Lena Dunham was canceled long ago. She’s a narcissist, a racist and a fraud. She went dark for about a month and a half, immediately following her series of public statements where she accused Aurora Perrineau of lying about being raped. Perrineau said she was raped by Lena’s friend Murray Miller, and the police are investigating the criminal act. It was a difficult story already, but Lena made into The Lena Dunham Show, and after that, no one had any time for her.
I guess she thought that six weeks “away” was good enough and that now people are ready to care about her breakup. She and Jack Antonoff apparently broke up last month, only they just announced this week, right when Lena was being called out for attaching her name and face to the #TimesUp initiative when she only showed up for a photo-op. In case you couldn’t tell, Lena is ready for some sympathy. Not the kind of sympathy one would give to a young rape victim, of course. The kind of sympathy one would give to a listless, overgrown woman-child who has to put all of her feelings on social media.
Lena Dunham is addressing her split with Jack Antonoff. E! News exclusively revealed on Monday that the Girls star and her musician boyfriend had ended their relationship after five years together. Then on Tuesday, Lena went on Instagram Live and broke her silence on the split. After thanking everyone for their supportive messages in the Live video, she shared that she’s wearing a ring that Jack gave her.
“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends,” Lena said. “Things can be ‘you’re a drop of water and you re-enter the ocean.’ Anyway, I really love you all and I’m really thankful for the support, really thankful for the love.”
Lena and Jack, who started dating in 2012, broke up in December, a source told E! News. “It was mutual,” the insider shared. “Jack and Lena were growing apart and it just made sense for them to end their relationship where it was.” The source went on to add, “They want the best for each other no matter what. They are both moving on.”
I mean… if you’re forcing me to care enough to form an opinion for two minutes, I’ll say that I think Lena sounds like someone who got dumped. Or she sounds like someone who gave her boyfriend an ultimatum (“we should get married or just break up”) and he chose to break up. As for “it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends…” Jesus, Lena. *headdesk* People in the “Eastern culture” get married and divorced too, and they date and breakup and have the same kinds of relationship drama as people in “the West.” But to Lena, brown and black people are so much wiser because they, like, don’t believe in beginnings and endings in relationships. So wise, y’all. She’s off to buy a Buddha figure from Pier One now.
Also: Us Weekly reports that Jack is “already seeing someone else” now. That was… fast. Even if you believe that Lena and Jack broke up last year, sources claim it just happened like 4 or 5 weeks ago. A source tells Us Weekly: “The relationship is done and he has moved on … as in he is seeing someone else.” Us Weekly doesn’t know who she is, other than she’s a “musician.” Lorde?
Some photos of Lena at HBO’s post-Globes party on Sunday. That’s not her real hair.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
Nobody cares, Lena. Now sit down and shut up.
Kaiser’s dismissive “now she’s going to buy a Buddha statue at Pier One” is the only thing that needs to be said about this.
Bye Felicia.
Yea, that was amazing, Kaiser.
That was my first thought. I would tell her “shut up and sit down.”
Lol, her face.
I LOL too.
Lmao. I know, right? A case of “she got the face she deserves,” which is more about that dead-ass, dumb-ass look in her eyes than anything
@ Shambles LMAO! That phrase “she got the face she deserves” says it all! She’s a terrible person.
I don’t want to go there because it’s low but I will say this: LOL @ her expression. MY GOD someone please tell her that open-mouthed, dead-eyed does NOT look sexy!
Hell if it doesn’t look sexy on J Lo it sure as hell doesn’t look sexy on someone like Lena.
I think that’s a good rule of thumb for most: Can JLo make it work? If the answer is no, you can’t either.
It does look sexy on JLO. Lena… Not so much.
I am thinking the bottom pic is her making her “I’m single, available, and SEXAYYY” face.
Which unfortunately reads as ‘I should have checked the date on that spicy tuna roll’.
LOL nailed it.
@neelyo thank you!!!!!
Lena Dunham is so wise that she knows exactly what she’ll be doing forever.
Hahaha! That’s awesome.
She has reached the apex of her grossness and now there’s nothing left. Next!
She turns my stomach. The self-involvement!
I have to go to the optometrist now, to see what I can do about strain due to excessive eye roll.
