Princess Kate is ‘doing well’ as she recovers from abdominal surgery in the hospital

Is anyone else genuinely surprised that we still don’t know the Princess of Wales’s mysterious illness or ailment? Kensington Palace cited Kate’s “medical privacy” in their statement, but the British media seems to play fast and loose with who gets privacy for what. I’m actually starting to wonder if Kate’s hospitalization will turn out to be one of those open secrets among the rota. In any case, palace aides are speaking to journalists off-the-record, but we’re still left with more questions than answers. They’re still insisting that Kate checked into the hospital on Tuesday for a scheduled surgery, and that she will be in the hospital for the next ten to fourteen days, after which she will need a months-long recovery. We also know that William is canceling his schedule in solidarity with his wife. Here’s more from the Mail:

The Princess of Wales is said to be ‘doing well’ after having a successful abdominal surgery, according to Palace sources. Kate Middleton, 42, was admitted to The London Clinic in Marylebone yesterday for the planned procedure this afternoon. It is said to have been a success and the Princess is now ‘doing well’ in her recovery, sources told The Times.

The future Queen is expected to remain in hospital for ten to 14 days after which she will return home to Windsor to continue her recovery with the support of her family, Kensington Palace said. It is understood not to be cancerous. The Princess is likely to be advised to recuperate for two to three months, and her return to official duties will depend on medical advice closer to the time. Kate is not expected to return to public events until after Easter, and her husband Prince William will combine being by his wife’s and children’s side throughout.

She was not rushed for hospital and her condition was not something that developed over the weekend, according to reports.

The Prince will also postpone a number of engagements as he supports his family, and will not undertake official duties while his wife is in hospital. He will also do no official duties during the immediate period after Kate’s return home. Royal aides will provide a revised schedule for William in due course.

Kate is close to her family, and her parents Carole and Michael Middleton and sibling Pippa Matthews and James Middleton are set to rally round and help support her recovery at the Waleses’ home in Windsor.

Neither William nor Kate will travel internationally over the coming months. William and Kate were said to have been planning a high-profile visit to Rome this spring as part of a European charm offensive, but this is now in doubt.

[From The Daily Mail]

There was also something about how William would be juggling the children’s school run and taking care of poor Kate, like they don’t have a million staffers and endless resources. While I understand that William and Kate’s priority is keeping things normal for their kids and William probably does want to ensure that the kids’ schedules are not disrupted, let’s be real – that man isn’t attending to his wife. Kate will be cared for by an army of professional nurses, doctors and physical therapists. Let’s also be clear, it’s not like William and Kate had a super-busy schedule anyway. Kate hasn’t been seen, heard from or photographed since Christmas and no one blinks an eye, because she often disappears for weeks and months at a time, and William is the same way. All they had on their schedule was promises to be keen in Italy and some kind of military-focused trip where William would copykeen Harry.

Speaking of the last time anyone saw Kate, this video was posted on Twitter on December 28 – a police/security convoy rushing to the hospital. My spidey sense is tingling and I genuinely hope she’s okay and makes a full recovery.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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224 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘doing well’ as she recovers from abdominal surgery in the hospital”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    That rush to the hospital on December 28th is interesting. Could be the start of all this drama. The idea of William sitting at his wife’s bedside holding her hand is preposterous. He’s using this as an excuse to not work. Usually, he just doesn’t work without an excuse. So this is perfect for him.

    • Big Bertha says:

      Enty says it was a risky pregnancy.

      • Jais says:

        Enty? What is that?

      • janine says:

        enty is a white supremac*st deep into q with no ties to the entertainment industry. he lies about being an entertainment lawyer and all his blinds are made up.
        why would anybody believe this evil man. but i guess the awful stuff he says about meghan and harry is true too?

      • Big Bertha says:

        He’s also super anti Meghan. I had an ectopic, so I’d say it could be true if Peggy and Khate are still banging.

      • MoxyLady007 says:

        I was wondering about this possibility as well. She started belly cupping/ belly touching, posing in a way that would lead to questions of a possible pregnancy. Intentionally or not- doesn’t matter. It started right after the Royal racist matter.

        Regardless of what happened, I wish her a positive healing journey.

      • MoxyLady007 says:


        WHAT??? Omg…..
        This is the only gossip blog I follow now- I’m here every day and I hate saturdays because they don’t post 😂

        I used to follow Enty but haven’t in easily 11 years. What the heck is going on with them now?!?! Q Anon? White supremacist? Hates Meghan???
        (That’s my barometer- if you hate Meghan I take you to school. If you still hate her afterwards – I know what you are about)

        It’s so wild. They weren’t like that at all back in the day.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @MoxyLady007: I’ve seen a lot of people mention this, but the reality is, y’all have forgotten this is standard Kate body language. Hands in front, one on the abdomen or both clasped fig-leaf style. Hand on abdomen is always brief. As someone who formerly had an ED, I recognize this brief touch: ‘yep, still flat’.

      • Jais says:

        Well, okay, I know what enty is now and, based on comments, want nothing to do with this person. So I wouldn’t put any stock in whatever enty is saying. Gross.

      • Nic919 says:

        An ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage wouldn’t have the lengthy hospital time and recovery.

        And that’s ignoring the likelihood that she is very underweight, especially at her age, to even get pregnant in the first place.

      • Claire says:

        Highly doubtful re pregnancy- for one, I find it hard to believe that William would be up for another pregnancy (and why now at 42 – I think they would have done it years ago if he agreed to have another). Beyond that, she wouldn’t need to stay in the hospital so long. I’m sure she gets excellent medical care all through her pregnancies so she would not have had a ruptured ectopic or anything – they would have found that before a rupture and that’s not really a major surgery. Similarly a miscarriage doesn’t require such a large hospital stay. I don’t really see anything other than a resection of the colon with possible complications after the surgery resulting in this type of hospital stay.

      • Joy says:

        That doesn’t explain up to 2 weeks in the hospital and taking a couple more months to heal.

    • Megan says:

      It was obviously emergency surgery if she is cancelling events. A planned surgery would have built recovery time into her schedule.

      • Claire says:

        I think in this context “planned” probably means it was planned days before, not weeks or months before. She likely had an issue that didn’t require immediate surgery (so it wasn’t a ruptured appendix, or ruptured colon, or ruptured ectopic), but was very serious and needed surgery within days for example. They are just wordsmithing with this “planned” language.

      • Marieke says:

        Planned surgery can still have an urgent component. That’s not word smithing anything. Emergency surgery is the exception. The recovery time suggests she’s not having a mole removed.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I don’t really understand the video. I live in London, I see convoys like that every single day.

      What connection is there between a random convoy in London, and any of the royals? Or Kate in particular?

      Surely on 28th Dec, Kate would have been either in Sandringham or Bucklebury? Or at home in Windsor? She wouldn’t have been anywhere near London so if she did have a medical emergency, they certainly wouldn’t drive her all the way to London with full security detail, they’d take her to a local hospital or use Sandringham’s own medical resources.

      Sorry I feel like there’s something I’m missing here. The video just looks like a normal day in London. What link to Kate am isn’t clicking for me? Who is this Brian and why is he suggesting a normal everyday occurrence is linked with royals on the opposite side of the country?

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s clearly some sort of protection detail that looks exactly how the royals travel – motorcycle, two cars (one a range rover), another motorcycle, police escort. If there are a plethora of people moving through London regularly with a police escort, I think there might be other questions.

      • Vik says:

        What Becks1 said + the King Ed VII Hospital is the first port of call for the Windsors. Being that late she was either in enough distress to need medical attention quickly or they waited for that time as it’d be less busy than the day? Then they must’ve seen that surgery was necessary, so planned/set it for this week.

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m leaning toward an eating disorder complication too. They could do people a lot of good by revealing this but, of course, they never would because it would shatter the perfect image which they struggle to project. She has not looked well for a long time.

  3. Lili says:

    It could have been her, but they didn’t say anything till she was on the mend, I don’t recall any mentions about her birthday celebrations, I think they need to wheel out the kids taking flowers to visit their mum

  4. Becks1 says:

    I definitely think some in the rota know more than they’re telling. You can tell when the rota get mad – they were mad when the Queen was in the hospital and no one was told, they were mad when it came out that William had COVID months after the fact, they were mad about Adelaide. Nothing makes them as mad as a certain Black duchess living her best life with her own money, mind you, but you can still tell when the other things ticked them off.

    And I don’t feel like we’ve really seen that here? Maybe I’ve just missed it? So it makes me think that some in the rota do know more than what we’ve been told and in exchange for that information they’re going to parrot the talking points put out by KP.

