Henry Cavill: ‘They can troll on the internet forums … as long as I’m entertaining’

Henry Cavill

Look, it’s Henry Cavill on the cover of Empire Magazine! It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for Man of Steel to hit theaters, right? June 14 is apparently the date, but Henry seems as eager as anyone else to unleash this version of Superman upon the world. This reboot is tricky for several reasons, not the least of which is pairing a director (Zack Synder) who favors the surreal with a screenwriter (David S. Goyer) who, according to Empire, made it his mission to “approach Superman as if it weren’t a comic book movie, as if it were real.” These polar-opposite perspectives might explain why it’s so weird to see a weepy, emo Superman who used to be a longshoreman. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see how Man of Steel turns out when it arrives. If anything, I suspect that Cavill’s performance will be spot on, and the problem (if any) will reside within the filmmakers’ realm of power. Still, Henry is feeling the pressure from all corners of the internet, and he has a word for the fanboys/fangirls. The Empire interview isn’t out yet, but here are some excerpts from a related chat with Belfast Telegraph:

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill, the star of Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot Man of Steel, had never really done anything on that level of magnitude before and has spent the last several months of his life under the microscope and spoke about the experience.

In a brief, audio interview Cavill talked about the challenge of not reacting to all of the public comments and “being under the microscope.”

“If I were to take everyone’s comments to heart then of course, I think it would be [difficult],” Cavill said.

“There’s very hurtful stuff out there and wonderful stuff too, so I’d be thrown between having an enormous ego and a very small, crushed one. So it’s one of those things where it’s all part of the entertainment. It’s going to happen, people are going to talk and that’s great. If people are talking, they’re being entertained in one way or another, so carry on.”

The British star of “The Tudors” says he focuses on what’s really important to him.

“It is a microscope and you’ve just got to remember that the people who are really important to you in your life–when they’re inspecting you under a microscope and finding flaws, that’s a really bad thing…but everyone else, they’re fully entitled to their opinions. They can fire away, they can troll on the Internet forums, whatever they want and good for them. As long as I’m entertaining, I’m entertaining.”

[From Global Dispatch]

See? Henry is just fine. He’s got a healthy attitude about comic-book fandom and the inherent criticism that resides therein. Fans can get awfully punchy about little things like “continuity” — just ask the people behind X-Men: First Class, which turned out great despite the fanboy kertuffles.

On another note, it’s kind of nice to not have to worry about Henry because he’s not wallowing in the midst of a breakdown/existential crisis like Chris Evans when things are bound to turn out fine anyway. Henry seems to realize that there are a lot of factors involved with the success of failure of Man of Steel, and all he can really do on his end is do his job. And look really good while doing it.

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill

Photos courtesy of Empire, Fame/Flynet, and WENN

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38 Responses to “Henry Cavill: ‘They can troll on the internet forums … as long as I’m entertaining’”

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  1. BooBooLaRue says:

    Mighty fine.

  2. lylaooooo says:

    oohh i remeber him on the tudors!! *.*

    • Elceibeno says:

      He looked extremely good in the first season of the tudors. His goatee is sexy

    • LittleDeadGirl says:

      I loved him on the Tudors!I hope he does a good job and they save Superman from being a snorefest.

      He’s very cute in the first pic. I don’t get why he looked a bit like a meathead the last few pics I’ve seen of him so its nice to see him looking lean and good again.

  3. aims says:

    Marry me Henry. I love your whole vibe, you’re a really cool guy.

  4. Mirella says:

    Unf. He’s so delish.

  5. Abby says:

    Hot. He’s been hot since the Count of Monte Cristo to me. Can’t wait till June!

  6. Jenna says:

    Well the last Superman sucked so hard, that this one will automatically be better.

    And every time I see him, I think of his character on ‘The Tudors’ and I blush a little…

  7. Axis2ClusterB says:

    Goodness, he’s pretty. And seems like such a cool guy.

  8. Samantha says:

    I love how low-key and intelligent he seems. Let’s hope he stays that way!

    • Lucinda says:

      Yes. He seems to understand he’s an actor and entertainer. Not someone saving the world. It’s just a movie.

  9. Simona says:

    So hot on The Tudors, but the Superman thing is not doing it for me.

