Prince William timed his Father’s Day portraits to get the covers of the Sunday papers

Kensington Palace released two photos of Prince William with his three children for Father’s Day. These photos were not taken by Kate, they were taken by photographer Millie Pilkington, the same photographer who did a second set of “birthday photos” for Princess Charlotte. I suspect that much like last year’s weird denim-ad photoshoot in Norfolk, William and Kate recently organized a family photoshoot day and they will continue to parcel out those photos at random moments this year. Just wait, their Christmas card photo will be from this same photoshoot. Now, that being said, these photos are actually kind of nice. I saw some critics say that they were setting up a “Single Dad William” narrative, but the Waleses always release photos of William solo with the kids for Father’s Day. At least these pics are flattering of the kids (unlike that screaming one from Jordan, iykyk)

The issue with the photos is not that William is solo with the kids, it’s that Kensington Palace timed the release of the photos specifically to make the front pages of all of the Sunday papers. KP could have held the photos until mid-day Sunday and they would have gotten the Monday front pages, and allowed King Charles’s first Trooping the Colour as sovereign to get the front pages on Sunday. You can tell it’s an issue because even royal reporters are talking about how curious it is that William (and not Charles) covers all of the major Sunday papers. Buckingham Palace’s people must have been screaming down the phone at various editors and reporters.

It’s the Chelsea Flower Show all over, right? That was supposed to be Charles and Camilla’s first Chelsea Flower Show and they scheduled their appearance for Media Day, only Kate made a surprise visit before the king and queen arrived, AND she had “prop children” bused into the event. Kate stole Charles and Camilla’s thunder and they’ve been punishing her for weeks. I wonder what will happen with this Father’s Day snafu? LMAO. I can’t wait, honestly. Charles is such a bitter, hateful old man, I love it when he drags Peg & Buttons.

Photos courtesy of Millie Pilkington for Kensington Palace.

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82 Responses to “Prince William timed his Father’s Day portraits to get the covers of the Sunday papers”

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  1. Karla says:

    „I’ll end homelessness“
    This one had me cackle…while all we get is how he whines because he needs another palace….

    • Rapunzel says:

      Exactly. The man collects homes like Thanos collects Infinity Stones, and it’s disgusting he’s even uttering the word homelessness.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      But can he do that without a pie chart?!

    • Roop says:

      I had the same thought! “I’ll end homelessness… after I get my fifth taxpayer-funded palace!”

      How does he not appreciate how insincere his homelessness initiative sounds?

    • Tessa says:

      Will is getting lots of negative comments about his saying he points out the homeless to his children on the school run driving in his expensive car.

      • The Duchess says:

        I can’t believe he even said that. This man is so high on his own self-importance, he thinks of himself as some sort of god. He’s more than happy to bring up his mother for PR in one breath, and call her paranoid in the next. So tone-deaf, it’s ridiculous.

      • AnnaKist says:

        And this is the next king. Wow. Noah and you look at the current one.

      • Lily says:

        I don’t mind him pointing out homelessness to his children. He is noticing them and wants his children to do the same. Other wealthy parents treat the homeless like they are invisible and teach their children to do the same.

    • Christine says:

      I cackled too. My God, the hubris. This middle aged failure to launch is going to end homelessness? Pull the other leg. He has done literally nothing of worth, his entire life.

  2. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Man, do Charlotte and Louis have William’s smile/jaw. Not a dig. It’s just so clear here. These are sweet photos and the kids seem happy, which is what matters. Be a better man, William, so your kids can have good reason to look up to you.

    • Rapunzel says:

      They do seem more comfortable with him than Kate. I’m hoping that means they’ve so far been spared his rages.

      • ML says:

        If they *cough* see more of K than W, and when he’s there he can be the “fun” parent, that might make sense, Rapunzel.

        Just want to add that the kids look really cute. These are good pictures.
        And that it amuses me that these pictures of KC’s SON snd GRANDCHILDREN will upset him for making the front pages on FATHER’S day.

      • Ginger says:

        They definitely seem happier and more relaxed around Willliam. Although, William looks very awkward and uncomfortable. It’s just an odd photo.

    • Tessa says:

      Will already did a lot of damage the way he and Kate treated harry and Meghan. I doubt he will change.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      What I like about this photo is it’s the first time the kids are allowed to appear with messed up hair. They usually look as if their hair has been styled and sprayed within an inch of its life.

