It’s ‘complete rubbish’ that Queen Camilla ever sold out Prince Harry to the press…?

Prince Harry’s multiple lawsuits and court cases against the British tabloids are bad news for the Windsors. As I’ve noted, Harry is in a win-win position at the moment, especially with the current trial against the Mirror Group Newspapers, publishers of the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror. Harry’s argument is that there are hundreds of old Mirror articles which were sourced from illegal methods (phone hacking, bribery & blagging). The Mirror’s argument, from the very start of the trial, is that most of the articles were actually sourced through royal offices, i.e., the courtiers working for Harry’s father and grandmother were leaking sh-t about Harry constantly. Both scenarios prove Harry’s long-standing arguments: the tabloids are a criminal enterprise and the Windsors are in bed with the criminal British media. Harry knows a lot of secrets too, including the huge, secret settlement Prince William received from the Sun. Will more revelations like that come out? Hopefully. And it’s got the Windsors shaking in their proverbial boots. Some highlights from the Royalist’s latest piece:

Prince Harry’s upcoming testimony in his case against the Mirror: A friend of Prince William told The Daily Beast: “I think the family know he could say anything and no one is looking forward to it. Harry seems to be obsessed by the idea that everyone was in cahoots with the media, so presumably there will be lots more of that.”

William’s “very large” settlement from NGN: The Daily Beast understands that William settled with the paper for around £1m ($1.15m) and that while the exact terms of the deal were confidential, they were not kept secret from Harry, and that he could have participated in the deal and got a similar settlement.

Camilla is mad too: A friend of Camilla’s, whom Harry accused in his book of sacrificing him on her “PR altar,” told The Daily Beast that while the king and queen were “deeply hurt” by Harry’s actions so far, and were likely to be further upset if he repeats previous allegations or makes new ones in court, they “absolutely accept he has the right to his day in court like any other private citizen.”

Camilla’s connections to Mark Bolland & Piers Morgan: Asked if Camilla was unnerved by claims made in a skeleton argument submitted to the court this week that her and Charles’ former spin doctor, Mark Bolland, may have been the source of stories about Harry—including one that Harry had caught glandular fever after kissing girls—and that Bolland was a drinking pal of then-Mirror editor Piers Morgan (who has become one of the Sussexes’ most vituperative critics) and fed him stories, the friend said: “I’m sure it won’t be pleasant, but don’t forget, people have said all sorts of horrible things about her over the years and she hasn’t snapped yet. Anyone who knows her knows the idea she would have been encouraging Bolland to sell out Harry to the Mirror is just complete rubbish.”

Harry will testify for three days & Omid Scobie will testify too: As well as showing that Harry is due to be on the stand for three long days of testifying and cross-examination in early June, the timetable shows that next week, Sussex cheerleader and biographer Omid Scobie is due to testify on Harry’s behalf. Court papers suggest he will testify that when interning at the showbiz desk of MGN Sunday paper The People he, “was given a list of mobile telephone numbers and a verbal description of how to listen to voicemails, as if it were a routine newsgathering technique.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“Harry seems to be obsessed by the idea that everyone was in cahoots with the media, so presumably there will be lots more of that.” The Mirror’s literal defense is “we got all of this info on Harry because his father’s staff briefed us over drinks and fancy meals.” Institutional gaslighting, my god. “While the exact terms of the deal were confidential, they were not kept secret from Harry, and that he could have participated in the deal and got a similar settlement.” I’m still stuck on this, because I seriously doubt that Harry learned about William’s secret 2020 settlement from William or William’s office. I still want to know how Harry learned of it and whether he knows the terms.

As for Camilla… Mark Bolland was HER PR guru, the one she convinced Charles to hire, the one who came up with Project Queen Camilla, a three-decades-long operation to make this conniving side chick the queen consort. All of the coronation hoopla has just emphasized (to me) that Camilla still isn’t ready for primetime – that her image is a house of cards, and Harry knows exactly what she did to him and what she did to Meghan too. Camilla thought nothing of wining and dining Jeremy Clarkson AND Piers Morgan last December, remember.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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118 Responses to “It’s ‘complete rubbish’ that Queen Camilla ever sold out Prince Harry to the press…?”

