Greta Thunberg is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year: good call?

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I don’t hate this? Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2019 is Greta Thunberg, the teenage environmental activist who triggers Deplorables and climate-change deniers. I realize that Time wanted to use a cover shot of Greta out in nature, but surely they could have also used the still photo of her glorious thunder-face when Donald Trump waddled into the United Nations?

You can read Greta’s POTY profile here at Time Magazine. The first quote from Greta: “We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow. That is all we are saying.”

Other notable People of the Year for Time Magazine: the athletes of the year are the US Women’s National Team in soccer. Lizzo is the Entertainer of the Year. Bob Iger of Disney is the Businessperson of the Year. And the Guardians of the Year are “the public servants.” I’m glad Bigly Trump’s fatass didn’t make the cut. Also: they posed Bob Iger with BABY YODA inside the magazine!!

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Covers courtesy of Time, photo courtesy of Getty.

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40 Responses to “Greta Thunberg is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year: good call?”

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  1. StormsMama says:

    Best choice. Forward thinking; on point. Thank you Time.

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      He’ll sprain his fat thumbs tweet-storming about these covers! Maybe he’ll stroke out over it… or most like, he’ll ask Hannity to roll it up and spank him with it.

  2. dota says:

    Both Hitler and Stalin were Time’s person of the year too. She was in the news a lot, so that is the part that counts.

    • Darla says:


    • LindaS says:

      There have been a lot of controversial Time people of the year. Sometimes that why they get picked for people of the year. For being in the news a lot. And controversy puts you in the news a lot. And thats how they often get picked.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      It’s about impact. Who made the biggest impact on our world? Some people’s impact is negative.

  3. Catwoman says:

    Maybe this will be trigger for Trump’s coronary we all know is long overdue.

  4. CJW says:

    The Hong Kong protesters should have been included.

    • Rando says:

      100% the Hong Kong protestors and those across the world like in Bangladesh and South America should have been included. Wonder if Time gets Chinese funding?

    • Arpeggi says:

      Maybe they’re waiting to see the conclusion of the protests since they are still ongoing? Although, the last elections showed a very clear message to the central party that most of HK is on the protesters’ side

      • Rando says:


        I may be ignorant, but if the criteria includes “results”, what results has Greta actually achieved aside from media attention?

        The HK protestors at least got 1 of their 5 demands resolved.

        I apologize for my ignorance if Greta has impacted getting legislation passed.

    • Whoosh says:

      Time is all about zeroing on the “heroes” and “heroines” and the one big saviour/messiah. Very juvenile and clickbaity. Greta deserves it as far as impact and media coverage goes but I think our planet is already goners. (I do not share this view in polite company, only online, so as not to offend people I know in real life, esp nice people who have kids under, say, the age of 20.) So glad I do not have kids. On the other hand, if we suspended democracy, all the countries started cooperating, and everyone switched to nuclear power or a miracle clean energy (cold fusion, zero point / the Tesla idea, or whatever) first thing tomorrow, I will eat my hat, figuratively speaking.

  5. JanetFerber says:

    dota, what the hell? She’s a great role model for girls, women and the whole damned world! I’m glad she got this honor. Valiant, kick-ass teenager fighting for the good of the planet. Damn straight they made the right choice!

    • dota says:

      Past awardees include: Nixon, Reagan, two Bushes, Newt Gingrich, Ken Starr, Giuliani, You, Trump and in 1941 the cartoon character Dumbo was going to be it but the Pearl Harbor attack knocked it off of the cover an onto the inside page.

      That last one kind of lets you see how shocking the attack was to the US that things were so boring that a Disney character was the most interesting thing going on.

      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        ALSO past awardees: Jimmy Carter, MLK Jr., Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Roosevelt, JFK and the 2002 Whistleblowers. So what’s your point, exactly?

      • dota says:

        @VaVa, if you followed the conversation my original point is that the award is for the person the media has hyped the most and not from contributions to humanity.

      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        @dota And here is my point. Why did you feel the need to say any of that other than to denigrate or diminish this young lady’s work?? Your response was literally to bring up Hitler and Stalin. We all know Time Person of the Year is essentially a popularity contest. That’s a given. However, it IS nice to see someone who is actually attempting to do something good recognized and one who is so young.

      • Amanda says:

        Dota, facepalm emoji. Greta Thunberg is not a corrupt old white guy, she is not Hitler(!), she is a young activist trying to raise awareness to save the planet. Your comparison is invalid because she isn’t at all like Nixon or Stalin. And whether you intended it or not, that comparison is really shocking and offensive. Time chooses the person who had the most effect on the world — for good or for ill. Obviously Greta is genuinely trying to help. She is not comparable ever to a mass murderer. With that said, I definitely don’t approve that Time used their platform to ever in any way hype up our vile orange criminal.

      • Megan says:

        @Dota Impact matters when selecting person of the year. Hitler and Stalin had a huge impact that could not be ignored. Greta is also having a huge impact that should not be ignored.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        It isn’t about media “hype”, the award is about who has had the most impact on our world. Greta’s impact reached the highest levels of power on the globe.

        You are trying to diminish her accomplishments, but it just sounds petty.

    • Giddy says:

      JanetFerber, I totally agree with you. In a world where a megalomaniac heads our government, kisses up to dictators, and insults our allies, I’m so glad to see this courageous young person recognized and honored. She reacts to people as I wish I could, thunder-face and all. I predict that she will someday be the Secretary-General of the United Nations, or hold some other powerful office. She’s working to make the world a better place, and to educate those too blind to see what is happening to our climate. She’s great!

  6. Well-Wisher says:

    Congratulations to Greta. She is an excellent choice. Climate change is a urgent and serious issue.

  7. Mrs. Peel says:

    The perfect choice – I can’t think of any other individual who has fought as hard as Greta – at her young age, she has created a world-wide movement – extraordinary.

  8. minx says:

    Great call.

  9. Biff says:

    While I’m happy she gets recognized for the work she’s doing, I can’t help but worry that we put to much on her. I’m also a neurotic, so I don’t always trust my worries. Good for her.

  10. Snowslow says:

    A resounding YES!

  11. Amanda says:

    An excellent choice! Honestly I’m just thankful it wasn’t freaking Trump again or freaking Ivanka.

  12. CalamityAM says:

    Should have been the protestors in Hong Kong

    • MissM says:

      Apparently they were heavily in the lead but Time chose Greta instead. She is a safe choice and Time didn’t want to upset China.

  13. Minal says:

    There are so many indigenous people who have been sounding the alarm for global warming for years, but of course, nobody listens to them. White saviour complex alive and well. I’m not shading Greta personally, because her heart is in the right place. I’m mad at the media and a world where only the word of a white person ever counts.

    • Sunya says:

      @Minal, totally agree with this. Additionally, I feel like Greta herself would agree with your point!

  14. Liz version 700 says:

    She was a great choice. I wish the picture had been of her laser eyes (aimed at ignorant world leaders such as our President), but great choices for all of the covers. I got chills reading “The Guardians.” The tweets from the President will be epically horrible after he hears about these choices.

  15. Leslie says:

    Where are the Hong Kong protesters? I voted in the online poll and the Hong Kong protesters were the only one with a majority Yes vote. Even the women’s soccer team didn’t have as big of a Yes vote as the Hong Kong protesters.

  16. SC says:

    As an Aspie myself, I’m glad people get to see, through Greta, that we can actually do and understand things and speak for ourselves. Maybe people will stop talking over our heads about the “terrors of autism coming for you chyldrun” at some point…