Princess Kate will celebrate a ‘golden opportunity’ at her annual carol event

Kensington Palace announced this weekend that the Princess of Wales would host her third annual Christmas piano recital. They released a new-to-us photo, although this was taken during the preparations for last year’s Christmas concert. The first “Together at Christmas” carol concert happened in 2021, with Kate prerecording a very cheesy “piano recital” performance and no one even believed she was actually playing. Then, last year’s concert was used as the Windsors’ unhinged dig at the Duchess of Sussex, because she said in the Netflix docuseries that she was told to never wear the same color as the other royals or wear a color that stood out, so Kate got all of the women to wear burgundy. It was asinine. What will this year’s event bring?

The Princess of Wales will take part in a Christmas carol concert to “say a big thank-you” to early years workers around the country, Kensington Palace has said. She is returning to Westminster Abbey for the service, now in its third year, which is being held to celebrate “the golden opportunity” of new birth this year.

A Kensington Palace spokesman said: “We are really looking forward to returning to Westminster Abbey again this year, this time to say a big thank-you to the incredible individuals who support families up and down the country every single day.”

The service, in conjunction with her work on the early years, will be attended with practitioners, midwives, nursery teachers and community volunteers, as well as members of the Royal family.

“Midwives, health visitors, baby bank volunteers, and all others in the early years workforce play a vital role in shaping the society of tomorrow,” the spokesman added.

Last year’s service, which came just three months after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, was dedicated to “all those who are sadly no longer with us”.

It is understood that this year’s concert at the Abbey will showcase the hope of new life and why it is important to build supportive and nurturing environments and relationships around children and the adults in their lives. It is expected that traditional and modern elements will be combined to “encompass people of all faiths and none”.

The palace spokesman said: “It’s set to be a wonderful way to end the year for the Princess, who launched her ‘Shaping Us’ campaign in January.” The pre-recorded service, to be held on Dec 8, is broadcast on Christmas Eve on ITV.

[From The Telegraph]

I burst out laughing at “which is being held to celebrate ‘the golden opportunity’ of new birth this year.” Kensington Palace is trying so hard to make everything “golden” these days, repeatedly mentioning “the golden thread” of William and Kate’s “work,” and now the “golden opportunity” of… a new year. Kate will use the golden opportunity of a golden Christmas carol show to show off her golden-highlight discount wig and all of her jewelry will be golden. I seriously wonder what unhinged thing Kate has in store this year. She’s planning something.

Some of my favorites from Kate’s previous Together At Christmas appearances and promotion:

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar, Cover Images and Kensington Palace.

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103 Responses to “Princess Kate will celebrate a ‘golden opportunity’ at her annual carol event”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    She’s hanging on by her fingernails to get to her golden anniversary. Anyway, I expect much on-the-nose gold decorations and a gold gown with many many gold buttons.

    • Jais says:

      Lol, she can bring back the James Bond gold disco ball dress for this new golden opportunity.

    • seaflower says:

      50 years? She wishes.

    • Avonan says:

      Yes, your prediction about her wearing gold seems spot on! CopyKeen, the theme queen, will be in gold, just as her nemesis Meghan was in May (designer Johanna Ortiz) for the Women of Vision Awards in NYC. She will undoubtedly miss her mark, however.

      In that top photo, Keen resembles Karen Carpenter.

      • Missskitttin says:

        She’s looking more and more like Karen carpenter

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I have gotten Karen Carpenter vibes from Kate for a while off and on. I remember being very struck by it in the family photo that Charles got before his second son peaced out – Charles, Camilla, W&K, H&M, the three kids (L was a baby).

        Partly it was the super seventies style dress that K was wearing, but combined with the hair/thin face/expression … I saw a ghost.

        (No diss intended on La Carpenter, I was a big fan and mourn her still. But she wasn’t healthy.)

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Wait wait wait.

      She and William are looking at each other with something akin to warmth. Or at least – not hatred/ disgust.

      Was that from last years concert? A lot has changed in one year holy crap.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That was the year of ‘festive glances’. And if you look again, you’ll see William isn’t really looking at Kate, he’s looking in her direction but at something beyond her, maybe dreaming of the day he dump her & the kids & run off to ‘Africa’.

      • Nic919 says:

        This was two years ago and there is a larger shot showing that he was looking elsewhere. British photographers spend a lot of time making it look like these two interact with each other or stand near each other. It’s wild how they angle shots to make it look like they are possibly touch hands but in the video of the same event you see Kate or William is a foot away.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        the reading in between the lines for the purpose of this event is showing of bad their union is? “the hope of new life” as golden opportunity? They’re cracking under pressure and now this? so this is really a soft launch of their separation. ..

