King Charles made the Time 100 list, Edward Enninful wrote a messy profile

Time Magazine released their Time 100 covers and profiles this week. Their cover subjects are Doja Cat, Jennifer Coolidge, Michael B. Jordan and Bob Iger (who took the main cover). As I’ve said before, the Time 100 list is nice, but it’s basically just a Buzzfeed listicle with more prestige. I’m happy when someone I like makes the list or the cover, but it’s not the end of the world when they don’t. I loved it when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex got one of the Time 100 covers in 2021, and they were in the top five in the readers’ poll this year too. Well, this year, King Charles was named as one of Time’s most influential people. He didn’t get a cover (lol). He did get a sycophantic write-up from British Vogue’s editor-in-chief Edward Enninful though.

Growing up on a council estate in West London, the world of royalty was one I didn’t pay much mind to. What would that have to do with young Black boys in Ladbroke Grove? Much more than I realized, it turned out. As the quiet and fastidious work of the Prince’s Trust, a charity set up by the then Prince of Wales, began to put our friends and family into steady employment, its outreach programs inspired many of us and instilled confidence. I didn’t realize then just how close our now King was to all of this.

He didn’t have to do any of it. He could’ve let his privilege shield him from the realities of our hardship in a time when these were not a cause célèbre. But he always met us with an open mind and a listening ear.

Over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know King Charles III better—and in 2021, I became a global ambassador of the Prince’s Trust.

As a man, the King is not always who people expect him to be. He is charming, funny, socially confident, with a kindness that always seeks to put others at ease. His love for the environment is well documented, but his love for his subjects burns even brighter. The monarchy is not perfect, but in Charles we have a King who understands both tradition and what it takes to evolve with the times. It is a delicate balance and a rare ability. I am excited to see him carry his passions with him into a whole new era.

[From Time Magazine]

“He didn’t have to do any of it. He could’ve let his privilege shield him from the realities of our hardship in a time when these were not a cause célèbre.” He literally does that, Edward. Charles is one of the most coddled, privileged, tone-deaf and shielded men in the world. While I admit that the Prince’s Trust is a good organization and good for Charles for starting it, that doesn’t change the fact that Charles is a giant colonialist mess, a cheater, a racist and a sh-tty father.

As for Enninful, a lot of Sussex Squaders sh-tlisted him after his comments, in 2020, about the Duchess of Sussex and how she wasn’t solely the victim of racism. In context, he made it seem like she was the victim of classism and anti-Americanism too, but he definitely has trouble calling out plain, unbridled racism when it affects Black women. All of which to say, Enninful is getting cooked on his Instagram. You can click on the post and see the comments, they’re all negative.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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60 Responses to “King Charles made the Time 100 list, Edward Enninful wrote a messy profile”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    He deserves to be cooked on Instagram. Good. This piece is embarrassing and Enniful lacks self-awareness. Btw, the same people who were outraged when Harry and Meghan made the list are overjoyed that Charles has made it. Hypocrites!

    • swaz says:

      That picture with Enninful and Charles tells you everything you need to know. He looks like he just got promoted from the plantation and is so grateful SMH 🙄That is exactly why they don’t like Meghan, she is too self assured 😍 she doesn’t want anybody’s crumbs.

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    This has “See I have Black friends!” written all over it.

  3. UNCDancer says:

    Edward believes that proximity to whiteness and royalty will protect him from the harms of racism. I got news for him … they still call him — when he’s not around. I guess the fawning is the price of an OBE.

    • BlueToile says:

      Yes, @UNCDANCER. It is sickening and discouraging to see this in today’s world. My Latina MIL complely shocked me by being a Trump supporter and standing by her rabid (white) second husband who is all MAGA. This woman was born literally a stones throw from the Mexican border on the “right side of the river” (I kid you not…I found that comment in her life history she wrote for the family!) but now bad mouths immigrants and holds herself up as not one of “them.” Before I finally cut her off I warned her that she will never be considered white by them, no matter how closely she allies herself. In WWII Germany the Jewish people who aided the Reich, or were married to non-Jews, were some of the last to go to the camps…but they went just the same. It really hurts to see some POC so desperate for white approval that they will allow themselves to be used in this way.

  4. C-Shell says:

    Enninful is a royal toady. The sucking up is so powerful it’s formed a vortex over Salty Isle. Hold onto your fascinators, British CBers!

    • AnneL says:

      LOL now I can’t unsee the vortex and all the little hats flying off!

