Cristina Cuomo defends Clorox baths: there’s always opposition to ‘holistic medicine’

Grand opening of John Varvatos Madison Avenue

Chris Cuomo is, at best, a sympathetic meathead. He’s very yelly and he’s honestly not great at his job, although I have genuine sympathy for his recent health struggles – he had a bad case of coronavirus and he was trying his best to get through it. But did you know “his best” involved a lot of crazy pseudoscience from his wife? He’s married to Cristina Cuomo, “editor in chief of wellness publication The Purist.” Last week, Cristina made headlines for talking about “Clorox baths” for her family to combat the virus. She’s lucky that this sh-t was going viral in the same newscycle as Donald Trump’s “drink Lysol for a corona cure” press conference.

Chris Cuomo has posted on Instagram and spoken in cable news spots about dealing with the illness. Cristina has also been posting about the home remedies she favored throughout her and her husband’s ailments. It’s mostly benign stuff, drinking some bark juice and sending a lock of his hair to be analyzed. But when she published her “week three” diary earlier this week, she spoke of the treatments used on herself, which leapfrogged the Goop set to attain new heights. There was a paragraph on borrowing a “body charger” from a friend on the advice of an energy specialist. She wrote that it sends “electrical frequencies through the body to oxygenate blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system.” She wrote that she ordered an at-home I.V. She wrote of a taking a Clorox bath to combat “radiation” and do something to “metals.”

[From Vanity Fair]

She sounds exactly like the ideal patient for Denise Richards’ husband, Dr. Big D–k Regeneration and his Blocking Electromagnetic Frequency Cure. Suddenly, people were doing thinkpieces about whether bathing in Clorox is actually something any human should do? But, again, Donald Trump was telling people (just hours later) to drink the Clorox, not bathe in it, so people kind of forgot. Turns out, she’s doubling down on all of it. Cristina gave an exclusive to People Magazine where she talked about how she’s doing a lot better after being diagnosed with the virus, then she started talking about “the backlash” against her bleach-baths and expensive vitamins:

“I have to say, the fear I had going into it was far greater than the fear I had while I was in it,” she says. “I think there’s so much anxiety right now around this virus, and part of it is the fear of knowing there’s no vaccine, and there’s no proven cure or treatments.” Cristina says that “fear” is why she wanted to share the foods and homeopathic treatments she found useful in a blog post on The Purist, the online magazine she founded in 2017. “I think anecdotal evidence is really important right now — what are you feeling, how’s it going for you? — so people get a better understanding of what to expect,” she says.

Her initial post received backlash for the methods she described, including a Clorox bath (which she later updated to clarify that it involved ¼ of a cup of Clorox, not a tub full of it), pricey herbal medicines and a $300 vitamin C drip. After the criticism, Cristina amended the post to say she is “aware that what I am about to talk about are remedies for people who are already in a privileged situation — we have a roof over our head, enough food to eat and clean drinking water, and not everyone has that.”

Cristina says, though, that she understands the backlash. “There’s a huge opposition against holistic medicine, I get that,” she says. Many of these practices do not have backing from peer-reviewed scientific studies and are not used by Western medical doctors. Cristina updated her post to say, “None of these natural remedies below should be taken without consulting a doctor or naturopath.” But in her view, she says, “If there’s a potential for something to work, why not investigate it?”

“Who knows if it worked or what it did, but I know that in nine days, I got most of that virus out of my system,” she says. “This being a virus with no vaccination and no cure, my resolution was to learn as much as I can, go to my same doctor Linda Lancaster and follow her protocol, her prescription. And no way am I saying please try this. It’s just the path that I took and I’m sharing it because there isn’t a lot of anecdotal evidence.”

[From People]

On one hand, I do agree that anecdotal evidence is important right now and it’s important for people who have had the virus to talk openly about their symptoms, what they took to help, and where and how they believe they got it. In a crisis, anecdotal information quickly becomes part of the medical record too. If people are legitimately helped by an increase of Vitamin C & D, let’s do that. But Cristina’s thing is that she’s not any kind of medical expert or even a holistic medicine expert, and she’s doling out advice like she’s both. The problem is that people might listen to her AND Trump and create Clorox baths and sip their orange-juice-and-Clorox screwdrivers.

