Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston went to the same SAG after-party & did not hang out

SAG Awards Press Room 2019

Having been alive and sentient throughout Brad Pitt’s two marriages, I have to say that I’m grossed out by all of the “fans” who want Brad and Jennifer Aniston to reunite. I know those stories sell copies of Us Weekly and People Magazine, but… do fans really and truly want this? Judging by the comments, tweets and excitement, they do. Which is sad. I’m not Aniston’s biggest fan, clearly, but even I think she’s moved on from Brad and even I think she could, frankly, do a lot better than Brad at this point. Since Brad and Jennifer are still both repped by CAA though, we continue to get these stories, these careful photo-ops at the SAGs and teasing comments in the press. Is it all a game for CAA? Is it a strategy for Brad’s (increasingly obvious) Oscar campaign? Or is it something fan-driven, because Brad & Jen stans really want to see Jennifer as the kind of doormat who would “take back” Brad after he spent 11 years with Angelina? I don’t know. This got a lot of play on SAG night:

Obvious obvious obvious. He knew what he was doing. But let’s give Jennifer some agency – she knows what she’s doing too. She was asked about this video of Brad watching her speech and she told Extra: “That’s so sweet, we’ve all grown up together, we really have. It just feels like a really fun night to celebrate and cheer each other on and keep working….It is an incredible honor to be recognized by this room especially. They are my peers and I’ve been doing this a while … It is not lost on me.” What could have been HER night, the night where she won a SAG Award for her big return to TV, turned into THEIR night. Anyway, Brad and Jen did end up at the same SAG party:

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt ended up at the same SAG Awards 2020 bash hours after setting the internet ablaze. The former couple, who were pictured having a cozy reunion after winning awards Sunday night, both attended the Netflix party at the Sunset Tower hotel in Los Angeles.

They weren’t pictured together as Pitt, 56, was seen with his “Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood” co-star Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Pacino and Peter Dinklage, while Aniston, 50, caught up with Netflix boss Ted Sarandos and Netflix head of original films Scott Stuber, alongside Laura Dern and Taikia Waititi.

The “Friends” star, who won Best Actress in a Drama Series for her role in “The Morning Show,” then headed to dinner at the hotel’s Tower Bar, one of her favorite haunts. She was seen dining with pals Amanda Anka and hubby Jason Bateman, alongside co-star Billy Crudup and BFF and producing partner Kristin Hahn.

An onlooker told Page Six, “We thought Brad would come into dinner, but no such luck, everyone in the restaurant was looking out for him — we all kept turning around to see if he had arrived!”

[From Page Six]

This happened post-Globes too, everyone thought Brad and Jen would have a big, tearful reunion at some afterparty, but they stayed with their own camps and didn’t interact at the parties. They will only interact when the cameras are on them. Weird, huh.

Also: Brad was asked if would spend time with his kids after the awards season is done and he told ET: “Really, it hasn’t been a lot of time to celebrate, you know? It’s like — they call it a season for a reason. So we’ll do that when it’s all said and done, I’m sure.” Keepin’ in vague.

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83 Responses to “Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston went to the same SAG after-party & did not hang out”

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  1. Sen says:

    Good for them. life’s too short for mindless grudges.

    • Placebo says:

      You’re 100% right!

    • Carol says:

      @sen Ditto

    • Smalls says:

      The man cheated on her, then verbally assaulted his kid, causing an international incident that required the FBI, and tried to drunkenly hijack a fuel truck. This is not a mindless grudge. He is trash.

      • Emily2 says:

        JA has been with CAA forever, but this latest media “reunion” really only benefits one of their clients; it’s all part of the “make Brad desirable to women again” campaign. This night should have been about JA and her triumphant return to TV. If Brad is playing this game, what other option does she have? The media will either say she is still bitter or that they’re totally in love. To me, JA seems like someone who is happy with her life and has moved on. Her agency really shouldn’t have put her in this position.

    • doofus says:

      yeah, I don’t think she’s playing any game. HE is, for sure, but I don’t think she is.

      I think, as so many have said, she’s just a nice person who doesn’t want to be at odds with anyone, if she can help it. I think she’s in a good place career-wise and personal life-wise, and is just going with the flow and doesn’t want to start any BS. she said hi when the opportunity presented itself; she has not sought him out to engage.

      the ex is friendly…so SHE’LL be friendly. like I said yesterday, if she gushed and fawned, people would be like “she totally wants him back!”. if she snubbed him, she’d be labelled a b*tch. I think she’s just trying to walk a fine line…friendly, but not overly so. I mean, what do people expect from her, if not this?