    Anyway, so it sounds like William basically just isnt going to work for the next month? Maybe longer?

    This whole thing is just weird. It sounds like KP is trying to both downplay it and play it up at the same time – it was a planned surgery, she’s doing well, but oh she will be in hospital for 2 weeks (which is a significant stay in 2024), and she won’t be back at “work” until after Easter and William will also be off for a significant period of time to manage the school run etc.

    This is a situation where it is better to say almost nothing at all (trip to Italy cancelled for “health issues”) or to provide more details, even if it might be “embarrassing” if the surgery is related to digestive or reproductive systems.

    • FancyPants says:

      Well they announced that Charles has an enlarged prostate… I think if she had an emergency appendectomy or cholecystectomy, they’d just say that. They KNOW that not saying a reason will have everyone speculating. Maybe I’m a monster, but any time celebrities don’t give a reason (or even if they do say “exhaustion” or “Lyme disease”) I automatically assume rehab. And if she does need treatment for something and she’s getting it, then good for her. She has three young children, I hope she recovers.

      • Becks1 says:

        If we track it from 12/28, then this starts to make more sense – Kate hospitalized for something for several weeks, monitored, and then underwent surgery this week. and I feel like it has to be Kate on 12/28 because that was clearly a VIP with what looks like RPO vehicles and she’s the only royal we know that’s been hospitalized. That wasn’t Charles going for a check up.

      • The Old Chick says:

        I wrote in the big thread yesterday, my open bowel surgery a few years ago was 2 weeks in and three month recovery. The surgery was too major to be lap. They keep patients in that long simply because they cut and resew the bowel (resection) and it takes times before you can eat 10 days for me) and eliminate. I was in ICU for 3 days and on major iv drugs for best part of a week (don’t quote me on that, memory hazy). But 2 weeks in hospital and that was a public hospital, I wasn’t paying. Then the 3 months recovery and a colonoscopy at the 8 week mark. It was a huge deal. They kept saying they don’t take chances with major bowel surgery.

    • Chloe says:

      2 weeks is very long and my only guess is that she maybe needs more then 1 procedure. Maybe she had an operation yesterday, and then again in a few days. But then there’s also the 2 months of recovery. It’s all very vague. They could have just come out and said what it was for.

    • fishface says:

      Very weird – and the KP announcement said she apologised to for all the events she would have to postpone.

      If something is planned, you surely don’t schedule any events, no?

      • SarahLee says:

        Her schedule is likely planned very far in advance. You can have a planned surgery (meaning it didn’t happen when she went to the ER) and still have to reschedule things. It does sound like a bowel resection to me. Those require long hospital stays because you can’t eat, and then it is a slow go getting back to normal. I wish her well.

      • Emma says:

        In the health service, planned usually means “we know someone needs an operation, we’re going to do it on this date” rather than sudden trauma requiring an emergency procedure. It can still cover pretty big procedures. IF that footage from December is PoW, then it could have been planned from there.

      • JT says:

        Kate does 120 engagements a year, most of which are phone calls and “meetings.” She probably does maybe 5 in person events a month if we’re being generous. I highly doubt that she had events planned for months in advanced. Most of Kate’s engagements are put together very quickly.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, the surgery being planned just means it wasn’t an emergency. But if that footage from 12/28 is her, and we are being told the condition did not “develop” over the weekend, then why was the tour still being discussed and planned?

        She doesn’t have any other events on her calendar and most of her events are NOT scheduled far in advance – she is not like Charles with a pretty full schedule. they probably didn’t have to cancel anything beyond what was being planned for the Italian tour. But that tour was clearly in the works beyond 12/28 – maybe she was sick but they didn’t think she would need surgery?

      • H says:

        As mentioned several times in various posts, “planned” simply means non-emergent. Doesn’t mean they’ve known about it for any length of time.

      • HeatherC says:

        When my doctors discovered my bladder tumor, they scheduled the bladder resection for the following week. It was a new issue, but the surgery was scheduled so I had to cancel some plans. An unscheduled surgery would be an emergency surgery. Every other is planned.

      • Delphine says:

        My brain went first to appendectomy. She could also have an unviable pregnancy and they’re covering it up.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Those ‘planned events’ could be the usual stuff she does around St Patrick’s Day & Easter–the whole shamrock deal (when she feels like it), flipping of pancakes, church. Those events.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        JT – this is very true in terms of Kate’s own events (meaning events her team organise) but events organised by other organisations that she attends would be planned months in advance. I used to work at the Natural History Museum (where Kate is patron) and all events were planned months in advance, including ones with her attendance. She wasn’t involved in any planning of course, just showed up. She probably didn’t do any planning of her own till last minute. But those events would be in her diary for months ahead of time.

    • Nic919 says:

      I agree that the press knows the real story here which is why they made sure to say it was not related to cancer from the outset. The wording of being evaluated after three months to confirm whether she can return to her “work” is also odd. If this is a physical injury as they are claiming, then there is no reason for her not to be able to gradually return to doing work. Also the handholding from William angle also seems to confirm it is something serious and not just recovering from an operation. Usually the riskiest part of anything is going under for surgery and then once that is done it is a matter of time and getting better. That’s not what they are implying here.

      Plus that footage of the convoy going to the hospital near Kensington palace on December 28 really seems to suggest something closer to a psychological issue, which explains the vague terms for recovery and the uncertainty even after 3 months. It would also match the hospitalization because a patient being treated for psychological issues would need to be under supervision 24/7 which is not something even the palaces can offer with their hired care, at least before treatment has started and stabilized the situation.

      • TOM says:

        I 110% agree, NIC919.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree with you – the wording around her expected recovery is very odd, almost like they’re saying “don’t expect to see her until Wimbledon.” But would anything psychological-related explain the surgery itself?

      • ActualLawyer says:

        Absolutely nothing about this situation strikes me as psychological in nature. If this woman needed psychiatric care, they would perform it at her home and would not make any of those details public. On the other hand, if she required the removal of significant portions of her intestines, this is exactly what it would look like.

      • Nic919 says:

        Psychological treatment is absolutely conducted under hospital supervision if something serious has taken place. Even a threat of it can lead to being monitored directly by physicians.

        A resection usually has recovery time of 2 to 3 weeks but we are being told nothing like that and the potential for a further reevaluation for 3 months.

        That’s not how a physical only issue is discussed by medical professionals.

      • First comment says:

        I agree’s definitely related to serious mental issues… thus the uncertainty for full recovery..

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if it was complications related to an eating disorder. The months’ long recovery time could be because mental health treatment is also needed to recover.

      • Nicki209 says:

        Some basic research shows the hospital doesn’t specialize, or even show any info about psychological or eating disorder treatment.

      • Megan says:

        We learned from Harry and Meghan that the BRF don’t believe in mental health treatment.

      • Nic919 says:

        Some basic research also shows that the London Clinic has been used by royals because of its exclusive wing for decades.

      • The Old Chick says:

        A bowel resection is NOT 2-3 week recovery. The statement of ab surgery and the time frame absolutely reflects open bowel surgery. I’m not saying it’s not mental health, or something else, they lie non stop let’s face it, but bowel surgery is delicate and not all can be done lap – mine could not and I had two excellent surgeons working on me. I’m grateful and fortunate my outcome was excellent. Though recovery was long.

      • Lucy says:

        Since we’re throwing random things out there, liver transplant fits the recovery timelines. If so, she’d still be in ICU and they would probably wait to make an additional comment until it was certain the surgery was successful. Regardless, I don’t know, neither do you…

    • Dss says:

      Was it confirmed that it was Kate that was rushed to hospital on 12/28?

      • Becks1 says:

        No, not confirmed. It’s just speculation bc we haven’t heard of any other royal being hospitalized in the past few weeks.

      • Nic919 says:

        It was definitely a police convoy that royals use and the hospital was near Kensington.

        What is interesting is that the account that posted this on December 28, 2023 is a royalist account.

      • Christine says:

        I noticed that, it’s an account that I had previously blocked, as well as many of the people who commented.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        FYI the place where the convoy was filmed is about three-four miles from Kensington Palace. Not far, but not around the corner either.

        The hospital is 3.3 miles from Kensington Palace.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    My only question is if the illness didn’t develop over the weekend it means that she was having issues for awhile so why did KP schedule engagements and leak plans of tours to the press?

    • Becks1 says:

      Right? Yesterday there was discussion about a planned surgery vs emergency, and the theory most discussed was that there was an issue that cropped up over the weekend etc and so the surgery was “planned” but with little advance notice – hence the tour plans etc.

      But if it didn’t develop over the weekend, then it means KP knew about a significant health issue with Kate and still went ahead with planning tours etc, which doesn’t really make sense.

