Archie Panjabi ‘completely understands’ why people still ask about ‘Good Wife’ drama

The UK Gala Screening of 'Blinded By The Light' held at the Curzon Mayfair

In 2015, Archie Panjabi left the show which had justifiably earned her an Emmy: The Good Wife, where Archie played Kalinda Sharma, a mysterious, bisexual, sexy investigator with a law firm. It was a great role… the first few seasons. Then the writers began f–king up the Kalinda character for no apparent reason. It took years to figure out why – it was because Julianna Margulies became a producer on the show, and she threw her weight around about limiting the Kalinda character. Julianna apparently didn’t want her character to have many scenes with Kalinda either, which effectively sidelined Kalinda for several seasons. Archie never really did any kind of “tell all” interview about all of the sh-t that went down on that set, but she left enough clues to let her fans know that none of what happened to Kalinda was her call.

All of that sh-t went down in 2015. But obviously, Archie still gets asked about it. Kalinda was arguably her most famous (and beloved) character, and so she can’t even promote her new projects (HBO’s Run and I Know This Much Is True) without the New York Times asking her about the old dramz on The Good Wife. This piece is very good if you already enjoy Archie – go here to read. Here’s the Good Wife sh-t, with some other good pieces:

NYT: You won an Emmy for playing Kalinda in 2010 and a decade later, there are still questions about tension on the set between you and Juliana Margulies that was rumored to be so bad that you couldn’t even film your final scene together. Will you ever tell your side of the story?
Archie: You’re very naughty, Jessica.

Are you surprised people want to hear your perspective?
Let’s put it this way. We are living in a world where everybody wants to know everything. I completely understand why everyone asks about it. Everybody I meet asks me about it, in some roundabout way. I just feel like, I’m doing work because of that character. Before Kalinda, I was always coming in for a few lines and it was hard to get roles. If people always want to know what happened, OK, it’s a small price to pay for all the wonderful things that show has given me. It sounds diplomatic, but it’s how I feel.

Did it tarnish your memories of the series?
I’m not very complimentary of things. I’m very British and I like to self-deprecate, but I do feel the Alicia and Kalinda scenes were one of the highlights of the show. I’m very proud of them.

But you’re taking everything else to the grave?
Yeah. I’ve said what I’m going to say.

Any chance Kalinda will pop up on “The Good Fight”?
I don’t know. I still get a lot of love for her, but she came in as a mystery and she left as a mystery. I don’t know if bringing back a character like that feels right. It took me time to get out of that character and for people to see me in a different light.

You once had an agent who told you that you’d never work as an Indian woman. Is there anything you’d want to say to her now?

I was in my 20s then and I do feel, with respect to her, that she was justified in saying that to some degree. When I was growing up, my family used to say, “How many women of your background are onscreen? Virtually none.” I don’t hold it against her for saying it at the time.

You really don’t hold onto rage, do you?
I’m British and I’m Indian. So that combination is: Keep the peace!

[From The New York Times]

As much as I would love it if Archie pulled up a chair, sipped some tea and talked about the sh-t that REALLY went down, I understand why she doesn’t. And I understand how it probably benefits her career too – she would probably be less likely to be hired for stuff if producers thought she was a bitchy blabbermouth. But damn, the self-control! I’m too much of a sh-ttalking gossip. Also: I have NO IDEA why Billions hired Juliana Margulies for the new season. Just seeing her in the previews makes me wonder if Damian Lewis told her to go f–k herself when she pulled some “THIS SHOW IS ALL ABOUT ME!” sh-t.

NBC Universal Midseason Press Junket

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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30 Responses to “Archie Panjabi ‘completely understands’ why people still ask about ‘Good Wife’ drama”

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  1. Jerusha says:

    She is so beautiful, such a good actress. And, Stay classy, Archie. Keep ‘em guessing.

  2. Darla says:

    I had NO idea Margulies is on Billions this season. I love the show. That’s so weird. I wonder if she plays his love interest?

    Oh, about this. So I saw a tv writer on twitter post something really funny, and actually pretty thought provoking. He said, everyone is wondering what the future of tv looks like (virus), and then he said “like we haven’t already seen that.”

