Duchess Kate ‘still struggles to mix with world leaders such as the Bidens’

Catherine Duchess of Cambridge and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden Visit Connor Downs Academy

Last year, the Duchess of Cambridge was chosen as the royal family’s child development expert, someone who would be seen as Dr. Jill Biden as a colleague, perhaps. Katie Keen was sent off to do some events with Dr. Biden when the Bidens were in Cornwall for the G7 Summit. There was a roundtable discussion with educators and child development experts and… Kate collapsed in a pile of wiglets and buttons. She could barely do anything but mumble incoherently, flap her hands and play with her hair. Dr. Biden looked embarrassed on her behalf. Oh, and remember Kate at the COP26 summit in Glasgow last fall? She looked drunk as a skunk and she kept waving that canister of worms around. She is a lightweight in every sense. Which makes this Daily Mail story a bit obvious:

Kate Middleton is ‘very much a future queen in the making’ but ‘still struggles to mix with world leaders such as the Bidens’ because she’s a ‘natural introvert’, a close friend has claimed ahead of her 40th birthday.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who will celebrate turning the milestone age on Sunday, grew on the world stage in 2021 taking on solo projects such as Hold Still and the Westminster Abbey Christmas Carol service. And her job involves mixing with high profile figures on the world stage, such as visiting a school with Dr Jill Biden during the G7 summit in June last year.

But her presence is still ‘understated’ her friend told Hello! adding that she is ‘quietly growing in confidence’ 10 years after marrying into the royal family.

‘She still finds it quite challenging to mix with those sorts of players [the Bidens], because she’s a natural introvert. But she’s really growing into the role,’ her friend said. ‘[Public speaking] is not something that she relishes doing, at all. She’s not a put yourself out there, extroverted type of person, it’s just not who she is. But she knows it’s an important way for her to make a positive contribution and there are some times that you need to get out there and speak for things you believe in.”

[From The Daily Mail]

Kate, at 40, is still somehow “quietly growing in confidence.” Again, I would embarrassed to be *this* infantilized and patronized at Kate’s age. Are people still going to clap for her and tell her she’s a confident Big Girl when she’s the 47 year old Princess of Wales? Will people still lavish praise on this lazy, mumbling, jazz-handed, infantilized doll? These people need to stop subtweeting Meghan too – “She’s not a put yourself out there, extroverted type of person, it’s just not who she is…” Yeah, and Meghan IS an extrovert with a natural charisma which people are drawn to… and the Firm punished her for it and drove her out of the country. This is what William wants, and honestly, it’s what Charles, Camilla and the Queen want too: they want this lightweight, patronized woman-child whose 40th birthday embiggening PR involves fluffing up the fact that she’s god-awful at diplomacy, being sociable and being professional.

Boris Johnson -COP26 World Leaders Summit Day 1

Evening Reception to Mark the Opening Day of the Cop26 Summit

Boris Johnson -COP26 World Leaders Summit Day 1

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar.

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229 Responses to “Duchess Kate ‘still struggles to mix with world leaders such as the Bidens’”

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  1. Kalana says:

    Kate’s dress for the Biden visit was hideous. It’s like she had has a grabbag of design elements she likes and just randomly throws a bunch together and calls that a new dress design. And Dr. Biden is the guest so why she carrying the carrots? Kate has no manners.

    If Kate doesn’t like putting herself out there, then why the piano performance or the tennis lesson at Wimbledon or all the other things she’s happy to do? She has no work ethic and only sees her royal role for how it benefits her. She was scared during the Biden visit because the Early Years initiative isn’t sincere and her research center is very likely not real.

    • Startup Spouse says:

      Kate struggles because she’s lazy, doesn’t care, and isn’t very smart. Fixed it for you, DM.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        Spot on. I’d also add spiteful mean girl as we saw from her behaviour, IN PUBLIC during the CW service a few years ago.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Clicking on the link was the first time I had to stomach to listen to that clip of Buttons McMutton and Dr. Jill. I didn’t think it’d be *that* bad… it *was* that bad, and then some.

        Buttons could barely choke out a sentence coherently. She ran down at the end to where you could barely hear/make out what she was saying, and she kept repeated the few talking points she had on her prepared paper (which, it seems, she couldn’t be bothered to prep with prior to making the comments).

        Look…I *can* empathize with a fear of public speaking. But this is what this “job” literally calls for. ALL. THE. TIME. Whoever was the idiot that made her change her accent probably also took her confidence to speak along with her natural voice. The hands, the quivering voice, and hair tossing are also big “tells” of how insecure she is up there.

        But at 40, you should realize that you need help to do your job well. Even at 20, Diana hired people to help her learn to get over her nerves, and to speak well at these kinds of events, as well as hire top people at Vogue to help her learn how to develop what evolved into an amazing personal style.

        I don’t see Buttons McMutton ever changing from this mode.

      • DuchessL says:

        LOL right on LOL
        Kate failed her destiny. She was still supposed to be lazy, except she was supposed to be lazy and married to be a rich husband, with the job of being a perfect stay at home mom, with nannies and chefs, without responsibilities to the world.

      • Ronaldinhio says:


        If you practice you become better at public speaking. Social anxiety – if she faces that can be overcome with determination admittedly plus some therapy.
        These things need effort and this seems to be the problem.
        She is the worst for William. In truth he needed a Meghan. To charm when he fails, to drive a work ethic, to make Brand Royal interesting or approachable.

        The status quo was not what this family needed. Not a cardboard dolly Princess, without opinion, zero charisma and with lots of curls and boring fashion
        William and Kate will end the BRF

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        @Jan90067 I couldn’t do it at the time either. She simultaneously gives me second-hand cringes with the “umm”s, nails on a blackboard reactions to her voice, a desire to slap her hand when she touches her hair and I’ve loved many an unpolished public speaker who was driven by their passion for a cause – so while she could train, she could also still be effective. After I read your post, I decided to watch too. Thank goodness Dr. Biden was there to lift her up and carry the ball on messaging and charisma. The gentleman too (somewhat sycophantically imo) propped her up at the end. My wish for all women leaders is to drive progress and growth effectively. She has a stage and my overriding optimism hopes she gets better at it. By 40, though, by gosh she should be better in her chosen role.

    • PaulaH says:

      All of this is just code for: Kate has nothing going on for her 40th birthday so don’t expect much but most importantly she will fall short of Meghan but remember she’s an English Rose and we must pretend she is better than the American (ALWAYS)

      • L84Tea says:

        I’m in agreement with you. There is SO much deflecting and justifying and explaining away all of Kate’s shortcomings this week that it’s making my head spin. I definitely feel like this is because she’s turning 40 and they’re worrying people will expect her to measure up to Meghan’s 40th, which was such a smashing success with the 40×40 idea. They know she won’t…because she’s such an introvert….such a lowkey English rose…such a simple country girl with her AGA, la la la…NOT because she’s a lazy, useless, incurious slug who has squandered her first decade as a Duchess with shopping and vacations instead of anything resembling hard work–unlike her late mother in law.

      • Nievie says:

        I take issue with this…the only Kate that is a TRUE english rose is Kate Moss. who also worked. Waity Katy is an english muffin at best.

      • Christine says:

        WORD, Paula, you nailed it.

      • notasugarhere says:

        What about Cate Blanchett (ok, Australian) or Kate Winslet?

    • Mac says:

      At least Kate knows when she is out of her league, unlike Ivanka Trump.

      • Jan90067 says:

        I don’t think Buttons KNOWS she’s out of her league. I would bet you a LOT she thinks she’s doing *just* fine…even *better* than fine, and “if you don’t think so, it’s you (meaning the collective public). who are the problem”

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Jan90067, of course Mumbles doesn’t think she’s out of her league as she is eager to meet with world leaders, as well as thinking that her measly Early Childhood campaign was a success.

        The utter garbage that the RR’s are trying to shove everyone’s throats as to why Mumbles lacks the ability to do her job is comical!! As we have ALL seen, with Diana, she and Chaz became engaged, but we did see her change within 3-4 years. Diana knew what was expected of her and she did the WORK to prepare herself and continued to expand on her work.

        The fact that they are trying to sell Mumbles as being an introvert, which clearly she is not as we have all seen, but she is LAZY!!!! You can’t change the history and the mere fact that she is as lazy at 40 as she was at 30!

        What angers me the most the most is that the RR, as well as TRF, are pushing these narratives lately. TQ wanted Mumbles to take her time involving herself with her duties, as well as Baldingham. On top of the latest article regarding Baldingham flying off the wall in a fit of anger when she is patronized. Give it up!!!! Mumbles will NEVER do her job because everyone is giving her a lifetime pass of being lazy, spiteful, vindictive and utterly useless.

      • Nic919 says:

        She should have known she was out of her league and let Dr Jill handle the education issue on her own. But Kate actually thinks she deserves the same platform. That she looked stupid is on her and her staff for not telling her the truth about her lack of ability. She really isn’t any different than Ivanka.

    • Granger says:

      And for pete’s sake, do these papers not realize that we all remember what she was like on her wedding day? She didn’t look shy, nervous, or uncomfortable AT ALL. Not one bit. She got out of that carriage, smiled confidently at the massive crowds, spoke clearly and loudly during her vows in front of millions of people, and then stood on the balcony at Buckingham Palace like she owned the place. This story is bonkers.

      • notasugarhere says:

        The live-action version of Ursula (as bride) in Disney’s The Little Mermaid cartoon. Self-satisfied smirk, loving every bit of the attention.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I remember Kate muttered something about giving parents tools to have babies, and education can be part of that journey. ? ? ? She CLEARLY did not prepare, and has no idea how to speak intelligently about the one subject she claims to be interested in. This is right up there with asking whether one can test the smell of the tea by smelling it, and asking the queen if they still make imperial Russian Faberge eggs.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      @Kalana says: “And Dr. Biden is the guest so why she carrying the carrots?”
      Because that plate of carrots is heavy, and everyone knows that Kate can’t do the heavy lifting!

