Post Malone has to travel out of Utah to buy kegs so he can drink at home in lockdown

Earlier this year, Post Malone covered GQ Style and the interview was a mess! Up until that point, I thought Post was a chill guy with no drama. He is sort of like that, only he’s armed to the teeth and he’s constantly drunk or on drugs. He drinks A LOT, which is still not a good combination with all of the guns he keeps in his home. He owns a big spread in Utah, and I guess it would qualify as a “compound” or “lair.” But… being in Utah, there are strict laws and regulations about purchasing alcohol, because the state is majority Mormon and Mormons rarely (if ever) drink. So long story short, Post found a work-around:

Post Malone is getting crafty while quarantined in a state with strict alcohol laws. The 25-year-old artist revealed his trick for stocking brews while living in Utah, where purchasing and possessing containers of beer larger than two liters is illegal.

“We’re just getting hammered every day and doing funny s–t. I just drink in my house, and if I need a keg I go to Wyoming and bring it back,” he recently told WSJ. Magazine, adding with a laugh, “But don’t tell anybody.”

The “Better Now” rapper explained that the state has definitely eased up on their drinking mandates amid the pandemic.

“It’s just interesting here. But it’s getting better every day because [the Utah government] realizes that the world is so f—ing crazy,” he said. There is an exception to the no-keg rule if “the person is a beer retailer authorized by this title to dispense beer on draft for consumption on the beer retailers premises,” according to the Utah Department of Public Safety.

While he is not a retailer of beer, he has certainly tapped into the world of wine. Post launched his very own rosé called Maison No. 9, of which he peddled 50,000 units in just 48 hours, WSJ reports. “We flew to Provence [France] and picked the grapes and made the blend and everything. And I said, This is something that I really, really like,” he said. “I’m so blessed and happy that we’re crushing it the way that we are. We’re trying to make an empire so that we can drink for free and our kids can eat forever.”

[From Page Six]

Here in Virginia, our governor said at the very f–king start of the lockdown that liquor stores were essential businesses and that they would stay open (but they could change their hours). Most states are like that, and it would actually be smart governance for leaders to encourage drinking-at-home. I know bar owners are struggling and restaurants with liquor licenses are struggling, but still… don’t go to bars. Drink at home. Like Post Malone. And it’s friggin’ crazy that he has to go out of state to buy kegs!!

Post also spoke to WSJ. Magazine about how he’s working on a new album in lockdown and he actually feels more creative and vibe-y in relative isolation.

Photos courtesy of WSJ. Magazine IG, Post’s IG.

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38 Responses to “Post Malone has to travel out of Utah to buy kegs so he can drink at home in lockdown”

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  1. Joanna says:

    You guys, I am in Florida and going crazy! If I go out, a lot of people are not wearing masks, a lot of restaurants aren’t social distancing. So I’ve been staying at home other than going to work. I am kinda depressed. I have vacation time coming up in 2 weeks. I booked a trip to Cancun by myself. I had enough reward points to cover it. I almost feel like it would be better than being here in Florida. But I had 2 thoughts and canceled it. But I’m indecisive so I keep thinking about rebooking it. What are your guys thoughts? I would appreciate some feedback.

    • Noodle says:

      @joanna, I am a numbers girl, and try to avoid activities that are statistically high in transmission. Mexico is experiencing high COVID rates, and while you could potentially distance while you are there, you will still be in an environment where other people are in charge of cleaning and sanitation. Further, if you were to get sick, you likely would be stuck in a foreign country, potentially for an extended amount of time, and dependent on their healthcare system for help. Since you would be traveling alone, it might be scary to be sick, potentially really sick, and alone in a foreign country.

