Jesse James’ three children are staying with Sandra Bullock

These photos are from 3/11 before the scandal. Credit: Fame Pictures

There’s not much that’s new in the tabloids this week about the Sandra Bullock/Jesse James scandal. The Enquirer says that Jesse is a violent racist, and quotes author Ian Halperin’s probably speculative claim that Sandra has hired bodyguards to protect her from Jesse. According to Halperin, “sources close to Sandra expect her to accuse Jesse of both physical and mental abuse in her divorce suit.” I think Jesse is of course capable of violence, and there were claims of domestic abuse in his divorce with Lindemulder, but it looks like they’re just piling on the accusations now that we know what a scumbag the guy is. The whole “dog fighting” claim by the Enquirer last week was pretty lame, in my opinion. (Yes the dogs fought to the death, which is despicable. It was more negligence than willfully pitting them against each other though. It’s still disgusting, just not as bad as they made it out to be.)

The Enquirer also has quotes from a guy who worked with Jesse at a bar and says that he regularly used racial epithets and told racist jokes. Jesse worked as a bouncer and had “numerous bloody fights.” He’s a shady character, but whether he’d hurt Sandra physically it’s hard to tell. Star has a similar story on Jesse’s temper, and claims he has an anger management problem. They say Sandra is going to file a restraining order against him.

US Weekly takes a softer look at the fallout from Sandra’s divorce, and focuses on her relationship with Jesse’s children, particularly Sunny, six. Sandra has said through her lawyer that she has no plans to adopt any of Jesse’s three children, Sunny, Jesse Jr., 12, and Chandler, 15. Us reports that Sandra is of course worried about them, particularly Sunny, with whom she was close.

Sunny has been seen out with her grandmother, James’ mom, while her dad Jesse is in rehab in a lame attempt to save his marriage. Now TMZ is reporting that Sunny, Chandler, and Jesse Jr. are all staying with Sandra. It’s a good sign that Sandra still has access to the kids but whether it will last through a messy divorce is anyone’s guess.

Sources directly connected with Sandra Bullock and Jesse James tell TMZ Jesse’s kids are living with Sandra.

We’re told all three kids — Sunny, Chandler and Jesse, Jr. — are all with Sandra.

Our sources say Sandra is not living at her Hollywood Hills home, which has become paparazzi central for more than a week.

One source very familiar with the situation tells TMZ, “It’s a positive sign about Sandra’s relationship with Jesse.” The source would not elaborate.

[From TMZ via D-Listed]

Good for Sandra for moving to where she has some privacy. I really hated to read that last quote about how Sandra caring for the children is a positive sign for her relationship. I want to see her divorce this guy quickly, but I totally understand why she, and Elin Woods, are taking their time despite all the reams of evidence that their husbands are lying, cheating douchebags. It’s more complicated when there are kids involved. I once received advice to never make permanent decisions base on temporary feelings. Some STDs are forever, though.


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38 Responses to “Jesse James’ three children are staying with Sandra Bullock”

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  1. Sigh. says:

    One source very familiar with the situation tells TMZ, “It’s a positive sign about Sandra’s relationship with Jesse.” The source would not elaborate

    If Vanilla Gorilla is gone to rehab, maybe she just felt that there is enough upheval in their lives, and wanted to be there for them and nothing more. This is her chance to help them understand and get through this with less interference.

    Sheesh! She can still love the kids, in spite of their biological origin.

  2. Atticus says:

    It is not a positive sign about Sandra’s relationship with Jesse. It’s a positive sign about the depth of her relationship with her children (stepchildren if you want to be technical about it).

    More celebs who claim to hate the paparazzi attention should take a cue from Sandra and actually remove themselves from the situation to get the privacy they say they want. When they stick around, they clearly want the attention.

  3. isabelle says:

    How utterly embarrassing for his kids this whole situation is. Shame on him.

  4. Red Folder says:

    I agree w/ Atticus.

    I think she is genuinely close to the children and they still need their time together.

    My bet is she gets divorced, but still maintains a relationship with the kids. She’ll visit or they will visit and her and Jesse will be cordial.

  5. bellaluna says:

    Good for Sandra for taking care of the kids she so loves while their turd of a father is in “rehab” to try to mend his ways. It just elevates her even more in my eyes that she willingly takes in the children and loves them unconditionally, as a mother should.