    • Tara says:

      I was just thinking Prince Georges smile actually resembles Charles smile – anybody else with me on that?

  3. Steph says:

    The only thing they did right was make really adorable kids. All three of them look so cute in these pics.
    Since @kaiser didn’t give us the usual warning, am I the only one who sees Charles Spencer in George? I never paid attention to that man’s face until the tweets about H’s case. He looked like a much older George to me.

    Is there formal head wear for children that can work to help block the sun? All three of them looked like they were being blinded in the carriage the other day. I know they can’t wear sunglasses. Why other options?

    • Kaiser says:

      Consider this your warning: please do not fight in the comments about who the children look like, for goodness sake.

    • SpankyB says:

      Now that you mention it, I do see Spencer genes in George. My first thought was that the boys are looking more like Grandpa Middleton while Charlotte is very much a Windsor. I still think she looks like the Queen (as in Elizabeth).

      George never really outgrew his Louie Anderson look.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ SpankyB, George does resemble the Spencer family, whereas Charlotte is more of a Windsor/Meddlington mix and Louis is ALL Meddlington.

        I do agree that the children seem much more relaxed with Burger King than KKHate, as she is probably an unpleasant parent when photos are taken or when they are in public.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They can wear sunglasses, they just don’t. Makes for better pictures.

  4. Gruey says:

    I guess William’s not afraid of his dad and Camilla? Very curious to see how this shakes out. First sign of trouble is the royal reporters tweeting those shitstirring posts, sort of goading BP to retaliate.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles chose William over harry. Charles gets what he deserves. William already talks about his coronation

      • Mary Pester says:

        @,tessa, I agree, Charlie boy backed the wrong horse when he chose William. Between him and his wife they are gradually pushing his father out of the picture. And I wonder what Charlie and camzilla will do to fight back
        Stand by for more Palace wars

    • Chloe says:

      Part of me wants to believe he really is that stupid but i also think he wouldn’t have done this if he knew he couldn’t get away with it. BP might retaliate by going after kate or her family but if they become collateral damage then so what? It won’t hurt him.

    • SURE says:

      Rhiannon Mills pointed out KFC’s jealousy of his sons in the BBC doco The Princes and the Press. She at least is consistent in her view and doesn’t seem to be a tish stirrer like he rota colleagues (so far).

    • Concern Fae says:

      Must confess I’m rooting for injuries in this fight.

      • Gabby says:

        If Chuckes ends up with a skull fracture and needs surgery, William should just go to the opera.

  5. equality says:

    So it’s only “curious” when PW deliberately steals KC’s thunder. If it were Meghan, papped while taking a simple hike, it would be a nefarious plot to bring down the monarch. Imagine if PH had released a Father’s Day pic.

    • Athena says:

      I don’t see this as William stealing KC’s thunder but as him not allowing Camilla to have any thunder, KC is just collateral damage. Anything to keep Camilla from the front pages and gloating as Queen. The homelessness project is his way of keeping his mother’s ghost around, another reminder to Camilla. Him making comments such as “I’ll solve homelessness” is naive. Can’t believe how bad KP’s PR people are at their job. Hope he comes up with something concrete such as a housing scheme and not a foundation to study the cause of homelessness and how it all ties back to the early years.

  6. Barbara says:

    All I have to say is that Charlotte’s really cute. I hope she’s allowed to grow up happy and healthy, minus her parents’ worst faults.

  7. Trex says:

    With a family like this, who needs enemies? The amount of scheming and undercutting that goes on within them is tragic.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      It is a truly dysfunctional family that is filled with schemes, plotting and spilling at every moment. I could not imagine living in a dynamic of this families traits, all determined to inflict as much damage and harm as possible.

      How could anyone within this generation of BRF’s rest easy without wondering who will turn on them next??

  8. Erin says:

    There was another photo released of William in the last year where we discussed that they were very generous with his hair and that’s what I see in this one too. The kids are cute.

    • Gruey says:

      Well this photo is the best one I’ve seen of him in years—much less Mr Burns than usual. I think the photoshop was used rather liberally to make his chest seem broader and his skin seem more tan and healthy. Idk might have strengthened his cheekbones and jaw line or something like that too. Usually he looks stooped, sallow and even somewhat frail these days

  9. SURE says:

    It seems this spot where the photos were taken is quite popular. H and Jane Goodall were photographed there for M’s Vogue issue. Even Anne did a photoshoot at this spot in 1971.

