Just before Christmas, we got another weird custody update from Brad Pitt’s team. I tend to believe that Brad’s team does leak sh-t to Us Weekly, but some people disagree, and so be it. The point is that Us Weekly has consistently run exclusives which almost always sound like they’re coming from Team Pitt. Usually they’re about the Jolie-Pitt kids or how Angelina Jolie is a witch or whatever. Anyway, the update before Christmas was that Brad would get to see his three youngest kids (Shiloh, Knox and Viv) on Christmas Day. You can take different views of why Brad’s oldest three kids didn’t see him for Christmas – either they’re old enough to make their own decisions about custody, or maybe Brad only gives a sh-t about his biological kids. Who knows.
Anyway, given that years-long narrative that Brad wants us to believe – that he cares so deeply about his kids, that he was desperate to see them for the holidays – I thought he would stick around LA for weeks on the off-chance that his kids wanted to spend NYE with him or something. Guess not:
Brad Pitt is the anti-Justin Bieber early on in 2021 — instead of covering up his tattoos like the Biebs, Brad’s showing off his ink!!! Brad’s ringing in the new year down in Turks and Caicos and doing some snorkeling … and these shirtless shots of his outing reveal his extensive back tattoos. It’s a rare sighting as Brad’s pretty secretive about his ink work.
As you can see, Brad’s back is home to at least 7 tatts … ranging from a tornado to some Sanskrit and a handful of other interesting designs. Hell, there’s even a lower back piece that’s dangerously close to tramp stamp territory.
Brad’s not flying solo in Turks … Flea, from Red Hot Chili Peppers, is with him for the male-bonding tropical getaway.
So Brad flies off to Turks and Caicos with FLEA, while Angelina stays in LA with their kids. But again, we’re supposed to believe that Angelina is such a bad mother, that Poor Brad Just Wants To Be A Good Dad. Oh, and I’m sure we’ll hear about how Angelina is such a bitch because she’s concerned Brad needs to quarantine after traveling internationally too. I guess somebody’s buying it.
Brad Pitt's Tatted Up and Snorkeling for Island Vacay https://t.co/ZjPlZEchNp
— TMZ (@TMZ) January 5, 2021
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
why the hate for tramp stamps? Ok I got mine when I wasn’t in the best frame of mind, but still love it lol
I don’t know. People really should move on from making fun of it. I have one in that area too & I had that area in my mind when I went and got it done.
But in general, why make fun of tattoo’s? Yes, some people obviously have bad tattoos because they either 1. didn’t research their artist 2. had no idea what they wanted or 3. were too drunk to think when they go it but tattoos are so normal now that articles like this are a little dated IMO.
You could also say that tattoos are a little dated.
I have no beef with tramp stamps at all. And I am heavily tattooed and generally think live and let live. I personally don’t get extensively long quote tattoos simply because why would you want someone reading your body.
But I gotta Admit that I capital “L” LOVE LOVE LOVE when I see a man with a tramp stamp. The more macho the dude the better and bonus points if it’s his only tattoo.
My imagination just runs away on me as I imagine the circumstances under which this tattoo was acquired.
(Yes. I do need therapy. That is a well established fact!! 😆🤪)
He takes lots of trips. Meanwhile, Angie is forced to stay in LA? I never liked Brad, never saw the attraction but never realized what a totally self absorbed POS he actually is.
I hope Angelina has not travelled because of the pandemic and not because he refuses for the kids to leave the US with her. That would suck to think he is out there enjoying himself and they have to stay put.
She hasn’t been allowed to travel with the kids since before the pandemic, and I’m sure she is adhering to the rules. However ass hat has traveled to France and elsewhere across the states.
No Angelina hasn’t travelled at all during since the pandemic started . She gas remained vigilant woth kids, evrn thr time they had nee seen theu docoal distanced and wore maaks unlike But Brad Pitt sure has been travelling during Covid , he went abroud with his escort and back to France Germany Italy , he is the one whose continually flouted pandemic rules. His Watts photo-ops also filled with no social distencing with Watts people was more like a fan meetings . But no one will call out golden boy will they
Hopefully 2021 will be the year Angelina & the children will get vindication and we see less of Brad.
