Kate Hudson is a new Weight Watchers ambassador, but doesn’t she count calories?

Kate Hudson announced a couple of weeks ago that she was planning to lose 25 pounds by this spring. She just had her third child, daughter Rani Rose, on October 2 and will have to balance caring for the baby, nursing, working and taking care of her other two children, Ryder, 14, and Bingham, 7. It’s possible, especially since her time is flexible, she has help and she was quite fit when she got pregnant. At the time of her announcement she was promoting her own health and wellness brand, Pretty Happy. However Weight Watchers has now made Kate a brand ambassador. She made the announcement to People Magazine.

The actress is the newest ambassador for WW — formerly Weight Watchers — and she’s thrilled to join the healthy lifestyle program two months after welcoming her third child, daughter Rani Rose.

“It came at a perfect time for me, because at this point after having three babies it’s like sense memory. You want to start getting back into shape and to get strong again and focus on your own personal health,” Hudson, 39, tells PEOPLE exclusively. “It’s hard when you have babies. Everyone comes before you, and you have to find that time to just focus in on yourself.”

“I don’t think it’s as much about changing anything, as it is about knowledge of the things that you love,” she says. “That’s the thing that sets it apart to me from everything else. This is about understanding your wellness. It’s about understanding your fitness activity, understanding your food, understanding the things that you love. It’s about how to balance…

“I can’t wait to start hashtagging ‘zero points’ on everything!” she says, laughing. “I went and had sushi last night and I was plugging everything in, and I was like, ‘Ooh, edamame is zero points.’ I got really excited about that. It makes it fun…

“A skinny margarita is like 5 points,” Hudson says. “I’m going to leave myself my points so I can have my margarita!”

“One of my passions in life is wanting people to live their most optimum life, whether it be in health or in happiness. And I think that one of the number one things for that is community, and finding a community that can support you,” she says. “WW is, to me, the perfect community for that…

“I am excited to walk down a street and have someone come up and say they’re a part of the community, because it means they’re doing something good for themselves, and that they want to be a part of a community that’s about something that’s really inspiring,” she says.

[From People]

I think the appeal of WW is in the community as Kate mentioned. It’s simplified calorie counting emphasizing whole foods and fiber, but it does work, it’s less gimmicky than other diet programs, you don’t have to buy their food and it’s body positive. Out of all the commercial diet programs I think it’s the best. Kate has said in the past that she counts calories and uses MyFitnessPal. WW isn’t incompatible with that, it’s just a slightly different system that isn’t free. I understand why she’s pairing with them and they are a decent company, especially after Oprah got on board. They also hired Kevin Smith to represent them! Also Weight Watchers become WW in September, but this is the first I’m hearing about it. That’s a little weird.

Here’s Oprah and Kate facetiming. Yes she’s perfect for this:


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55 Responses to “Kate Hudson is a new Weight Watchers ambassador, but doesn’t she count calories?”

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  1. Lolamd says:

    She looks like Drew Barrymore a little in the last two pics.

    • Antonym says:

      And in the video

      I was wondering if I would be alone in seeing the resemblance. I didn’t need to scroll far to find the answer – first comment. LOL

  2. Tiffany says:

    Yep, I can see this. Kate has been very open about her post partum body with each of her births.

    I have been looking for a program to help with my eating habits as I am getting older. I might look into Weight Watchers.

    • Harryg says:

      I find Dr. Berg Youtube tutorials very helpful. And I believe in eating a ton of butter and fat!

    • IMUCU says:

      I was a big calorie, micro/macronutrient counter in the past, even before apps, so that was A LOT of work. I started doing WW, not really to lose weight, but to make me more accountable about what I was eating because I’d gotten off-track, was rationalizing too often what I was eating, and to just focus more on my overall health as related to diet (plus a relative offered to gift me it for a few months since she was doing it & enjoyed it — I had nothing to “lose” by giving it a try). Well, I’m back on track and WW does work, even when I’m snacking TONS, I’m still losing weight (as an added bonus for myself since I do have some to lose) and it’s SO MUCH easier than calorie counting — I see why so many people do it. I definitely recommend giving it a try! 🙂

  3. Enny says:

    Kate is indeed a natural fit for this, despite being rail-thin and impossibly gorgeous forever, she has always given off a health-first, body-positive, earth mother kind of vibe. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that they’ve tapped Kevin for this too (although I’m not sure his veganism is very compatible, since it is very limited and part of the allure of WW is that you’re NOT limited, you DON’T HAVE TO give up anything), but I think it’s great that WW is starting to actively include men in its outreach and marketing. And the two – Kate and Kevin – complement each other well, two generally likeable celebs who are serious about not only weight loss, but just general healthy living in a non-judgy way. I personally do Kate’s usual MyFitnessPal, old school calorie-counting, it works for me, but for those who swear by WW, I also think it’s a safe, healthy way to go, and someone over there knows what they’re doing if they’re using these two, and also recognizing the potential of heavily (no pun intended) marketing to men.