      • jade says:

        I think Jennifer wants more from him, because she initiated being close with him again by inviting him to her parties, and in process igniting the media frenzy of them reuniting as a couple. I think there is a lack of interest from Brad as far as going further from just being friends. At the same time, he goes with the flow and participate in the media frenzy.

        Looking at Brad though, whilst he looks happy and seems to be upbeat and chatty in most of his interviews this award season, I can sense, that is not his real state of mind. I really think deep inside he is lonely and lost and wants his family back. Its been more than 3 years since his separation and still single, I dont think he has really move on.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Anniston went to the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood after-party (Pitt’s movie) rather than the Morning Show’s (Anniston’s show) party. It could be a move by their PR people, but if so, Anniston should just say “no” because it makes her look desperate — either for a man who is a louse, or for sucking up to Hollywood players.

      • MirrorMirror says:

        “I think Jennifer wants more from him, because she initiated being close with him again by inviting him to her parties” – She’s a fantastic networker and is good friends with a lot of powerful people (eg Netflix C-suite and Tim Cook) and she seemed to be trying to get Pitt back into the fold as a friendly gesture after he kind of went anti-social for years.

      • doofus says:

        @jade – she invited a LOT of people to that party. reports indicated that there were upwards of 50 people there, which means she likely invited 75+. there have been reports of them keeping in touch over the years, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that this isn’t the first invite he got. but I don’t agree that inviting him to a large party (not a small intimate dinner party) is “initiating being close to him again”. as Mirror pointed out, she’s friends with a LOT of powerful people so maybe this was just a kind gesture. to boot, she also invited Theroux to her “Friendsgivng” party this year…do you think that was an overture to “get close” to him again? nah, the most likely explanation is simply that they’re friendly. she’s friendly (or tries to be) with almost everyone, it’s just how she is.

        @Mrs.Krabapple – it’s noted in the article that they both went to the Netflix party. there was no “Morning Show” party or “OUTIH” party.

  2. Toot says:

    Hmmm, that statement about the kids says ALOT.

    He’s so focused on getting a worthless Oscar he can’t make time for his kids. I really can’t with him.

    Be attractive and loads of people seem to forget you aren’t worth shit.

    • Sierra says:

      Nah it’s more like be a white male and people will forget everything. Even child abuse.

    • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

      If you actually click on the link and listen to the interview (it’s 2 minutes, he’s asked about halfway through the clip), he was asked how was he celebrating the awards season with his family and kids. He said basically – it’s a SEASON for a reason and there’s no time for that, so we’ll probably do something when it’s all over.

      • lucy2 says:

        Thanks for expanding on the info.

        That was a sly question though, wasn’t it? Everyone knows he’s not really with his kids much.

    • TQ says:

      Yeah, he really doesn’t seem that into his kids. Even after his visitation restrictions were lifted, it just doesn’t seem like he sees them that much. Yes, the older ones have opted out, but even the younger ones don’t seem prominent in his life (as evidenced by the lack of mentions and the lack of photos). Who knows, but it’s a very bad look.

    • BellaBella says:

      I had a friend once who was up for an Academy Award. It is NONSTOP luncheons, dinners, festivals and awards shows, much much pressing of the flesh, meeting Academy voters, etc. It’s exhausting and the pressure is high to do it all.

      So, I believe Pitt here.

      • Lady D says:

        Your friend still had time to go home right? See the family, get some sleep, take care of the pets, pay the bills etc. It does sound exhausting though. Get everything taken care of in the morning because the next 16 hours are booked for what 3-10 weeks? How long is the season?

      • BellaBella says:

        @Lady D — An assistant pays the bills, his wife or a dogwalker took care of the dog. Basically, these people’s lives are very insulated. Yes he’d go home at the end of the day — and pass out. It’s really taxing.

        As I recall the season starts early, like October or maybe earlier. You want to get in the first round balloting to be considered for the final 5, or whatever the number is. And then if you make that cut the campaign kicks in hardcore.

