Ship: Duchess Meghan won’t return to the UK because she’s afraid of being booed

The Duchess of Sussex spent more time in the UK in 2022 than she intended to. First, she and Prince Harry popped into Windsor just before Easter, and they had a breezy meeting with QEII. As they were leaving, they found that Charles and Camilla had rushed over to meet them. Then the Sussexes were off to The Hague for Invictus. Skip ahead to the Jubbly, and the Sussexes brought their kids over to meet QEII, they were given their own procession through the church and they left with the rest of the family. As they were going to and from St. Paul’s Cathedral, there was some talk about people “booing” them or cheering them. The videos made it seem like a few people booed but most people cheered. Given that the British press regularly posts operatives in crowds to shout/boo at people, it would not surprise me if there was some booing.

Then came QEII’s funeral and the Sussexes being held hostage in England for nearly two full weeks. The intense focus on the Sussexes was astonishing and disgusting, especially given that the Windsors were openly sadistic towards Harry and Meghan in front of the international media. It would not surprise me if, during those traumatic days, Meghan privately pledged to never return there again. Because she hasn’t. She refused to go to the coronation and she will not join Harry this week for the Invictus anniversary event in London. Instead of just acknowledging the fact that Meghan is never going to come back to a country, family or national media which abused her for years (and still abuses her from a distance), royal correspondent Chris Ship claims that Meghan isn’t returning to the UK this week because…she doesn’t want to be booed.

Meghan Markle may not be accompanying Harry to the UK for the Invictus Games event because she is afraid that she will be booed by the British public again, a royal expert has said. Prince Harry, 39, is set to fly to the UK next week for the event but he will not be joined by his wife. Instead the Duchess of Sussex, 42, will fly from the US to Nigeria to meet her husband for an official visit immediately afterwards.

The mother-of-two is worried about coming back because she does not want to feel unwelcome by royalists at St Paul’s for the second time, according to ITV News’ royal correspondent Chris Ship. Meghan and Harry went to the historic landmark in 2022 to participate in celebrations for the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. But when they exited the car, they were greeted by some smiles, cheers and applause – but also booing.

Speaking on the Sun’s Royal Exclusive Show, he said: ‘We heard the boos for them. We should be clear there was also people cheering for them, but there were definitely boos at St Paul’s Cathedral. So going back there I can see why Meghan may not wish to accompany Harry there.’

In September 2022, the Duchess of Sussex travelled to Windsor Castle with her husband Harry, Kate and William to greet those who wanted to pay their respects to Queen after she passed away. The former fab-four walked around and interacted with people who were eager to offer their best wishes to the royals during the tough time. But when Meghan went to shake hands with one woman, she was ignored. She refused to put out her hand when Meghan went to shake it, and then turned her head away from the former Suits star altogether.

The royal expert also that Meghan will join Harry afterwards as they head to Nigeria, but Chris branded Meghan a ‘Marmite’ character. He said: ‘We must remember that as much as Meghan in this country is a bit of Marmite character, people love her or people really don’t love her, she is likely to be seen very very differently in Africa. So I would have thought actually that she will get huge numbers of crowds coming out to see her because she’s a figure on the global stage and she’s coming to their country.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Here’s my exclusive reporting: Meghan doesn’t give a f–k about whether she’s booed or whether some hateful Karen refused to shake her hand. Meghan was treated like sh-t across the board and when she left a country which did not value her, she was treated like a runaway slave who needed to be “brought back.” When she left an abusive situation with her toxic in-laws and a toxic press, the abuse got worse, the imagery got more violent and the aggression towards her became even more terrifying. A “marmite character” – a woman who does nothing but support her husband, raise her babies and leave toxic situations.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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91 Responses to “Ship: Duchess Meghan won’t return to the UK because she’s afraid of being booed”

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    She probably also doesn’t want to be shot or stabbed by a lunatic whipped into a frenzy by the press.

    • SURE says:

      Yeah, the BM (particularly those who work for the Windsors) are stochastic terrorists and Chris Boat is unethically earning his keep by continuing to invite hate towards M.

