Donald Trump on the virus which killed 200K Americans: ‘It affects virtually nobody’

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The pandemic is still affecting everything. Just… everything. There’s a surge in cases across the US, Canada, France, Spain, the UK and more. European countries are debating whether a second lockdown is needed to control the recent spike in cases. The stock market tumbled yesterday largely because of coronavirus numbers and fears of new lockdowns. A new range of social restrictions is coming worldwide (but probably not here in America). In the US, there’s so much misinformation being spread by Donald Trump, it’s hard to keep up with the real-time fact-checking. While the mortality rate doesn’t seem to be as bad right now as it was in March/April, the virus is no f–king joke and people of all ages are dying from it. Yes, the most at-risk demographic is “seniors with existing health problems.” But younger people, healthy people and kids are all getting the virus and suffering from it. According to Donald Trump though, the coronavirus “affects virtually nobody.” We’ve crossed 200,000 coronavirus deaths this week in America.

As the U.S. death toll from the novel coronavirus prepares to eclipse 200,000, President Trump on Monday incorrectly claimed at a campaign rally that covid-19 “affects virtually nobody” under the age of 18, again downplaying the extent of the pandemic and contradicting his previous statements that the virus poses a risk to “plenty of young people.”

In front of a crowd of mostly maskless supporters not adhering to social distancing in Swanton, Ohio, Trump suggested only older Americans with heart problems and preexisting conditions truly need to fear the virus.

“It affects elderly people, elderly people with heart problems and other problems. That’s what it really affects,” the president said. “In some states, thousands of people — nobody young. Below the age of 18, like, nobody. They have a strong immune system, who knows? Take your hat off to the young, because they have a hell of an immune system. But it affects virtually nobody. It’s an amazing thing.”

Trump’s sentiments go against the guidance of most public health experts and what he told Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward in an interview in March. In one of his interviews with Woodward for his book “Rage,” Trump acknowledged downplaying the severity of covid-19, saying that the virus affected “plenty of young people.”

“Now it’s turning out it’s not just old people, Bob,” Trump told Woodward. “But just today, and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It’s not just old, older.”

[From The Washington Post]

I’m including the clip below. Maybe it’s just the quality of the video, but Trump’s voice sounds different? He sounds sick. Which is this really strange cognitive dissonance: an old man in poor health, with an alleged history of mini-strokes and a history of bragging about passing his dementia test, talking in a strained, sickly voice about a deadly pandemic only affecting old people in poor health, in front of a crowd of maskless morons. “Virtually nobody.” Tell that to the thousands of families grieving loved ones. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who got evicted, or lost their jobs or who got really sick.

God, this really is the Coronavirus Superspreader Tour. There was maybe one mask to every twenty maskless people in Ohio. Ugh.

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52 Responses to “Donald Trump on the virus which killed 200K Americans: ‘It affects virtually nobody’”

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  1. Becks1 says:

    omg, the lack of empathy. He’s a sociopath.

    I mean, we’ve seen that young people who get it have lasting effects, and even if you’re a young person and you don’t get it, if your mother or father dies from it, that obviously affects you. this virus is affecting everyone.

    • kelsey says:

      I have seen several articles about young people who got COVID months ago and still have breathing issues and pain all over. These are mostly people in their 20s who had no known pre-existing conditions or cormordibities. People who even today can’t walk a flight of stairs without getting winded.

    • Moxylady says:

      I want to know more about his claims that Biden gets a shot in the ass. Obviously Trimp does. Because…. that’s all he does. Project.
      But what the fuck is in this shot?!?

      • Jerusha says:

        JFK and Jackie got B-12 shots. He’s(sniff)probably(sniff)talking(sniff)about(sniff)that(sniff). Of course he’s projecting.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        JFK got more than B-12 in those shots.

        (which I’m not sure if you knew and/or were implying or not…)

      • Jerusha says:

        Yeah, I know. Just giving the simple version. I turned 16 just a few days before JFK was elected. I was in to everything Kennedy, including all the revelations that came out years later.

      • fluffy_bunny says:

        My husband’s doctor has given him antibiotic shots before and they have to be in the ass. Any shots I’ve gotten are in the arm. How would Trump know anything about Biden’s medical care?