That reddish pink eye makeup makes her look like she needs to go to the optometrist too. Even when I have conjunctivitis, my eyes don’t look like that
Go away Lena. For good would be perferable (spotlight wise)
That second picture is priceless.
She sounds like someone who hasn’t accepted that she’s been dumped and has to try and justify her creepy insistence on wearing her ex’s ring by spouting off nonsensical BS about “western culture”.
Also, she STILL hasn’t apologized to Aurora Perrineau.
Oh, he’s totally seeing Lorde. I can feel it. Not that I’m rooting for him, because I find him as equally as insufferable as Lena. There was a reason they dated for four years.
I know, it is incredibly childish, mean and I should be above this, but I am just feeling an immense amount of Schadenfreude right now. Especially, since it became pretty clear, how desperately she wanted him to propse.
I adore Lorde, so I really hope it’s not true. Any man that dates Lena for several years is, well, let’s just say probably not a catch.
This guy also dated Scarlett Johansson! Yikes what a downgrade
He dated Scarjo and Lena?! Wow. Now I’m kind of intrigued about his personality!
She’s repulsive on every level. Sounds like she’s in denial about how the relationship ended. Whoever plunked that wig on her head hates her as much as the vast majority of the public do. I guess being the ground breaker she is, she’s doing the opposite of the break-up haircut. That second photo made me laugh out loud.
It’s the new thing: a la Kevin Spacey sauce “I’m this and that and I intent to change and grow and by the way I decided to live as a gay man”. In this case of Luna “I didnt mean to offend but hey you guys I am single and the real me is rainbow (but no Black allowed). As for “it made sense for both of them” since when does Luna has any sense?
Her rationalizations are exhausting.
As will be her future complaints about how she put the weight back on.
Is she talking about the ring because she hoped to get an engagement ring, didn’t, but is proving in some way that she really did?
She sounds so delusional. Grown ups grieve and then get on with it despite the pain. That she thinks love and relationships are a Western cultural concept is unbelievably childish and just plain idiotic.
From her tweets (around the time SCOTUS ruled for gay marriage and more recently), it seems like she was trying to get him to propose for a while but he never wanted to.
It is dumb as dirt.
I have no idea what she means by “East”.
She has a way of fetishizing people of color and their cultures.
Someone build us a Lena Double-Talk generator on the web! It would randomly use words like “Western culture” and “discourse” but mean absolutely nothing.
This is amazing. If i knew how to do this, i would.
Roflmfao @Pier One Buddha.
I know, that was the best. And who keeps wearing a ring from someone who dumped you? Doubt she dumped him or she would have been sounding off about it.
I mean, besides Mariah Carey.
Ah, the old chestnut. Western people see time and events as linear, people from some Asian cultures view it as cyclical. Everything will happen again, basically. Nothing truly ever ends, our love is eternalzzz….
Except I think the male hipster toddler is feeling really linear.
This is a genius comment. Made my day!
I second Yasmina.
On the whole, I am living for this entire comment thread.
That Western culture comment doesn’t even make sense? I feel she’s trying to sound smart and evolved. I feel a bit embarassed to have liked her and watched the first seasons of her show.
She has not apologized to Aurora…I hate to say it but if she were a white male…
This is what white female privilege is about. It’s all jokes and no big deal and a bunch of excuses.
Racism is often framed as a white male issue but it’s not.
“Racism is often framed as a white male issue but it’s not. ” Racism is framed as white male issue mainly by white women. Lauren Duca and the like. Everyone else knows about them.
If its Lorde we’ll never hear the end of it. Lena will tell us she totally doesnt care and female friendship and obviously she is above it all, totally. No one will ask but she will make sure we know.
She is so very unappealing in every way possible.
She seems to be a perpetual unsatissfied person. It must be difficult to live with herself.
But all cultures have a cultural perception of love and relationships? In this day and age, people can by and large choose the kind of relationship or style they want. I don’t understand her criticism of the ‘Western’ ideal of love?
She isn’t talking about the western idea of love, not really. She says love is eternal and should not be limited by western ideas of all things having a beginning and an end.
I hope that cleared it up.
She doesn’t understand it either. She’s just trying to sound smart and profound, yet is oblivious that NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO HER.
He’s not worthy of Lorde….that is all.
Ha, right? That’s the only thought that entered my mind.
Bitch doesn’t know enough about love in Western culture much less to philosophically ponder love in someone elses. She needs to stahp.
