Donald Trump replaced & demoted his campaign manager Brad Parscale

Donald Trump Departs for Atlanta

I still don’t really understand what happened on Twitter yesterday evening, but for a brief moment (a couple of hours), hackers took over lots of prominent Twitter accounts and tweeted out some kind of bitcoin scam. They got Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Uber, Apple and others. During that incident, all of the “blue-check mark” verified users couldn’t send any new tweets, they could only retweet. That included Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, what we predicted came true: Brad Parscale is out as Trump’s campaign manager. Parscale was mostly responsible for the Tulsa fiasco, where Parscale was on-the-record bragging about the hundreds of thousands of people seeking tickets to Trump’s first Nazi rally in months. Turns out, Parscale and Trump got played by TikTokers and youths who had swarmed the campaign sites for tickets for weeks. Good times. Anyway, Parscale was just “demoted” not fired.

President Trump on Wednesday shook up his re-election team with less than four months until November’s vote, replacing his campaign manager, Brad Parscale, in an acknowledgment of the president’s diminished standing in nearly all public and private polling since the spring.

Mr. Parscale, who was named campaign manager unusually early, in February 2018, will step out of the job and Bill Stepien, currently the deputy campaign manager and a veteran political operative, will take over. Mr. Parscale will stay on with the campaign, becoming a senior adviser for data and digital operations.

The move comes as Mr. Trump’s advantages as an incumbent president have eroded in the face of a pandemic that has killed over 137,000 Americans and battered the nation’s economy — once Mr. Trump’s most powerful argument for re-election. The president has been heavily criticized for his handling of the coronavirus and the halting federal response to it, and Mr. Trump’s own public comments have deepened the hole in which he finds himself in national and battleground state polling.

Several new polls released Wednesday showed Mr. Trump trailing the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr., by double digits, and in one of them, 62 percent of respondents said they believed Mr. Trump was “hurting rather than helping” efforts to combat the pandemic.

[From The NY Times]

This feels like a redux of the 2016 campaign, which saw a lot of stupid internal power struggles and a constant game of musical chairs among campaign managers. That’s what gave us the gift of Paul Manafort, the sleazy, treasonous Trump campaign manager. God only knows who Bill Stepien is really working for. Or maybe Bill Stepien is just Putin-with-a-mustache. Also: of course Jared Kushner had a hand in this. Kushner is the Shadow Campaign Manager.

Last thing – remember how Ivanka broke the law and endorsed Goya? She got her daddy to do the same:

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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41 Responses to “Donald Trump replaced & demoted his campaign manager Brad Parscale”

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  1. vegasschmegas says:

    Rumor has it Parscale was banging Hope Hicks. That girl needs some serious relationship counseling.

    • Juliette says:

      Gross. Girl has a terrible picker if true.

      • Tanguerita says:

        I wonder why people keep saying that. She might look as a human, but Hicks is made from the same cloth as the rest of these soulless grifters. That’s exactly how she likes them.

      • Mac says:

        The tweet from YS was a joke. Comet Pizza is the pizzagate restaurant. I have no idea why people took it seriously.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I heard that too.

    • Tanguerita says:

      He is. Apparently, there are pictures of them sucking each others’ faces at some eatery in Washington. Some people on twitter speculate that this was the real reason for the demotion, otherwise Trump would have fired him right after Tulsa.

      • Bean says:

        Not just SOME eatery. Comet Pizza. The same place lunatics were claiming harbored trafficking victims for Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. SMH

      • FYI says:

        I think the “canoodling at Comet” thing was a joke tweet that is now picking up steam as though it is true. We don’t want to traffic in rumors like they do, really.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I google imaged him and…. she has a type. She seems to be working her way through Drumpfs inner circle.

      • Trashaddict says:

        I feel a tell-all book coming on-

      • grabbyhands says:

        She’s coming for the throne. After all, he’s due to replace Melania with a newer model Fembot soon and why not her?

        I’m guessing some time after the election (whichever way it goes), when he doesn’t need the optics of a “normal” family setup. I wonder how daughterwife will feel about being replaced by someone younger and even more ambitious than she is?

      • Lizzie Bathory says:

        @grabbyhands I agree Hope is the obvious replacement for Melania once she & Trump can be rid of each other. I actually think she’s Ivanka’s choice (remember she worked for Ivanka first). The ideal situation for Ivanka would be to have a Trump wife who was her ally, unlike Melania. Then, as Trump gets weaker, they’ll probably orchestrate a change in his will to benefit Ivanka at the expense of her siblings–just like her dad did with Fred Trump. And I’m sure Hope will get a cut for her trouble.

      • Mac says:

        No one is replacing Melania. She renegotiated her prenup after the election. Trump can’t afford a divorce.

  2. Lightpurple says:

    Parscale has been on his way out since the Tulsa fiasco but they can’t fire him outright until they find another way to pay Lara Trump and Kim Guilfoyle $15,000 a month each, basically for being with Eric and Junor. That money is currently being laundered through his company in some go-around of FEC rules.

    • I read that, too. He’s also still sucking out millions through campaign ads. #TangerineTraitorTwitler won’t let him go as he knows where too much of the “laundry” hangs and washes through.

    • Christina says:

      Parscale worked for Eric first, I think. He’s in deep, and he’s been working for the family for a long time. Sending him packing would be like what happened with Cohen. Parscale is a true believer who wants to be close to the money, and the Trumps are his gravy train. And he has the keys to the digital kingdom. They’d have to hire someone who hasn’t been in the inner circle to totally excise him, not to mention those payments to Don and Eric’s girlfriends.

  3. SamC says:

    I think one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned during this presidency has been about the weaknesses in the Constitution and legislative processes. All sort of laws and rules on the books have been broken but once again, nothing will come of the Oval Office Goya endorsement.