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Look. Korea has the best cosmetic procedures – both invasive and for skin – as well as the best skin care in the world. Why the hell doesn’t she go there and get refreshed.

      They make a plan. They do things in stages. It’s not all – omg shove filler in there, I have an appearance tomorrow.

      She disappears for long enough that she could easily manage this

      regular people go and get treated and even with full recovery time, it’s nothing like American plastic surgery.

      She needs to go kbeauty. If it can’t save her, I don’t know what can.

      • JenCF says:

        Yep, best to do it in increments so the refreshing doesn’t seem so…violent. But I surmise she is barred from getting anything other than mild Botox because Wm. wants her to visibly age in order to try to even the playing field. Mostly she has to rely on the BM’s photoshopping skills. HC3 also uses this tactic with Camilla. Keep those wrinkles coming!

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Even with photoshop, her face looks off. More crooked than it used to be. She is clearly having work done, and it’s not just botox. It looks like she periodically gets her eye bags tucked, and jowels nipped, but it comes back. You can’t outrun time, and you will ruin your face trying.

    • ales says:

      Boring, boring and more boring. Spending bucket loads of money on a Christmas carol concert. K buying more new clothes to pose in, making it all about her as usual. The British can starve and freeze and not be able to afford Christmas or much else, as long as Khate gets to pose for more photos, thats all that matters to her. That is not thanking anyone, its pure narcissism.

  2. Well maybe that’s why she has had taped fingers because she has been working them so hard for this event. Another taped video of her mangling the ivory’s to be shown at a Christmas event. I’m sure the poor and starving and cold population will be satiated and warmed with this (not). Another look at me doing nothing for you event.

  3. Lady Esther says:

    Festive glances ahoy! I’m surprised she’s sticking with it…wasn’t she afraid to make any annual appearances because she didn’t want to “raise expectations” that she’d commit to something every year? Maybe because this event is actually All About Her, so she’s game?

    • Ginger says:

      Probably. She overtook this Christmas concert and made it about herself. All she does is go to it. That it’s. She doesn’t make a speech or even work on it. She had a pre recorded piano recital ( that I am sure she didn’t even play) This concert has been going on for years but now it’s Kate’s.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Right? Even the palace spokesperson says it–this is going to be great…for Kate. It’s all about Kate. I mean, wow.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Is she trying to become the UK’s Mariah? Queen of Christmas?

      I think she likes this because it’s a yearly legacy/ continuity thing. If William dumps her, the concert will be empty! Everyone will notice!!!

      Because so far she’s been shipped off to a “tiny” cottage (and we all know how well the royals maintain the homes of rivals or royals needing a lesson) that is decorated entirely with the repurposed trappings and finishes of a royal yacht that was re-decorated. And no one cares.

      She has “no staff” probably beyond things for the kids. No secretary. No stylist. No makeup artist. No hair stylist.

      And no one notices or cares.

      Her budget has been slashed – see Frankenstein’s cast off boots with ill fitting jeans – and she’s being left out of all of Williams “big” appearances. Her photoshop has been pulled. And likely her wardrobe from the multiple houses has been confiscated.

      And no one notices or cares.

      So she needs Christmas to be her thing so people notice when she’s gone.

  4. Tessa says:

    She will be back with her.liberace style concert. Though Liberace had real talent
    Kate can plunk some keys in a heavily edited tape and wear sparkly buttons and her wig with ribbons on it. She might channel the Osmond family by having the children sing we wish you a merry Christmas. And none of the real performers get much attention. Maybe William can be a statesman and read a speech

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      William – “this concert is to celebrate those who help support family and children during their early years or as my wife says it – the errrrhhhly yassrrrhs.”

    • AmB says:

      @Tessa – Don’t be dragging Liberace into this. He had more talent, brio, warmth, and showmanship in his pinky fingernail than Kate will ever have!

      • Tessa says:

        Liberace had great talent. Kate cannot play the piano but fakes it. The only thing Kate can do is wear gold or silver sparkles. Liberace was a great showman. Kate needs to let the real perforders have center stage

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    All the early years workers have enough challenges in their lives without being subjected to Kate’s piano playing. Not to mention that rictus grin. And I use the term “piano playing” very loosely.

  6. Molly says:

    “…and why it is important to build supportive and nurturing environments …” Ah, the ever-elusive “why”. The blank that is never filled in. But that would take… work.

