Alexa Nikolas: Jonah Hill ‘shoved his tongue down my throat’ when I was 16

Alexa Nikolas is 31 years old, but she’s been acting since she was a kid. She’s best known for her role in Zoey 101. During her teen years, she would get invited to Hollywood parties and she was often hanging out with men in their 20s and 30s. Following Sarah Brady’s Instagram receipts of Jonah Hill’s emotional abuse during their relationship (2021-2022), Alexa decided to share her Jonah Hill story:

Jonah Hill has been accused of “predatory behavior” by Alexa Nikolas, the former child star of Zoey 101 fame, in a thread posted to Twitter over the weekend, recounting an alleged incident from the time she was 16. Nikolas’ comments were prompted by a series of recent Instagram posts by Hill’s one-time girlfriend Sarah Brady, in which she accused the actor of being an “emotionally abusive”, “misogynist narcissist.”

Wrote Nikolas in her first tweet on July 8th, “After reading Sarah Brady’s admirable post about #JonahHill I just gotta say when I was 16 I got invited to a house party at #justinlongs house.”

Nikolas claimed that at the party, Hill, “slammed me to the door and shoved his tongue down my throat. I was so appalled I pushed him off of me and ran inside.”

In response to an inquiry by Deadline, Marty Singer, a litigation attorney for Hill, called Nikolas’ accusations “a complete fabrication” adding that “it never happened.”

Singer went on to call Nikolas a “demonstrably unreliable” source and “a serial accuser who has made assorted accusations against multiple men in the entertainment industry.”

Said the actress later in her Twitter thread, “I’ve been traumatized by men in hollywood. It’s truly sad the traumatic events I have lodged in my body and mind. Things have to change.”

[From Deadline]

It’s true that Alexa also name-checked other Hollywood men as abusive or abuser-adjacent, like Justin Long. Alexa said that Long often hosted parties for teenage girls at the house he shared with Jonathan Togo, and Alexa alleges that Togo was sleeping with a 16/17 girl at the time. She also name-checks Seth Macfarlane too. You can see her the start of her thread below. I believe her, and I think it’s interesting that Jonah’s lawyer is Marty Singer, one of the biggest names in “celebrity lawyers.” Marty Singer is getting involved in Alexa Nikolas’s tweets… but not Sarah Brady’s receipts.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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86 Responses to “Alexa Nikolas: Jonah Hill ‘shoved his tongue down my throat’ when I was 16”

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  1. Sarah got the ball rolling and now more stories are coming to light. It just never ends. You hope things will change but they don’t. It’s really awful and frustrating.

    • ML says:

      One of Sarah’s texts said that she put “chicks before dicks” and she’s delivering on trying to warn women going forward. It’s so upsetting that Alexa ran into this a-hole years ago and his reputation never took a knock from the way he’s always treated women. Hopefully at least some of what Alexa and Sarah said will stick with some people and help them avoid (or at least recognize) toxic situations in the future.

  2. Eurydice says:

    Oh, come on. Why would adult men host house parties for teenaged girls? It’s not for intellectual discussion.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Came here to say this. I mean, she makes it sound like this is just business as usual which it probably is.

      • Eurydice says:

        Absolutely, business as usual. I’m not a pearl-clutching person, but it’s just so obvious. And what are these men going to say through their high-priced lawyers? Oh, we behaved like perfect gentlemen, we don’t look at their bodies, we care about their minds, we didn’t lay out the booze, just a nice cup of tea, and we sent them home early so they could get a good night’s sleep.” I mean, seriously.

    • Steph says:

      @ng_76 no they are saying the exact same thing I was thinking. Why was a 16 yo invited to an adult party? If she wasn’t invited then why wasn’t she sent away? Nobody believes these grown ass man were hanging with a child without nefarious reasons. The adults motives and behavior are in question, not the child’s.

    • Betsy says:

      You misread that person’s post.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Yes, #MeToo. Hollywood is full of male predators. Should we hold them responsible? Of course!

