TLC tells Jon Gosselin he violated morals clause of his contract

Jon Gosselin and kids play in the yard in Reading, PA
We’ve been hearing rumors for some time that TLC is not happy with cavorting “Jon & Kate” dad Jon Gosselin. Yesterday there was news that TLC was tired of blurring out the douchey Ed Hardy shirts that Jon regularly wears, and today TMZ is reporting that producers sent Jon a strongly worded letter warning him that he’d violated the “morals clause” of his contract. Reality show contracts have a morals clause? I bet VH1 doesn’t include that. TMZ also confirms the news that Jon is planning his own reality show, called the “Divorced Dads Club.” Is Michael Lohan going to be involved?

We’re told TLC is not happy with Jon Gosselin, but Jonnie boy may not care, because he has his sights set on a new show.

We’re told Jon is in talks with a major production company — Endomol — to appear in a show called “Divorced Dad’s Club.” We told the show chronicles the lives of famous divorced fathers. We’re told producers talked to Jon, but he’s concerned about his TLC contract.

But Jon may still have a shot at the new show, because we’re told TLC is not happy with his conduct lately on “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” We’re told they fired off a letter to him, claiming he was in violation of the morals clause of his contract, partly because he’s been seen going in and out of bars and drinking.

We’re told Kate is actually pulling up the slack Jon has created. She now has the kids more than 60% of the time and is increasingly involved — even when she doesn’t have physical custody — because she’s concerned for the children’s welfare, emotionally and financially.

We’re told all the money they made last season from “Jon & Kate Plus 8” went into a joint account. Jon and Kate each took a cut, but Jon spent his share. Kate put a big chunk of the money into a college fund for the kids, so not much was left over.

As for this season, sources say a judge gave Kate control of the family finances because she was deemed the more responsible party. Jon gets limited access to the account for basic stuff, and we’re told he’s not happy about it. Kate’s people say Jon is making money on the side by selling pictures and stories of him and the kids to the tabloids.

[From TMZ]

At least someone is looking out for the children’s financial welfare. Good for Kate for putting aside money for their education. What a surprise to hear that Jon is squandering his share of their earnings as fast as he can spend it. No wonder we hear so many details about their lives in the tabloids – Jon is selling his family’s dirt to the highest bidders!

There’s still a lot of interest in these two and sadly Jon’s spin-off reality show is probably going to move forward. Soon we’ll have another venue in which to mock his lame attempts to re-live his lost drunken youth. That “Divorced Dads” show is not likely to have a “morals clause” in their contract.

Radar Online confirms this report from TMZ, and quotes a source that says “Jon is definitely in the doghouse with TLC,” and that “unless things change dramatically they are going to seriously assess his role in the show.” I guess we’ll be seeing “Kate plus eight” soon. They’ll need to step it up a notch and make the show more interesting – the ratings are dropping, but still strong. Let’s see Kate go on some dates. Maybe they can do a cross promotion with Bravo’s “Millionaire Matchmaker.”

Kate Gosselin takes her three sons to the dentist in Reading, PA

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30 Responses to “TLC tells Jon Gosselin he violated morals clause of his contract”

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  1. Firestarter says:

    He is just gross.

  2. Beth says:

    TLC is a family network so it’s not surprising that there’s a moral clause. It’s not a network that would ever show “Rock of Love” or any type of show that you have to take penicillin to watch. I’m glad there is a college fund but I hope this was something started years ago and also have a trust fund for the kids. Jon and Kate also make a ton of money from books, endorsements, and personal appearrances.

  3. BiggieShortie says:

    Wooorrrd, Firestarter.
    But I STILL think they are BOTH asshats. And need to vanish. NOW.

  4. Nev says:

    That family need to disappear real fast and I hope Kate choke on the money she sold her family out for. TLC love every bit of drama Jon brings to that show. TLC is try to save what bit of a show by trying to change Kate’s mean hateful image. Kate is no angle by a long shot. TLC sure knows how to manipulate the media.

