Nina Dobrev covers the September issue of Harper by Harper’s Bazaar and is a guest editor, whatever that means. They dressed her like one of the Hadid sisters (I think Bella) with a mix of sporty styles and high fashion. I love that look so much and wish I was young enough to pull off a sports bra with jeans and a gorgeous coat. I would have been all over that look at their age. So she was well styled and they didn’t do a cheesy theme shoot like you see too often in these editorials. Her interview is interesting in that she’s somewhat candid, upbeat and political, probably because she brought her little dog, Maverick, a border collie–Australian shepherd mix, with her to the pub restaurant where they did the interview in NY. People are usually more chatty when they have their dogs with them. Nina went off on Trump at one point, which was nice to read. (Note: in an earlier version of this story I thought she was half-admitting that she didn’t get a chance to vote, which is how she phrased it. Thanks to those of you who pointed out that she’s Canadian and can’t vote in the US elections, which was not mentioned in the story.)
She grew up poor and her mom called the local thrift shop “Versace”
“Eventually I got to go to an actual Versace fashion show and sit in the front row. And now I go to vintage stores on purpose. It’s funny how your perspective changes.”She went backpacking alone in Europe and East Asia and she loves skydiving, bungee jumping, etc
“My rule of thumb is, I’ll try anything once. I have a healthy—or possibly unhealthy—obsession with trying things for the first time. Nobody imagines me to be by myself backpacking, so they just think, ‘It can’t be her.'”On her roles since Vampire Diaries
“The things I want to do aren’t necessarily the things that are expected of me. I don’t want to play a teenager anymore. I want to play adult roles and be challenged and work with great filmmakers and tell incredible stories, and that has meant being really picky.”She goes off on Trump and then half admits she didn’t get a chance to vote
“Hopefully he’ll get impeached. Or indicted. Or both. He just doesn’t act like a president. He acts like a reality star on a terrible, horrible show that should never be aired. And he’s responsible for incredibly important decisions for the country that I live in, so my opinion does matter whether or not I had a chance to vote. Whenever I did one of those posts [supporting Hillary], I was inundated with negative comments, some of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen written. But I’m entitled to my opinion, and if you don’t want to see the things I’m saying, don’t follow me.”
It’s kind of a no-brainer now to speak out against Trump, but there are still celebrities who refuse to say anything, who haven’t taken a firm stand either way. Also, if you look at the photo below of Nina with Maverick, she looks totally different with less makeup, right? She said that people didn’t recognize her when she was hiking around Europe and maybe that’s why. She has a very “girl next door” look when she’s not all made up.
Also, I’m reminded of the fact that Nina dated Ian Somerhalder, her costar on The Vampire Diaries, from 2011 to 2013. I wonder if she sees him all coupled-up with Nikki Reed with the two of them practically smothering each other on social media and feels relieved. That probably feels like a lifetime ago to her though, she’s 28 and has dated a few guys since. The last we heard she was seeing Glen Powell, the hottie who played John Glenn on Hidden Figures.
Nina is next starring in the Flatliners remake, out on September 29th.
photos credit: Jennifer Livingston for Harper
She actually gets along very well with both Ian and Nikki, judging by their social media. I didn’t watch VP but I like Nina. These pictures are lovely.
She’s Canadian, she cannot vote in the US. Unless she has the US citizenship but I doubt it.
I believe Nina is Canadian, so she wouldn’t be able to vote.
OOh crap I needed to research that, I’m changing this and will edit the story thanks for pointing that out.
she is Canadian 🙂 I’ll always remember her from her Degrassi days! just as I’ll always think of Drake as Degrassi’s Jimmy !
She is she’s another Degrassi alum
Another remake???? NO. STAHP!
Um, I’m Canadian and she would have been notified when, where and how to vote in Canada for our elections. If she didn’t vote and fulfill what I consider her civic duty I have an issue with that. You can’t point the finger at others if you don’t participate in your own political process. She can have an opinion, but she needs to know that people are going to call her out on her hypocrisy.
She never said anything about not voting in Canada but that she couldn’t vote in the US because she’s not a citizen.
Edit: sorry, you may have been calling her out on not voting in the US – but again, she’s not a citizen there.
Her statement was ‘ so my opinion does matter whether or not I had a chance to vote.’ That sounded to me as if wherever she’s registered (I thought it was Canada) she might not have voted not that her citizenship status prevented her. That wasn’t clear to me from that statement.
She was referring to Trump though, not Trudeau. No mention of participating in Canadian elections.
Her statement was ‘ And he’s responsible for incredibly important decisions for the country that I live in, so my opinion does matter whether or not I had a chance to vote.’ . She was talking about Trump before she said this statement and she lives in USA, so clearly she was talking about the US election.
I like Nina. She seems down to earth and like a decent human being who happens to be super pretty. I hope she finds much success outside of the VD, which was a guilty pleasure of mine. Very talented actress but if she doesn’t seek out much meater roles, she will get pigeonholed in those teen movies. Good luck girl and no one likes Trump…only racist, sexist pigs!
I LOVED TVD until the moment she left. She was so good. I don’t blame her for leaving, I blame the show for staggering on for 2 more years without her.
I think part of that might be because she looks SO young. Like, well younger than 28. Hopefully she’ll age into meatier roles if she ever stops looking like an ageless vampire.
The Celebrity Apprentice America Reality show needs to come off the air. It’s exhausting and embarrassing all of the people of good heart in America.
I love her. She’s lovely and fun and such a free spirit. I wish more people in LA took her seriously, I miss seeing her in stuff!
Love her.
She was posting about Trump during early 2016 and posting John Oliver’s ‘Make Donald Drumpf Again’ segment to her millions of followers which summed up Trump’s racism, misogyny, corrupt business ties and his character.
She’s tweeted about LGBT rights and immigration rights being threatened under Trump before the election.
She was also tweeted at Trump directly regarding woman’s rights after the hollywood access tape.
Close to the election he was urging her followers to support Hilary and after the election, she was vocal about the nightmare Trump would be.
And a few weeks ago, she was tweeting about Trump’s transgender ban.
She’s making sure she voices her dissent to the sh*tshow we have as president even though she isn’t a citizen of this country.
He’s run the whole election and presidency so far like a reality show. The most controversial contestant gets all the attention and cruises to the end, and even though everyone hates them, they can’t get rid of them. There’s a constant change of characters, with new contestants being introduced regularly, and frequent new storylines created to keep viewers’ interest up. The show is all about the one person, and as much as the audience hates it and can’t stand that person, they can’t stop watching. And if you think this season’s bad, wait until next season when an even lower quality of contestants apply…
Seriously, think about who we’re going to get on offer next time.
Plenty of product placement too.