Melania Trump’s spox: Stephanie Wolkoff is ‘dishonest’ for taping Melania


As we’ve discussed in a few posts, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff’s Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship With the First Lady book is getting A LOT of attention, probably because Wolkoff actually knew Melania for years, and Wolkoff has an apartment full of receipts to back up her account of Melania. Wolkoff has spilled some funny tea about how much Melania hates her stepdaughter Ivanka Trump, and how Melania is basically just like her husband, just as hateful and ignorant and fame-hungry as possible. Well, now we know for sure that the book is on Mel’s radar because Melania sent out her spokesperson to rip Wolkoff a new one. Only it’s super-funny.

First Lady Melania Trump has nothing nice to say about a former friend and adviser who now has plenty to say about her. A day before Stephanie Winston Wolkoff’s memoir, Melania and Me, is set to be published — with the subtitle “The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady” — Trump’s spokeswoman assailed her character and her account of the first family.

Stephanie Grisham, the chief of staff for the first lady, also bit back at Wolkoff over reports that Wolkoff recorded her conversations with Trump, which Wolkoff has declined to confirm or deny.

“Anybody who secretly tapes their self-described best friend is by definition, dishonest,” Grisham said in a statement to PEOPLE. (At least some White House officials have been preparing for the release of the audio for days.) “The book is not only full of mistruths and paranoia, it is based on some imagined need for revenge,” Grisham continued. “Wolkoff builds herself up while belittling and blaming everyone she worked with, yet she still managed to be the victim. Sadly, this is a deeply insecure woman whose need to be relevant defies logic.”

[From People]

“Anybody who secretly tapes their self-described best friend is by definition, dishonest” – wait, what? Anyone who secretly tapes their friend is… sneaky. Tacky. Not a good friend. But “by definition, dishonest”? I don’t get that. This is just Melania being nervous as hell about all of the sh-t she probably said to Wolkoff, someone she was genuinely close to for years. And Grisham needs to get a grip. She’s needed to get a f–king grip for years, she’s always completely inappropriate and over-the-top when it comes to denials and lies.

Wolkoff’s book is out today, and she’s been doing tons of interviews, including the one on ABC (below). Wolkoff describes Melania as “a pragmatist, Melania always — you know, if you can’t control people’s emotions then why even worry about it.” She also says: “I gave Melania the benefit of the doubt that she was my friend, she was different than Donald was, she was different than the other Trump children. … [But] a Trump is a Trump is a Trump. The Melania I first met versus the Melania there is today is a very different person.”

President Donald Trump and First lady Melania Trump participate in the 2020 Salute to America

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, ABC.

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21 Responses to “Melania Trump’s spox: Stephanie Wolkoff is ‘dishonest’ for taping Melania”

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  1. Tiffany says:

    Melanie doesn’t have friends and doesn’t want friends. She wants full loyalty and nothing else.

  2. BabsORIG says:

    As Melania would say “I don’t care, do you?”. Came to bite her right where it hurts. All the children in the cages that she visited with that I don’t care do you jacket? Now it makes a lot of sense.

    • Flamingo says:

      Has it bitten her in the ass though? The people who didn’t like her still don’t like her and his base thinks of her as Jackie Kennedy 2.0.

      • BabsORIG says:

        Oh just the book making her very nervous is painful enough!! Melania likes to build and put out a certain image; now that image is coming crashing down around her and I’m loving it.

    • Nikki* says:

      I have NEVER gotten over the heartlessness and/or cluelessness that jacket symbolized. She’s terrible.

  3. Esme says:

    Creepy if it’s true Mel started out relatively normal, and slowly became Trump-level horrible. Trump is pretty much doing the same to the country at large.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Yeah, but really: how normal could she have been to start with? She was a gold digger from the get-go.

  4. Teebee says:

    Ooh, trust me. She might not care about a lot of things, but she cares about this. She cares about her image. She cares about her press. She loves control. So you know this bugs her. A lot. But sadly, it won’t make a difference with voters, but the fact this book and quotes from it will follow her to her grave, brings me some comfort.

    • snappyfish says:

      She cares if there is a clause in her prenup that forbids her from making derogatory comments about the family. THAT is all she care about

    • The Recluse says:

      She cares about her parents, her son, her sibling and her BRAND…oh and $$$$$$$$.
      And she doesn’t want anything to interfere with all that, the latter especially.

  5. KellyRyan says:

    Beyond a few book excerpts Melania is too shallow an interest for me. 🙂 I’ve never referred to Drumpf as president or M as first lady. Once this debacle is over she’ll fade into non-existence.

    • Lady D says:

      Only once in almost four years did I slip and use the words Trump and president in the same sentence. It won’t happen a second time.

  6. Cassandra says:

    Oh man I really hope those tapes get “stolen” and the “thief” releases them to the public.

  7. Rapunzel says:

    Why isn’t Wolkoff releasing the tapes? Dammit, woman, we need them released.

  8. Trillion says:

    this phrasing also didn’t make sense: “…whose need to be relevant defies logic.” The person who wrote this was just reaching for soundbites or something. There’s no “logic” issue here.

  9. Liz version 700 says:

    Nah Hon she isn’t dishonest, because the tape is the truth. She is disloyal, maybe kind of a backstabbing sellout; but not dishonest. Surly with your Einstein visa you appreciate the subtle difference? I don’t care though; winter is coming boo

  10. JennyJenny says:

    In that top photo, they both truly look like wax figures.

  11. anniefannie says:

    Years ago I had a revelation about relationships, on 2 different occasions ( 1 romantic and the other a dear friend) I had witnessed both trusted people treat “others” in a way they I felt was unfair if not immoral.
    Aside from my discomfort I felt as though I was somehow exempt from this behavior. Boy did that bite me in the ass!
    It was definitely a flaw in my character and one I’ve worked on since.
    You couldn’t have a friendship with Melania for a decade and not have to make justifications. It’s painful lesson but a necessary one.

    • whatever says:

      Same. I used to be very close with a woman who was hilarious and fun to be around because she was such a snarky gossip. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that she was gossiping about me behind my back. :/ I don’t know why I thought that her gossiping with me would not prevent her from gossiping about me. It was so dumb. Lesson learned.

  12. nicegirl says:

    Melania has been using her ‘friends’ since forever. She is not interested in friendships. She’s interested in money, power and fame.