  10. Uh oh Peg stepped on King Daddy’s coverage. How will Horsilla and King Daddy punish the naughty Peg? Will some nice gossip about his private life suddenly appear in the front pages? Get your popcorn ready.

  11. Harper says:

    Since none of the papers put the trooping on the cover, it feels like a message to CRex that his stale, slimmed down balcony better fatten up next year. All those bare spots on the balcony made a terrible photo composition.

    • Gruey says:

      I also thought they were really striking. Like, where is the “family” part of the royal family? There was barely anyone there! Not exactly a show of strength.

  12. MSTJ says:

    Interesting move by the British tabloids. I guess the British tabloids are angry Charles is not punishing Harry enough for pursuing the court cases against them and they are sending a clear message they’ll support William. Even the Daily Fail which is more aligned with BP principals IMO gave William the front page.

    Keeping my eyes on how Charles moves forward in the coming months.

    • Shawna says:

      Again, the press is acting as if they didn’t have a choice in this matter. They chose to run the William pictures; now they’re acting like the whole thing was just a KP set up. Come on….

  13. SAS says:

    Yep the one professional photoshoot day providing “personal” pics for the year. This is the same day Kate wheeled Louis around in the wheelbarrow in this jumper (“his birthday”). Such a bizarre childhood for these poor kids.

    • Sunday says:

      Yup, totally normal, not weird at all considering this is *checks notes* one of the most privileged families in the world who are photographed everywhere they go with an “amateur photographer” for a mother and the ability to stage a photoshoot every weekend if it suited them. Yup, nothing weird about them being sat for a photoshoot for so little time they can’t even bother to change clothes to give the illusion of the photos being taken on different days. Nope, definitely not weird at all, they definitely shouldn’t reasonably have access to scores if not hundreds of photos to choose from since they are such a happy and normal family!

      • tamsin says:

        I don’t know why there is so much criticism over a big photo shoot. It’s economical and efficient, don’t you think? One shoot to provide pictures for the rest of the year that require formal portraits. If they had changed wardrobes no one would be any the wiser except to note that all the pictures were taken in the same season. It’s not that easy getting three children together to do photo shoots. Anyway, I think the pictures of William with the children are very lovely. Everyone looked good. I don’t think if the pictures are to celebrate mothers’ day or fathers’ day that the other parent should be in the photo. The point of the photo is to celebrate that parent.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I love this. Charles being pushed off the front pages by his heir is Karma. Like Kaiser I can’t wait to see what revenge he takes out on William.

    • ChattyCath says:

      That’s very mean Amy Bee. I’m so excited I spilt my coffee. Serves them all right

    • sunny says:

      Truly this! The kids are adorable. William is a terrible person but so is his self-absorbed thin-skinned Pa. Happy father’s day Chuck, glad Whilly stomped over a big moment for you.

      I wonder how nasty BP will be in response. You just know they have tons of ammo.

      • The Duchess says:

        Depends on if they have the gall to fire. That’s always been the case when it comes to trying to tame Baldy and his outbursts. He’s the type to threaten to ‘walk away’ if he doesn’t get what he wants. Not like he intends to walk away, but that’s what psychopaths like him do and Chucky is too weak to overpower the situation. A very dangerous combination.

  15. Jais says:

    You would think William and Kate might bond over their desire to upstage Charles and Camilla.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Jais, but that would require Burger King to be in the presence of KKHate and we all know that he would rather walk on hot coals than be around her or even speak with her.

    • Debbie says:

      Imagine being Charles and waiting so long for your mummy to die so you can finally be king. Then, you throw yourself the most expensive coronation the taxpayers can afford, complete with a golden carriage. You get to experience your very own Big Boy Trooping The Colours but the newspapers fail to publish your photos on the front page. Tsk, tsk. (And it couldn’t happen to a more petty skunk.). Right about now, Charles is probably thinking, “Quick, someone get my Gold Stick!”

  16. Ahem says:

    Charlotte is a cute kid but she needs her hair left alone. Someone is obviously trying to lighten her hair and it’s quite noticeable in this photo.

    • IRONE says:

      Her parents are desperate to make her the blonde-haired Diana’s granddaughter! She will wear fake blue lenses soon.

    • SarahCS says:

      Possibly but at her age I was light blond and as an adult my hair is dark brunette.