    He ended it with a picture from the scene Margulies and Panjabi filmed “together” but at different times. lol

  3. Backwards says:

    I think it’s pretty clear Julianna Margulies was threatened by Archie. Kalinda was just so cool and had just a great storyline. Archie is a fantastic actress.

    Remember that final green screened scene?

    • WTW says:

      I think people need to be asking Julianna Marguiles about her treatment of Archie and not the other way around. Let’s hold the perpetrator accountable, not the target. The sad thing is that when the show focused on Julianna’s character during the last couple of seasons, it wasn’t that interesting. I also find it really disheartening, but not at all surprising, that the show would allow this a woman of color to be sidelined and treated in this manner. This happens all the time in all industries. Women of color are threatening if they’re too good at their jobs, so they’re not allowed to shine.

      • Bettyrose says:

        I would love to hear JM’s side of the story. I’m a long time fan of hers and so want this to not be about petty girl jealousy (though I know it probably is and that sucks).

      • Queen Meghan's Hand says:

        You are so right, WTW. This is really a story of a WOC getting pushed out for doing her job well. I understand why AP would be asked about her experience (because that green screen scene was so awful), but JM should be asked as well.

        And just want exactly is she doing on Billions? That show is so crazy.

    • lucy2 says:

      I think she was threatened as well. JM clearly wanted it to be a star vehicle, and people kept talking more about the supporting cast and guest stars, and Archie got so much (deserved) attention for her role.
      Funny JM never targeted Christine Baranski or any of the other actors, just Archie.

    • Mee says:

      Archie won an Emmy first in2010 and JM lost her shit. Even though she won the next year. It’s in the same vein of Lead actress SJP but fan favorite is Samantha Jones and SJP couldn’t stand it

  4. Marjorie says:

    I liked Archie on the Good Wife, she’s got a glow, but the Kalinda character was ridiculous. Basically a a Bond girl. We were supposed to believe that a 90 pound, 5 foot tall person in stiletto boots could kick the sh1t out of some random thug as required. It was fun I guess. I hope she slays it on Billions.

    • Arb says:

      I agree. I hate that male characters earn their success and female characters are just magically amazing.

      Women are genreally smaller than men. On average, we do not have their upper body strength. What that means is that many times, when a woman stands up to a man, she is doing so under powerful intimidation, intended or not. When a female character is magically super strong, it undermines the real bravery of real women.

      • bekindbekindbekind says:

        Thank you for saying that, Arb. True and necessary.

      • Margles says:

        I’m not sure male characters are earning their success anymore than female ones. It’s not like your average man is going to be an amazing martial artist either.

      • bettyrose says:

        I bought myself a pair of them Kalinda boots, though. Maybe I don’t regularly kick literal ass in them, but I kick figurative ass. thank you very much.

      • KL says:

        Kalinda absolutely earned her success. She spend a long, long time with criminals, even married one, and suffered the consequences. I’m not sure what you or Marjorie are referring to about “strength,” since i have watched the Good Wife multiple times and Kalinda’s mojo was always charm, and insider knowledge from working for the black hats. Whenever she was required to beat someone up she used the element of surprise, a weapon where they had none, or a gun — which the show spent a lot of time establishing her expertise with.

        I find comments like this a little… I think a confirmation bias is at work. Is Kalinda more magically amazing than Jack Bauer? Or Jack Ryan? Are we not currently drowning in Marvel films with male protagonists that are, in every sense but a literal one, magically strong? Also: I know dozens of very real, REALLY STRONG women who cite genuinely magically-gifted female characters like Buffy Summers as inspiring them to make their choices, even as we all acknowledge that the actresses in question weren’t always physically capable of doing the feats depicted. (Sometimes they are! Have you read about what Margot Robbie does on her sets?)

        Stories for women are allowed to be just as aspirational as every other — white dude after white dude is the savior of any given situation in our media, no matter what the skill set required or who around him is more qualified. When people get huffy about women allowed to be badass — especially women of color — it’s like… I see you.

    • Mee says:

      Umm what shoe were you watching?? Kalinda used her feminine wiles, flirting, quid pro quo, and just good old fashioned surveillance skills to get information for her cases. I don’t remember any flying through the air action sequences. She had a baseball bat in her car if she needed it.

