Jon Gosselin doesn’t want 9-5, says those jobs have ‘no responsibilities’

Jon Gosselin does laundry duties at his home in Reading, PA
Jon Gosselin claims that he didn’t really say that he wanted a 9 to 5 job instead of working on his reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” At least he says that someone asked him if he would prefer a regular job, and he said he would, but he didn’t mean it that way. Then he went and shot himself in the foot by revealing how little experience he has with actual work, saying that “9-to-5ers punch in and punch out and you have no responsibilities.” Are you kidding me? Even when I worked in jobs with set hours, like at a grocery store and a gas station, I had plenty of responsibilities and headaches, some of which I inevitably took home with me. If you’re talking about office work it’s rare to find a job that’s strictly 9 to 5 in this economy, and most all require you to juggle multiple projects and clients. What planet does this guy live on?

Don’t count Jon Gosselin out of the picture just yet.

Reports of his saying he’s ready to withdraw from TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus 8 are not only premature – they just aren’t true.

“I never said that,” Jon told PEOPLE while speaking outside his house on Wednesday. “A fan asked me, ‘Don’t you sometimes wish you could go back to a 9-to-5 job?’ [And my reply was,] ‘Yeah, because this is 24/7 and 9-to-5ers punch in and punch out and you have no responsibilities.’ ”

Pointing to the paparazzi collected outside his family home, Gosselin said, “Here … you have to watch what you say so it doesn’t contradict something else.”

He believes the story was the result of someone having “overheard something that was nothing.”

Clearing up other misinformation, Gosselin said, “And the other one was that the kids didn’t want to film anymore. No, they just didn’t want to film that day.”

That’s easily explained, too. “It’s 96 degrees outside and they just said they wanted to go in the pool. So guess what? They took their clothes off, put their swimsuits on and jumped in the pool … I just looked at my producer and said, ‘What are you going to do?’ ”

As for his literal fashion statement – being photographed in a T-shirt bearing the message, “Lies, Lies” – Gosselin says: “I just thought it was funny, because people can write anything about me … How can you write something about me or say something about me without actually asking me?”

[From People]

In terms of Jon’s asinine question explaining his Lies, Lies Lies t-shirt: “How can you write something about me or say something about me without actually asking me?” the answer is simple: we just read and listen to what you say. Even when people ask Jon a question and report his answer, he still whines that it’s incorrect. How stupid is this man? Yesterday we heard Kate Gosselin compare divorcing Jon to divorcing a 15 year-old. There are plenty of 15 year-olds with a greater sense of personal responsibility than Jon. Most would gladly give up low-paying menial jobs for a chance to earn tens of thousands being filmed hanging around their house and running errands. I really hope that TLC cuts him out of the show, and that he gets creamed in his divorce with Kate. Let’s see how he fares when he tries to make it on his own. He still has infinitely more opportunities than the average person, but it seems obvious that he’s going to piss away his chances at earning a living. His idea of how the world works is outrageously skewed. He has no idea of what he wants or how to get there, so he’s just complaining and moping through life, hoping something will change and believing that everyone has it better than he does.

Jon Gosselin does laundry duties at his home in Reading, PA

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19 Responses to “Jon Gosselin doesn’t want 9-5, says those jobs have ‘no responsibilities’”

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  1. Yae says:

    I read this while getting ready for my 9-5. I’d love to have a job that doesn’t require even my bathroom breaks TIMED on my computer. OR the time I’m not handling clients directly in conversation calculated by a fricken electronic babysitter….BY the SECOND. My entire company relies on my sales (and the other reps) to pay EVERYONES checks. No responcibilities?
    I mentally bitch-slapped him.

  2. lway says:

    Geez – Jon is stepping on some toes now. What a jackass. “9-to-5ers punch in and punch out and you have no responsibilities.” – yeah Jon – like sitting at home on your fat ass is a whole lot of responsibility.

    Jon is a loser – i wish the earth would swallow him whole.

  3. ash says:

    Yeah, because Jon’s “24/7” job is so hard. Give me a beepin break. He is such an idiot.

  4. assistantrachel says:

    Seriously,how fucking stupid is this guy? I don’t think Kate reamed him enough during their marriage.

  5. Kayleigh says:

    Here’s a job with responsibilities: stop being a whore and take care of your kids!

  6. Jen says:

    Umm, who are these lucky people who only work 9 to 5? Most people I know work 8 to 5 and work through lunch. Must be the lack of responsibilities that makes ’em do that, huh?

  7. gg says:

    He still has not leearned to just stfu and ignore the press.