    • Esmom says:

      It might be an opportunity to promote veganism as not limiting. I’m not fully vegan but I’m close (I still eat yogurt and cheese very occasionally) and I’ve never felt like I had to give up anything or that I’m missing anything.

      • Enny says:

        Yes, that’s true. It’s a myth that all vegetarians/vegans are skinny (particularly if post-partum) and don’t also from time to time have weight-loss goals. He could help shed light on the variety of vegan foods available, how to maintain a balanced diet when giving up meat/eggs/dairy, and how to incorporate the options available (since there are so many “substitute” products available now) into a program like WW that can help achieve weight loss goals. He can also show that those who want/need to take more drastic measures (like he did after his heart attack) can perhaps make faster, more sustainable progress by combining WW with a plant-based lifestyle. Good point!

    • Brittney says:

      …aghhh. This again.

      There’s nothing “limiting” about veganism unless you insist on having an animal product in every meal you consume… quite the opposite, actually. I haven’t eaten meat in 17 years or dairy/eggs in 5 years, and until these last five years… I honestly didn’t care nearly as much about cooking or gardening or seasoning or finding cool restaurants. In my hometown there are six different restaurants where I don’t have to scan the menu at all, it’s all plant-based… and hundreds more with whole menu sections for vegans and vegetarians.

      Grocery stores are overflowing with vegan food (the produce section is the opposite of restrictive; every color and shape and flavor), and you’re probably eating plenty of meals and foods that are already accidentally vegan… have you ever had a piece of fruit? Toast with jam? Spaghetti with marinara sauce? Even Oreos and Bacon Bits are vegan. If i feel nostalgic for certain meals or flavors, it’s usually a matter of a simple substitution… most recipes that call for butter can be made with oil, most meals that call for meat don’t actually need it (taco night is so fresh and delicious in my house), and meat and cheese alternatives have blown me away lately.

      TL;DR… veganism only seems restrictive and difficult if you live in a food desert (legitimate concern) or you’ve never even tried to learn about it. Can’t tell you how many meat-eating friends have told me there’s “probably nothing for you” at a restaurant… simply because they are used to browsing and choosing meat dishes. I go to the same places later, and I find a dozen options, including actual vegan burger brands and other dishes that are easily vegan without the meat or cheese on top.

      • Enny says:

        Ummm… did I not correct myself, all on my own, well before your rather unnecessary aggghhhhh, just on the basis of @Esmom’s very polite, very thoughtful, very helpful comment? You added literally nothing to the conversation besides negativity.

    • OriginalLala says:

      I’m not fully vegan yet (still eat the occasional egg) and I don’t find it limiting at all. I eat a MUCH more varied diet as an ovo-vegetarian than i did as an Omni. That being said, vegan junk food is as delicious as omni junk food and it will cause weight gain! Instead I focus on a minimally-processed vegetarian Mediterranean diet and while I’m not skinny, I have found it easier to maintain my weight eating this way.

      • Enny says:

        Yes, plant-based diets have come a long way and do not deserve the “limiting” stigma (I happily stand corrected on that), but I guess the trade-off is that so many options which are “similar” or basically vegan “dupes” of omni foods are not necessarily low-cal, which is why incorporating WW AND a plant-based diet may be very helpful for those vegetarians/vegans who still have junk food vices! So that just settles it – Kevin was an awesome choice for WW ambassador. 😊

    • Saltydog says:

      It isn’t limiting if he wasn’t eating those foods before. Oreos are vegan if you eat a whole pack that’s still a ton of calories

  4. Belle Epoch says:

    As a woman of size, I can’t relate to Kate H as a spokesperson. Nursing uses up lots of calories – plus, if that picture is the way she looks now, she doesn’t need to lose 25 pounds! But this is a good way for her to make money when she has a newborn.