Manhattan Men's Magazine Issue Party

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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93 Responses to “Cristina Cuomo defends Clorox baths: there’s always opposition to ‘holistic medicine’”

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  1. BendyWindy says:

    There is nothing “holistic” about bleach.

    • Mel says:

      Yep! Thank you for saying that. Thing is, I have friends who are into a holistic medicine lifestyle and some are actually graduated naturopaths and some who are right down hippie or whatever you want to call it and they would NEVER consider a “bleach bath” or anything related to Clorox to be natural or holistic! So weather you agree with that lifestyle or not please don’t call it that, call it a monkey cure or snake oil or whatever but holistic ain’t it, whoever is feeding her those lines or making her think is a “holistic treatment” is crazy.

      • Frida_K says:

        I’m an acupuncturist and herbalist and my eyebrows shot up to my hairline at the thought of a bleach bath for COVID19 relief.

        Bleach taken either internally or as a bath for viruses is not anything I learned in school and it sure as he// did not appear on my state board licensing exams.

        I know several naturopaths and I have patients who see me and a naturopath or other holistic care provider. I cannot imagine anyone I know getting on board with bleach baths for this.

        She’s nuts. And her views and delivery of them are dangerous.

        Bleach bath, my buns.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        agreed, she’s off her rocker and this is not holistic medicine

        what she is advocating is one hell of a step back in time to a dark history of some very dangerous practices which are not in keeping with any form of evidence-based medicine and shows she has no idea what actual holistic care is

        For those of you who didn’t get a chance to shudder at the notion of Lysol being used for contraception and douching – take a gander at this:

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly what I came here to say. This is nothing but quackery and it’s scary that she has an actual platform to spout this nonsense.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Interestingly enough, bleach is a naturally occurring chemical in our bodies. The primary ingredient in Chlorox is hyperchlorous acid, which is a superoxide compound that your immune cells can produce in order to murder the sh*t out of pathogens that they phagocytize.

      Nothing in that sentence should at all make you want to bathe in it regularly, though lol.

      • Arpeggi says:

        I mean sure, use a Dakin solution if you have a minor skin infection: that’s useful. But a bleach bath?! Can you imagine how it’ll mess up your skin and make you more prone to infections? It’s ridiculous. Our skin’s the #1 organ when it comes to fighting infections, we have to treat it properly

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Inhaling bleach can be damaging to the lungs

    • wellsie says:

      Looking up hokey medical advice up on the internet doesn’t make it holistic, Christina.

    • Snappyfish says:

      So if you are ever bitten by cherry bugs (aka chiggers) they say you pour 1/4 cup of bleach in a hot bath. That’s the only time you should do it & I cringe at that thought.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Never heard of that one, but. it doesn’t sound right to me. Hot baths, hot showers always increase the itch. I worked in the South for five years, and we had a Georgian-born & raised wildlife biologist who said, with respect to ticks, to hold a lit match next to them & they’ll back right out. No, no, I don’t think I’d try anything ‘they’ say to do.

      • anniefannie says:

        Another chigger remedy is to heat the back of a metal spoon and press it against the chigger.
        It immediately eliminates the itch!

    • sassafras says:

      Diluted bleach baths are legitimately prescribed by real doctors for skin conditions. Our pediatrician did. It’s a home remedy that has helped people. Now I don’t know why this chick did it but it’s bugging me when people are like, “that’s whackadoo” and our pediatrician who believes in vaccines and antibiotics and hospitals told us to do it.

      • Christina says:

        My hubby, who believes in MDs and hospitals and Dr. Fauci, told me that he used a pill to purify water that he got at REI for the two week hikes he took on the Pacific Crest trail. The pills were a small amount of bleach that you dropped into a container of stream water so that it was safe to drink. There are legitimate and medically approved ways to use bleach to treat humans, but they are very specifically dosed if available commercially, and medical treatments are supervised by a doctor like your child’s pediatrician.

