Gwyneth Paltrow gets turned on by vegan, gluten-free cupcakes

Burberry Front Row: Spring/Summer 2010 - London Fashion Week
Here’s Gwyneth at the Burberry show in London yesterday. She was seated next to poor little Emma Watson, who looked like a delightful little woodland elf compared to the snot that is Goopy. Anyway, Gwyneth Paltrow’s weekly GOOP newsletter is here, and it’s another “Make” thank God. Last week’s was a fashion one, and it was boring. She showed the high-end stuff that she wants to buy, then showed us the still expensive, but slightly cheaper version at Topshop. The moral of the story was “Shop at Topshop”.

GOOP this week is all about making yourself some nice little sweet treats, with recipes from Erin McKenna, who runs and operates Babycakes Bakery. Of course, we can’t just get the cookie recipe from the bag of chocolate chips. Of course not. Gwyneth is making us make out treats with all vegan and gluten-free ingredients. That’s right. Today, we’re making chocolate cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies and Lemon poppy teacake, using stuff like rice milk, soy milk, apple cider vinegar, rice flour, xanthan gum, garbanzo bean flour, fava bean flour, and something called “Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Flour”. She also did an interview with this Erin McKenna woman, who is epically boring. Oh, Goop!

This week we bring you the lovely Erin McKenna and recipes from the best thing to happen to health conscious foodies – the BABYCAKES BAKERY! When I’m on the sugar-free/vegan/gluten-free tip I bust out this glorious hymn to the guilt-free treat and get busy.
Love, Gwyneth

GOOP: How long have you been making gluten-free, vegan and (mostly) sugar-free baked goods? What inspired you to eliminate gluten, dairy and often sugar?

Erin McKenna: I began to teach myself how to bake this way back in 2002 after I went to a health practitioner because I was having horrible stomachaches and huge digestion issues. She told me to eliminate wheat, dairy, soy, caffeine and refined sugar from my diet. She also explained that steering clear of processed food and non-organic items would quicken the healing process with my gut. I almost fell over because I LIVED for frozen yogurt and my mother’s chocolate chip cookies. I remember my first grocery-shopping trip after I heard I needed to avoid these ingredients. It was so devastating and confusing. I had no idea what to buy. If something was wheat-free, it had sugar. If it was sugar-free, it had toxic sweeteners like Aspartame. If it was vegan, it had wheat and on and on. I think I left the store with an Asian pear and a box of Kleenex. I eventually found savory foods that fit the bill but had to make my own desserts at home that were up to my new health standards.

GOOP: What effect has it had? What are the health benefits of being wheat and dairy-free?

Erin McKenna: I was never overweight but I dropped about 10 pounds by taking out the gluten, dairy, caffeine, processed foods and sugar and replacing them with whole foods. There was no dieting involved, no carb-counting or fat gram tallying. I was just very careful about my food choices and made sure that I knew what was in everything I was eating before I indulged.

GOOP: What are your must-have ingredients? And where do you get them?

Erin McKenna: My top 3 must have ingredients are coconut oil (it’s really high in lauric acid, stimulates the thyroid and gives almost identical flavor of butter when used properly), agave nectar (I prefer Organic Nectars – it’s low on the glycemic index, non-toxic and tastes just like sugar without the aftertaste) and Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free all purpose baking mix (my whole baking empire would collapse if he went out of business! His product is so incredible). You can get these at health food stores or Whole Foods but if there isn’t one near you, they’re all available online.

GOOP: Are there any recipes you are working on that you are excited about? Or are there any old classics you are still trying to master? Will there ever be a vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free Twinkie?

Erin McKenna: I just made donuts a couple weeks ago, which was almost as exciting to me as when I came up with the frosting recipe. I LOVE donuts. I think they have the same appeal as cupcakes and evoke the same feeling. When I announced that we were now serving gluten-free, vegan, soy-free donuts at the bakery everyone lost it! Everyone went into a frenzy and one guy biked from Brooklyn through heavy rain just to try one. Luckily everyone loves them and some say it’s the best thing we make. I love it!!!!!

GOOP: And finally what is your favorite recipe that you have created?

