Melania Trump: It’s fine to cyberbully Greta Thunberg because she’s an activist

USA Xmas Tree Lighting

Last week, Greta Thunberg was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. I thought Greta was a good choice for many reasons, and one of those reasons was that Time’s choice would drive Donald Trump crazy, because he’s that thin-skinned and stupid and he cares about sh-t like “who gets named POTY.” Like clockwork, Donald Trump soon “attacked” a teenage girl on Twitter, writing that “Greta must work on her Anger Management” and that she needed to “chill.” Because he’s President Hector Projector. He was truly rage-tweeting about a teenage environmental activist getting recognized for her work.

Anyway, Donald Trump being a schoolyard bully is not news anymore. What did give the story an added dimension was the fact that he was cyberbullying a child, and one of Melania Trump’s few “causes” is Be Best, which is something about cyberbullying, especially among the youths. Melania had also recently issued a statement about how it was apparently super-improper to even mention Barron’s name in one of the impeachment hearings. And yet, Melania had nothing to say as her husband cyberbullied a teenage girl. And then Melania did issue a statement, days later, through her spokesperson. Get a load of this:

“BeBest is the First Lady’s initiative, and she will continue to use it to do all she can to help children. It is no secret that the President and First Lady often communicate differently — as most married couples do. Their son is not an activist who travels the globe giving speeches. He is a 13-year-old who wants and deserves privacy,” Stephanie Grisham’s statement said.

[Via USA Today]

“Their son is not an activist who travels the globe giving speeches.” Ah, I see! Greta doesn’t deserve privacy nor does she have the right to NOT be cyberbullied by the president of the United States because… she’s given speeches at the UN and various climate panels. It’s weird how narrow Be Best’s charter really is, huh? Don’t cyberbully unless you’re attacking someone who has made a speech or gone out in public or done some activism. If you’re targeting a teenager for harassment, it’s fine as long as they’ve given a speech. BE BEST! Melania is the biggest f–king C-U-Next-Tuesday.

10-12-19 United Nations Climate Change Conference. (Madrid-Spain) Greta Thunberg,  environmental activist at COP25. The High-Level Segment are formally opened this morning.  25th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framewo

Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.

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115 Responses to “Melania Trump: It’s fine to cyberbully Greta Thunberg because she’s an activist”

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  1. Erinn says:

    Baron should be off limits unless/until he starts involving himself in the way that the other demon spawn do. I will ALWAYS maintain that he has a right to privacy, and does not in any way deserve any kind of attacks or insults hurled his way.

    But I also maintain that Greta is a child first, who happens to also be an activist. Civil criticism is one thing. Abuse is another. And she absolutely is being abused by the president and his little minions. And any adult who would do that really should never be allowed to procreate.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      I’m about as interested in Barron’s rights and limits regarding THIS situation….as his Mama was/is interested in the rights and limits of the children that were/are stolen from their parents while trying to escape the horrors of their countries…horrors that our government instigate and and fan the flames of fascism to flourish….

    • Rapunzel says:

      Barron was not attacked. That was faux outrage.

      It was only his name mentioned.

      • Erinn says:

        Oh no, sorry, I meant it in a general sense. I didn’t mean he was in this instance- and I agree, it was just a mention.

        And I know he’s not targeted at an outrageous level. But it still happens. I despise these people as much as the next person, but I don’t think underage children should be a target of ANYONE regardless of who their parents are. Now if that child starts spewing hate speech or whatever, then it’s 100% fair game to call that out.

        But I will always say a child is a child – they can’t choose their parents.

      • MC2 says:

        Agreed & it was a name that his parents picked for him, that was the whole point. It had nothing to do with HIM, but all about his parents choices and obvious thinking when they named him.

      • Snappyfish says:

        Thank you!! I am sick of people’s fake outrage about Barron’s name mentioned. He wasn’t ridiculed or even subjected to any discourse. A simple statement explaining our founding fathers not wanting the implementation of a King. “The POTUS can name his son Barron but he can’t make him one” That was it verbatim.