        What Chris Cuomo is pushing… I have mixed feelings. I used tradicional Chinese medicine (TCM) 25 years ago when it was considered quackery in the United States. I took smelly teas and got acupuncture that was used in Beijing Hospital but called quackery here. It helped with some chronic problems that my doctors couldn’t figure out and could only treat with painkillers. Now acupuncture and TCM is accepted and part of medical plans in the United States, at least it is in California. A bunch of people don’t believe that eliminating certain foods from their diets and increasing certain fats can control pain and lower cholesterol, but I’m now migraine free, off of a cane, and my almost 369 cholesterol is normal from not giving up nightshades and brown rice and eating more olive oil and whipping cream in my coffee. Bizarre, but it worked.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Yes, diluted bleach solutions can be used to treat some skin conditions, mainly related to very topical Staph infections. Totally fine, though you have to be careful because not all bleach have the same concentration and it’s actually an issue in the lab when we inactivate bodily fluids with “10% bleach” before throwing them away in the waste.

        But SARS-CoV-2 is an intracellular pathogen that infects primarily the airways/lungs: it’s not a skin infection thus there’s no reason to push bathing in a Dakin solution to treat covid. Which is why people are calling it quack.

      • Christina says:

        I meant I became healthy from giving up nightshades and brown rice and quinoa and a bunch of foods that many people consider healthy while increasing certain fats. It sounded like quackery to me, but I was desperate because traditional medical treatments seemed make things worse, and the quackery worked.

        I’m not Chris Cuomo, lol.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Sassafras: but that was for skin conditions, she’s advising it for a virus. That is whackadoo.

      • ravynrobyn says:

        @ CHRISTINA-if it’s not too personal, do you mind if I ask about your diet? Did you do the FODMAP elimination diet?

        Just got diagnosed with IBS and have severe arthritis in my thumb and both knees.

        I’m so happy for your current state of good health & wonder if you have any suggestions.

        Thanks 💕💕

      • anony7 says:

        @Christina– glad you are doing well … the whipping cream in the coffee sounds delicious, I’m going to try that!

    • Jules says:

      wtf is wrong with people?! same as the dude from yesterday’s post who didn’t know the meaning of allopathic.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I remember years ago reading an interview with Way Bandy (makeup artist, did all the Cosmopolitan covers with Francesco Scavullo). Way’s ‘holistic’ approach to food & eating was to put all his fruits & vegetables in a bucket of diluted bleach for x amount of time. Clean your food with it, soak in a tub of it, such nonsense. Her getting better in nine days is, I think, about right on time for most viruses, right? It wasn’t the bleach baths.

    • Charlie says:

      It’s mostly benign stuff, drinking some bark juice…

      This is what stood out to me. There are plenty of barks that are scary toxic. There is the potential for a lot of good in holistic medicine- but only with someone who has studied it with the focus that all medicines require.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Exactly what I came to say. WTF?

  2. GR says:

    She’s an irresponsible wackadoo, and no sane person thinks bleach gets rid of radiation.
    The weird thing though? Bleach baths (with only a teeny bit of bleach in them) may be a home remedy for eczema?! At least according the Mayo Clinic:

    • Esmom says:

      Interesting that it’s the anti-bacterial properties of bleach that they say may help. How this could help a virus, though? Doesn’t make sense.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Most viruses are very susceptible to bleach, SARS-CoV-2 included. But bathing in what is pretty much a Dakin solution won’t change anything in this case since the virus is inside your body and not on the skin

    • Chris says:

      I knew someone who had a baby with skin issues and she refused to use gentle soaps and detergent for him. By the time he got to see a dermatologist around 4 months old he had to have bleach baths daily to rid all the upper layers of his skin because they were so bad and there was no repairing them.

      • Juju says:

        It’s the same amount of bleach as in a swimming pool. I’ve heard of pediatricians recommending it for skin conditions as well.

    • Eliza_ says:

      I was recommended this by a doctor (actually specialist in field) if xyz didn’t work. Didn’t ended up needing it but it’s basically a capful in an entire tub of water.

      But not a whole bath of bleach. That’s insane.

    • stormyshay says:

      My daughter had eczema. Her dermatologist and pediatrician both recommended bleach baths. It was a small amount of bleach in her bath water. It cleared up the eczema on her little bottom after a few baths in this solution.