        There are awards in November, I believe — I think it might be the NY Film Critics Circle Awards is the first one. But the thing I didn’t know about, until I knew my friend, is all the luncheons and meals and meet-and-greets with the Academy voters, and film festivals (nearly every city has them — you try to pick the ones where more Academy voters might be, like Miami for instance). It’s all about making yourself known to these people. A charm offensive.

        I’m sure there are those who ignore the whole dance, but there is an expectation by managers/publicists that you will play the game. Can you imagine being “on” all the time like that and meeting strangers constantly? I went to an art opening and dinner afterward for a total of 5 hours one night last week, and I am *still* recovering from it!

  3. Sierra says:

    Somewhere else, Angelina is living her life happy and healthy with their 6 children. Partnerships with BBC, Microsoft etc and career going from strength to strength.

    Jennifer could have said no to being used for Brad’s image rehabilitation but she didn’t because she wants this as well. She should have just focused on her career resurrection and gotten rid of the whole poor pity me image.

    Brad choose Hollywood over his children and hopefully it will keep him warm in his old age.

    • Carol says:

      @sierra – And you know this how? Did you have lunch with Aniston and did she spill the beans? Love to know how you are so sure about her intentions and “plans”:)

    • doofus says:

      could have said “no” to what, exactly? what actions of hers have been deliberate to aid in his image rehab and not just part of her living her life?

      should she have declined to attend this show, even though she was nominated and is getting great reviews and was a good bet to win? no. as everyone is pointing out, THIS is her moment, her (as you so aptly called it) career resurrection…she’s in a good place professionally and should celebrate that.

      should she have deliberately ignored him when he made his speech? no, because people would have said she was a bitter betty who’s still not over their split.

      should she have run away from him when he called her name repeatedly leading up to the “reunion”? no, again she would have been labeled rude or bitter.

      as I’ve said, I think she played this as best as she could have. she was friendly, but not OVERLY so. she didn’t go out of her way to engage with him…he called out to her, she responded, they congratulated each other (as we’ve heard they’ve done in the past, usually by email or text) and then didn’t hang out at the party.

  4. Josephine says:

    Let’s all move on. I almost didn’t comment but had to say that these interactions feel a little depressing to me. I enjoy watching people develop, become better at their skill, or develop new ones, and these two both feel very stuck in time.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t think I agree that Jen is stuck. She just launched a new Apple service with a show that’s getting decent reviews. I also think she’s moved on. When the reporters asked her about Pitt’s congratulations, she immediately pivoted to saying the whole industry is one family that’s grown up together. Shorts of avoiding every singe event he is at, I’m not sure how much more she could keep her distance.

      • Josephine says:

        Not saying that she’s stuck on him – I think she was over him and their relationship almost as soon as it was done. But they both seem stuck in time in just about everything in their lives (he in particular feels like he moved backward) and I don’t find this new show of hers interesting or earth-shattering. I feel like the attention it is getting is very manufactured, just like every single thing about each of them feels very manufactured. The PR is what is so tiring, so dated.

      • doofus says:

        “Shorts of avoiding every singe event he is at, I’m not sure how much more she could keep her distance.”

        yeah, all this “she shouldn’t let herself be used for his rehab!” is disingenuous. SHE isn’t doing anything but living her life. HE sought her out to congratulate her. HE was “caught” watching her acceptance speech. HE names drops her but SHE avoids mentioning him specifically. short of avoiding every event, and short of saying something abrupt and rude, like “don’t ask me about Pitt; I have nothing to say” (which would come off as bitter/b*tchy), WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO?

      • SaraR. says:


        I agree that she isn’t doing anything to push this, except she invited him twice to her birthday and holiday parties and this is how all this frenzy started.

      • Lady D says:

        @doofus, he was also shouting her name backstage according to a pap, and he’s the one that held her hand to keep her from escaping, but yeah, she invited him to her birthday party out of the blue. She should have just kept going.

      • doofus says:

        eh, who knows if this was “out of the blue”, or if it’s even the first invitation he’s gotten to any of her parties? we know they’ve both said that they kept in touch and reached out to each other at important times in each other’s lives (awards, family deaths, etc), so it’s not a stretch to assume he’s been invited previously. maybe he reached out to her to apologize or check in and she was like, “hey by the way I’m having my bday party this weekend, if you want to drop in”. just like the tree trimming party, it was a large group, not some small intimate dinner party where they could spend exclusive time together. nah, I just think it’s her nature. she like to get along with people. (as I noted above, she also invited Theroux to her Friendsgiving party, so…)

        and also, if she had just kept going, like if she just waved and kept walking, you KNOW the story would have been “Aniston snubs Pitt – he tried to congratulate her and she ignored him – STILL NOT OVER ANGIE!”

