A week ago, Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have zero plans to return to the UK for Christmas. I believe it! I think “royal Christmas” this year is going to be a wreck, and I’m not even sure that the Queen will be able to decamp to Sandringham this year like she always does. Harry and Meghan have also indicated in various Zoom calls that they’re quite happy staying in California for the time being, especially given the frightful nature of international travel in a bloody pandemic. One could argue – as I have – that Meghan might come to the UK in January because of her lawsuit against the Mail. But who knows, truly. I’m recapping all of this because I feel like *someone* at the Sun or in the palace really wants to remind us that if and when Harry comes back to town, they have a full laundry list of grievances. Gee, I’m sure he’s going to rush back.
Royal aides are preparing for Prince Harry to come home — to face a possible telling off from the Queen. Staff have been told to get Frogmore Cottage ready — but Meghan has not been mentioned. News of the visit comes after Harry handed over a “substantial sum” to pay rent and clear the bill for £2.4million taxpayer-funded renovations to his UK home.
The Queen returned to work at Windsor this week and could speak face-to-face with her grandson in the castle grounds. It comes after palace insiders warned Harry was “stepping over the line” when he spoke out about US politics.
A source told The Sun: “Staff at Windsor have been told to prepare for the possibility Harry could come back. They are told that it could be within weeks but Meghan’s name was not mentioned. There are all sorts of issues to speak about — not only his political statements but also his visa situation in the US. Even though he would have to isolate for two weeks, the estate is large enough for talks in a socially distanced way.”
The duke, who has netted a £112million Netflix deal with Meghan, has been in the US for more than 183 days, meaning he could be liable to pay tax there.
Again, the Sussexes paid back the Frogmore Cottage renovation so they could keep a “hold” on the GIFTED rental indefinitely, and so that it could sit there empty as a symbol of mutual spite between the Sussexes, the Windsors and the British media. While I would never say never, and hell, weirder things have happened, I just don’t think Harry is coming back to England any time soon. And this idea that he would travel alone to England and the first thing that would happen is that he would be called in to the castle to be bitched out by his grandmother… well, that petty old B should know by now that you catch more flies with honey. Really though, this just sounds like the fever-dream revenge fantasy of some Sun editor. “And then, picture it, the Queen bitches out the ginger one and he CRIES and promises to never see his wife and child again!” Those old bitches are giddy at the thought.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.
Can anyone pinpoint the precise year that Harry became more attractive than William? It’s like Harry had a major ginger glow up.
I think it was post Afghanistan. He was confident, in shape, had purpose, etc. I also feel like he started wearing clothes that were better tailored for him LOL.
He was away from William
I think it was after his therapy started helping him, a year or two pre-Meghan. He started to mature. And when he met/fell in love with a woman who loves HIM, and SUPPORTS him (in the same way his Mom did, unconditionally and totally), it sent his confidence into the stratosphere. Confidence is sexy. Harry is comfortable in HIS skin now, not his brother’s shadow, and it shows.
The beard helped a lot! Matured him enormously. That maturity along with his playful personality is just hot.
@Aurora … Yes indeed! It’s not just the ‘glow up,’ it’s the walk, the confidence, that ‘I’m sexy as hell without trying just by being very much myself and yes, I’ll rock your world and make your toes curl, too’ thing that you can’t pretend or learn. Well, he ‘is’ an Earth sign. I’m just saying. 🙂
What I find interesting is the older he gets, the more he looks like Charles. It’s in the set of his eyes, the nose, and the weight of his stare.
The Daily Mail (God help me) had a pictorial article a couple years ago of hardly seen photos of the royal family and there was one of a young-ish Charles with a full beard, on a horse, and it was the spitting image of Harry we see now. Any doubt that he is Charles’ kid is quelled when you look at that picture.
The very first time I ever thought of Harry as attractive was at W&K’s wedding. He looked so amazingly handsome in that black uniform. But he still looked very young. I agree with others, I think once the beard appeared, it matured him in a really sexy way. It was like escalators with Harry and William. As Harry’s looks went up, William’s went down….to the basement.
“As Harry’s looks went up, William’s went down….to the basement.”
I’m wheezing!!!😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
After his relationship with Cressida so 2015? The beard also makes him très hotter.