  7. Tessa says:

    She is just doing another fashion shoot grinning insanely at the piano.

  8. Chaine says:

    What’s with the 1970s vibe in the top photo? Looks like we will be having a very Karen Carpenter Christmas

  9. Jais says:

    Honestly, I don’t hate this event for her. The princess hosting a Christmas Carol event each year. It feels princessy. As long as she doesn’t continue to do her piano playing. That was a joke and offensive. Mostly I wonder if the abbey is cold and drafty during the performance though. And finally, looking back at the pics, I really really love the turtleneck fair isle sweater.

    • Tessa says:

      Pretending to play piano is one thing. But she makes the concerts about herself it should be about the performers not kate.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s not a bad event for her. Like almost everything else though, the KP PR (or the Middleton PR) does her no favors because there’s the idea that this is the most important christmas concert of them all and Kate is the Christmas queen etc etc.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      I LOVE that sweater!

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s great for her PR but outside of the few early years workers invited to attend, what does it do for anyone? And she doesn’t even raise money to help the workers.

      • Jais says:

        All true. It doesn’t really do much. But it forces a bunch of the royals to go to Westminster abbey in coats that we can talk about🙄 So yeah, pr. It’s possible the attendees enjoy the experience, which is why I wondered how cold the church was😂. Like if the early years workers that go have a nice night then whatever fine. Is it groundbreaking? No. But the bar is low and a royal hosting a Christmas event seems like something out of a hallmark movie so it’s not a bad pr move. It offends me less than the landmark symposium. Again, as long as she doesn’t play the piano and it’s not hailed as the second coming or something.

  10. Ariel says:

    I know this goes without saying (here) but the royal women all showing up in burgundy isn’t the flax or proof they thought it was. The point was never – they can’t wear similar things (excepting with the late queen) it was that the non white royal was given insane rules/obstacles for everything, no matter what she did- she was told it was wrong, by the royal “experts” in the “press”, the courtiers/staff and the racist family.

    Sorry, it still makes me angry when I see how racist they are- the royal and the whole media.

  11. Concern Fae says:

    She wouldn’t seem half as bad if they weren’t constantly trying to embiggen her. Ridiculous.

  12. CatMum says:

    it’s in its third (festive!) year! and the early years are important!


    good luck, Catherine. I’m sure you’ll need it.

  13. Eurydice says:

    Kate is always a source of entertainment, although not in the way she intends. Beyonce had silver, now Kate has GOLD!!

  14. AMTC says:

    “this year’s concert at the Abbey will showcase … why it is important to build supportive and nurturing environments and relationships around children and the adults in their lives”

    Yep, the RF really lead the way on that metric.

  15. Caitlin says:

    Let me guess – attendees are encouraged (asked?) to bring a generous donation to whatever charity Kate is “highlighting” on that particular day.

    • Libra says:

      It’s pretty standard to bring a donation to the Christmas concert. We have a big box by the door for canned goods and boxed food.

  16. Miranda says:

    All the money they’re spending on her self-indulgent schlockfest could be going to actual established and well-researched, but poorly funded, programs to help young children. Wanna tie music into it? Donate some instruments to nurseries and schools in underprivileged areas. Hell, it seems like she’s missing a golden opportunity to be photographed grinning maniacally and making jazz hands while a frightened non-white child pecks out “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on a cheap Casio.

    • SURE says:

      Are WanK actually spending any of “their” own money on this PR exercise? I assumed the network producing the show was also funding it.

      • Cecile730 says:

        No money is ever spend on the charity with this 2. It’s all for them as PR prop and as a way to pay a new ugly wardrobe for Keen.

  17. Lulu says:

    Kate is so so happy William didn’t bench her from this. Wonder if he let her buy another new dress.

    • The Duchess says:

      Maybe he might bench himself from it. I’m sure he’ll come down with the Christmas ‘flu’ to avoid it.

  18. Harper says:

    It feels wrong to have the Westminster Carol Concert hijacked and turned into an Arly Years event. The self-aggrandizing piano performances were one thing; this feels really off to force feed the audience more of her Arly Years word salad spliced in with the carols. Whoever was in charge of production of this event before Kate appropriated it must be irked to no end.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      All of this and I’ll add… aren’t the “conservatives” the ones who blather on about the lefties killing Christmas and Jesus is the reason for the season and all that stuff? Because mixing Kate’s business/work (<—I use those words very loosely) with the Christmas celebration seems like the celebration is less about the birth of the Christ and more of a let’s-promote-Kate event.