  6. SolitaryAngel says:

    @ bellaluna: ditto, this makes me feel better about what the kids are going through–at least they have one loving parent who puts them first! My respect for Sandy has gone up too.

  7. Jane Q. Doe says:

    And good for his 1st wife for allowing the 2 older kids to be with Sandy, who obviously loves them and wants to maintain their relationship.

  8. Wow says:

    I don’t think either of them have actually filed for a divorce so how can US Mag write a detailed synopsis of “sandra’s divorce”.

    I can see why she wants to spend time with the kids. I don’t see it as her taking care of them and moving them in though. I think they miss her and vice versa so they are spending time. I doubt it means anything about her and Jesse working things out.

  9. lucy2 says:

    In agreement with the posts.

    While I can believe that he maybe has a temper and can be violent, I really doubt the claims that Sandra will cite abuse in the divorce. I think she loved him and had no idea about this whole other side to him because he hid it all well, and if he had been abusive, she would have been outta there a long time ago. Just my opinion, of course.

  10. NJMDPS says:

    Someone please explain this one to me. At the Oscars Sandra (who I really like) she went on and on and gushed about Jesse (which turns out to be phony) because now there are allegations that he physically and mentally abused her. Why would she have the need to do that??? Makes me ill to think that she had this need to have this public persona about her marriage and then it implodes.

    Also, why can’t these Hollywood types please allow these children to walk on their own two feet instead of being carried around like luggage?

  11. Bodhi says:

    ^^ Have you ever seen one of those crazy pap stampedes? A little kid could get trampled in a second

  12. iich says:

    Oh yes, the poor victim Sandra!
    It is not a victim!

    She knew all these years.

  13. Samantha says:

    We don’t even know that he was abusive, so I don’t believe any of that. Just because he slept around with a bunch of skanky disgusting ho’s doesn’t mean he beat her. I think maybe she doesn’t care too much for her title as Americas Sweetheart…

  14. Jaki says:

    Why can’t these kids stay with their real mother?she can’t be as bad as Jesse James. James could be using his kids to keep control of Sandra. Seems spitfull on James and Sandra’s part to team up to fight the real mom. It has never been good to stay a bad marraige just for the kids. I hope Sandra can move on with her life and find a better man than that douche.

  15. Anonymous, JD says:

    “Star has a similar story on Jesse’s temper, and claims he has an anger management problem. They say Sandra is going to file a restraining order against him.”

    I am an attorney in CA. If Ms. Bullock were to file for divorce, or if Mr. James were to initiate the proceedings, a “restraining order” is par for the course. It is standard with all divorce filings within the state of California irregardless of extenuating circumstances. It is disgusting to see how these tabloid rags seek to destroy people by twisting facts such as this one in an attempt to make the public jump to conclusions which are not, as of yet, founded on any basis of fact (i.e. a formal complaint of physical abuse and/or reports made to legal authorities of said abuse warranting the filing of a restraining order).

  16. Mary says:

    That is why before I had a baby did not dated a man with kids….NO SIR!!!!! I don’t want to get attached to the kid and then will be madness ….!

  17. iich says:

    She has not noticed?
    She is blind?

    No. She wanted to haveheal a family for the Oscars.

  18. Shannon says:

    Anonymous, JD: “irregardless” is not a word. It’s a double negative. I think you meant “regardless”

  19. vic says:

    I’m with all those who are not ready to elect Sandra Bullock for sainthood especially the comment about saying now it was an abusive relationship and boring the world with how perfect he was before.

    And irregardless is a word. Not as acceptable as regardless but means the same. Merriam Webster, look it up.

  20. malachais says:

    I can agree and understand that she wants to see the kids. I doubt she will divorce him, which is a stupid move IMO. The more I hear about this, the more irritated I am with the whole situation.

  21. Linda says:

    To be fair, there was a culture clash and she should have left him alone. That’s the way they are on his planet. No sense piling on. It’s not helpful.

  22. GeekLuva80 says:


    You might want to read this…

  23. Kenney says:

    At this point you can safely say, the kids is the deciding factor on if or when this women, will or will not divorce her husband. It’s not up to these gossip mag’s or the mass media. It’s all up to there family,kids,sandra and jesse. McGee is a real disgusting human being, she was scorn and knew he was just using her. Karma is going to take her kids away from her, for her cruelty to this family. And karma, bit Sandra hard, because it wasn’t right, she came between Jesse and his 7 month pregnant wife. Whom by the way is a gorgous women, who took care of sunny by herself for the first three years of her life. When Sandra couldn’t have her own child, she took sunny away from her mother. Karma people KARMA ! you reep what you sow..