Erin McKenna: The donuts. No. The Frosting. Wait, no. The cookies. Can I have 3???

[From GOOP]

Obviously, if you live a vegan, gluten-free existence by choice or be necessity, God bless. You are a lot stronger than me. I looked at the recipes, and I did a little dry heave. I can only imagine that the cookies with the garbanzo bean flour will end up tasting like hummus. Don’t get me wrong, I love hummus, but not when I think I’m eating a cookie. Also, I totally love how excited Goopy gets with this sh-t. “I bust out this glorious hymn to the guilt-free treat and get busy” – okay, Gwyneth, try not to wet yourself.

Burberry Front Row: Spring/Summer 2010 - London Fashion Week

Burberry Front Row: Spring/Summer 2010 - London Fashion Week

Burberry Front Row: Spring/Summer 2010 - London Fashion Week

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36 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow gets turned on by vegan, gluten-free cupcakes”

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  1. paris herpes says:

    I’m familiar with all the products she listed actually. Bob’s makes great gluten-free flour! But I do live in SF which is the capital of this kind of lifestyle.

  2. Iggles says:

    Vegan gluten free cupcakes are DELICIOUS!

    I’ve actually been to Babycakes and had the red velvet and chocolate ones (my sister is allergic to gluten).

    I know it’s easy to have disdain for the Goop because she is over the top, but what she’s saying about the benefits of whole foods is true. It’s a healthier lifestyle. The over processed food in America is literally killing us (it is the cause of so many health related problems such as high cholesterol, clogged arteries, obesity, diabetes, etc.)

    I just got back from Switzerland and it was amazing to see the fresh food available at all of their supermarkets. Everyone gardens and the use of local produce and meats are favored — including local made wines and cheese. It really has encouraged me to rethink my dietary choices.

    Anyway, I’m with the Goop on this one!

  3. Firestarter says:

    I love cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. tinlizzy says:

    what I don’t understand is WHY Goopy is the “end all” of everything? Is she really so “spot on” with fashion? And do we really care about her cooking preferences? I think she’s an overrated snot. It’s possible I missed some article that came out that explained why when Goopy speaks we all listen – or, act like we’re listening.

  5. JayBird says:

    I actually have every single one of those ingredients in my kitchen right now – with the exception of sugar. I hate to say it, but I’m definitely going to that bakery this weekend.

  6. Celebitchy says:

    @Iggles I lived in Switzerland for two years. Do you know how expensive meat is there? It’s mandated freerange by the government, but you will quickly become a vegetarian having to pay 7 euro for a pound of chicken. (I can’t give an exact amount, I never bought meat it was so pricey.) I lived on the border and used to shop in Germany, though, as it was a fortune to shop at the local grocery store and the place closed at 6:00. The cheese and chocolate are awesome and the meat does taste very good if you want to splurge. Now I live in Germany and it’s a lot cheaper to shop here. They also favor local products and there are plenty of fruits and vegetables to choose from at the store. Switzerland is not the be-all end-all in healthy eating for many reasons. There are complex reasons why the Swiss are healthier, and a lot of it has to do with how much people walk and how great the public transportation is, and it doesn’t hurt that the store is closed at 6:00 pm. If you can’t shop, you can’t eat a lot. Maybe you were in Zurich though and things are probably open later there.

    Anyway I agree that it’s healthier to eat whole foods and I have eaten gluten free at periods in my life. Not all of us have access to it, though, especially people who don’t live in cities.

  7. Cristina says:

    Hat a dumb, self ritcheous btch

  8. SunnyGal says:

    I have to cook gluten-free and vegan since my hubby and I have severe food allegies. It’s not so bad , but Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free All-Purpose flour sucks. The other flours, like the Brown Rice Flour, or Oat Flour (which is cheaper to make at home using quick cooking oats ground up in a blender)are wonderful. In my experience, beans flours taste gross, make food weird and stretchy, and give you GAS. Yup, really bad bloating. Yuck. I cooked with this once the resulting product was disgusting.

  9. ash says:

    I’d much rather Emma being mentioned as sitting next to LIV TYLER! love her.

  10. QB says:

    Being Vegan does not equal being healthy. I have seen some Vegans that look like they are about to drop dead .