I also think therapy played a huge role, perhaps? I noticed after 2015 he started really connecting with his audiences and it was also the same time Invictus was created. I think creating those legacies where he is clearly passionate and learning about his causes with humility made him much more approachable and I’m sure for many women attractive.
Aurora I love this post. since he did time in Afghanistan.
@Aurora I agree – I was just thinking wow…that’s some gingery goodness right there. William just looks like Stephen Miller and/or a poorly boiled slightly hairy egg.
😜😜😜😜 Poorly boiled slightly hairy egg🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥚😂😂😂
I honestly thought he was the hottest at W&K wedding. His uniform, his attitude, the sparkle in his eye. Very dashing.
I found him even hotter at his own wedding. How happy he was and how sweet his was to Meghan. He was hot before but even hotter as a besotted married man.
I’m trash since I’ve loved him since I was 12. He was always my favourite. William, even at his teen idol peak was unsatisfactory to me. But I think the real comparative glow up happened during and after he left the army. He had a hot-man-in-uniform swagger to his…everything that was just swoon-worthy. There was something very hot-guy-on-a-contemporary-romance-novel-cover about him.
I’m sure he’s quaking in his boots.
He must be so scared LOL! This man fought in Afghanistan and escaped the cesspool family and media that killed his mother. Facing his granny is nothing.
LOL Same
You ladies are the best!
Yeah, that’s not happening. I’m sure to Royal reporters are frothing at the mouth at the idea of Harry setting foot back in England and getting berated but it’s going to be a while before he feels the need to return.
And I don’t see why Meghan needs to physically be there for her court case. She can appear via video. Why would she subject herself to even more vitriol than she needs to?
The most likely scenario of Harry returning is next spring/early summer in preparation for the next Invictus Games.
If this story doesn’t cement the idea that the QoE is a petty woman – WOW. I have stated before, I thought she was sweet and above it all but alas, no she is not. Harry is not going to come back anytime soon. They need to stop fantasizing he will and that he will leave his wife and child. what a bunch of jealous and spiteful idiots. Leave them be and focus on Will and Kate Not, but that hits too close to home and the gilded cage they all live in.
I think this story is nothing but made-up Sussex Hate-Fan BS Fiction.
@BTB, but I still thin Liz is Petty 😉
I think I’ve finally put my finger on the fundamental misunderstanding the Queen, William, and to a lesser extent Charles and the press and courtiers have of Harry.
They live with the lens of “the crown first” because, being in the line of succession, that has always benefitted them personally too. And that helps explain their behavior:
They think they can convince him to leave Meghan by making her look bad (or try to anyway…They think things like telling him he’s “embarrassing the monarchy” or whatever will make him to come back out of a feeling of duty to the Crown because they (QE,C, W)put the monarchy first.
Problem is, Harry isn’t drinking the KoolAid anymore but they haven’t figured out how to relate to him without him being in the same mindset as them. They keep thinking these guilt trips and bullying will work, but it’s over. They just don’t know how else to frame their arguments because they’ve never had to before. I believe they love him and miss him but because this family is so toxicly intertwined with The Establishment of the monarchy, it’s near impossible to have healthy relationships
Harry or no one for that matter need to accept conditional love from their own family, especially when the conditions are so shallow. He married a woman who is not White or British and they can’t accept her, or him with her. I hope he tells them what they can do with that love.
Why would people in the UK have anything to say about a US Visa? Do these people not realize that the US is not subject to whatever rules they make up at will?? If there are “concerns” about Harry’s US Visa, that would be for the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to handle, not some palace lackey. He hasn’t broken any law, so this is again, another example of the tabloids/courtiers misrepresenting easily verifiable facts.
Plus, any statements regarding rejecting hate speech and misinformation are protected under the first amendment.
Someone really needs to tell the UK we had a war with them over 200 years ago, and we are not beholden to them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the media tasked the palace to find out what type of visa Harry is on, a debt has to be paid after all. He should tell them to go fudge themselves if they dare to even ask.
I had to LOL about the comment concerning his US visa. Yes, even non-citizen immigrants are allowed to encourage American citizens to vote in the United States! Astonishing, I know.
I sincerely hope that Harry cuts ties with his toxic family; if not for Meghan and Archie then for himself. Even if he gets divorced down the road (hopefully not but you never know) I hope he remembers how terribly they treated him and should not be forgiven. At the end of the day, they thought he was disposable and made that clear as day. I do not see the monarchy lasting under William. He won’t be able to keep it – changing times and their too lazy and temperamental to hide.