I want the kids to live their private lives and have that level of respect from paparazzi…but I also want one of them to just say off hand in public like “yea Brad’s a dick”
Interested to know how present he is in his kids’ daily lives.
@AD Brad Pitt by his own admission had said he had checked out on kids and Angelina a year before he attacked them . And his actions since show he still iis true to his word in being a checked out father. His loss, his own fault, yet he is so gutless to admitt it and carries on gaslighting Angelina and Maddox at every other opportunity.
He had it all, and he and His hybrid list it all too. Still bitter and angry man.
I don’t understand why people are taking non essential trips during a global pandemic. 🙄
Exactly! This is unnecessary travel, and very irresponsible.
Such a BAD EXAMPLE DURING A MAJOR PANDEMIC. As long as brad Pitt happily flours all covid rules with rich friends everyone kissess his ass. We wound see anyone calling him out. Again partying with friends and not a child around . He sure has turned his back on being a father. And his flouting pandemic rules will not help his kids if he ever sees them
Because they are s a$$holes who don’t give a damn about anything but themselves. I don’t understand why ANY country is allowing Americans in. Do they not care about the safety of their own people ???
I feel sorry for the local people who have these asshole rich men and women from other countries bringing the pandemic to them. Just pure ignorance how people like Pitt and Kardashians abuse their power during the pandemic.
Must be nice to be so rich and privileged that the pandemic doesn’t apply to you.
Yup just ask the Kardashians, who I believe are on their 5th vacation now ? Who can keep up.
Middle class americans are flooding into Mexico because there is no quarantine required. It’s not just the rich spreading COVID, plenty of regular jerks traveling too.
@AANG agree. Obviously celebrities get more attention but millions more average citizens are traveling and not following guidelines. Also it’s funny how Brad gets glowing coverage when he travels and Angelina gets attacked for “reportedly” just wanting to travel.
Thats why my coworker posted tons of pics from a mexico trip recently with a group of friends. I wondered how she was able to get that much time off but if she didnt need to quarantine then that explains it. Cant imagine she lives with all those friends she went with at home
I know someone who has been posting all the right things about the pandemic, and then just up and went to Cabo! WTH!
I know there’s lots of terrible details involved with this story, but an island vacation with Flea sounds friggin awesome.
Meanwhile, in real world LA, they’re running out of morgue space, wood for caskets, funeral homes are turning people away, hospitals are running low on oxygen, and EMTs are told not to bring people to the hospitals if there is no chance of saving them. I am SICK of seeing people travel.
The tats are not that visible in those blurry photos, but from what I can see, they don’t look very impressive. If you’re a celebrity and want a “secretive” back tattoo, why not go the full Affleck?
The company he keeps speaks volumes.
Also, People / US weekly in two days: “Evil AJ blocks Brad from ever seeing his kids again by making him quarantine for 200 years after New Years trip”
This is true. Flea has been open about his struggles with addiction in the past and how he’s sober & grateful now. This is much better than someone else’s wife.
@LILY P, You forget his house guest Thomas Houesago another addictic living with him now is going through a divorce ,Pitt’s fan’s called Brad’s new family? A man doing a year of sculpting under the ruse of art therapy. We saw no positive impact did we. We all saw when you turn your back on professional therapy and start playing with addict company of friends it only effects in a bad way. Still not able to get 50/50 custody , despite trash talking Jolie , he himself still not seen with a single child, still refuses on record mention his kids ignored them. Didn’t he praise Bradley Cooper another alcoholic for saving him, and yet he never thanked his own family who wanted him to get better ? Not Bradley Cooper. This group of artist’s Houesago and now e’s wife arc have just used Brad just as he had used them very unhealthy relatshionship with these people.