    • Sybaritic1 says:

      I have had lifelong bad eczema, worse in summer (exacerbated by heat and humidity). There’s not a lot topicals can do for that, and the option of systemic immunosuppresants seems to have too many potential side effects.
      I read that sometimes eczema can be aggravated by superficial staph infections brought on by too much scratching (read: transferring all the gross stuff under your nails to your blood stream/under the first several layers of skin). So, as recommended by some dermatologists, I take the occasional bleach bath (1/2c in a full, cool bath), soaking for about 20 minutes. It’s like being in a swimming pool, odor-wise. It’s perfectly safe (at this concentration, and NOT ingesting it), and does provide relief.

  3. Granger says:

    She implies that natural remedies helped get “most of that virus” out of her system in nine days. But isn’t that about how long it takes the average healthy person to get rid of it? It’s hardly a solid recommendation for Chlorox baths. (I’m all for some natural remedies, by the way — but I wouldn’t bathe in bleach.)

    • BW says:

      It reminds me of the old saying.

      Take aspirin to get rid of a cold in 7 days, because if you don’t it will linger on for a week.

      Or maybe it was just my mom being funny.

    • Hotsauceinmybag says:

      I came here to say that! I had a presumed case of covid-19 and it was “mild” – headache, body aches, severe congestion, loss of taste and smell. While it took me a few weeks to completely recover, I was definitely through the thick of it after about 10 days, sans whacky bleach baths. I drank lots and lots of tea/fluids and took OTC cold meds.

  4. Mei says:

    “Who knows if it worked or what it did, but I know that in nine days, I got most of that virus out of my system,”

    Yes, that’s because of your immune system doing it’s job, moron. People who have no clue about science should keep their thoughts to themselves. Do what you want to yourself, but don’t frame it as a ‘i’m just doing me, don’t do this just cos I did!’

    /rant. Sorry, as a biomedical research scientist I’ve just had it up here with people spreading so much utter nonsense about everything to do with this virus.

    • lucy2 says:

      Thank you!

      I’ve had it with all the non-scientific nonsense too, and I’m not even a scientist, I can’t imagine how utterly frustrated you must be. People are so quick to believe ANYTHING, and worse, spread that misinformation to others.

    • Christina says:

      I hear you, and I believe in science. I was afraid to try TCM 26 years ago and Plant Paradox because of the lack of scientific evidence, but I was desperate to deal with chronic health problems that my doctors kept pumping me with opioids and other meds for. Now I no longer take opioids and don’t need statins. All I take now is a hormone for my pituitary gland.

      I don’t believe that you can flush viruses with bleach, but desperate people do desperate things.

  5. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    Are we sure these people are real, and not a simulation?

  6. Tx_mom says:

    VERY VERY dilute bleach baths can be useful for preventing reoccurrence of MRSA — this brought to you from Infectious Disease control doctors after my teen had two MRSA infections (or you can use an almost as nasty disinfection soap that costs $15 a bottle).

    • Esmom says:

      Also bacterial, not viral. Glad your son is okay!

      • sassafras says:

        Bleach kills viruses.

      • Suz says:

        @sassafras, yes it kills viruses on surfaces. Not inside of your body.

      • Christina says:

        Bacterial infections on the skin are one thing. Viral infections inside cells is entirely different, and there is NO WAY that putting bleach on skin is going to take virus out of cells in the lungs or anywhere else.

    • Amanduh says:

      Honestly at the concentration Cristina was talking about, 1/4 cup to a whole tub of water, its basically like swimming in a chlorinated pool. I don’t see the harm. Bleach baths have been recommended for eczema too. She isn’t telling people to bathe in straight bleach. I don’t think theres harm in telling people what worked for you with the stipulation that they aren’t a doctor. If some idiots can’t parse out bad info like injecting disinfectants, I don’t really know what to say. I do not agree with all the weird censoring going on though. For instance, doctors in hospitals are actually using IV drips of vitamin C on covid patients yet Facebook censored the mention of vitamin C and covid a month ago. They can do what they want as its a privately owned but it doesn’t do much for their waning credibility.

      • Aang says:

        Aman duh I thought about a pool too. My kids acne always cleared up in the summer and the doc said the chlorine in the pool kills bacteria that can cause acne. But corona is a virus, and it lives in the lungs. I’m not sure how she thinks it will help in this case.

      • kacy says:

        Bleach kills viruses, too. It’s the lungs part that is the limitation 😉

      • Bucky says:

        The concentration needed to kill the virus on a surface -her skin in this case- would be a third of a cup per gallon. That would be about 12 cups of bleach per bath. The bleach can’t do anything to reduce virus symptoms or duration of the virus. She’s describing a wildly inefficient alternative to hand washing, nothing more.