Betty can say whatever she wants, Harry is going home to his wife and child at the end of the day *shrug*
I don’t think there will be any bitching from Elizabeth. I’m going to counter that she is desperate to bring all the Sussexes back into the fold given the recent spat of headlines of reminding us what a forgiving person she is. I think there is some panic and desperation because of the media sticking their noses into William’s business alongside the fact that he is lazy and Harry runs miles around him on work ethic alone. I hope Harry says “thanks but no thanks” and this arrangement is made permanent. The Windsors do not deserve him.
Not going to happen primarily because TQ does NOT like confrontation at all. And given that this is from The Sun, I think we all know who is behind this ‘story’.
It seems that this is the new narrative for the press. The guy from the Mirror was on TV this morning saying similar things but I don’t think what they imagine will happen will actually take place. Even if the Queen or her courtiers attempt to tell him off, it won’t work and I think Harry will give as much as he’s given. Harry’s actions and comments in the months since he left the UK, tell me that he believes his decision to leave was the right one and he doesn’t feel beholden to the Royal Family including the Queen, anymore.
The minute the Sussexes set foot on U.K. soil the leaks will start up. I’m sure Meghan and Harry will be very cautious in discussing any details with royal family members and staff.
Let’s be real, they will bug Frogmore cottage to spy on them. I hope Harry and Meghan bring their own security team with them to sweep the place.
If I were Harry and Meghan, I wouldn’t stay there ever again. I don’t trust any of them. They should just buy a nice apartment in London for their sporadic visits. Because I just can’t imagine them wanting to stay there a second longer than they absolutely have to.
I hope they buy a posh Belgravia/Chelsea type Townhouse or a Manor House estate that is just theirs. Something that they can have for Archie (and any other siblings) that has no connection to the Monarchy so that they just live in peace but have enough security. I want them to not have to rely on Bully Bill’s ‘grace and favour’.
I hope when they decide to return to the UK they sneak in unannounced. They both have plenty of people they can stay with until they can restore their cottage to living condition if their stay is long enough. I guarantee that if his relatives gets wind of their arrival date, the BM will have that information and plan something ghastly.
This is a BS story from the Sun. the tabloids are obsessed with seeing them punished for shutting down their access.
But it’s interesting the press never push that the royal family are seeking to tell off Andrew even though he’s long been a huge problem
Probably because the Queen won’t hear of her favorite son being criticised. I really believe that Andrew has a reckoning to contend with when Charles ascends.
Re both Netflix and taxes they courtiers sound like you’re dad when you bought your first car. They act like H&M are naive when actually they are each more worldly than the courtiers and have world class lawyers/ agents. I think this is the root of the courtiers anger, H&M were always a step ahead of them.
Another sweaty fantasy they have about the ginger Prince. He’s not coming back, you swine.
The royal family are aholes, and so are many British people, but is america better? I read about that republican congressman who is screeching that the royal family needs to strip them of their titles? We have so many racist aholes in this country and with trump…I don’t know. Would Vancouver have been better for them when all is said and done? What do people think here?
They don’t represent the Queen so living in Canada went out of the window when they stepped down. And Canada has is not immune to racism either.
Think they made the right choice. They are close to donors and investors needed to continue their philanthropic work, Duchess Meghan is close to her mother and little Archie his grandmother. The weather is ideal and the media is not quite as psychotic as that little island.
I think Canada was more ideal for them than California. I really feel like they would have been better off somewhere like Capetown.
The BM makes me hate the word optics, but it’s necessary in this case. The optics of Capetown would not have been good and neither H/M/A/D have citizenship in Canada. Meghan and Archie are Americans and Harry can be sponsored by Meghan for permanent residency. Additionally, you can buy your way into American residency, so hopefully H/M just invest in that for Harry and gotten it over with .
They were actually on Vancouver Island, just north of the capital city of Victoria. However the opportunities for them to continue and grow their foundation are much better in California. Because Meghan is American and has many contacts in the industry the Netflix deal was a slam-dunk. Had they remained in Canada it would have meant a lengthy process for both of them to become permanent residents.