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  1. Flowerlake says:

    Totally agree it’s a win-win.

    Them blaming royal sources is the best out of the two, I think.

    It shows how right he was and it undermines the trust between the BRF and media trash.

  2. equality says:

    So the same old story. They are always horribly offended by anything PH says, but never even mildly critical of any vile article that is put out about H&M.

    • Couch Potato says:

      Yes, same old story, and again, they’re not denying it. They just keep up with the usual gaslighting. There’s clearly more they’ve done, otherwise they wouldn’t have been worried about what else Harry will tell during the trials.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Oh yes!! This is why they are all scrambling to change the narrative. They are about to have their nefarious and unforgivable truths spilled out for the world to see!! While good King Harry will be, once again, proven right by his statements!!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Yep, Harry telling the truth about the royals is horrifying to them, but they are perfectly fine with feeding and encouraging tabloid lies about the Sussexes. That family is garbage.

      • Christine says:

        It’s going to be utterly fascinating to see how the British media “reports” Harry’s testimony. We get multiple articles when Meghan takes an actual hike while speaking no words. Harry testifying in a court of law about all the dirty truths of the media and royals over three whole days?

        I’ll be shocked if we see one in-depth article of any substance. From England, anyway. They are going to make all of Harry’s points, no matter which way they go.

      • Bee says:

        I am counting on the Guardian’s coverage. They do real journalism and seem to be least involved in the dirty pool being played. I’m sure every news outlet is worried about what will happen. If nothing else there may be new regulations. They also can’t ignore it due to the extremely high profile plaintiffs.

  3. Well I believe that it was Cowmilla who instructs Chuckles on staffing. Isn’t she his trusted advisor? Cowmilla and Chuckles and rest of family are in deep and are not liking the outcome. Too bad cry more.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      This?!?! Cry more and please cry louder for the deranges in the cheep seats.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It was Camz divorce lawyer, Hilary Browne-Wilkinson, that recommended Bolland to Camz. CPB met & interviewed him first. It’s absolute rubbish that the C’s didn’t throw Harry & William (more often Harry) under the bus to rehab her & Charles’ image.

      • Rackel says:

        I said before Camilla works for Charles. That’s her job. He gets to say, “I don’t know”.
        The problem is Camilla goes rogue. She is more about HER INTEREST. Plus, no decent people want to work with her so she has brought stupid scum in. All of Camilla people are related and have no real wins. They didn’t work their way up. Charles should’ve kept his own council.

        Just like the coronation weekend events. I can tell his parts and her parts. He knows more people than her. Even if they don’t like him they will still come to his events.

  4. Tessa says:

    Camilla and Charles never said one word complaining about Clarkson vile article about Meghan. Clarksons daughter did speak out against her father. Charles never said a word when baby Archie was likened to a chimp. Totally reprehensible

    • Flower says:

      Not condemning that article was just terrible on Chucks part, especially given Camilla was there and they knew the court case was coming.

      They want their base of Royalists and loyalists to know they agreed with every word. They really believe in their warped minds that this is Edward and Mrs Simpson again.

    • FarmerWannabe says:

      I just keep going back to, this man pulled security from his son and grandchild, knowing the threats against them, didnt even bother to zoom in for his grandchild’s christening but expected/whined about H leaving his first born on his birthday to come to his shiny hat party. Imagine how scary it must have been for them to have no security and to have the property being surrounded by god knows whom trying to get in. And the irony is a descendant of slaves had to save his son and grandchild. I dont mention M because we know he could give two — about her but he could at least care about his blood descendants. So, no, I expect nothing from these people. Deplorable.

      • Isabella says:

        And don’t forget Harry’s kids were not even invited, And Meghan was heavily discouraged from showing up.

