Paris Jackson names her ‘weirdest quirk’: ‘I’m too facially expressive’

2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party - Arrivals

Did you know Paris Jackson got a job? It’s true. For a while there, I just wanted her to take some time off from… um, whatever she was doing, and maybe go to school full-time? I wanted that for her because she kept rejecting career paths in favor of simply being a celebrity for doing nothing. She wasn’t modeling, she wasn’t on a reality show, she wasn’t acting, she was just giving interviews about how she hates being famous and getting magazine covers to talk about how she didn’t want to be a model. It was very strange. Well, she got a job. She’s got a role in Gringo, that new David Oyelowo-Charlize Theron movie. So she actually has a reason to give interviews now! Which is how she sat down with Cosmopolitan Magazine for this “interview.”

My happy place: In the middle of nowhere, cooking baked beans over an open fire.

I think everyone in their 20s should: Go backpacking. It’s a cool way to give yourself space for self-creation.

Fave Insta account: @NASA.

I have a real weakness for: Kind eyes.

My best trait: Intuition.

And my worst: The stereotypical Aries cons — feisty, impulsive, stubborn.

My weirdest quirk: I’m too facially expressive.

The last time I was nervous: Meeting Paul McCartney.

I can’t stand: Someone questioning my integrity or honesty.

My #MCM is: Michael Cera. If you’ve seen any of his films, then you’d know why I think he’s so great … He’s adorable.

It’s tough for me to resist someone when: I feel that they see my soul.

Something people get wrong about me: I’ve been told that I look irritated 24/7 — but in reality, it’s only 50 percent of the time.

My mantra: What would Oogway do? (I highly recommend watching Kung Fu Panda).

[From Cosmopolitan]

Oooh, she’s an Aries? Most of the Aries men I’ve known and loved in my life have been hot messes, although I think the sign is a little bit better for women. Other than that… this is a 19-year-old trying to be self-aware. Who even thinks about whether they’re “too facially expressive”? IS THAT A THING?? Who thinks they’re super-intuitive when they’re 19?? Ugh. I want the best for Paris Jackson, but you know what? I’d still like her to stop giving interviews and go to school for a few years. She could even go to acting school, something, anything.

2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party - Arrivals

Vanity Fair’s 2018 Oscars After Party

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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30 Responses to “Paris Jackson names her ‘weirdest quirk’: ‘I’m too facially expressive’”

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  1. incognito says:

    It kinda makes sense that she would get involved with entertainment. She comes from an entertainment family that didn’t do higher education and she adored her father. My armchair diagnosis is that its a way to being closer to her father. She doesn’t posess the muscial talent of the original Jackson 5 or Janet, but she is exceptionally beautiful. She could (if she chose) to work in that insta-model space.

    • Eleonor says:

      On the other side her brother is valuing education, Prince Michael goes to university, I hope he goes on this way.

  2. Tiffany :) says:

    ” I’m too facially expressive.”

    Ummm…that’s interesting. IMO, in photos she comes across as very blank and expressionless, but perhaps she looks different in motion. Her eyes tend to look startled in still photos.

    • Beth says:

      +100 I never notice any expression on her face, and in every picture, she looks the same. Blank and bored looking

    • Moneypenny424 says:

      I assume it is an in motion thing for her. I am also too facially expressive. I didn’t realize it, but then lots of people have mentioned it–not in a negative way, though one did say that I am kind of like a cartoon character :).

  3. FishBeard says:

    Would people not be bored doing nothing all day long? I guess you would have the money to go anywhere and could do anything, but you would have no goals or ambitions.

  4. Babs says:

    Michael was self-educated and he was a very clever man. She can be the same way. May she found guidance in others and herself. Didn’t know she was an Aries. I am too, actually my birthday is today. We do are stubborn, which can be channeled into something great.

  5. LilLil says:

    I side eye people who believe in something as silly as horoscope, bit she’s only 19 so it’s okay.

