You’ll never believe this, but Javanka had another undisclosed private email

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner attend the National Day reception held by the Chinese Embassy

Last week, Politico reported that both Jared and Ivanka Trump had been using private email accounts while they worked inside the White House. Precious Ivanka actually claimed that she wasn’t truly employed by the White House until March, even though she was intimately involved with White House activities since the beginning, and that after March, she used a White House email. Jared’s explanation was a bit trickier, especially given that he was working full-time for the campaign, the transition and then the White House. Now, as it turns out, Jared and Ivanka had hidden email accounts besides the ones that had already been reported. LOCK THEM UP.

White House officials have begun examining emails associated with a third and previously unreported email account on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s private domain, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Hundreds of emails have been sent since January from White House addresses to accounts on the Kushner family domain, these people said. Many of those emails went not to Kushner’s or Ivanka Trump’s personal addresses but to an account they both had access to and shared with their personal household staff for family scheduling.

The emails — which include nonpublic travel documents, internal schedules and some official White House materials —were in many cases sent from Ivanka Trump, her assistant Bridges Lamar and others who work with the couple in the White House. The emails to the third account were largely sent from White House accounts but occasionally came from other private accounts, one of these people said.

The existence of additional accounts on the family domain beyond the two personal accounts used by Kushner and Ivanka Trump and reported earlier raises new questions about the extent of personal email use by the couple during their time as White House aides. Their use of private email accounts for White House business also raises concerns about the security of potentially sensitive government documents, which have been forwarded to private accounts. The family has declined to say what privacy measures have been placed on the domain, but a person familiar with the setup said some security measures were taken when it was installed.

Many of the emails came from Ivanka Trump’s assistant and included work-related “data,” according to a person familiar with the exchanges. Such messages were sent “daily,” this person added.

“They’ve pretty much been using it since they got here,” this person said.

[From Politico]

At this point, are you angrier about Javanka’s stupidity or are you angrier at the retrospective bullsh-t that Hillary Clinton had to put up with? I think I’m angrier about the way they treated Hillary. “BUT HER EMAILS!” was one of the big, dumb reasons why people didn’t vote for her – this idea that she was “hiding” something, that she was lawless, that she was secretive. To those voters, I say: watch Javanka. You think Hillary was hiding something? You think Hillary was secretive and lawless? Watch Javanka.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner attend the National Day reception held by the Chinese Embassy

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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47 Responses to “You’ll never believe this, but Javanka had another undisclosed private email”

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  1. wood dragon says:

    Those two…All of them up in there…UGH!

  2. naomipaige says:


  3. jferber says:

    Remember, only when your opponents do it is it wrong, illegal, traitorous, outrageous, jail-worthy. When you do it, you had your reasons, it wasn’t a big deal, the circumstances were entirely different (thus vindicating you), etc. Remember, it’s not what you do, it’s who you are (the double standards of power).

  4. RBC says:

    I get the impression from 45’s twitter tirades and statements regarding the NFL or Puerto Rico that one of the media sources ( Washington Post, New York Times, etc) has got hold of some rather damaging emails. It is like he is trying to divert attention from something, They are waiting for the right opportunity to drop the bombshell. This latest revelation regarding Jared and Ivanka may be it

    • Clare says:

      The thing is, his redirection WORKS! The media and people’s sources of info are SO very focused on what they ALREADY believe, we basically live in our own echo chambers. I would bet my house that Trump’s followers are not seeing this info, and if they are they are seeing it in the context of ‘fake news’. I have no idea what the solution is, but as it stands Trump can spin whatever narrative he likes, and his followers will believe him. There would have to be a MAJOR schism on the right (such as brietbart turning on Trump, maybe), for the MAGA crowd to even listen to a different narrative, let alone believe it.

    • Betsy says:

      Oh, I can’t wait.

  5. Scarlett says:

    Lock her up….no Lock them up!! Did it work? Are they gone?
    Javanka are most definitely one chicken nugget short of a happy meal, bless their hearts!!

  6. Beth says:

    This whole family of # bad hombres and #nasty women, need to be handcuffed and wear matching prison jumpsuits for the rest of their lives

  7. Nicole says:

    I hate everything.
    (That’s all I got today)

  8. Nancy says:

    It’s Mean Girls Day so everybody let this POS have it. What is his minions war cry: DRAIN THE SWAMP. This daddy lover needs to go with her evil partner. Let the girls in China making her garbage clothes take a break. As for 45, why is Tom Petty, the sweetest lyricist and singer of his time gone and he is still here. If the good die young, trump will live till 100. (I wanted to be meaner but I’m in such a hurry……kitten, lightpurple, esmon take over please).

  9. Megan says:

    What Hillary did was stupid. What they are doing is illegal. Big difference.

  10. Eric says:

    I’m still waiting for the Amazing Schneiderman to spin his web on these crooks. Catches thieves, just like flies! Lookout! Here comes the Schneidermaaaaan!