      • Frida_K says:

        Yes, but a lot of people take the “more is better” approach. If it works at a small does, it will work faster and more thoroughly if I use MOAR BLEACH!

        That kind of thinking is not rare, and that’s what I’d fear as a practitioner.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Likely because S. aureus is a native organism on the skin. Most staph infections aren’t something you pick up from other people – it’s because you get injured, and some of the bacteria on your own skin gets into the wound, which is why it’s a common infection for neglected patients with bed sores. People with MRSA infections likely have been carriers for some time, so bleach baths would legitimately help cut down on the amount on their body since S. aureus is a really tough bastard of an organism to kill otherwise.

    • Nicole says:

      Yeeesss! Thank you for posting this, definitely diluted bleach baths for staph.

  7. Keroppi says:

    First, most holistic blogs and people that I have come in contact with seem to be against such harsh chemicals.

    Second, if my naturopath suggested bathing in Clorox I would run fast and run far! And likely report him or her.

    • Flamingo says:

      In the majority of states, NDs are not licensed or regulated in any way. NDs are the naturopaths who actually complete some sort of in person degree program. Anyone can sign up for some classes online and call themselves a naturopath. So in most cases, you wouldn’t have much luck reporting a naturopath to any regulating body.

      • Erinn says:


        It’s a horrifying industry full of vultures.

      • keroppi says:

        They are licensed and regulated in some provinces here in Canada. Although I’m sure practices vary wildly across the country. The Naturopath that I see is more about diet and lifestyle as opposed to herbal remedies and expensive supplements thankfully!

  8. SJR says:

    Whackadoodle with no common sense.

  9. ChellyPie says:

    Where do you even find bleach to do any of this?? Like Lysol & disinfecting sprays / wipes it’s an impossible find.

  10. Spicecake38 says:

    If you want fresh cut flowers to last in a vase add a capful of Clorox with the water.This hack really works!
    Don’t drink it,don’t bath in it(unless it’s a tiny amount added to bath water)usually for something like staph infection.

  11. Jennifer says:

    I can’t follow most of what she’s saying about electrical currents but we gave my daughter bleach baths after a number of dermatologists recommended it. Bleach baths are a commonly suggested treatment for eczema and it’s very diluted and probably less chlorine than is in a pool.

  12. Ainsley7 says:

    Some doctors suggest bleach baths for eczema, but that’s as close as you’ll get to a bleach bath being a treatment for literally anything.

  13. Flamingo says:

    I’m sure that naturopaths are good for some things, but please if you are diagnosed with cancer or another illness that is time sensitive, do not waste precious time trying herbs or vitamins to try to heal yourself. That’s time that the cancer is progressing making it more difficult for real oncologists to stop.
    I had two people in my life who didn’t want to go down the modern medicine surgery, chemo/ radiation path for breast cancer and instead went to a naturopath who prescribed all kinds of Chinese medicine herbs, acupuncture, etc. Both realized that it was a bunch of nonsense when it was too late.

    • Erinn says:

      We have a crackpot idiot in our family who used to be an LPN (two years of college vs the 4 year university bachelor degree for an RN). She now runs this business that she calls ‘the apothecary’.

      Anyway, she’s into all this Ayurveda bullshit, and was telling other family members that she could ‘fix’ my chronic pain condition. I’ve never been so angry in my life that some bitch relative that I barely know who makes her money selling snake oil to sad, desperate people thought she could do something my doctor could not.

      I have a giant axe to grind with people who do this kind of thing. If you want to help treat side effects, or provide products that will alleviate some symptoms – that’s fine. But as soon as you’re telling people that you can ‘fix’ or ‘cure’ them, you need to get tossed off to a deserted island or something. I have no problem with people wanting to incorporate these things into their actual health care – but you need to discuss it with a REAL doctor. Not someone who took some bs online course for a couple of weeks.