      • windyriver says:

        I don’t think they were ever without security in Canada, but they were going to be very soon, and knowing that, on top of Covid ramping up, must have been terrifying. Believe Harry said somewhere in the documentary they’d be losing their security as of March 30, but thankfully, by March 14 they were on Tyler’s plane on the way to his house in LA.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Correct @windyriver. Harry wrote about it in SPARE too. pg. 387

        Security person Lloyde was exchanging emails with someone. He wote: “We can’t just…leave them here!”. The response Lloyde received from someone was, “The decision has been made. As of March 31 they’re by themselves.”.

        Tyler Perry’s plane, Tyler Perry’s house and Tyler Perry’s security. The kindness and generosity of someone who they didn’t have a relationship with. Good man.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Then again, neither did Liz or Phil… none of them lifted a finger to say anything ever.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Yes, so true. They seem to get excused having been elderly. But, I think of elderly activists who stay true to justice and how Nazis were still brought to justice even when they successfully stayed hidden until old age. I guess I just feel frustrated, like most, that love and loyalty doesn’t win out in this family ever. While also platforming tabloids so loyally for generations. Tabloids do so much harm. All the colonialism, racism, classism, poverty, biases etc. could be lessened if these toxic deals were not so invested in the benefits of hate-mongering. #mysaturdayrantish

  5. kirk says:

    Like Willy told Harry about his settlement? Nope. There’s been lots of stuff that’s come out of prior court documents, much attributed to work of his lawyer David Sherborne, per June 2023 Prospect article “Prince Harry vs the press.”

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Certainly Harry will be asked about this when he testifies. The palaces keep saying things which are easily disproven.

    • Couch Potato says:

      No way in hell, in 2020, they were barely talking.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Right @kirk! Kaiser wrote about it back on April 26th. The Daily Beast royal sycophants for the F*ckedUp Four are trying to create a new narrative.

      Harry was discouraged from his lawsuits in 2019. Willy received a settlement in 2020. A huge some of money. I don’t believe the Telegraph’s million number (whether in pounds or dollars).
      Sienna Miller received a substantial amount(I’m speculating Sienna’s is at least 3 million and Andrew is reported as settling a huge amount with Virginia-12-16 million). There is no way Harry is calling 1 mllion huge. imo Telegraph was la la la lying.

      Harry found out somehow. It wasn’t through his brother or father.

  6. Startup Spouse says:

    “Anyone who knows her knows she would have been encouraging Bolland to sell out Harry to the Mirror.”

    Fixed it for you, “friend of Prince William”! (*cough* Jason Knauf *cough*)

  7. Layla says:

    I love how either way both parties are f*cked.
    Harry’s got them throwing each other under the bus and it is brilliant!
    One on side, the BM (and PM) are being exposed in open court and on the other, they are throwing the royal family members under the bus and proving every point of Harry’s true. And the cherry on top, in response the rf are getting scared and throwing each other under the bus!
    Fight amongst yourselves and destroy each other, it’s what you deserve

    • ShazBot says:

      Presumably, if they didn’t know their staff were leaking on their family members, they’ll now fire them and/or take them to court over broken NDAs, right?? Right?!?!?

    • Brit says:

      This. I don’t know why they’re insisting on hiding it anymore. She was already pictured with Morgan and Clarkson, so people already know she has a close relationship with the press.

      • Dee(2) says:

        They want to pretend they are the aggrieved parties. That Harry and Meghan are out here giving interviews to all and sundry maligning them and they haven’t said a word. It’s the defense you hear most often from people who are only casual observers. The family wants to keep it that way. If people realize that they have been feeding information directly to the press for two decades, it stops being I thought Harry and Megan wanted privacy, to yeah no sh## they’re giving interviews.
        ETA: This isn’t for the royalist, they already have them their support is built on a foundation of racism and supremacy. This is for the people who check out pictures when they’re weddings and coronations, but don’t listen to podcasts or read Royal biographies. The people who they need to have apathy about supporting them.