  2. Lightpurple says:

    A friend’s 27 year old son, serving in the US Army, died from Covid19 in March. A 27 year old healthy young man..

    While nobody in my family was touched, thank God, I spent May in fear of my phone, my social media, my emails, and the local newspaper, because every day brought more sad news that someone I knew had lost someone dear. Three of my high school classmates that I know about succumbed to Covid19 and two college classmates. I would read someone’s obituary and discover two more people I knew on the same page. Dozens of friends have lost loved ones.

    But we don’t matter. Trump refused our state’s request for help. As a blue state, we were part of Jared’s genocidal plan, even though we have a Republican governor. The virus needs to be front and center going into November. This man is killing us and he doesn’t care.

    • ce says:

      I’m sorry for your losses. I had a similar experience to yours, I’m a New Yorker. Lost two co-workers and dozens of secondary relations. I hope someday they memorialize our lost in a meaningful way. Right now it’s like no one wants to acknowledge the loss at all

    • Ash says:

      That is so tragic hearing about your friend’s son, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. And also infuriating because it is beyond clear that this can affect the young.

      And not only directly from the virus. One of my best friends from college died a few months ago from an overdose. It is strongly believed by all involved that this happened because her mental health was severely affected by the lockdown. She was 33 and an amazing person. My close group of friends, three other women and I, are devastated.

      What do you say about that not affecting anyone, Donnie?

      I fully acknowledge this site’s rules that commenters cannot wish death on anyone. So this is the end of my comment.

    • Jerusha says:

      But it’s not front and center anymore-SCOTUS is. Just what trump and the rethugs want. Covid will be forgotten as an issue because “nobody” of value died. His cultists believe that even though many of the nobodys are among their ranks. There is a stupidity and a viciousness that simply cannot be overcome.
      And speaking of stupidity, CBS Morning Show went to Florida to gauge the temperature of the electorate. The race has tightened there because people there believe trump is better for the economy(stupid, stupid, stupid). They went to the Cuban-American community and one man said his entire family was voting trump because they didn’t want communists in charge(stupid, stupid, stupid). trump is owned by Putin, but they’re voting trump. It’s beyond parody.

      • H says:

        I live in Florida in a big red county. They will vote for Trump against their own self interests (he will get rid of Social Security) because a lot of Cuban-Americans are one issue voters, i.e. abortion. I have no idea where the Biden is a socialist thing is coming from except Fox News. Biden is a centralist, his whole record shows that.

  3. Aang says:

    The rights favorite comments when a COVID death is discussed: “but how old were they or what were their pre-existing conditions?”. As if being elderly or having asthma, diabetes, or any other illness makes you expendable. It’s their way of assuring themselves that THEY will be ok because that is the only thing a conservative cares about.

    • Diana says:

      Bingo! 😭

    • emmy says:

      It’s the same sh*t they deploy when rape is brought up. Somehow it’s always the victim’s fault. Just as a thought experiment I would like to see a virus that affects primarily healthy, straight white guys between 18 and 65. The world would end, they would take us all down with them. But hey, it’s mostly old, sick, and poor people. Minorities. So who cares.

    • Lady Keller says:

      So true. I get enraged every time I hear someone ask “but did they have pre-existing conditions”? Like, do people not understand that folks with pre-existing medical conditions are still beloved members of our families. My father has a few of these conditions that the heartless out there seem to think means a person deserves to die. I’m really not prepared to let him go. I myself has asthma and crappy lungs. I’m pretty sure my kids who are 2 and 4 will be very harshly affected if I die.

    • LadyMTL says:

      What baffles / angers me the most about comments like that is that those people are still dead regardless! And they (99% most likely) wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the virus. My parents are both in their 70’s and diabetic, so it wouldn’t be any big deal if they caught Covid-19 and died? What?

      I really can’t handle the callousness of it all, I find myself hating these people and I try not to use that word if I can help it…and I’m not even American lol.

      • Mel M says:

        And these are the self proclaimed “pro-life” crowd. How they justify being totally ok with people who are here, alive, have families, jobs, a LIFE, dying and but will throw away everything with both hands just to make abortion illegal will never make any sense.