      How we hold them responsible has been the challenge all along. If they are successful, there is a whole layer of lawyers and minions to protect them. The women who have had to put up with abuse need to keep speaking out, but it definitely takes tenacity and courage.

      Name them, and if possible, take them to court. The Amber Heard trial has probably scared a lot of women away, but these men need to be hit where it hurts-their reputations and their wallets!

    • Nuks says:

      Oh, he hired Singer. This is going to get freaking bad.

      • Lorelei says:

        Yeah I had the same thought. If he was as innocent and pure as the driven snow, he would not need to be paying Marty Singer to be out there on the attack for him.

  3. AnneL says:

    Not Seth McFarlane! Ugh.

    I’m not at all surprised about this with Hill and disappointed but not that shocked with Justin Long. But I love SM and man, it would suck if he were a predator too.

    • butterflystella says:

      @AnneL, same when it comes to Seth! I crush on him HARD because of his wicked sense of humor (he’s cute, too IMO). I watched that documentary with Jonah and his “therapist” but shut it off because it was SO bad.

      • Lionel says:

        I haven’t been able to even look at Seth since he sang that disgusting “We’ve seen your boobs” song while hosting the Oscars. YMMV.

      • North of Boston says:

        I met Seth’s grandmother at a yard sale once (long story), She was delightful and very chatty , proud of his voice and other talents. Then randomly mentioned that she wasn’t happy with his crasser humor (that show!) or his dating life
        “Nana is not happy with Sethie”

        I wonder now what she knew … she did say something about thinking he should date someone his own age who had her own career, home, life.

        On JH and that therapy documentary, a guy friend of mine keeps recommending it and quoting it to me, and every time I cringe. Jonah Hill has never been my cup of tea, and that bits I’ve seen of that show annoy TF out of me … why would I want to spend any time watching those two self involved people.

        No surprise, my friend is, though a good guy in many ways, someone who often shows no respect for others’ boundaries or tries to get his way in what he likely thinks are clever ways (for example, he repeatedly shows up without calling, even though I’ve repeatedly told him not to. He just likes to come when he wants, doesn’t like to commit, wants to be able to change his mind at the last second. Now if I see his car pull up when I’m not expecting him, I walk outside and say “oh, hi! Wished I’d known you were coming. Hope we can catch up soon!” And get in my car and drive away.

      • ME says:

        @ North of Boston

        I really enjoy reading your comments. You have interesting stories to share. Thank you. The last part of your comment about driving away made me laugh. That is hilarious. Your friend probably thinks you’re always on the go. Has he ever said “oh I’ll go with you then”? LOL.

    • H says:

      And see, I’m the opposite. I’m totally shocked about Justin Long and not about Seth. I was at Comic-Con one year at a Family Guy panel and Seth was an absolute jerk to a woman who asked him questions. Plus, he was sloppy drunk on the panel (brought his bottle with him!) It was embarrassing, and the way he talked to the woman… I’ve never watched Family Guy ever again.

      • Lorelei says:

        @H, same! I was surprised about Justin Long too, even though admittedly I’ve never paid all that much attention to him. I read once years ago that we share the same birthday, so I always think of that when I see him, but he always comes across as a nice guy (I know that means absolutely nothing and he could be a completely different person behind closed doors, when no cameras are rolling, but I just never got a “sleazy” vibe from him).

        @North of Boston I am in hysterics at “Nana is not happy with Sethie!” 😭

    • Betsy says:

      Really? You look at Family Guy and think that’s a man who respects women?

      • Mango says:

        Exactly. I think several cartoons that were “edgy”, had a male lead character and were made for teen/adult audiences (Family Guy, South Park, Ren & Stimpy) had problematic creators who had twisted views about life and people. I never liked this guy. Actually a lot of comedians are problematic. If the humor is mean spirited I don’t like it.