  8. Jais says:

    So right now this is the skeleton argument? Meaning the details are to come over the next few weeks. I’m so ready. It would seem that Mark Bolland and Piers Morgan should take the stand but it doesn’t seem they will. And Camilla thinks it’s rubbish. Lol, that’s a weak counter right there. And Harry knew about the 2020 settlement as it happened? I call bullshit. But I believe William will try and lie and say he did.

  9. Vexxy says:

    Camilla really isn’t ready for the job at all. As a commonwealth nation citizen the minimum I expect from my royals is to turn up, look interested and be polite. She turns up. That’s it. It’s a bad look for Charles whenever she looks bored or acts rudely, and she’s been doing it regularly.

    Eventually the little goodwill she’s accrued is going to ebb away unless she learns to do those last two things. She doesn’t need to, her kids will never be on the throne so the buck stops at her and I think she’s quite possibly willing to watch the world burn after Charles dies as long as she gets what she wants.

    • FarmerWannabe says:

      There is nothing ‘royal’ about her, whatever royal is. I watch the way M&H behave and I think, that’s class, genuinely engaged, that’s how the job should be done. As opposed to looking at your watch, holding onto your hat and walking past the performers who waited in the cold for god knows how long, some barefoot to perform for you. BTW, POCs need to stop allowing themselves to be used this way; its the same way they use American performers/actors – thinks they are below them until they need people for their circuses, and certainly do not want them in their family.

      • Vexxy says:

        I agree she doesn’t behave like a member of the royal family, but if she’s going to be queen it’s the bare minimum. I can’t wait for us to become a republic.

  10. HamsterJam says:

    Was William publicly calling his mother paranoid part of the secret settlement?

    • LB says:

      @HamsterJam, you ask a great question and have never seen this connection raised before. It’s possible. William did not like to speak about his mother in public, so it is strange he would make the paranoia comments at that particular time. Prior to that, he said little about her, and when he did, he remembered her fondly, like in that documentary about her that he and Harry made.

    • Shawna says:

      Oof. That would be jaw-dropping, Egg literally selling out his mother.

      • FarmerWannabe says:

        Well, as Harry said, just because PD was ‘tricked’ into that interview, it does not mean what she said wasn’t true. And, she wasn’t paranoid. William deep down knows that. How sad for him that he puts the institution above his mother.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s an interesting question…

    • Feeshalori says:

      Good theory, it’s not unlikely a part of William’s package deal.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      IIRC is was after the RF was trying to rewrite history regarding Diana before the statue unveiling whilst the story broke of Bashir using “evidence” for the interview. I think it was at that time that TOB joined the RF’s stance of Diana being paranoid, to which they used it as an excuse to silence Diana forever. That is what I recall, which could be completely wrong.

    • BQM says:

      But the Bashir think was to do with the bbc wasn’t it? Not the print press or their related media.

    • HamsterJam says:

      If he issued a public statement saying that his mother was paranoid AFTER he got that secret settlement, then he 100% slandered her knowing that what they did to her was real and horrible.

      Does anyone have the dates?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        May 20, 2021 was when Willy did his mother paranoid speech and Bashir/BBC were the bad guys. I’m sure (/s) that Charles’ Dimbleby interview THE YEAR BEFORE was just okie dokie. Yeah, so after Willy received his chunk of change in 2020.

        So, remember when Maureen Eden made the claims in their Eden Confidential thingy that Americans were donating like crazy to the American Friends of the D&D of Cambridge (after the Sussexes left? That the number of donations went up from 800,000 thou to over 8mil. Because Americans support/love the lazy two. Per the 2020

        I’m not an accountant. Do have understanding of accounting things and whatnot. I’m trying to understand something from the American Friends of the Royal Foundation of the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge 990 from 2020. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. In the beginning of the 990 they are claiming, under the revenue section $8,344,511.00. Close to 7 millon was transferred to the Royal Foundation to support their Then in part II of Schedule A Sect. A Public Support is $1,801,784.00 with the qualifier of ‘do not include “unusual grant”. I always thought that ginormous leap in dollars donated had to do with E@rthshite. What if it had to do with Willy’s settlement? “unusual grant’ We’ve laughed about Willy’s E*rthsite costing 12 mil. 5 mil supposedly going to the winners though they don’t receive it in a lump some. Right? This is the 990.