    • Darla says:

      Aang, this is sooooo true, and so disgusting.

  4. Mac says:

    I pray this nightmare ends on January 20.

  5. Tpoe says:

    He’s not I’ll. That’s his “toned down presidential voice”. He’s testing out to see if he can fool some moderates back into his camp.

    • Hoot says:

      @Tpoe – I think you meant to say, “…That’s his tone deaf presidential voice…”

      Trump is really freaking me out right now with his desperate denials. His groupies are getting more vocal and parroting this line.

  6. KellyRyan says:

    I’ve been posting between FB, Twitter and Cele. Oops, uncertain if I mentioned this on the previous thread. This does not appear to be a live event but pre-recorded with rear screen projection.

    Spike in Covid-19 cases post the Labor Day week-end and we’re looking at a mix of flu and Covid for our fall spike in cases.

    Put him in Walter Reed’s mental hospital unit, hand him a microphone, keep him on a Twitter feed, drug loaded, he’ll continue to believe he’s a success. 🙂

  7. megs283 says:

    Ya know, I’m wondering if he knows he’s already lost the old people and he’s feeding them what they want. A lot of people my parents’ age (50s-60s) seem to be into Trump (ARGHGFGG), but people my in-laws’ age are feeling disgusted and he’s lost their vote.

    My in-laws are in their mid-70s. They pictured these years as their golden years…they had three cruises planned for this year and they couldn’t go on any of them. I know it’s small compared to DEATH and people losing their businesses… but these are plans that COVID has taken from them, and they’ve now realized that they might not be able to cruise ever again.

    • Michelle says:

      Yes, my in-laws (in their mid-70s) have finally said they are not voting for him (they are republicans). My parents (mid-60s) are, my brother-in-law (50) is, my sister (unfortunately influenced but her husband) is voting for Trump. My husband and I (47 and 35) are not voting for him (we are firmly in the hell no category, could not pay me a million bucks to do it). I’m not sure what’s finally tipped my in-laws because they’ve always rambled on about the economy in support of Trump, but they are also missing out on their travel plans and time with grandkids, so maybe that’s it?

    • Abby says:

      It’s interesting – my grandma (81) was a DIE HARD trump supporter. But in the months before her passing last summer, she became uncomfortable with how he was handling foreign affairs, how he was being a bully, and she said (in June 2019) “I am worried that if he doesn’t win the election next year, I think he won’t accept it. I’m worried about what will happen.”

      I really don’t know what’s ahead this election. In my world, I think just about everyone who was even a little uncertain about trump last time are definitely not voting for him his year. A few people I know who voted for Trump last time have switched camps. But most of the people who were on the trump train last time are 100% still on board now. My MIL (mid-60s) has become super defensive about it. Because no matter what’s happened, he’s the “pro-life” candidate and that’s literally all she’s voting around. It is so discouraging. And she’s high risk, wears a mask, is super careful!!

      • Sandi says:

        Trump being pro life is a lie! Ask the woman who was 13 when he raped her! She cried & said “What if I’m pregnant?” He threw $200.00 at her & he screamed “Get an Abortion!!” Her case was to go to court, but she backed out because of the death threats to her & her family! Her lawyer actually moved her to hide her!! You can read her story online. Alias..Katie Johnson

    • Mel M says:

      My parents and in laws, all in their 60s, are worshipers and there is literally nothing that will make them vote for Biden. They are obsessed and only watch Fox News but think they are the smartest people in the frickin room.

      My aunt who is in her 70s, has so many underlying health conditions but has a couple of daughters who are full dump and have influenced her to the point where she thinks there will be a chip in the Covid vaccine so she won’t take it. She’s usually a reasonable person but my gosh what in the hell is wrong with you and with your daughters that they are telling you to risk your life just to make a point? She goes out all the time. You think there is a chip that is going to track you in the vaccine but you’re on FB and IG all the time and don’t think they track you???? There is no logic anymore.

  8. Mina_Esq says:

    I don’t know how anyone can call him pro-life with a straight face. This man is pro-death. Death cult indeed.