    • Lisatorner says:

      Seth McFarland has been outed as a disgusting misogynist creep ever since he had all that plastic surgery in the 2000s.
      He is a classic incel who got famous, got a ton of plastic surgery (kardashian or Elon musk level) and proceeded to write a bunch of “comedy” punching down at women and every vulnerable class.
      Many women have come out against him- before and during Me Too.
      one super young girlfriend who was on that show The Orville and he had her fired when she broke up with him.

      He’s awful and it blows my mind people think he’s “cute” or funny wtf!!!.

      • ME says:

        He had plastic surgery? Had no idea about that, I have to google to see what he used to look like, if there are pics out there I mean. Yeah how has this man had such a successful career? It boggles the mind how some dudes are exempt from cancellation no matter what they do.

      • BrainFog says:

        I had to stop watching The Orville somewhere during season 1. The misogyny was so obvious (to me), it was really painful.

      • Betsy says:

        This is his *after*?!?

    • tealily says:

      McFarland has also consistently called out predators on his shows (I’m thinking specifically of Kevin Spacey, but I know there were others), so I can see being surprised by this too. But yeah, his humor is pretty hateful towards women.

      • You are absolutely right, tealily! I do recall once on TMZ Seth was coming out of a club with two women and they were headed to his place… Gawd knows what was going to happen, but they were definitely over 21. I do want to put it out there IMO Vilmer Valderama is a predator as well.

  4. Chaine says:

    as soon as I saw the news stories about his controlling behavior with a woman on her mid-twenties with an established career, I assumed we would find out he was a predator of younger, less assertive and less worldly people. A little shocked at just how young.

  5. Miranda says:

    She’s probably a serial accuser because it serially happened. Hollywood doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to sexual misconduct involving child stars. Shirley Temple was getting flashed by producers almost 90 years ago, and conditions don’t seem to have improved very much in the interim.

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      Exactly. Men talk and discuss who has had which one and which ones are easy to exploit. Even the “good” ones/your favorites. A girl/woman in Hollywood who’s been abused by more than one person is telling the absolute truth. Hey, ladies. Do not put any of your Hollywood faves on a pedestal. No one. Not one. Not the liberalist of the liberal, because most of them have let you down, you just don’t know it yet.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That was my thinking exactly.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Spot on Miranda! Thank you ThatsNotOkay!

    • Agirlandherdogs says:

      Exactly. He could have said “false allegations” or “false accusations,” yet didn’t. Which speaks to the truth of them.

  6. ML says:

    I don’t have Twitter and refuse to support that douche lobster Elon, so I will take your word on what was tweeted.

    “Marty Singer is getting involved in Alexa Nikolas’s tweets… but not Sarah Brady’s receipts.“ Yeah, Marty Singer doesn’t believe that Alexa has receipts and that people will believe the word of s 16-year old who went to parties with grown men. Gross!

    • hmmm says:

      I believe it’s also ease of prosecution. It’s much easier to go after the person alleging assault for defamation, than it is to go after the person who has simply posted screenshots. I don’t think they could legally go after Sarah for what she has done so far.

    • Emily says:

      Jonah won’t get legally involved in the messages Brady shared because he’s maintaining there’s nothing wrong with the content of the messages. Plenty of people on the internet don’t see what’s wrong with them either, so no defamation case (even though we here at CB can see the abuse).

      • Bee says:

        *Most of us here. A small number of the comments on those threads were just awful. I’ve never seen his appeal but he apparently has some very loyal fans, even around here.

        TBH I expected a certain amount of pushback, especially from those fortunate enough not to have experienced that type of abusive relationship, because that comes up every time, but I did not anticipate how much or how intense it would be. :sadface:

        I think the males who are caping for him either do not see the problem with controlling women, or think it’s their god given right. Like the Tater Tots. Bunch of incels. There is a lot of male toxicity out there right now. As someone who has been a feminist activist for decades, it is disappointing (to say the least).

        Anyway, I’m looking into my crystal ball and predicting that there will be more. There always are.

