Ivanka & Don Trump Jr. were very close to felony indictments in 2012

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I hope the end of Donald Trump’s “presidency” comes swiftly and brutally. I hope it involves cuffs being placed on the baby fists, and the orange monster being frog-marched through a bigly scrum of international media. And when the end comes, I hope – nay, I know – it will involve his oldest children, Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka. There are two important Trump-related stories to discuss. One, you know how Don Jr. met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and various Russian operatives during the campaign? Well, Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher also met with the same Russian woman during a trip to Moscow. Rohrabacher is believed by some to be one of the Republicans on Putin’s payroll. Rohrabacher also believes that Julian Assange isn’t doing Russia’s work (huh) and now General Kelly won’t let Rohrabacher meet with Trump. Lock him up!

Meanwhile, Pro Publica has done an extensive investigation into an ordeal involving the Trump family. Between 2010 to 2012, Don Jr. and Ivanka were being investigated by the Manhattan DA’s office for “misleading prospective buyers of units in the Trump SoHo, a hotel and condo development that was failing to sell,” a series of crimes which would have been felonies. Prosecuters even had email evidence in which Ivanka and Don Jr. are coordinating about the false information they are going to give prospective buyers, and discussing how to cover their tracks because they’re knowingly lying to brokers, buyers and the media. ProPublica writes: “There was ‘no doubt’ that the Trump children ‘approved, knew of, agreed to, and intentionally inflated the numbers to make more sales,’ one person who saw the emails told us. ‘They knew it was wrong.’” So why weren’t charges ever brought against Ivanka and Don Jr.? Because Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, was brought in to make some kind of deal with the DA. The deal involved Kasowitz donating tens of thousands of dollars to the DA’s campaign. The DA eventually “overruled” his own prosecuters who wanted to charge Ivanka and Don Jr. You can read the full piece here.

You know what this reminds me of? How much f–king money Republicans spent investigating Hillary and Bill Clinton’s finances during Bill’s presidency. There was even an independent counsel – people forget that Ken Starr’s original objective was to investigate the “Whitewater deal,” which in case you forgot, was a big nothing. If only people cared enough to pay attention to the shady deals of Republicans in general, and the Trumps in particular.

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57 Responses to “Ivanka & Don Trump Jr. were very close to felony indictments in 2012”

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  1. grabbyhands says:

    Shysty grifter assh*les. Just like Dad.

  2. naomipaige says:

    SCUM! The whole lot of them are SCUM!!! They need to be locked up ASAP, before they do any more damage.

    • Megan says:

      I hope Mueller is investigating ALL of their crimes. I’m sure the list is quite long.

      • Chrissy says:

        And I hope that the New York State Attorney Schneiderman is also involved and willing to reopen these cases that are being uncovered. That whole family are scum.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yes, I hope Mueller nails them all.

        I wonder if Jared and Ivanka transferring their private email accounts, which they used for white house business, to the Trump Organization’s server will allow Mueller to pry open the server. Can you imagine the dirt they’d find in there?

    • Christin says:

      Scum — with money. Bullies, greed, money exchanged…

      Meanwhile, there are white collar prisoners who are serving time for accepting tickets or gift cards and not reporting them.

  3. Ninks says:

    How much of this whole shitshow could have been avoided if the DA hadn’t taken the money and prosecuted Precious and Bigly Jr in 2012?

    • WingKingdom says:

      Wow…wow… right? So many people contributed to where we are now- Comey, Putin, this DA. The corruption is insane.

    • Lorelai says:

      I hope the DA resigns in shame now that this has been made public.
      But we all know that won’t happen, because there are no consequences for anyone anymore.

  4. Alix says:

    The sad and most infuriating thing is that he and his children won’t be out of the office until the end of his presidency. Possibly, even until his second term. No one believed he would win yet he did and a lot of people genuinely support him.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Cross-reference the unfolding revelations about Facebook ads targeted to particular voting districts in Wisconsin and Michigan. People were ready to be influenced by that message, but it was still outside interference that suppressed the vote or gained him active votes. Yes, a lot of people genuinely support him and that’s a statement about America. But it was nudged along by his campaign’s data analytics team (with ties to moneybags Robert Mercer) and a very intelligent team of Russians.

      • Neelyo says:

        I would love it if this whole thing took down the Mercer family too because I’m sure they’re involved. But they have enough money they’ll be fine.

      • Megan says:

        It would be a delightful bonus if the Mercer’s went to jail, too.

  5. Beth says:

    Why is it taking so long for this to be over? It’s looking like Tiffany is really lucky that none of her criminal siblings wanted anything to do with her

    • Monica says:

      Tiffany lucked out! She’ll come out of this unscathed b/c the media will want exclusives and will butter her up to get them.

  6. RBC says:

    Did she have some more work done on her nose? In the photo with her brother, her nose looks much different from the photo above taken a few months later. She is entering “ Kardashian Nose” territory.
    I predict she and Jared will head back to New York before the end of the year. They will not be dragged down if they can avoid it.

