Lea Michele and her boyfriend of one year, Theo Stockman, split up

I have to admit that this story took me by surprise. Honestly I don’t give a sh*t about Lea Michele, and find her stuck up and generally stuck up her own ass, but I thought she was solid with her boyfriend. Like they’re the couple at a party sitting in a corner sneering and laughing at the other guests. (Or more precisely, the ones making out demonstratively.) They just seemed sympatico to me. I guess mutual disdain for the rest of the world doesn’t make for a lasting relationship.

The Glee star, 25, and her actor boyfriend of more than a year, Theo Stockman, have called it quits, a source tells me.

A rep for Michele confirmed the split. “This is not a dramatic breakup, the relationship just ran its course,” the rep said in a statement. “They are still friends and will always be friends.”

The very low-profile couple first went public when they attended the Time 100 Most Influential People gala in New York City together in May 2010. Stockman, 26, starred in American Idiot on Broadway and has appeared on television shows like 30 Rock and Nurse Jackie.

The two were last spotted vacationing together in Hawaii in July.

[From E! Online]

They’re both young, they’ll bounce back. They’re not ready to settle down at this point anyway. I tried to Google to see if Lea ever spoke about wanting kids, and she sort-of did but it’s not like she went on about it in an interview or anything. (That I can find.)

I wonder if they broke up like right before the Emmys, though. Like did Leah want Theo to be her date and did he realize at that point that he couldn’t do it? A lot of guys bail right before major events because they’re not into it and don’t want to have that pressure to appear happy. Whatever happened, it didn’t seem to affect her. Leah had her pose face on for the Emmys. She even got mocked for taking it too seriously.






Lea and Theo are shown in the header on 7/6/11. They’re also shown on 8/5/11. He is shown alone on 7/18/10. He loves that shirt! Credit: Pacific Coast News, Fame, WENN.com

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9 Responses to “Lea Michele and her boyfriend of one year, Theo Stockman, split up”

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  1. gee says:

    Honestly, the whole “mocking” thing really looked in good fun.

    I think she should date someone like Sebastian Stan.. someone with a real career in front of him that looks like he wont take her sh-t. Ground her a little? If she keeps dating randos, her ego might go on forever.

  2. teehee says:

    I never ever, will like that Bieber-hair trend in men. Makes them look so immature and easily influenced. IE they dont think too much and follow the crowd. At least thats the impression it gives me. Find your own hair style! And one that isnt so tacky and ridiculously over done.

  3. Emma says:

    What’s cute (or not so much) about Lea, is that she *seems* the EXACT person in real life that she plays in Glee. She’s very into herself. When I heard she blew off Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit – who was Oscar-nominated by the way – it seriously peeved me and I haven’t liked her as much since.

    Yes, let us hope she finds someone who can bring her back down to earth.

  4. Enny says:

    Ugh. She can do better.

  5. ShanKat says:

    I don’t have much of an opinion about her as an actress, but I love her shiny hair, the entire Emmys outfit is fabulous, and she always seems well styled and made up.

  6. ShanKat says:

    ooo, and he has the cokey-est eyes this side of WO. Hoo-ahh.

  7. Dave in MN says:

    They were doing the long-distance thing, right? Even if he only saw her once every couple of months, I don’t know how he managed to tolerate her for a year.

  8. Tiffany says:

    Those shoes….I want.

  9. MarenGermany says:

    @ShanKat yeah, his eyes were also the first thing I noticed (dear lord!)