    • Chaine says:

      I so agree. If that full body selfie is post-baby, where on earth will 25 lbs come from—

      • Enny says:

        I get what you’re saying, but it’s really not for us to decide what Kate’s best self is. She’s been tiny her whole life. She’s in an industry where just being “a healthy size” is incompatible with having a career. If she feels she needs to lose 25 lbs to get back to being the person she wants to be/is used to being, and the end result is healthy, I have no problem with that. That said, it would also be good to have an ambassador with goals perhaps better aligned with the average person – but in that respect, I think Kevin was a brilliant choice. He’s not looking to be an Adonis, just a guy who wants to be healthy for himself and his family. If WW hires another ambassador, though, I think you are correct that a woman with goals a little more relatable for the average woman would be a smart move.

    • Veronica says:

      You can see it in her stomach and face. We’re used to her being very angular in appearance. She’s about the same height as me, so I could see where she could pull 25 pounds off her frame. The thing is that she’s doing it to get “Hollywood” thin, which is, uh, way more demanding than what average women consider thin. No doctor would call that weight anything you *need* to lose. That is pure vanity weight loss.

      • Gigi La Moore says:

        It’s not vanity if she doesn’t feel her best at her current weight. That’s what it’s all about and it’s different for each woman.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I realize the term “vanity weight loss” may come across as judgmental, but I’m really not intending it that way. I don’t have a problem with her losing it if that’s how she prefers to look, but I don’t consider it inherently negative to call it what it is, either. Vanity in moderate quantities isn’t terrible, especially for a woman whose industry makes it a requirement.

        We’ve only attached negative connotations to vanity in women because, for some reason, we’re supposed to pretend beauty is effortless, as if all of us magically wake up in the morning with perfect skin, firm breasts, and trim waistlines. I’m trying to drop the weight I gained from complications arising from combination thyroid/GI disease, and I have no problem admitting it’s because I prefer the way I look at a size 8 than I do at a size 12. My weight is not seriously impacting my health otherwise, so it’s vanity weight loss. Simple as that.

      • Gigi La Moore says:

        Thanks for the clarification, Veronica. Makes perfect sense what you are saying.

  5. Murphy says:

    I get why, as a spokesperson, she’s flaunting the zero points foods but that’s a trap that a lot of people are falling into at WW these days. They want to shift people to eating real foods, which is great but one you make that switch it’s important to remember that they aren’t REALLY zero points.

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I want all those cutting boards.

    • Laura says:

      ikr…how many cutting boards does one person need! lol ugh now I want another cutting board🤔😅

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        I just told Mr Mabs that I need about 11 cutting boards of various shapes, sizes and widths for Xmas lmao. What’s super funny is that last week I ordered a custom cutting board to cover the stovetop from Etsy. What a cohinkydink.

  7. Ashley says:

    I tried WW after my third baby was born a few months ago. I didn’t like how it pushed me to chose more processed foods over regular foods. For example- a grande latte with 2% milk was almost half my points for the day but a artificially sweetened nonfat frap was like a point. I’m sure it works for some but just not me.

    • Anners says:

      Ya, I struggled with that, too. I always fall into the trap of choosing quantity over quality and got more highly processed foods than healthy ones (other than veggies). It also tended to make me somewhat obsessed by food. I mean, I like a lot of the tenets of WW, but it’s not the best for me.

      • Ashley says:

        I found that it made me food focused too. It just seemed to make eating so much more complicated. Maybe it’s just the time of life I’m in right now (3 young kids) but I just couldn’t click with it

  8. Doodle says:

    Having done Ww, my issue has always been that once you hit your goal weight your are left floundering on your own to figure out how to maintain it. There really has been no help in the maintenance department. Once they have your money – see you, we literally do not care about your well being. The whole “we want to help you on your journey to wellness” is a bit of a crock because on e you are “well” or have lost the weight there is nothing in place to support you and you gain it back. It has happened every time I have gone through the program. Very frustrating.

    • BaronSamedi says:

      Huh. But don’t the meetings become free once you are a Gold member? In the meeting I attend there are several Gold member who have kept their weight off for years and they are attending more religiously than me , who is still trying to lose weight!

      I also feel that once you’ve done the program for a while the healthier choices DO become sort of ingrained and it does lead to a change in lifestyle. I started working out regularly because of WW and I have never quit that even if I have fallen off the WW wagon several times and gone back to eating bad stuff.

  9. drea says:

    I’m just going to say I joined WW after I gained 25 lbs due to quitting smoking a few years ago (Yikes!).

