John Cena will make the ‘sacrifice’ to have his vasectomy reversed for Nikki Bella

Premiere Of Universal Pictures' "Blockers"

It’s been about two months since John Cena and Nikki Bella broke off their engagement just days before they were due to get married. It’s been about a month since we stopped covering them. Just know, I am a naturally suspicious person, but I somehow failed to be suspicious of Nikki and John’s reality show shenanigans. I thought that if they were breaking off their engagement and doing competing stories about how they were over it, that it was for real. It was not for real. It was all a dumb reality show storyline, a way to hype E!’s Total Bellas. Within a few weeks of their engagement being called off, Nikki and John were already back together and in negotiations for what would come next for them, all of it filmed with E!’s cameras. So here’s the latest stunt: apparently, John Cena told Nikki that he was willing to have his vasectomy reversed to make her happy and give her babies.

John Cena was so committed to never having children that he got a vasectomy — but he’s willing to reverse the procedure to get Nikki Bella back and start a family. The WWE stars split in April just weeks before what would have been their wedding day, reportedly due to Cena’s refusal to ever becoming a parent.

“In a hypothetical universe, say we … have kids, and you find out that wasn’t the real problem, and years from now, you look at me with resentment,” Cena, 41, said in Sunday’s episode of “Total Bellas” while discussing the split with Bella, 34, over dinner. “I don’t know if you’re upset that you’re not gonna be a mom or you’ve fallen out of love with me, because it kind of feels like both. I want to marry you, and relationship and marriage especially is about sacrifice, and I will make that sacrifice for you. I will give you a child.”

Bella insisted that she was, in fact, still smitten with the strong-jawed wrestler-turned-actor, but remained dubious at his sudden desire for fatherhood — because, as it turns out, the “Blockers” star had a vasectomy.

“I know,” he said firmly. “I physically can’t have kids. So I’m also telling you that I’m willing to have surgery and then still go through with being a dad.”

Bella, visibly moved, immediately hugged Cena and told him he was the best, but still had some reservations, asking if he was going to change his mind.

“I’m not going to change my mind. I would never, ever say something like this … Tell me you love me and you’ll marry me,” he said. She obliged. In a confessional, Bella gushed, “I think I’m going to leave here as a fiancée … I am still the soon-to-be Mrs. Cena.”

[From Page Six]

Ladies, if a guy ever says “I want to marry you, and relationship and marriage especially is about sacrifice, and I will make that sacrifice for you. I will give you a child,” just leave him. It’s not worth it. I don’t want kids, I never did, but even I think it’s gross to bring a child into this world when the father describes the child’s conception as a “sacrifice” being made. If Cena is only getting his vasectomy reversed to make Nikki happy, then none of this will end well. Whatever though – these people have worse storylines than the Kardashians.

WrestleMania 35 press conference

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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24 Responses to “John Cena will make the ‘sacrifice’ to have his vasectomy reversed for Nikki Bella”

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  1. LittlefishMom says:

    This guy is so selfish and self serving I really can’t believe she wants to have his child.

  2. HelloSunshine says:

    This is really gross. Real situation or not, this isn’t healthy at all. If they wanf incompatible things in life, then so be it. Break up. Imagine being their child and seeing this in the future

  3. Nellyy says:

    I used to love John, but I’m so over him now. Do people still watch the Kardashians?

  4. Green Is Good says:

    Some people should NEVER breed. These two are poster children for that.

  5. Case says:

    Gross. He seems like such a strange and controlling man. I don’t see the appeal at all.

  6. bma says:

    its hard to tell if he’s saying he’ll make the sacrifice bc he views it that or if its all for the show and he does want kids with her and is reversing the procedure bc of that. either way, its gross to exploit it for ratings (bc the kid will see it in the future and never know for sure either way).

  7. Athyrmose says:

    My takeaway is that if you’re a man, doctors will totally concede to your reproductive convictions, but women’s tube-tying decisions still belong to men, or sperm donors that they haven’t even met yet.