    • Anon says:

      I agree this all can come comes across as “she’s lazy” or “incompetent” or maybe has an “outdated idea” of her role if she wanted to stick to being a housewife, but I’m starting to wonder if there’s something else going on with Kate. It all seems a little off and the “she just wanted to be a housewife” argument could be cover for someone who is really struggling. We don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors and it may not be what she signed up for AT ALL. Maybe she is depressed or having trouble functioning because of it or maybe she has only been allowed to do certain things. This may be someone who was completely controlled by their parent before they were married off to be controlled by another/others (if not her husband then The Firm—perhaps both) and now is kind of trapped because of her kids. Can you imagine? She is NOT going to be allowed to leave with the kids, is she? Megan went to great lengths in the Oprah interview to say that Kate is a “good person”…and she didn’t have to—especially after EVERYTHING that Megan went through—it just makes me wonder. Throw in the trauma of COVID upending everything and having to operate so close to the Andrew situation for so long and who knows what else—she may really be having a hard time coming to grips with doing anything other than the bare minimum.

  2. Woke says:

    That dress she wore with Dr Biden was awful for her it accentued how skinny she is. Diana was really shy and awkward at public speaking too but she improved over the years. Kate doesn’t even try she’s slightly better now but if she doesn’t practice often how is she meant to be comfortable with it one day.

    • Seaflower says:

      Considering K had 3-4 years at uni where you have to give presentations and are marked on them, I’m continually shocked at how bad she is.

      And your point re Diana is spot on. Diana wanted to improve because she wanted to help. K won’t because she doesn’t, she just wants the clothes, jewels and events where she can look pretty and flirt.

    • Seraphina says:

      And that is a another reason why people loved Diana: they saw she did not excel at public speaking but she tried to improve and she did. And as it’s been said before, Diana also WANTED to help and WANTED to do good. She used her platform – for herself and for her causes. Kate wants a quiet country life without responsibility and all the perks. This is 1721 or 1821 – people are expecting those born into entitlement and privilege to give back and that includes those that marry into the family.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      Dr. Jill is a tiny woman herself with a thin waist and next to Kate she looks wide.

      • Gabby says:

        And you know that is KKKate’s favorite part about being photographed next to other women.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, this was what I coming for. Kate can’t be bothered to learn how to do her job competently, but at least she’s the thinnest woman in the room. I truly believe that’s how she feels.

    • Tessa says:

      On her first walkabout (Wales tour of 1981) Diana was literally scared of getting out of the car. But she managed to deal effectively with the public and they took to her. And she did that speech in Welsh. I could not see Kate even bothering to learn that language for a speech. And Diana unlike Kate felt she could learn more and go in for self improvement and skills.

  3. Merricat says:

    If Kate lacks substance at 40, she’s not going to develop any with the coming years. She’s a tax drain who gives absolutely nothing back.

    • Kalana says:

      She’ll hide behind her kids and claim their future achievements as hers. Seeking credit of the work of others has always been her MO.

      • Alexandria says:

        I have co-workers who operate like this, what more entitled royals who don’t get appraised? Bare minimum and coasting on others due to bad management. Queenie or Chuck may not like her now and she’s already like this. Expect the embiggening and fake work and taking credit to continue after they are gone and she is QC. Sure she has no excuses but nobody is calling for her to step up.

    • Selene says:

      Exactly, and she signed up for the job, so she has no excuse, really. She wasn’t born into it and she’s a senior royal, so there’s no way out of it. Pull up your big girl panties Kate!

    • Seraphina says:

      Thank you Merricat. Kate is not going to change.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Merricat, I would like to thank you as well. Now we will know to expect these pieces every year around her birthday as it will be the same scenario when she hits 50 as well.

      I do wonder what the public in Britain think about these endless lies. Your tax dollars going towards someone who adds nothing and continues to fleece the Monarchy for excessive spending.

      • Carolind says:

        Most of the public in Britain couldn’t care less about the RF. My clever 28 year old daughter hardly knows anyone beyond The Queen but nor is anyone interested in getting rid off them – I don’t think!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      But . . . they don’t need any qualification/education/work ethic to be royal, just birth (or marriage). That’s how monarchies work. They are basically just “mascots” that remind people how great their “team” is. So it’s all visual. Kate will wear jewels and designer clothes, and people will think, “look at our classy royal family, I’m proud of our history, yay us!”

      • notasugarhere says:

        Plenty of people compare married-ins, Mrs. Krabapple, and Kate is among the worst. Most of the rest were accomplished professionals before they married in to royal houses, and have continued those accomplishments since their weddings.

  4. Zen says:

    Diana turned 20 years old a month b4 her wedding. Almost right after, she gave a speech in Welsh in their legislature. Soon she was meeting world leaders, kings and queens while carrying a huge load of patronages. She was half Kate’s age while she did all this. Diana was also shy and lacked confidence but she took lessions in public speaking to improve herself. No excuses were ever made for Diana such as “becoming quietly confident” she just stepped up and did the work. Kate work ethic doesn’t even compare to Diana yet she is touted as “going to be a great queen” while Diana was maligned by the press and her married-into family.

    • equality says:

      Diana didn’t try to be an expert on everything; she let the real experts speak and just gave support and highlighted the actual charity work and workers. She didn’t try to participate like she was on an equal basis with Phd’s who have studied the actual subject.

    • truthSF says:

      Didn’t Diana get married in July? And her birthday was in July?!🤔 So it wasn’t even a month between her birthday and wedding.

      • swirlmamad says:

        I think her bday is July 1, right? And the wedding was July 29…so just shy of a month. Cray-cray.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      So much this. I suspect the RF loves that Kate has zero charisma and initiative, because they assume those qualities are threatening (Diana, MM later).

      What they didn’t bank in was she is also lazzzzzzy and has zero work ethic.

    • Jaded says:

      And she did all this while she was expecting as well. What do we see from Kate when she’s expecting? Nothing. Nada. Zip. She has HoRriBLe mOrniNG SiCKneSs people!

    • Marivic says:

      @Zen. ITA. Diana had strong work ethic. Although she was criticized by the British media she was so focused to deliver an excellent job in everything she does; not minding the criticisms of the press and the philandering of her husband. The public saw a basic genuine kindness and compassion in Diana. She grew in confidence over time. And later on she was on her own and on the world stage— a strong, and confidently beautiful woman whom everyone admired and loved to become. Kate ,on the other hand, is never an inspiration to women. No matter how much she is embiggened and praised by the UK press, the critical thinkers of the world know that she is basically a shallow and an empty queen-to-be with ultimately zero self-confidence. That’s why up to now she still needs to piggyback on Megan’s name to attract readership and clicks because, on her own, the UK rotas know she’s not an interesting read.

  5. North of Boston says:

    Introvert does not mean incompetent.

    Tending towards introversion doesn’t mean you’re unable to function in professional or public situations.

    And it doesn’t mean you’re unable to develop a depth of knowledge or communicate effectively with others.

    In other words, introversion is not an excuse for being unserious, uninformed and incompetent at one’s job, even if that job is as a figurehead, spokesperson and/or soft diplomat.

    • equality says:

      Right. I’m an introvert and would have died of embarrassment wearing that see-through dress Kate pranced around in. The first time the dress blew up would have traumatized me and I would have made absolutely certain there was no repeat performance. That piano recital being so blatantly faked and the flybe thing would have embarrassed me also. I don’t buy the “she’s an introvert” excuse. I’m starting to wonder if the media does or if the “friends” are secretly making fun at her.

      • El says:

        Yes, my understanding is introverts need a recharge after being social and extroverts are charged up by the activity. I would describe myself as shy (though less so now that I am in my 40s) and introverted. Yet I teach biology. The keys are preparation and wanting to be there. Being introverted isn’t an excuse. Also in education we talk about a growth mindset, understanding that you can work to improve instead of just saying, “I’m bad at math.” But her friends seem stuck in a fixed mindset which leaves no room for improvement. Not a good look for someone interested in working with children.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        Kate was described as an exhibitionist early on. The life of the party. The energy to bring William out of his shell. The savior of the monarchy. The most jazzed hands promoter of worthy causes out there!
        Now, she’s an introvert? Because she doesn’t want to work? But still loves to travel and shop on public. And during lockdown she was said to be itching to get back out there so they created the Covid choochoo tour.

        The BM must need a Rolodex to keep track of all these excuses.

    • Lemons says:

      I hate when they tag her as an introvert as if it is an excuse. My boyfriend and I are both very introverted people, but we can hold a discussion, listen attentively, ask the right questions and sound intelligent (I hope we both have a modicum of intelligence) in the two languages we both know (he knows a third). If needed, we can give presentations at work, without looking down for each word of each sentence.

      The coddling of Kate for doing less than the bare minimum in her role is just tiring. So many of us have to do so much more to receive SO much less. And we don’t have anyone making excuses for us while doing so.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        They say introvert because narcissists sounds bad. And lazy sounds bad.

      • Finny says:

        This introvert excuse is a compete BS. In a nutshell: “Introverts are most comfortable interacting in small groups and with one-on-one relationships and are energized by spending time alone. Extroverts are characterized by traits such as sociability, assertiveness, and cheerfulness. Extroverts seek out novelty and excitement and enjoy being the center of attention.”

        There is of course more to it, and it doesn’t cover all aspects. I am an introvert, but I had to become an extrovert in my jobs and because of my husband’s rank in the military. You can learn to give speeches and how to interact with people in social settings for example. I had to do it. It all comes down to being prepared and informed about the subjects and the people you have to interact with. Was I nervous before speeches? Heck yes, but you can improve yourself if you put your mind to it. The more you do it, the more confident you get, but you have to have the motivation and drive to improve, and she is sadly lacking in that. She knew what she signed up for from the start. No excuses for her incompetence.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Thank you! I’m an introvert, but I’m also able to speak publicly, communicate well, and engage people in professional and public settings. And I know NO ONE in my profession (or any) where they’ve had the job for a freaking decade and are described as ‘quietly growing in the role,’ because they wouldn’t last in the role if not propped up by others.

      The infantilization of Mutton Button is insulting to the public.

      • Em says:

        Agreed with all of this. I have never heard of any senior level person in companies I’ve worked in be praised for growing into a role that they’ve been doing for years. At what point does she stop growing and start assuming the position of power? I get that a career is not what she wanted from her life, but she is still a senior member of the Royal Family and she barely clears the minimum. The bar is so low for her.

  6. Digital Unicorn says:

    Working a room and mixing with ‘power players’ is an art form and is something that I struggle with so I do empathise somewhat with her. I have gotten better at it (took years of acting classes etc .. which helped immensely) but it still makes me anxious. Its a bit like riding a bike, the more you do it the better and more confident you become. I do a lot of speaking in front of others (clients etc..) giving presentations and the like, it was my choice to take a role that does that and I also made the choice to improve my public speaking/networking abilities.