It is time to stop acknowledging her.
The ring thing is a bit weird. It’s over, she has to let it go. If after a 5 year relationship, my ex would start seeing someone a month after our breakup, i’d be devastated and very angry.
and the western culture comment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
That is alot of words to just say ,’ I got dumped and my ex has moved on hella fast’.
Four or five weeks ago would technically be “last year.” Since this witch seems to measure the significance of relationships in “half decades” I suppose this will be one of her GREAT LOVES this lifetime.
I’ve always found Lena exasperating and completely unappealing in every way. I never understood the fascination with her, with the cast of “Girls,” or with the show itself. After so many years of listening to her faux-enlightened racist and sexist BS, it’s nice to see her on the outside of popularity. Her parents didn’t do her any favors raising her to view herself as better and smarter than everyone around her. Maybe being forced to spend some time as a struggling, regular person will help her become a nicer person.
That’s the best her “hair” has looked in forever.
And it still looks really bad.
She’s actually someone who might benefit from light extensions or a decent wig but not with those terrible bangs.
She’s such an hypocrite.
A few weeks ago she was babbling in a lengthy post about how she was convinced her boyfriend was going to propose soon because she had eavesdropped him on the phone with her sister talking about a “ring”. It turned out he was talking about a completely different thing, so she ended up recounting the episode on Instagram (or Twitter?), trying to be self-deprecating and totally non-chanlant about that, while it was clear she was sending a thinly-veiled message to her boyfriend that she was expecting a proposal.
Now that he dumped her (we don’t know that, but it’s probably what happened) she pretends marriage is just a Western-thing and wearing a ring is not such a big deal. Sure, Lena.
Is this true? AhhhhHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh yes:
Who are these “fans” who are offering her kind words of support? That’s what I wanna know…
Her parents. They would like her to stop screaming about abandonment while hopelessly trying to look like Kate Bush singing Wuthering Heights. Also, her cats, they want her to stop, period. (Cats can’t talk, but try to tell Lena that.)
I was thinking her therapists.
As an anthropologist, shut up Lena.
lol, I said the same thing when my ex-gf dumped me. I, like Lena, was trash so we have something in common.
Can we just not cover her?
*taps chin*
How about with a table cloth?
Or a veil of silence.
UGHHH she’s so dull. I couldn’t stand her from the get-go. I remember people raving about GIRLS and I watched half of one episode and I couldn’t get into it. It reeked of lazy self-entitlement, in other words, reeked of her.
As someone in the same age group as LD, I hate that she became somewhat of a voice or a poster child for this group. I can tell you, I relate not one bit to this boring self indulged whiney biatch. Same goes for JKirke. I *sort of * enjoyed aspects of her, she appeared to have slightly more depth, but again, bitterly disappointed by her “wisdom” as well. Both these chicks need to go away.
I didn’t like the show either.
In a way, Lena is like Trump. It’s like she’s always trying to say something ridiculous and tone deaf.
In Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern cultures it’s a matter of conscience to apologize to the people we harmed. So, the only honorable thing this shameless idiot can do is to publicly, profusely apologize to the rape victim whom she called a liar, thus magnifying the burden of her pain and trauma.
I won’t hold my breath though that this shameless, self-absorbed idiot has an ounce of conscience.
Can you imagine if her ex gets engaged to this new other person soon? schaudenfraude indeed
Lena is a walking eye-roll. We are all over it.
I flipped through my Buddhist/Zen/Wiccan/Hindu/Kabbalah handbook for hipsters, and I will have you know that it doesn’t say what Lena says it says. Not even in the chapter about about blessing all relationships in an eternal light of love during the 3rd phase of the full moon on the roof of an organic herb and drum circle co-op in Greenpoint Brooklyn. Not even there so you know I think I don’t believe her.
I believe she wanted a ring and he said no way.
She sounds like Rebecca Bunch from Crazy ex-girlfriend. Like totally cray. No bueno.
Meh. I can’t stand her, but I kind of see what she’s saying here (but I don’t think it’s an Eastern/Western thing lmao). I truly love some of my exes, but more in a brother/sister way. So the love doesn’t always vanish, temporarily perhaps but if it was real love, it will eventually morph into something platonic. I’m guessing she’s about two seconds away to jetting off to India to “find’ herself. She probably has that dumb book, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ on her bed stand.