We’ve been hearing that the major movie chains, AMC and Regal, are planning to open next month and that they’ll adhere to “local” mask requirements and encourage social distancing. AMC actually reversed their “masks are political, we’re not requiring them” policy after major backlash. They have stated they will require masks in all locations. A lot of places say that, but are they going to enforce it? The major drivers of the theaters reopening are money of course, and blockbusters like Mulan and Christopher Nolan’s Tenet. Mulan still has its original release date of July 24 (I’ll update that if this changes), but Tenet has been pushed back a second time to August 12th. Here’s the announcement on that.
Warner Bros. has announced that Christopher Nolan’s Tenet is moving its release date from July 31 to Aug. 12. This comes less than two weeks after the studio previously bumped the movie from July 17 to July 31, so whether the new Aug. 12 will hold, or whether another two-week delay might be in the cards, is very much an open question.
“Warner Bros. is committed to bringing Tenet to audiences in theaters, on the big screen, when exhibitors are ready and public health officials say it’s time,” a spokesperson for the studio said.
The Russell Crowe movie Unhinged and the romantic comedy The Broken Hearts Gallery are still scheduled to be released in July, Variety notes, and Disney has Mulan set for July 24 at the moment. But Disney is reportedly considering delaying the film, meaning if there is to be something of a summer movie season this year, the idea of it kicking off with big blockbusters next month is looking less and less likely. Brendan Morrow.
I hope this mean that AMC and Regal are going to delay reopening. We’ve already heard that Disneyland is doing that and people expect Disney World to follow suit. I’ve mentioned before that I hope that drive-ins make a comeback, but the theater industry as we know it probably isn’t going to recover or come back until next year. I’m sorry for sounding so pessimistic, but we’re seeing record spikes in states that are opening up now. I really wish that all movies this year would be VOD or drive-in only. I would pay $20 to see Tenet at home and I’m sure a lot of people agree. The economy isn’t worth the human cost.
Photos credit: Warner Brothers and Krists Luhaers on Unsplash
So for Tenet, it seems like a movie that I would want to see on the big screen (my husband and I only see a movie by ourselves….maybe every two years? Last one was the Once upon a time in Hollywood and before that I think it was Rogue One.) But this was one that I wanted to see on the big screen and was willing to pay a babysitter for. All that to say, I would rather they just delay the opening rather than release it VOD.
Pushing back “In the Heights” by a full year seemed extreme to me at the time but now it seems it was a smart move.
Same. I’d like to see this on the big screen.
Nolan’s films put a great deal into the visuals. When Dunkirk was released, there was a great commotion about which theaters had the projectors to show it in the format he intended it to be shown and if the theater didn’t have that ability, few did, than the second best alternative was to see it in IMAX. I suspect Tenent is similar and a great deal of the experience will be lost just watching it on your couch.
And Wonder Woman, for me anyway. I will wait until next year, it’s fine. I don’t think they should open this year. If they do, that’s fine too, I’ll watch it when it comes to streaming. But I don’t think they can make their money back this year in a theater release.
Chris Nolan would burn all the film footage before he would allow Tenat to have a VOD release.
Also, this needs to have BO legs for no other reason than the lead is a Black man.
There’s no sense in the industry that movies like Tenent, Mulan, Black Widow, James Bond, etc. can make their money back on VOD. They need crowds in cinemas…and then the VOD. Smaller budgeted movies like that Russell Crowe one or even Bill and Ted could take their chances with the reduced capacity/attendance.
To be honest not only do I not think we will see the four I mentioned this year, I doubt Dune and that Top Gun sequel make Christmas. Blockbusters may just be on hold until next year. Of course the question becomes: will there be any theaters left at that point to show them?
The mom and pop theaters…probably not. The chain theaters though will likely survive. Even if they end up having to get rid of a couple locations, they overall will likely survive. Especially if they have other sources of revenue coming in. Like for instance Cineplex here in Canada, you can rent movies off their website (as you would youtube or itunes). So they still have an income coming in that way.
I would love to see this on a big screen but I’m not going to the theater until there is a vaccine. It’s just not worth the risk. I think Nolan’s ego is probably why he won’t do VOD.
Tenet is def something I would want to see on the big screen. Nolan’s films’ visuals benefit from it, but it’s not gonna happen anytime soon. They’re gonna end up moving it back again once August arrives, trust. They either need to push it back a year or suck it up and just plan to release it on VOD.
They need to push these movies back more than just end of summer. I know releases are going to be really stacked next year, but it seems worth it to wait until 2021 at this point. They’re not going to make their money back with a limited audience.
I also think movie theaters should be setting up drive-ins in their massive parking lots. They’d make so much money that way.
Nolan wants to release “Tennet” on 70mm that’s why.
I’m glad they are holding off and won’t send it to vod. Some movies need to be seen in imax and this is one. Ill wait.
I’d wait just so I can see an actual promo tour as well. The funny interviews and joint appearances are part of a big release, and I hate to miss all of that.
Denzel Washington’s son looks nothing like him. He looks exactly like Denzel’s wife Pauletta. However he is quite yummy to a middle aged eye. A warm thank you to Denzel 🙂
There’s no way it goes to VOD. 2 things, Nolan is big on film on seeing things on the big screen. There’s no way he’s gonna want people to see the film first on their laptops. Secondly, the film has too high of a budget for them to take a risk with VOD. The only things we’re going to see realistically come to VOD are going to be the small-mid range budget stuff and or stuff the studios don’t feel very confident in.
I loved Inception. I am NOT going to the movies for this. I’ll wait to see it at home, safe. Not sorry at all.
There is not a single film, no actor, no director, no promotion, no motivation to get me to go to a crowded enclosed movie theatre and risk life and health. Nope. Nope. Nope. I’ll wait. A year? Fine.