        Just speculating about 6.5-7million that isn’t included under public support.

      • Rackel says:

        @ agreatreckoning I said from the start it has to be more than a million. He is not only a prince but chuck and Diana son. He can spend a million in a day. 5-6 million seems low still. The tabloid probably deposited it in his different charities.

  11. Brit says:

    Yep, they’re panicking, lol. You’re going to have former courtiers throwing royals under the bus, newspapers throwing royals and courtiers under the bus. It’s going to get really uncomfortable over there.

  12. EasternViolet says:

    So gross how Omid Scobie is dismissed as cheerleader.

    • MsIam says:

      The fear and jealousy is strong with this bunch. I think I read that Omid went to them and offered to testify too. Good for him if that is true.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        That’s wonderful that Omid offered. I would gladly enjoy if C&C’s henchmen would be forced to testify as well!!

  13. ML says:

    William and Harry weren’t speaking by 2020. There is no way that W was like, “Hey, I know we have our differences and don’t have contact anymore and quite frankly I’d like to keep it that way. Just one small thing: I’m settling with one of the tabloids for £1 million. Perhaps you’d like to join in? And further, I never want to speak to you ever again!”

    • SAS says:

      Yeah, I really want to hear The Sun’s evidence for “the deal was not kept secret from Harry”.

    • Snuffles says:

      Exactly! Harry was a continent away and basically on the run for a big chunk of 2020. There is no way he would have heard about it.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I will be delighted to see how the Sun tries to support their supposed offer to Harry!! We are in for a delightful fail by the Sun as they try to maneuver this bold ass lie in court!!

        As you @ Snuffles, H&M had already checked out of Salty Island of Petty!!

  14. ThatsNotOkay says:

    So Camilla is terrified people will be able to put her at the center of the smear campaign against Diana–unlike, Harry, Diana is someone one cannot speak badly of without a huge backlash. Once she’s fully exposed for having done that, her time will be up. Charles might even have to ditch her…”for the good of the monarchy.” Well, she’s in too deep now. All it’ll take is one of her “loyal” pals–Clarkson or Morgan–to go full out. But she’ll try to prevent it at all costs. She does, after all, hire from within–within the Royal Rota to her personal staff, that is.

  15. KP says:

    Same ole from the daily beast…but doesn’t this article just prove again what Harry is saying? Hello leaking and attacking constantly…
    Anyways I’m so happy cause I’ve seen so many people actually defending Harry now. I was on one particular article where every comment was supportive of Harry and his court case after the mirror apologize.
    If anyone has time please email the editor of daily beast because this is not the journalism I would expect of them. They need more balance in their royal coverage instead of constant stenography from the palace. Email them directly but also call them out on social media.

    • MsIam says:

      Their “royal reporters” are not journalists, they are just people who go to dinner parties and repeat gossip. They don’t want to stop that gravy train by doing actual reporting and investigating.

    • Feebee says:

      Isn’t the Daily Beast partly Tina Brown? If so enough said there. This reporting is exactly as intended.

  16. Tessa says:

    Harry was not protected for years and before he even met Meghan. He was used as a scapegoat to protect his brother the unfavorable stories an pictures about William were withheld by the media. William used a military helicopter to go to a stag party and his commanding officer was blamed and will never had to apologize. William started club h and had parties but only harry was blamed in the media.will was depicted as the good prince and harry the bad one in the media.

  17. Jay says:

    Sure, Jan. That’s why we had six months of terrified leaking about what Harry’s memoir would say about Camilla – she knows exactly what she did.

    I find William’s settlement the most interesting, and it seems like it wasn’t a secret among the family. What conditions were attached? A million should be chump change to the hier to the throne – and what did he have to give up?