    Some people are naturally good at it, others like me have to work at it (and keep working at it) – Kate should be working on it given that it’s a big part of her ‘job’. She has access to people who can help and support her.

    • Becks1 says:

      I would empathize with her more except that we’re back to the same old argument of “she signed up for this.” She knew that being William’s wife would entail meeting with power players on a regular basis. I’m not cold hearted, lol, I can be awkward at small talk so I get that sometimes with the royal gig she might have an awkward moment or two, or it might just not be her thing.

      But I think generally speaking most of these big wigs aren’t really expecting her to be an expert on….anything. No one expects the Queen to be an expert. One of the reasons at this point that she is respected by world leaders is because by all accounts she is gracious and respectful when meeting with other leaders, not because they have in depth conversations with her about policy.

      I do think that kind of socializing is an art and honestly, its one that Kate’s mother should have been schooling her in from the moment she decided she wanted her to be William’s wife. It’s not that different from being a good hostess at a dinner party and socializing among all the guests and having something to say to each of them. It sounds easy on its face and its certainly not brain surgery, but it still takes a certain set of skills. and it seems Kate has done nothing to cultivate those skills.

      Anyway, the issue IMO is that the royal family puts Kate out there as an expert or big wig but she isn’t and she can’t hold her own in settings like the roundtable discussion with Dr. Jill. If she had just done a fun meet and greet at a school with Dr. Jill, and gotten some cute photo ops and then Dr. Jill had gone on to more serious events on her own, this would have been a non-story. But instead they put Kate in a situation where she was going to be directly compared to Dr. Jill and she fell flat.

      • windyriver says:

        Considering what William was like in the early days, either Carole figured it wasn’t necessary for Kate to learn new skills (which she had no interest in anyway), and/or, possibly Carole didn’t understand the difference between being an aristocrat vs a working member of the RF. Remember, the bar is low; Will’s not much better in terms of having the tools for his job (TQ took him for a do over in Scotland). And when he and Kate were engaged and first married, he still resented his future role, avoided working as long as possible, and decided not to follow his father and TQ – he’d have fewer projects, more intense focus, no ribbon cutting, whatever. Kate was totally on board.

        But as he’s gotten older, that changed. William likes being the FFK; it’s all he has (and the one thing he thinks he can lord over Harry). It would’ve been smart for Kate to up her skill set then; Charles obviously thought so, hence Catherine Quinn. Kate grabbed Early Years as a talking point, but was otherwise remarkably unable, or uninterested, in making any personal improvement. She didn’t think she needed to. PR/photo ops (and eliminating the competition) had always worked.

        I agree with many here, Kate’s no introvert. If she seems at all tentative in public at this point, it’s because her lack of ability is catching up with her, and she’s finally realizing other people notice. We see bored people in the background when she does visits. Some of this has to do with Meghan raising the standard, but also, with the natural evolution as TQ declines and everyone behind her steps up, Kate sticks out like a sore thumb. She’ll never have the automatic protection Will does as the heir. Hence the need for articles about how being an introvert has always made it so hard for Kate to do x, y, z (in her case, more like a, b, c) to excuse her subpar performance.

        A final note re: Carole; someone here (possibly nota?) made the point a while back that Kate is no longer Carole’s main interest – now it’s George. He’s the prize, because whatever happens in the future with the Cambridge marriage, George, her grandson, will still be the heir. I think there’s some truth to that.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Becks1 and windyriver, I agree with both of you. Over time, I’ve come to the conclusion that Kate is clearly an exhibitionist, an extrovert, lazy and quite frankly? She simply doesn’t have the mental wherewithall to do what she needs to do to be a public figure. I used to think it was entirely because she simply doesn’t want to. Well, that’s true, but I have concluded she isn’t capable to learning the minimum skills to do the job. If she did, she would have improved after ten years. I think this is the story that’s being covered up.

      • Christine says:

        I don’t understand how the entire population of the U.K. isn’t completely over her, and her taxpayer paid life of luxury. FFS, we’ve all seen the lengths QEII’s father went to in order to overcome a debilitating stutter when the crown was thrust upon him by his Nazi brother. DEBILITATING stutter, and they are giving this pile of buttons and wiglets every single pass under the sun for a courtier driven narrative that doesn’t match with her life before she married Willnot.

    • Meghan says:

      But it has ALWAYS been the job. It is what she was always going to do as Princess of Wales and Queen Consort. It’s okay to be uncomfortable and not perfect at it, but after 10 years she shouldn’t be “quietly growing confident” about it. It’s like me getting an admin job and being shocked that they ask me to answer the phones. Schmoozing with various world leaders was always the job with being William’s wife.

    • Commonwealthy sounded witty at first says:

      She also had/has loads of time in which to practice and improve, if she wanted, which she inexplicably doesn’t. She could get anyone in the world to help her, privately or publicly for a good cause (hey everyone, it’s never too late to work on yourself for your job, let’s all pick something and work on it)) – imagine if in her first year or two of royaling she had done something like this, how truly beloved she’d be. But, it’s not who she is. Helping, striving, being humble, working, is not who she is.

      Props to you for working on this, by the way. Working on an area of weakness can be so rewarding, and has ripple effects on many areas.

    • Genevieve says:

      Working a room is probably challenging, but the kind of people who become world leaders are *extremely* good at it. They make conversation extremely easy, because they keep it going.

      I’m an introvert, and I can tell you, nothing is more charming and effortless (as far as social situations go) than being in a social situation with “power players.” They are so darn good at it, you don’t have to work at it.

      The bar is so low for her, it’s subterranean.

      • BeanieBean says:

        You are absolutely right. That’s something that everyone is missing here. Kate doesn’t need to be the most fabulous-ever small-talker when she’s meeting world leaders. These people are, for the most part, master politicians & they’re very very good at glad-handing & schmoozing. She can say ‘my name is Kate’ and they’ll take it from there.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        And don’t the royals just stand there and greet people on a line? I’ve never seen royal working a room like a politician. They have to walk the rope and shake hands with the public sometimes but that’s hardly meeting world leaders.

        Holding a dinner for world leaders maybe? Is Keen doing this?

        I mean come on, RR.

      • thaisajs says:

        Agree with you, 100 percent. Power players are not introverts. This is literally their job. The UK has a diplomatic corps and they have professionals there who could help her learn. She just hasn’t availed herself of the available resources she has at her fingertips.

        Also, the idea that JILL BIDEN scared her is bonkers. Dr. B. is a teacher, for goodness sake and a politician’s wife. She’s one of the friendliest women on the planet. If you can’t find something to talk about with her, well, I don’t know there’s help for you.

      • Christine says:

        This is such a good point! The people she is expected to mingle with are already prepared to be carrying the biggest part of the conversational load, when they walk into those rooms. She just had to care an infinitesimal amount, but she doesn’t, and yeah, she never will.

  7. Heat says:

    THIS right here is 100% the reason why the Cambridge’s can’t stand the Sussex’s!
    Before Harry started to follow in his mother’s footsteps and before Meghan joined the family, there were very little expectations of William and Kate. They were free to toss a little bit of their clout behind their patronages, but anything more would have been seen as over-and-above their requirements. Kate never thought she’d have to actually KNOW anything of substance.
    Then, on came the Sussex’s, who want to make a real and true difference in the world and that makes William and Kate look bad. Now W&K feel like they are being forced into a working life, and they don’t like it.

  8. cabooklover says:

    She’s not a put yourself out there type and an introvert? And yet didn’t she catch William’s eye at uni by modelling a sheer dress in a fashion show?!?! 👀

    • Seraphina says:


    • Sure says:

      Don’t forget the snug fitting outfits with low necklines and high hemlines that she wore during the girlfriend stage. The university fashion parade was an early indication of how willing she is to ham it up for the camera à la the Bond premiere and P’s funeral. Everything about her behaviour at those two events begged for attention which to my mind shows that she very much wants to “put herself out there” despite what her “friend” says to the DM.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    “Are people still going to clap for her and tell her she’s a confident Big Girl when she’s the 47 year old Princess of Wales? Will people still lavish praise on this lazy, mumbling, jazz-handed, infantilized doll? ”

    The answer to both questions is yes, they will. As a white rich woman, this is a requisite. I’ll add that Meghan’s presence in that family really shook some of them to the core because they can’t do anything now without either copying her or having some sycophant write an article that bashes Meghan while praising the white senior members of the Royal Family.

  10. FancyPants says:

    She isn’t growing into anything, and introverts don’t flash their b*tt cheeks repeatedly at official appearances. She struggles to meet with real world leaders because she doesn’t have an original thought in her head.

  11. Neners says:

    She’s an airhead with zero professional experience. It really is that simple.

    • TeamMeg says:

      I wish the tabs would just let Buttons stay in the background and stop trying to fake-push this fantasy of her “coming into her own”. That other post today, about Carole raising her daughter to be a trophy wife, is quite true. Is there really any shame in that? Some might find it gross, but hey—it’s a niche. With Kate’s party planning genetics, she’d be aces at hosting lavish charity balls. Royalty and Balls have been a perfect pairing since Cinderella. I know it’s the 21st century, but if we’re not dismantling the monarchy, let’s see these buffoons dress up and do some serious fundraising.

      The best branding for Kate at this point may simply be future-future Queen Consort, and future-future-future Queen Mother. Titles she actually worked for. She’s qualified for these roles, and not much else. She’s not growing into some outstanding leadership role. Ever. She likes modeling clothing (and is pretty good at it). She hates speaking in public (and she sucks at it). Let’s move on!

      • Jais says:

        Would she be ace at hosting a lavish charity ball? Would she really?

      • Emma says:

        Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. They need to stop being so try-hard with Kate. Let her just quietly raise her children and make a few big appearances a year if she wants. Let it go. She is who she is. She will have a lot of fans just being a princess, and on top of that being a conservative pretty white woman. She’s never going to be Diana 2.0, or Elizabeth 3.0.

        This is why forcing out Meghan was such an own goal, as has been noted many times over here. It squandered goodwill and created dissent and discord among the populace where none needed to be. Meghan would have done so much that Kate didn’t want to do, and she was so willing to help. They should have been so delighted Meghan wanted to work really hard and use all her gifts to support them. It will never make sense to me!

        Anyone could have told them that exposing dirty linen in public is NOT the way to go. If Harry and Meghan choose to leave, don’t make it a giant endless public fight, regardless of how you feel. Shower them (publicly at least) with love and good wishes and protection. If Andrew has a little international FBI / sex trafficking / rape scandal, settle quietly out of court as soon as you can. Do not let it become an endless news story, getting progressively more and more awful. The royals’ reputation should be their first concern, not mindlessly holding on to a sinking ship. These people are the dumbest of the dumb. There is no merit there.