Also the other male friend of Brad in tjis group who were cslled Brafs saviour, he was the same guy who was an addict who killed his wife shot her and ran away umtil police tried to catch him, and commited suicide. I don’t understand why Brad is with such unhealthy group of addicts is it any wonder his relashionship with his childten.is still broken . And he still blames Angelina for his own addictions.
killed his wife?! Ugh bunch of enablers probably throwing themselves a pity party for all the evil women do to them…
again, I will judge him on the company he keeps
@LILY P: THIS …. Yes the company he’s kept for last 4 to 5 years now speaks volumes. For an alcoholic and drugs abused with anger issues, Brad Pitt sure spent and keeps spending his whole time in the company of men who are equally addicts with mental health issues. There is nothing healthy spending time with people who have their own issues, they are not qualified therapists nor counsellors. That’s why he’s still at square one of in denial he has addiction issues and still gaslighting Angelina and his adopted childten.
The truth is there for eveyone to see. He’s been giving real evidence of what a POS he is and not a present father. But it’s easier to throw hate at the “vile, crazy” mother who’s doing the hard work of raising 6 teenagers on her own.
I used to think Brad wasn’t leaking to the press or calling the paparazzi until I saw a British paparazzo praising him for pictures of him volunteering in LA and criticising Harry and Meghan for not doing the same.
There’s so much wrong here where do we begin? How bout this: are LA paps flying internationally to take these pictures? Will their mandated two week lockdown on return be enforced?
And AGAIN inviting his papratzi at a PUBLIC BEACH TO DO A PHOTO OP…And his team make out he is so PRIVATE we all sl have seen his not so PRIVATE ganes he hasn’t been private since dumping his wife and six kids in 2016 pathetic man in his holidays during covid pandemic where is the social distencing no masked crew members pandering to these rich clients .. New Year and Chritsmas spent with same friends since dumping his family and kids and still not seen with any of his kids. Embarassing PR game. I eazhalf expecting his hired escort to pop up.
Papratzzi flying from L.A with him , just plain old pathetic. No care for the pandemic . I bet that place they went to isn’t covid free is it.. acting like an old raty tattooed men in a prowl having midlife crisis.. life for brad pitt sure has become one big holiday after dumping his wife and six kids all he’s fine is act out his bachelor life so shameless no care for the hurt he caused his children
. At least the children have a mother who cares for them unlike photo_op hungry brad pitt
Actually, two days after Page Six said Brad would be spending Christmas with three of his kids, they printed another article saying this wasn’t true, and interestingly not for the first time. Here is a quote:
“Every holiday, every birthday, someone always leaks the same thing about Brad and his supposed plans to see the kids, like the pizza party for Shiloh’s birthday this year — and it seems like there’s never any truth to it,” the insider claimed.
As usual, it is from his camp because at the end of the article it says page six reached out to Angelina’s camp for comment. And while I guess the idea is to paint him as “poor Brad”, the sub text is that the court is not allowing him to see his kids overnight? The previous article stated he was having them for Christmas Eve overnight and Christmas day. I’m guessing holidays must be negotiated by their lawyers since visitation is court ordered.
I would love to know when he actually left for his tropical holiday.
@GOLLYGEE Let’s see If Brad’s people give a story about Zahara’s 16th birthday? Would he acknowledge this birthday or ignore it make the past 4 years ones?
Page Six kind of blew his people out when they said at the end of their Pitt pity party article that they asked for a comment from Jolie’s people , and got nothing. That alone was very telling as they didn’t care to say they reached out to Brads people to ask. As it’s very obvious by now Brads fixers and image makers are the ones sending fake daddy dearest leaks to chosen outlets, in return of them carrying on gaslighting Angelina’s character.
Brad Phoney Pitt and his constant playing the kids card is annoying me now . Just go away a wear a shirt over your taky tornado and hand bag tattoes.
The reality is something else, he is no longer young, if he hits it he can hurt his hip. Enough treating him like he was stuck in the 90’s he is wrinkled and old.
Ummm…he’s only 57. He won’t hurt his hip, believe me. He’s not “wrinkled and old”, he’s actually fit and in good shape. I’m no Brad Pitt fan, but your idiotic age-shaming is ridiculous. I’m 68 and I hit it with my partner regularly. Believe me I don’t hurt my hip.
@GODWINA, he’s a DEADBEAT father eejitt. How Brad Pitt’s halo has fallen along with his responsibilities. At least Ben Affleck loves his childten and respects their mother, and she’s them. Not spreading lies about them.