  5. Faithmobile says:

    The Kalinda character was not good, it wasn’t realistic and was overly sexualized like the entire show-that being said the Good Wife is a spectacular piece of television. And just like Retta said on Fallon “it holds up”. I’m a little frustrated with what’s available to watch these days(just watching YouTube British panel shows) my husband on the other hand has an endless cache of shoot em up movies.

    • mynameispearl says:

      Watch Normal People. Unbelievable tv.

    • WTW says:

      I watch “The Good Fight” on CBS All Access. One of the few TV shows I enjoy.

    • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

      If you get Netflix, we just started “Never Have I Ever”, the Mindy Kaling show (she’s behind the scenes, creator/writer/producing). It is GREAT.

      Also, on Netflix, a 4 epic show called “Unorthodox”, a very gripping, true story about a woman who flees the Orthodox Jewish community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and goes to Berlin. Won’t say more to spoil…but definitely a good watch, esp. in one sitting!

      Belgravia, on Epix (also on (British) itv website to stream, is a 6 epi drama from Julian Fellows (Downton Abbey). It is SOOO good!!

      Dead Again starts on May 8th (Netflix). Catch up on Season 1 if you haven’t watched; you won’t regret the time. 😊

      Honestly, I think the little I spend per month on Netflix is SO worth it! 😊

  6. Chica1971 says:

    She is very good as the pathologist on Netflix show with Gillian Anderson. The Fall

    • Jules says:

      that show was so creepy, is it still running new episodes? great acting overall in it.

  7. Amelie says:

    Archie is not in a position to spill the tea as much we’d like her to. She’s not white first of all and while TV/movies have been better at including POC than in recent decades we still have a long way to go. She even says it herself—she is getting more interesting roles now because of her work on The Good Wife, so she isn’t going to start drama to jeopardize her livelihood by trashing the show that was her breakout role. If Julianna badmouthed Archie I doubt Julianna’s career would suffer but Archie’s would.

    And while Archie has more name recognition now she is not a household name. I only know about her because this site covers her and never watched The Good Wife. I’ve seen her in some guest star roles like The Fall and Shetland (both British shows) but they were not major roles. The average person who has never seen The Good Wife likely has never heard of her.

    So yeah she’s smart and being professional which is a testament to her. Don’t burn bridges and never bite the hand that feeds you. It’s basic professional behavior 101.

  8. Caroline says:

    JM is so toxic they ended a show with her as its star and immediately rebooted it w/out her, which ppl say is better but I won’t pay for CBS All Access so I’ll just have to take their word for it. I’ll never stop thinking that is hilarious and it proves everything we all assume about her.

    • Jerusha says:

      It’s a fantastic show, but I’m not paying for yet another streaming service. I wait till it comes out on dvd and rent it from my library. 75 cents for three weeks, but I binge it in two days, it’s so addictive.

    • Darla says:

      The Good Fight is fantastic. I subscribe to CBS just for that show, but now i’ve also gotten into Picard. I don’t know that it’s better than the first seasons of Good Wife, but it is better than the last seasons. Basically, after Will died. I thought the show went with him.

    • WTW says:

      CBS offers a month-long free trial of All Access, so I would try it if I were you. Good Fight season 5 just started.

      • leftcoastal says:

        I binge-watched The Good Fight, but I had to stop after Season 4. It started going WAY off the rails, similar to how The Good Wife did in later seasons. Crazy storylines that had no purpose and just screamed “we ran out of ideas, so everyone is going to just yell a lot and talk to inanimate objects.” It’s too bad because I love all the actors/characters on the show; they’re all so incredible, but the current plotlines are doing them a great disservice.

  9. Monette says:

    I watched Shetland because Kaiser recommended it. The first episode futured Jemma Chan and the second season Archie Panjabi. I was already hooked by then but boy was it an awesome surprise. I loved Kalinda.
    Shetland was sooo good, I just wish I could find another series that would hook me like that.
    Make this quarantine s**t easier.

  10. Swan Lake says:

    i hated the show after Archie left and stopped watching.

  11. Alarmjaguar says:

    Slightly off topic, but watched Bend it Like Beckham this weekend with my daughter and Archie plays the lead’s older sister. Also, that’s a great little film (despite the unrealistic love story)