  6. NeoCleo says:

    I agree that she should go to school and study something just for the mental discipline. She seems intelligent but a little shallow and this would give her some depth. She’ll still be beautiful in four years and she’ll also have an academic foundation as well.

    • minx says:

      She’s my daughter’s age so I feel sort of maternal towards her, and yes, i wish she were in school for something, anything. This is the age to do it.

    • mela says:

      Yeah i totally agree. She seems like she has a big heart. Maybe she should do some volunteering.

      She doesn’t quite fit in the hollywood crowd in my opinion and I mean that in a good way

  7. Mel says:

    I like her but why do these beautiful and way too young girls get so many tacky tattoos/ like Miley did – sorry looks dirty. Take time to find the right tattoo- have a plan or something..

    • Red says:

      Or you could realize people have different taste than you. Having multiple tattoos does not look “dirty”. And since when must a tattoo “mean something”? When did that law get passed? So frustrating when I see comments like this. It’s totally ok if you don’t like tattoos. Why can’t you be respectful to people that do?

      • mela says:

        I think it makes their skin look dirty and dull, like literally dirty.

        She looks like she scribbled all over herself. I think it distracts from her beauty.

        That being said, if you are going to have tats – i find her colors and composition and placement a little more unique than others i have seen!

      • TrixC says:

        I like tattoos but I personally think hers are not aesthetically pleasing. They just look totally amateur to me.

    • jwoolman says:

      That may have to do with her self-harming/cutting as a young teenager. She was at real risk of suicide, hence the boarding school with therapy programs. Some people will use tattoos partly to disguise scars but also to substitute for cutting. They often have word tatoos as a reminder that is of importance to them personally and is always with them. I’ve never wanted tatoos myself, but I would imagine they also must give people a special sense of control over their own body.

  8. SandyStrange says:

    I’m I the only person who doesn’t think Paris is mind-numbingly gorgeous? Don’t get me wrong, she is very pretty, but not exactly Margot Robbie level stunning, for instance. She looks like many other young actresses/models to me, she doesn’t stand out.

    • Red says:

      It’s funny you say that because while I think Paris is pretty, I do not find Margot Robbie attractive at all. She looks like a typical blonde woman I see in the mall. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    • minx says:

      I think she can look pretty, as she does in these pictures. Very pretty eyes and features. I wouldn’t call her gorgeous.

    • Beth says:

      No you’re not the only one. She’s pretty, but not eye-catching gorgeous. If she didn’t have that makeup on, I might not even notice her pretty eyes. Everyone has their own opinion of what’s attractive, but I’m surprised that so many find her mind-numbingly gorgeous, and like I said above, she always looks blank and bored. She’d most likely have no chance at modeling or anything in Hollywood if her father hadn’t been Michael Jackson

    • Fleur says:

      You’re not the only one. I agree–I don’t get the fuss over her either. But beauty is subjective. I think Gal Gadot is absolutely gorgeous.

  9. Dolkite says:

    I had an astrology book back in college and while I never believed in it, I thought it was cute to read the compatibility sections to girls I dated…until I dated an Aries. I’m a Cancer and the “Aries Woman and Cancer Man” passage basically said that I was sweet and romantic, but she wouldn’t appreciate it and would break my heart and not care that she did it.

  10. mela says:

    she reminds me of a young Drew Barrymore

  11. themummy says:

    She’s saying that to get acting jobs. “Oh, my fave is just SO expressive! It’s TOOOOO expressive, even!” I would bet anything that’s why she’s saying it.

  12. Cirque28 says:

    Her tattoos are simply exquisite and the way they’re set off by the dress is so striking– she’s a walking piece of art here.

    • jwoolman says:

      You’re right. There is something that works so well between that particular dress and her visible tatoos. Something about the colors, I think. She also has a very distinctive look, not at all cookie-cutter. Especially in the eyes.

  13. Tan says:

    Who is she other than one of the many d list page 3 celebrity? How long will her father’s name and hismtrust fund carry her extravagant lifestyle?

    Why do this site even feature Her?
    Aside from giving shallow holier than thou interviews, what exactly hss this nepotism kid done?