        So are Double standards the only standards this horrible despicable stripper chick has? Her behavior that a 16 yr old somehow “deserves what she gets” is beyond heinous. And where was her concern for the Obama girls when she was spewing the birther crap? These people are Odious at best. Her new platform should be #BeBestHypocrite

      • Raina says:

        Yep her little snowflake can’t even have his NAME in context without insult mentioned but Greta is fair game as an activist?
        Well, in that case, it’s fine to jail her husband because he is a criminal, it’s fine to strip away any monies from her because she’s a good digging accomplice, it’s fine to throw the book at the adult trio of Trumps loins (blech) because they’re all complicit, as are their spouses, it’s fine to mention the name Barron because he is public record and what was said about him (literally only his NAME) will be a far cry about what he’ll read about his family and the horrors they inflicted, when he gets older. He needs to be protected FROM HIS CRIMINAL evil family, not an innocuous mention of his name during his FATHER’S impeachment hearings. What a sick joke of outrage. These people can’t even do outrage right.

      • tiredTreaded says:

        If donny used my son’s name in a joke reference I would spit hell that he had my baby’s name in his filthy mouth. That said, WE NEED TO GET OUT THE VOTE. The orange menace is setting up a dictatorship backed by an inane cult of deplorable. WE need to get out the VOTE. The apathy is almost worse than the crimes!!

    • Cindy says:

      I understand what you mean about Barron, but the context was someone in his impeachment hearing said “Donald Trump can call his son Barron, but he can’t make him a baron” or something like that. No one was attacking Barron’s character, it was always about his dad. Some people talk about just mentioning his name being a violation of privacy, but it’s not like they mentioned any info about him besides being called Barron and being Trump’s son – we knew both of those things before the hearing.

      Why I think it’s important to specify this, is because we’ve seen a lot how alt-righters like calling “both sides” and complain about the hipocrisy of the left, invoking very exceptional scenarios, or things that were taken out of context, or just straight-up lies.

      So what I’m saying is we really shouldn’t adress this so-called “bullying” on Barron, not even in a hypothetical scenario, because it’s not happening, and we shouldn’t feed Trump’s narratives.

      • Original Jenns says:

        Exactly. The two are not equal in anyway, and unfortunately so many decent people play into their hands by apologizing and making them equal. No one talks about Barron. No one. We mock Trump for thinking he’s royalty, but no one is actually talking about Barron. So for disgusting Melanie to equate mentioning Trumps thought process in naming his son as similar to the attacks on Greta (and saying that Greta is asking for it) just shows she only cares about herself, her son, and her parents. She’s a heartless monster and we shouldn’t expect anything different.

      • Erinn says:

        100% agreement with you. I was speaking more in general (I did clarify that in a reply) but this is what I mean. I agree that this instance was not a case of an attack.

      • LP says:

        That’s what gets me! IT WAS A DAD JOKE! A few years ago one of the SNL writers (too lazy to google) made a comment on twitter about Barron maybe being on the spectrum, and the they were criticized by everyone, which was mostly fair. But this is so different!!!!!!

      • tiredTreaded says:

        The context of the joke was understandable, but imagine if donny or one of his evil cronies had your child’s name in his mouth? I loathe this wanna be dictatorship of nepotistic racist, endangered species killing, environmental hater nepotistic trust funder whiners. But we can understand ANYONE’S child is off-limits, and eva braun here is just another painted liar & hypocrite.

    • What’s especially sad about Trump bullying Greta is that she has Aspergers. It has been rumored for years that Baron also has some level of Aspergers and Trumps keep him very much out of the public eye to “protect” this info. Seems the Donald is supposedly a wee bit sensitive about the public latching on to this info as it — supposedly — indicates that one of his kids is less than perfect. If this is true, Trump’s bullying of Greta and Melania’s dismissal of that bullying is especially heinous.

      • Esmom says:

        I despise the Trumps more than I ever thought possible but, the Barron/Aspergers rumor has always made me squeamish. We have zero evidence that it’s true and in fact the very few glimpses into his life seem to indicate he’s remarkably typical given his parentage.

        I also tend to think that Trump’s bullying of Greta is less about her Aspergers than about the giant platform that she’s using so forcefully and graciously.