      • I have a friend who is genius-level smart who decided to go from being a scientist to Ayurvedic medicine, so not so genius. I asked her why she would tout medication where the compounds are made with lead. She said “it’s just a little bit of lead” lol. She told me she could also get rid of an orange-sized uterine fibroid. I told her to kick rocks

  14. Darla says:

    Wait, I LOVE that you called him a sympathetic meathead! Meathead is one of my favorite words and it’s not used enough! And that’s exactly what he is; a meathead. He’s only sometimes sympathetic. lol And now we see he married a dope! Oh madone. And his father was so smart. So is his brother. I will admit he got the best looks. I like the pretty, but you gotta have a brain, man.

    • Purplehazeforever says:

      He definitely got the looks where Andrew got the brains. But Chris married a dope. I’m sorry a Clorox bath…strangely enough, a dopey ex of mine did that to get rid of poison ivy. He was fishing on a commercial boat & his captain had to call the Coast Guard to take him back to shore. Lol, good times.

      • Christin says:

        Your story reminded me that I have used diluted apple cider vinegar (with the mother) on poison ivy, and it did seem to help.

        Seems the older I get, the more poison ivy and other rashes seem to like me in the hot weather.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Christin: get yourself some Tecnu! And use cool water, not hot.

  15. Rae says:

    I’m from the UK, but we do have Dettol baths here. Dependent on the concentration used, it can be used for cleaning and, very mildly, in the bath. It’s an antibacterial cleaner. It’s on its instructions for use, so it’s not Just people taking a risk.

    My sister is using it at the moment due to some sores that she soaks in to help keep them clean. I used to use it when I had I had an ingrown nail that I was dealing with and wanted to soak it during the healing process.

    However, I don’t have any experience of Clorex and don’t know whether the makers actually recommend that particular usage. If they do, I don’t see what the fuss is about on that part.

    • SomeChick says:

      Once again, a virus is NOT the same thing as bacteria.

      If it were, the coronaVIRUS would be significantly easier to deal with!

      Enjoy your pointless bleach baths. Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards.

      • sassafras says:

        Bleach kills viruses. That’s why people make solutions out of it and spray it on things. Stop saying it only works on bacteria.

      • Arpeggi says:

        It’s very easy to destroy the coronavirus on surfaces: contact with bleach, ethanol or any soapy solution will do the trick (vinegar won’t). It’s why we tell people to wash their hands and recommend cleaning surfaces frequently if there are lots of people around (or why you shouldn’t touch your face while you are out and about and touching stuff).

        But it’s also why we have to tell people not to drink bleach cuz that won’t work the way POTUS expects it (though once dead you won’t contaminate anyone). And why it’s pointless to bathe in a mild bleach solution if you have a viral infection in your lungs

  16. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Holistic people clean with vinegar, NEVER Clorox. So…. Take a vinegar bath.

    • Christin says:

      I posted up thread about ACV. Seems as if it is a possible remedy for many ails (internal and external). I have used it on poison ivy rashes and to successfully remove skin tag/moles.

      The latter takes about two-three weeks of daily (diluted) application, but works. It dries up the mole or tag without any bleeding or underlying skin damage.

  17. Roo says:

    I went into a deep dive on her website after first reading about her self-prescribed treatment. It strikes me that she’s the East Coast version of Goop. As with Goop, I get this sense of sadness and insecurity in her hectic efforts to treat herself and control her body. And in all her photos, Christina has a defensive look about her. Like she is insecure about her place in life. I don’t know, maybe I’m off-base, but it just made me sad for her. These women are living a life of comfort and financial security, but they are not happy.

  18. Miss Gloss says:

    This. This is complete BS. If she touts herself as someone into holistic remedies, she isn’t doing Clorox baths. Anyone who knows anything about holistic medicine knows that is BS. If she is spouting such things it’s only to discredit the holistic/naturopath medicine community and we already know war has already been declared on holistics. There is no money to be made for Big Pharma in natural remedies. So annoying!

  19. Amy says:

    Can someone explain to me how Clorox is hollistic? Isn’t hollistic natural?

  20. Kebbie says:

    “Who knows if it worked” 😂 It didn’t. Your immune system fought it off, not your bleach bath. Why do the dumbest people have the biggest platforms?

  21. sassafras says:

    If we don’t have a treatment or medicine for Covid and people want to try homeopathic / holistic remedies to make themselves feel better when they have a mild case, why not? This isn’t like people taking collodial silver to cure cancer. There’s nothing else they can do at home. It’s like chicken soup and orange juice and cool rags. Of course I have a problem with her saying it “cured” her but placebo effects are real and if she had a mild case and electromagnetic whatevers kept her from panicking and kept her stress levels down so she could recover who gives a flip.

