Us Weekly: Justin Timberlake dumped Jessica Biel a month ago

Last Friday, we talked about a report from Star Magazine claiming that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake were having big problems, and were probably close to a split. The reasons given were anything from Justin’s flirtation with Rihanna, to Jessica’s work schedule, to the idea that they’d just grown apart. I tended to believe parts of the report – after all, we’ve been hearing some of the same stuff over and over. Stuff like Justin’s friends find Jessica clingy, needy and annoying, and Justin simply isn’t invested in the relationship whatsoever.

Now it looks like this week’s print edition of Us Weekly is coming close to confirming Justin and Jessica’s split…last month! This is according to LaineyGossip – Lainey got an advanced copy of this week’s Us Weekly, and here’s her summation:

The new issue of Us Magazine comes out tomorrow but etalk received an advance copy and their report is putting Shelfy in the sh-ts. I just read my voice over for our piece about 15 minutes ago. According to the publication, they say Pip ditched her. LIKE A MONTH AGO. And that the reason she flew back to LA was to try to get him back. He however apparently won’t have it and has been living it up on the single circuit. We’ll have more details on the show for you tonight and of course in the magazine Wednesday. This isn’t the first time they’re been reported to have split.

But consider the ramifications. Jessica Biel without Justin Timberlake?

IF true…Dancing With The Stars.

[From LaineyGossip]

Yes, of course this could just be some tabloid shenanigans. It’s perfectly possible that Jessica and Justin have just been really low-key for the past month, and that’s why they haven’t been photographed out together. Or maybe they’re busy with separate projects. Or… it could be true. I tend to believe it. I think that if they’re not already broken up, they’re just about to be. So… will Justin’s next girlfriend be Rihanna?

Justin and Jessica are shown at the Costume Institute Gala on 5/4/09. Credit: Fame Pictures


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52 Responses to “Us Weekly: Justin Timberlake dumped Jessica Biel a month ago”

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  1. jenn says:

    i believe it. Did dating Justin help her employability that much though?

  2. Just a Poster says:

    I don’t understand what people see in JT?

    Well onto bigger and better things for her.

  3. princess pea says:

    What bigger and better things? She’s pretty-ish, and she has a smoking body but no discernible acting skill. She stayed relevant by dating Justin, although jenn is right and it didn’t seem to get her many jobs anyway.

  4. Just a Poster says:

    What bigger and better things Princess.. anything other than JT. LOL

  5. TF says:

    seems like JT just can’t commit. I would say he has a pattern of stringing on women – and replacing them VERY quickly.

  6. Katie from Boston says:

    I thought they were climbing Mount Kilimanjaro together for some fund raiser. That’ll be a bit awkward now.

  7. Zarah says:

    I totally believe it. Things have been iffy for months probably and he’s had enough. Nothing against Jessica Biel,she seems harmless enough. But she’s also rather bland and vanilla, no real personality to speak of. And do I think Rihanna is next on JT’s list? Hell yeah! There’s *something* going on there, remember the stories after the VMAs in 2007? They have the hots for each other, let them work it out of their systems already.

  8. jm says:

    He’s not cute! Move on honey, there are better men out there!

  9. Mari says:

    TF- I would say a couple of years with someone is a “commitment”, just not a marriage commitment. People get into relationships and break up all the time. I went through a phase where I only dated guys for about 2 weeks then was on to the next one. Just got bored or what-have-you. That’s what I would call “non-commital”. And please note I said *dated, not sexed. He does seem to move on very quickly though, which has me thinking that, correct me if I’m wrong, his “girlfriends” obviously don’t mean much to him. I know people move on at different paces, but still, I tend to think the old addage is true, “it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them”. This is, of course, if you really loved that person. As testiment to this, I was with someone for 5 years and just hit the 2 year break-up mark and I can finally say I’m over it/him/cheaters/whatever. *Hold the applause*
    So, in closing to this novel I’ve decided to write instead of my actual work (don’t worry I’ll get to it),I think he likes dating the “it” girl, even if there is no substance there.
    -The End

  10. Rae says:

    In the words of Posh, that dress is major.