    • Ashipper says:

      I agree wholeheartedly. I never realized that a president really had to agree to follow the law and respect the Constitution. I also would have thought that there would be more repercussions and that others in power wouldn’t enable this kind of behavior. It’s sickening and I really worry for our country.

    • Christina says:

      It’s all politics and not handled as criminal. As long as Republicans in Congress and the Senate don’t have the stomach to go against him, he’s immune. And they know that their voters want Trump. See the loss the original Trumpy in Alabama, Jeff Sessions. Some of Trump’s picks lost, but not all of them, and Trump’s open racism is calling all of the racists to the polls. For Trump to be punished at this point, Democrats need to take the Senate as well as Congress. Hopefully, we will take the presidency and the Senate. The racism is powerful, though.

  4. Esmom says:

    Those Goya photos make my blood absolutely boil. The Trumps are trolls, gifted with one of the biggest platforms in the world. While real public servants, people who’ve dedicated their entire careers to the greater good, get shoved aside. It’s demoralizing and infuriating af.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Real public servants would find themselves facing suspensions, demotions, and possible terminations for pulling that unethical and illegal stunt.

    • JanetDR says:

      Right! Of all the daily violations of….everything, this is so egregious. No can can say it’s anything but illegal. And is anything happening as a result? We are so far beyond Idiocracy now.

    • Christin says:

      For a dose of comic relief, check out Brent Turhune’s twitter video about Orange’s “forbidden side piece” posing with the beans after someone explained to her what canned food is.

      He is the method actor we need at this time.

      • Tiffany says:

        Brent is awesome in those videos. I laugh hard when he post one. He and Sarah Cooper makes it a little easier throughout the day.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I love Brent Terhune. And Hot Medic is another.

      • Christin says:

        I will check out Hot Medic. Sarah is great, too!

        Laughter helps lift the spirit from the madness.

    • Cacec04 says:

      Yes, this. I was telling my husband last night that our president is a fucking internet troll and it’s disgusting. Highest office in the land with major crises going on and this family only makes time from grifting to troll. It’s no winner so many people on both sides are just angry all the time. He eggs on the anger from the right and the left is angry at all the flagrant criming and lying.

  5. Atti says:

    I’m sure Roger Stone would love a gig.

  6. KellyRyan says:

    Don’t we wonder how much money Drumpf is raking in with his, “deals,” with Mexico or anyone else. I continually post on Twitter we need to change qualifications for candidates, spending limits executive branch, greater oversight. Parscale took a lesser position, not out yet. Biden’s numbers continue to increase. News note this am, Arizona has no available beds in the ICU. Patients are being sent out of state.

  7. jferber says:

    Biden should use the Goya trump pic in his next political ad. I mean, truly, what the fuck? Just what the fuck? Trump and his whole family are siphoning money for themselves in the millions if not billions through this presidency. It’s the biggest scam in American history. America got played big time. I just can’t anymore. If I had to crawl to the election site and wait 15 hours (since trump is pitching for mass voter suppression during a pandemic), I would do so. Thank God Cuomo has ensured mail-in voting for New York. The problem is, the Republican-led states won’t.

  8. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    There are so many things wrong with that picture. It’s vile. He’s pure evil and hatred personified. He’s flipping off America while he sits at OUR desk.

  9. Michelle says:

    Other than his little lapdog Pence & his kids, does he actually have any original staff left?

  10. Liz version 700 says:

    The Goya pic is an effort to piss people off and distract from the escalating outbreaks. It is the same thing as posing with the Bible. These grifters only know how to sell, they suck at managing anything… And Trump, Little Buddy, Parscale wasn’t your problem. He may be a dreadful person, but the problem is the candidate. You are posing with beans while a thousand people are dying EVERY DAY!!!! Omg Nov 3 can’t come fast enough.

  11. LaraW" says:

    And so the revolving door of Trump’s campaign managers begins. Wonder how many he’ll hire and fire this time.

  12. ABuckHuntress says:

    Bill Stepien is a veteran of the NJ political trash heap that was Bridgegate, when Chris Christie shut down the approach to the GWB for his political aims….keep it classy 45!

  13. Sean says:

    Man, that top picture…

    He really does look like a person suffering a neurological disorder.

    I was listening to one of his recent interviews. Listened, didn’t watch. He sounds very tired and weak. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t make it to November.

    Is anyone else reading Mary Trump’s book? I’m listening to it on Audible. Fred Trump Sr is painted as a sociopath who pitted his own children against one another and didn’t view raising them as his job. He would belittle and demean them if they shared any thoughts or feelings he didn’t agree with. Mary Ann Trump was reserved and distant. The kids were reared by maids while yearning for the approval of Fred Sr. Freddy Trump, the first-born son was supposed to be the heir apparent to the Trump business, however he decided to become an airline pilot (he loved to fly). Fred Sr took this as an insult and called his son nothing more than a “bus driver in the sky”. Freddy would be viewed as the “black sheep” of he family because of this. Fred Sr focused o Donald instead. Despite not having the smarts or temperament for business, Donald was used by his father because he displayed many of the same personality traits.

    Freddy Trump was the first, true self-made man in the Trump family since his grandfather, Friedrich Trump. And he did it without scamming people or operating shady businesses. Fred Trump Sr inherited the business from his mother and Donald inherited it from Fred Sr. Yet, Freddy still wanted approval from his father and felt like a failure for his entire, short-lived life. He died at 42 from alcohol related complications.

    • Allergy says:

      I started reading it last night. It’s interesting. Freddy Trump is the most interesting character in this sad dreadful saga.

  14. Jessica says:

    That Tulsa event was the highlight of my 2020. By far