    And why would they offer a million at all even though they claim that the window for suing was long closed? I’d be instantly suspicious – if they offer a million, chances are they are worried you would get 5x that in court.

    And finally, why would they offer money to William for damages when there weren’t nearly as many stories about him as there were Harry? You have to wonder if they thought they were paying William to sell out or curtail his brother.

    The point that Harry “could have participated in the deal and got a similar settlement” tells us a lot. First of all, the Windsors and courtiers always ascribe their own motivations to Harry, and thus they are constantly underestimating him. He doesn’t care about the money! He’s on a one man quest to take down the media that targeted his mother, himself, and then his wife. That’s why he is so dangerous to them.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s a weird argument that Harry could have gotten the same settlement as Will did. That would mean there was merit to Harry’s case, even so many years after the statute of limitations. They are saying so many contradictory things.

    • Jojo says:

      I also think the payout to W was much more than £1million. That figure was plucked from the air in a Telegraph article imo to vaguely match up with the amount transferred over to Invictus when Harry separated his interests from WanK’s. It was then used to suggest that W had donated his settlement to Invictus. No factual details of the amount of that settlement or what happened to it have yet come out.

      • Eurydice says:

        It doesn’t really matter what William did with the money afterwards – what matters to the case is that he received it.

      • Feeshalori says:

        And kept silent about it, an egregious lack of transparency from a future head of state.

      • Jay says:

        It’s weird, because 1 million is either a shockingly large amount (if you believe that William would never have pursued the matter and that the legal window had closed) or a shockingly paltry sum for such a serious offence.

        Let me be clear, £1 million would be a lot for someone like me, but even I would be suspicious – why is it worth anything to the newspaper to settle when they claim they did nothing wrong and I can’t sue them anyway because the SOL has passed? That’s fishy. The fact that they were willing to settle for just a million should have had William’s lawyers demanding more, in my opinion. And remember, the royal family has unimaginable wealth – why was William willing to settle for any sum, but particularly what (for him) should be chump change?

        And arguably William wasn’t even the subject of most of the tabloid stories – Harry was far more interesting even then, and William was always more protected. I can only guess that they had some leverage over William that might make him amenable to a deal, or that they thought William would control and leverage his younger brother on the tabloid’s behalf. They thought wrong, it seems.

  18. aquarius64 says:

    This is what you get when you turn a manipulative sidechick into a wife and you force people to accept it. Camilla is a major liability to the Crown (Kate is a close second) with her messiness. Having her “friend” go to the press with talking points shows BP is scared. Chuck hasn’t been officially crowned for a full week and the court case has blown up over 25 years of image rehab on the usurper queen. The Spencers are sitting at Althrop enjoying the karma heaped on the woman who hurt one of their own.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Either way Harry has been proven to be telling the truth. The Mirror, and others, after months of saying that they don’t get briefed and the Royal Family never leaked or planted stories are now admitting that they got stories from the Royal Family. It is indeed a win-win for Harry.

  20. Laura D says:

    Oh Camilla, you really did mess with the wrong brother. Did you really think you could mess with Harry’s wife the way you did his mother and get away with it? He warned you several times to “leave off” but, you couldn’t help yourself. You may have the fancy hat and the title that goes with it but, Harry has right on his side. Using Harry to cover for the misdeeds of your son doesn’t look so clever now does it? Ah well, it is what it is! *shrugs*

    • Rackel says:

      Plus megan is way more worldly than Diana. Megan started off as a intern at an embassy. Camilla should’ve left her alone once she found that out! Camilla isn’t as smart as she looks. She was obviously just grasping at anything.

  21. MsIam says:

    That header picture of Camilla is so “evil queen”. Perfect! The old Hollywood central casting could not have picked a better villain. Not excusing her wretched husband either. He threw away his own son and his family. They both are going up in flames.

    • Kingston says:

      Someone on twitter yesterday commented that for the first time in fairytale history, it was the wicked witch who got the prince and the beautiful princess who was killed.