  24. Scarlet Vixen says:

    @vic: I’m a librarian, so I happen to know a word or two. ‘Irregardless’ is a double negative (ir and less), and not considered to be an actual word. Sometimes words that are not grammatically correct are added to every day language (and sadly, to dictionaries) simply because people won’t stop using them, even if they are incorrect.

    An attorney (at least a good one) should know that one doesn’t use ‘irregardless’ and expect to be taken seriously. It’s practically like saying ‘ain’t’ in my opinion…

  25. TriedTru says:

    Seriously people – do you proofread?

  26. ,,,, says:

    @ Kenney – I think you need to check your “facts.” A lot of what you said either a. isn’t true or b. is a glossed over version of the truth.

  27. Cheyenne says:

    Scarlet Vixen: “An attorney (at least a good one) should know that one doesn’t use ‘irregardless’ and expect to be taken seriously.”

    Anybody can come on a blog and claim to be an attorney. It doesn’t mean he or she really is one.

  28. Bodhi says:

    @ scarlet vixen – THANK YOU! That shit drives me bonkers! (coincidentally I’m a librarian too!)

  29. Anonymous, JD says:

    Irregardless is, of course, a double negative. Irregardless is used to put emphasis, double emphasis if you’d like, on a point.

    @Scarlet Vixen, Thanks for the mini-lecture. A lot of hard work and dedication goes into becoming a librarian and obtaining a M.L.S. and/or Ph.D. in library science is not an easy task. My hat’s off to you!

  30. Justalark says:

    @ Shannon and Scarlet Vixen:

    Hooray! Thank you for pointing out that “irregardless” is nonstandard, improper English, just like the word “ain’t.” I teach college English courses, and it drives me nuts when intelligent, well-educated people incorrectly use words like this and thereby encourage their misuse. (“Heighth is another example). Just because a word is listed in a dictionary does not mean it is acceptable or proper!

  31. BellaB says:

    Oh come on guys. Y’all ain’t got nothin’ better to do than correct each other?

  32. Kim says:

    Well if he did abuse her and she was staying with him we need to look at her issues and why she was staying with a man who physically and/or mentally abused her. If she was going after his ex (sunnys mother) for being bad mom all the while knowing Jesse was a bad person/dad that doesnt play well in her favor.

    I just cant imagine her staying w a physically abusive guy? Im not buying this.

  33. Raven says:

    If this is true it is even better news than SB’s ironclad prenup.

  34. Crash2GO2 says:

    This is an admirable instance of adults putting their own feelings aside and placing the children first irregardless (*g*) of the circumstances.

    This is a freakin’ gossip blog. Leave off the nit picky corrections and save ’em for English class, ok? Most of us can glean the meaning from less than stellar examples of the written English language here. For a lot of posters, English is obviously a second language.

  35. Hatuxka says:

    Jesse is in rehab? For what? Didn’t know there was a place where there was a program where you could get cured for being a violent racist.

    Love the exchange above over proper english, including “irregardless is a word, bitch. You could look it up”.

  36. CB Rawks says:

    Since you actually mean “regardless”, just say it! Morons.

  37. anymous says:

    It surprises me that a California attorney would have the time to pick up a tabloid and read it and then straighten out the public about divorce law. We the public don’t care except we do hope Sandra had the good sense to leave this jerk who is a pig and god forbid I didn’t give Sandra any disease. Jesse James should have a restraining order taken out on this asshole because he is a danger to her well being and he is narcissistic and evil. I would think a well educated attorney would be too busy to read tabloid junk and be working on his own cases if he has any.Sandra leave this pig,he is no damn good.

  38. Sheila Gorham says:

    It is common knowledge that men think with thier instrument. Woman, however with a brain that is always calculating, which sometimes can be overcome with attraction/passion but not for days much less months. Since these are givens…Why are we all so shocked when men fall into sex setups by womens personal gain. Who is really the culprit here? Apologize to Sandra, how insane? Are we all that stupid to believe that this gal, what? thought it was OK for 11 months but now feels guilty?
    give me a break…wake up America…quit letting these gals off the hook! Which was the greater sin…uncontrolled sexual appetite or scheming inducement? Lets stop giving them the publicity they seek.