  11. TinaWithPom says:

    Methinks Justin Timberlake and George Clooney have the same M.O. when it comes to relationships.

  12. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Everyone knows the only way Justin could sleep with Jessica is when she let him call her “Jack” instead.

  13. Joanne says:

    he is so dweeby… and fem.. I can’t look at him without seeing micky mouse club not sexy

  14. dude says:

    OK in the first pic.. is that Stacy from What Not to Wear in the pink dress? Its driving me crazy!

  15. Ash says:

    yeah I think he’s dumb.

  16. Sherry says:

    Seriously, Rihanna? *So* over her.

  17. Madelyn Rose says:

    I am sure that Cameron is loving this headline!

  18. Kayleigh says:

    Why does she never wear lipstick? She always looks like she has chapped lips or been snow skiing for too long.

  19. Meaty says:

    @ Mari he seems like a total tool to me too

    ps-good for you getting over a cheating scum lol

  20. mdf says:

    Why is it J.T. dates someone for a couple of years, break up with them, moves on quickly to the next “it” girl and people act like the girl he dumped is nothing without him?
    But the women of hollywood who do that are called sluts and whores?
    Justin Timberlake, like Leo and George Clooney, is over-hyped and just plain gross.

  21. mamalama says:

    @dude – good catch! I supersized the picture and that is Stacy London from WNTW. And, by the by, JB’s shoes DO NOT go with her dress. At all. They’re kind of baby pink color. And look too big, to boot.

  22. AngieG says:

    Wasn’t the word on Rihanna was that she was needy and clingy during her relationship with Chris Brown?
    Maybe Justin has a type.

  23. moo says:

    “Stuff like Justin’s friends find Jessica clingy, needy and annoying, and Justin simply isn’t invested in the relationship whatsoever. ”


    Too bad he can’t just admit he’s gay.

  24. lana says:

    Good for her. Justin is a moron.

  25. Sol says:

    I don’t like any of them that much ,but i keep wondering why this beautiful young woman spend their time with men that obviously don’t want to commit.
    Time in Hollywood is so cruel and its all about the looks ,these girls spend the best years with this guys for what?They end up lonely ,being single moms, or childless, and called cougars.

  26. Annie says:

    I’m loving that dress….

  27. mollination says:

    Mari – ditto.

    He stays with “America’s Sweetheart” until they’re stale. Pretty girls that are pretty bland and noncontroversial. Usually deep down it seems people actually *dont* really like the girls he picks (I think Cam Diaz is OBNOXIOUS, and J.Biel is very meh….whereas before he dated her I thought she was one of the hottest girls in Hollywood). And so eventually he finds the next girl he thinks could be the sexy chick in Rom Coms.

    Girls I could See him dating next:
    Rihanna (to spice it up and break the pattern…and play the on the sympathies of those that want to see her in a healthy relationship)

    Katy Perry (uuuggggggggh)

    And drumroll for the winner:
    Megan Fox

  28. clare says:

    She can set her cap for Tom Cruise after he dumps Katie. Let’s see how her career shapes up then.

  29. Jeri says:

    All his relationships end badly, I have no love for Jessica but JT seems to think he’s royalty & no-one can deny him.

  30. sveta says:

    i HATE timberlake!
    he looks like a slimy worm and thinks he`s the best. BUT HE`S NOT!!!

  31. Jackie says:

    The blinds say she is a lesbian, and they are beards for each other, which makes him gay. They say the same thing about him and Cameron. Jessica and JT have never had any charisma whatsoever. If he moves on to Rhianna, it will only be to hook him up with someone relevant because he probably has a CD coming out soon; also to help remove the Chris Brown stigma from her.

  32. cramps says:

    Remember when he dated Britney?

    anyway, the way I see things is:
    Justin’s insecure about himself and ignores Jessica in an attempt to keep her wanting him. If she just started dating some new guy he would instantly be ‘in love’ with her again because he can’t stand the thought of her being over his ass. This is textbook HIGH SCHOOL relationship dramz!