  22. Over it says:

    Queen side chick really looks like every Disney villain rolled into one .

  23. Ace says:

    If the Mirror is going to push the ‘it was all leaks form the palace’ I’m wondering if their lawyers will ask Scobie about the palace leaking with some helpful examples.

  24. Patricia says:

    The palace chose the date May 6 for Charles new hat ceremony. While it is appalling that he would do that to the Sussex family, it has an interesting side story.
    The Chubby occured square in the middle of a lunar eclipse. This is a very powerful position speaking both astronomically and astrologically. It fell in the sign of Scorpio which is also powerful, one of the strongest signs that normally keeps its secrets. But during an eclipse it fortells that many secrets that affect a person’s life will be revealed and it will continue on for quite a while.
    Interestingly, William was born during an lunar eclipse and three of his signs were located in his 8th house. Not a good placement at all. another influence of Scorpio. It certainly accounts for his temperament and his insecurities. In past history the kings and queens had their astrologers who kept track of such things. Hey, Jason, maybe you should have paid closer attention to English history.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Patricia, your submission is extremely interesting and insightful!! I do wonder if they did seek out an astrologer to help determine his future reign as king.

      As for Baldimort, he checks all of the boxes for a Scorpion as he is simply one of the most vile people I have read about.

      • Patricia says:

        @bothsidesnow William was born with sun in cancer, moon in cancer, rising sign Sagittarius and mid haven scorpio. Its fascinating to look at the chart because it possibly explains his personality. Its not a easy chart for someone born to be in “charge.”
        I have said for many years that Harry was better placed to rule but one can’t change history. Just happy to see Harry coming into his own and showing what a remarkable man he is

    • Rackel says:

      All I see is a bunch of emotions. I’m surprised Pisces wasn’t thrown in. Lol, just an astrology joke.

  25. Lizzie says:

    I think it was Tina Brown’s book that said Camilla was against Will and Kate’s wedding because Kate would be more popular than herself. This seems to be the lie they all tell themselves, if they are not popular than it’s only because someone else is.

  26. Polo says:

    I’m really hoping that with omid testifying that his book will be the most brutal of all on the royals. From what I’ve read he seems ready to move on from royal reporting so I hope he blows up the whole thing on his way out.
    I’m not confident that even with the court cases that anything really will change.
    I do notice that the royal reporters are really quiet right now besides Sykes so I wonder if something is happening behind the scenes.
    Meghan will be out on Tuesday so we’ll see if they remain silent then.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I noticed the same thing. He seems to be positioning himself more as a potential investigative journalist, maybe one that focuses on celebrities but an actual journalist. Also he’s still fairly young and has probably seen the writing on the wall for ” royal reporting”. If you want to have a semblance of freedom and respect for yourself you can’t stay in that game.

    • Rnot says:

      His book Endgame was originally supposed to come out in August but now it’s been bumped back to November. I’m assuming that’s a result of recent developments. I hope it’s what I think it’ll be.

  27. Beverley says:

    Talk faster, Queen Jump Off. The truth will eventually come out. It always does.

  28. HeyKay says:

    It is “Complete Rubbish” that anyone believes a word out of KC or Camillas lying mouths.
    Not fooling anybody.
    DWTMonarchy! God Save Prince George! from his awful scheming relatives.

  29. Jaded says:

    You just KNOW how badly the knives came out for Harry and Meghan at the infamous lunch with Camzilla, Morgan, Clarkson, et al. I can picture them all squiffy and cackling as they completely shred the Sussexes. It’s no coincidence that the stomach-churning article Clarkson wrote defaming Meghan came out RIGHT after the luncheon. So no, it’s complete rubbish that Camzilla never sold out Harry [and Meghan]. I hope this blows the lid off the sleazy quid pro quo relationship the BRF has with the gutter tabloids and turns into a public war.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Completely agree about the timing of Clarkson’s horrific statements. KC3 and Camzilla got themselves into such a protective cocoon and echo chamber they thought this would be acceptable and publicly popular. I believe what Clarkson said was either said first by Camilla or laughed at/encouraged by Camilla which is why they couldn’t say anything or Clarkson would drop the receipts.