        **The best thing you can do if you encounter someone like this is to get away ASAP.**

  7. Ponsby says:

    Has she name checked other actors? Sure. But does it all seem tremendously credible? YES. Seth Macfarlane didn’t even bother trying to hide his obsession with teenage actresses like Amanda Bynes etc. back in the day. Then he poached that actress from his own show, Halston Sage, when she was twenty years younger AND his employee – and Togo was literally arrested for felony domestic violence! – I mean, it hardly seems like a radical stretch to me that men who are out and out creeps in public are even creepier in private.

    • AnneL says:

      Wow. I didn’t know this about Seth and I am so, so disappointed to read this. I thought he was a decent sort. UGH.

      • Bee says:

        Have you ever seen Family Guy? I’m honestly asking. I watched it once and it was dripping with misogyny. Which is too bad because the Katie Holmes escape sequence was brilliant. I feel guilty about it but I still enjoy that particular clip.

        Seriously, we need to stop supporting misogynist programming. It normalizes this shit, especially for boys. Why sit there and let yourself be insulted? If I wanted to be insulted I’d go on reddit.

    • Zoochy says:

      Seth Macfarlane had always had creep energy. He dated Emilia Clarke when she was really young too

      • Dot says:

        Seth dated Halson Sage during the first season of the Orville, when she was 23 and he was 43 … that’s not “teenage”, but it’s still pretty sketch in my book.

    • Mango says:


      I completely agree with you about Family Guy and Reddit. Both terrible influences on young boys.

      • Bee says:

        Reddit has some good corners. You just have to pick and choose.

        Family Guy has like two good clips.

        But yeah a lot of both of them is just terrible.

  8. Laura says:

    A lot of victim blaming in that thread. We need another MeToo movement.

    • Emily says:

      We sure do. Most women have a story like Alexa’s or worse, yet people fall all over themselves to vilify women in the defense of credibly accused men.

  9. Bad Janet says:

    It’s so disgusting to see that gaslighting like this is STILL the M.O.

    This attorney calling her a serial liar is so infuriating, I just want to believe her even more. Why were these grown ass 30 year oldish men inviting high school aged girls to house parties? Let’s do the math. Sure, Jonah’s the credible witness in this story, Chad.

    As a child on TV for a notorious show, yeah, she no doubt has a LOT of accusations she could make and hasn’t yet.

  10. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “ Singer went on to call Nikolas a “demonstrably unreliable” source and “a serial accuser who has made assorted accusations against multiple men in the entertainment industry.”

    Ohhh, he’s so close to getting it!

    But seriously, Singer is acting like there hasn’t been an avalanche of MeToo reveals since 2017. Hollywood men have ALWAYS preyed on young girls. ALWAYS.

    Also, good for Alexa for naming names. I hope she has support and protection.

    • AnneL says:

      I can’t help but remember the scene in “Annie Hall,” which came out in the 1970s, where Woody Allen’s character goes to Los Angeles and is picked up at the airport by a friend who is in the business out there. The friend is mad because he got interrupted while having (or trying to have) a threesome with teenaged twins. 16, maybe 17 years old. And he’s like “Twins, Max! Twins!”

      It was a line that got a laugh at the time, but now it’s just so disturbing.

  11. teehee says:

    “It never happened” B!TCH WERE YOU THERE!?!??!

  12. slippers4life says:

    Calling her a “serial accuser”? Absolutely disgusting! I believe her. Much of that whole crop of millennial aged comedy bro crew squeaked through the height of the “me too” movement and thought They got away with it. Like, you invite teenage girls to a party? Time for the reckoning of all those douche bags who think they got away scott free!

  13. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Also, before anyone comes in here and is all “well, why did she go to the party if she was so young?!?!!!?!”… it’s because these parties are sold as “networking with bigwigs who are looking for new talent” when really the parties are thrown for mediocre losers who can’t get an age appropriate date so they throw parties looking for potential prostitutes.

    Even worse, the agents and managers know this and they still advise their clients to go to the “networking” parties because this job is about “who you know” and “making connections”.

    So don’t even come in here and victim blame these young girls and boys (boys are prey, too).

    • slippers4life says:

      100% this!