        I used to enjoy the royals despite the terrible colonial history. Now I really think they’re awful. Supporting Andrew, who’s so obviously guilty? It’s obscene.

  12. Ginger says:

    She is such an introvert and so shy that she walked down a runway in a sheer dress to get William’s attention.

    It sounds like KP knew Kate blew it with Dr Biden and are trying to find excuses. If she was passionate about the Early Years it would have shown. All she did was mumble her way through a greeting and that was it. She wasted Dr Biden’s time for a photo op.

    • Apollocat says:

      Yes yes. Also she intentional forget to wear underwear and happy to flash to paps. This is one the reason where rr men likes her where they seen her . In Graham Norton show jack Whitehall say something similar like his friend show money bill like I top that. ( meaning he slept with future queen). I also never forget that she drop her boyfriend as soon as she find herself in William circle.

    • Heat says:

      This is not a Kate-defender response…it’s an introvert explainer one. 🙂
      Introverts can do a lot of things; they aren’t shut-ins. I am an extreme introvert, but I was a theatre performer and club singer for many years. But, put me in a room with a bunch of people I don’t know, and tell me that I need to be engaging with them? No. I shut down. If I’m with “my tribe”, I’m fine…most talkative person in the room. This is true for most introverts.

      As far as it goes with Kate, she is simply incompetent, which has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted. Nice try, KP. 🙂

      • Becks1 says:

        It took me years to realize that I am an introvert because I am incredibly talkative with people I know (and even with people I don’t know as sort of a defense mechanism) so everyone has always assumed (and told me) that I am extroverted and outgoing etc, and I’m definitely not.

      • H says:

        Bring an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re shy and unable to function in social situations. Often, many introverts do feel that way. But, if you’ve ever had a Myers-Briggs personality assessment, that’s absolutely not how they use or define the term.
        Introversion means that you draw energy from alone time, that being alone and quiet relaxes and centers you. Big loud parties would leave you drained and craving quiet time.
        But… many natural introverts are able to take on leadership roles in work or society, even though they still naturally prefer quiet time. You can learn people skills, how to be a public speaker and how to engage those around you and still be an introvert. I’m a great example of that

      • Sofia says:

        Agreed. I am introvert but every time I have to meet people I don’t know or barely know, I can’t do it and I find excuses not to go (although I am trying to put myself out there) because like you, I shut down but with people I know, I can talk for quite a bit.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, this. Those who don’t know me think I’m an extrovert because I like to talk to people and love conversations about a lot of different subjects. But I do lose energy and have to be alone for a while to recharge. As for public speaking and meeting with experts – it’s about practice, rehearsal and knowing your subject matter really well.

      • L84Tea says:

        @Heat, thank you! I am an introvert through and through, but once upon a time back in high school I took Drama 1-3 and acted in school plays and local Thespian competitions. I was also fun at parties and had wild times with my friends. My introverted side pushed its way through by the time I was in my 20’s. I still can enjoy time out doing things with people, but it has to be people I know and am comfortable with. The idea of having to go work a room with people I don’t know makes me cringe in horror. Even now, I love seeing close friends and going to do this and that, but in between I need to retreat home and recharge because interacting with people drains me. My husband recently won an award at his job and there is some gala thing this month for it that isn’t required to attend. I’m hoping and praying he doesn’t want to go!

      • Oh-dear says:

        I am an introvert too. I am also a professor and have been a teacher so I present a lot and meet new people often). It is uncomfortable but that often comes from the need to do small talk when meeting new people and one of the characteristics of introversion is a preference for meaningful connections, so we like to have deeper discussions more than superficial ones (I don’t mean fake, but the kind that often happen between new acquaintances in large gatherings). I can speak passionately about my research to an audience or a small group quite easily because I can get into the details but I really struggle with small talk and directing it with finesse. I can participate in small talk if I am with an extrovert and I am so thankful for them – I think this is what is draining is the effort to small talk. I am married to one and I have a daughter who is one and I marvel at their ability to just walk into a room and chat away with people. I am really good at connecting with people around topics and can come away with a lot of insight so we are a good partnership. And it is why I hate going to his work functions (big staff and I don’t really know and I like mine, small faculty and we talk about our research 😉and students).

    • Belli says:

      They’re trying to pretend that she’s been learning about Early Years for 10 years because she’s so passionate. The Early Years stuff was only ever mentioned from about 2018 (Caroline Quinn) and they tried to backdate it later to explain why Kate’s achieved nothing.

      Someone who has spent a decade learning about a subject they’re passionate about would not be as woeful as Kate was with Dr Biden when talking about it.

  13. Ariel says:

    She is exactly what the Windsor’s want. A dim bulb. Someone who won’t outshine the inbred dull royal men.
    Charles hated Diana for her charisma and popularity. William doesn’t have that problem. Kate doesn’t pull focus.
    It is tragic that someone in her position could be powerful and influential on a world stage at bringing attention to any number of things and she chooses not to make the world a better place with substantive work. But she is doing her job/ being dull, being vapid, making white Windsor babies.

    • JT says:

      Kate DOES pull focus from William and all the rest of the Windsors. She is constantly outshining William even if all she does is mumble and laugh maniacally. Philip’s funeral that she turned into a fashion show, every time she’s on a balcony, and that mess at the Bond premiere was Kate throwing herself out there, trying to get attention. But if you’re going to pull focus, at least make the family look good. The Dr. Biden fiasco was an embarrassment and that family is an idiot for propping up her incompetence because she does not reflect well on them, while also pulling all of the attention away from them. The only person she couldn’t pull focus from is Meghan, which was the problem because Meghan wasn’t pulling focus by being an idiot. She was everything Kate should have been after 20 years circling and that made them afraid of Meg. Soft diplomacy is probably one of the few defined roles that the royals have and the future of the monarchy absolutely sucks at it, which is huge problem to have. They don’t have Harry to step up and be the king anymore, so all they have is 40 year old woman still learning, and an equally incompetent rage monster who can’t do the job either. They’re screwed.

      • truthSF says:

        While she does pull a small level of focus from the heirs, she does NOT pull the level of focus that both Diana and Meghan pulls. Kate does not bring in the crowds like the other 2. She does not excite the British media, and especially not the WW media like Diana and Meghan has. The only ppl whose focus she pulls are the British gossip media (because they’re desperate for any monetization for their newspaper/blogs since H&M left) and small number of royalist. The U.K. will never have those magical opportunities and influence with Kate that they had in Daina, and would’ve continue to have in Meghan. If only those dumbasses didn’t listen to Cumbridges and pushed the Sussexes out!

    • Tessa says:

      Kate makes events organized by others about herself. For instance the Bond Premier, she was there with the Prince of Wales, who is the direct heir, and very few pictures appeared of him, just her grinning and flouncing around in the gold gown. She tried to bring William in with the loving looks but he did not respond. And yet, her stans and some in the media made it seem that she won the Pulitzer Prize and instead of it being about a James Bond Film Premiere it was Kate showing how she would be a “great Queen.” I am not getting why the royals just don’t rein her in. Especially since the senior royal the Prince of Wales was present at the Premiere. Kate has very little charisma yet she made herself the center of attention. She also did that blatantly at the Prince Philip Funeral, with the fashion shoot. And rather morbidly, that picture appeared in some posts about Kate’s “best fashion looks.”

      • Babz says:

        I keep remembering the balcony appearance following the Trooping in 2018. Harry and Meg were fresh off their honeymoon and it was the first balcony appearance for the Duchess of Sussex. Kate wore sky high heels, a hat that was her usual uptilted style but much higher, and she planted herself front and center on that balcony and didn’t budge until the Queen arrived. They could see her from the Space Station without trying. She relegated both Camilla and Meg to the background very deliberately. I doubt that Camilla cared, she knows where she ranks. I don’t think Meghan cared, in that she knew where she was supposed to be in the lineup. She also probably knew that the press focus would be on her, and wisely and graciously hung back, because it was the Queen’s day. Kate also was well aware where the press focus would be, and made damn sure that she was prominently displayed, obviously not caring that it was the Queen’s day at all. She does the same thing on Remembrance Sunday each year, pulling focus with her new coat dresses and hats and elaborately styled chignons. It doesn’t matter that the Queen and Duchess of Cornwall are there, she manages to overshadow them both. Her disgusting display at Phillip’s funeral was the most egregious example of that. These are not the actions of an introvert. These are the actions of a highly insecure, shallow girl who desperately covets the spotlight and the attention, despite what she would have you believe.

      • Apple says:

        The royalists praise Kate and seem to be her “supporters”. But in reality they aren’t her supporters at all. They don’t support any of her causes (in a monetary sense or otherwise), and only prop her up so as to bash Meghan. It’s vindictive, vile deranger mentality.

    • Jennifer says:

      I still say it’s very strategic for Kate to be dull. If you marry in and are even remotely interesting, you get driven out of the family. This is what the Windsors want. They don’t want another Diana, and who knew Diana would come out of her introvert shell when she was picked?

      • JT says:

        Kate doesn’t need to bring out Diana level crowds to pull focus. Whenever all of the Windsors are together, the only thing the press is talking about is Kate if Harry or Meg aren’t around. Yes the only people who care are the BM, but the BM are the royal family’s audience. Those readers and the press are the ones that the royal family is catering to and Kate is constantly trying to pull focus in that arena. She was literally staging a photoshoot at Philip’s funeral when the focus should have been on the queen and her children. She was trying to take over the Diana statue unveiling with her she shenanigans to the point where she had to be benched. She doesn’t excite the BM, but she is all they have to work with at the moment, so it is what is and I do not believe that anyone is happy with that.

      • Alexandria says:

        You mean pretend to be dull. She has her nasty personality and narcissistic conniving tendencies intact. This is not a smart person but she’s not a simpleton. Burger King is the same. Both pretend to be middle class “normal” people “working”. Heck I’ll just call them evil. They’re not good people.

    • joan says:

      What is wrong with white babies???? Please check your disdain at the door.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Joan, the phrase fish to fly comes to mind. You really can’t see that white babies in the brf are the only ones allowed?

      • MipMip says:

        Think about the context, Joan.