  5. Thanks says:

    His fans are saying she is the one who accosted him backstage.

    • JoJo says:

      The photographer who took the picture tweeted that Brad shouted “Aniston” twice so he initiated it.

      • Jane says:

        These photos are weird, like she didn’t stop at all. She approaches, and she leaves, where is the middle shot of the hug??

      • lucy2 says:

        Not surprised. I really feel like he’s enjoying the attention and positive press (he sure needed it) and thinks it’s helping his Oscar campaign.

        I get the impression that she moved on a long time ago and is ok being friendly with him now, (and probably not sad about the publicity) but that’s it for her. I can’t imagine she wants him back, and I’ve never seen any fan of hers say that either.

      • jade says:

        The vid did not capture the first part of the encounter where you can see jennifer’s hands on his arms, i think it was quick hi and congratulations and air kiss, and then she has to leave.

  6. JoJo says:

    I expected to see this BS on the morning shows and entertainment shows like ET and Extra but I was little disappointed to see David Muir talking about Brad and Jen yesterday on his ABC Evening News broadcast.But then again he is “besties” with Kelly Ripa.

  7. smcollins says:

    It’s nice that they can be friendly after all these years of tabloid drama and his disrespectful comments about their marriage. I don’t see a rekindling of their relationship, that shipped sailed a long time ago when he left for a life with AJ (even though that is over now), but a friendship has obviously blossomed given his attendance at her birthday and Christmas parties.

    • Michelle says:

      Except he’s continuing to make disparaging remarks about the mother of his children. But who cares right? As long as brad & Jen are friends, that’s all that matters. Brad is an abusive douchebag.

  8. Chrissyms says:

    So busy going to awards shows he can’t spend time with his kids? Ok then. Think of Tom Hanks. I am sure he saw his family a couple times during his various award seasons of the past. Jen and Brad will never get back together. Never ever. I feel like she is just being gracious and what are her options really? To now talk to him backstage at the SAGS with everyone watching ? Life has moved on and Jen has close friends and a booming career and Brad pretty clearly never sees his six kids and would rather go to some stupid movie screening or dinner then spend time with them. Or whatever he is trying to sell us with that statement. It’s really sad actually.

    • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

      You should click on the link and watch the video – he was asked how he was celebrating the AWARDS SEASON with his family and kids. He said basically that he’s not because there’s no time and maybe they’ll do something after the season is over.

      • Chrissyms says:

        What does it mean to celebrate an award season? Like have dinner? He has no time to have dinner with his kids ? I don’t get it

      • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

        I have no idea – I took it as him saying that no, he doesn’t “celebrate” winning awards with his family in the form of a party or special dinner, etc….it’s a dumb question, imo. I would imagine that going to all of these awards shows is exhausting, especially if you are nominated. Then you have to look animated and not throw a bitch face if you lose (cough Taylor Swift cough).

        But that is a far cry from what Kaiser said, which is that he said he wasn’t going to see his kids until the awards season was over.

      • ad says:

        The kids decision not Pitt or Jolie, I don’t think the kids are really keen to be with him, even in mentioning his kids he was not forthcoming. He seems much happier with little time with them & happy with his Hollywood family! Let it be! The priority should be his kids but appears not for him. If they are happy with their mother only then so be it, why the unnecessary stress.

