Lizzo got her mom a car: ‘I remember crying when my daddy passed, no job nowhere to live’

Lizzo spent a not so merry week responding to people who angrily accused her of promoting “diet culture” after she posted a vulnerable video on Tik Tok about doing a 10-day cleanse to lose weight and get healthy. Despite this negativity, Lizzo decided to spread some merriment of her own for her mom for Christmas. Sunday, Lizzo posted her mother’s reaction to the brand new SUV that Lizzo bought her. Lizzo stated in her Instagram post that she had always wanted to provide for her family, especially after her father died. I think it is sweet that Lizzo took some of earnings to surprise her mother with a new Audi. You can see her Instagram post above!

This has got to be one of the sweetest moments I have seen this year. The way Lizzo’s mom squealed, teared up, and turned around to hug her was simply mother/daughter goals. I love these moments when celebrities acknowledge the sacrifices their parents made to help get them to where they are. Lizzo is a prime example of how Black children in particular strive to be a success so that they can buy their parents a home or new car. It’s like a running joke in the community. I am sure Lizzo’s mom is very proud of her and had no expectations of these sorts of gifts from her daughter’s success unlike other toxic celebrity parents like *cough* Thomas Markle and *cough* Sofia Laine.

I do hope Lizzo continues to take care of herself and ignore the naysayers. Lizzo must do what makes her happy. I am sure Lizzo’s mom will enjoy her very smooth ride in her new Audi SUV and spending time with her daughter during these uncertain times. It’s been a tough year for most of us in so many ways and this video of a daughter showing gratitude to her mother in such an unexpected and sweet way is a much needed balm. Lizzo’s video and her mom’s tearful reaction has reminded me of the things that I should be grateful for.



Photos credit: Lizzo via Instagram

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10 Responses to “Lizzo got her mom a car: ‘I remember crying when my daddy passed, no job nowhere to live’”

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  1. Astrid says:

    I love these kind of stories. People doing nice things for others.

  2. Pocket Litter says:

    Huzzah, Lizzo! The epitome of how it should be done. Great coverage!

  3. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    That’s so cute! I love when Lizzo said, “That’s and Audi. Look at them circles.” 😂

  4. Tom says:

    That woman glows. It comes from within.


  5. escondista says:

    I know 2020 is supposed to be terrible but I (had the privilege and) grew so much this year. I had a newborn and a 3 year old home while working full time with no family within 10 hours and (wisely) nobody was visiting – i thought i would die from stress and exhaustion this summer but i made it through and I feel so fortunate now that I was able to be home and that we did not get sick. Now I realize that our family is capable of so much as a unit and I am so capable! I painted half of the house this year, I raised 4 chickens and built a chicken coop and run, I finished all legislative prep for the Texas biennial operating plan!
    Now at the end of it, I have been feeling so giving and I am donating to all the charities and giving everyone i know big gifts, tipping the mailman and the environmental workers, and really trying hard to think of those less fortunate and my friends who are still struggling from the mental weight of this year. If you have the bandwidth, give. If you don’t, then i hope you receive – a virtual or safe hug, a special gift, time off, therapy/medication, an audi (haha), and a wonderful holiday.

  6. Big Little Sighs says:

    I am so happy for Lizzo. She can’t catch a break. If she’s happy about her weight or just trying to be healthy she gets criticized.

  7. detritus says:

    Cleanses are bunk in the sense that they aren’t cleansing anything, but two weeks of doctor supervised highly reduced caloric intake has shown to resensitize insulin cells. Lizzo has so much energy directed at policing her weight that I’m sure it’s on another level what she faced. I mean, hell, Goop has a business based on the same snake oil.

  8. nicegirl says:

    I love Lizzo. Like, I LOVE HER. Thank you for this beautiful write up

  9. Kat says:

    What a lovely thing to be able to do for your mom. It’s one of my goals, too. Lizzo is awesome, loved her since I saw her open for Sleater-Kinney.