    • MerryGirl says:

      Yeah I noticed that all of a sudden all of the Wales kids have blond hair…are they coloring their hair to appear to look like Diana rather than the Middletons who they look like?

      • IRONE says:

        @MERRYGIRL That’s because Lili has golden-reddish hair and blue eyes, (She’s Diana’s only blue-eyed grandchild). That’s why they dye their daughter’s hair, they want her to compete with Lili, So Lili won’t be the only Diana’s grandchild with that iconic golden-reddish hair.

    • Shawna says:

      I don’t know. Kids’ hair colors change with the seasons and lighting.

      • sparrow says:

        Exactly. Kids are out and about at playtime and school holidays – hair gets sun kissed. Why should these kids be any different? And we do get really nice weather here! It’s not all rain and gloom.

    • Jaded says:

      I had light brown hair as a kid but it would go streaky blonde in the summer as I was outside so much, in and out of the local swimming pool, etc. I don’t think they’re colouring her hair.

    • Tessa says:

      Louis and Charlotte have light brown hair. George’s appears to be a lighter brown.

    • BothSidesNown says:

      @ Ahem, I don’t think that they are color Charlottes hair as it’s lighter at the lower parts of her hair.

      I agree with @ Jaded, as it’s simply due to her time outside.

  17. s808 says:

    The liege man ain’t lieging I see! And the papers seem more than willing to ignore C&C too. W&K stepping on C&C’s news cycle twice now is just fantastic. You reap what you sow.

  18. IRONE says:

    Looks like Charlotte stole Elizabeth’s dress! Imagine that an 8-year-old girl wears the same clothes as a 96-year-old woman.

    • Marley says:

      Charlotte reminds me of a young Melissa Gilbert as Laura on Little House on the Prairie. The old-fashioned clothes certainly add to that impression!

  19. Becks1 says:

    LOLOLOLOL. They really are turning on each other, aren’t they? My guess is some of these RRs got screaming phone calls from BP so they’re turning it into “its curious” lol.

    And look, William is boring. The kids were just seen at Trooping, so a picture of them isnt really that exciting either. His interview was boring and tone deaf (the excerpts I read.) If boring William and his boring interview can knock off Charles and his first Trooping….from ALL the papers…..maybe the issue is that Charles and his stupid slimmed down working royals only balcony is actually really REALLY boring.

  20. Noor says:

    William also threw the aerial display as well as the various troops formation from the front page

  21. HeyKay says:

    I thought the photos looked nice.
    Of course he got the front page, he has a huge PR staff doing their jobs.

  22. Shawna says:

    Cute picture. As much as I don’t want to admit it, from most people’s point of view (monarchists or people who aren’t into royal gossip), William is having a good few days of press…although I must admit that I’m not taking into account the negative reactions other CBers say they’ve seen to the homelessness rollout.

  23. Nerd says:

    The children are cute, as they always are, but the photos are always so staged and look like what you find in a photo frame you buy at the store. The one where the two oldest are looking up at him in his very stiff as a board demeanor is especially creepy. It’s as if they are being made to become mannequins like their mother. No real emotions or playfulness as children. It’s sad that they don’t have photos of them just genuinely spending time together as a parent with his children. Never really candid, but always staged.

    • Tessa says:

      It’s like they channelled the picture of George Bailey with his children in its a wonderful life in the last scene.

  24. Over it says:

    Wank always looks constipated

    • BothSidesNown says:

      Doesn’t he?? Burger King always look extremely uncomfortable and out of sorts when it isn’t solely him. Does he dislike when others are in the photos with him, even when it’s his children??

  25. HeyKay says:

    CBers, C’mon on.
    It’s Fathers Day pics.
    No snarking, please.
    Btw, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen JLo and her Dad.
    DM has an article about Eminem and his 3 daughters, gotta give him real credit on his parenting those kids. Em came up in poverty, drug use, etc. and those kids are all grown, healthy, educated. A+.

  26. Beverley says:

    Charles taught him well. Pegs learned dirty tricks and revenge tactics simply by observing his old man.

    For Charles – what goes around, comes around.

  27. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Does anyone think this is payback for WanK not getting Royal Lodge?

  28. Lee says:

    Lovely pics, the kids are really cute

  29. J.ferber says:

    Inch by inch, he is slowly reclaiming his hair. I truly believe this is the only project he’s “working on.”

  30. Cattaleya says:

    I wonder if P(ee)W(ee) can spell homelessness 🤔