  11. Harmony says:

    I actually really like the sound of that. I am vegan AND allergic to gluten. those things sound really good! Not everyone can have the recipe off the choc chip bag, Kaiser. Its really not so bad for her to project some of the nice things she has learned to the world…

  12. Iggles says:

    Hi Celebitchy!
    Yes, the meats are expensive in Switzerland. Our last night there, we made dinner for our hosts (my sister and her flatmate) and I paid 18 francs for 5 pieces of fish! In comparison back in NYC, I pay about $2-3 for 3 pieces of Tilapia. However, as I understand it nearly everything is more expensive in Switzerland because they have a higher standard of living (it is the 6th most expensive country in the world!). So yeah, things cost a lot more but everyone makes more money too. For example, a waitress makes over $40,000 a year! Therefore, the Swiss can afford the prices — visitors not so much..

    I was in Zurich (stayed in Rapperswil). The stores were mostly open when we visited, except for on weekends shops opened at 2:30pm. I agree that the reason the Swiss are healthier are complex, and do not add up to food alone. They are very active. People hike in the mountain, children go outside to play, they bike, swim, and ski, whereas in the south and midwest most folk drive everywhere.

    I think we could all benefit from make wiser food choices and making regular exercise a priority. If you’re not in a city it gets much tougher to find unprocessed foods, however with the internet there are sites that specialize in shipping groceries (cold items arrive on ice, etc).

  13. UrbanDeeKay says:

    I’m totally down with Goop on this one — the food from the site (or the mailouts) has been amazing everytime I make it. So sugar and carb free cupcakes — bring it on 🙂

  14. paris herpes says:

    Yeah, her recipes are unfortunately really good on her site. I made the chicken one once and the bimbimbop also looks easy and yummy. I’m waiting for the gluten-free recipes to show up on her website (where are they?)…my roommate is allergic to wheat and I think I am too. I hardly eat dairy anymore ’cause it congests me really bad.

  15. Firestarter says:

    Paris Herpes- I agree, I have tried a few of her recipes and have enjoyed them. I am not a big fan of hers, but I do check out the food section and try her suggestions and have liked what I have made.

  16. chutneycarnival says:

    y’all need to leave gwyneth alone. she is a glorious libra. if her lifestyle is not for you, then don’t read/subscribe. leave the lady alone.

  17. Birdie says:

    hehe I’ve always had a soft spot for Gwyneth because of Emma… I think I watched that movie 500 times!

    It sounds like the rest of you are warming up to her! Viva la Goop! hahaha

  18. lrm says:

    I totally agree that the bean and rice flours give you gas and are too much for cookies and cakes. ditto for xantham gum. i dont even like the taste of that in salad dressing,which,btw,it’s in nearly all bottled dressings as a thickening agent. blek.
    i always make my own dressing…
    taste wise.
    anyway,yea,it’s easy to make cookies by grinding up quick oats in a food chopper or coffee grinder-obv. the finer the grind,the more toll house your cookies iwll be.
    and i use part ground flax [ buy already ground,it adds moistness,seriously!]and i grind up buckwheat. i do use eggs and butter or ghee [heavenly on the ghee-clarified butter front,people!]…and agave [again,it moistens the cookie! better than sugar! seriously! and you dont need as much.] So yea,i wanted a healthier,easier to digest cookie-one that might actually be nutritious that you can eat for breakfast. And I ended up with something that my 8 yr old,my husband and nearly everyone who’s eaten them,raves about!
    Just take your basic tollhouse recipe and substitute,roughly. you know,do the rachel ray eyeball thing [cringe].
    And,c’mon,dark chocolate chips without dairy,grain sweetened,even organic,TASTE so much better. And chocolate’s got tons of iron.
    Just sayin’….’healthy’ can mean ‘gourmet’ which in my book actually means REAL food. you know,like in europe.
    And Garbonzo flour is better left to tempura type foods such as is used in indian cooking or some areas of italy. it’s yum,but not for cookies. JUST IMO.
    though a treat now and then at this gal’s bakery would be fun.