      • kirk says:

        Exactly. Since Chris Shiz tries to sound like he’s giving complete report on UK attitude towards Meghan, I’ll give him benefit of doubt and help him out.
        “Six former London police officers on Thursday were given suspended prison sentences for sharing offensive and racist messages on WhatsApp, including references to Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex” (Reuters 12/7/23).
        “A neo-Nazi podcaster who called for the deaths of Prince Harry and his young son received a prison sentence Thursday along with his co-host. The sentencing judge in London called the duo “dedicated and unapologetic white supremacists” who encouraged terrorism” (USA Today 1/4/24).

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Meghan and Harry were not booed at the church service. Footage clearly shows them arriving to loud cheers. Booing began when the odious Boris Johnson and his wife arrived shortly behind them. But nobody should be surprised that the British media and rota sycophants are choosing to lie and misrepresent the facts. The only members of the royal family that are routinely rejected by the public are Charles and William and Kate. W&K have been booed at sports games, Charles has been booed, protested and even egged at engagements. All the public humiliation that they desperately wish for Meghan is actually regularly happening to the rest of the Leftover Royals instead.

      • Olivia says:

        I was about to post a reply to the original article along the lines of “sure Jan”, but you summed it up beautifully.

      • Cadet VR says:

        Why defend obvious lies? We all know what happened.. When you defend lies, you promote the lie as though it’s real. The way to explain it is to tell the truth. Charles, Camilla, willy and Kate have been booed and some egged. Don’t bring Meghan into the lies. Don’t defend obvious lies. That’s not helping.

    • Christine says:


    • She is afraid for her safety because of the constant riling up of crazy people who believe the crap stories that the gutter press and Peg make up about her.

      • Snapdragon2323 says:

        The UK media have exploited Megan for seven years. If the UK press/RF/KP had treated H&M as the fun, cut-them-some slack “B Team,” the press & the RF would be better off today. But the press couldn’t handle its greed/negativity, and the RF couldn’t handle their jealousy.
        They never made it survivable for Meg. Charles booted them out of the UK home the couple spent Meghan’s money rehabbing– ancient wreck they didn’t even own. And willingly paid market-rate rent on top of that. It’s always astonishing how the Brit critics ignore the sadistically abusive press these two were subject to. Reminds me of US right-wingers/Fox/MAGA pols who downplay the ugly Jan 6th violence as exaggerated (“tourists!) It’s like, are you nuts, I know what I SAW in real time. Roll tape.
        That last minute walkabout after the Queen’s death was painful to watch. A innately brave girl, she was freaked but she engaged sincerely with the crowd. During the funeral week, Harry & Meghan never put a foot wrong. They quietly did what they had to in a glaringly hostile environment (not the general public) then got the hell out of Dodge.
        Maybe she’ll never return, although I could see them flying into Glasgow this summer (just Scotland, not England,) so their kids could spend some in-person time with their grandfather at Balmoral. It might prove to be a solid memory for their five-year-old.

    • Oh come on. says:

      So their story is, “If she were truly a caring person, she’d show up for our abuse and threats. If she were truly brave, she’d visit us despite the security threats we encourage and refuse to protect her from”

      And they think this is a good look for the BRF?

      She is never, ever coming back. I hope

    • BayTampaBay says:

      ‘“marmite character”

      Marmite is a British food spread; either you love it or you hate it.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        And of course it is dark brown in colour so could be misused by racists.

    • ales says:

      Time for the invisible palace cowards issuing statements and speaking for the brf, to show themselves. No need to hide when you are telling the truth. So tired of opposites days. There is so much evidence and stories about K’s social climbing, stalking, exhibitionism, trashy behavior, grifting, yacht work, extreme selfcenteredness and very questionable history all over the media. The invisible cowards constantly promote a mediocre, workshy, very aloof cardboard cutout. The invisible palace cowards try to attribute all K’s failures, lack of ability to Meghan. It is not working, except for bots and royal rota constantly printing garbage, and some brits believing fake news, the rest of the world is disgusted.

  2. Anna says:

    No, she’s afraid of being killed. And she has nothing to do with the salty island anymore. She tried, result was horrific, she let go. And salty lies cannot deal with fact she no longer cares.

    • nutella toast says:

      @anna just what I was going to say. *killed or *abused swapped out for “booed”.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Right. Meghan values her life, her peace, her sanity and safety, and her dearly beloved family and friends. She knows how to say, ‘NO!’ to salty haters, and to jealous, petty abusers!