      • Jerusha says:

        One, ONE(!!!)of his kids is less than perfect?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        I sat next to a guy at one of my local DNC letter writing “parties”, and he taught at the school that Barron attends in DC. He said Barron IS on the spectrum. It is what the school specializes in.

      • MC2 says:

        Trump was a big anti-vaxer when Baron was younger & tweeted about it causing autism (3/28/14). There is evidence that Baron is on the spectrum, thanks to his dad.

      • LP says:

        @theog There’s also a well established link between the age of the father and the likelihood of the child being on the spectrum, which I learned about when Robert De Niro was out here encoring that anti-vaxx documentary a couple years back!

      • holly hobby says:

        There is no correlation between vaccine and autism. Please stop connecting the two issues! However there is correlation between old, geriatric, nearly dead sperm and autism.

        That orange turd’s sperm is on life support.

      • DSW says:

        @holly hobby, I don’t think MC2 is saying that vaccines cause autism. I think MC2 meant to say is that Trump is dumb enough to believe vaccines cause autism and would blame a vaccine if his own son’s autism instead of his moldy, geriatric sperm.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Yeeeaah, I was trying so hard to give Melania a pass, but this has completely finished it. Done, done, and done! Melania dear? Sit down and STFU. (Bad internet, this was supposed to be reply to comments at the top).
        That being said, I have to wonder what Barron thinks of his dad. It’s a mistake to equate autism with stupidity, but who knows what his dad thinks-

      • Genuine Dinosaur says:

        Whether Barron has autism or not, he seems to be one unhappy and uncomfortable person, going by his body language.
        It seems like we see much less of him than other presidential children in my memory. He’s always hiding his face and they appear to be mostly moving shots (onto marine one or going somewhere), never an explicit photo shoot. Poor kid.

    • otaku fairy.... says:

      “Civil criticism is one thing. Abuse is another. ” 🌟Exactly. The ‘First Lady’ just used her platform and privilege (that comes with her status, wealth, and age) to okay her husband’s stans abuse of an underage girl. And her justification for it is victim-blaming- she basically pulled the she’s putting herself out there card and said it has to be accepted as the natural consequence of this girl speaking out. This is a situation where it’s appropriate to mention a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women (and girls). She’s disgusting. Nobody at this point expected her to give a fuck about anyone else, but she just shouted it from the rooftops.

      • Erinn says:

        It’s genuinely terrifying that they don’t even have a CLUE about how hypocritical they are. And even if they did, it’s not like they’d care.

        Greta is a freaking champ and she puts up with so much abuse, it’s just heart breaking. I hope that anyone who rips up a child for trying to make the world a better place has a very special reserved seat in whatever horrible afterlife option they believe in.

      • AnnaKist says:

        This ageing trophy missus is as odious as her moronic pharquing husband. The pair of them make me sick.

        I’m not American. Can any of you lovely Americans tell me how/if this “Be Best” initiative of hers is working, how it’s implemented etc. I don’t want to Google this and get a lot of positive PR put out by her minions. I want real people to tell me if they’ve seen any positive feedback, or if she’s actually doing anything at all with it. After all, talk’s cheap. And their talk is the cheapest of all.

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        AnnaKist, CUNTuesday’s “Be Best” is *another* plagiarized form of Michelle Obama’s platform/speeches. MO had a platform called “Be The Best” for kids. CU also gave one of MO’s speeches almost word for word.

        “Be Best” is not even grammatically correct for the usage she (lazily) stole. Her sole “platform” as FLOTUS was supposed to be cyberbullying…but surprise! Just like with everything else, it’s a big pile of empty word salads.

      • Kebbie says:

        More proof Melania is trash. I don’t know why people give this birther conspiracy theorist the benefit of doubt.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Thank you for the information, TheOG)@Jan90067 and Kebbie. I thought as much. She really is a despicable CU (loving that!), just like her sperm donor. Ick.

    • Jumpingthesnark says:

      Barron was not being abused though. The reference made by the lawmaker was that Trump has the right to name his child Barron, but not the right to make his child a Barron. That isn’t abuse or impinging on Barrons privacy.