  22. Jaded says:

    Bleach can kill viruses but only if they’re on the skin surface…bleach actually irritates mucous membranes and airways so it must be used in a very well ventilated area. If you’ve got COVID-19 your lungs MUST be protected from further irritation so her idea of a bleach bath is simply idiotic.

  23. Doesn’t she have Covid-19? Maybe those bleach baths didn’t work Dr. Cristina

  24. Linda says:

    Some skin conditions can be cleared up with bleach baths but it’s about a tablespoon in a big bathtub. It’s safe and effective. Most municipalities use a form of it for water purification so you’re already drinking and bathing in it if you live in a city.

  25. Suz says:

    “I know that in nine days, I got most of that virus out of my system.” Isn’t approximately one week the average amount of time it takes for a virus to work its way out of your system? My cousin got the virus, he is an otherwise healthy person, and that’s how long it took for him to recover. He didn’t sit in bleach.

  26. Diane says:

    I work in a derm office and bleach baths are sometimes prescribed for certain skin conditions.

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Why not just take a normal “soap bath”? Soap kills the coronavirus and won’t irritate your lungs. I guess that’s too mundane lol.

  28. adastraperaspera says:

    People like Cristina, who capitalize on our hard-earned herd immunity by selling snake oil to the masses, are enemies of science . Not to mention the terrible optics for the Cuomo family here–when Gov. Cuomo is trying his best to help New Yorkers fight a plague.

  29. sa says:

    My biggest concern is all the places where I see it referred to as “a bleach bath” because a lot of people will stop at the headline and not read that it’s 1/4 cup bleach added to a full bath. It’s clearly a lot catchier than “a 1/4 cup bleach added to a bath” but I think that the clumsier headline might be more beneficial to those who might read just the headline and think to try it.

  30. Alexandria says:

    It’s not a bleach bath, she’s using 1/4 of a cup. I am interested in Hypochlorous Acid (for skin only) and I bought the Tower 28 beauty spray to try this on my acne and ezcema. Fingers crossed.

    But I don’t think it’s useful for virus or bacteria inside your body. She could have omitted that out or say it’s simply for skin issues. And we still don’t know how the virus behaves once you are “cured”.

  31. HK9 says:

    No one needs to put their coochie in bleach no matter how infinitesimally small. It’s not supposed to touch sensitive parts of the body and last time I checked there’s a difference between a virus and bacteria. People who don’t know anything about alternative remedies (whatever the modality) like to spout this crap. Some soap will do. Clorox is a chemical, one which I hardly ever use, and I would NEVER use it on myself. Want to bathe in something? Try apple cider vinegar, baking soda, Epsom salts…anything but bleach FFS. This is just crazy.

  32. Kkat says:

    I have a condition HS where you get cysts all over, one of the things the dr’s have you do it get in a tub of water that has a cup of bleach in it. It helps keep the open sores from getting infected.
    It’s a really common treatment. And this is from real dr’s and the ones doing a study at john’s hopkins on it who recommend it.
    I didn’t read her thing so i don’t know how much bleach she is saying to use. But they way people with HS do it it’s really diluted.

  33. tigerlily says:

    This is so irresponsible. She obviously has zero training or even understanding of viruses or naturopathic medicine. It’s particularly irresponsibly in light of the comments Trump made about bleach and the feedback he got (rightfully so).

    I agree with some other posters here that bleach baths have their place in traditional medicine for specific purposes but definitely not for covid19. And what she is advocating is in no way naturopathic medicine.

    Bark juice? Well aspirin is derived from willow bark extract but why would anyone choose to take something that has an unknown amount of active ingredient when aspirin is standardized dose? Why go back to medieval times? Belladonna and nightshade are “natural” but no one in their right mind would ingest them (poisonous). Just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean it cannot harm you.

    I think this woman is an idiot along the same lines of Goop and it’s a pity that she has pulpit to spew this nonsense from.

  34. shanaynay says:

    I think this is just insane. She’s a big time idiot. It doesn’t matter if it’s only a 1/4 cup. This woman is a lunatic, and needs to STFU!