  9. Truth hurts says:

    Really the fans mostly hers on Twitter have some fantasy that she will win something or somehow outdo Angie if she gets back with him. That’s how stupid they are. The media just wants to keep this money making triangle going!!! Pitt is campaigning and is going to win the Oscar so he has to pretend to be so friendly now and make people pity him because of his mean ole wifey. Hence the dig at the Sag. It’s quite transparent and sad at the same time. Does that statue really mean that much to you. I guess. Lest he forgets Angie jabs back hard.
    Jen is stuck and suffers from wanting everyone to just love her. She cannot take criticism period. Maybe it’s from Mommy issues idk. But she is happy with her singleness and kinda boring lifestyle.
    Angelina is recovering nicely and each year getting further away from Pitt and HW society imho. He doesn’t like that.
    People don’t get it and never will. Jen is not the love of his life Angelina is. He had more in common with her and it wasn’t babies. To put a stamp on my analysis is to steer you to the direction of how HARD they fight. Stubbornness. Passion, lust, edgy even selfishness even in divorce battle. That’s them. That’s their relationship and he loved it and misses it. You can hear it when he even tries to joke about it and to me he is doing thing to get Angelina’s attention because she is ignoring his azz big time. That is who she is. She will cut a mofo off and not think twice about it. Not saying she hates him because she doesn’t.
    I hated to see two people who were that passionate about a lot of things be torn apart by stress, media, other folks hatred that they were together, drugs, alcohol, tempers and stubbornness. Thank me later cause if you ask them I bet the will agree with me.

    • Grant says:

      Wow, you really know a lot about these people…

      • Lady D says:

        Or she’s good at reading people. For some it’s a gift, for some it’s training, for others it’s a self-taught life saving skill.

      • yesnomaybe says:

        there are perennial commenters on here who are *VERY* invested in this whole Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt-Jennifer Aniston thing. its uh, something.

        Team Nobody Cares ftw

  10. cee says:

    My opinion. He is a selfish slug and it will never change. I just feel sorry for the kids but thank have Angie .

  11. SM says:

    It sort of a Catch 22 dilemma. If Aniston shrugs off all the questions or even does as much as have a look on her face when in the same room as Brad the fuss will be made about how she still is not over Brad. Yet, when she is being polite just because everyone else seem to be unable to move on, including interviewers at the awards shows, she is blamed for playing along. Its Brad really who is the sole winner here. This narrative shift the conversation away from drunk messy Brad in the process of divorce and custody over 6 kids to narrative of eternal love. So a possible Oscar at the expense of appearing desperate idiot is a win for him.

    • doofus says:

      “If Aniston shrugs off all the questions or even does as much as have a look on her face when in the same room as Brad the fuss will be made about how she still is not over Brad. Yet, when she is being polite just because everyone else seem to be unable to move on, including interviewers at the awards shows, she is blamed for playing along.”

      yes, THIS ALL DAY LONG. as I said above, what is she supposed to do? how would her detractors have her play this, if not as she’s done?

  12. ranny says:

    Of course, you dont see them in after parties because they are together. They hang out with their own group.

    Im surprised though that lots of people are stalking Brad in these parties and yet no one is commenting whether he is really sober and has not been seen drinking. I mean, I cant imagine how he is able to control when everyone with him are drinking and drinks are overflowing.

  13. Ahully1 says:

    Inevitable next headline “Brad & Jen at genderless bathroom venue” “With asparagus on the menu, a perfect cover to meet up on the DL!” Ok maybe that went too far but you all see what I mean … the media streeeetch for a story

  14. LadyLou says:

    I don’t even know why, but seeing pics of them together might remind me of an easier time, even gossip wise without the social media monster and all that. I like them together. It’s not logical because the backstory is awful, but still…

  15. AmyB says:

    I don’t think at this point – either Pitt or Aniston could not stroke the tabloid frenzy you know? If they were cold to each at these award shows? OMG!! So they are friendly after all these years? OMG!! – they might get back together….whatever. I divorced my ex like 15 years ago and we are friendly but trust me, I ain’t going back LOL. Plus I am sure Aniston has seen the drama that played out with Angelina Jolie – why in God’s name would any sane woman want to deal with that???

    Just sayin’

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree – whatever they do is going to be scrutinized and obsessed over. It’s crazy. But I think that’s why he’s pushing it (it’s good for him) and she’s friendly but keeping her distance. Just my impression, anyway.

      But yeah, I think all the stuff that went down with Angelina and the kids is why he hasn’t been able to line up a new public girlfriend yet. He wants someone high profile, and all those women are like, no thanks.

      • AmyB says:

        @lucy2 Exactly!! What woman would want a man is who is a self admitted alcoholic, who may or may not have hit one of his kids in some kind of incident on a plane, that caused your partner of 10 plus years to up and leave your ass?

        Yeah, sorry, no thanks! I don’t care what kind of public spin Brad’s team tries to put on that stuff!