@GODWINA, he’s a DEADBEAT father eejitt. How Brad Pitt’s halo has fallen along with his responsibilities. At least Ben Affleck loves his childten and respects their mother, and she’s them. Not spreading lies about them.
The reality is another thing, he is no longer young, if he hits it, he can hurt his hip. Enough treating it like it’s stuck in the 90’s, it’s wrinkled and old. photoshop to the maximum on your red carpets or in movies … all the CCA actors are totally NARCISSISTS of themselves with a HUGE EGO.
@TRUE, At least no one can deny Brad Pitt isn’t a hands in father to his own children, apart from being hands on his then minor adopted son.
He acted like he won the lottery since 2016 airplane drunken meltdown, that dystroyed his wife and children’s lives. Yet he carried on acting with no care , nor looked back what his actions has done to his wife and children. The single Brad Pitt milked his singlehood status , used Jennifer Aniston as she used him and then went on to hiering his friends young wife for dirty Hookups at his wife and children’s houses.
Kind of disgusted with shamless narsassit Brad Pitt.
Stop with the age-shaming True. I don’t know what you have against older people but believe me, most of us are healthy, vibrant people who don’t give a f*ck about a few wrinkles and grey hairs.
This is my favorite headline! I love em both.
LOL guess I should read the room! (For the record, I shelter at home, wear a mask whenever I leave the house, see only my mother, and wouldn’t dream of flying anywhere.)
RHCP: I was trying to figure out which Real Housewives city this was about. Anything that starts with RH is now Real Housewives to me. Never mind that he’s hanging out with a man. And a man named Flea. I still spent about 25 minutes this morning trying to figure out which Real Housewives franchise Flea was on.
OMG I did the same thing, until my brain put it together with Flea.
@AMY TOO, RHCP I too was trying to figure out Which Real HouseWives Of Brad is vacationing with 😂😂.
Then I had too look at the photos and still couldn’t figure out until someone mentions Watts and I remembered Flea and his wife are the ones whose charity is helping and Brad latched on to them like a tick and made it all about him.
I know Brad Pitt’s fanbase say flea is Pitts family and sponsor ,isn’t he relying upon flea a bit too much.? Looks unhealthy. And still not being the father to his own children.
Same. Thanks for clearing that up.
I wonder how Pitt and his mangers will spin this about him being away vacationing in public beaches and where is the privacy card he likes to use? I see no privacy when he could easily have gone to a private beach and bummed out with his addict friends.
I guess Us Weekly will get the memo how Brad was wishing his kids were there with him, but due to their evil mother keeping them away from him , so Pitt ran off crying in Turks and Flea is a shoulder to cry on and wiping his man tears.
Goes to show a that Father of the Year was just in name only not actions. Also it’s quite clear he still is being supervised when and if he’s only seeing his biological kids and not the adopted kids. I feel so sad for the adopted children for Brad to choose his biological children over them. Zahara will be 16 years old on Firday, will be tell Us Weekly that he “proud if her”, just like he mentioned about Shiloh when she turned 15. Let’s see if Zahara’s birthday will be ignored again by her adopted father. Angelina is very brave to look after all her children by her self and help protecting them , whilst their aging father he plays the felid like a childless lethario.
I do find it quite is responsible of Brad
travelling during the pandemic to Turks . I know nobody will call him out on that, apart from fawning over him But again when he comes back isn’t he supposed to self quarantine and you can see the staff on the boat nobody’s wearing masks.. I would say his 13-year Old Vivian is more aware of her well-being and well-being of others wearing masks etc compared to Brad and his friends. Such an irresponsible father of six.
His behavior makes me believe he is not truly sober. It reeks of alcoholic entitlement still
@JESSE, I too beleive he’s still drinking and toking . Only time he stopped was when he was forced by courts to provide pee samples to the courts for CPS to check if he was fit enough to see kids. As he’s still being supervised when he see’s kids, that means he still is drinking and toking. And the suspect company he’s been with for last 4 years speaks volumes .
The age is sarcastic, he is a big man who acts like a teenager with ripped jeans, believing that he stayed at a time or trying to find himself, if at the age of 57 you do all this it is not about Enjoy life. this is lack of personality.