      I am starting to think the theory of something relating to an ED makes sense… no, the issue did not develop over the weekend, and KP was aware of it, but it’s been an issue for so long that they didn’t think a tour would be an issue.

      • Linda says:

        I had a complete hysterectomy two years ago. I had been having very painful periods and heavy bleeding for more than two years. I finally made up my mind to get the procedure done and did it in less than two weeks. If anyone had told me a month before my surgery that I would be doing a hysterectomy I wouldn’t have believed it. These things happen.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Linda of course these things happen! that’s what we’re talking about – what exactly might have happened. But a relatively normal hysterectomy planned in advance wouldn’t necessitate 2 weeks in the hospital unless there were significant complications after the surgery.

    • Thena says:

      The left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing.

      Could the KP communications team have been in the dark? Will and Kate were supposedly at Anmer Hall for the holidays and they weren’t told that Kate was in the hospital until yesterday, I’m guessing. We know there obviously wasn’t any coordination with Buckingham Palace with their competing medical bulletins.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Could be. The folks more in charge of the day to day stuff perhaps forgot to tell the folks planning the trips. I could say that, with this bunch.

      • Kay-2 says:

        They are stupid- they could be direct in sharing what’s wrong with her and she can become a champion for said issue- whether it’s eating disorder or a hysterectomy. Peri- menopause can start in mid to late 30s and no one talks about it- this could be an issue for Kate to really lead on!

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      I think William and Kate are so secretive, they probably didn’t tell the KP scheduling staff what was going on with Kate. Besides, who knows when they actually told the press about those possible upcoming trips. A lot of the royal stories seem to be held for a while, and then run when the press needs a new story.

      • Kay-2 says:

        I think in these kinds of institutions information is power. So if a courtier knows something about their principal they are going to hoard that information and use it for their own self importance.

    • First comment says:

      They have to give them something to talk about…for a whole month there wasn’t anything newsworthy for the royals

      • Lia says:

        I have often read a sentence on Twitter that unfortunately fits this situation perfectly: All I wish for Kate is everything she wished and still wishes for Meghan.

        Whatever that may be…

      • Lia says:

        By the way, Kate hasn’t actually worked since November. The only thing she did in December was sit in her weird Christmas Carole service and walk to church on the 25th. And that’s NOT work!
        And I really have to say, I’m glad Peg and Kate can’t go on this weird military charm offensive now, otherwise I’d have to vomit at how disgustingly they’re trying to copy Harry.

      • Lia says:

        …after they smeared him and his great work.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      Maybe because of all the stories about Kate being lazy. More and more of that was coming out.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is possible that the comms staff weren’t told about the real situation, or they did, but were told to pretend that work was going to be done so that more scrutiny would be avoided.

      Usually when a future tour was leaked, they would provide more details not long after, but here they never did. It could have been buying time until they knew more about this surgery and the recovery.

    • Slush says:

      I dont think we need our tinfoil tiaras on this one. Maybe they were working (“working”) as usual until they knew for sure she would need surgery? Maybe they didnt want to cancel plans earlier, even if they did know, because by doing so, it would alert the press/public that something was wrong weeks before her surgery?

      Honestly, yall, I dont think there is much here conspiracy wise.

      • Lucy says:

        Slush, you are my hero. Tonight, as I down my wine to law & order, I will now be donning a tinfoil tiara. Best band name ever.

    • Dutch says:

      Surgery, particularly abdominal surgery, is often a last resort. They may have been trying to see if they could manage Kate’s condition with medication and/or lifestyle changes, which would be no reason to make changes to her calendar. Even if the surgery was planned 48 hours before it happened, it’s still a planned procedure.

    • Rnot says:

      If this is mental health treatment related then they may have expected/hoped that she would “buck up” and instead she deteriorated enough to require inpatient care.

  6. Josephine says:

    Can’t believe it hasn’t been blamed on H&M yet, but I suppose they would have to admit it’s stress related in order to do that.

    • Hi says:

      Just wait!! Friday they will say that H ( and M if she goes) are disrespectful for attending the award while Kate is at the hospital and the stress of the last years was too much for her and how M is at fault really

      • Tessa says:

        Piers could not wait to blame them. He rants in the post.

      • equality says:

        Did Kate and Will stay home and out of the public eye when Meghan was suicidal and they all knew it? Or did they double down and organize a flybe stunt?

    • tour malinn says:

      Right on @Josephine ! That was my first thought, too.

      • JT says:

        There’s already an article in the express asking why H&M haven’t released a public statement in support of Kate.

      • equality says:

        Where have been the KP statements in support of suicidal Meghan or any other thing that H&M have done? Where were the KP statements in support of IG?

      • Moondust says:

        Did anyone front the Royal family post a public statement?

    • CL says:

      Oh, it has. The H&M hate subreddit is blaming this on the “stress” they cause her.

  7. Sophie says:

    Yeah, you are right Kaiser. This creates more questions than answers. For sure though you can’t have a trip to Italy and other trips in the plans up to last week and now say that her condition didn’t develop over the last week! It’s one or the other! Plus someone is quite obviously lying!

    • Shawna says:

      It could make sense if they never really intended to go to Rome, just put rumors out there and then hopefully everyone will forget they promised to do work.

      • Jais says:

        Jobsen said yesterday in an interview that they were told Rome was happening but never given exact dates so that’s a definite possibility @shawna.

      • Sophie says:

        If that’s so, then it makes some sense! I just can’t get over how mysterious all of them are being!

      • Lucky Charm says:

        Or, she was taken to the hospital last month and they thought she would be sufficiently recovered in a few weeks time so started tentively planning the trips, hence no firm dates. Then it turned into requiring surgery and now everything’s canceled.

  8. Cerys says:

    It’s very mysterious especially if the convoy at the hospital on 28th Dec was for Kate. I’m sure it will all get out eventually.
    The idea of Willam sitting at her bedside is ridiculous. The children have to be at Windsor for school but their tiny, little shack will be too small for the team of nurses that will be looking after Kate so she will probably be elsewhere while William stays at Adelaide Cottage with the children. I get that he will want to be with the children but he could quite easily do his pitifully few royal engagements at the same time. He now has a wonderful excuse for disappearing for a few months with no questions asked.
    As for Kate, it sounds serious and I wish her a speedy recovery.

  9. Kathy says:

    Something is definitely going on. The reporters all seem to know and aren’t reporting it. This is giving me vibes of when The Queen passed away and nothing came out in the press but they had obviously already started operation London Bridge.

    Also interesting to note: there is a huge press pool outside the hospital. Yet, no pics of comings and goings. I have read a few things that her parents and brother and sister are there and have been seen entering the back entrance. But again, no pics or confirmations from the press?

    Also, if that is her from the 28, she was somehow transported to the London Clinic for surgery and no one knew??? The original statement said nothing like, expected to make a full recovery, in great spirits, etc.

  10. tour malinn says:

    Now the birthday indulgent at her mother’s house makes much more sense. Especially if she was not even there.

    Could it be appendicitis? If serious, that needs instant surgery and a long rehab.

    • Becks1 says:

      No, because they said the surgery was planned. Appendectomies are not planned surgeries and typically the recovery is pretty fast. I had appendicitis (not a burst appendix though) and I was out of the hospital within 12 hours after surgery and pretty much back to 100% after a week, and the only reason it was that long was bc of where they had to cut me in order to avoid scar tissue from my c-sections.

      That would also be something that would just “develop,” not something that they would have known about.

      • Pamela says:

        Well, actually no. Our son had a burst appendix and it burst into his colon. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks because he developed a secondary infection, which they told us happens most of the time. And then when he got home, he had a pic line and we had to give him antibiotics every 6 hours. He looked like a torture victim survivor when he got home. It was a long recovery. Also just because they say it was planned doesn’t mean it was.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m not sure why you’re saying “actually, no” when you’re talking about a burst appendix, which is a complication of appendicitis, and not the same thing as appendicitis, and I specified in my comment that I was talking about appendicitis.

      • tour malinn says:

        Actually Becks1 I think you were very lucky. When mine was removed (and it did not burst either) I was sent to the hospital urgently by my GP, then was watched for a day, then stayed there for two weeks after the surgety and fully recovered in 5 months.

        I guess everybody has a different biology 🙂

      • Becks1 says:

        @Tourmalinn of course everyone has a different biology! But, my experience is pretty typical for a normal appendectomy. There are always going to be exceptions. And staying in the hospital for two weeks after an appendectomy is the exception, not the norm. (I mean my father had his removed in 1951 and was in the hospital for a week.) People have open heart surgeries and go home sooner than that.