  16. shells_bells says:

    I’m a pretty big Aniston fan and roll my eyes big time at these stories and at the stans that are still trying to put these 2 people together.
    It seems obvious to me that she’s just being polite.
    He, however, comes across as desperate. Like someone who is trying to win their spot back at the “cool kids” table

    • MirrorMirror says:

      He’s back in the game after decade or more in wilderness. He is campaigning hard and don’t blame him; they all do thirst after that Oscar.

  17. Kikis says:

    They cool growing on me to my surprise but nah i don’t think this will work out the second time around either…

  18. Kikis says:

    Judging by the way her folcks just cant stop, i start to worry for aj…
    But this site is very selective to post some comments lol

  19. Kay says:

    This guy is doing everything he can to hurt Angelina Jolie. He seems so angry with her. Sad that Jennifer A. is going along with all this too. The only person he is really hurting is his children, but he doesn’t care.

  20. Kay says:

    I have no doubt they see each other in private and talk a lot, so why hide it in public.

  21. Kikis says:

    Please he is BP and is in good hands he can get pretty much what he wants. There are many women out there and as much as I want to see him with someone, its more fun like this for him for while as a change even i bet.

  22. Sidewithkids says:

    It’s not weird. It’s fake. These two are fake and still living in the past. They need to grow up and those thinking this is real need to get a clue as well.

    • chile says:

      “and still living in the past”

      pot meet kettle, @sidewithkids lol

      • Sidewithkids says:

        @Chile, Not really. Lol. U don’t think this was all set up? They’ve practically screamed it over the last two months. Its not hard to see this. It’s just people but into their crap. Like you maybe?

  23. Kay says:

    I have no doubt they see each other in private and talk a lot, so why hide it in public. He goes to parties at her house so they are close. But AJ will be the person that never goes away because of the children. Not sure if he has removed all the tattoos yet.

  24. Kay says:

    They guy is nearly 60 grow up.

  25. Adorable says:

    Urgh these Award speeches from Brad are just embarrassing.Sure he still looks good,but Good God stop,you’re not the hot 27 year old let’s get mature..As for him & Jen,it’s all a distraction as to why the father of 6 kids has yet to mention em,he more than She I believe enjoy this sort of press.Meanwhile Angie gives zero F***ks,Girlfriend left & has never looked back!

  26. sassbr says:

    Of course he wasn’t there. Who the hell wants to eat dinner with Brad Pitt? The guy likely doesn’t have a single interesting thing to say except some jokes George Clooney wrote for him on a napkin. He always relied on glomming onto interesting women to make up his personality. Now I imagine it’s like trying to have sparkling conversation with a sack of quinoa in an empty suit.

  27. Say what says:

    Truth is, this is a media circus that Pitt keeps feuling and JA is too, then acts puzzled to the attention. How many people invite theIr exes to a tree trimming party at their house? Raise your hands! No one saw him go in, the media was told this so the world would know.
    To fan speculation. She ain’t innocent no where in this. All this they can’t stop or control it. Yes u can. Be frank and blatant and stop eating up the attention. Quit hamming it up and half smiling when you answer a question about it. They both love the attention and speculation so quit acting as if they are dammed if they do or don’t.
    She divorced her husband soon after he was in a divorce battle, I guess it’s coincidental.
    Thing is she is in the middle of this triangle and always will be!
    Pitt doesn’t have Jolie to fancy with, who can get tongues wagging bingo?! Genius but dangerous move. It’s like he and Jolie are playing a chess match and JA is his pawn now. The media is sitting in ready to see what AJ does or says next. Her name wasn’t trending twice as much as theirs was for nothing.
    There is nothing wrong with being friends with your ex but when you want people to think something is going on behind the scene you asked for it. Look at the performance he made when he was watching the monitor. Lol And now you don’t know why the media is lapping this money pit up. Cause nothing makes them salivate more than these three and the drama that ensues. Angelina reclaimed her time from this headache but seems Aniston wants to play with fire again. I don’t want to hear her fans whining when he slams her again. He already slighted her azz to TMZ after the GG’’s.
    And to some reporter a couple of months back by saying,”o God,” when asked if he would get back together with her.
    This is an on going reality show always being directed by the cast so don’t blame the media.