      • Blondems says:

        I live in Mexico (I’m in Oaxaca) and hospitals aren’t accepting anyone without a negative Covid test – which takes a couple of days to get the results for. If you have Covid, there’s a very, very high chance that you won’t be allowed into the hospital. My friend’s mother got it and they had to transport her to another state to get her admitted. Just bear that in mind – there is no infrastructure if you get sick here and most likely you’ll have a hell of a time actually getting into a hospital (even a private one). 🙁

    • ce says:

      Hun, I sympathize. I have been in lockdown since March with no job, it’s a purposeless-ness sea of monotony for five months now. Be grateful you have a job to focus on at the very least. As for the trip, I would strongly advise you to cancel. I know you’re bored but it is incredibly dangerous right now for someone in Florida to Go To The Airport/Go Through Security/Stop for A Snack/Sit In Recycled Air For Several Hours/Retrieve Bags/Take a Cab… you see where I’m going with this? It’s not safe yet, it won’t be for awhile. Maybe do a stay-at-home thing where you order lotions and bath fizzies and candles which smell beachy/tropical and have a self-care week???

    • Joanna says:

      Thanks guys, I appreciate your input.

    • Sara says:

      My husband and I were antsy to get out of the house and have some semblance of a summer trip. But like hell are we getting on an airplane or even leaving our state right now. We live near the Finger Lakes in NY and lucked out on an air bnb rental of a lake house. Just an hour’s drive away, but a beautiful spot to relax and just be somewhere else for a while. We just did a grocery pick up on our way there and cooked for ourselves. Not going to a restaurant right now even with outdoor seating (we do order takeout to support them though). So, is there somewhere within driving distance for you where you could get away for a few days?

      • Who is Justice Beaver? says:

        People go missing in the finger lakes. Sorry, Office reference from Jim Carey’s cameo. Couldn’t help myself!

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Don’t go to Mexico. But if you’re dead set on Cancun, head south as soon as you leave the airport, book yourself a cabin on the beach at one of the more obscure places. But even then, flying there and back, would concern me.

    • G says:

      no no no to mexico they are almost as bad as Brazil

      maybe try

      all you need is a covid test result to get into those countries and they have a small amount of covid cases

      • Noodle says:

        @g, after reading your comment, I can’t help but have Kokomo by The Beach Boys stuck in my head now!

    • Liz version 700 says:

      Please don’t travel by air. Also, Mexico is having a terrible time with Covid. My brother’s family changed their vacation to a cabin rental with groceries brought in by them. Is there anywhere you could drive too for a few days and get away while staying isolated?

    • fluffy_bunny says:

      I have a trip to Disney scheduled in 2 weeks. We are driving in and making 1 gas stop in Jacksonville. We won’t have been in contact with anyone before hand so won’t be bringing any sickness with us and won’t be in contact with anyone when we get home. I’m doing our grocery shopping at home so I don’t have to shop in FL. I trust that the Disney hotels are cleaner than any random hotel I can book elsewhere. They are enforcing masks and social distancing.

    • M4lificent says:

      I definitely wouldn’t fly unless there is an emergency reason to do so. I think most airlines are making a good-faith effort to mitigate transmission as much as they can, but you’re still in a big tin can with a bunch of other people. And airports are another source of potential infection.

      And I say this as someone who works for a travel technology company that gets 2/3 of our income from flights. We’re having our next round of layoffs on Monday.

    • Joanna says:

      Yeah I can always drive somewhere. Thanks ladies

  2. ce says:

    They need to legalize marijuana. That is all

  3. Dizzy says:

    I just recently became a fan of his music. I’m worried about him though, in the same way I was worried about Amy Winehouse.

    • melissa says:

      ditto! and the same way i am retroactively worried about Mac miller as i’ve been enjoying his music too and his depression/heaviness/sensitivity/substance abuse was clear.

  4. Mouki's wife says:

    I really dont know who Post Malone is! But he does seem interesting. That’s all I’ve got.

  5. CantTakeHerAnywhere says:

    Liquor stores are essential in Utah also! I live about 5 miles from Post Malone near the Cottonwood Canyons in Salt Lake and he could just buy a crap ton of beer at the liquor store ten minutes away if he wanted to. No need to make it a single container. Lots of people are seriously stocking up. However, Wyoming is less than an hour’s drive from here, so if that’s what he wants to do for a keg, it’s not like he is very inconvenienced by it…. or doing anything else with his time, I guess.

    One thing I do want to mention that not many people know — Salt Lake is actually relatively progressive. We have a lesbian mayor and thriving gay community. The area is beautiful, low COL and is attracting a lot of big tech companies so ‘Silicon Slopes’ is actually less than 50% mormon, compared to 90% for the rest of the state. Given the young, techy influx of population growth, it’s expected to be a purple state in the next election!