America is a big place and states still have a lot of autonomy. I don’t know where you’re located, but the west coast is primarily liberal. California by itself has the 5th largest economy in the world. It is in many ways a country in and of itself. Local governments in and around LA have a lot of practice protecting the rich and famous and the citizens there are more used to seeing famous people out and about. It also means they are surrounded by rich and famous friends who can relate to their situation and provide a large and diverse social circle. I think they would have felt too isolated in Canada whereas in California they are in closer proximity to other people with large platforms trying to navigate how to best use those platforms for good.
I’m Danish. My reasoning for thinking of Capetown was solely one of privacy. Same with Canada. I’m rooting for Harry and Meghan but I get concerned when I think of the USA political situation. I know they are ultimately better off there but I worry about the USA especially if He Who I Refuse to Name is re-elected.
This is just the start. I expect more negative publicity for Harry from the British tabloids/royal reporters and courtiers the coming weeks in response to Robert Lacey’s book Battle of brothers which will be launched this week. Especially if the book is successful they will overhype William and Kate to contrast their negative image in Lacey’s book.
My hope is that British people will see through this media PR trap and expose it. At some point the public should become tired of this constant media troll-fiction and misinformation. It doesn’t serve the public’s wellbeing or purpose.
I hope you’re right, but I have my doubts. The hatred of Hillary Clinton and the Obama’s continues unabated in the US. They are constantly thrown into random headlines to generate hate clicks. The hold Fox News has over America isn’t going to be any more diminished if Trump loses than it was when Obama was president. The Daily Fail seems to have adopted the same model and it’s working. I think someone here said they’re the most clicked online “news” site in the world. They have a huge following among right-wingers in the US who often express as much hostility toward H&M as their British counterparts.
We don’t know when harry will come back but sure let’s make preparations to welcome him with distain and pettiness whenever he comes cos we don’t have anything better to do . This story is so ridiculous like all their stories about the sussexes
I think this is made-up nonsense. The tabloids have realized that Elvis has left the building, and he ain’t coming back! They’re just riling up their base. I’m pretty sure that Harry and Meghan will not let anyone know when they come back–They will be in and out of the country before the tabloids realize it for their own safety. I don’t think the RF want the blood of more popular ex-royals on their hands. If anything happens to the Sussexes, they will be blamed. They survived the death of 1 popular royal. I don’t think they’ll survive 2. Not that Harry is bigger than Diana (don’t know don’t care), but to lose 2 popular royals b/c of the media in 1 generation?
The next three reasons for Harry and Meghan to visit: Philip and the Queen’s funerals and Charles’ coronation. After that, who knows.
I doubt he’d show for Charles’ coronation.
Oh I think he would. They would be oh-so-polite and leave afterward.
It’s William’s coronation I doubt he’ll show for
I highly doubt the Queen is going to bitch Harry out. It’s the RR projecting their hatred of Harry and Meghan walking away from the abuse.
she’s at the point in her life that I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t know who Harry is anymore. She wants to know if there will be muffins today with her tea.
Lol!! I started to write along the same lines earlier. As long as Betty can sit in her comfy chair with fluffy slippers on and a bell to ring for tea, I don’t think she much cares.
Remember that summer they were supposed to go to Balmoral for a bitching out? Never happenedThat’s not the royals style. They’ll smile to your face and get the courtiers to pull out the knives or leak lies to the press minions behind your back. They are obsessed over there with “ punishing” Harry and Meghan. If or when they do return to England, all the other royals might as well clear their schedules because all the focus and heat will be on the Sussexes.,
I look at those pictures of Harry and remember how I thought growing up he was the unattractive one. I’m a lesbian and knew I was then but I’d definitely switch it up for Harry for a day. He has really become a very handsome fellow. A smoldering sex appeal.
Whereas William was at one point breathtakingly pretty. Pouty lips. Flyaway hair and big baby blues. Egads! He peaked at 17yo and it’s been a long, steep hard ride downhill ever since. (Yes, I’m being shallow. People judge women 24/7 their looks. I’m giving men no quarter.)
As far as William is concerned the worst is still to come. It appears the bottom has not yet been reached. My evidence is his paternal lineage. He’s far ahead of Phillip and Charles at the same age. Phillip was arguably still attractive and Charles marginally so. William…not so much. Now Phillip looks like the Grim Reaper is skin and eyeballs were flung over the skeleton. Granted the man has is living on borrowed time but still, this is William’s floor. (I’m bored, if you read this you were too.lol)
They say stress makes you age faster. I imagine being a rage monster even more so. William’s earned it with the way he treated Harry.