    • Kate says:

      Also…teenagers like to have a fun time? How many parties did y’all go to as teens? Did that mean you were expecting or “asking for” someone to sexually assault you?

    • SIde Eye says:

      Great post BlueNailsBetty! Yes to everything you just said.

    • Yonati says:

      Not victim blaming. Men do shite like this all the time. I want to know where her parents were.

    • BQM says:

      I want to know where the parents were. Yes, teenagers fib sometimes about where they’re going. But in a predatory place like Hollywood I’d do everything short of a tracker. They’re still minors and your responsibility.
      I mean, this sounds like it was late at night. My 16 year olds still had a curfew. I don’t blame the children, of both sexes, at all. Even with B list actors it would seem glamorous and exciting and flattering.

      I wonder if the parents were actively encouraging it. We’ve certainly read a bunch of stage parent horror stories over the years. Makes you appreciate parents like zendaya’s. She seems to have navigated through childhood stardom well.

  14. ME says:

    Is anyone surprised by this? It’s Hollywood. So much shit goes on there, it’s wild. Also, I don’t understand how these young teens had no supervision at that age. Where were the parents? Just because your child is an actor and making money, doesn’t mean they should be out and about in Hollywood around gross adult men trying to take advantage of them.

    • Jessica says:

      I’m not an actress and I have the same story, older men prey young girls because we’re easy to manipulate and eager to feel older. This is 100 percent on the MEN, not the parents or the girls.

      • ME says:

        Duh, obviously the men are to blame here. I never said any of the blame was on the girls…but the parents do have some responsibility in ensuring their children’s safety. You don’t just let teens do as they please, regardless of fame/money. There needs to be supervision, especially in a place like Hollywood. There is nothing wrong with what I said.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @ME: if a 16yo wants to go to a party, that 16yo will go to a party.

      • ME says:

        @ BeanieBean

        I think maybe there is a cultural difference or difference in upbringing. As a 16 y.o brown girl, daughter of immigrants, and an immigrant myself…I feared my parents. I wouldn’t just go to a party. Actually, as a brown girl in a pretty much all white school, they never invited me much…but I wouldn’t be able to go anyways. You got parents with two jobs, you got housework, cooking to do, plus you MUST get good grades. They didn’t bring you to another country to fail. Maybe some of you all had freedoms some of us never got. But maybe that was a blessing in disguise.

      • Jaded says:

        @BeanieBean — you are 100% right. As a teen in the sixties I’d tell my uber strict parents I was going to my best pal’s place but we’d sneak out to a party if her parents were out. Teens are gonna do what they want to do in spite of their parents’ restrictions.

      • Mallory says:

        There has long been a culture in the US around teens sneaking around, lying to parents & coordinating so we could go to parties…and pedo men know that too. No shame to parents who are trying their best in this rat race too.

      • ME says:

        @ Jaded

        There is no right or wrong when it comes to personal experiences and cultural differences. My experiences are not wrong or make them any less real than yours or anyone else’s. All teens are not the same. All parents are not the same. But as a parent, it is legally your responsibility to do what you can to protect your children. I know in Hollywood, they treat 16 year olds like they are 21 but that really needs to change. These girls need protection. They need someone looking out for them, it should be the parents, or at least whomever is their guardian.

    • Coco says:

      Sadly for many it dose. You have non-Nepo kids whose parents care more about money and turn a blind eye or encourage it (Britney Spears’s parents ) Then you have the parents who stop parenting their young children because the child is making a lot of money I.e. (Justin Bieber, mom) (Brooke Shields mom)

      The other side of that coin is the influential parents who do not see anything wrong with it. They go to these parties, they know about these parties, and they’ve been to these parties; as children themselves so they don’t see anything wrong. For them it is just a part of the business (Drew Barrymore’s parents)

      • ME says:

        Yup and that’s the problem right there. Money trumps all. Very sad indeed. You hear of some young actresses/singers who had great parents, who shielded them from this. Zendaya is a good example of this.