  7. HH says:

    At the end of this exhausting ordeal, no one but Barron should be excused for being publicly scorned. I’m taking a scorched earth policy to the entire Trump Administration. I want this investigation to end so epicly that no one in the Administration can keep their jobs. It’s going to have to be an entirely new set of people.

  8. boredblond says:

    This certainly wasn’t the first time they were ‘close’ to being indicted..why didn’t anyone bother with these records two years ago

  9. klc says:

    Wow! They are all a pack of criminals every last one of them. The only part I am side eyeing is the dismissal of HRC’s crimes. Come on now, she has done all of the same stuff.

    • Radley says:

      She conspired to defraud people into buying condos in order to keep herself afloat financially then paid off a DA to avoid prosecution? Really? Show me the receipts.

      It’s gonna take a long time to deprogram people imapcted by the actual fake news. That would be news from dubious sources that exaggerated or flat out lied about Hillary’s “scandals”.

    • Betsy says:

      Oh stuff it. Hillary has been one of the most throughly investigated people in the history of time. She hasn’t done squat.

      Name a grift or a con, though, and this idiot tribe of orange people has. And the media didn’t even take a dang peek!

    • lightpurple says:

      The Republican party has spent 25 years and over $100 million of our tax dollars investigating Hillary Clinton’s “crimes” and they have found nothing. I side-eye anyone who accuses Hillary Clinton of crimes. Leave the woman alone and stop wasting my money.

    • lightpurple says:

      The Republican party has spent 25 years and over $100 million of our tax dollars investigating Hillary Clinton’s “crimes” and they have found nothing. I side-eye anyone who accuses Hillary Clinton of crimes. Leave the woman alone and stop wasting my money.

    • I always do a double-take any time I encounter someone still supporting this weapons-grade plonker. And it’s always the same…”fake news”, “Hilary _____(insert your own crime here)”…..

      The fact that you can watch this guy embarass himself and the nation DAY AFTER DAY, knowing that he has been in court MORE THAN ONCE for sexually assaulting women, watching him go thorough cabinet members like hes changing his socks…and that’s just for staters. This is not a functional human being. This is a man not only not willing to walk in his truth, but not even willing to live in the same neighborhood as his truth. Or reality for that matter. So spare us the Hilary knee-jerk reactions and the “fake news” chest beating. We are all intelligent people on here and can evaluate our sources. But the fact of the matter is, The Emperor has no clothes.

      No, scratch that. A toddler has stolen the keys to the SUV and all the grown-ups seem to have their balls in a vice because they seem impotent at reining it in.

  10. Mermaid says:

    Lock them all up!!! Beyond disgusted at this point. How the hell do these two have security clearances?

  11. Iknowwhatboyslike says:

    All of the Republican leadership know that this congressman and Trump are paid by Vlad. The Speaker of the HOuse, the Majority Whip of the House, the Majority Leader of the Senate and the Republican base. They know! They know, yet they continue to hand our country over to her person that doesn’t wish it well. How can they, with a straight face stand up and talk about peaceful protests not being patriotic? They are turning a blind eye to treason! They all knew and are all complicit.


    • Jerusha says:

      “How can they, with a straight face stand up and talk about peaceful protests not being patriotic?”

      To answer your question: their supporters are STUPID. They are STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. The Repubs know that and proceed accordingly.

      • Radley says:

        This is the end result of more than 40 years of programming people using the us versus them strategy.

        First, encourage fear and resentment of all the ‘others’. Next attack social programs as ‘welfare state’ stuff all the others are getting while you, poor oppressed white soul, do all the work. Then indoctrinate them into a knee jerk form of bumper sticker patriotism in which these newly minted super patriots cannot name more than two Constitutional amendments or recognize a passage from the Declaration of Independence. After that, tell them education and knowledge makes you godless and elitist.

        And voila! You’ve got a vulnerable electorate ready to be manipulated into believing literally anything. It’s a stunningly evil plan that worked beautifully. The right wing politicians claim our democracy is the greatest even as they actively and knowingly undermine it.

      • WingKingdom says:

        Radley, that was absolutely chilling and spot on. Thank you for laying it out like that.

      • Lorelai says:

        Oh my god Radley, you completely nailed it in one paragraph. Horrifying and true.

  12. Eric says:

    Don’t overlook the firing of all the US Attorneys General. That was used to get rid of Preet.
    Mueller and Schneiderman are closing in Bigly on Emperor Zero and his cohorts.

    It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas Season!!

    • Handwoven says:

      As soon as this story came out I thought, I wonder if Preet is going to be able to cover this. Loving his podcast!

  13. Indiana Joanna says:

    And in late November 2016 post election Javanka re-routed their campaign/government emails to the Trump organization computers.

