Ben Affleck visited Ana de Armas at a photoshoot, they kissed for the paps

Ben Affleck's girlfriend Ana de Armas pulls down his mask for a kiss at a beach photoshoot
For a while it looked like Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas’s quarantine romance had been Heisenberg gossiped into oblivion, but they survived and they’re better than ever! We know because there are new photos of Ben visiting Ana at a beach house in Malibu, where she reportedly had a photoshoot. I’m sorry I missed these yesterday, we were knee deep in Finding Freedom coverage, but I’m sure about five people will be interested so it doesn’t matter too much. Ben was seen smoking a cigarette on a balcony and they kissed, in full view of multiple paparazzi. (I know because these photos aren’t exclusives.) So the world is righting itself. You can tell the outdoor kiss was Ana’s idea, since she kissed him on his mask then pulled it down. Vanity Fair ran a story about this saying they’re breaking CDC guidelines because Ana kissed the outside of Ben’s mask. That’s a stretch, but I’m here for it. You know Ben’s going to read it and get his feelings hurt.

Meanwhile Ben is slated to direct a movie about the making of the 1974 film Chinatown, it’s called The Big Goodbye. (More on that in this story. I’m surprised Matt Damon isn’t involved.) Hollywood loves movies about itself, it also loves when white people tell other people’s stories. Roman Polanski directed Chinatown, so this film has even more chances to be problematic. Outlets are wondering whether Polanski’s sexual assault history will be covered at all in the film, and who will be playing Polanski. The original starred Faye Dunaway and Jack Nicholson. I nominate Sarah Paulson and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Ana also posted a new photo of her new dog, Salsa. She’s dying to post another video making out with Ben.

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Ben Affleck's girlfriend Ana de Armas pulls down his mask for a kiss at a beach photoshoot

Ben Affleck's girlfriend Ana de Armas pulls down his mask for a kiss at a beach photoshoot

Ben Affleck enjoys a smoke and Diet Coke at girlfriend Ana de Armas' beach house photoshoot

Photos credit: Backgrid

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26 Responses to “Ben Affleck visited Ana de Armas at a photoshoot, they kissed for the paps”

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  1. Tanguerita says:

    this is the next level of gross. Why is she so extra?

  2. NievieDee says:

    The level of thirst displayed actually now has me rooting for Ana to succeed in Hollywood….no-one can deny she’s motivated ;D

  3. jbyrdku says:

    Sorry, but when I see the photo with her and the dog, I’ll hear is an imaginary voice saying “wait, I need to look cuter before we take the pic” and it’s not the dog I imagine preening. Ugh.

  4. Petite hirondelle says:

    I am still happy she is not with Evans. It would have been a mess for him if he had played that game. But is it realy good for affleck ? Their films will get more sucess thanks to that? That sounds like a joke now

    • K says:

      She’s too thirsty for Chris Evans. I think that’s a big reason why he and Jenny Slate didn’t work out… Jenny was coming off a little insecure and shallow, and as he’s matured, he’s become sincerely interested in politics and using his creativity to affect the world more than just gaining ego-driven fame or being part of some power couple doing pathetic pap walks for attention. Being Captain America and co-lead of the whole MCU gave him more purpose than many actors seem to have and cemented him as an A-lister. Chris could retire from acting before the age of 40 (as a success story), if he wanted. Ben had an amazing start to his career but phoned it in as Batman and struggles with addiction. I think Ana went for Ben largely because he seems to fall in love quickly and he’s fluent in Spanish. I don’t think Ben really has the juice at this point to help Ana’s career, but she doesn’t necessarily need anyone’s help.

  5. Mia4s says:

    Chinatown came out about 3 years before Polanski raped a child (calling it what it was). So technically he could completely ignore it….which he probably will. 😒 So there’s really no way for this project to not be problematic.

  6. LĂ©na says:

    Why, oh why do we need another Hollywood movie revolving around Polanski

  7. Lizzie says:

    Eww.. yes they are breaking cdc guidelines and common sense. Germs and viruses remain on surface and the mouth region of a mask is most humid and you shouldn’t even touch the front of your own mask. What is wrong with them and Affleck has kids!

  8. whatWHAT? says:

    This guy should play Polanski:

    when I first saw him on screen that’s who he reminded me of.

  9. AnnaKist says:

    Naawwww, sweet, young love….
    Oh, wait… Water! Hasten! Fetch water!

  10. Darla says:

    Is that a real cigarette he’s smoking? Come on Ben, at least switch to an e-cig. I know with his addiction problems quitting smoking has to be down the list, I get it. But damn, get on the e. It’s not good for you but better than this.

    • Marietta58 says:

      He used to smoke an e cig back when he was with Lindsay. I think his sober coach turned him on to it. He’s obviously stopped using it now. And honestly, I know smoking’s bad, but it’s better than him drinking incessantly. If he’s like me, (which I doubt he is lol) smoking’s my only vice. It’s all I have left lol… I will give it up eventually, but I really like it, I just don’t do it in public when I’m around people. So most people have no idea I smoke.

  11. Hildog says:

    I don’t really “get” these two. Isn’t he tired of this shit at his age? I know I would be.

    • LaurenMichelle says:

      I wonder if Ben feels smothered yet? That’s usually when he cheats and makes his great escape.

  12. Alexandria says:

    If u want to kiss his mask at least wear your own mask first. The outside of his mask is full of the things you wanted to avoid by wearing a mask duh. SMH.

  13. yinyang says:

    She is so annoying, and I say her, cause I dont remember him ever acting like this with anyoneelse. Like seriously, they remind of that highschool couple joined at the hip, always kissing infornt of my locker, lmao.

  14. Case says:

    Why the heck is she KISSING HIS MASK? The mask is there to catch/block particles. That’s a really bad idea.

  15. JoJo says:

    I don’t mind them at all. Who cares if they implode? They’re both single and clearly in lust, which isn’t against the law. The pap walks are no different than the JLo days – and really even the Jen Garner days with her “perfect couple, nothing wrong here” narrative. Personally, I’m just glad to finally be seeing something different after five years of hearing about their perfect co-parenting dynamic and co-dependent family vacations. It’s actually refreshing that every story about Ben is no longer linked to Jen and vice versa.

  16. Lizzie says:

    I knew as soon as Ana posted some Instagram story with a shot of a section of a beach in Malibu that there would be paparazzi pictures of her. And lo and behold, there were. Not only that, there was a video on The Daily Mail where someone asked one of the paparazzi how they found them there and he replied “They put the address on Instagram.” Anyone who thinks these two don’t work with, or at the very least, encourage and welcome the paparazzi attention are delusional at this point.

    These two continue to be performative and disingenuous to the max. These pics reek of desperation, from her especially. I think he’s cooling on her, look at his body language versus hers. I give them until whenever their movie flops.

    • Lena says:

      I saw that on IG and knew she was telegraphing where she was. Once she saw the paps on the beach that was her cue to run out and give the balcony kiss. The money shot! But dang he had on his mask, no prob she pulled it down for them. She is so obvious and thirsty.