    • Megan says:

      Greta is everything Trump wished he was. She is smart, charismatic, people listen to what she has to say, and, most importantly, is loved around the world.

    • Leah says:

      Please provide proof of when Barron was bullied by adults?

      It is rumored that the child is autistic but that’s just rumors and I don’t remember a big to do about him being bullied about it in cyberspace.

      It’s not his fault that his father is an abusive con man bully who is running our country into the ground and that his mother is a hypocrite who challenges the immigration validity of others while forgetting that she forged her papers to get here and got her parents in by chain migration. Barron is off limits, however, Trump’s criminal spawn, Ivanka, Don Jr and Eric aka Fredo Trump are fair game.

      • Erinn says:

        I’ve just seen mostly random comments on twitter over the last few years. I’m not someone who uses twitter often, but I’ll scope it out once in a while. But again, I was speaking generally for the most part. I meant mainly that I would not support anyone ripping on Baron, just as I would never support someone ripping on Greta.

        Peter Fonda’s tweets a while back were gray area for me. I understand his point, and his sentiment, but the way he worded it was wrong. As soon as you start sounding like you’re making a call to action, things can get sketchy very quickly if someone DOES act on it, regardless of whether that was your intention or not. There’s a difference between “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles […]” and “How would she feel if Barron was ripped from her arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles […] ” – one comes off as much more of a call to action even though I don’t believe for a second he wanted someone to do actually do that – but it does open it up for interpretation from shady people on the internet who may feel extra justified because of tweets like that.

        Beyond that, you have people making videos trying to ‘prove’ that Barron is autistic. I think that’s a pretty screwed up way to spend your time. Armchair diagnosis is rarely a helpful thing – it’s almost always done as a way to degrade and it can further stigmatize. Then you had Rosie O’Donnell sharing that video to a huge audience which, again, that’s super screwed up. It’s done in a way that makes it seem like being autistic is something that the individual, and in this case, his parents should be ashamed of. Like “well your kids autistic! zing!”

        Ultimately, my point was that Greta should never be abused for standing up for what she believes in. Criticism is one thing when you’re a public figure… but abuse is absolutely not okay. Just as I think it’s not okay when people hurl insults at Barron. Kids are kids. Just because the presidents minor kids have taken a lot of horrible abuse over the decades doesn’t mean that it’s right regardless of political affiliation.

        Now for the criminal adult spawn? Oh feel free to criticize the hell out of them. They’re absolute trash, and they’ve shoved themselves into the spotlight. We can talk all day about how the chinless wonder twins are as vile looking as they are on the inside, or how Ivanka has paid good money to look so artificial. We can rip up their policies, their businesses, their whatever. As long as there’s not threats involved, I think they’re 100% fair game.

      • Leah says:

        Armchair analysis by licensed professionals and non professionals is completely unethical. If the child is autistic, then that is a diagnosis between his doctor and the two parents.

        Trump however has no filter when he attacks the physical and mental stability of others. Nor do his deplorables who the other day I saw one of them call Greta “mentally ill”. Autism is in no shape or form a mental illness. Mental illness is not a stigma but he and his supporters constantly use it as a weapon (“liberalism is a mental illness”, “demitards” etc). We are fighting a war against these people who want to turn this county into 1930’s Germany. They also killed their disabled populations off and that’s what scares me the most. I will be happy the day that Trump is removed and put exactly where he belongs, in a supermax below the earth where he is deprived of comfort and given only prison fare, and a cot to sleep on.

      • Ali says:

        @Erinn – this exactly: Criticism is one thing when you’re a public figure… but abuse is absolutely not okay.

        But we are so far gone from that with this administration and everyone who supports it that it just feels like saying water is wet at this point.

    • zotsioltar says:

      Im conflicted on this.. Yea she is a kid, and so is Baron.

      Malena Ernman (Gretas mom) is using her kid as a PR front/weapon against people that disagree with her so she can demonize them. She was kinda famous herself. If you are going to use your kid as a ‘child preacher’, criticism is valid. Baron was just born as the kid of an a-hole. Malena made the choice to use her kid as a PR weapon, and Greta agreed. Maybe the latter is not old enough to consent, but her mom was so she is responsible for the backlash.

