Anne Hathaway & Adam Shulman are expecting, she’s in her second trimester


Yay! It’s a good day to be an Anne Hathaway Apologist. I do like Annie, truly. (In small doses.) Anyway, Annie and her husband, Skinny Jeans McGee Adam Shulman, are expecting their first child together. E! News broke the news and E! has the exclusive photo of Anne’s second-trimester bump – go here to see.

Anne Hathaway is preparing for the role of a lifetime: motherhood! The 33-year-old Oscar winner is pregnant, two sources have confirmed to E! News exclusively. This will be the first child for the actress and her 34-year-old producer hubby Adam Shulman, whom she wed in 2012.

“Anne is in her second trimester and feeling great!” one of the sources told E! News.

Speculation first began swirling that Hathaway is expecting a baby after the actress appeared to be sporting a fuller figure—and what looked like the first signs of a baby bump—at the London premiere of her forthcoming film The Intern in September. She sported a larger bump while out and about with her husband in Beverly Hills this week.

[From E! News]

People Magazine confirms the news, although they’re just going off of E!’s reporting. Still, after seeing Annie’s bump, I’m sure it’s really happening. Anne and Adam were married in late September 2012, and there was a lot of speculation that year and the year following that Anne was knocked up. But she waited until now. Congrats to Anne and Adam! I can’t wait to see what kind of special bejeweled hand-web Adam, a “professional jewelry designer,” makes for Anne to celebrate.

These are some of the most recent photos we have of Anne – she was filming Colossal in Vancouver in October. She was probably two or three months along in these pics. That’s an awful wig too.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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53 Responses to “Anne Hathaway & Adam Shulman are expecting, she’s in her second trimester”

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  1. word says:

    Congratulations to them ! I love it when married couples wait a few years before having kids. They should enjoy being newlyweds before bringing a baby into the mix (just my opinion).

    • qwerty says:

      The common order of things I notice lately is to have a kid and then wait a year or two before getting married.

      AH’s bump has been visible for months btw, can’t believe the rags didn’t get on it sooner.

    • Seriouslynow says:

      They “SHOULD”?
      Ok Queen of All Things Marriage…

      • Miss Grace Jones says:

        She literally wrote ‘in my opinion’ meaning she wasn’t speaking for every body. Chill.

      • word says:

        @ Seriouslynow – did you not see the part where I wrote “just my opinion”? Calm the eff down.

        @ Miss Grace Jones – THANK YOU !

    • Loulou says:

      Personally, I agree with you Word. I feel like there’s a lot of excitement you miss out on when kids come first.

    • EN says:

      Given the trend of people getting married later and later I think the reality is most couples over 30 shouldn’t wait long if they want to have children, and especially if they want more than one.

      They already had their fun in their 20s at that point..

      • Kate says:

        @ EN

        I wish I could say my twenties have been fun, but I’m staring down thirty in a few months and my twenties, relationship-wise, were nothing short of unfulfilling hell.

  2. Ange says:

    I’m surprised skinny jeans mcgee had the juice – surely they were all strangled to death?

    I kid, I kid. Congrats to them.

  3. paola says:

    Ahhh so it’s not true that skinny jeans make you infertile!

  4. antipodean says:

    Mazel tov to Annewivanee, and Skinny Jeans McGee, let the gushing speeches commence. Is this a pre Oscars run up baby? What awards is she after now?

  5. Hoopjumper says:

    Congrats to Anne! Glad she’s feeling well, seems like everyone I know is having a rough time with morning sickness.

  6. Miss M says:

    Congrats to the couple!
    Well, well, well.. Those of us we noticed she was glowing a couple months ago were right! As of right now, I have guess correctly: Kerry W., Stacy Keibler (Pobre), Keira K., Carrie M… who else?
    I just reread this and it sounds creepy. LOL
    I do have a life, people. I swear! I can’t help noticing babybumps and the glow they bring.

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    That’s sweet! Congrats!

  8. JenB says:

    (It came true!)

    All jokes aside, I’m really happy for them! That’s awesome! She looks lovely and glowing. Congrats to the parents-to-be!

  9. Cupcake says:


  10. Bridget says:

    So, basically someone just noticed that she’s clearly pregnant?

  11. lila fowler says:

    Well he needed a job, so now she’s going to give him one.

  12. Emma - The JP Lover says:

    I didn’t love Anne at first and really found her annoying. But then I saw Anne in “Rachel Getting Married” (the film for which she was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar) and I finally ‘got’ her and realized that she was the ‘real deal.’ Anne can act and she has screen presence. I don’t understand the Anne hate, but everyone has a right to their opinion.

    I am every happy for Anne and her husband! 🙂

    • FLORC says:

      She was perfect on that movie!
      Gratz to them, but if she shares too much it’s on.

    • Mayamae says:

      I like her. I think she takes roles that are different from the last. She plays the homely goofy dork and the arrogant beauty, and everything else in the middle.

    • hoopjumper says:

      I had the exact same thing. Once you get “Oh, she’s actually a super-talented actress” it at makes sense. Even “The Intern”, to some degree, makes sense.

      I also have a soft spot for a fellow Jersey girl. 🙂

      • qwerty says:

        Just saw her in the Homeland parody yesterday. That was not a talented actress. She was terrible.

      • FLORC says:

        She’s a miserable actress most of the time. Her roles are all variations of the same and you’re all too aware you’re watching Anne Hathaway over a character she seems believable as.

