These photos of Demi are from September and January. Lainey Gossip has the latest photos of her
I don’t know when I became such a Demi Moore advocate, but I’ve felt a little protective of her these past few months after she had her hospitalization and rehab stint. She got cheated on publicly and she seemed so frail (literally) and lost following her separation. Of course Demi needs to put on her big girl britches and realize that her time as the sexy freewheeling chick has long since passed. She’s had a hard time coping with her divorce. It’s understandable. Hopefully she’s now sober, coming to terms with her life, and no long partying with her daughter.
There are several stories about Demi in the tabloids this week. First off is this gem in Star which claims that Demi has reached out to Oprah for help, after hearing from Jennifer Aniston how much Oprah helped her through her divorce with Brad Pitt. Oprah has allegedly answered the call in exchange for Demi’s first post-rehab interview. It’s not a bad strategy for either of them. I like that Demi is leaning on a non-denominational self help guru instead of continuing to turn to her scamming cult for support. This may be total bunk, though, because we just saw Demi at the launch party for her friend Amanda de Cadenet’s Lifetime talkshow, which she’s executive producing. So if she does talk to someone for the first time, it will probably be Amanda. (The preview of the show doesn’t feature Demi though.) Here’s some of the story from Star.
“Demi needs a strong mentor, so she reached out to Oprah a few days after leaving rehab, and they’ve been in touch ever since,” a source tells Star. “Demi never forgot that Jennifer Aniston told her Oprah was a godsend in helping her after she divorced Brad Pitt.
The newfound friendship could benefit Oprah too, by giving her struggling OWN network a much-needed boost. “Demi promises that when she’s ready, she will give Oprah her first postrehab, post-divorce interview,” explains the source. In return, “Oprah has said she’ll find her a job at the network.
“They’re always on the phone, chatting about everything from love-life woes to religion to their careers.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition, April 30, 2012]
Is Demi going to get a show on OWN? Maybe Oprah will throw her a docu-reality about her triumphant self-awareness campaign after her divorce, like she did with Shania Twain. I watched about 20 minutes of the six-hour series and it was a snoozefest.
Meanwhile, Mike Walker in the National Enquirer claims that Demi is so hung up on Ashton she’s really floundering. She supposedly believes he’s still loves her, and that she just needs to have the right strategy to win him back. We’ve heard this about Demi before, many times, and I just hope that if this was the case that she’s getting help and moving forward.
“When Demi told worried friends that she absolutely believes Ashton’s still in love with her, and asked for advice on how to win him back, they realized she’s hopelessly addicted and obsessed with her ex,” said a close friend of the couple. “Everyone pleaded with her to seek professional help, and face the cold, hard fact that they’ll never be a couple again!” Incredibly, Demi’s even been begging her serial-cheater ex to enter couple’s therapy with her – and told him she’s desperately sorry she jumped the gun and filed for divorce so quickly. “But while Ashton’s supportive of Demi getting her life back together, he told her he’s NOT interested in trying to repair their broken relationship,” said the source. Demi, of course, was devastated.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, April 30, 2012]
Finally, Radar has a story on Demi Moore’s “ravaged looks” that just makes me sigh. I think she got some fillers and/or Botox recently – her face looks lopsided and this is a very insecure woman we’re talking about. But I don’t think it’s fair to state it so very bluntly and to conclude that she’s ruined her looks forever. (Which they don’t state outright, to be fair.) She’s 49, she’s not going to look the same as she did 20 years ago no matter what she does. That’s normal, but she would look better with a little added weight, and it looks like she’s headed there.
Demi still hasn’t changed her Twitter handle from @mrskutcher. She recently tweeted that all the good names were taken.
I can’t feel bad for her. She does this stuff to herself. She found a guy who was much younger than she was, and expected everything to be peaches. She tries to party like her daughters, and acts out like a spoiled child. I will never feel bad for someone who constantly self destructs even though there are people trying to help her.
All the “good twitter names are taken?” First of all, why is this even a priority? She acts like a tween instead of a middle-aged mother of three.
And how about using …Demi Moore? (I know I’m not the first person to suggest this).
Her statement shows she’s not ready or willing to move forward. I don’t feel pity, she’s an idiot. We’ve all been dumped or broken up with someone. AND the fact that she’s so broken up over that d-bag (for lack of a better word) shows how messed up she is. You haven’t lost a wonderful, caring guy who put your well-being before all. You’ve lost a d-bag who’s interested in himself first, last and possibly always.
Come on woman, nut up.
I feel like signing on as @more_demi_moore and tweeting for her. Eh who am I fooling I can barely tweet as myself.
i guess it is extremely hard to change fame whoring ways. it must be so addictive.
her going back on twitter, keeping the same name, and tweeting photos of herself again, doesn’t give me much hope that she is really ready for a new direction.
i would have liked to see her quit twitter, get the divorce, keep a low profile, and see a few candid pics of her with more weight, that outdated long hair cut, less make up, no tan, etc.
Poor Demi is delusional. Please Demi just grow up! You are going to be entering into the most freeing decade of your life…that is 50! Embrace it and find someone nearer to your age than your daughters. As much as you might try…time simply does not travel backwards…that we know of anyway.
I dunno gang, I am starting to belive more and more that she is totally batshit crazy, and that Ashton ran for his life.
ITA.. ‘all the good names were taken’ really??? It’s pathetic. She just won’t let go.
totes agree!!!