    I’m originally from San Diego and worried about the culture a bit moving here, but it has been amazing! Beautiful all year ’round, too.

    • Robin says:

      Hello, neighbor! I’m north of you, born and raised here, and I agree. Salt Lake is wonderful and progressive. Anything else in “The Morridor” is not super great. I never really understood why people go out and buy a keg to be honest. Going out of state for a higher percentage beer made sense, but I was always able to get on the base so it wasn’t a huge deal for me. Anyway, I hope Post enjoys our state regardless. He certainly has the money to!

      • BrickyardUte says:

        Utah/Cottonwood Heights celebitchy friends! I feel really good knowing others that read and comment on this blog are so close to me. Stay well my friends!

      • SomeChick says:

        He probably has a kegerator. I used to have one, and it is so convenient, especially if you only want half a beer. Turned out that it was more expensive than cans/bottles tho.

  6. DiegoInSF says:

    Hmm drinking everyday is worrisome, I never had a problem with alcohol but I’ve been working from home since March and I started to notice my alcohol consumption drastically increased, first with a drink to relax after work then I’d have a second one until I was blacking out, so now I only drink on weekends and one drink at the most and not even every weekend. I discovered this brand of hoppy teas, teas brewed like beer and it’s been the perfect substitute to alcohol!

  7. MarcelMarcel says:

    🌈One of the best things to come out of this pandemic & lockdown was that I found a new drinking buddy. I stayed at my boyfriends sharehouse and it turns that his friend likes whiskey as much as I do. We also have the same taste in music. So it’s fun occasionally having an impromptu dance party.🥳

    I can’t imagine having a keg a day (especially on property with guns). But I do think it’s important to have fun when we can at home and fighting for moments of joy.🪐✨

    • Joanna says:

      I had never heard of a sharehouse until you posted. Does it work out well? Just curious

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        Like anything it depends on the people involved. I’ve lived in functional and harmonious sharehouses. My boyfriends one worked out well because they were friends prior and got along well.
        I moved into one once where I was being overcharged for everything, made an illegal subtenant without my consent and had to fight for my bond.
        Sydney has super high rent so people generally live in them because it’s the only way to afford rent. Although you do have some groups of people that genuinely get along and are really happy to live together.

  8. fluffy_bunny says:

    Liquor stores should be essential across the nation. We don’t need alcoholics forced to detox during a global pandemic. My BIL is in the ICU because we just discovered he’s been a functional alcoholic for years. He was having seizures yesterday and is now sedated to help get him through the detox process.

    • Ang says:

      Let’s hope this serves as his wake- up call to quit now. If he keeps drinking this way he will not live past 50. I am 7 years sober and at 38 I have about 40% of my liver functional. I also had withdraw seizures at one point and that alone can kill you. Alcohol is is no way essential to live except in these types of dire situations. I hope he can get some help for his sake and his families.

    • Trashaddict says:

      It worries me the liquor stores stay open. Probably not helping impulse control of spousal/partner abusers. I shudder to think how they are taking out their frustrations.

    • Call_Me_Al says:

      I had no idea that liquor stores were deemed non-essential in ANY state! In TN, the liquor store lobby must be very strong.

    • julia says:

      Alcohol is the only drug that you can die from due to withdrawal. While it’s terrible and sickening with other hard drugs, when heavy drinkers quit, there is a high likelihood that they will have a seizure from it and it can be deadly. I know first hand. I was an alcoholic, drinking massive amounts of alcohol and I stopped for a few days and had a seizure that lasted 7 minutes. I’m sober now, but will be on medication for the rest of my life as a traumatic brain injury as a result of the first seizure has caused epilepsy. I’m so sorry to hear about your BIL. Hopefully this is the beginning of his path to recovery and a happy, sober life.

  9. Michibe says:

    Just here to say that cigarettes & alcohol are banned in South Africa under lockdown…

  10. eliza james says:

    Lucky for him, there are some fantastic rehabs in Utah.

  11. Case says:

    Post Malone is almost always sh-tfaced at award shows and I found that off-putting. If this is how he drinks normally…yeah, he definitely has a problem.