  10. Gine says:

    I think he’s so bland and generic looking. He seems nice, but he doesn’t do anything for me.

    • FassDaActor says:

      ^^I feel the same way but he seems like a nice guy. I wish him well. He has big shoes to fill.

  11. Malaney says:

    I used to fancy him so much but he is starting to look too American for my taste.

  12. NeoCleo says:

    Absolute male beauty.

  13. Miss Kiki says:

    Henry used to be quite the biscuit tingler for me but lately it seems to be drying up. I mean I’m not blind he’s a good looking fella but he just doesn’t *do it* for me anymore. I’m mourning the loss of our love.

    • Christina says:


      He was jaw-droppingly gorgeous on ‘The Tudors’ but ever since he’s been a bit meh. That same blank expression in every pic, and the gorgeous body hidden in boring suits. He lacks charisma and presence, so maybe he’s one of those men who’s only really fanciable with his clothes off?

      • Miss Kiki says:

        You’ve got it, he lacks charisma. I’m sure he must be in excellent shape at the moment, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed but I’d probably fall asleep during the deed. A poster abover also said it well ‘He’s so bland and generic looking’ . The thing is when did this happen? When did he lose the hot? Is this contagious? Are other once hot men going to become mediocre looking overnight?

      • Christina says:

        @Miss Kiki,

        Good question. Maybe he’s one of those men who will only ever be fanciable in a certain role. Maybe ‘The Tudors’ was to Cavill what ‘Gladiator’ was to Russell Crowe? Then again, Crowe is naturally jowly and pig eyed, whereas Cavill really is both facially and physically gorgeous, so I dunno.

        Even in the later episodes of ‘The Tudors’ I found myself going off Cavill and fancying some of the other actors more. I think in Season One and Two he was mostly naked, and when you’re looking at THAT body, you don’t pay attention to much else. But because he’s such a terrible actor, his lack of personality failed to compensate for having to keep his clothes on and grow a fugly beard in later episodes.

        These days, he’s looking very Ken-dollish. Not hot.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I hear that. I also feel the same about Askars. Beautiful, beautiful boys, but so dreary and bland. I had a similar experience with the Tudors. I’m afraid all that man has going for him is the hotness. HJ/DDL/RDJ/Ewan et al, are forever dongs because as well as being utterly lovely to look at, they also ooze charisma and confidence. You can’t fake that – it’s something a man either has or doesn’t have.

  14. Maxybabe says:

    Lush!!!!Not a massive fan of the Fifty Shades books tbh, but I deffo think Henry would be rock on, 100% bang right, get in there FANTASTIC as Christian Grey. Especially in the tux photo face on! Think there is a lot of twitter buzz about him getting the part, I think he would be perfection. He is one fine looking man fo shiz!!

  15. Reece says:

    Is it weird that I like the airport pics more than the tux?

  16. Lauli says:

    Lovely but I find him a mediocre actor.

  17. Ms Kay says:

    Henry… Oh Henry… <3 <3 <3 <3

  18. rose says:

    He sshould get Gina to kick their asses lol

  19. MonicaQ says:

    (incoming nerd) People were mad at X-Men: First Class because it derailed from the Marvel 616 universe. I was one of those people that went, “Nice superhero movie. It wasn’t an X-Men movie” just like I did with Star Trek. I can just divorce myself from it and keep my own happy little universe and I’m fine with it.

    I’m not a DC girl and I’ve always found Superman too OP (Over Powered) but that’s because he was designed that way back in the early 20th century. Either way, I haven’t liked a Superman movie since Superman II so we’ll see how this works out.

    Oh and he’s bland looking. Not hot but not le busted either.

  20. grabbyhands says:

    He and Askars have the most adorable little overbites. Also, he is beautiful and he is the only reason I will pay money to see Superman. I wish Empire wasn’t so expensive in the US. They have the best covers.

  21. peaches mcdooby says:

    so glad he dumped the horse whipper….now he’s all mine

  22. AustinMJ says:

    that last picture makes me want to lick him like an ice cream cone.

  23. KellyinSeattle says:

    he reminds me a bit of Rob Lowe, in the face. Gorgeous Superman!

  24. Jay says:

    He is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandsome. But this new Superman movie looks like it’ll be pretty awful.