        But all this nitpicking over individual appendix stories is pointless because if this was an appendectomy, KP would have just said that.

      • Dutch says:

        Complications are always a possibility. I had my gallbladder removed laproscopically and even then the doctor told me there was a 5-10 percent chance that the organ could be too inflamed or brittle to be removed that way and they would have to perform a more conventional surgery that would involve a significant incision through the abdominal wall and a months long recovery time.

      • Nic919 says:

        If it was appendicitis they would have said so. It’s not a condition that has links to other issues. Whatever abdominal procedure she received has associations to something they don’t want the public to know.

        Why they were so specific about the hospital and the length of stay at the hospital only served to raise more questions because it is an excessively long hospital stay especially for someone her age.

    • Inge says:

      Nah thats sudden and this was preplanned?

      I’m thinking if there is a link with what causes her bandaged fingers

      • JanetDR says:

        I think it’s bowel related, maybe a resection?

      • sparrow says:

        JanetDR. Could you tell me what would bring about a bowel resection? Is it lifestyle or injury? Goodness, I was determined not to speculate on this issue at all. 1 – she’s allowed her privacy 2 – why do we bother?! but then there’s 3 – which is, it’s out there for discussion and it’s always interesting to hear people’s life experiences by association.

    • Carolind says:

      Not appendix. My daughter went into hospital three years ago on a Sunday with appendix symptoms. Although it was classic symptoms they didn’t manage to diagnose until the Tuesday and she was not operated on until Wednesday morning. The site was a mess, appendix leaking, too bad to do keyhole she had the full op and was away from the ward for nearly four hours. She was quite poorly and on three drips to begin with but still got out the next Sunday and then three further weeks recuperation.

      • sparrow says:

        Pamela and Carolind – those experiences sound truly awful. I remember during pregnancies, my mum said to me the worst time you’ll have as a parent will be when the kids get sick – you’ll want to swap places with all your heart.

  11. The Duchess says:

    I think that video of the convey heading towards a Windsor hospital back in December was the start of all this. It’s the only explanation to all the deflecting KP and their press buddies are currently doing. I understand they want normalcy for the children, but explicitly stating Keen has to recover for 10-14 days in hospital after a surgical procedure rings so many alarm bells.

    The only conclusion I can draw is that she’s either in for serious medical treatment, or that the surgery went well but was very complicated. I’m leaning more towards the former in regards to her mental health.

    • Nic919 says:

      The original tweet misleads making reference to Sandringham but the Edward VII hospital in Marleybone is near KP.

      The wording and vague timelines for recovery suggest something more than a physical issue. Even with serious surgery she would be expected to be back on her feet after three months. They make it a point to say she may need to be re evaluated after Easter.

  12. Inge says:

    I wish her what she wished Meghan when she had a miscarriage/felt suicidal. Nothing.

    Anyway this story is weird. First nothing then both Kate&Charles, planned operation but preplanned engagements cancelled, the vid from 28.12. Kate privately celebrating her birthday, something is going on.

    Also plenty of people are noticing that the royals get operated immediately and in Kate’s case 2 weeks in hospital, when normal folk often have to wait months and have to recover at home without help.

    • Tessa says:

      The discrepancy between. Kates treatment and the average patient treatment is all over social media. Even the dm allowed an article about it.

      • sparrow says:

        Agree, Tessa. People are pointing out that it’s a long stay, given it’d likely be a few days on an NHS ward. I don’t know why they released a timeline like this. Why didn’t they just say she’s currently in hospital having abdominal surgery and will return home soon to recover. Back to duties at Easter. But, essentially, who knows. Wish her well despite some of her actions.

    • Shawna says:

      If they saved Kate’s news for a good moment (when there’s a distraction), then maybe they seized the opportunity when Charles’s condition manifested. That is, maybe they thought that that would cover up speculation about Kate if they released it at the same time.

  13. Tessa says:

    Suppose Charles treatment in the unlikely chance he is incapacitated. Will as next in line would need to step up and pinch hit.

  14. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    I’m a medical social worker who is part of an intensive post-hospital recovery home support team. We care for folks who are stable enough to leave hospital, but require more wrap-around care to fully recover. We work with folks for 16 weeks post-discharge. To require two weeks PLANNED time in hospital plus MONTHS of recovery is huge. There are many possibilities of what is going on, and they all suck if the time frames given are truthful. My sister died as a result of her ED because her body was too ravaged from her illness to recuperate from an otherwise minimal health complication. If any of the speculation here is accurate, my heart goes out to her kids.

    • ElizabethR says:

      I’m so sorry. that is awful re: your sister. As someone who has been admitted for an ED due to health complications, I know, and I’m so sorry.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister — I too lost my sister to the exact same thing. I may not like Kate but the number of people who are saying things like “oh she just had a face lift” or “she’ll be heading off to Mustique soon” are pretty cold-hearted.

      • Becks1 says:

        I am obviously far from a Kate fan but I don’t like those comments either. Not only are they mean spirited, but they also just ignore the fact that Kate doesnt’ need an excuse to take weeks off to have work done or to go to Mustique. they wouldn’t fabricate a lie about a surgery if she wanted a vacation in January.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        I’m so sorry, Jaded and Laura-Lee. I lost my sister to breast cancer; losing a sibling is earth-shattering.

        I had anorexia as a teenager, and remember being kind of scared straight when I researched where it could lead if I didn’t get help. I was one of the lucky ones.

        I do think Kate could have had some sort of medical event related to an ED on Dec. 28 … anorexia can cause some horrible bowel issues.

    • therese says:

      Laura Lee MacDonald, all my thoughts and prayers to you for your loss. This must be retriggering for you. I lost my sister in 2017. She drank her way into diabetes, then discovered pharmaceuticals and her addiction to them caused her to neglect her diabetes. She died from severe complications from diabetes, but addiction led her there. It broke my heart.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        I’m sorry, therese. This is a club absolutely no one wants to be part of.

      • therese says:

        Thank you, QuiteContrary. I meant to include you Jaded in my condolences. My heart goes out to you as well.

      • Jaded says:

        @therese — it is heart-breaking, and know that all of us who have had this experience are with you.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Thank you, therese. It’s been a few years, but it’s still hard to believe some days.

  15. Tessa says:

    More likely kates parents are by her side more than william. And the children are looked after by William. The middletons.and nanny maria.

  16. Em says:

    Does anyone remember a story like 3 months ago about Russian hackers threatening to release Kate’s medical records? Could this be related ?

  17. Agree that this could very likely be a combination of medical issues.Abdominal surgery due to “whatever,”and perhaps addressing other health issues while in hospital because coming and going from there would be more attention grabbing and more stress inducing for the patient and family- so keep her there.

    The mess up in the statement imo (and obviously we don’t know her situation)is to have stated abdominal surgery,planned, AND given her timeframe of in patient stay,because most abdominal surgery stays don’t require 10-14 days.I was previously a surgical nurse and I have Crohn’s disease,and I’m not finding the planned procedure plus the stay lining up,time wise unless she has inflammatory bowel disease or underwent a transplant.Then I could understand additional surgery,blood transfusion,physical therapy,parenteral nutrition, etc but she has shown no signs of having those type health issues.But cholecystectomy,appendectomy don’t require this long stay and recovery.
    I hope she will be well,but the statement issued to me,is somewhat contradictory and therefore raises more questions than not.

  18. Lulu says:

    What caught my eye is Kate will return to Windsor, not Adelaide. I’m betting they will create a mini hospital room in the castle for her and the whole family will move in for good.

  19. Kittenmom says:

    How long till we hear the Mustique will be the perfect place for dear Catherine to recover with her devoted spouse and parents along for support?

    • MaryContrary says:

      If she is actually in the hospital for 10-14 days, this is legit serious and she’s not getting on a plane anytime soon.

    • Jaded says:

      You’re not allowed to travel if you’ve had a serious surgery, which I surmise is correct. She’ll recover at Windsor.

  20. aquarius64 says:

    I think KP messed up by being vague about Kate’s hospitalization because speculation is running rampant. Any attempts to drag Harry and Meghan into this confirms something is seriously wrong. Morgan, who outed Charles anf Kate as the racists, is rabble rousing as usual. Harry is still counsellor of state. The throne may be on shaky ground.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      They didn’t mess up; this is exactly what they wanted. They clearly wanted to bait as much sympathy as possible while being as vague as they could manage. KP could’ve stayed silent about this until after Kate’s hospital stay and no one would’ve suspected a thing.

      • Nic919 says:

        They could have held off the media setting up camp at the hospital, but many media people are saying that KP helped set up the media pen.