      • KFG says:

        @JOAN umm bc they obviously are a group of racists, kind of like how that is what you focus on… maybe read the context.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Being dull isn’t a problem. Being lazy, incompetant, and having a grasping family trying to claim the PR spotlight from the royals are the problems.

    • Sid says:

      Sophie is dull but after the fake sheikh fiasco she put her head down and worked. And still dose. If the TopCEO were working at Sophie’s level it would be fine. But she’s not.

  14. Hannah says:

    Is the DM (not so) subtly shading Kate recently? I think they are. Buy, hey … that’s just me

    • Becks1 says:

      I do think there is some shade here bc why go out of your way to remind everyone of the meeting with the Bidens, which was not a resounding success from Kate’s POV?

    • equality says:

      I agree. Nothing they’ve written is highly complimentary. It all has a second less flattering light to it like the Tatler article.

  15. Sarah says:

    I’ll say it again today, how is THIS supposed to be positive PR??

  16. Mslove says:

    It’s incredible to me that such an introverted person would seek to be Prince William’s bride. Hopefully she’ll work on her self confidence & public speaking before William takes the throne since she hasn’t done so yet.

    • Tessa says:

      When they left those clubs during the dating years, Kate would grin for those cameras. No shrinking violet.

      • Babz says:

        Exactly, and there are some very risqué photos of her on those nights, some showing her strongly under the influence, and some showing that she seemed to have forgotten her knickers on one particular night. The manic smiles were huge in most of those photos, so she wasn’t introverted then. The good people in the UK have seen quite a lot of their Duchess of Cambridge. More than many of them wanted to, I would imagine.

  17. ABritGuest says:

    I think Kate struggles with mixing with likes of the Biden because she’s intellectually incurious- I think her teacher or cousin said she’s not interested in the world around her & it shows. Can you imagine her debating an issue like prorogue of Parliament if that came up during William’s reign 😬. I always wondered why people like Lacey said William needed Harry as his close advisor during his reign. Guess that speaks to lack of confidence they have in Kate. Kind of a shame seeing as she was hyped as being the most educated & prepared royal bride ever when she first married in so they need to stop with the excuses.

    Apparently in this profile Jason Knauf was hyping her interest in “brain science” due to early years work and how its not as spoken of but will be as important as climate change. Guess he’s missed that neuroscience is already a major topic…

    Knauf also spoke about how Kate gets nervous about her speeches & isn’t flashy and she would never do an awful thing like lobbying around the issues she’s passionate about but her job is to raise awareness & all the rest will follow. Meghan really got under the skin of those at KP 😂😂

    • equality says:

      The Queen comes across the same-not that intellectually curious outside of her own specific interests but she is smart enough not to put herself at a roundtable with those who are experts in a field and pretend to be one of them. I wonder if these things are Kate’s ideas or if she gets pushed into them to appear to be “working”.

    • Kalana says:

      But why would all the rest follow? The average person isn’t checking for what Kate Middleton thinks. She’s known for her clothes and hair and that’s it.

      I do like that they gave up pretending that Early Years was going to lead to anything. All the earlier stories were about Kate doing research so she could be super-duper committed to whatever initiative she was going to come up with and now they’ve admitted that she’s just going to do some photo-ops and that’s it.

  18. AVEA says:

    Can’t wait for her and George’s coverage to be pretty much identical in ten-fifteen years lmao

  19. Aurora says:

    Kate is not an introvert. No introvert would spend 10 years chasing one of the most high profile men in the world and basking in the attention they got from it.

  20. Belli says:

    It’s not that she’s introverted, it’s that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

    Her terrible performance at the round table with Jill Biden wasn’t because she was shy, it’s because she was clueless and was expecting to get away with the same surface level fluff statements she’s coasted by on for a decade.

    Introverted people can be competent and talk knowledgeably, that’s not an excuse, especially not after so many years in the role.

    And honestly, I have my doubts about if Kate is an introvert at all.

    • MF1 says:

      This: “Her terrible performance at the round table with Jill Biden wasn’t because she was shy, it’s because she was clueless and was expecting to get away with the same surface level fluff statements she’s coasted by on for a decade.”

      Kate is not used to having to hold her own next to people who are well-prepared, well-informed professionals. The minute she has to share a stage with someone like Dr. Biden (or Meghan), it becomes glaringly obvious that she has nothing to add to the conversation.

  21. Lala11_7 says:

    One of the things that “The Crown” showcased is how the Royal family seems to be incurious about the world we live in and life in general…by the time I was 18…I knew enough about geopolitics to have a convo with ANYONE on the planet & that was WHOLLY based on ingesting fact based material and being CURIOUS about the infinite nuances that move societies…that a middle aged woman who has had DECADES of opportunity like she has to come off as such a lightweight…tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the future Queen of England. The reason Diana & Harry stands out so much is due to the fact that they went against the SOP grain when it comes to that

    • truthSF says:

      THIS!☝🏾All of this! Thank you LALA!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    • LaurieLee says:

      So much this. Just take their vacations for example. The Jordan picture was the first I’d ever heard of them taking leisure time outside of either a fancy beach resort or a fancy ski resort. All that money and access, I’d be visiting every country in the world. Learning about the people, history and the food, seeing the sights. Maybe there are issues with visiting other countries due to security or political or diplomatic things, like they’d be seen to be endorsing the government or something, or maybe they do this and keep it out of the press (as with Jordan), but I can’t imagine having that much freedom to travel and limiting myself to Mustique and one Swiss resort.

  22. Alexandria says:

    She’s not gonna change her work ethic or behaviour or conceit unless Burger King divorces her and launches a PR offensive. The media is firmly on her side and their side. They’re not gonna change. The embiggening will continue for years. And I’m one of those who don’t see them divorcing. Even without HM, Khate and the Carole have tons of dirt on the royal fam and Burger King to feed the press for next 30 years. If they remain married and after Charles, do not forget the next generation has Middleton influence. The men in grey are already split between the 3 courts and she will have her allies as she becomes QC. Sorry UK but until you get rid of monarchy, this is what you get…bare minimum for maximum benefit. Their benefit.

    • Tessa says:

      . Diana was way more popular than Kate, Diana was articulate and could speak to world leaders,but Charles still divorced her and the Queen wanted her out apparently. Maybe the family prefers someone like Kate in the long run. Someone “Stepford.” But I don’t think Kate is all that popular even though she has the stans and people on the media (or some) overpraise her. William could still divorce her and he has the Firm on his side and they have lots of money for PR. William is not all that great himself. He has anger issues and he is trying to censor programs that he does not like. But he is the born in royal and the one who will be monarch down the road.The Middletons are not all that powerful, and have their own issues. If will wants another woman not just as a mistress, Kate will be out very fast. I think after a while the embiggening will get so ridiculous, the media will get critical. And some in the media are not “sold” on Kate.

      • Alexandria says:

        She and the other royals may seek popularity but that’s not what keeps them sheltered. Apathy keeps them sheltered and unaccountable. Popularity can be faked by embiggening headlines and fake polls which the unhinged British press indulge in. Do you think Kate, other royals and courtiers are embarrassed? I doubt it. They probably think the general public is dumb. Embarrassed about Andrew yes but not embarrassed enough to call him out or condemn him. World leaders, business leaders or community leaders may not take her seriously but they won’t embarrass her because that’s not diplomatic. She will coast on until and unless Burger King turns on her.

      • Marivic says:

        World leaders are excited and electrified to be in the presence of Diana. Being with Diana is the ultimate goal. Actually everybody, the whole world, was eager and hopeful to be with Diana. Her presence was exhilarating and was like a balm that was healing and soothing. Kate doesn’t come close at all.

  23. What Else says:

    Interesting so everyone on Struggle Island realized how much of a flop this visit was. Duchess Keen DoLittle “struggles” because she’s lazy, an idiot and painfully mediocre. I’m sick and tired of these BS articles embiggenning this bland Karen. Is this the best Britain has to offer? Keen McButtons?

  24. OriginalLaLa says:

    Being an introvert is not synonymous with being incompetent, lazy and unprofessional – what an insult to all the hardworking introverts I know. Kate not being able to give a speech, or meet with world leaders is because she is lazy and can’t be bothered to improve herself..and she sucks. Such a total waste of money and air.

    • Lizzie says:

      Agree with you but I guess they cannot outright say they’ve been coaching her for a decade and this is the best she can do.

    • Tessa says:

      Introverts can give great speeches and be articulate. they have knowledge of their fields and can be proficient. Kate is not an introvert, for instance she staged the media campaign to win back William and makes events all about herself. I don’t think Kate thinks she needs speech lessons. William’s speech is not all that it could be also.

  25. Over it says:

    I have never seen that picture with Kate grinning and grinning like a maniac at the Canadian prime minister. I say this in the nicest way possible. That woman needs to be medicated. Something isn’t right with her. He isn’t even looking at her, he is looking and talking to Prince Albert and she is behaving wild.
    You know what else I Also think? Someone or Kate herself or lots of someone’s on different occasions have told Kate how bad it went with Dr.Jill she must have seen social media reactions to her lack of action and interaction because this story sounds like she is looking for a don’t blame me please stay with me I am not completely out of my league sympathy from the public. She knows people are talking about her and it’s not what the British media want people to believe but how the real world is actually seeing that Kate is a big flop at everything

    • Eurydice says:

      Oh, but she’s “encouraging laughter”!

    • Lizzie says:

      She’s posing for the camera. As usual.

    • swirlmamad says:

      She looks like an idiot. Two people having an in-depth conversation that doesn’t concern her and she’s inserting herself into the narrative, as per usual just so she can get a photo op.

  26. Over it says:

    I have never seen that picture with Kate grinning and grinning like a maniac at the Canadian prime minister. I say this in the nicest way possible. That woman needs to be medicated. Something isn’t right with her. He isn’t even looking at her, he is looking and talking to Prince Albert and she is behaving wild.
    You know what else I Also think? Someone or Kate herself or lots of someone’s on different occasions have told Kate how bad it went with Dr.Jill she must have seen social media reactions to her lack of action and interaction because this story sounds like she is looking for a don’t blame me please stay with me I am not completely out of my league sympathy from the public. She knows people are talking about her and it’s not what the British media want people to believe but how the real world is actually seeing that Kate is a big flop at everything

  27. Snuffles says:

    An the pathetic excuse train keeps rolling on.

  28. lanne says:

    I would be embarrassed if I were continually spoken about like I was a sentient blow up doll. She was outclassed, outworked, outPrincessed by Meghan in every way, and these ridiculous articles make that more and more obvious every year. Well, she has the rest of her life (or the rest of her marriage) to be compared to Meghan and found wanting. Cheers, girl.