  11. TheOtherOne says:

    This is why Dotard tried to change the narrative (via Politico) that he doesn’t like the press Ivanka gets, but then the tragedy in Las Vegas happened, and the story didn’t pick up. Good. LOCK THEM EFF UP!!!!

  12. lightpurple says:

    Why do Princess Nagini and Tom Riddle still have security clearances? Why? Where the hell is the House oversight committee on that? And who gave the Nanny clearance to access government documents? And how much am I paying Bridges Lamar? Whenever Princess Nagini’s defenders claim she works for free, demand to know how much we pay Bridges. Because without Princess Nagini, we don’t have to pay Bridges. Ask how many staff Nagini has like Bridges, how much do they all cost, how much were the licenses for software on the devices they all use, how much would we charge for the office space they use, and how often do they use the rest rooms at the White House because we the people pay for the water, sewage and toilet paper, every time Nagini wipes her butt.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Side note, wouldn’t it be just like Ivanka Trump to hire an aide named Bridges Lamar?
      Was that her bestie for cotillion? Is she the one who finds the drippy quotes for Ivanka’s books?

      Waiting to hear the name of Jared’s personal aide. My guess: Tunnels McGee.

  13. Lizzie says:

    side note: ivanka trump’s neck is super long. too long. must hold lies.

    • Beth says:

      Ivankas giraffe neck is sooo super long that it makes her head look tiny. She must have to keep lies hidden in her neck because her tiny head ran out of space

  14. Spring says:

    I’m utterly sick of this self-entitled, unethical family of crooks & frauds. How I wish they’d have to suffer the full consequences for all of their damage, destruction, profiteering, and cost to this country. They are the true deplorables.

  15. Bess says:

    Where is the GOP outrage? Why isn’t Paul Ryan calling for the dynamic duo to lose their security clearances?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Paul Ryan is very happy being where he is, doing what he’s doing, because as long as he’s there, he still has some opportunity to pass terrible, country-destroying legislation.

  16. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    When will this fricking end?! Every day is a nightmare. I have a list like Arya Stark of people who need to be booted from the WH. This is the most painful admin ever.

  17. gwen says:

    Hey wikileaks, you all say you’re about transparency and not just helping Russia. Prove it. Leak some Kushner emails.

  18. MC2 says:

    A couple years ago my kid went out & bought me a mother’s day gift that he picked out all by himself. They were earnings just like Ivanaka’s above but all gold. I love my kid so I put those bad boys on and walked around all day but, jeez, I felt like a dog with a collar on. I tried to take them off but he was like “hey, mom, where are your shiny earrings?”.

    Those are the ugliest, disco ball earrings & they are worse in person. I am so glad he quickly forgot about them & may Ivanka have the same fate…..slowly forgotten in a dusty drawer only to be laughed at & thrown away.

  19. themummy says:

    I’m here to make a petty comment. I do not see any beauty in Ivanka, and I think it’s honestly because I see her gross inside self all over her face. Even pretty people can look truly ugly. But here’s the petty part: I think her mouth area is so ugly. Separate that from the rest of her face and it’s objectively ugly. And it won’t be long until her nasal folds become jowly–they are so deep already. And no, that is not the place on one’s face where jowls are normal. Anyway, pettiness over. But all the same: it’s kind of amazing how someone internal ugliness can translate to their outward appearance, too.

    It amazes me how hypocritical they are, in general. What is illegal for others is fine for them to do. What others do that makes them chant for those people to go to jail is a whole other story if it is them doing it. How can they not see their double standards and hypocrisy??

    • minx says:

      I assume her plastic surgery did what she wanted–smaller nose, cheeks sculpted, something done to her chin and jawline. And boobs. But the overall affect can look strange and she will probably not age well. She’s tall and blonde, dresses expensively (not well IMO), has gleaming white teeth–all of those things go a long way toward making people think she’s beautiful, which IMO she’s not.

    • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

      Ivanka looks attractive in the way that every single shallow, douchebag, polo shirt wearing rich person wants his trophy wife to look like i.e. blond, small nose, cheekbones, thin, and big boobs. She could be objectively ugly, but as long as she has those key features, then they want that type of woman on her arm. I do not understand it at all. Maybe it’s a status thing? IDK.

    • Beth says:

      That’s not very petty. I don’t find her to be very pretty inside or outside. Trump and his 4 oldest kids have weird shaped small mouths, add those too big veneers, and they look like rats mouths. Does she have a nose anywhere?

  20. Betsy says:

    “Decent” Republicans: time for you to stand up. The Democrats are already doing what we can. You made this mess, you clean it up.

  21. why? says:

    The Dotard’s visit to PR was a complete and total disaster. We have the dumbest president in the history of the world.

    He threw papertowels into a crowd of people and said “a lot of love in this room”.