      • ADS says:

        I don’t understand what you mean. The climate emergency is real. We are headed for runaway global warming and environmental catastrophe unless we take swift and drastic action. Given these simple facts Greta Thunberg’s actions are perfectly sane, measured and appropriate. Everyone who is taking it less seriously than her is ignorant or in denial. And people like Trump are the ones who are PR obsessed and weaponising the issue. Not Greta’s mum.

  2. Leriel says:

    If she doesn’t even want to try, to put a minimum amount, why to pretend anyway? She could just sit there, not doing anything, and at least she wouldn’t get mocked.

    • Jerusha says:

      Sit there, wait till he croaks, take her payout, and fade into obscurity like ivana.

    • Esmom says:

      I wonder the same thing. I gotta believe someone is twisting her arm to do the bare minimum. Maybe Ivanka?

      In any case, Trump ratcheted up his audacity and pettiness with his tweet about Nancy Pelosi and her teeth. He is such a monster and his supporters who shrug off this behavior are worse.

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        Twisting her arm??? God no! This gold-plated trophy wife is as lazy as they come. She didn’t do anything in NY other than “lunch” and shop. You NEVER heard of her attached to any charity work.

    • Rhys says:

      The CUT has a hilarious write up on Melania’s facial expressions during the White House Christmas party. She does seem to have a hard time “communicating” her message properly.

  3. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    She’s trash. Straight trash. Leave children alone.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    The real news here is that Malaria managed to get her arms into the sleeves of her coat for once.

    She is total trash and viciously cruel.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I was thinking the same thing about the coat.

      People on here have been saying Melanie is morphing into Trump and I can’t unsee that.

      Cruel trash indeed, but Greta burned him so Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    • It’sjustblanche says:

      I couldn’t agree more. Anyone who would sell herself so cheaply that they would be with someone like him is trash.

      No one thought he would win, least of all her. Now she’s stuck.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    This is all part of Dotard’s plan:

    Step 1. Find prominent teenager who wins accolades for espousing semi-liberal viewpoints.

    Step 2. Insult said teenager on social media and in interviews, implying a mental illness, and encourage supporters to slander the teen as well.

    Step 3. Get owned on social media by said teenager, because you are incapable of using social media for anything but all caps rants.

    Step 4: Ignore that you got owned, and retweet your own insults about “Shifty Schiff” because there’s no way Shifty hasn’t heard that lame nickname a thousand times and that’ll show ’em how clever you are.

    Step 5. Whine that the media is biased and unfair for daring to report that you, a grownup, should have better things to do than insult a teenager (or other adults, btw).

    Step 6. Get outraged when someone refers to you son as…. the name you gave him.

    Step 7. Label everyone who disagrees with an activist.

    Step 8. Say it’s okay to be mean to activists cause they asked for it by disagreeing with you.

    Step 9. Blame energy saving lightbulbs and low flow toilets for everthing… don’t forget to flush 15 times.

    Step 10. Be best.

  6. Michelle Cooper says:

    Whoever may have even attempted feeling bad for poor Melania not wanting to be part of the presidency and having this thrust on her should read this and know what an absolute horrible person she truly is.

    • otaku fairy.... says:


    • questalynne1 says:

      I lost any smidgeon of sympathy for Melania since she wore the infamous jacket to visit the border camps, regardless of what intent the words were intending to convey, and to whom.

      The professor made a remark of calling someone a name doesn’t give him a title. The professor apologized in a later session for mentioning his name and that she was wrong to do so.

      Melania and her pit-bull obnoxious SPOX made it into a huge statement of wrongdoing, publicizing it on FOX, spawning additional discussions to millions. I’m sure Barron did not appreciate the ten-fold attention. Methinks they were using Barron for political fodder over his feelings.

    • lucy2 says:

      Thank you!
      I’ve never had sympathy because she contributed to the racist birther nonsense. Then the “I Don’t Care” jacket, and now this, confirmed it was right to despise her right along with the rest of her family. She’s horrible, and I hope is miserable 24/7.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        You’re right. She’s terrible and more like her husband than people would like to believe. She’s been given the benefit of the doubt too many times. She deserves no sympathy.