    • what's inside says:

      Well done.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly @C-Shell. Enninful is a sell-out. He got worried about his job when there was backlash against Meg for her best-selling British Vogue editorship issue. Despite that issue’s huge success, Enninful nervously caved to establishment demands. First, after Sussexit, he agreed to come out and claim that what Meg faced was not racism. And then, for the 2020 British Vogue September issue, he piggybacked on some of the ideas in Meg’s former issue, but acquiesced to lauding the Queen. SMH!

      That was one of the rota criticisms against Meg’s September 2019 issue of British Vogue. That she hadn’t chosen the Queen as one of her remarkable ‘Forces for Change’ women. 🙄 Let’s face it, after Jacinda Ardern got blowback for being featured on the cover of Meg’s issue, Ardern too began backtracking away from supporting Meghan. Enninful and Ardern, both worried about upsetting royal
      establishment status quo, especially after Sussexit.

      This tells us that Enninful only recruited Meg in the first place cuz he thought she was cool and fully accepted by the institution of monarchy. They never accepted Meg for who she is. They wanted her meek, submissive, quiet, kow-towing, lesser than, and destroyed for daring to marry a Windsor prince.

  5. equality says:

    Too bad KC’s “passions” don’t include taking up for his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

  6. Ellie says:

    The comment section on Instagram… 😅

  7. MsIam says:

    This *sskisser. I mean, I’m not in the fashion world so I wouldn’t even know who he is if it wasn’t for Meghan editing that Vogue edition. He should be writing a profile on her not Chuckles.

  8. Cel2495 says:

    He is a disgrace … how he can write that 💩 with a straight face ?

  9. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Imagine. Fawning over a king at all, even a hypothetically benevolent and generous king, in this day and age. It’s a bad look now matter how you slice it, dice it, or step and fetch it.

  10. MSTJ says:

    The Princes’s Trust has done good work for some people in disadvantaged communities but I think the Prince’s Trust has been a shield behind which Charles has been allowed to evade prosecution for acts that others who are not royals would be charged and possibly prosecuted and jailed. It’s like the way drug lords and mafia heads operate. They use community causes to soften their image for the crimes they commit that generate their wealth and power. It’s how propaganda works. They royals have done it for centuries.

    • kirk says:

      Sounds like the Prince’s Trust does some good work. Too bad donating to it requires loads of cash in Fortnum & Mason bags.

      • Becks1 says:

        That’s the Prince’s Foundation. By all accounts the Prince’s Trust is a well run and well respected organization that actually does make a difference for many people. But the foundation is apparently where the sketchiness happens…..

      • kirk says:

        Cash is fungible.
        Also, the Sunday Times said €3M cash was deposited to Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund.

      • kirk says:

        Becks1 – Nice to hear that the “Prince’s Trust is a well run and well respected organization…” Perhaps it’s kept copacetic to distract from others like “The Royal Collection Trust” that has admitted to losing track of 11 official jewelry gifts, worth estimated £80m, even though supposed royal policy is to hold such gifts in trust for the nation (David Pegg, Guardian 4/14/23).

  11. Polo says:

    Let me run over and add my commentary!
    Edward is a disappointment but a lot of black musicians from the US love him. He plays both sides. The establishment is the UK and black celebrities in the US. But he’s also friends with Meghan so.

    Did the Queen ever get on Time 100 after died? I feel like the gave her a special cover but that was it?
    I expected Charles would and if Will ever gets the crown I expect that he will too.
    They are major events in history.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ We don’t know that Meg’s friendship with Enninful is as strong as it was when they worked on the British Vogue issue together. Meg was happy to have that time working with Enninful. It kept her busy using her talent during the last stages of her first pregnancy, a difficult time for her personally. Once Enninful chose to publicly deny and to downplay the fact that Meg faced British racism, their friendship probably cooled.

    • Babz says:

      I posted my first ever comment on Instagram on his post. I don’t use that platform as much as I do FB and Twitter. Let’s just say, I wasn’t…kind to him…

  12. lanne says:

    I’m not giving Enninful a pass, but I think he’s in a tough place. British Vogue CANNOT be seen as antagonistic to the royal family. The previous editor was a royal and aristo suck-up, and a lot of that DNA is still there. It’s too much of an establishment paper. Being seen as anti-royal could lose Edward his job, and ensure that a POC never holds such a job again in the UK. The best they can do (and should have done) is keep their distance from the royals as much as possible. My guess is that he was approached by a higher up at Conde Nast (maybe even Wintour herself) and told to do it (definitely Wintour–she should have written the profile, but I think she wants to keep her street cred in America, and sees a Meghan cover of American Vogue as a near thing.). An American Vogue with Meghan is a best seller. A British vogue is too, but it would be seen as antagonistic right now. My guess is that Meghan does an American Vogue profile in the next year or 2. Maybe even a September. Edward got the job of sucking up to Charles because it will be a few years before British Vogue can profit from Meghan.

