Julianne Moore: ‘You could be dead. So enjoy it. It’s a privilege to age!’

InStyle October 2017 Cover

Pro-tip: if you want to celebrate beauty at every age and embrace every age, it’s probably best to not put a 56-year-old woman on your cover and make it so that no one can even recognize her. Julianne Moore covers the October issue of InStyle and my goodness, this cover is not good. Julianne is currently promoting Suburbicon, where she plays Matt Damon’s sister (or sister-in-law). The interview is mostly about aging, aging in Hollywood, and what it’s like to be a working 56-year-old in Hollywood.

On connecting with those around her: “The worst thing you can do to someone is not see them, make them feel invisible. It’s really important for us as human beings that we acknowledge people, that we make them feel seen.”

On preparation and humility: “The older I get, I find, the more I prepare. I thought when I was younger that I was prepared. But [laughs] it pales in comparison to the amount I do now. Maybe being young, you think, ‘Well, I know how to do this!’ and the older you get, the more you realize that you don’t know anything.”

On aging: “I mean, let’s not talk about this idea of, ‘Oh no! I’m going to be 40!’ You could be dead. So enjoy it. It’s a privilege to age! Even in scripts, they’ll refer to a character as ‘aging.’ Well… everyone is aging. In literature and in movies, when people try to stop the process, it always ends in disaster. I think it’s really important to be where you are.”

On her relationship with success and husband, Bart Freundlich: “I don’t think [my success] would be fun at all if I didn’t have a family to draw on and be in. Bart and I have a very solid private life.”

On separating her life as an actor from her life as a parent: “I don’t need them to see me as anything but their mother. It’s important for them to know that I love my work, that I’m engaged in it.”

[From InStyle]

I think I agree with this: “The older I get, I find, the more I prepare.” I’ve always been a pretty organized person when it comes to work/school whatever, but as I get older, I do find that I just feel unsettled if I’m not prepared, or if I don’t have a certain amount of work done by a certain hour. It’s like the only way to calm my mind is by preparing or over-preparing for the worst. As for aging… my birthday is this month, so aging is on my mind. It doesn’t help that I feel like my body is falling apart. Just once, I would love to wake up and not have to take stock of what parts of my body hurt.

74th Venice Film Festival - 'Suburbicon’ - Premiere

Photos courtesy of WENN and Anthony Maule for InStyle.

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32 Responses to “Julianne Moore: ‘You could be dead. So enjoy it. It’s a privilege to age!’”

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  1. Malibu Stacy says:

    What on earth is this cover?? They covered her face with hair! The part of her face that is showing is unrecognizable. So much for celebrating age and beauty.

  2. Bettyrose says:

    Preach! Being healthy and feeling good is the greatest blessing. Always got to remind ourselves that the anti-aging industry is a for-profit enterprise that doesn’t care about our well being.

    • Megan says:

      Unfortunately for me, I got the message on sun damage a bit too late. Botox is great for the many fine lines that began appearing when I was 30. A good dermatologist will keep you looking good for your age. It’s when people chase youth or impossible beauty standard that things get weird.

      • Bettyrose says:

        ITA! I get facials and color my hair (I’m not grey but the luster has faded). Looking good is fun. But yeah chasing impossible standards is contrary to enjoying life, IMO.

  3. Slowsnow says:

    Finally someone who is articulated and genuine. I love this woman, she’s o e of my favorite actresses.
    And yes! The more I get older the more I prepare! I thought it was just me. Good to know. Maturity is indeed knowing that you know nothing but have acquired some experience: so, you prepare.

    • Megan says:

      My mom always says life gets really good at 40 because you have finally figured out how to live. I now get what she means.

  4. common sense is for commoners says:

    “You could be dead. So enjoy it.”

    This is literally my pep talk to myself when I feel like my problems are overwhelming. Everyone in my life assures me that it’s weird and morbid, but. I feel like it helps me not to take everything so damn seriously all the time. And to enjoy life more, because you never know when it’s your time to tap out of this world forever.

    Also, Julianne Moore is beautiful, but that cover is not. I can’t believe she’s 56?!?! Wow.