    Meanwhile, Jessica has been made to feel that she can’t do anything right and that Justin is the best thing she has in her life right now. She doesn’t have confidence in herself to get any jobs even though she’s got the right looks.

    They both need psychotherapy!

  33. Firestarter says:

    I suppose Biel’s beauty, that she is always complaining about, failed her yet again.

  34. RubyKaur says:

    She looks very pretty in the first pic…..normally, I despise her bit@h face.

  35. Francesa says:

    Justin whocares: A white guy who wants to be black. NOTHIN is sexy about this guy.

  36. What evs says:

    I’ll agree that Justin Timberlake is overhyped and isn’t that good looking, but I still think he’s a bit more of catch than Jessica Biel. He seems talented at least at what he does. She, on the other hand is way narcissitic (based on comments she’s made in the past) when she’s really not that pretty or talented. She has a nice body I guess, but that’s about it.

  37. Maritza says:

    Justin is a very talented guy I think Rihanna and him whould make a perfect couple. Jessica can find a nice guy to replace him in no time.

  38. N. says:

    She looks like a man

  39. A-Rod says:

    -Mari dating guys for two weeks and moving on…
    *cough* slut *cough*

  40. Aspen says:

    The major reason people practice monogamy without marriage is so that they can leave whenever they like without any moral, legal, or financial hickledy pickledy. So what! Two single people hooked up, hung out…and decided to end it. It’s just not a tragedy. They were both single…the WHOLE time they were “together.” No marriage or public declaration of eternal commitment by some other name (such as the publicly stated commitment between Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins).

    People who aren’t committed usually break up. It doesn’t make either of them douche-y…although, I’m inclined to think they both are for other reasons.

  41. Hieronymus Grex says:

    N.: She looks like a man.

    More so than Justin ever has.

  42. crash2GO2 says:

    No, you’re both wrong. She looks like a woman and he looks like a little boy. A little noodle boy to be exact.

  43. Ana says:

    That is Stacey in the background I noticed her as well!
    Jessica’s shoes are waaay too big and I wish she would throw on a little lip gloss.
    I don’t understand why people are saying he won’t commit? He has had three serious girlfriends in the past so many years. He may have had had a few flings in between but w/e. Most people do. So maybe he hasn’t gotten married or anything, but maybe that’s a good thing.

  44. Jag says:

    That dress is gorgeous.

    Why is he wearing my dad’s glasses from 1956?

    I couldn’t care less whether they’re together or not. He used to be hot and interesting, but not anymore.

  45. Jojo says:

    Come on people! She doesn’t get many acting jobs because she’s toooooooooo beautiful, remember?

  46. stacy says:

    love, love, love the dress.

  47. Joan says:

    @A-rod I dont think someones a slut just cos they date someone for 2 weeks.

    I think justin is irrelevant nowadays. what has he done lately?

  48. Anoneemouse says:

    This is the girl that just made the decision to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Sounds like a break up to me….and I certainly hope she dumped him because by doing so she may have claimed back some of her self-respect!

  49. sandy says:

    she looks great in those pictures, and i love that dress.

  50. angie says:

    Justin and Britney …love will bring you guys back together count on it!!
    …i know you guys are desperately trying not to – trying to replace eachother but you both ALWAYS look so miserable.

  51. bluestar says:

    “The blinds say she is a lesbian, and they are beards for each other, which makes him gay. They say the same thing about him and Cameron. Jessica and JT have never had any charisma whatsoever. If he moves on to Rhianna, it will only be to hook him up with someone relevant because he probably has a CD coming out soon; also to help remove the Chris Brown stigma from her.”

    This was the best comment here, and IMO true.

  52. “It seems as if you’ve captivated the wholehearted essence of the situation for the moment. While many seem to have missed the all important thought of it all, what you put forward previously is impeccable in additon to being on the nose. I am not articulating that I agree along all points; nonetheless, I admit that you managed to have applied me reason to reconsider some of the major premises that I thought that I guarded as sound opinions in that attentivenesses. stated, and now for me to consider a wee bit more along some of the most important points. In summary, I would state it is clear that you have clearly stated what needed to be said.”