  7. S808 says:

    So because Greta is asking adults to do something about climate change she’s deserving of abuse? Oh, okay.

  8. Joan Callamezzo says:

    Melania is trash and her spokeswoman fits right into that vicious deplorable administration. Team Greta.

  9. aurora says:

    To all the people who (if only sometimes) feel sorry for Melania: Don’t. She’s just as bad as her husband.

  10. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Anyone choosing to stay in that man’s orbit is despicable. Guilty by association has never been more relevant. I can’t stand her as much as I can’t stand genius hole in the ass.

    • Lady D says:

      There’s a joke about that genius hole that I can’t quite remember. It was something about how all the organs in the body were trying to decide who was the most important. The heart thought it should be it, the brain figured it was most important, etc. The the ahole piped up and said it was the most important. All the other organs laughed and laughed, until the hole shut down. Within a couple of days, all the organs agreed that the hole was indeed king of the body.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        The brain threw his hands in the air, planted himself on the couch for a marathon of All in the Family while eating cheeseburgers and Cheetos.

      • Lady D says:

        Unbelievable how racist All in the Family was. And the laughter that followed those racist comments? Even 10yo me knew it was wrong. For eight years that passed as entertainment on TV.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        Exactly. And how it was hailed as such a groundbreaking show because it was so ‘diverse.’ I was a kid and i thought is was an embarrassment. Just because the ‘children’ were there for political balance, nobody ever gave him the grief he deserved. I realize as a nation we hard to start somewhere, but a lot of us already knew shit had to change, and we didn’t need hand-holding.

    • Desdemona says:

      Threre’s a saying in Portuguese “Tell me whom you hang out with, I will tell you who you are.”…
      It means that your friends and the people you spend time with are just like you, if theey’re good people, you’re a good person, if your friends are plain idiots, then, you’re an idiot too…
      Suppose it applies to Melania Trump, if she’s married to him, she shares the same values he does.

  11. Rapunzel says:

    Real talk though: this behavior is scary and straight out the dictator playbook. This is the intentional vilification of activists as enemies deserving of punishment and not deserving of humane treatment. It’s the first step to rounding them up and jailing them for nothing but their views. Trump is slowly inoculating his base to this. Start with insults… then jailing and more. It’s Nazi tactics.

    • Esmom says:

      Agreed. And I’d say he’s got his base convinced that people need to be imprisoned and worse. I crossed paths with a deplorable on Twitter who said all Dems deserve to die.

    • Culture Cannibal says:

      I just returned from a trip to Dachau. It has a whole museum exhibition detailing exactly this. It is, step by step, verbatim, Nazi tactics. It started with undermining the free press. Then demonizing political and ideological opponents and creating a culture of Fear of the Other.

      We never learn.

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        Let’s not forget of rounding up the “brown” people, getting them in a database, and now, with declaring Jews as a nationality, “to protect us” from hate speech, next thing is WE will be databased to be identified for this “protection”. Will we be required to wear the yellow stars again next??

        It’s an easy slide from there.

      • Lady D says:

        I read something yesterday about the US planning to photograph every single person through their airports to create an ID database for better law enforcement.
        The article was printed back in March, so they’ve been at it for a while.

      • Jaded says:

        Canadians are now being targeted by American border guards and given 5 year bans trying to enter the US by car LEGALLY . Reasons are not having a job, not giving them passwords to mobile phones, still living with their parents, not showing them bank statements, etc. etc. Oh, and of course people of colour get targeted much more frequently. It’s totally indiscriminate and random. Needless to say we haven’t traveled to the US since President Pissoff came into power and won’t be fore the foreseeable future.

      • Tourmaline says:

        @Lady D luckily that plan to require facial scanning to board airplanes has been recently shelved due to opposition in Congress.

  12. Mego says:

    I’m beginning to think MT is even more malevolent than DT. She is stone cold in a very chilling way.

  13. Jerusha says:

    Barron “is a 13-year-old who wants and deserves privacy,” sarah’s evil twin says. Judging by multiple photos, Barron is a 13 year old who is miserable in trumpland. I feel very sorry for him with those monsters as parents.