I also agree. I’m starting to wonder how many times he may have awakened to the sight of Demi’s face right in his … hanging over him, staring, clutching, watching him as he slept. Yeah, I’d run too.
If Ashton was as big a douche as everybody (including her PR people) were claiming, anyone in their right mind would be celebrating the divorce, moving on, getting better and getting over it … not turning into a stick, frantically partying, and generally flaking out. Wait, did I say “in their right mind?”
I still think menopause has a LOT to do with this. It’s stressful enough by itself. To go through meno and divorce at the same time must be hell.
I did it. It doesn’t make you braindead. Geez.
I’ve never really liked her, but am rooting for her to get better, and GROW UP. Hanging onto to nonsense like “Mrskutcher” is not healthy or wise – she needs to take every step possible to move on with her life and be a good role model to her daughters.
Well, theres a perfect example of “rational thinking” for you…jeez.
This woman is beautiful. She just needs to stop messing with her face and body and date a guy her age. I’ll never understand the cougar thing (or the more socially accepted male version) because (and this is from experience) dating someone significantly younger than you only emphasizes how much older you are. I never felt older than when I dated young, its a vicious cycle of “trying to pull it off”. Not worth it.
What’s more pathetic is the pity festival with Oprah. Move on! This doesn’t make me feel sorry for you it just makes think you’re a grown-ass woman that acts like a high schoole girl
There must be something about Hollywood that stunts people’s emotional growth.
It’s time for Demi to come to terms with the reality of aging.
This will sound harsh, but how stupid is she, exactly? You marry a self-centered actor 15 years younger than you, and then you have a nervous breakdown when he *gasp* turns out to be a poon-hound and a douchebag? This is like women who marry big-time athletes (Vanessa Bryant and Elin Woods, I’m looking at you) and are then surprised when the athlete is unfaithful. Please.
This is… sad.
She is beyond pathetic to me.
Of course you found an excuse not to change your married name Demi. Desperately clinging onto it shows how you are still delusional and your red carpet photos show you are still anorexic. Face it, rehab and kabbalah aren’t helping you, maybe the big O can.
Afr u fucking kidding me!
There’s something really weird about her teeth; looks like she’s wearing dentures. I know she probably isn’t, but it seems like her upper teeth are just too big for her mouth. Does anyone else thinks it’s weird we never see a hint of her lower teeth when she smiles? It looks…. off.
The fact that she asked people on Twitter(!) to give her suggestions for a name! C’mon !
Grow up. Next thing you know she is going to be asking people what to wear….
She still doesn’t want to accept control and responsibility for herself.
You’re very right jenfem, her teeth are too long and just look wrong for her face. I can’t recall her original teeth but these are definitely veneers.
Didn’t she tweet a photo of herself without front upper teeth?
Yes she did. I thought that was an odd thing for a Hollywood star to do.
Yeah, I noticed that a while ago that those teeth look off – they’re so long -and they age her too because they do have the old-time denture look.
I honestly do not see the appeal of twitter.
Holy sh**! Check out those photos from Lainey Gossip. WTF has she done to her face now? She looks sub-human.
Im glad she has a strong women to talk to and give her advice. She needs it.
She is a pathetic joke of a woman. No sympathy here! Grow the hell up!
I don’t get the big deal about her. She was only a mediocre actress married to Bruce (love him). Dumbo marries a young tweeting twit – what did she expect? Get over your young wanna-be sorry self! I’m sick of her riding coat-tails. What has she done lately as an actress? – Nothing!
Those gigantic beaver veneers look ridiculous. Girl needs to chill now.
You guys are so mean! Calling her pathetic is really harsh. No doubt shes got issues but no wonder! Look at the way people speak of her 🙁
Wow, what a lot of hate for Demi in the comments! Cruiz2 doesn’t ‘get the big deal about her’ (really? you have no idea how huge Demi was in the early 90s, her Vanity Fair cover, bratpacker movies, highest paid actress for a time etc), various people say she should’ve known better to marry a younger guy, that she’s a middle aged mom of three etc etc.
Marrying someone younger does not mean he’s going to automatically cheat on you. Being a middle aged mom of three does not mean you have to get fat, make no effort to look good, and that you can’t still have fun in life. Oh, and you can still have long hair. There’s nothing ‘outdated’ about long hair.
I sign off on most of what you’ve said, but on one point . . . she didn’t just marry younger she married a greasy playboy. Susan Sarandon pulled off a “marriage” to a much younger man for decades. Honestly, age difference or not, marriages based soley on sexual attraction are probably just not a good idea.
You guys are harsh and unsympathetic. I don’t want to justify Demi’s behaviour, of course this woman has huge self-esteem issues, of course everybody but her seems to see what’s going on. But do you really think that collective contempt is going to help her?
I’d like to compare Demi’s situation to that of a victim of domestic violence and other people’s reactions to it. Domestic violence victims often get the ‘Why did you not just leave? How stupid can one be?’ treatment. People, don’t talk about things you don’t understand.
If you can’t empathize with what it means to think of yourself as absolutely worthless, not worth of being treated right, as DESERVING to be treated like shit – please don’t judge.
Girlfriend needs a couple of years of good therapy. What she does not need is people telling her she’s stupid and pathetic. She will take it right in and that will be it.
It wasn’t the age difference that was the problem. Someone cheated. Adults young and old cheat and age is never a factor. I hope she starts the process of getting over him, lord knows I feel her pain. It’s hard when you love someone who cheated on you, probably more than once. I’m tired of the “he was too young for her” crap.
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