    • Nic919 says:

      I believe it is a separate Carol concert, at least it was the first year she did it. The original one gets broadcast on BBC whereas the kate show is on ITV.

  19. Digital Unicorn says:

    Hmm, so this is what she is choosing to be her annual event but not the many other annual events that she is expected to attend such as handing out shamrocks to the Irish Guards, all her patronages that she ignores for the most part.

    Anyway, these photos make her look like she’s modelling for the new Middleton scam Christmas catalogue.

  20. Jensa says:

    Not this dreary old thing again. Grim-faced members of the public freezing their arses off in a cold cathedral in December, the same old carols that the BBC does in its (more popular) traditional TV carol concert, some underwhelming “stunt” by Kate like that piano piece she did, a whole nation switching over to watch Repair Shop on TV instead …
    And this is to plug “early years” yet again? Despite absolutely nothing having been achieved in relation to this so-called initiative since its launch.
    Dull. Dire. Uninspiring.

    • Lauren says:

      I love repair shop, I even have their book

    • Deering24 says:

      ” a whole nation switching over to watch Repair Shop on TV instead …”

      😂🤣😂🤣 Could be worse–across the pond here, you could be stuck between endless tooth-rotting Xmas movies and gaudy-mug holiday cooking shows that produce neon pastries made from no element known to humankind…🤮😉

  21. Jensa says:

    Also, I wonder if the Middletons will be there on the front row grinning like Cheshire cats, like last year. Or will they be keeping a low profile this time.

    • ML says:

      Ooo, the suspense is killing us.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Okay, now I’m interested in this performance. If the Middletons attend the event will that signify approval from the royals? Or will some of the royals skip this year if the Middletons attend. If Charles is there and the Midds are there does that mean he doesn’t have a problem with them being royal adjacent?

      Personally, I think if the Midds are not there then the divorce is on and will be announced sometime after the new year.

      I guess we’ll find out December 8.

    • VilleRose says:

      I feel like last year they were more low-key? They were there but I didn’t get the vibe they were preening and self-congratulatory.

      • Nic919 says:

        They were part of the burgundy brigade so maybe that’s why they didn’t stand out, but this was before the bankruptcy info was made public, so they all attended en masse except for Pippa’s husband.

      • Harper says:

        The Middletons will be there, but I could see William, C-Rex and Cam-Rex having busy diaries.

  22. Amy Bee says:

    These concerts should probably have a fundraising element to it.

    • Jaded says:

      I said that too @Amy Bee before I read your comment. All these wasted opportunities to raise money instead of *awareness*…SMH.

  23. Blujfly says:

    I watched it last year on Britbox… it is deeply religious, Victorian in nature, and boring boring boring boring. The choir is beautiful, the music is beautiful. Very few modern songs, even modern hymns. Solemn. Must see TV it is not, and the way camera are situated in the Abbey means you barely even see Keen and Company. A sop to her father in law and a desperate attempt to tie her to the “Queen Mother.”

  24. equality says:

    She might want to lean less on “gold” as a theme. It might lead to people realizing that the “golden opportunity” for the RF is in stolen treasures and living off others.

    • Jaded says:

      She’d do best putting her gold money where her mouth is and turn this into an opportunity to fund-raise for all the tireless workers and charities she’s damning with faint praise.

      • Caitlin says:

        And it wouldn’t hurt to threw in a few pounds of her own money – you know, “lead by example” as they say. 🤷‍♀️

  25. SussexWatcher says:

    Sorry, not sorry, but those fuzzy-lens photos of her laughing to people only she can see remind me of some 1980s cheesy Summer’s Eve douche commercial! She looks absolutely ridiculous and it’s hilarious seeing all the photos put together. What a waste of space and a cheap wig.

    The whole event is only to center and showcase herself, just like literally everything else the Wailses do. It’s always only about embiggening themselves in their self-proclaimed roles as top CEO, pianist of the year, big boy global statesman, or sexiest bald man alive.

  26. Interested Gawker says:

    🎶Don’t you remember, you told me you loved me, baby?
    You said you’d be coming back this way again, baby
    Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh baby
    I love you, I really do…🎵

  27. tamsin says:

    I think sponsoring a Christmas concert is one of the better schemes for Kate. It could be a nice part of her “legacy.” I read that there will be numerous other concerts the same night elsewhere with the same theme. However, as has been pointed out, the sad thing is that KP makes all of these concerts about her. Why can’t she feature ways early years is being supported by various groups? Why isn’t there a single concert for children specifically? I thought Kate looked quite nice in the promo shot until I saw a shot of the sweater tucked into a pair of trousers. How thin do you have to be to tuck in a thick sweater like that and not look like a whale? Wouldn’t she look better with the sweater over the trousers?