  30. Peanut Butter says:

    Too many of us know at least some of what QE2, Charles, and Camilla did to betray the cream of the royal crop, namely Diana, Harry, and Meghan. Now that QE2 is gone, I can’t imagine that the BRF will ever really recover from their sabotage of the best of them, thus rendering their Firm breathtakingly freed of all charisma. I believe that they’ll get increasingly desperate and nasty around trying to hang on to their vast, undeserved over-privilege

  31. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It’ll be interesting to find out the date and time of a text or voice message as opposed to when the articles came out. I have a feeling that the Mirror didn’t sit on information it got from the phone hacking, so even if the info was leaked the story was probably already out there. This could get very interesting.

  32. kelleybelle says:

    They always, ALWAYS deny what is absolutely true. Camilla is rubbish and the Commonwealth members know it.

  33. Krista says:

    It blows my mind that the RF think this gaslighting will bring any long term benefit, it’s the opposite.
    Their “advisors “ + being entitled & completely out of touch w/reality = disaster
    It’s only a matter of time until they implode because of their egos & belief they are special.

  34. Rackel says:

    I can’t write this enough. All of this and Camilla has barely moved the needle in terms of popularity. Charles was right in the beginning. He didn’t want to marry her. He kept looking for potential women. Just because she made it easy and fought for him, he kept dealing with her. And now look. He looks like a weak fool.

    And she still isn’t popular. She still isn’t invited anywhere. Now, he won’t be invited anywhere as king, cause they don’t want her. Hopeful the Spencer Family takes some comfort in this.

  35. Isabella says:

    They are so passive-aggressive. This was a nasty dig.
    “They absolutely accept he has the right to his day in court like any other private citizen.”

    I love that he refuses to play cousin Greg.and fall on his sword for the royals.

  36. monlette says:

    Charles fell in love with Camilla because she was lowbrow and vulgar enough to be a lot of fun, despite her good breeding, and now the UK has a trashy old lady as their queen.

  37. j.ferber says:

    In this case, “complete rubbish” means that, yes, she did leak to the press about Harry and Meghan. Her denial is standard and it’s standard for her to lie, plot, manipulate, etc. For God’s sake, she did all that to his mother so her . . . ways . . . are pretty ingrained and integral to her character. She won’t change. Why should she? Look at all that it reaped her.

    • Rackel says:

      Look at what it reaped her. — yes. She has won 90%. The 10% is no one wants to associate with her. Other than that she has won riches, jobs for her kids, a husband for her daughter, her sisters, nieces, And nephews have jobs. It’s crazy. She won by being tough and cruel. She absolutely won.

      It will be hard to tell little English girls to be fair if their QUEEN paved the way of being vicious.

  38. what's inside says:

    The Rott better stock up on gin. She’s gonna need it.

  39. Noor says:

    In the past Camilla is closely associated with the likes of Arthur Edwards, Piers and Clarkson.

    Is she continuing with the same media strategy after being crowned Queen and anointed with holy oil ?

    • Rackel says:

      I asked myself that question once they said xamilla will get holy oil as well. Will she change even a little. It looks like the answer is no.
      She is so unfit to be queen.

  40. Londongal says:

    The fawning over Kate and Wills in the Fail today says it all. Harry refused to conform and was slung under the media bus. The firm are wildly mistaken if they think Camilla is forgiven. She is not.

  41. Cassie says:

    By all Kate and William antics and media promotions in the last few days they are already pushing Pa and stepma off their thrones .

    Wow so much exposure in such a short time taking advantage of their Glamour Couple profile .

    Nauseating actually.

    • Tessa says:

      Ma middleton in action again even deploying uncle Gary who preaches to harry that Archie birthday not as important as con a nation. Gary is an embarrassment imo