  5. bros says:

    whatever. i dont think jon could give a sh#t about his bravo contract and wanted out a long time ago. i dont believe for one second that kate is the only responsible party here, mentioning college funds and blah blah. they should have a fully stocked college fund by now, several times over. thats PR crap in that article, because TLC has squarely taken kates side because someone needs to remain pimping out the kids for their ratings to continue. jon’s not half as interested, so they are trying to make kate look like a saint, which she isnt.

  6. photo jojo says:

    Nev said “TLC love every bit of drama Jon brings to that show.” TOO TRUE!!

  7. eml says:

    i’m sure the kids have always had a college fund, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t keep adding to it every year. by the time those kids are college age, who knows how expensive college will be and it’d be nice if they also had enough money in their fund to allow them to pay for graduate degrees and housing and the lot. that costs a lot for one child, let alone 8.

  8. bros says:

    1 million should EASILY cover all their college costs, if you price out expensive private schools at about 120k for tuition, room and board, and airfare and extras for the whole 4 years. and unless they all want MBAs, law degrees or Med school, most graduate schools waive tuition and give stipends (phd programs anyway). they whole excuse of pimping out the kids for college is played out. that college fund is stocked two or three times over, so they should bow out and try and live normal lives between now and then, let their kids be kids and quit earning them money and endorsements, because otherwise, that college money will be used for rehab and therapy when those 8 kids have to deal with the psychological effects of what their parents have done to them.

  9. Jazz says:

    I’m so over these two. It’s no longer a cute show about a couple struggling to raise 8 kids.

  10. princess pea says:

    Jazz, me too. It’s not about a family growing together, it’s about a greedy lady getting freebies. That’s not interesting to me.

  11. OXA says:

    I hate to say it but Hailey is right, Kate is playing the sympathy card. The kids all have had educations funds from when they were born. They were set up by the state of Pennsylvania who advertised all over the media asking for donations from the people of PA so funding began long before we even knew they existed. The kids education funds should be well funded by now as the parents did not return the funds the got the hard working people of the state who donated hard earned money.
    As far as I am concerned they BOTH broke the morals contract, lying to the viewers and keeping this fakery going for so long and duping the people.

  12. Amy says:

    I agree. I am so over these people and their show. Pathetic people that pimped out their kids for money isn’t entertainment. Especially when they ruined their family in the process. Just go away already.

  13. eml says:

    @ bros-

    that is the cost of education NOW. ten years down the road, its probably going to be A LOT more. and most grad programs waive tuition costs if you are willing to be TA– but that’s avoided if possible b/c who wants to teach/grade while earning their masters/PhD? and in todays world, a graduate degree is basically a must if you want a find a job worth a damn. the more $ in the college fund the better.

  14. Shelly says:

    Princess Pea – what about Jon out trying to get freebies? If you read the story on radaronline, Jon already got his cut of the money and blew through it all already and now he’s selling stories and pictures to the media. What happened to him not wanting to be in the spotlight? He’s disgusting. At least Kate’s worrying about the kinds of “babysitters” he’s bringing home.

    TLC needs to stop being so greedy and cancel this show and let the family start the healing process. Those kids are going to need some serious help if they continue to have the cameras in their faces so much.

  15. tamikla says:

    If Jon leaves TLC and goes on to this other show about famous divorced dads, will his children be on that show too?

  16. tinlizzy says:

    The failure of this show and family is a perfect example of what happens to people when they’re put in the “spotlight” and suddenly have money to spend on ridiculous and unnecessary things – only to now whine about their life. They both claim to want privacy but, dang, if they do get ignored by the press they both do something to garner attention again. So, my two cents is that they’re both media users. And shame on them for the damage they’ve done, and are doing, to the kids. As with all marriages that fall apart – the kids become the pawns and victims. Sad – very sad.

  17. icky says:

    he’s got to be the biggest loser on the planet,my god I can’t believe his antics are for real- he has got to have a chromosome missing- he certainly looks like he does.