    • Yonati says:

      @ME I agree and I’m white. Unfortunately, some parents leave their kids on set while they run an errand or two or go to work. Having a child as an actor means someone needs to be on set with them. Zendaya has great parents. I have a friend whose kid is a fairly famous movie actor and she or his father was always on set with him, wherever the set was, from the time he started acting until age 18. He is not afraid of his parents at all; they’ve made it clear from early on that they would always be there.

  15. Jessica says:

    There it is, I figured more would come out. I can’t believe anyone was defending Jonah and saying what he said wasn’t that bad and the ex was being dramatic. Plus how many of us have this same story of hanging out with older men when we were teenagers? I’m guessing a lot of us, men prey on young girls for a reason! There’s no excuse for Jonah’s behavior.

    • detritus says:

      The thread yesterday just reminded me of how far we still have to go.

      It’s disappointing to see people defending his behaviour. As if the benefit of the doubt didn’t also extend to the accuser.

      And the blatant misogyny of calling a woman stepping forward dramatic, attention seeking, etc.

      I wanted to take a moment to thank you and all the other commenters who stepped up to disagree with those narratives. Who shared personal stories. Y’all are the needed change. Thank you.

      • Jaded says:

        Agree. What got me the most angry were comments saying “She knew what she was getting into from the start” or “Why did she stay with him for so long” as if she was some calculating gold-digger/clout chaser. Having been the victim of someone like JH, it happens gradually. At first you’re love-bombed like no man has ever done and you fall into the trap. Then bit by bit they begin to erode your self-confidence, your independence, your self-esteem until you start believing you’re to blame for the fault lines appearing in the relationship. Gaslighting and manipulation at it’s finest. A pox on all of those douche-bros and I hope more women are emboldened to come out with their stories of emotional and physical abuse by them.

      • Normades says:

        I’ve seen so many comments about how unclassy it was of her to share those texts. No. Nobody should ever make those kinds of demands on a woman. That she not associate with men or certain women, not dress and present herself the way she choses. Screw him, I’m glad she put him on blast.

  16. detritus says:

    What we heard from Sarah is what Hill was comfortable putting in writing. What we hear from Alexa is what he’s comfortable doing in a mostly private setting.

    IMO, Singer is getting involved because assaulting a minor is a lot different from texts that don’t show abuse in such a clear way that it is obvious even to the uneducated. Those who have worked in DV, or sadly experienced it in real life, know all too well, it’s glaringly obvious.

    I’m sure both Hill and Longs PR are happy to take advantage of the general public’s ignorance. In a more clear cut case with a minor, it becomes more important to discredit the witness because the general public won’t do it on their own.

    Plus, tmk, statute of limitations often don’t apply to assaults on a minor.

  17. Grounder says:

    I’ve always side-eyed Hill’s bromance with DiCaprio. Birds of a feather, what, what.

  18. Lady Keller says:

    Singer went on to call Nikolas a “demonstrably unreliable” source and “a serial accuser who has made assorted accusations against multiple men in the entertainment industry.”

    So clearly she’s the problem. Out there accusing these poor men of misbehaving. Or maybe, just maybe men are pigs. And this poor girl has been treated terribly by multiple men.

    If I knew the names of the men who groped me, made lewd gestures, made overly sexual comments, intimidated me……I could fill pages. And it all started at around age 12. And I was a quiet and studious kid, always looking to avoid attention.

    Maybe, just maybe it’s not the girls who are the problem.

  19. J says:

    Horrible. He’s so gross!

  20. Amy Tennant says:

    If Alexa is a “serial accuser,” you know what? Imma believe her every. single. time. I grew up far from Hollywood and know what it was like for me just being a regular teenage girl. And she was on a DAN SCHNEIDER show

  21. MsGnomer says:

    What a dream come true, Jonah shoving his tongue in anyone’s mouth. What a complex artist. What talent.

  22. bisynaptic says:

    “a serial accuser who has made assorted accusations against multiple men in the entertainment industry.”
    —LOL oh, noes! Imagine that!