    • Kalana says:

      No, it’s fine. William is Kate’s big, strong protector and fights anyone who dares patronize her. (I think that is probably wishful thinking on Kate’s part). And then he uses their taxpayer-funded staff to book trips with his mistress and then Kate fires the staff member.

      No wonder Meghan took pity on Kate and said you don’t have to hate her to like me, and called her a good person.

      • equality says:

        I wonder if Meghan’s pity is because Will says and does things to undermine Kate’s confidence. It’s probably the opposite of what is reported and he joins in with patronizing her.

      • swirlmamad says:

        Meghan probably witnessed William’s snide, patronizing remarks towards Kate often, and it likely shocked her. #1, because she herself would never take such treatment from a man, least of all her spouse; and #2, Harry would NEVER treat her or anyone in such a manner. It must be jarring to see the difference in the brothers’ temperaments side by side. There’s a reason why William’s name was glaringly missing from the Oprah interview, fleetingly referenced by Harry and not at all by Meghan. It’s because HE was the biggest offender and the source of Meghan’s trauma.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Kalana, I don’t think Meghan pities Kate. I think Kate did some horrible things to Meghan, but Meghan was trying to stay neutral while getting the truth out about who cried. Meghan understands very well what soft diplomacy is.

    • Alexandria says:

      I really really doubt she is embarrassed. She is too smug for that. Anyone ever consider she and Burger King might be a perfect match for each other because they’re both displaying abnormal behavioral tendencies, what with all the constant lies, embiggening, projection and keen copying. Will maybe has a bigger temper but otherwise they’re both the same and want power over everybody.

  29. Loretta says:

    This woman Is more and more embarassing. It’s cringe.

  30. Sofia says:

    As an introvert, if I knew I was going to have to spend the rest of my life meeting with world leaders, discussing serious topics, making speeches and I had her money/resources, I would have put the effort in from day 1 to improve and so should have Kate. Yes she wasn’t going to be perfect but improvement is still good. And if she had put in effort, I wouldn’t be criticising her so much. She’s been at this for over 10.5 years now, she knew what the job requirements were before marrying in (as in she would be giving speeches, meeting people etc etc) so she should have prepared and she’s had plenty of time to do so. The fact that she hasn’t isn’t her being an introvert but incompetent and lazy.

  31. Abby says:

    I have had several introvert bosses who were good at public speaking and sharing their expertise in forums. (Who were younger than 40! FFS!) Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are bad at peopling. It means peopling wears you out. She is just lazy and refusing to prepare herself for the work she’s supposed to be doing.

    This article is actually shading Kate to me. Definitely not flattering. But I feel like the insertion of [the Bidens] is kind of weird. I feel like they wouldn’t be hard to get along with, they’ve been in politics a really long time and to rise in power that way you would have to be able to deal with all kinds of people WELL.

  32. Lizzie says:

    The firm needs to make up its mind. They want Keen to outshine Meghan but not outshine Bill or Chaz. And so constant praise highlighting her laziness, lack of abilities seem to be how the firm has reconciled these two objectives. This is all around embarrassing.

    • Snuffles says:

      Not possible because Meghan outshines William and Charles too. If I were in her shoes I would find it absolutely maddening trying to meet those conflicting standards. That’s why she usually opts to stay away.

      But, she’s had 10 years to find a balance. Many wives of important men over the centuries have done it. These men don’t have wives that are lazy, flakes. They have to have a certain amount of intelligence and social graces to be strong supports to their husbands.

      • A says:

        Yes. Look at Camilla. She had a really hard time to figure out the sort of public figure she wanted to, especially in the long shadow cast by Diana. Plus, people hAAAAAATed her. And yet she slogged through it and has more or less come to an equilibrium of sorts. I heard somewhere that when the palace were trying to figure out which tack to take for her PR, they ultimately just settled on, “Let her be herself, and the rest will follow.” And it worked. For a time.

    • Commonwealthy sounded witty at first says:

      Ohh that’s it – “constant praise (she’s the good duchess!) highlighting her laziness, lack of abilities (FK and FFK are still the stars!)”

      And royalists will focus on the constraint praise/anti-Meghan stuff, because I don’t think anyone is actually comparing Kate to Will or Charles except for Will and maybe Charles.

  33. Denise says:

    Being and introvert and doing public speaking is not mutually exclusive. I am a typical introvert but on stage I have a presence and confidence. This is pure laziness on her part

  34. Eurydice says:

    Wait! Kate is going to be 40?!! OMG, why haven’t we heard this before? 40? Really, 40? 40, 40, 40….

  35. CoffeeNYC says:

    Exactly, Kate’s dull behavior is what the palace wants from her but it has backfired her because she really doesn’t want to do heavy task and she is used having her mother doing everything for her. So she can social, party and shop. Now that all eyes is on her she is Suddenly all shy because she can’t hide her childish way.

    In general I don’t buy the introvert vs extrovert label thing. Is making it sound like being an introvert is a disability for her not to function work wise or the solely blame for all her ethic work problems! You could come out as extrovert at a work environment and mingle, do your work and give speeches and still be an introvert. I had a supervisor like Meghan she could perform very well and come as naturally but there was a lot of self work and discipline to get there. But once her work is done she would pretty much kept to herself.

  36. Wiglet Watcher says:

    Kate did look drunk, but all photos have her drinking water. I’m still on board it’s pills. The BRF has a history of doping the married in wives to keep them going. There’s many traits here to support that.

  37. Concern Fae says:

    I worked at a business school and I remember talking with one of the professors about family businesses. She said that they are set up to play to the strengths of the founding generation. If the next generation doesn’t have those same strengths, even if they have the talent to be successful, it becomes really hard to sustain the business.

    It’s not just that Charles, and especially William, lack the qualities that the Queen has, it’s that they don’t have the ability to showcase what they do have. They just keep plugging along, with PR fluffing them up. Kate’s generation just isn’t going to go from church fete to school ribbon cutting with a gracious smile. And the people their age don’t want it. But having made this what royals “do,” there doesn’t seem to be a way to step back and let the interaction between the royals and the public be on social media. Nobody is willing to say Kate isn’t Princess Anne, don’t expect the same sort of “work.” It’s really a trap they’ve made for themselves.

  38. Jay says:

    The bar for this woman is sooooo low, any hint of improvement would have reporters gushing about “the Queen’s speech” and you’d get inside quotes about how “poised” Kate is now. She just needs to be able to say a few lines and carry the most softball of conversations, nobody expects her to be a brilliant orator.

    As others have stated, introverted doesn’t mean incompetent. I’m an introvert who needs to be able to speak to lots of people in order to do my job, and it’s never easy! But it’s necessary, and when I think of it as less about me but as a means to do what I’m good at and to have a positive impact, it becomes empowering.

  39. RoyalBlue says:

    These types of articles seem to me like disguised disappointment. The family is seriously disappointed in Catty’s ability to be the woman of the household and an appropriate Queen consort and they keep calling her out on it.

    They are extremely pissed that Meghan waltzed in with zero prep for royal life and aced it in every category and Catty who has been 10 years married, fails miserably in her role.

    • Sid says:

      I would imagine QEII is disappointed with her (the pretty chest ribbons were a thank you for not complaining about the cheating). Every other working married-in eventually figured it out. Sophie, Camilla, and Meghan all managed to get the job done, some faster than others. Yet here is Kate after more than decade, still barely doing engagements, can barely string two sentences together, etc., etc. Yeah, I’d be disappointed too.

  40. Nic919 says:

    She is dumb and lazy and got caught out on her lies of “working” on early years stuff for 8 years when she met up with someone who has done the actual work on the issue for decades. She looked like a fool in front of Dr. Biden because she is a fool and no amount of Knauf using nonsense terms like “brain science” will make up for the fact that kate doesn’t care about anything but clothes, hair and staying married.

  41. Tessa says:

    Kate was not introverted in her quest to get the ring. She did not waste much time, she made sure she was on the runway in the see through dress. She did some “tweaking” of the outfit so it was see through (it was originally a suit). She also made a point of being out in the media during the breakup to “win back William.” But when it comes to real work, all of a sudden she “can’t.” because she is too introverted. She was not too introverted to glare at Meghan and Harry at the service.

  42. Eulalia says:

    As someone with an anxiety disorder, I see a lot of similar traits in Kate, such as the crippling social difficulties she clearly has (i.e. not being able to hold a conversation with another adult despite being in public life for 10+ years, and the despair of public speaking). It almost makes me sympathise with her but then I remember that she’s actually a terrible person and doesn’t deserve the same grace she can’t seem to show other women, so *shrug*

    • notasugarhere says:

      Notice those troubles only show up when she’s doing something she doesn’t want to do, like having to pretend to be serious about a serious issue? She has no problem chatting up and flirting at events she likes, like sporting events and yachting with Ainslie.

    • Fanciful says:

      How does someone with a ‘crippling anxiety disorder’ do a fashion show in a see through dress and flash her ass on camera multiple times. She’s fine when she chooses. Oh, it’s because she doesn’t have one. That’s more excuses for her lazy ineptness. Did she look anxious at the bond premiere or or the funeral? No, she was posing like the show off she is. Even introverts with crippling anxiety can function. I have dreadful anxiety that’s now medicated, but before diagnosis I functioned in the world far better than Kate and I did meet a few times some major VIPs.

  43. girl_ninja says:

    But her presence is still ‘understated’ her friend told Hello! adding that she is ‘quietly growing in confidence’ 10 years after marrying into the royal family.

    What an embarrassing statement meant to explain and protect a racist, lazy sad rich woman. I am constantly left aghast at the attempt to prop up this person.

    People were so jealous and envious of how Duchess Meghan held herself among high ranking leaders and her ability to speak with confidence and intelligence. They ran her off because “How dare the black girl be THAT dope.” I really do hate it here.

    • A says:

      Yes. I know some people think that this is William or the RF trying to lay the groundwork for a divorce. But I don’t think it’s that. I think this is still Kate and her PR desperately trying to set her apart from Meghan, to make up excuses for why Meghan shines so brightly and Kate does not. “Kate is just an introvert you see! She just doesn’t put herself out there! It’s just not the way she is! It’s just not how she does things!”

      I’ve heard this refrain that “this is just not how she does things”/”this is just not the way things are done” repeatedly. Usually it’s said in response to something that M&H have done, or their existence in general.