    I LOVE this program. I lost the weight in a reasonable time-frame, kept it off and it’s so easy. I never felt like I was on a diet and it truly did change the way I eat. They have fantastic recipes and other people have their own sites that have great recipes with the points calculations done for you.

    I have no issues maintaining. WW gives you points you need to maintain, plus you get a bunch of extra points. You can also give yourself points by exercising.

    You can still eat unhealthy once in a while, you can definitely go out to dinner, but it really does help you to learn that moderation is the key. Yes, it rewards you for healthy choices, but if you truly want to lose weight and maintain, you need to be making those choices anyways.

    I know it’s not for everyone, but I can’t express how well it has worked for me!

    • Kristen says:

      Me too! I lost over 80 lbs on WW over the last year. It was easy as it can be. Now I’m in maintenance and it’s still the same struggle -not to overeat junk!

      WW is fantastic.

  10. PeggingOut says:

    I’m sure WW does good but their reputation is sullied for me.

    My 60 something SIL is a life long WW advocate (she also “works” for them as a coach and has for years)…..and I believe she has a eating disorder. She never really eats, going out for a family celebration involving food is a non event for her as she orders a small dinner salad and pushes it around her plate while sipping water.

    if she cooks a meal (which is rare) ….you know it’s going to be an over cooked chicken breast wrapped with one piece of bacon, if she brings an appetizer it’s going to be deviled eggs, (Funny side note,,,,,her husband is a tad overweight so he’s sneaking food somewhere 😎)

    She’s painfully underweight and literally sewed weights in the hem of her pants so she was pass some kind of weigh in WW requires of their coaches.

    I don’t see how an organization that she has been active in for years doesn’t see this and so some type of intervention.

  11. Myrtle says:

    Whether it’s intentional or simply uninformed, I hope people won’t fall for Weight Watchers’ misguided (some might say sinister) attempt to brand itself as a “body positive” diet program. Dieting, and diet culture in general, exist in stark opposition to the body positivity and HAES (health at every size) movements!! The multi-billion-dollar diet industry survives by reinforcing the assumption that thin is better than fat. Promoting internalized fat phobia is hardly the road to body acceptance and body positivity. (Oh, and by the way, diets don’t work. Short term, maybe. Long term, usually not. The research is clear on that.)

    • drea says:

      Eh, WW isn’t a diet. It’s a simple plan really, calories in/calories out. It really did teach me how to eat in a way that satisfies and benefits me health-wise.

      But to each his own. I felt awful when I gained the weight and feel fantastic since I’ve lost it. For me, that’s is body positivity and I owe a lot of it to WW.

      • Pandy says:

        Thanks Drea. Just signed up again today. Managed to add about 15 lbs I need to drop … I count calories but I do find it easy to continue to overeat telling myself tomorrow will be different. I like that I can see what I do to myself over a week with the app! Here goes! Me and Kate lollll!!!!

      • drea says:

        Good luck!!!

    • Dani says:

      Ww isn’t a diet. It’s a way to change your eating habits to help you make better, healthier choices.

    • Myrtle says:

      Actually, Weight Watchers IS a diet. A diet based on what is becoming an outdated model: calories in/calories out, albeit reframed and updated countless times. If you believe in it and it makes you happy, great! But for most people, in the long run, WW and pretty much all diet programs fail. I’m sorry. This is what the research shows.

      If you’re interested in learning more, check out any of the wonderful resources, websites and podcasts out there which teach a different model. You might try Googling: Be Nourished, Center for Mindful Eating, HAES, Intuitive Eating, Isabel Foxen Duke, Dear Food, Tabitha Farrar, or Brain Over Binge for starters. Or stick with WW! No shame. Love your body. xx https://rebootedbody.com/weight-watchers/

      • drea says:

        Calories in vs calories out isn’t outdated. It’s science. I don’t need to link a website to explain it. If any of those links are promoting weight loss without either cutting calories or upping your exercise (or both), they are not worth reading.

        WW is a diet when you have excess weight you want to lose. It restricts your calories to get you to your goal weight. Then it helps you maintain and it’s no longer a diet, it’s a new way of eating.
        People fail because they don’t want to stick to the new way of eating, fall back into the old habits that made them overweight in the first place.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Well…somewhat. Simplified ideals of calories in, calories out is outdated science, unfortunately. There’s a lot of newer information coming out examining other factors that influence weight loss/gain and physical build that are changing how we view nutrition, and perhaps most significantly, sustained weight loss. This isn’t to say calorie cutting and exercise isn’t effective and/or necessary for certain populations or even for most in the short term, but how our bodies metabolize, store, and retain fat over time is emerging as a more complex issue than we initially thought. It’s pretty interesting science that’s really forcing us to reevaluate how we deal with the emerging problem of obesity in contemporary society.