    • Jais says:

      One thing I found especially odd about the statement is that they named the hospital, the London clinic. As vagus as they were about everything, they gave the exact location and then immediately the media set up camp outside the hospital. In contrast, Charles was specific about the procedure but not the location. I guess I don’t understand why they needed to share that detail. Was it about to be leaked anyways?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais I thought that was really weird too. The statement is so vague but then is going to tell everyone where she is? so the public sends flowers? IDK.

        @BeachDreams I agree in part that this is what KP wanted – sympathy bc the surgery sounds significant. But they can’t be happy with how fast large portions of social media and the internet (like many of us here) are speculating about EDs, psychological issues, etc.

      • Jais says:

        So the public would know where to send flowers? LOL @becks1. The only reason I can think is they were genuinely afraid someone in the public might get a pic of William going into the hospital or something.

      • First comment says:

        What if all these details about the hospital are false? Perhaps she’s hospitalized to a different hospital (maybe more related to psychological and physical cure (-I’m not from Britain and I don’t know if there are this type of hospital there). The naming this specific hospital is some kind of smokescreen to the real serious issues that Kate has …. I don’t know…they were so vague about other things but they wanted to make sure that everyone knows she’s in this hospital…

      • EE says:

        I wonder if they “had” to release the hospital location so the rota could get their photos of comings/goings of visitors. That way, the rota can make money off the story instead of them just disappearing for a few months during her recovery.

      • Jais says:

        Idk @first comment, that would be getting really messy to lie about the actual hospital. Not saying they wouldn’t bc I wouldn’t put anything past this family. Either way, the details they choose to reveal versus the ones they don’t are interesting. The fact that KP has possibly authorized the media to camp out in front of the hospital feels like their usual games. But in a way, that’s comforting bc games as usual may signify that Kate is expected to recover and be okay? I’d like to think they wouldn’t play these games if the alternative was different but maybe that’s me being naive. Mostly though, I think the palaces lie and play games so who knows what’s going on.

      • Claire says:

        Do they usually disclose the hospital when royals are admitted? I would actually guess that they will disclose the hospital that Charles has his prostate procedure at after it happens. I remember that the rota was up in arms when Meghan didn’t disclose the hospital that she was at, and I feel like they usually disclose the hospitals when royals are staying there right? Perhaps its more a requirement for the monarch and the most senior royalty and not for all members though?

      • Jais says:

        Right now, I’m just comparing it to Charles’ statement which did not disclose the hospital. Perhaps he will next week. KP usually likes to keep the rota onside, which could explain why they revealed it. But it’s not like Charles doesn’t like to either.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Claire they did when Kate had the babies, but that was a different situation obviously. I feel like generally they don’t, at least until things are more settled? Like I think when Phillip was hospitalized in 2021 (right before the oprah interview or when the interview was recorded or something), they announced it but only after he was stabilized and family was going to see him. I think.

        And that makes sense, reduce the media circus, heck reduce the online circus. But they didn’t do that here.

  21. CindyP says:

    Practicing medicine without a license here, but guessing that she might have a chronic digestive condition such as inflammatory bowel or Crohn’s disease. If she developed a blockage, that would require major surgery & a long recuperation depending on the location & how much bowel had to be removed.

    • Jan90067 says:

      I had a blocked bowel, necessitating EMERGENCY surgery. This is NOT something you can plan for. It is *extremely* painful (ie: I was doubled over from the pain and *MOANING* outloud, something I’d NEVER done before!).

      After diagnosis in the emergency room, I was given major pain meds and scheduled for IMMEDIATE surgery, as in: if the blocked bowel bursts, you are in imminent danger of major infection spreading throughout the abdominal cavity. It isn’t something you can put off for a couple of weeks.

      I was in the hospital for about 6-7 days: no solid food for a while, then monitored while slowly reintroducing “soft” foods. Once tolerated, I had to pass gas and have a bowel movement before being allowed to go home. Recovery from home for 6-8 wks. No “PT” was required though.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, agree Jan. Abdominal issues are extremely painful and dangerous if left untreated. Kidney stones, perforated bowels etc. These aren’t delayed; they’re red flags for sepsis, for starters. Had kidney stones – wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy.

  22. Over it says:

    I am thinking that whatever is wrong with her, is probably a lot like those no real explanation for the bandage fingers.

  23. TIFFANY says:

    I got 2 theories and neither is a scheduled surgery. You don’t do this at night which will attract more attention and questions.

  24. hanna says:

    this timeline doesn’t shock me. lots of people hide medical illnesses, have surgeries etc without everyone else knowing. i’ve needed scheduled abdominal surgery for months now and i’ve been to work and will be out for around 10 days after my surgery. so now the surgery is upcoming, i’m telling people about it. this isn’t all that shocking to me that it wasn’t announced until now.

  25. Ocho says:

    There is a lot of speculation that Kate has an ED that led to gastrointestinal problems now requiring surgery. I would like to point out that it can also work the other way: gastrointestinal and other medical problems can lead to unintentional weight loss, and may also result in surgery (ie colon resection). I obviously know neither way and I am very curious myself, but I am thinking of people reading this who might have a disease (ie Crohn’s or other gastro or autoimmune illness) that led to weight loss that may be misinterpreted and judged by both the public and doctors(!!!) as an ED.

    • Claire says:

      Yes, and people with a condition such as Crohn’s or UC often have what might be perceived as extreme diets by others because there is so much that irritates their digestive system. If Kate does have something like Crohn’s or UC I hope she eventually raises awareness for it and becomes patron of a charity associated with those illnesses. There is still a lot of stigma and shame that can be associated with these illnesses unfortunately.

    • May says:

      Ditto. I have celiac disease and before I was diagnosed I was very thin. Then after the diagnosis was confirmed I had to follow a strict diet which alone led some people to believe that I had an eating disorder. I also, around the same time, I developed quite a few food allergies, or they came to the fore.

      Usually with celiac disease it is treatable by simply following a gluten-free diet; however, there are instances in which damage to the small intestines is so great that it requires resection.

      I always found it odd but there are people that seem if not affronted then certainly bewildered by someone having to follow a strict diet for medical reasons. It is as though it makes them uncomfortable and some would assume an eating disorder.

    • sparrow says:

      This is a very good point. There is also some cross over not only in how things appear but possibly how they develop. I’m sure having had an ED, with huge reliance on fibre as a laxative at times, has given me gut issues in later life.

  26. Elaine says:

    I mean, a planned surgery could mean anything. It could have been an urgent, instead of an emergency situation and they just planned to do it the next day. 🤷‍♀️

    • Becks1 says:

      Except they say that the issue did not just develop over the weekend, so whatever the root cause of the surgery, KP knew about it for a while.

      • Claire says:

        It probably developed the week before (or at least the need for surgery did – it’s possible that she’s lived with a condition for a long time that has just recently worsened).

      • Rnot says:

        It could also be interpreted that to mean that whatever it was developed on Monday and she had surgery the following day. That would count as scheduled/planned surgery versus emergency surgery. If they discovered something that wasn’t going to worsen in a few hours they may have chosen to get the “best” surgeon or specialist in the land rather than whoever was top ranked at that hospital.

  27. Hyacinth Bucket says:

    I do not like her. But the speculations are a little off-putting. 10 to 14 days in hospital is long in this day and age, so I hope for her she recovers well.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      This family is notorious for leading the public away from what is truly going on behind palace walls with false information disseminated by a willing cadre of rota eager to tell us things like QEII is fighting fit after covid, enjoys nibbling luxurious boxes of chocolates strewn about her private rooms and that died of old age, only admitting she had actually cancer posthumously.

      After WanK’s cynical behaviour using the press to their own ends, trumpeting hired polls to “prove” laughably false suggestions William is popular in America, malicious actions like the Flybe stunt and the peculiar way this was announced; before the king’s own health issue, throwing a specific area of her anatomy into the mix to draw speculation rather than clarification or simply pleading privacy can one be blamed for NOT taking this at face value? Their paid bots seem to point to their Murdoch arm pushing talking points about Kate’s health into social media yesterday. Why? That footage of that convoy to a London hospital might be her or it might be footage from some other time repurposed but its been lobbed forward as a tantalizing breadcrumb.

      If Kate’s reemergence magically shows her eyebrows match properly then we’ll have some idea of what’s happening. It’s been a solid year of her looking unkempt, wiglets and crazy wigs, flashing her legs like Gold Diggers of 1935 at State events, playing peekaboo with plasters on her fingers, dressing like Meghan, posing in mannerisms like Meghan – she has been begging for attention all year. Even if all that was for an audience of one, her husband, why shouldn’t we question her motives. Her medical issues may well be genuine but the staging of it in the press and social media is as suspicious as anything else she’s done.

