Pete Davidson covered one of his tattoos for Ariana Grande with the word ‘cursed’

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In our Gossip with Celebitchy podcast #5, I dished about dating a younger guy in the not-so-distant past. He passed the half your age plus seven rule, unlike Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale, but he was immature. I didn’t mention that he also had a lot of stupid tattoos. That came to mind when I saw this story about Pete Davidson covering up his neck tattoo for Ariana Grande with the word “cursed.” How dumb is it to 1. Get multiple tattoos for someone you’ve been dating a few weeks, 2. Get engaged to them and 3. Get the word “cursed” tattooed on you? I’m not superstitious, but it seems like tempting fate to get the word “cursed,” like even to think that about yourself. We know this because Pete’s tattoo artist shared a photo of Pete’s back after giving him a Tootsie Roll Pop Owl tattoo. The tattoo on his neck used to say “mille tendresse,” which means “a thousand tendernesses” in French and is from Breakfast at Tiffanys. [via Mashable] It was a copy of a tattoo Ariana Grande got in 2014 in the same place. But they’re not tattoo twinsies anymore. He had the word “cursed” inked over it along with a coverup. Pete got around six tattoos for Ariana and has covered up a few others as well.

I do like the Tootsie Roll Pop owl. It looks just like the owl from the commercial and is making me want a Tootsie Roll Pop, although that doesn’t take much. Also, is that a muppet smoking above it? That’s disturbing. This makes me wonder when he got the “cursed” tattoo and if it was after Kate Beckinsale. Like did she dump him after those photos of her looking embarrassed to be with him came out? I would. I would claim I’m not stupid enough to get with him in the first place but that’s probably not true given my history. I would at least keep it secret!

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photos credit: Getty and via Instagram

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25 Responses to “Pete Davidson covered one of his tattoos for Ariana Grande with the word ‘cursed’”

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  1. Clare says:

    3-2-1 till Aruana stans evicerate him for this. She’s continuously overshared and even exploited their relationship for attention and $ so if he wants to rid himself of any last trace of her from his body, that’s up to him.

    She covered up a tattoo of his dead father’s badge number with her dog’s name, for f’s sake.

    Yeah it’s a stupid tattoo to get, but frankly, with these two it’s like the stupidity olympics.

  2. zee says:

    He is too rich to have such cheap looking tattoos. But I do appreciate him, he and Ariana are the Gift that keeps on giving. I just love messy celebrity couples and their break ups.

    • SarahLee says:

      He looks like a human doodle pad.

    • Nanny to the rescue says:

      I like how he is kinda putting them in a row.

      For my tattoos, I was picking a place on my body for a long time and got them done symmetrically. ‘Casuse I didn’t know if I’ll want more and didn’t want to have a body part half done. Now him, he’s going down his back like a student writing down professor’s dictation. More to come. It’s bizarrely sweet.

  3. grabbyhands says:

    I say again, I will never get his appeal.

    Also, his back is a mess. It looks like he got drunk with his buddies and he dared them to draw stuff on his back with a sharpie.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      I wanted to ask this question! What is his appeal? I’m at a complete loss.

      • maisie says:

        Davidson has no appeal and no talent. SNL has been trying to flog him as if he were the next Bill Hader or Andy Samberg, but he doesn’t have a 100th of their comic chops or appeal. He’s like Rob Schneider or Dane Cook – a complete zero who is inexplicably shoved in everyone’s faces even though he’s unfunny and annoying as hell.

    • lucy2 says:

      It looks like my brown paper bag text book covers when I was a kid.

      I don’t get his appeal either. I certainly wish him well with his struggles, but I don’t understand the attraction.

    • whybother says:

      be careful with what you ask
      I’ve seen people get offended that some of us doesnt get his appeal
      but seriously….

  4. Mrs. Peel says:

    He’s the weakest link on SNL – always bursting out laughing, and can barely read his cue cards. Why is he even on the show?

    • Bryn says:

      Jimmy Fallon ruined every sketch he was in and look how famous he got…not sure if there’s a rhyme or reason for it

    • Cindy says:

      I’ve seen some of his stuff outside of SNL, and he was really funny. I remember he was in a Roast (I don’t remember whose) and he was the best part of it.

      I agree he’s pretty weak in SNL, but tbh, SNL has been terrible for a long time.

      • L84Tea says:

        I think it was the roast for Rob Lowe. It was whatever roast had Ann Coulter on the panel, because I remember Pete not holding back any of his disgust for her.

  5. tealily says:

    His tattoos are awful. Who gets them all lined up on their back like that? It looks so weird. At least integrate it into some kind of design.

  6. Ali says:

    I feel like there should be a 48 hour waiting period on tattoos. Possibly 72 hours for face tattoos…

  7. Enn says:

    I appreciate the quote from Rocky Balboa. (the one on the left) It’s one of my favorite quotes.

  8. K-Peace says:

    I don’t really mind Pete and wish him well in life. But i just don’t understand why anyone would do that to their body! Have more respect for yourself than to have ugly stupid-looking pictures of smoking muppets permanently doodled on your body. Just my opinion.

  9. PlaidSheets says:

    It looks like clip-art.

  10. Emily says:

    Meh. I just think for some people (especially younger people, although I’m only 35) tattoos don’t have to have a deep, complicated meaning. Especially if you have money and can get them covered or lasered off. Art is subjective. They’re not my style, but it’s not my body and I just don’t think it matters to some people.

  11. Positivity says:

    In the paparazzi pics and video, Kate Beckinsale is shielding her eyes from the camera flashes and the rain. Watch the actual video. Your commentary on anything Pete Davidson is not only negative and monotonous – it is incorrect and lazy.
    The reviews of Pete Davidson’s movie “Big Time Adolescence” focus on his extraordinary performance. Pete is writing and starring in a new movie about his life – he wrote it with Judd Apatow. Pete’s stand up shows basically every Sunday and Monday in February and March are sold out. Pete will be in the Motley Cru movie “The Dirt” due out in March. All this while coping with Crohn’s, Borderline Personality Disorder, and now very public break-up that is in the news every day due to his ex writing nearly an entire album about him.
    Now a pile on for his tattoo choices from you? What have YOU accomplished this year?

    • maisie says:

      The PR flack comes to Davidson’s rescue! Face it: Davidson is the male Lena Dunham – inexplicably rewarded with tv gigs and an indie movie even though he is highly annoying and has negligible talent. The Kate Beckinsale thing is so obviously a PR stunt it’s laughable – this woman used to be with Michael Sheen and Len Wiseman FFS. Davidson looks unwashed and if he hasn’t worn clean clothes in weeks. Bleah.

      • Justjj says:

        Say what you will about his tattoos but the man is funny and has a cute personality. I think people who complain about tattoos these days must be in the 40+ crowd. They are subjective and fun, many people don’t take them seriously.

      • positivity says:

        I have stated facts rather than opinion. I am not in PR – seeing good things in people does not require payment.
        You don’t like him? Fine. Why spit such vitriol into the universe?
        Try meditating and vibrate on a higher level – it will elevate your life and help you be more positive.
        Namaste sweet one – I wish you happiness.

  12. Lex says:

    Omg dude – faux engagement or not – you went out a few months tops. Get the f over it and stop the petty b.s.
    Move on!