Daily Fail posted more update Exclusive on Brad’s vocation saying that “Neither Brad Pitt nor Flea were protecting themselves or others from the coronavirus by wearing masks, which are ‘required in all public places until March 31’ – according to https://t.co/41cVgFqMsF.
As of Tuesday, there have been only 910 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Turks and Caicos leading to six deaths since July”.
Deadbeat father. Disrespectful selfish man that who brad pitt is
I’d like to understand what goes through the mind of a person who thinks it’s super fine to travel during a pandemic. Thousands of people are dying every day. These Celebrities live on their own selfish worlds. And by the way why we never see Brad Pitt with his kids? He is photographed with his friends, with his young married hired girl, i know he has another girl with him on this trip, then he’s mussels in doing Fleas doing charity work. But never, ever with his children. I’m beggining to think those kids don’t want to be with him. There’s something wrong.!!!
More woke celebrities showing their true colours. Can’t possibly forgo a holiday/vacation and show solidarity with people who are suffering, and set a good example by limiting movement, if that means staying at home. They’re all flouting their wealth, privilege and access to covid tests – Flea, Brad Pitt, Eddie Vedder. Do as I say, not as I do. And why is Brad Pitt risking his 6 children’s lives that us when he see’s them, by doing that he’s also risking Angelina’s life.
What a slap in the face, all celebrities are on holiday having the time of their live , and we have to stay strictly home. Disgusting…
Brad Pitt should know better , so should Flea. Both are fathers, yet showing little concern if they get the virus and spread it on
That’s “Blue” Hollywood for you. They go right along with “Do as I say, not as I Do.
Extremely dissapointed with all high profile celebrities. Especially now to set the example and stay home. Hypocrites!!!
Does this moron ever see his six children, my bad, I mean his biological children? All I ever see is with this same group of addict friends since getting dumped 4 years ago. So while he forecd Angelina and children to remain in LA , he carries on holidays abroad. I very much doubt he is there with FLEA and his young wife, playing a third wheel on his own. I bet he has a young girl ther too whom he’s keeping away from public, until she blows him out to media like the married Mrs Nico Mary did to him.
No masks. So will Btad Pitt he will blame Angie again when she asks him to quarantine.. Poor poor Brad Pitt he is such a victim 😢😢😢. He is a narcissist and has still not taken any let alone full responsibility for his actions. Good PR is worth the millions he pays for it. But his own PR and his own selfishness has dystroyed his own family. No this blame is on you Brad Pitt. I really feel so sorry for Angelina for having to do anything with this man child
I don’t blame Angelina for protecting her children, especially when Brad has proven not to be a good husband material and even worse father. Ever since their divorce he’s shown everyone what a piece of work he is ,despite getting his PR glass over and cover his image. I don’t know what poased Jennifer Aniston to allow him to play her again,but she was an equal willing partner playing with him . I have less respect for her too. I guess she was happy to oblige Brad just to stick it to Angelina, but by doing that she showed she was as vindictive and hateful towards Angelina but also her children. I just don’t know why Brad does not get back with her selfish ass, instead of sleeping with young girls and other mebs wives and hiding them acting as he’s single.
Does Brad Pitt ever stay at home. I thought his team said hes private, but all i see him every time out having a good time with same group of friends. He has no time for his family , acts like he has no family. This Turns vication at the time when the pandemic is at the highest is just ignorant and does respectful towards people who lost everything lives and jobs.
Shameless how the rich and famous like Brad Pitt don’t have to stay home, have travelled , not socially distanced etc etc etc whilst the common man has lost his business, his home, his family and in some cases their lives but the Rich like him don’t have to follow the rules while they prance around on the beach like tattooed bums.
So I guess the California stay at home order do not apply to flea and Brad Pitt nor do they apply to the Kardashians!! So is this one rule for the rich and one rule for the Poor. I mean all individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized. Another example of idiotic selfish out if touch celebrities and the “for thee but not for me” attitude. Then when they come back they never quaranteen either. See thing is lot of people call these people their idol’s. More like idiot’s.