      • Julianna says:

        Thank you Interested Gawker. You stated this so well. I agree 100% with exactly what you said. I dont believe a word that comes out of her or KPs mouth.

      • Carty says:

        ^^^everything @ Interesting Gawker says. Spot on. Sense something is being hidden that would not look good for either her or BRF.

      • BQM says:

        This comment reminds of one yesterday about karma always watching.

  28. Em says:

    My guess is she felt unwell & on the 28th was rushed to hospital. There doctors figured out the issue (gall stones or kidney stones perhaps?) that required surgery but it was not an emergency so it was scheduled for 2 weeks later (Tuesday). The “10-14” day recovery in hospital is because doctors are being overly cautious. I won’t be surprised if she’s home by the weekend. The long recovery is because she has something called “work-shy” and it’s very catchy as her husband has it too.

    • sparrow says:

      Having had kidney stones, I think doctors would move quickly rather than delay. The agony is, as they say, worse than labour, and things can develop into sepsis. I don’t know about gall stones. But, yes, it’s a long stay and for what? I think, like you, that she’ll be home sooner.

      • Dutch says:

        Gall stones also hurt like hell when they pass, but as long as the gallbladder isn’t inflamed or infected there’s not a lot of urgency for the surgery. I think three weeks of tests and surgical consults passed before I had my surgery.

  29. Lau says:

    Boy, William’s schedule must have been easy to clear ! Also I just find it weird how we get all the details about Charles’ conditions and none about Kate’s. We know the different teams are fully incapable of working together but still it’s very strange that they use such different ways of announcing all of that.

    • sevenblue says:

      I saw people analyzing the language of two statements and how professional Charles’s team looked with a clear statement informing public timely and giving no room to speculation. I think, it is a mistake to have two different press rooms for the monarch and the heir especially with different tone of communication. However, that’s what Charles did when QE was alive, so his heir is following his footsteps.

      • Lau says:

        I completely agree. I don’t know if they were hoping to invite speculation in Kate’s case but it looks so weirdly done.

  30. Claire says:

    To be in the hospital this long, has to have been an open surgery and i think something like resectioning of the bowel is likely. Particularly if she now has a pouch, it makes sense that they would want to keep her a while to get her comfortable with it. If she does have something like Crohn’s, and if she later speaks about it, it could be great to bring awareness to it.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m actually having open surgery, bladder removal, and an Indiana Pouch created next month and I’ll be in hospital for 5 days and home recovering for 6-8 weeks. None of this makes sense, I think it’s something worse as @MyCatLovesTV says below. I don’t like her but I wish her well whatever physical/mental issues she’s going through.

      • sparrow says:

        Posted similar, Jaded, but my comment didn’t land anywhere. Yes, it’s a long stay for open or keyhole surgery, certainly longer than you’d get on the NHS. “Abdominal” I believe, because it’s a catchall for a load of things. Could be from extreme dieting and/or exercise. Could be from nothing sinister she’s brought upon herself, but rather a horrible quirk that mother nature tends to throw at women. Then again, abdominal could be a smokescreen and she could be in for a mental health issue. I really hope not the latter. No doubt there’s a teeny part of her loving the speculation, but hey ho, still wish her well.

      • Claire says:

        Wow Jaded, best wishes with all of that. I do wonder if she might have had some complications with the surgery which is also resulting in a longer stay. My husband had his thyroid removed (thyroid cancer) and he had an 8 hour operation, complete dissection of his whole neck due to local spread. He had complications afterwards and was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks, even though many other people without complications would have been discharged after a week. The statement from the palace said the operation was “successful” but really that is an open ended and vague term. Doesn’t mean that she didn’t have any complications that are lengthening her stay, so I think that could be a factor as well.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Wishing you well in your health situation Jaded💐

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Good luck, Jaded.

      • Lady D says:

        I wish you well, friend. Are you going to be okay, Jaded?

      • JustBitchy says:

        Jaded, sending all my good thoughts to you

      • sparrow says:

        Hi Jaded. Because I’m always bouncing in and out of here, I’ve only just returned and read your post properly without rushing to the end line. Good luck with your treatment and every best wish, Sparrow x

      • Jaded says:

        Thanks for the well wishes everyone, it’s much appreciated!

        @Lady D — am having a PET scan on Tuesday to see if there’s any spread, but I’m stubborn (Mr. Jaded calls me determined) and I’ll get through this come hell or high water!

  31. MyCatLovesTV says:

    I’ve been reading this stuff and I just wanted to make one comment. It probably has nothing to do with what Kate is going thru. However, when I was in my early 20s I was an extreme dieter. I cut all carbs and used protein supplements to stay (way too) skinny. I also did other unhealthy things. Many people can get away with this “diet” but my body could not. I had kidney issues and needed surgery. I was in the hospital for thirteen days. I was in a lot of pain for many weeks after I returned home. I absolutely have no idea how Kate stays so thin. It could very well be her natural body type. It was not mine and I did some damage to my internal organs by being so determined to stay skinny. Frankly, I am lucky to still be kicking. Whatever Kate’s problem is, I wish her a full recovery. I may not love the woman but she is a mother of young children who adore her (I assume). If she did (does) have eating issues, my heart goes out to her. It is freakin’ hard to get to the other side of it.

    • Renee' says:

      @MyCatLovesTV, I am sending you *hugs* and grateful you are doing well.
      I have gone through the ED issues with my niece who has been hospitalized a few times. It is a never ending battle.

  32. NG_76 says:

    She is entitled to medical privacy if she wants it. It’s really nobodies business, and the speculating is kinda gross. As for special treatment – first of all we don’t know what the nature of the surgery was so we don’t know what the recovery is like; and secondly again she is the Princess and filthy rich its not fair of course but she is going to get special treatment. That’s just the way it is it isn’t her fault.

    • hanna says:

      agreed. i’m a little shocked by the amount of comments speculating all sorts of diseases from ED to cancer to people calling her a liar and more extreme that she deserved to be ill. we don’t have to like her, but she’s a human with children and loved ones.

  33. tamsin says:

    Is St. Edward the hospital commonly used by the royals? It seems to me that Philip was treated at St. Edwards. Kate is now at The London Clinic. If the convoy was headed toward St. Edward Hospital and Kate was the patient, did she have her surgery in one hospital and was moved to another facility to recover. The wording was that after successful surgery, Kate is now hospitalized and expected to stay in hospital 10-14 days. Or was she first taken to St. Edward but was transferred immediately to the London Clinic because it was the more suitable facility for whatever procedure Kate needed and for recovery afterwards. The way this whole thing has been dealt with by KP seems to invite a ton of questions and rampant speculation.

    • Vik says:

      The King Ed VII appears to be their general first port of call. If they can’t handle whatever, they send you elsewhere – Phil to St Barth’s (Barts) and Kate to The London Clinic, which also has a very long history of treating Windsors. So it makes sense that it was her on the 28th at Ed’s and then later at the Clinic. She may well have been home in between, if it was treatable for a while or treatment didn’t take and surgery wasn’t an emergency.

  34. sparrow says:

    People saying about “planned” meaning it was forecast or something known about and slotted in after Christmas. Planned can mean the following day/s after someone comes in with something nasty but manageable until the appropriate surgery process is decided, even having that person in hospital waiting for the operation. It is still pretty urgent but there is a sense of planning. Emergency surgery is something else, with immediate action. That’s my experience, anyway. Please correct if wrong. 1. Because I rush in and out of here when a gap in my work allows, typing nonsense at the best of times and 2. I’m not precious and like to learn!

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s my understanding. When I went to the emergency room with what turned out to be a broken-off tip of my elbow (yes, that’s as painful as it sounds!), I was advised by the on-call orthopedic surgeon to wait a week to surgically repair that so that he could have his team on board for the surgery & not the randos working that evening (my words, not his), plus it would allow time for the swelling to go down. So, whatever is happening with Kate, it came into focus a short time ago–possibly December 28 if that’s even accurate–and they planned this surgery at that time. Possibly for similar reasons–have the full specialist team ready, wait to see if some issues resolve/better physical health conditions. They like you to be as healthy as possible going into surgery, if that makes any sense.

  35. SusieQ says:

    My husband is a reconstructive surgeon who specializes in abdominal wall surgeries. His best guesses are intestinal resection due to IBD or Crohn’s or an infection OR, less likely, reconstruction due to a botched “mommy makeover” tummy tuck which impacted her intestines (e.g., an infection or scar tissue growing in). He is sure her intestines must be involved due to the length of her stay and the reticence about her actual condition.