      Plus, Chris Sh$t might as well tell the whole truth. His memory is obviously negatively selective. During the walkabout at Windsor after QE-II’s death, it was the loving hug from a teenaged young lady, along with friendly greetings by others toward Meghan that received global attention. 🤎

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yes @aftershocks. The hug that went around the world. The interview with the young woman that around the world. The young woman saying she wanted Meghan to know she is WELCOMED in England went around the world. Yep, selective memory. The booers were a very minor number of people. Game plan of rewriting history is on.

  3. Carmen says:

    The only thing the UK deserves from Meghan is the back of her hand.

    • Agnes says:

      She withstood years of Daily Mail headlines and would be well able to weather a few (planted, highly sus) boos. But why would she want to, especially when she knows William and Kate (if she’s till alive) and Charles and Camzilla would like her d-e-a-d. I’m sure she’d rather have her children grow up with a mother than risk a Diane-style “accident” at the hands of that corrupt bunch.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      ++1000 to the above.

  4. equality says:

    The media made her unwelcome. KC made it clear she was unwelcome. W&K constantly put out PR about how unwelcome she is. Who would go back?

  5. Goldenkatz says:

    I would assume her real fear is being harmed or killed. If I had a national media ginning up hate and no security, I too would stay away.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. And then the media figures go on TV and lie about everything – the real danger and their role in creating it. I hope they all continue to lose their jobs and homes and eyelashes.

  6. E.A says:

    Man Harry’s not worth half of this crap still my opinion. After reading spare it was obvious the family didn’t want her and he should’ve have left if he wanted to marry her. Good luck to them I like them really do, but what a horrible life constant ridicule from your husband family, country racists e.t.c.

    • Anna says:

      They seem to be very much in love. Meg clearly thinks he is worth it.

      If all this baggage came with my husband, I would still be with him. He is worth it.

      But I often wonder how will this develop in eg 10-20-30 years. If and when will BRF/BM stop. Because it’s already been 5 years and not much changed. And it is INSANE.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        The same media outlets are still making money out of Diana and it is 27 years since she died. They will stop making money out of criticising Meghan when people stop clicking on their fairy tales.

    • MsIam says:

      So what, you think if Harry left before the wedding, things would have been fine? That’s ridiculous, because the abuse started as soon as the press got wind that he and Meghan were serious. Harry’s family is a bunch of jealous creeps who enjoy hurting people, including him. And he did leave and move a whole ocean and continent away.

      • Jais says:

        Agree@msiam. If he’d left with Meghan before the wedding, the family and the press would be doing the same as they are now. Acting like stalking exes.

    • Tessa says:

      They also need to keep the children safe.

      • Just Jade says:

        I would like to know why those rats 🐀 want her to visit salty isle after they made her unwelcome while she was living there and chased her out of the country. Are they trying to finish the job?

      • Lolo86lf says:

        Imagine if Meghan would have been accepted into the bosom of the royal family. Harry and Meghan would still be living in England being part of it. Harry deserves to be enjoying the life of a royal just like anyone of them and by extension his wife and their children. Instead they rejected his biracial wife and Harry had to abandon his homeland to protect them and himself as well. The kids lost half their heritage and it is not fair at all.

    • KeKe Swan says:

      Seriously. I love their love story but the cost …? To fear for your life for the rest of your life? To be screamed at and dogged by British bloodhounds for every move you make? I hope she thinks it’s worth it. I don’t know if it would be worth it to me.

      • Jaded says:

        She ignores them, that’s how she deals with it. They are no more to her than a few annoying gnats buzzing around, so she stays in Montecito or travels to any place other than England, giving them the metaphorical middle finger.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Love from the right person is worth a lot.imo Loving the right person that loves you back equally is worth a lot. As a man on his own, Harry is worth it. Ridicule from the BRF, OG’s of “reality” shows, lol. Ridicule from the BM/RR’s, who’ve lost in court from their ill begotten words/lies. LOVE WINS. And that makes the BRF/BM sad.

      Love, love, love the fireworks photo.

      Will is doing a fine job protecting his love. Himself. By throwing Kate under the bus for the frankenphoto. That’s not just on KP idiots. It’s on Will. Along with the other F*ckery.