  14. Audrey says:

    I don’t think that Melanie manages her Twitter account. I think it’s someone in Trump’s PR circle that does. I think Melanie tries to do the bare minimum and is just waiting for the nightmare to end (for Trump to leave office so she can divorce him, or for him to die).

  15. teehee says:

    I used to not really know where to Put Melania on this whole nightmare-clown scale.
    But you cant be with this person, in that family, and not be guilty by association but also by doing.
    She actually, is doing all teh same garbage that Donald does, although she isnt a flaming orange windbag while shes at it.

    Her whole anti bullying campaign, is just to save face, and its to blame OTHER people, for the wrong THEY themselves are doing– which is classic twisted psychology. Trump calls Democrats crooks and hires indicted people- Melania calls others bullies and bullies other people.

    MT or DT?

    THEY’RE BOTH THE SAME LEVEL OF TOXIC. Being *quietly* toxic is toxic nevertheless!

  16. JanetFerber says:

    WTF? This makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. It’s never fine to bully and it’s never fine for an adult to bully a child. In other words, to p.o.s. Melanie and her orange turd husband, ANY CHILD EXCEPT BARRON IS FINE TO BULLY. Hell to the no. My God, we’ve GOT to get these people out of the White House.!!!!!!!

  17. naomipaige99 says:

    That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. She just needs to sit there and look pretty. Isn’t that what she’s paid for anyway??

    • Jerusha says:

      Her face is a hardened fright mask of plastic surgery now. I’m surprised she can see out of those slits for eyes. Been a long time since she was pretty. Hard and mean is what I see.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        I agree completely with this assessment. whenever the deplorables talk about how “hot” she is, and how much more beautiful she is than MO, I am like WTF?

        she looks like a cartoon villain, FFS!

      • Jerusha says:

        WHATWHAT? I find it amusing that the only time she has an expression of genuine happiness on her face is when she’s standing next to an attractive man like Barack Obama or Justin Trudeau. Oh well, as my grandmother would say, “She made her bed..,.”

      • elle says:

        I keep waiting for her to peel off her human skin and slither away.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Very Grinch-like face.

  18. Original Jenns says:

    Just had to add that this is totally bro-code speak for “She was asking for it”. She may as well have said Greta needs to dress differently and smile more. Complete C.

  19. lucy says:

    I have a friend, a Trump supporter who promotes Civil War against democrats, who sent me a message saying DT’s post about Greta was honest and not an attack, everyone is deeply concerned given her mental state something bad will happen and she is way too angry and being used as a prop. I just said Trump is a baby and him not thinking Trump was attacking her is not worth a discussion and don’t worry, she can handle things better than Trump but it is so sad….they honestly believe this stuff. Then I have dinner with friends who are democrats and one has a husband who loves Trump, says the dems have done nothing in congress except try to impeach him, they should let him do what he wants to do – we will all be better for. It scares me because the democrats want the PERFECT candidate – no one person is perfect! I fear they will again sit out because this one doesn’t agree with what they want…leading to another 4 years of Trump! I feel like people just won’t wake up!

  20. Noely says:

    Right now people over here are bullying Greta over that photo of her sitting in an overcrowded train. Even the freaking train company chimed in via Twitter to claim that she actually had a first class seat. Greta had to clarify that she was using different trains and the one she first used was taken out of traffic so all the passengers were shoved into the next train and their seat reservations were no longer valid. She only got a seat later.

    And people on Twitter are now bullying her for “lying” and this stuff even made headlines. One TV news channel even made an infographic about her journey to find out where exactly she got her seat.

    I kid you not. Melania would have probably chimed in if she knew about this since it’s fine to gang up on a girl riding on a train, right?

  21. Donn says:

    Maybe the Trumps feel like poor Barron was maligned because they actually do think he should be considered royalty. I wouldn’t be surprised. They had to explain to him that the woman who said that was only being mean, he is an actual Barron.

  22. Nina says:

    Be Best .. to Barron Trump.

  23. Rogue says:

    Another example of why I have no sympathy for her. People downplay the part she played with birthergate- she’s not a good person.