    Interestingly he thought Kate is missing a golden opportunity to talk about intestinal issues and normalize openly treating them. He felt she would garner so much goodwill if she publicized what led her to seek treatment and talked about her recovery plan. He also pointed out that it would go a long way with the public if she talked about having a temporary ileostomy and how there is no shame in taking care of your body. Regretfully I told him there was no way in hell that KKKhate would ever talk about using poop baggies and suffering bowel pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

    • sparrow says:

      Thank you for your professional, by association, insight. And you’re right, Kate would never ever talk about anything to do with poo – she’s above all that. I have IBS and to be honest I have only just started talking about it with people outside the family. I am fed up of hiding why I’m dashing to the loo all the time during bad days. It’s always a battle to sort out a diet that is healthy but not triggering. One thing, though: I know with my IBS that I could not do Kate’s “job”. I could not attend functions for hours on end or do royal tours without knowing the food available or the route to the nearest loo. The stress of this type of public in the eye duty would also affect me. I have sometimes thought she has the washed out look of someone who has digestion issues and/or the look of someone who does what I have done in the past, which is to restrict what I eat to minimise what gets rushed through the system! This can end in constipation.

      • Dara says:

        @sparrow, you have an excellent point. Kate being afflicted with something in the IBS or IBD family might explain a lot of things. The weight loss, damaged hair and bad skin can be a result of poor nutrient uptake or the restrictive diet needed to not flare. We have all noticed that her events sometimes feel last minute or spontaneous, but that could be because her staff don’t want to commit before knowing she can manage the symptoms on that particular day. Same thing goes for the chronic lateness. If there’s a can’t-miss event and it falls on a bad day, she is going to be late if there are multiple trips to the loo.

        A lot of us attributed her behavior to an ED, or laziness. What if we were wrong?

        p.s. Best wishes for your health. A friend’s husband suffered from IBS and eventually Crohn’s, and it was not fun.

      • sparrow says:

        Thanks, Dara. Thinking Kate had an ED may still be right or at least half right – she could have both, an ED and IBS/D. Having an ED in my 20s/30s meant I leant heavily on over fibrous food, because of its low calorie content and laxative effect TBH. I wonder whether Kate has done this and ended up hurting her gut. She may be slender because food rushes through her or because she has an ED, or both, ie because she’s worked out that less food equals less need to go to the loo. It’s a vicious cycle. I really feel for her on this issue, if true. She’ll be feeling mortified sometimes and, like you say, there will be last minute delays and panic etc. If this is the case, I’m amazed that she ever got through a royal tour or even public engagement, such as her wedding, without her anxiety hitting sky high levels, which in turn can have an impact on IBS symptoms. There may even be times when she relies on really bland foods, such as crackers, to keep things calm. Who knows.

    • Jk says:

      Bowel problems are no joke. Since my abdominal hysterectomy last year, I still have nausea and significant discomfort in the gut due to severe adhesions. I cannot eat or drink much. I cannot travel- I need to be close to a toilet at all times. Wearing seat belt or pants is uncomfortable so I have to wear very loose clothing. To most people, I don’t look unwell but I feel so exhausted all the time.

      Reading about other people’s experience is very helpful for me. Not only does it raise awareness, but I don’t feel alone in this. I would love to know if anyone managed to deal with adhesions and heal.

      • sparrow says:

        I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going thru, Jk. That’s why I come to this site, because people bring so much experience to it. I wonder whether trying to be overly healthy, all this juicing and fibre overloading foods, has created gut issues in women in particular. When I had an ED I maxed out on low calorie super foods – meaning lots of fruit and veg. I think this has harmed me possibly. I really hate going away with work because I have to be Ms Bland – no coffee in meetings or lovely dinners. I’m water and biscuits. It’s the only way to stop going into overdrive. I don’t know anything about adhesions but I know what’s it’s like to feel like you’re dancing to the tune of your tummy. It’s life-affecting for sure. Sometimes inhibiting. I have always marvelled at the royal family’s ability to go on tour etc. I could never commit to such a long drawn out engagement. If Kate has been suffering like this, in silence, I feel sorry for her.

      • Puppy1 says:

        @JK, I donated a kidney 30+ years ago to my Dad. They opened me up completely and removed a rib to get it out. 40 staples to close me up. I got pregnant 6mo later and had adhesions that tore throughout the pregnancy. After I had my daughter, I went to the transplant team and they injected the adhesions with some type of long lasting type of Novocain. Shortly after while reaching for something, there was a kind of “pop” and it hasn’t bothered me since. Worth asking your doctors about it. Good luck!

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        JK, I’m sorry that you’re suffering with adhesions like you are. I had a hysterectomy and a little less than 6 weeks later had a bowel obstruction from adhesions, which twisted the small intestine so tightly that all that they could do was cut it out. Unfortunately, I had quite an infection by that time. I was in the hospital 6 days and was good to go at 6 weeks. I worked at it to get there.

        That was 25 years ago, and what I’ve discovered is that if I don’t keep my weight at a certain level, I will have issues with pain and blockage. So far, I’ve been able to get past that with some things that were suggested by doctors. I can’t tell you how annoying it is to have to continually watch my weight, but it has made the issue rare, so I have motivation.

        I don’t know if you’ve talked with other doctors, but I would encourage you to do so (gastroenterologist) to see if there’s something more they can do for you. I hope you are able to find something that works for you. That pain is BAD.

      • Jk says:

        Thank you Saucy& Sassy, Puppy1 and Sparrow. This site is provides a wealth of information. I learn so much from other people’s experiences and it really does help! It’s been far more helpful to hear from you than my gastroenterologists and GP. I was told by one gastroenterologist that there’s nothing that can be done for adhesions. They’ll only intervene when there’s a total bowel obstruction. My feeling is that the adhesions are causing a narrowing or partial obstruction of the bowel. CT scan was inconclusive. The other gastroenterologist said my symptoms were more consistent with stress and anxiety. I think I need to find better specialists.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Kate could do a world of good if she could muster the courage to talk about whatever she is dealing with … not now, obviously, but after she recovered.

      The late queen could have done the same if she’d been open about her need in her later years to use mobility devices. But she reportedly refused to be even photographed using a walker or wheelchair.

      • sparrow says:

        Hi QuiteContrary. Happy new year! I hadn’t heard that about the queen. Really interesting and, yes, a bit of a missed opportunity.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think your husband is right and it is intestinal related. That explains the long hospital stay and the reluctance to open up about what the surgery actually was.

      I agree that she could do a lot of good by talking about it. Maybe not right now, but when she is recovered. Think of Katie Couric undergoing a colonoscopy on the Today Show to promote screenings for colon cancer. People are ashamed/embarrassed to talk about problems relating to the gastrointestinal system, and really more awareness can make a difference.

      (my mom researched traveler’s diarrhea and cholera for years and my aunt was a colonoscopy prep nurse. My family has NO BOUNDARIES when it comes to these topics, lol.)

      • Becks1 says:

        oh, and to this point –

        I just saw that visits to NHS’ page on prostate enlargement went up 1000% in the past 24 hours. That’s what being open about something like this can do.

      • sparrow says:

        Hi Becks1. That’s really interesting about the NHS site. Thanks. I love that kind of detail.

      • Teagirl says:

        Nor do I. My personal medical history has left me very knowledgable about my lower digestive system. I’ve had so many doctors and nurses look at and in and up my lady parts and nearby places that it doesn’t bother me at all. One thing I have found is that I can be a valuable resource to people who have similar problems and either are too embarrassed to ask the doctor, or just want to ask a few questions. I know the medications, the OTC products, what you need in a ‘go bag’, best creams for soreness. I have names for every stage of my disease, and nicknames for various stages of diarrhoea etc. If I can help anybody by letting them talk and ask questions, I’m glad to do so.

        We need to bring bowels out of the closet! We might be able to reduce deaths from colon cancer and other diseases by talking about it. I was going to add that I was impressed that we were told about King Charles’ prostate operation and wondered if it would benefit people to know, and I see in another post that there has been lots of googling about it. Let’s hope it saves lives.

      • Jk says:

        I actually went for a colonoscopy after hearing about Chadwick Boseman and decided not to ignore my discomfort any longer. Good thing I did too. They found two small polyps.

        Re. Charles, I was surprised to hear the news because my father suffers significant discomfort from enlarged prostate and complains about it but we have always been told by his GP and urologist that they do not operate unless it’s cancer and I took them at their word. Now I learn that it is something operable?

    • Lady Esther says:

      For Kate, appearances are the most important thing in the world. She must, at all times, be seen as the perfect pretty princess with absolutely no flaws, let alone digestive issues! Perfect pretty princesses don’t fart or poop or bloat or have any sort of nasty icky problems like that. Ugh!