      • Marivic says:

        This is perhaps the reason why William is embarrassed with Kate around. She doesn’t add value to him. He feels embarrassed and cringed every time she opens her mouth to speak and flails her hands for emphasis. He knows he married someone of less quality. And Kate knows her husband knows this and that she’s an embarrassment that has to be put up with. This is why she’s always anxious and self-conscious in events with William for fear of her next booboo. No matter how much she tries to be confident it just doesn’t show. Have you ever wonder why there are no impartial body language experts called in by the rotas to analyze William and Kate body dynamics in events where they’re together? These two will be found out and burned to the ground for their pretense. Haha..

  44. SnarcasmQueen says:

    People have gone from failing high school biology to becoming a top tier neurosurgeon in the time frame between her becoming William’s official gf to now but somehow none of the palace’s extensive resources can turn her into a functional member of the household she “worked” so hard to get into.

    • Jennifer says:

      I dunno, i get the impression from Meghan that the palace doesn’t really bother with that stuff.

      • SnarcasmQueen says:

        I think if the white rose of Cambridge asked for a thing, she’d get it.

        The black thorn of Sussex could be literally drowning and the palace wouldn’t have two pennies for the life vest

      • Sid says:

        They didn’t bother with that stuff for Meghan, because they never wanted her marrying into the family in the first place. If the Top CEO wanted help in improving, they’d be running to get it for her. She’s just not interested.

  45. Margaret says:

    Do shy introverts, moon the boys out of a window, at uni. It is said she was called middlebum, for that exhibition. So much for Ms. Shy girl.

  46. notasugarhere says:

    Kaiser, I’m not convinced any of the royals want this version of Kate. She’s an embarrassment to all of them, William especially. They may not want a superstar, but they do want her to work 5X more and be able to give a speech coherently. Her cackling, over the top, me me me puppet show isn’t what they want, and neither is the mumbling, inane, spendthrift, lazy WAG version.

  47. Bea says:

    So many excuses… she is still “in the making” after 10 years of marriage and 10 years as a girlfriend.
    To that I’ll say what all her stans say about Meghan when she opens her mouth “she knew where she was getting into”. An “introvert”? Problems with public speaking? Wants a calm life in the country away from the spotlight (LOL)? Well, you are not queen material then… (and that’s perfectly ok, but stop making excuses after 20 years…)

  48. Serena says:

    I wonder why these artcles are all coming out before her birthday cuz..they don’t seem nice in the slightest 😂 quite the opposite actually (and I’m really enjoying it).

  49. BeanieBean says:

    Apparently all anyone can ever seem to say or write of Kate–even her friends–is that she’s ‘not like that other duchess’. Sad sad commentary. Off with their heads!

  50. Bettyrose says:

    On behalf of all introverts this is crap. Being an introvert merely means you need alone time to recharge. It often goes along with being socially awkward. But it does not mean you can’t learn to do your job. I avoid small talk like the plague but could in fact talk for hours with the likes of Dr. Biden. Introverts are often quite well read and find it comfortable to converse on topics of interest.

    • kelleybelle says:

      It’s a lame excuse for her incompetence and unwillingness is all.

    • Nina says:

      Agreed 1,000%!

      I would rather give a speech in front of a room full of people than engage in casual small talk. The difference being: I am in control of a speech. I can write it, memorize it, practice it. If I am giving a speech, it usually is because it is about something that I am familiar with and interested in — and thus, I am confident and engaged talking about it. Small talk with strangers? UGH. Unless we have common ground/interests, it is really difficult for me to keep a conversation going.

      So if Kate has trouble public speaking or engaging in chatter with heads of state, it is because she has no shared interests with them. She doesn’t strike me as someone intellectually curious so what would she have to talk to them about?

      • bettyrose says:

        I always say that too. I’d rather give a speech than mingle with the crowd. Public speaking didn’t come naturally to me, but with practice I started to enjoy it. I like expressing myself, I just struggle with keeping up my side of small talk.

        It actually bugs me to hear Kate called an introvert, when I think in reality she’s unsure of herself in adult situations. I completely relate to not wanting to be forced into social situations, but if it’s your *job*, find a way to make it enjoyable. Read up on the topics. Practice conversations with friends (I know I know).

  51. Linney says:

    Why do I have the feeling that as Kate’s kids grow older, she will become involved in pre-teen/teen charities. (Of course, she’ll do next to nothing.) Her mantra will be the importance of hands on parenting during the difficult teen years. This will explain while she still does nothing because after all, she needs to be a hands on parent. There is always going to be a reason why she is so useless in the public arena. There is no way this 40 year old leopard is going to change her spots… or buttons!

  52. jferber says:

    L84Tea, You go hard. I respect that.

  53. Rapunzel says:

    “Kate is a shy introvert who struggles to mix with world leaders” sounds like a great set up for “Kate has worked hard all marriage and grown in confidence, but just isn’t up to the role.”

    Which is groundwork for a nice “Will and Kate are breaking up because Kate can’t handle the job but they’ll always love each other and remain dedicated to their kids” divorce statement.

    I’m now certain that the game plan is that once TQ dies, Willyboy will use his elevated position to ditch Kate with a “sadly, he needs a wife who can handle his new status” excuse.

    Clean, non-acrimonious conscious uncoupling. He simply needs a wife who can do more and Kate lovingly understands and will step back and raise the kids as her contribution to the monarchy.

    • swirlmamad says:

      I’m really starting to agree with you on this. The seeds are being planted.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Swirlmamad- this story’s a perfect start for shifting the narrative about Kate, and the BRF loves slowly unveiling “truth” (new stories) in this shifting narrative manner.

        Plus, if they can spin a “duty tore their love apart and it just wasn’t meant to be ” end to the Cambridge marriage, Will can come off looking good.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think you could be right Rapunzel. My guess is that two different versions will be presented to Kate:

      1) We divorce peacefully, and it will be painted as the role being too much for you, you’re just a simple country girl who wants her AGA (learn something new every day here lol) and her dogs and her country estate, and the role of duchess of cornwall/future queen is just too much even though you have spent 11 years preparing and trying. You don’t like the limelight, you don’t like to be flashy, you aren’t good at public speaking, you aren’t comfortable with world leaders, its all okay and we’re going to be on good terms and we’ll take care of you.

      2) It’s acrimonious and your family goes to war with the Firm in the press and then the divorce will be about how you’re lazy, you’re racist, you drove Meghan out with your bullying, what exactly you did say at the BM dress fitting, your family actively briefs against the royals, Charles can’t stand your mother, you’re middle class aristo wannabees, you constantly try to steal the spotlight, etc.

      I think we’ve seen the seeds of both over the past few months so I really think that someone is telling her, pick one. If Kate is smart, it will be the first one.

      • Sofia says:

        I think the Firm will want for option 1 as well. It’s the path of least resistance PR wise and Kate and her family going away quietly is best for everyone. And the Firm can show an heir and his wife can do divorce “well” and “quietly”. I continue to remain on Team no divorce but if it happens, I think option 1 is best for everyone involved.

      • Andrea says:

        I feel like the seeds are being planted too. After 10 years, she couldn’t get it together is what I took from this article and she is best suited for a quiet country life. We will eventually hear how William is looking for more someone like his mother who seamlessly fits into the role.

    • Liz Version 700 says:

      Let’s not forget, if they can find a way, they will undoubtedly blame H&M leaving for putting more stress on the marriage. Poor poppet could have been Queen if she had only been able to shirk the work onto her SIL. But now she will retire to the country.

  54. WithTheAmerican says:

    Is Bill is planting these stories to keep her in her place as Carole and Kate push ridiculous propaganda about her holding the monarchy together.

    He seems like the kind of man who undermines his own wife publicly and privately and then yells at anyone else who attacks her only to go home and yell at her for being whatever the other person said. Basically he’s a nightmare control freak and she’s starving herself into nothing to keep him.

  55. CQ says:

    Wow! When does the “build a better woman” stop? From trying to steal Meghan parts, to all the excuses for why this year’s model is still being formed . After 40 years ,this is what you get! Move on now British media and admit that the parts are defective and don’t make a whole viable women much less a ffk😅.

  56. Joanna says:

    Call me crazy but if I had such issues, I’d hire an expert to help me improve. She has the money ffs.

    • Yinyang says:

      She has the money but knows she won’t commit her time to the work. That’s why Catherine Quinn left.

    • HeatherC says:

      She has the money but not the time, you see. Between the personal trainer, salon visits, swimming with her pear earrings, the school run, making chutney and bland curry, shopping both on line and in stores….who has the time?

  57. kelleybelle says:

    Sure, a natural introvert who used to flash all the boys at university with her arse, and then wore no underwear in public for how many years? Nice try. It’s an excuse to explain away all her incompetence and laziness. Wash, rinse, repeat. Same old nonsense.

  58. Yinyang says:

    Noooo really daily Mail? The way you’ve been writing these stories I thought she was right there at the round table discussing china and the US and the looming ww3. Oh go away dailymaul!

  59. Over it says:

    Duchess Kate struggles period.

  60. jferber says:

    Woke, I’m sure Kate WANTED to look much thinner than Dr. Biden, because Kate “wins” at being thin. There’s also the probable though in Kate’s head: “Jill is fat. She CAN’T be better than me.”

  61. Andrea says:

    I feel like I would have loads to talk about to Justin trudeau and Dr Jill Biden and I probably would be a bit shy meeting them, but nonetheless, have a lot to discuss with them. How do I say this politely, is it being implied here that Kate lacks substance?

  62. Green Desert says:

    Introvert here and I co-sign all of this, @Bettyrose.

    Edited – Oops, this was supposed to be under Bettyrose’s comment above!

  63. Constant says:

    Calling Kate “introverted” is just another excuse for her keen laziness and gobsmacking indifference and lack of curiosity about people and the world. Kate simply doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t affect her.

  64. Nina says:

    Kate will be on her deathbed as a 101 year old biddy and the press will eulogize her by saying that she’s still growing into the role and taking her own time to really understand the job.

  65. Liz Version 700 says:

    That title could simply say “Kate Struggles …period”

  66. Jaded says:

    William is definitely setting the stage to opt out of the marriage. He doesn’t respect her (hence all the Norfolk Community Peening) and is likely on the hunt for her replacement, someone with an aristo background and pedigree who already has a solid involvement in charitable work — someone like Rose Hanbury. Naturally she’s hurt, jealous and frustrated, and that’s why she went after Rose and the Turnip Toffs because she rightly suspected they are all siding with William. Well she barked up the wrong tree with that move because they are all actively shunning her and she really doesn’t have a social/friend base to support her, just her family, and they’re more of a liability than a safety net.