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      The tucked in sweater and not looking bulky IS the point. It’s a huge thing in ED supportive / bragging circles. And thanks to the fashion industry having caught on, it’s very much a “look” right now

  28. Lau says:

    The wig is not going to fit in the frame for sure.

  29. WaterisLife says:

    Gah, she really has set the bar at ground level.

  30. VilleRose says:

    Biggest mystery ever–will she wear a red or green coat this year? She’s worn a red one two years in a row so my money is on red. I went back to the pics from the previous two years, I actually really liked the 2022 coat (the Christmas present bow one was from the first year was ridiculous).

    This is actually a great event for her to be involved in, I wish she were involved in more yearly traditions like this. I wonder if she will be allowed to continue it if she ever divorces?

  31. MinorityReport says:

    So…when the carol concert turns five, does that mean it’s set up for success and we can stop caring? #earlyyears

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    See, Jesus was a baby at Christmastime. And his early years were traumatic, what with King Herod being all murdery toward him. But Mary was a stay-at-home mother, so she was able to focus on his needs.

    Plus he had two fathers, one of whom probably taught him how to make his own wooden educational toys, and a bunch of angels looking out for him — which was practically like having a high-quality preschool. Which all children need.

    Synergy: The birth of Christ and Arly Yars. A truly golden opportunity.

  33. Lady Digby says:

    Looking forward to a festive glance and or bum pat, the saucy minx after she plays all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order on the piano!

    • Mary Pester says:

      Ahhh Kate, this is a house of God, not a house of Kate! How the hell can you Co opt a Carol service to be about early yars. Are you that bloody vain!, it’s Christmas, celebrating the birth of christ, and even though I’m not terribly religious I think this is WRONG on every level. It’s all GOLD, WTF does that actually mean. If you want a Carol service fine, but please don’t cos play liberache in a gold coat! I won’t be watching this debacle of a vanity project.

  34. BeanieBean says:

    This says everything to me: ‘The palace spokesman said: “It’s set to be a wonderful way to end the year for the Princess…’ A charity concert ‘thanking’ (hooboy) others should be about those people, not Kate. That woman thinks of herself and herself only. It’s all about her.

    • Nic919 says:

      For a spokesperson to not understand how bad it looks for the Christmas concert to be about Kate really shows how out of touch everyone in that circle happens to be.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Perhaps it’s the work of their new CEO ?

      Let’s hope the debtor mother doesn’t dare show her face at the Carol service.

      In the pictures above especially the 2nd one KM looks like Zoe Wannamaker.

  35. Jay says:

    Wait, does that mean that she changed her sweater last year when those “candid” photos of her “helping” to decorate were released? Or were those photos even older?

    It’s a weird choice to publish one photo of her decorating alone (well, alone unless you count that janky wig), but why are there several photos? Why aren’t we seeing her laughing and holding up the decorations in a group? Why is she by herself? The more I think about it the weirder it gets.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Kate’s photos are always weird. Often times she is the only person smiling and laughing in a picture, for no apparent reason. She “leans in” to speak to one of her children, gesturing to nothing in particular, so she can be in the photo with them. Who is she laughing with in that top photo? No one. Because Kate’s alone and doesn’t have actual friends, or a husband who cares about her, to do this with. Maybe she laughing with a ghost? Like the ghost of her marriage that died before Louis was born?

      • aftershocks says:

        “Maybe she laughing with a ghost? Like the ghost of her marriage that died before Louis was born?”

        EGADS! 😳😲😩😭🙀🫥💀 But, I think you hit the nail on its head. 💯 🎯 📌🔨 😱 👻 🥶 🤡🤪🙈

    • Jais says:

      It’s really weird actually. Why isn’t she festively decorating the tree with other people? Please, like she decorated that she tree all by herself. It’s just such an obvious photo-op.

  36. kelleybelle says:

    This again? Spare us the vacuous guffawing pix this year please, and those dresses with the big “drunken” bows on them. Thanks in advance.

  37. Cali says:

    What a difference a year or two makes. Even with photo shopping Kate does not look well these days.
    On another topic, I’m amazed that no one has commented on the retro red cropped cardigan. I actually love it despite it being fussy and an overly girlish.

  38. Square2 says:

    Sorry, I have no grace left for this woman & her Middleton clan. Everything she did/will do is only to benefit herself. Did you all forget her piano stunt last year, trying to hijack the EuroVision song contest final?

    She does not care every day people.