      She never said one word publicly about her HG, whatever people think about whether or not she actually had it. It could have done a world of good for women to raise awareness…

      I’m afraid Princess “You Don’t Know Me Well Enough To Talk About My Hormones!” is the very last person we could expect to lead conversations about digestive problems, no matter how many people she could be helping….not least because once she pulls at that thread…an authentic life beckons, and that means a whole load of life changes she doesn’t so far show any sign of making. But maybe going through something like this will change her. Stranger things have happened

      • BQM says:

        Lots of people who aren’t “pretty princesses” don’t Ike to talk about poop. Maybe we can wait until she’s not in the hospital to decide she’s a failure, or will be, at bringing attention to issues we don’t even know she has.

  36. Sunday says:

    My working theory is that there was some sort of emergency on Dec 28 (hence the convoy), and KP …”handled it internally” for as long as they could. Meanwhile, they went to work the best way they knew how: by drudging up the Lilibet smear campaign (paying their tabloid overlords to chum the waters for cover, the invisible contract etc etc), then either in coordination with or unbeknownst to BP piggybacked on Charles’ prostate announcement with the intention of further muddying the waters and masking whatever’s going on with Kate.

    IMO, the clearest evidence that something isn’t right here are the obvious fingerprints consistent with KP’s usual tactics: step 1 smear the Sussexes, step 2 hide whatever you need to about the Wales, step 3 throw Charles under the bus somehow if possible, step 4 Will as savior, step 5 repeat as needed. It’s textbook at this point, and IMO its deployment here gives away something larger afoot.

    • Julianna says:

      @Sunday. AGREE with this 100% . Well stated.

    • Dee says:

      1) Does this have anything to do with the rumours that a royal couple were set to split early this year?
      2) Did William hear about his father’s health issues ahead of time and decided it’s a good time to get some plastic surgery/hair transplants at the same time so he’s ready to take the throne? Because there is no way he’s being hands on dad and husband throughout this.

  37. Jay says:

    I’m going to focus on this odd, very specific statement right here:

    “She was not rushed for hospital and her condition was not something that developed over the weekend.”

    So it was a “planned” procedure for something that developed earlier than this past weekend, but (presumably) after the announcement of an Italian tour. But why announce it at all? Nobody would have known or, frankly, wondered why we weren’t seeing Kate.

    Fortunately (?) it’s not unusual for her to be AWOL for weeks. She could certainly have stayed in hiding for the rest of the winter if it weren’t for the Italian tour, and even then, she could likely have stayed home to help George study again.

    I think that details were starting to leak out and this is KP’s attempt at stemming the tide, but they have not done a good job shutting it down.

    • Dutch says:

      They were trying to get ahead of the inevitable given the length of time Kate is expected to stay in the hospital. While they aren’t necessarily stalked, I’d be willing to wager the Middleton family’s movements don’t escape the notice of the press. So if Carole and Pippa (and not Kate) are popping up at a hospital for several days in a row, it would not take long for the press to connect the dots.

  38. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Okay but how is Wiglet Gopher doing? Why haven’t we heard about their care and support? What are the royals hiding about Wiglet Gopher???

  39. BQM says:

    My general theory regarding timing and the multiple posts about planned, engagements, etc

    She’s had some symptoms of something (or part of a regular exam). Tests are done.

    Plans made for upcoming year and announced. Some more vague than others.

    Test results come back with something of concern. Consultation results in surgery being needed. And sooner rather than later but not an emergency. (Ie no rushing ER then and there.)

    Because it’s serious enough and recovery is long enough that lots of plans will be scuppered anyway, they just pull the trigger and do it asap before more time is lost.

    Because of the type of surgery and recovery time, some engagements need to be canceled. Because of exact timing some are still up,in the air. Either to whether she’ll go or to whether, like the Italy trip, it may result in just William. They’re far enough out to not make decisions yet.

  40. WiththeAmerican says:

    This really gives off very disturbing vibes, it seems so serious but then they’re inviting press to camp out? I hope she’s okay.

    At any rate, several months ago I was asking if anyone still had the link to astrology done in 2011 about Kate being a bully. Well, I found it, but what’s most interesting right now is that it talks about an event happening like this and how she will likely not have energy *for the rest of her life.* I then saw this separately on a different astrology site last week, one that is very pro Kate.

    It also says George, who hadn’t been born yet and wouldn’t be for two years but they guessed the month and year of his birth, will be the next king.

    Astrology might just be entertainment, but this seems rather on the nose: (pg. 2,4&5)

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Also, this calls out her “obsession” with Diana. Kaiser called it.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      That was really interesting. I had to get past the woo (I don’t believe in clairvoyants or ghosts) but the astrology influence, set out in an amazing amount of detail, was spot on and really sad.

      Also, I love Big Blue more than a person should and even I think it’s cursed.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Same, my big takeaway was how sad. So much of it was spot on, the infighting ans the battle and Kate and Will with their backs to each other fighting a world that they feel wounded by — so insightful.

        Also, I’m not into ghosts either,so I took some of that to mean the energy of Diana’s emotions, which could have force I suppose. I also love big blue — but no way would I want to wear it.

      • A says:

        Where I come from, sapphires are considered to be a gemstone to stay away from, because of potential bad affects on the person who owns it/wears it. Not everyone can wear it “with ease”, if that makes any sense. It has something to do with astrology, and the person’s astrology specifically. I don’t know too much of the details, but that’s roughly what I was told when I asked about it a long time ago.

        Big Blue is a huge sapphire too. It also comes from a rough provenance, being Diana’s engagement ring. I’m like you, I don’t believe in “woo”, I’m more fascinated by these types of things, but I’m with you. I don’t even think it’s cursed, I just think it has plain bad vibes all around.

    • May says:

      I remember reading this when they came out and boy was this astrologer on the money! There is also a link to a prior reading of the wedding itself which is very interesting and had some very interesting things to say about the couple and about George. If I recall correctly, he only did a few readings on the Royals and died not long after. He was about the only astrologer that actually called things as he saw them and didn’t pretty things up. My favorite part is where he does not think that Kate is a fighter but that her signs do indicate her being a bully!

      • WiththeAmerican says:


        I could’ve sworn someone here linked to this during some big event and I lost it and was trying to find it everywhere for so long because it was the most insightful thing I’d read by any astrologer on them. So glad I found it again.

        Yeah, he didn’t pretty anything up, he just called it like it read, which makes it stand out so much. So sad that he passed, and I’m grateful to whoever is keeping the old newsletters online.

        The bully part is why it stayed with me initially! Really called her behavior to MM, including the two will and Kate, uniting against a force (MM?)

    • Pixie says:

      ” The immediate future for the Windsors, as it appears before me, is tragic. The events I see
      cry out for someone to stop them. Throwing a diseased engagement ring into the
      Thames would be a good start.”


    • “Because they share little (aside from rescuing each other), they give each other wide latitude in all other matters. Which makes the relationship invulnerable (despite appearances) & gives the temptation to act out, either singly or together. To do anything, to try anything that comes to mind. A life of desperation, if you will, which can eventually become destructive to those around them. Kate and William are essentially incompatible, yes, but they trust each other absolutely and fear the outside world utterly. Their marriage is one of mutual fear, not love.”

      Wow, that is a READ!

  41. Kat says:

    I had bad vibes about that ring.I thought it was a bit strange for William to give it to Kate as an engagement ring, especially after what happened to his mother.Give it to her simply as ring was differant but not to wear on the third finger left hand.

  42. Lucy says:

    Since we’re throwing random things out there, liver transplant fits the recovery timelines. If so, she’d still be in ICU and they would probably wait to make an additional comment until it was certain the surgery was successful. Regardless, no confidence of my own opinion due to lack of patient (and medical) knowledge…hope she heals well and quickly.

  43. JDLS says:

    As someone who has a child and has had to hide a mental health crisis after difficulties in my first marriage, I think that’s what this is. Emotional stress can really do a number on the body, and if I’m correct I hope she gets the space and support she needs.

  44. VilleRose says:

    Best guess is this was planned a few weeks in advance due to a condition that was discovered beforehand (maybe the Dec. 28th convoy to the hospital). I still think this may be mental health related that could have manifested as something physical, especially if she was feeling deeply stressed. I broke out in acne due to deep depression and stress over a decade ago, extreme stress can wreck havoc with your digestive system too. Whatever it is, I do hope she recovers.

  45. ArtFossil says:

    I’m wondering if Kate will ever return to public duties. And also wondering if anyone will notice if she does not.