  19. Arvedia says:

    Some of you seem to think that vegan, gluten-free cookies are somewhat more natural or wholesome than traditional ones. While it´s true that too much sugar is a bad thing, it´s absolutely not necessary to eat arrowroot, soy powder or rice flour to be in better shape, not to mention xanathan gum. If you want to live well, eat new potatoes with scrambled eggs and a good fresh salad. And if it has to be sweet, nibble on a bar of dark chocolate once in a while.

  20. Jen says:

    For people who aren’t coeliacs (can’t tolerate gluten) these sort of things are usually fashionable fads that they eventually get bored of and resort to their previous eating habits.

    Speaking as a coeliac I would love nothing more than a full flour sponge cake or a proper biscuit right now.

  21. Firestarter says:


  22. Heavenbound says:

    I love Gwen, I don’t understand all the bashing.
    Its great that she gets to give us advice about experts in different fields that she gets to meet. ( chefs, fashion designers, exercise trainers etc. )

    She is very educated I have always liked her and always will no matter what the haters say.

  23. pixiegirl says:

    Agreed that vegan cupcakes are not health food. I make them quite often (along with vegan cookies) and give them to non vegans without them suspecting a thing. I hate when people always have to highlight the vegan thing. You know what vegan food is? FOOD! Geez.

  24. Eileen Yover says:

    CB & Igggles: I went to Zurich a year ago and totally fell in LOVE with it!! Loved the underground shopping and markets and the train system (chocolate wasn’t bad either!)-we will definitely be going back!

  25. Kathie says:

    I’ve been vegan now for about 2 years, when anyone finds out I just say “it is a personal choice and not for everyone” I cook for myself and usually buy desserts from Whole Foods or Good Foods Co-Op I have no idea how hard it must be when you are allergic to so many things. Good luck and happy shopping!

  26. crash2GO2 says:

    Aww, I do love Gwennie so. I think she is gorgeous and I love that she is inclined to share. Over the top she may be, but I still have a soft spot for her.

  27. Andrea says:

    heavenbound: this twit named her child apple and considers the entire USA unworthy of her – i hardly consider this woman “educated”. sonia sotomayor is educated. gwyneth paltrow is an ass.

  28. Weeble says:

    I was so glad to see the comments weren’t too harsh on her. I happen to like her a lot, and I also have all those ingredients in my cupboard. Being vegan has been great for me and my family. I have not decided whether I would classify her as over the top yet….

  29. Heavenbound says:

    To Andrea:

    She can name her daughter what ever she pleases. I don’t think Apple is a horrible name. I do think that Gwen’s educated and her spanish is more proper than Sotomayor’s ( please don’t get me started on the subject). You gave me an example of a person who’s ideals I don’t have respect for. ( and please save the race card, I am hispanic also). Going to college is only a part of being educated there is much more to it than going to school. And Gwen being anti-american is a bunch of bullsh**t. Sorry you have not made a persuasive argument. If you don’t like her thats OK that’s your opinion and I have mine. So end of story.

  30. Jessie says:

    The hubby surprised me with a weekend in Zurich this past January. We fell in live with the city and their food. We went to a place called The Lion Pub 3 times because they had the best chicken nuggets (I.e. Homemade with real fresh chicken) we’ve ever had. We’d move there for that alone if it wasn’t so damn expensive! We spend half the year in England and we were shocked at how much pricier it is, considering the UK is pretty pricey!

  31. Hieronymus Grex says:

    I wouldn’t expect any less, even her snack foods sound terribly pretentious.

  32. Nicole says:

    I bet she uses the stick up her ass to stir up all those ingredients. 😉

  33. leuce7 says:


    I’m just really curious–how is Gwyneth’s Spanish more proper than Sotomayor’s?

  34. ccoop says:

    Gotta say, “Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Flour” (or anything from Bob’s Red Mill) is actually pretty awesome. Don’t be hatin on it just because Goopy likes it!

  35. 4Real says:

    She’s gotta have something to turn her on, I’m sure Chris Martin doesn’t do it.

  36. I like Vegan! I think, for those who love cooking, try this Gluten – Free Vegan, it’s a sugar free cupcakes. Maybe this one is also pretty good for daily snacks. By the way, is it easy to prepare? I want this Gluten – Free Cupcakes recipe.