    • ranny says:

      Totally agree, Aniston is the main strategist in all of this, she knows there are speculations of her getting back to Brad after her own divorce and yet she invited him to his Bday party. When nothing developed and she needed to promote her new show and needed a nomination, she invited Brad again to her Christmas party. This fueled another round of their reunion. Of course, Brad is a willing participant, he is campaigning for his awards. Both got something out of it, Brad and her winning awards, but too bad for Jennifer, I dont think she is getting what she really wants, the real reunification with Brad. Brad maybe enjoying his being single, but I really think if there is someone that he wants to go back to, its Amgie, but I believe she has already moved on.

  28. Karen says:

    Not buying any of this Brad & Jen spin. I’m sure it’s just arranged mutual promo throughout awards season where the websites & gossip rags do the work and they just carry on as normal. This is just their awards season campaigning. Hollywood people have no dignity. Self-promotion is all.

    • ad says:

      They are fools fooling people, people are more intelligent than they are! Woke Hollyweirdos in their own unreal world awarding themselves with endlless meaningless awards just to dress up & flaunt their thousand worth of clothes to the world, paid millions for how many hours work? Sickening lot! Pitt & Aniston the best media manipulator in the whole industry no one can match them!

  29. Mrs. Peel says:

    The both look hot. My shallow observance is all I’ve got.

  30. Chrissy says:

    HE is an opportunist on a pursuit to stay relevant.

    • MirrorMirror says:

      His Oscar machine has been in place for months and that’s usually what happens when they have a chance at getting nominated / do get nominated. It’s probably a contractual obligation with the film company to work with certain PR teams and really push for it. I assume so anyway.

  31. MirrorMirror says:

    I think some of the tone of the SAGs and of speeches by Jen and Brad and co was sort of also trying to counter the extreme negativity from the Golden Globes and Ricky Gervais’s roasting of HW. Aniston and Pitt’s speeches were kind of trying to “highlight” the solidarity and how they were serving humanity by “telling stories” etc. Don’t forget they do help keep people employed around the world – from your local cinema staff to streaming service coders and hair and makeup people…

  32. serena says:

    articles about this always bring out really scary commenters. I was young enough not to care when this origin gossip went down, and all I can say is that there seems like a really strong divide thats a lot more than Team Jen or Team Angelina….its like, ideological almost…a values system, or like some sort of bigger stance of women or girl code or whatever? its like bigger than the actual gossip itself, which is why somehow its still festering now….almost 2 decades later…… anyway to speak to these recent pitt/aniston articles…., I am disturbed by a handful of people on here who seem to *really* loathe jennifer aniston and *really* adore angelina jolie. this is an observation, honestly all 3 are annoying. so Im Team Their Kids I guess lol

  33. Kay says:

    Let’s not forget it was reported that Jennifer Aniston contacted Brad and was going to provide a statement to help his defence after the incident on the plane against A.J and his kids. She instigated to get in touch with Brad. She has always had to deal with her insecurity. When Brad left her she had plastic surgery on her nose. She never felt good enough. Her face is full of plastic surgery and botox desperately trying to stay young and attractive. She has also been in therapy for decades. When she divorced him it was reported by a NYT journalist she wanted his sperm as part of the divorce.

    He did treat her badly, but her obsession with Brad and Angelina over they years has been unhealthy. She copied Angelina’s dress on a magazine cover of Vogue. She tried to mock the W magazine cover by posing with Gerard Butler. At the Golden Globes when Angie was there she was happy to present even though she wasn’t nominated for anything. She did this in front of Pax who was with Angie – didn’t care about the trauma the family was going through and the young children. She seems really happy that a family has been torn apart and claps when Brad makes jokes about Angie. This was a really nasty thing to do – she could have kept out of it. I find her behaviour seriously disturbing and nasty. If I was Brad I would keep my distance – goodness knows what she might do to the kids.

    Of course Brad’s behaviour has been appalling and if he cared about his kids he would have kept his distance from her. He didn’t need her for his rehabilitation. She wanted to be relevant and everyone think how great she is. So why don’t they be together and get it over with. Her friends and PR are pushing for it. I think Brads friends like AJ. she is incredibly talented and naturally beautiful. The children are beautiful because she is beautiful and children love their mothers.

  34. ad says:

    Vile & arrogant, if he can shade the mother of his children in front of his peers & nationa tv, just imagine him behind close doors! Nasty to the core!