        With exception to most of her early work where she was quite good. Now it’s her trying too hard or phoning it in. Maybe a 1 out of 5 is ok, but factoring in group casts where other actors carry a film… She tries.

    • Jayna says:

      She’s an excellent actress. Yes, she was really good in Rachel Getting Married. And I loved her in Brokeback Mountain and most everything she does. Even that bad Nicholas Sparks movie, One Day, was bearable because of her. There was just something about her in the movie I loved.

      I also loved her in Becoming Jane depicting the early life of English author Jane Austen.

    • lucy2 says:

      I hated Rachel Getting Married SOOOOO much, but Anne was fantastic in it. I think that was when I too realized how talented she is.

      Congrats to them! I remember a couple of months ago someone posted links to photos that definitely showed a bump, I’m amazed the press is just now writing about it. Good for them though.

  13. sweetiepies says:

    I went through a phase in which I couldn’t stand Anne. Just found her cloying. But then at the Oscars hosting with James Franco, I saw her be so helpless and vulnerable, as though she was basically screaming, “PLEASE LIKE ME,” and I felt bad for her up there in front of a billion people. I felt compassion. I sorta realized she’s just insecure and what’s wrong with that? From then on, I liked her, and to be honest she’s always pleasant and nice in interviews, and is always positive minded, and I don’t mind her acting at all (she brought me to tears in Les Mis). It must have been incredibly hurtful to have the Internet turn on you, as it did a few years ago. Especially since she’s so nice all the time! Congrats to them! I think Anne is going to be a great mother.

  14. Tiffany27 says:

    Congratulations to them!!!!

  15. What's inside says:

    Smart lady, good actress, wife and now going to be a mother. She has it all going on.

  16. Jayna says:

    i’m so happy for her. I’m such a big fan of Anne’s. My sister and I saw her in The Intern last weekend. We really enjoyed it. She and Robert DeNiro were good in it. She can really elevate a movie. And it’s a hit.

    She and Adam must be over the moon.

    • Emma - The JP Lover says:

      @Jayna …

      I think Anne has a wonderful singing voice as well.

      After I saw “Rachel Getting Married” I went back and watched or re-watched all of her films. I have a confessional to make. (Blush) “Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement” is one of my guilty pleasures. I LOVE that movie and will usually plop it in the DVD player when I’m feeling a bit blue and it perks me right up. 🙂

      • Jayna says:

        @Emma, I’ve always been an unabashed Anne Hathaway fan. She not only is a great actress, but she radiates onscreen, something few actresses have these days.

        I have an older teenage niece, and she spent the night with us one night. She and I stayed up late to watch a movie and watched One Day. Okay, it’s a cheesy Nicholas Sparks movie based on one of his books. But as I was watching it, Anne was mesmerizing on screen, even as a messy geek just graduating college lost and as she blossomed over the years in the movie. Even in that weak of a movie, there wasn’t one false note in her acting and was just lovely with with her pale skin and dark hair (many lengths in the movie) and eyes that show such emotion. My niece even cried at the end.

        I remember seeing her in Brokeback Mountain and stunned that the actress in Princess Diaries took such a bold move in her young career with that character, and she pulled it off.

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Jayna, who wrote: “I remember seeing her in Brokeback Mountain and stunned that the actress in Princess Diaries took such a bold move in her young career with that character, and she pulled it off.”

        Agreed. Anne hasn’t allowed herself to be pigeonholed into one kind of role. I applaud and admire her for that.

      • Clairej says:

        Emma – me too!! I love both movies, but especially the 2nd. My daughter and I cannot pull ourselves away. I also kinda like Ella Enchanted. Anne is so very pretty – like a fairy princess. I hated that movie with Jake G though. It was terrible, an embarassment.

    • neha says:

      One Day isn’t a Nicholas Sparks movie! David Nicholls wrote it.

  17. OTHER RENEE says:

    Wow, a Hollywood couple that got married before starting a family! Imagine that! Good for them.

    • lisa2 says:

      Well there are a lot of “Hollywood couples” and just regular people that got married before having kids.. then got divorced.. Just as there are couples that had kids first then got married and are still together.

      not sure why ‘good for them” is the given phrase. The order by which you do things doesn’t always determine if things are going to work. Time will tell.

      Congrats to her and her husband.

  18. Sara says:

    Wow! Anne’s hubby sure love his skinny jeans. He reminds me of a younger feminine Justin Theroux.

  19. Rockin Robin says:

    I am very happy for her.

  20. Chaucer says:

    Hooray! I am pregnancy twinsies with someone I like!

    • Dinah says:

      James is thrilled to take full credit for impregnating Anne to make up for his coldness towards her on stage many moons ago.

  21. Tania says:

    Congratulations to them. Hopefully the baby will look like her.

  22. prissa says:

    Wow!! She is radiant in that pic with the colorful dress!! I’ve never thought she was that beautiful. More like plain pretty, but pregnancy really agrees with her! Congrats!!

  23. prissa says:

    So I guess she wasn’t pregnant in the pic with the dress. She looks great there anyway lol!

  24. JenniferJustice says:

    I knew it! She had a bit of a belly in last week’s pics, but I didn’t want to start the baby bump thing. Good for them.

    In straight on pics, her husband looks like Ryan Gosling.