  24. Leah says:

    I remember how she reacted when someone mentioned Barron’s name. Just his name and the word baron.

    You don’t bully children, regardless if they are an activist or your average school kid. It’s just not done. She is in her 40’s, and he is in his 70’s, way past the age of knowing better.

  25. Jaded says:

    She’s as sleazy as they come. From illegally working in the US to doing p0rn modelling to going to underground group s*x clubs to endorsing the bullying of a 16 year old girl, she’s just as bad as Don the Con. She does the barest minimum of work and apparently doesn’t have 2 brain cells to rub together, hence the plagiarizing of Michelle Obama’s speeches and platforms. She’s a disgrace to the country she’s supposed to be serving.

    • boredblond says:

      Maybe some people don’t remember how her immigration details were covered up…’we will release all of those before the election’..never happened. Like ‘releasing tax returns’ or business records..and the press gave him a pass. Remember when he said he sent someone to Hawaii to ‘prove’ birther garbage (“you can’t believe what we found!”) forward to rudy as the official garbage man, ready to fabricate any dirt to feed to the faux crowd. Same pattern over and over, but nobody confronts them with it. Just once I want him and his repub pimps to be forced to speak under oath.

  26. Missskirrtin says:

    I’m not loving the new wig.

  27. kerwood says:

    I hope all the people who were caping for this creature when the monster she’s married to was elected, going so far as to claim she was a ‘victim ‘, have FINALLY taken her full measure. She and her husband are a PERFECT match.

    The irony is that Greta is fighting for the future of this woman’s son. Trump and his ‘model’ wife will be dead and buried when the earth is destroyed. These people think that their money will protect them but unless they can purchase a new planet, they will suffer along with the poor folk.

    I know that once this woman’s husband’s reign of terror ends, she’s going to claim that she WAS a victim. Grifters gonna grift.

    How did lowlifes like THIS rise to the top?

    • Giddy says:

      The Trumps (husband, wife, awful adult children) have victimized our whole country. Greta has more class and intelligence in her little finger than their whole awful clan/coven. I dream of once more being as proud of our first family as I was of the Obamas.

    • naomipaige99 says:

      Fixed elections, and brought their way to the top. The whole T clan is nothing but lowlife scum! Pure white trash. Bottom of the barrel. They have made our Country a laughing stock!

    • carisel says:

      Not in their lifetimes? The sh*t is going to hit the fan a lot sooner than that. Carbon emissions are so high right now, that we’re looking at an additional 4 degree increase by 2100. We can’t sustain life at 1 more degree. We’re all in trouble, Barron Trump included, and these dumbasses won’t do anything about it.

  28. ME says:

    I remember when some people used to feel sorry for Melania. I never understood how. I mean is she any better than her a$$hole husband? Not really.

  29. Laura says:

    Just adding to the conversation. My parents are lifelong conservatives and Trump supporters. They both bitch about ‘people attacking Barron’. But. In the early nineties we got a springer spaniel puppy. My parents chose to name her ‘Chelsea’. Why? “Because she’s a dog, like the Clinton’s daughter.” I totally agree that we shouldn’t attack children of politicians, especially based on their looks. But you can’t have it both ways.

  30. Me says:

    This birther again?

  31. holly hobby says:

    I see she started a campaign for her kid. Be Best is for him only and screw the rest of the kids. Stephanie Grisham is worse than that sack of $hit Suckabee. Not only does she lie she’s vicious. Someone on Twitter posted a list of her shortcomings including multiple DUIs, cheating on an expense report, and plagarism. Hey she fits right in!

  32. Mesha says:

    So, in essence, she’s saying some children deserve to be bullied? So much victim blaming. I don’t understand how she lives with herself? Just another soulless Trumpie. Her words should dispel any notion that she’s better than trump. 2 peas in the pod.

  33. Sharonk says:

    Her shiny beautiful facade hides the ugly beneath.
    Liar. Grifter , worst First Lady ever.
    She’s just like her husband.

  34. Lolalola3 says:

    So disgusting that she doesn’t defend Greta. No one deserves to be married to the orange garbage pail more than she does. They deserve each other.