    It also seems to me he wants a job as a trust fund baby. 🙄

  8. UrbanRube says:

    It’s very satisfying to me that so many more people now see Jon for what he appeared to me to be on the show: passive aggressive and entitled. Kate was easier to pick on because she showed her frustration and occasionally went too far with it. But, just like I’ve told at least one man in my life, “Just because you’re not yelling doesn’t mean you’re not misbehaving.” Passive aggressive is still aggressive. His true colors are really showing. On the earlier years of the show (which I’ve seen about 9 of since all this hit the fan), the times Kate got mad at him are the times he was just drifting around when some of the kids clearly needed help with something and she was already doing something else. Just absolutely no sense that he should be proactive or model meaningful work for his children. And he seems to think that he’s going to be seen as a hero if he gets an actual job and leaves the show behind. But he thinks his 15 minutes of fame qualify him for some kind of executive job or one where he can sit in on a few creative meetings (a la J. Lo’s clothing line or Britney’s perfumes) and get paid millions of dollars while other people do the work. Newsflash, Jon: fame (or infamy) does not equal skill or expertise.

  9. Praise St. Angie! says:

    I’ve actually never watched the show, but I constantly hear from people who do/did that Kate was a “shrew” when she dealt with him and spoke to him like he was a child.

    with every quote that I hear from him, and the behavior I see from him, I can see why.

    to paraphrase Chris Rock, I’m not saying that she SHOULD talk to him like that, but I understand.

  10. DivaStar says:

    Ummmm, before the show, didn’t he work a (“9-to-5ers punch in and punch out and you have no responsibilities.’ ”)9-5, before he was, to my understanding fired, for doing other things besides his no-responsibilities job. SMDH

  11. Firestarter says:

    Can he possibly make me hate him anymore than I already do? Well every day he gives it another try and every day I hate him more!

    Oh, and I know running around with Douchetastic Christian Audigier and Michael Lohan carries not only so much responsibility, but clout as well. It is so responsible to parade your happy ass around from party to party, ex druggie girlfriend in tow.

    He is another one who disgusts me!

  12. BiggieShortie says:

    Wow. His arrogance and STUPIDITY is OFF THE CHARTS.

    I wish he’d get abducted by aliens, already.

  13. Cinderella says:

    What does someone who got fired from his last job for being a complete waste of space know about responsibilities?

  14. the original kate says:

    yeah – the rest of us actually have those lame old 9-5 jobs because we aren’t sitting around making money off our children. what a twat.

  15. Lulu says:

    You know, back at the beginning of their show I looked at him as being henpecked and I really felt bad for him.

    Now, he’s a fecking asshat. My 9 to 5 job requires more responsibility (contained in my little toe) than you have in your whole entourage.

    What WORK does he do? Yes, raising children is tough, but according to the photos plastered everywhere the HEN is doing all the work.

  16. The Domestic Goddess says:

    This just gets sadder and sadder. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth, whilst Kate just continues on. Without Kate, he wouldn’t have any of the opportunities that are available to him, nor the lovely home, or the flashy cars, or the FREE 50k motorcycle (and that doesn’t make him a biker! omg I laughed so hard when I read that) … or his 8 children. I only put them at the last because this is where he seems to put them on his list of priorities. Nearly every photo has him yakking on the cell, or walking around with one of the bloody ear pieces like he’s someone important! … while the children are playing. He has driven himself into a lovely large hole … and I sincerely doubt many will assist him out. Kate may be a hardcase, but I don’t doubt that she truly does think of her children, and perhaps there is something in her past, that makes her so driven to ensure fiscal safety – a million dollars isn’t alot of money these days, add up the cost of 8 college tuitions/room and board at the price that will all be in 15 – 20 years! That lovely home can’t be inexpensive to run, the vehicles, staff .. someone has to keep working, and if a certain sector of the population feels that Kate has something to offer them, then who am I to say otherwise? Apparently she is well regarded in parenting circles for her values and willingness to stand by them. Though when she pulled that stunt with the water on national TV, she certainly didn’t do herself any favours. Sigh … when will this all end?

  17. The Domestic Goddess says:

    ps … as to “why did she marry him in the first place”? Probably because he was more than happy to follow her lead- when she was probably thinking oh I can change him … and nothing changed at all. JMO.

  18. ashley says:

    yea and like doing a show is full of tons of responsibilties esp a reality show. gosh thats so hard to do. and are you kidding me 9-5 jobs have no responsbilites? thats why people have to go to college and have training…wow he is asking for it.

  19. kwink says:

    From what he has said on the show, he had no real education or job when he met Kate. He was just hanging out snowboarding. Yes, she should have known she could never change him. But I guess she was young and wanted to have kids. Everyone just thought she was crazy and controlling on the show, but if this is how he really acted, she’s a saint that she didn’t smother him with a pillow while he was asleep. Now we see what a loser this guy is. And stupid because he keeps getting caught being a man whore instead of taking care of his 8 kids.