    • A says:

      I still think there’s no way that anyone would want William. And anyone who did want to be with him, knowing who he is and how he behaves, is not going to be the sort of prize anyone would want as a tax payer funded public figure. There’s going to be some sh-t about that person too, probably something like they’re an actual Nazi or w/e. I do not trust William’s picker even one bit. He picked Kate.

      Rose Hanbury worked for Michael Gove and is friends with the absolute troll Sarah Vine. She is an aristocrat at the end of the day, and will support whichever politician campaigns to protect their own interests, no matter how vile they are. I don’t have a great deal of respect for her either, and I think it would be terrible if the British people had to fork over cash to pay for her, or someone like her, to royal around with William.

      A truly kind, compassionate, sensible human being wouldn’t be attracted to or want to be married to William, not for any rank or position or all the money in the world. That’s the real shame of a system like this.

      • Alexandria says:

        Really really doubt an aristo wants this prize. It would have to be a mysterious but ambitious non-aristo woman who is more intelligent than Burger King, but he doesn’t know it. Someone like Camilla who panders to Charles whining. Someone who can sooth his ego and have a bag of psychological tricks ready to manage his temper. Sounds like a spy ready to infiltrate the highest of British institutions lol.

        Or someone who is so power hungry and thirsty, more than Kate and Carole combined that she can out-doormat whatever Burger King throws at her. Someone like Ivanka Trump.

    • what's inside says:

      It seems to me that this is all directly out of Charles’ playbook when he was gaslighting Diana and all of his toff friends were on board with it. Billy Basher is just doing what he has learned.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Kate/Carole have been doing this right back, with their years of articles about William needing to be coddled by Kate and Carole, how they really run the show, Kate’s everyone’s rock and future of the monarchy, etc.

  67. Mika says:

    Yeah Trudeau, you wear that mask. You never know when Wills has caught covid and isn’t talking about it.

  68. Athena says:

    Introverted – concerned principally with its own affairs, inward looking or parochial.

  69. Hanna says:

    That’s what I want in a royal as well. For them to be mostly quiet and smile in pictures. Why is monarchy still a thing? In 2022? It’s absurd

  70. Lizzie says:

    RF introvert = for god’s sake we’ve been working with her for a decade and she just cannot do anything properly so we are rebranding her as an introvert.

  71. A says:

    If she’s not good at any of these things, and if it’s “not who she is”, why tf did she marry William? She dated him for 10 years, and in all that time, we were told that she had “learned the ropes” and “really understood what she needed to do in her position.”

    Now, ten years after her marriage, we’re hearing that she needed yet another decade to “get under the skin of her role”, and that hey, come to think of it, she’s actually NOT an extroverted person, “that she doesn’t relish public speaking.” I thought she had 10 years to learn about this position already? She didn’t figure out in all that time that she’d need to hobknob with politicians and heavyweights??? What the actual f-ck.

    Of course, if you go back and re-read the articles about how her decade of dating meant she really learned and understood her position, you’ll see that the insinuation in those articles is that what she was learning how the palace machinations work, what the grey suits are like, and how she is at the very bottom of the totem pole and how she would need to “know her place” in the hierarchy going in.

    But even then, it makes her look vapid and self-absorbed. She wanted to be queen and marry William to the point where she’d give up any sense of self or self-esteem in the process. 20 years later, she still has nothing to show for it. HOW can a 40 year old woman still be this shy and extroverted? Shouldn’t this be the age she hits her professional stride? She manages her home and kids, and neither of those things give her any sense of confidence in her own competence? You don’t see any of it in her demeanor. She always looks shy and awkward like she doesn’t want to be where she is, and frankly, it’s actually gotten worse since she first got married.

  72. Normades says:

    But, but they told us Kate studied politics and loves an intellectual conversation about policy????!!!! Yea, no. Kate isn’t an introvert, she just isn’t interested in world events and can’t even be bothered to do her homework.

    • A says:

      No, but see, that’s only to show Meghan that she’s not special. Even Kate likes to study politics and talk about policies. Meghan’s not the only one who can do that okay?!

      But seriously though. Just sad how her entire PR is all about being not like Meghan, rather than about being Kate.

  73. Linney says:

    Weren’t we told during the century long dating period that this was part of the plan? That Kate would be the best prepared royal in years? So I guess those ten years were a waste. Now, ten years later, she’s still preparing? It’s embarassing. How on earth is anyone supposed to relate to this waste of space? William and Kate are going to bring the monarchy into the modern era? How? By trotting out a Victorian pram for a christening with a nanny dressed in a ridiculous uniform? By Kate wearing clothes most women her age would not be caught dead in? By her mumbling speeches and lack of work ethic? Oh, yes. Real relatable…

  74. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Ok, I’ve been trying to be charitable in the new year, and struggling to say something nice about Kate. But I think the best I can do is “she’s not that bad” — relatively speaking. Yes, she’s lazy and secretly racist. But looking at other consorts over the past century, and you have Wallis Simpson who was overtly racist and a nazi sympathizer. Then you have the late Queen Mother who was overtly racist and uneducated, and didn’t think her children needed to be educated either. Then you have Prince Phillip who was probably one of the most overtly racist in the past century, a cheating husband and nasty person. Then you will have Camilla, a booze hound who cheated on her own husband with someone else’s husband.

    Then we will have lazy Kate who won’t do anything to help anyone but herself. I know it’s a new generation, and we have a higher standard now, but she’s “not that bad” by comparison, is all I’m saying. Happy New Year.

    • notasugarhere says:

      She absolutely is that bad, Mrs. Krabapple. Compare her to other married-ins who married in around the same age (30 or thereabouts). Maxima, Letizia, Mary, Daniel, Mathilde. People who worked for a living, are professional, and who adapted to their roles quickly. Kate is an international laughingstock when it comes to ‘modern’ royals.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Yes, compared to other monarchies, Kate is a joke. But since the people who matter the most will be her own subjects, I was comparing her to other consorts within the british royal family.

      • notasugarhere says:

        She fails against them too. Camilla didn’t work outside the home, but at least she has passion projects she actually supports. She has the ability to charm people she meets and give coherent speeches. Philip, for all his flaws, worked hard, wrote a dozen books, and did 20,000+ engagements during his royal career.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate throwing her pregnant sister in law under the bus because she’s insecure is pretty awful though. The queen mum hated Wallis, but at least Wallis had done something to her. Kate just went after her own sister in law because she was massively insecure about not being the prettiest royal of her generation anymore and definitely not the smartest or most charismatic.

      • notasugarhere says:

        She hated Wallis out of jealousy, because Lizzie Bowes-Lyon went after the Prince of Wales first but he didn’t want her.

    • Carolind says:

      Well known Camilla’s husband was the most incredible womaniser. As for the Queen Mother her wanting to marry the Duke of Windsor herself is just one story. Another was that she was in love with a Scottish aristocrat who was sent overseas by the royals.so she would marry George the Sixth.

      As for William starting going out with Kate because of that outfit at St Andrew’s, she had him long before that. They started living together the next term. Must have been all arranged by the time of that fashion show which was at the end of the 1st year.

  75. JD says:

    That pic is worth a 1000 words. Dr. Biden graciously carries the goods while Kween Keen preens obliviously. The only pic that infuriates me more of her is H&M’s wedding portrait where she sits while Doria stands.

  76. Misskitten says:

    Omg I somehow missed the clip of Kate and Jill Biden at that “panel” when it was first posted here. That has got to be one of sorriest, most contemptible schemes I’ve seen from Kate Middleton yet (besides the ones where she conspired to drive Meghan Markle to suicide). She wanted to get her pic taken with Jill Biden, while giving the appearance of having a SERIOUS discussion about BIG IMPORTANT stuff, just like Meghan!! And literally, after Kate gave her garbled little intro, when Jill Biden thought they were actually going to DISCUSS, Biden gets told by Some Dude “well that’s all we have time for!! If you’d like to come back to [wherever the hell they’re from] we’d LOVE to discuss this more! K? Bye!”
    I mean, how DARE they WASTE Jill Biden’s time like that!! WTF?? I thought I accidentally skipped to the end at first!! A TOTAL. F$CKING. RUSE!!!! Which actually, is starting to becomes Kate’s trademark.

  77. keroppi says:

    I hate what a waste of platform and resources her work life is. If I had all that time and money, I would be going for higher education – getting degrees, auditing classes as much as I would be able to. The absolute lack of desire to learn and contribute in any meaningful way drives me crazy!

  78. Slippers4life says:

    Agree totally. Kate and I are the same age roughly. I just turned 40. I would be absolutely mortified if I was described as “growing in confidence”, in a role I had done for just over a decade. Also, here’s the thing though, if she was genuinely interested or passionate in early years research, in her “role”, she, by no means , would or should, be expected to be an expert to the caliber of Dr. Jill Biden. Good research and causes do benefit from funding secured by interest generated by celebrities endorsements, royal seals of approval, etc. Just use your status and platform to allow the experts to speak for themselves and you would have done much better here, Kate. It’s so embarrassing trying to pretend she’s an expert as opposed to owning she’s just passionate about something and wants to use her status to shine a light on these causes. Shine a light; use your platform like H and M did when they used to follow only certain Instagram pages to give them a leg up without pretending they were equal in knowledge to the experts of the causes they championed. But, perhaps the fact she wants to pretend to be an expert instead of using what she does have to champion causes she’s passionate about, proves she actually couldnt really give AF! She is 40 and does NOT understand the assignment!

  79. Tursitops says:

    Diana was so shy initially that they nicknamed her Shy Di. She got over it, and it didn’t take 10+ years to do so.

  80. Carolind says:

    Kate is in it for the glory. I realised that when after her stay in hospital with morning sickness when she was pregnant with George, she managed to go to a lunch with her staff a week or two later – the last thing I would have wanted to do in her shoes.
    She also went to the glitzy Sports Personality of the Year, in Manchester, all glammed up about the same time but could not manage ordinary engagements. She has got more than she bargained for though and cannot deliver.

    I do think there could be something health wise. A year or two ago the British press kept making comments about cuts often being on her fingers which is apparently something to do with bulimia. She does seem able to cope at the glitzy events though and her performance at the Duke’s funeral a disgrace so I don’t get what is going on with her.