    Scummy Jared and Grifter Barbie are colluding with Putin and Russian oligarchs to enrich themselves and their businesses and will sell off every bit of Amertican integrity and democracy they can get their grimey little hands on. It’s deliberate and they fully understand that it’s illegal. They only do what’s good for them. The grifter trait is strong all the way down to Barbie not caring about stealing other people’s words and work as her own as she did with her book. Their craven instinct to steal money, ideas, work is inbred. drump is fully behind this.

    • lightpurple says:

      She and Jared also both got hit with fines for filing their ethics forms late. And after trying to steal credit for Obama’s STEM initiatives last week, she’s trying to steal credit for what Jill Biden and Michelle Obama did for military spouses this week.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Javanka, drump are clueless, adrift in understanding how to be high minded people. So they appropriate behavior, ideas and programs that were conceived and belong to the Obamas. But there is such a jarring disconnect when they try to be noble because they are so evil and amoral. They can’t wash off or cover up their stench of depravity.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Grrrr, she pisses me off!

        I knew that she was trying to take credit for the STEM initiatives when it was Obama’s program, but sadly, I saw very few news organizations pointing that out.

  14. Sansa says:

    , I can’t imagine pressuring buyers to up sell units, (I.e. the million dollar studios sold out, we only have the 3 million 2 bedrooms left) isn’t the kind on thing done all the time. Not saying it’s right, but reading the details these two crossed the line when less then 15 percent sold buyers would be entitled to back out and no due diligence was done. They are Liars

  15. Radley says:

    This family’s comeuppance is long overdue. May their downfall be spectacular.

    Pretty amazing that a family with so many skeletons would think a pivot into politics and public service would be a good idea. Their collective stupidity, arrogance and derangement will be their undoing. Can’t wait.

    • Lorelai says:

      I’m at the point where I want to curl up in bed with the blankets over my head and not be woken up when this entire family, and all of their cohorts, is in prison.

  16. Ams says:

    In the end of starrs investigation, the only person charged with a crime was his spokesperson for lying about leaking info to the press!!! Well done guys. #factcheck

    • Lorelai says:

      @AMS: Reminds me of how after the Access Hollywood tape was revealed, Billy Bush was fired but the Dotard was elected POTUS.

      We are living in a bizarro world — it’s all backwards and insane and exhausting.

  17. DiamondGirl says:

    It’s a story like this that makes me furious that a District Attorney (or its equivalent) is a political position. They should NOT be able to be influenced like that.

  18. nikzilla says:

    this is not happening fast enough.

  19. Tx_mom says:

    I prefer to imagine it all ending with someone having to be talked out from under his desk.

  20. vavavoom says:

    I just recently caught up with the show Scandal after missing two seasons. And I thought that was far fetched and ‘scandalous’ . Seriously, the real White House seems worse!!

  21. Twinkle says:

    I’ve always said she’s the most insidious of all the Trumps. The packaging looks pretty and polished. Inside, it’s a blackened swamp for a heart.

  22. Nacho_friend says:

    Dumb Canadian here – how is it legal for the DA to say they won’t prosecute unless you fund my campaign?

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      The drumps bribed the Manhattan DA to close down the investigation against Grifter Barbie and Eric. The DA ultimately was “gifted” (rhymes with grifted) a $50,000 campaign donation through the drump lawyer after the DA made a very public show of returning a previous $25,000 campaign donation. Apparently the revelation is just coming to light. I strongly suspect years from now hundreds of reports about the drumps and their attorneys bribing everyone will come out. Their attorneys are famous for being mob connected.

      The obscene thing is that drump in his usual deflection accused President Obama of bribing someone to investigate him. So you know that is what drump does himself on a regular basis. What you get from drump is a real world example of mobster behaviour at every turn.

  23. Tess says:

    This is pretty sickening…

  24. why? says:

    Burr and Warner gave an interview in which Burr stated that the Senate is wrapping up their Trump Russian investigation. Doesn’t this seem too early? He said that he can’t rule out collusion. After all the information they saw and the people they talked to, he knows that there is collusion. This just sounds like Burr is trying to appease the Dotard. Don’t forget that Burr is one of those people who the Dotard asked to dispel the reports that he wasn’t colluding with the Russians. I was hoping that Burr would do the right thing, but as we can see Burr is just another puppet who is trying to protect the Dotard.

    Burr said that the Russians’ didn’t mess with the votes, but how does he know this when the election machines weren’t examined for hacking? He completely ignored those reports about them hacking voter systems in 21 states.

    • jana says:

      These idiot Senators couldn’t find their ass with both hands…they need to leave it to the professionals and let Mueller do his job.

  25. SoyFrappe says:

    Family of racketeers.

  26. why? says:

    When is enough going to be enough for the GOP?

  27. jana says:

    I hope that chinless wonder and his Pebbles Flintstone sounding sister go to prison, along with their lunatic of a dad. This entire family is the very definition of evil.