    • C says:

      I agree.

    • Becks1 says:

      Very good comment @lanne.

    • MsIam says:

      So in other words Anna used the black guy to do the dirty work so she can keep her street cred? I hope Meghan has nothing to do with Vogue. She doesn’t need them at all.

      • lanne says:

        Yes, that’s what I think. It’s strategic on her part, and she wouldn’t be the first to use a black person to do her dirty work. Certainly she’s done it before (Andre Leon Talley). Fashion and media are dirty businesses in a lot of ways. Acknowledging a grim reality isn’t the same as endorsing it. This may be a fall on a sword moment for Edward, but it’s not his first and likely won’t be his last. Who knows what he may be buying for himself and for his stance on diversity with this act. Because what’s herface Alexandra former Vogue editor put 2 black women on the cover in over a decade. That version of British vogue was nothing but posh aristo blond girls, and they were the only mainstream voice of British fashion for a long, long time. We progressives will always lose if we subject all of our allies and leaders to purity tests that they can only fail. Because the Alexandra Shulmans of the world will snatch the Vogue spotlight right back and keep it squarely on the Lady so and sos (except the black one) and Kate the Unable.

      • lanne says:

        And yes, Meghan should absolutely do an American Vogue if she’s asked. It’s a great credential for her in building their new Harry and Meghan brand that has no need for a connection to the royal family. The King of England is still her father in law, and if there’s any clout for her to be gained from that (even if it’s just being gracious in the midst of his dithering and fumbling) she should take it. Besides, an American Vogue cover that makes no mention of the royal family will scare the shit out of the royal establishment a lot more than one that calls her Duchess.

      • aftershocks says:

        Msiam: “I hope Meghan has nothing to do with Vogue. She doesn’t need them at all.”

        Exactly! I agree. Meg did British Vogue a huge favor with her editorship work. That best-selling issue will stand the test of time. The opportunity came at a good time for her, and it was worth doing. However, with all the envious and vicious clapback she received, added to Enninful’s public betrayal in denying what she faced living in the U.K., who cares if Meg ever gets involved with any iteration of Vogue ever again!

        As someone said up-thread, M&H exist on another level these days. They are appreciated on a global scale for their high ideals, their philanthropy, and for the courage it took for them to survive and thrive in going against the dictates and abuses of a toxic, powerful institution. Meghan can pick and choose what she does next. If it’s fashion-related, it don’t have to be revisiting anything to do with Vogue. She owes them nothing.

    • Flower says:

      Excellent analysis.

      That said Edward could roll his tongue back into his mouth.

      That picture is embarrassing.

    • aftershocks says:

      @Lanne: “Who knows what he may be buying for himself and for his stance on diversity with this act.”

      Well, he already bought himself an OBE. With this tribute to Chucky (along with denying that Meg faced racism), Enninful has shown he can be bought and sold. Okay, so he made tough choices to save his job, but it’s also about him caving to hold onto the feeling of being accepted by the establishment.

      Sure, give Enninful flowers for his talent and for what he’s done for diversity in the fashion industry. I contend that there have been changes afoot in the industry for awhile, and Enninful got his opportunity at British Vogue, in part, because of these changes. Battles for diversity in fashion are being waged and have been waged by many people of color, aside from just Enninful.

      • Kimmee says:

        Enniful got the job because people complained about diversity and he was controllable. I hate to write that but it’s true. Everyone can see it’s true because he is young. Now if Andre Talley would’ve gotten the job you can say he worked for it because he started in the 1970s.

  13. Eurydice says:

    The Prince’s Trust does some interesting things – for example, they’ve partnered with Chanel in offering intensive embroidery courses for fashion design students. But I wouldn’t call that world-wide, top-100 influential.

    • Lady D says:

      Idris Elba said on TV that he wouldn’t be an actor if it wasn’t for the Prince’s Trust.

    • BQM says:

      The Trust has done great work for decades. It’s one thing Charles can point to for deserved compliments. It was probably hurtful William didn’t want to take it over but 100% better for it and it’s future reputation that he didn’t. (Charles’s cousin the Earl of Snowden runs it now.)

      • Kimmee says:

        At Bom. I knew William didn’t want the trust but I didn’t know he passed completely. I can’t believe that. I assume William thinks he will be a real king in the future. Unlikely. If england did go back to kings they would replace william.

