinary looking lady without the extravagant wardrobe and 500 pound make-up sessions (nothing wrong with being ordinary looking). And what’s going on with her career? Her lifestyle pre-George seemed to be more interesting than this superficial stuff. Nothing much to be smug and superior about – if she is that (original point was she appears to be such).

  40. Vovicia says:

    I think she looks gorgeous. Kind of agree about the hair but I like that’s it’s a little different from her usual. And I love the one earring.

  41. Nibbi says:

    she does look beautiful and her bod is drop-dead but her face looks super different. fresh, too-short nose job? what changed?

  42. PMNichols says:

    Wow she looks stunning. That color is beautiful.

  43. ash says:

    it must be nice to be able to forget why the rebel flag is so horrifying.

    GODS HONEST TRUTH ….i was in dallas just a few months ago this summer, and my grand dad needed an uber, we were leaving a family renunion and traveling back home, everyone was splitting and saying goodbyes. The uberr my uncle got was a REDNECK, STRINGY HAIRED, PIG FACED, MALEVOLENT-looking, LARDY white man. The inside of the car PLASTERED was plastered the confederate flag. I literally felt a sense of dread and ran to the car to cancel (he’d already shown up). I told the uber driver there will be no-craziness today, because i will find you. I pleaded with my granddad to not go, he went anyways… i was on the phone with him the whole time. With a lump in my throat, thank the universe he made it safe. Im black and this was June 2017. That sense of dread and fear is so real it hasnt died for half the population since the 1600’s (white violence)

    so when you are inundated with images and names and flags and the like of the side that wanted to keep you enslaved it’s jarring to say the least and really like post traumatic stress.

    there’s an argument that a lot of black people make….. why cant the u.s. operate like Germany with no nonsense of nazi paraphernalia ….like jews after the war and in modern times dont have to be constantly reminded (street names, schools, monuments) of their oppressors