    • INeedANap says:

      I love that she talks about aging that way, given how much society slams women for failing to die after they turn 30. She seems level-headed and I love her acting, HONK for Ms. Moore!

  5. Bella bella says:

    “The worst thing you can do to someone is not see them, make them feel invisible. It’s really important for us as human beings that we acknowledge people, that we make them feel seen.”

    ….And that’s why they completely hid her face on the cover!

  6. Lauren says:

    Exactly what I always say to people who complain about aging. I had a sibling who passed away at 15. Years later when I surpassed her in age turning 16 it really hit me that I got to experience so much that she never will. I got to graduate high school. My brother got to fall in love and have a child. My other sister got to move away and pursue her dreams. There have been years when I sink into deep depression but I always remind myself that aging is a blessing. Not everyone gets to grow up much less get old.

  7. Jayna says:

    Am I the only one who loves the cover?

    • slowsnow says:

      No. I love it too. She has beautiful hair (redheads get white hair later than other folks) and she has great skin.
      I am pretty sure they are not hiding her but producing a beautiful photo that is not only about showing that 57 year old doesn’t have wrinkles but more about making a striking image.

  8. Pandy says:

    I hate that argument: “you could be dead”!! Like that negates the experience somehow.

  9. gobo says:

    That’s a shame. She’s a beautiful woman.

    • DesertReal says:

      But it’s true.
      Like the poster above, I lost a very close friend when I we were both 18 (car accident). I am sooo grateful for every single day, month, year that I get. The physical body stuff doesn’t even matter, as long as my family & I have the health to enjoy our time together. I loathe when people say, don’t age, don’t get old, enjoy your youth, beauty, blah blah blah.
      None of that is substantial, real, & it’s crazy to base your sense of self worth in something so temporary & subjective. We’re all strong, intelligent, amazing people. Not withering flowers.

  10. Ariana says:

    i feel like her husband, Bart Freundlich, is the friendliest person on the planet….

  11. Anne barrett says:

    That cover is a f**king disgrace. And ironic considering what she says about making people feel like they’re invisible. Because there’s no one more invisible than an older woman unless she has the gall to run for the highest office. Then she’s not invisible – she’s despised.

  12. Ktae says:

    “You could be dead. So enjoy it.”

    It’s my 30th today, I was pretty okay with it until last night. Then I cried. Just not where I thought I would be at 30.

    I needed to read this today. It really is just another number.

    • Brittney B says:

      The alternative is death, and youth was just a dumber version of you! I turned 30 a couple months ago, so I get your panic, but I’m also SO happy to be so much smarter and stronger and more confident than I was throughout my 20’s. Let’s make this our best decade yet!

    • Sam Vimes says:

      I’m a bit late to the party so you may not see this.
      I’m heading for 34 – let me tell you your thirties are the absolute best! It all gets better from here!
      I wasn’t where I thought I’d be at 30, hell truth is I’m still not, but I now have the sense to realise that it doesn’t matter! It’ll all work out, one way or another.

    • CynicalAnn says:

      I’m about to turn 51. So far my early 40s were my favorite. Now’s good too. Because yes-the alternative.

  13. Flipper says:

    One of my all time favorite actresses. Pretty smart too.

  14. Lucy says:

    Beautiful woman and person.

  15. Barbcat says:

    Great comments!

    Kaiser, in my early 40’s I felt old. I started getting knee pain, carpal tunnel, and my feet ached. I talked to the Dr and she said it normal at my age.

    Well, I refused to believe her and gave up wheat and started eating a low-carb primal diet and cut out sugar and most junk food and I feel like I am 20. I have no aches, less anxiety/depression, and no spare tire. Thanks to my previous SAD low-fat high carb diet I had inflammation issues and I healed them with diet, walking, some sun, and lots of sleep.

    However, whenever I fall off the wagon I feel horrible again so I get right back to eating primal. I am almost 50 and thin and feel great!!!

  16. Jerusha says:

    The subscriber cover is completely different. It’s the second pic in this article-blonde hair, black dress.