        How is he even allowed to pass on the trust!! It’s not like he will start his own trust. Crazy.

      • Sansblague says:

        The Prince’s Trust is great, especially since this type of organised philanthropy isn’t as widespread or expected in the UK as it is in the US (this is just my own observation as a naturalised British citizen). So there aren’t a whole lot of other options, such as need-based financial scholarships to fee-paying academic institutions to name just one. The only real problem I have with such a charity is that there’s still a figurehead behind it who hasn’t renounced the idea of hereditary leadership. If that happened, then PT could really be legit and not patronising, instead of just the best option Britain can offer non-aristos right now.

  14. M says:

    That IG post looks like an In Memoriam at first glance!

  15. Jordane says:

    This is why I don’t like getting into competitions about what the Sussexes are doing versus what the other royals are doing.
    Some people were gloating that Charles didn’t get any votes when Harry and Meghan did.
    Now here is Charles getting a profile.
    Getting into these silly games only benefits the other royals. It does not benefit Harry and Meghan because they are in a different league. The other royals are playing catch-up.
    Leave the other royals names in silence. Talking about them in relation to Harry and Meghan only elevates the other royals profiles. It’s that simple

    • Kimmee says:

      This is how I feel about Zara. She latches on to any spotlight and seems to dismiss anyone else. I don’t comment on her.

  16. teecee says:

    I’m just begging Black Brits to get an ounce of self respect, please.

  17. Renae says:

    What a toady!
    While I’d like to read the Instagram comments, I’m not about to sign on to that.

    • Kimmee says:

      I wonder does Instagram realize they are killing their business by requiring sign up. I’m not sign up either. They should let businesses pay to be seen with out signing up.

  18. Mary Pester says:

    EnninFullofit should try and look over his shoulder, there he will see the smug grin on Charlie boys face. Yes the trust does good things, but it’s not down to Charlie, it’s down to the people behind the scenes that do all the heavy lifting like wise in Charlies other(cough) charity. Maybe he should ask Charlie about the rules regarding Palace staff, or his ingrained hatred of Megan or why he doesn’t give a stuff about his bi racial grandchildren. Maybe Mr EnninFullofit should check his bum for splinters, because you can’t straddle the fence for as long as he has without getting a shed load

  19. Flower says:

    That picture of Edward grinning at Chuckles gives me some really unsavory ‘yes massa’ vibes.

    I am so embarrassed for Edward, he came up through the trenches and has been invalidated at every turn by people like the BRF, so this is just so nauseating to witness.

  20. L4Frimaire says:

    A think Enninful is a creative editor at Vogue, but this tribute to Charles really reeks. His collaboration with Meghan was one of Vogues most successful cover and best selling issues ever and he hadn’t captured that lightning in a bottle since then. It comes across as though he used Meghan while dismissing her as a person. Maybe this is his penance but what bothered a lot of people was how incomplete and dishonest this profile was. He may be camping for the monarchy but it’s just so crazy he feels the need to do this.

  21. Kim Terry says:

    Why can’t old men trim their eyebrows🤮

  22. Is That So? says:

    I would be more curious to hear Black Brits take on Enninful’s write up than African Americans.

    Racism manifest differently in different geographies and is dealt with differently. Sometimes it seems as is African American behave as if only their perspectives matter. Yes, I’m an African American.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ A lot of the negative comments on Enninful’s Instagram are from Black Britishers.

  23. Andrea says:

    It’s hard to be a sycophant, but maintaining one’s OBE is motivating.

  24. Tulip says:

    His subjects. His SUBJECTS. Doesn’t everyone’s skin crawl at the use of that word? The connotations! How can a Black man (or indeed anyone) use that word without compromise. Full disclosure I’m Irish. 800 years of tyranny by the (now thankfully disintigrating) British empire will never be forgotten

  25. bisynaptic says:

    His ancestors were responsible for the hardship you were in, Eddie. It was the least he could do.

  26. Kimmee says:

    At lanne. British vogue has always been irrelevant. American vogue is trash. Wintour is stale and has always relied on “relationships” for job security. Megan shouldn’t do American vogue because its worthless. Anna doesn’t know how to pick interesting people. We really see how much she relied on certain people once they retired.

  27. Kimmee says:

    I understand praising the trust. It personally helped people he saw. However, combine this with invalidating megan claim and you have a bad look.

    There are problematic groups that I would write a review for. They personally saved my life. However, I wouldn’t write it at a time that they are scamming and grifting.

  28. Tessa says:

    Kindness and Charles are total opposites.

  29. Tessa says:

    Charles looks to be in his nineties in that first picture.