    He told them that they(Puerto Rico) threw the budget out of whack. He has no problem throwing the budget out of whack as he goes on vacation after vacation.

    He told them that they should be proud that only 16 people died, which probably isn’t even accurate because there were reports that the death toll hadn’t been updated in 5 days and that the governor was trying to manipulate the death toll numbers to make it look like less people died(because the Dotard gave an interview saying that that the death toll was very low).

    He implied that Maria wasn’t a real catastrophe (like Katrina) because less than 1000 people died.

    He said that in Texas and Florida he received an A+ and that in Puerto Rico he did just as good. We know that this isn’t true. The first time he visited Texas, it was a disaster and the Dotard and his wife had to return a 2nd time to do damage control. They set up photo-ops with the victims and pretended to hand out food, water, and supplies. The Dotard took photos with the victims and their kids. It was only after this 2nd visit that the press lost their minds and started saying that he was presidential for setting up photo-ops with the victims. After saying that the Dotard was presidential for setting up photo-ops with the victims, the Dotard went on an attack against the NFL and those players who take a knee. The governor of PR is doing a great disservice to Puerto Rico. Why is it that behind the scenes, he has no problem admitting that The Dotard and his people failed Puerto Rico, but in front of the cameras, the Dotard, and FEMA he cowers in fear and tells that they are doing well?

    He bragged that the Mayor of SJ is praising him and his administration now.

    Insulted the Mayor of SJ again, but this time it was to her face instead of on twitter.

    He said that those who criticize them for not helping, also need to help. They can’t help because they have no food, water, or power and their governor is more focused on stroking the Dotard’s ego than in helping them.

    Made people sitting go at a table with him go around and say something nice about what he “did” for Puerto Rico.

    He said that they get good weather.

  22. Shocked says:

    Hillary should have had better tech consultants. Her lack of security was damning, even for people who think Trump is a ******* ****** ******* (and he is). Her discussion of the tech she used was mind-numbingly bad. Look at the Equifax breach. There’s already been DOJ breaches (I’ve had my info stolen TWICE from the US government). It’s a stupid, stupid point to have focused on, but it was a stupid, stupid thing for her to brush off, as if it is not something to be taken way more seriously than it was.

    I’m sure at this point she has remedied her own ignorance (not that she’s bloody required to be a tech genius – that’s the point of a consultant), but I really think that people defending her ignorance on the subject are getting too caught up in Trump’s position on it. At the end of the day, he won in part because he focused on it. It doesn’t make Trump a good person, a good candidate, or a good president (good lord he’s a tiny, shriveled, flaccid tool) to say “Yeah, maybe we should expect better understanding of cyber security from someone being trusted with our national security.”

    Poor Hillary. She lost. TO HIM. Uuuuuuuugh.

  23. holly hobby says:

    Not only that, since people are looking into the private email server, they now relocated it to a Trump Org server. Like that is ok? How clueless are they? All that money and they can’t buy a brain?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That is so foolish! That is just going to allow Mueller and Co. to look at the Trump Org server! Morons!

  24. why? says:

    Puerto Rico is still not getting better.

    The governor requested that food stamps be used so that people can get hot meals. The Dotard denied his request. The governor spent this entire time stroking the Dotard’s ego and look where it got him, still no relief for his people. Did you see the footage of the governor trailing close behind the Dotard like he was his pet?

    The governor gave an interview to defend The Dotard’s slow relief. He claimed that it was a communications problem, blaming the people in Puerto Rico.

    The mayor of SJ was invited to participate in the WH conference call, but was told that she couldn’t speak.

    The death toll isn’t 16 like The Dotard claimed. Earlier the mayor said 26. Later after the Dotard’s visit, the governor said that the death toll is at 34. He lied about the death toll to appease the Dotard.

    He also told them that they didn’t need flashlights even though only 5% of the island has power(it might be less than this because this number was provided by Rossello who didn’t report the true death toll until after The Dotard left PR).

  25. why? says:

    Dan Rather wrote a statement calling The Dotard out on his horrible behavior in PR. He also asked the press to keep covering PR because they still are not getting the help they need.

  26. why? says:

    I don’t understand why the governor of PR is so complicit because as we just learned, stroking The Dotard’s ego isn’t getting the supplies that they need(The Dotard denied the use of food stamps for hot meals, but they allowed this for victims of Harvey and Irma). Yesterday there were reports that the death toll hadn’t been updated for 5 days. There was also a report about how the governor of PR was manipulating death toll numbers to support the lie that The Dotard told about the deaths toll being very low. Today, according to the Dotard and the governor, the death toll in PR was 16. Hours after the Dotard left PR, the governor reported that the death toll is really 34. The governor is more interested in stroking the Dotard’s ego than in helping the people of Puerto Rico. He needs to be removed because he is inhibiting process. How much of the insufficient relief is due to the governor’s complicity and inability to tell the Dotard the truth because it doesn’t fit the Dotard’s narrative that things are going well?