        This being said, I agree that Weight Watchers is perhaps more effective because it looks at both short term and long term factors for weight maintenance. It provides external validation that helps discipline certain psychological habits – which is a factor that definitely cannot be discounted as less significant than any physical consumption. Psychology is a huge part of the weight loss process, though hardly the whole of it.

      • Millennial says:

        I tend to be even *more* skeptical of mindful/intuitive eating than I am of calories in/calories out. That’s what’s pushed for people recovering from eating disorders these days (that’s me, even though I haven’t had a textbook eating disorder for over a decade) and it’s basically no different than saying, “hey have you ever tried not obsessing over food/not having an eating disorder?” Talking with other folks in the same boat, IE doesn’t work for a lot of people who have previously had disordered relationships with food.

        I’d rather stick with CICO. I know I’m not starving myself and I’m happier overall when I’m maintaining a healthy weight through calorie counting, even though that might not be considered healthy for someone in my situation

  12. LA says:

    WW is the only thing that’s ever consistently worked for me, and it’s the only plan that my personal trainers have ever been on board with. Good for Kate!

  13. Dani says:

    As someone who lost 50 lbs after having my second with Weight Watchers, I don’t understand the connection of WW and Kate Hudson. Someone who is naturally super thin and bounces back and wants to lose 25 lbs of baby weight. It’s so out of touch from their actual users who don’t have nearly half of the access to the things she has. I see no connection and am actually embarrassed by this.

    • Gigi La Moore says:

      Not sure how this is embarrassing to you. My sisters both did WW, along with a few friends. It seemed to me it’s a great plan for anyone regardless of what they may have access to. It doesn’t cause for anything special. As far as KH, it can be really difficult for a smaller person to lose weight. I’m trying to lose 7 and sometimes it seems insurmountable as my body just doesn’t want to let it go.

    • lisa says:

      Totally agree with Dani here. KH is not a credible WW spokesperson. Kevin Smith and Oprah are, though.

  14. Usedtobe says:

    I’ve never done WW but have had friends who have and I did not like the fact that they didn’t really teach how to eat. You could eat as much processed food as you wanted (premade, frozen breakfast sandwiches anyone…ick) and it was usually less points that the real version of the foods. And that you could save up all your points and overdo it in one meal if you wanted. I had friends who would not eat anything but chopped veggies (zero points) just so they could drink a ton of booze in the evenings. One lost 40 lbs this way. Still drank booze every Friday and Saturday but only ate vegetables. I don’t see anything good with this way of eating.
    I truly believe that eating real food, not processed crap and getting enough exercise is the key to any sort of healthy lifestyle.

  15. Megan says:

    It’s probably wrong to say so, but I think her fuller face looks AH-MAZING on her. If she needs to lose 25lbs to feel her best (assuming that puts her at a healthy BMI and not underweight) then I wish her the best. I lost 60 lbs last year without much difficulty by counting calories, but I haven’t been able to keep it off at all. That seems to be the toughest part.

  16. Qtpi says:

    I had moderate success on WW a few times. But I was always tempted to blow my extra points and then you blow the week and you figure what the heck I’ll try again next week. And then have a free for all until the next week starts. Also agree with previous poster that it encourages more processed foods.

    I am doing 5:2 intermittent fasting now. 2 days a week I am essentially on a diet. I just tell myself… it’s just two days a week. You can do this. Dont have to pay monthly fees, go to meetings. I have support in a Facebook group. My focus on food has subsided as well.

  17. Becca says:

    She is desperately trying to stay relevant. Now all of her oversharing makes sense. Self promotion.

  18. lisa says:

    Myrtle, it is crystal clear that you know absolutely nothing about WW, the algorithm they use for calculating points values, or anything at all about the program, which is the only scientifically-proven program that works. The people that gain the weight back are not using the program. When you use the program, it works, for a lifetime.

  19. Ann says:

    So funny! I zeroed in on the cutting boards too! You know what this photo shoot needs? More cutting boards! I’m happy she is doing this! I thought Oprah was great too.

  20. JANAK says:

    It might be because there is a huge difference in losing the baby weight at 24 then it is at 39I
    But I really think it’s for the easy money.

  21. Bottom says:

    You’d think they’d pick someone who was actually overweight