    • Wow says:

      Preach sister. I’ve never wanted kids since I was a teen and have the worst periods and PMS yet they will not give me a hysterectomy. I’m now 34 and still dont want kids and they still wont do it. Every single time they deny me I ask the doctor how he would feel if i, being a woman, had control over his body and what he could do with it. They never have answers

  8. Jay says:

    OMG. If they truly did it for the ratings … what assholes. Both of them. If this is legit and he’s actually saying this stuff … Run, girl. Red flags everywhere.

  9. Pandy says:

    Blah blah ratings blah blah. Does anyone give a sh*t about wrestlers?

  10. Anilehcim says:

    This whole thing has screamed “publicity stunt” to me since day one.

    It’s a little weird to me that he’s so giving with Make a Wish foundation; I mean, I think he actually holds the record for doing the most visits with children… but seems to be 100% anti having kids. I understand you can love/like kids without wanting to be a parent, but it just comes off as a bit odd to go so far out of your way to be actively involved with children and feel THAT strongly about not wanting them. He also talks a bit weirdly and vaguely about being the only source of income for his mother and brother. Guess he has some issues from his home life.

    • Erinn says:

      I don’t think it’s that strange. I think there’s a lot of people who care about kids – who really enjoy being aunts, or uncles or whatever, but really aren’t interested in the day to day reality of what having kids means. He probably is aware of how much some kids genuinely look up to him – and it probably makes sense to cheer as many sick kids up as he can. It doesn’t mean that he’d want to adopt all of these kids – it just means that it bothers him to know that they’re suffering through health issues. There’s also – on the flip side – plenty of people who have kids who don’t particularly like kids, or who wouldn’t be interested in spending their time volunteering for kids’ causes.

    • Lara says:

      Maybe he really likes children but decided, that he is not willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to be a good parent. Or does not trust himself to be a good parent. Maybe he does not want to have a kid in the Hollywood circus.
      There are people who actively decide against kids since they do not believe they can give them the life they want there kids to have, and to have a vasectomy fits to make sure that there are no “accidental” kids.

  11. Baby Got Back Fat says:

    This has been an obvious publicity stunt since the moment it broke headlines 🙄 neither of them are good actors and this was transparent af. They ought to go back to wrestling

  12. Louise177 says:

    When they broke up I thought it was real. But I think it’s fake since it made the show. Usually it makes the air months after not days. This is stupid and disturbing. Having kids should be wanted not a sacrifice. Certain things can be sacrificed. Kids isn’t one of them.

  13. MerrymerrymonthofMay says:

    He comes off as such a Man-Baby

  14. Mel says:

    I can’t believe I’m actually typing this, but as someone who watches wrestling AND this show, they’re actually super sweet together and I highly doubt this was a publicity stunt. The marriage/kids thing has always been an issue but I was surprised and super sad when they broke up. And, if that was all fake, then we’re going to have to start giving them props for their acting on the show – which is not many a wrestler’s strength.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yeah, I watched the episode where they broke up and it seemed real to me.

    • Meghan says:

      I feel like maybe Nikki postponed the wedding but knew people would be all over her so they tried to make it more of a break up. They’re still crazy about each other and since kayfabe isn’t really a thing any more, they knew fans would know they had not truly broken up and that’s how we had this weird situation.

  15. BobaFelty says:

    I didn’t think it was a publicity stunt when the news first dropped, since it came out of nowhere. However, having watched the show…it’s definitely all for ratings. Neither of them, but especially her, are very good at acting for the cameras. Their “breakup” was very staged for cameras with wooden acting.

  16. Anon55 says:

    Sounds like a super healthy scenario to bring a child into! Eyeroll. What irresponsible, thoughtless people.

  17. Yes Doubtful says:

    This whole storyline is so fake, but if it is real, she needs to leave and find a man who has the same goals in life.