  18. bros says:

    eml: its not going to triple. its not going to inflate so much that they need 5 million dollars in the so called “college fund” which is really mommy and daddy’s playtime fund. give me a break. and most phd programs REQUIRE you to be an RA or a TA-there is no getting out of that even if you offered to pay full tuition. its part of the grad school experience. i think its ridiculous that 1. they could somehow not have enough money for their childrens’ education by now and 2. that they should accumulate as much money forever while they can in order to buy their way out of teaching requirements in grad school, if they even decide to go to one, which I doubt, because they will be in rehab and living off trusts.

  19. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Morals clause?

    The morals of using this freak-show family for entertainment purposes are A-OK, but when the marriage falls apart due to the stress the fame creates, suddenly it’s all Bible-works and prayers on Sunday?

    The conveniences of good values when they suit your needs and protect your pocketbook invalidate them.

  20. Victoria says:

    Morals? Where?! What?! On that show? ha!

  21. Ggirl says:

    What else is a talent-less, dense, immature ass like Jon going to do but have his own reality show. He cried about his “privacy” but he has shown his true colors that he is For Sale! Parenting? What’s that?

    I still say that if TLC is going to continue with the charade, they need to have the children visit a therapist(s) weekly so SOMEONE with some sense and professional credentials can help these kids with some coping skills to survive their parents’ pimping them out!

  22. maritza says:

    At least Kate was sensible enough to put aside money for the kids college fund. At the rate Jon is spending he’ll be broke in no time. No wonder Kate had him on a low budget, Jon is an idiot.

  23. For Sooth? says:

    If Jon wants to indulge his inner douchery that’s on him. But please don’t let his new show involve the children.
    TLC should pull the plug on this unhappy family incrementally so that the kids can be counseled through their withdrawal systems from lack of filming attention. And this needs to be done yesterday.

  24. eml says:

    bros: i never said it would triple. and you have no idea whether or not there is $5 million dollars in the fund. but as someone currently in professional school (and not being a TA or RA), its expensive. books/room and board aren’t cheap, internships are usually unpaid (or paid very little) but are required for graduation or to build a resume so that you can get a good job after you graduate. i just think its ridiculous that people think they shouldn’t be putting more money into a college fund. it’d be nice for these kids to have all of their education paid for and have a decent chunk left over to start a life on after they graduate.

    and plenty of children come from broken home and don’t end up on drugs/in rehab.

  25. OXA says:

    I am still mad that TLC had the balls to pull the morals clause. It was immoral of TLC to profit from the fake reality showwhile the demise of a marriage was throwing the kids into the middle of an emotional war zone.
    TLC is complicit in the exploitation of a family and it certainly has no place taking sides when a family implodes while they covertly assist and profit from the lies and falsehoods they helped create .How dare they pull the moral crap when they paid Kate & Jon to cover up the split so they could sell the viewers a totally fake reality show while the kids were in crisis and in dire need of thereapy.
    TLC hid it all for their own profit and that is immoral.

  26. WHAT morals????? says:

    TLC HAS A MORALS CLAUSE? But, it’s perfectly OK for them to pimp out the kids for money? Yeah, who needs to think of the little ones, right? My boyfriend, who is part Asian and despises them, says John/Kate are basically running their own little sweatshop on tv. They are all LOOOZERS

  27. joanne says:

    TLC has a morality clause, that is funny. They should have exercised that paragraph when they made the parents pretend to be married, renew their vows, buy the mansion and string their innnocent kids along into believing mommy and daddy were sticking together. The profits they have all made off these kids is blood money.

  28. Sani says:

    I agree with everyone else.
    TLC only interest is making money off this family. If TLC had morals they would have can this show when Kate and Jon first broke up. What good is it for these kids to get rich but end up mentally dysfunctional from this trashy show. Why satisfy viewers that just want to see the kids parade around like they are in a zoo animals.

  29. The Domestic Goddess says:

    The numbers are down but remain strong – or so it’s quoted. If people stopped tuning it, it’d be cancelled like a shot. But … people love to watch misery. Go figure!

  30. Chuck says:

    Lets see:

    1. She got the kids. Check

    2. She got the money. Check

    3. NOw she’s going to get the show. Check

    Smart cookie that Kate, now she has everything and the sperm donor gets squat.