  9. stormsmama says:

    How very Pro-Life of him (*eye roll* *rage face*)

  10. TeamMeg says:

    I guess it’s a good way to kill off some morons? Smart people avoid crowds, wear masks in public, stay home when not feeling well (even if it’s “just a cold”), and, if young and healthy, are extra cautious when interacting with older loved ones or other vulnerable populations.

    • Lucy2 says:

      If only that were the case. Unfortunately There are plenty of smart people who are working as teachers and other jobs in schools, grocery stores, hospitals, and other essential services.

      It’s not just infecting the people putting themselves at risk with gatherings and no masks. Look at the wedding in Maine, seven people so far have died, and not a single one of them attended the event. The morons who don’t take precautions spread it throughout their community

  11. SusieQ says:

    This makes me want to scream. My mom, my boyfriend, and I are all recovering from Covid-19. My mom and I contracted it in the hospital where we work. My mom got pneumonia and almost died. She’s 72, but she was a healthy 72 before this. Now she’s on oxygen, likely for the next few months. She also has heart damage now.

    My boyfriend is 45, and he’s still walking like he’s 65. And he was in excellent health with no underlying conditions before this.

    I’m almost 35, and I have asthma. I had the mildest case out of the three of us, but it was still terrifying and excruciatingly painful. I had sciatic nerve pain, and I could barely walk for two days. My senses of taste and smell are still somewhat diminished, but thankfully, my respiratory symptoms were mild.

    • KellyRyan says:

      I’m so sorry. I wish I had the words.

    • H says:

      I hope everyone in your family continues to recover. I have severe asthma so I worry constantly when I leave my house if some maskless idiot will give me COVID. I really hate humanity at the moment.

  12. Jess says:

    The #notanobody threads on Twitter are heartbreaking.

  13. Hollah says:

    As a resident of Ohio, I can confirm that I am surrounded by f***ing morons that love everything about that campaign photo posted in this article. As a slight consolation, I see way more Biden signs in my rural town than I ever saw of Clinton signs in 2016. As a depressing sign, on the FB marketplace all the QAnon’ers came out to rage at a person selling a Wayfair giftcard.

  14. AmyB says:

    I saw clips from the David Pakman show on YouTube which showed one of Trump’s most recent rallies – can’t remember the location. Trump literally pronounced his own name incorrectly, but many other things wrong as well, like the Nobel Peace Prize, Mars….and several other words. He sounded almost drunk. I know he takes hard hits against Biden’s mental capacity but this shit was ridiculous!!! I have no idea if the reports of him actually having “mini-strokes” are accurate, but something seemed clearly wrong with his delivery & speech!!! And I am not even touching on continuation of his sociopathic behavior! How his cult-like supporters see this and say nothing is beyond me!

  15. Heidi says:

    Americans are suing a lot, tobacco companies for example.

    With the Woodward Tapes as evidence, people who believed the president – didn’t wear a mask and suffered as a consequence – should sue Trump for damages.

  16. Yoyoma says:

    Please dear god let him catch a cold please

  17. Andrea says:

    Two girls I went to high school with in New York ( not NYC) got covid. One in march, front line worker and has heart failure and will be on heart medication the rest of her life at 39. The second, got covid in December and gave it to her whole family. They know this because her parents tested positive for antibodies and everyone was sick at the end of December when she was hospitalized. They intially accused her of vaping ( she hadn’t). She has lung damage from it and is on oxygen. She is also 39. This is no joke and should be taken very seriously.

  18. Jan says:

    My God. I’m praying for all of you ❤

  19. Rise and Shine says:

    I am so saddened and angry. My Dad has Covid, is in the hospital and my brother is one of the Dr.s treating him. It is absolute hell, kids and I can’t even see him. Dad is getting the best of care but even so it not looking good. So scared, sick, tired and afraid. We need a change. This is too much for any of us. VOTE BLUE, I am begging you.

  20. Meg says:

    Between this and pushing through the supreme court pick before the election I want to punch whoever voted their conscience for a third party voter in 2016. Seriously F you

  21. Velvetess says:

    He is vile.

    One day the handling of this in America will be known as the COVID Genocide.