Because I’m incredibly bored, I’ve been doing deep dives regarding gossip on the royals. I read this one and I’m not sure it’s true but I love it and makes me laugh: Apparently William wanted/wants to get a hair transplant has been denied. I don’t know why I find that hilarious but I do even though I think baldness works and seems slightly more dignified for royals.
Often wonder if William’s looks and personality might be different had he married one of the ladies he REALLY wanted to marry. It’s like Kate pulled all the life out of that man. Think he may have even done something about his hair. But, alas, if he’s just going home to Kate he’s like “why bother?” Lol
You cannot blame her for his attitude in life, and he has plenty of life when it comes to Roses and other assorted flowers.
Sometimes Will just looks shabby, and not quite pulled together, like he doesn’t take very good care of himself. He has the yellowed teeth and the permanently chapped lips, and he’s starting to stoop. He sometimes looks like he wears the same clothes as well. I remember reading about when the late Christina Onassis went into depressions, she’d stop bathing and brushing her teeth, and now you hear about Williams constant rages. I’m curious to know how he switches it off. Not saying this here, but he is not an impeccably groomed guy. But then again, maybe it’s just his frumpiness.
I wonder if william is bi-polar? With his on/off rages.
There must be an ancestor that he and Edward take after, because they’ve both aged in the same way with the hair loss, ears and nose getting bigger, and once-lovely bone structure getting lost in jowls and sags.
Wow, could they work “Meghan was not mentioned” into that screed one more time? The fantasy that Harry is going to come back and abandon his wife and child is REALLY strong with these folks. Says plenty about them and nothing about him.
The woman is known for keeping her head in the sand for as long as she can, I doubt she’ll do anything “confrontational” like. So the only people who are going to “bitch” him out are the courtiers and I reallllllllly doubt Harry cares about them.
Again, HARRY IS NOT THE HEIR. Leave him alone. The UK will not collapse without Harry for fuck’s sake. BM is mad.
Exactly. Harry will never be on the throne, is quite fine with that and wants to do his thing. If they weren’t so nasty and racist in the UK, I’m sure he would graciously agree to help out with some royal duties, but they keep losing their sh*t over there every time he and Meghan say hey. Someone described it as a minor branch of the royal family, but for some reason, they are centering him as that which will underpin the monarchy. The succession is secure, the tax payers have their coins back, and Harry is far away in a foreign land with his foreign family. These people need to get a grip.
HAHAHA If Harry comes back after the US election, and if Biden wins (which I believe he will), Queenie better hope she has someone who can put in a good word for the UK, for it’s my understanding that Biden will support the EU over the UK.
Elizabeth was hoping to create a stronger commonwealth as a result of Brexit. In actually two countries will be leaving imminenly so that is backfiring
And if Elizabeth dies in the next few years, Coronavirus making this more likely, I am sure Scotland will be gone in a heartbeat.
Which countries are leaving?
My guess would be Scotland and N. Ireland.
I meant Barbados and Jamaica.
Would anyone be able to explain to me why a gift given to a couple at their wedding requires them to now pay for renovating the run down and unlivable abode, then pay rent on it once rehabbed? What a scam if true. Do not understand the whole “property of the crown” business. Why then are other royals not expected to do the same? Would appreciate someone with knowledge to fill me in. Thx
the fantasy of the anti Sussex bots is that Harry will “leave with Archie” and never return and the royals will raise him so Archie ‘can grow up with his cousins.” and how can Harry go for a “talk” with the Queen with the upsurge in COVID?
Harry’s gone. He has a wife who loves him, a child to adore and raise, and a bright future ahead of him.
The BRF is old news. Once this pandemic is finally over, however long it takes, let’s see if the BRF even exists. Dark times are coming, especially with the world economy collapsing and millions of people around the world out of jobs for good.
Let’s be real, both PP and the Q are up in age. Should something happen to them, outside of a travel ban, i think he would come for a service. They offered to do a scaled back royal contribution and it was rejected. It’s sick to think they would want him to return with his heads between his legs so to speak, but they weren’t kind to him or his family.
The Sussexes have to be in the UK for January 11, 2021. The court action against the MOS initiated by Meghan starts on that date. If allowed in they’ll have to quarantine for 14 days. If not Christmas, at least New year.