  7. Mika says:

    Lest we forget: Charles famously made his young sons walk behind thier mother’s coffin during a TV spectacle so he wouldn’t be booed for the way he treated her and they are affected to this day from it. But sure, Meghan is the coward.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    Why does Chris Shit think all of this makes his fellow Salty Islanders look good? Booing someone going into a church? Wow, really classy. Being so rude you don’t shake the queen’s granddaughter-in-law’s hand (extended in peace) while you’re there supposedly mourning your recently dead queen? And then posting about it online like you did a sick burn?

    Chris Shit and all the others like him know the truth though – they are DYING for her to return so they have some new Meghan content and photos to yammer on about and profit from. So they can make up false narratives about her dying to return to royal life and wanting to be forgiven (for what, they cannot articulate). They know she and Harry are the only ones the world cares about – including apparently everyone Salty Isle because she’s all they can talk about – and they’re DESPERATE to get their nasty, pathetic, dirty, lying, racist hands on her again.

    And that’s why I hope she’ll never, ever, EVER (and did I mention never?!) return. Why I hope she stays booked and busy in sunny Cali and rested and relaxed under a tree in her backyard.

    • Jais says:

      This. They want to profit off of her. So why should she grace them with her presence just so they can make money? While simultaneously belittling her, demeaning her, and stirring up hates towards her? Nah, she’s gonna give that coin to the Nigerian press.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Let me remind you all that Chris Ship is a hardened royalist who announced to the world that he would no longer be covering Harry and Meghan after they move to the US. That was 4 years ago. He as not relented in his coverage of the couple, despite that vow. To the contrary, he has not only continued to talk about every breath they take, he’s even gone so far as to engage in conspiracy theories about Harry and Meghan, including retweeting a vile post that altered an image of Harry, and used it to accuse Meghan of DV.

      If being booed is so important to Chris, why has he said nothing about William and Charles being openly booed by they Subjects? In fact, before Meghan attended the last Jubilee, the rota were shouting from the roof top about how she was going to get booed. That crowed outside St. Paul’s was a royalist crowed. Bojo the clown got booed mercilessly. There was one person in the crowed craning his neck trying to boo the couple. That conservative, royalist crowed mostly cheered them. They even cheered louder when Harry and Meghan were leaving. Please! Desperate and pathetic, thine name is the royal rota.

      • Lorelei says:

        @ProudMary, preach! Chris Ship is a hypocrite of the highest order. He tries to pretend he’s “above” the more…unsavory aspects of his job, but he is absolutely not. He’s never turned down the chance to tweet something controversial in order to get his name out there, being talked about.

        I cannot stand his sanctimonious ass.

      • Christine says:

        He’s really ramped up the hate for Meghan this year, almost like he is getting desperately close to broke.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Thank you @Proud Mary for the reminder of Chris Ship saying he wasn’t going to cover H&M anymore. That tweet is out there. He is showing himself as another RR who is provably showing themselves as being dependent on the Sussexes paying their rent. Just like Levin. Not a respectable club. At all.

        Love that that the video/interview of Meghan with the young woman during the QE2’s walkabout isn’t in question with major news agencies.

        And, certain others are being questioned.

  9. MsIam says:

    Did they throw eggs at Meghan? Do they put up anti Meghan billboards around town? Do they boo her at sporting events? Seems like Chris Sh*t needs to worry about what’s happening to the Left-behinds and their reception and not Meghan. At anyone rate Chris, no Meghan’s not coming back so deal with it.

    • Tessa says:

      Nobody mentions that Charles had eggs thrown at him and William was booed. Footage out there to see.

      • kirk says:

        After checking the merch on website, I can reliably report there is zero merch that says anything specifically about Meghan. OTOH merch with #NotMyKing abounds on flyers, stickers, tee-shirts, hoodies and coffee cups – all directed at Chuck and Hair. Republic’s push to “Abolish the Monarchy” would likely have little effect on Meghan’s life.

  10. Jais says:

    Getting booed by a few people while everyone else cheers in excitement is not something Meghan cares about, please. Besides, Charles Camilla William and Kate have all been booed by anti-monarchists before. It ain’t like she’s the only one getting booed. And even if she was, so what? She doesn’t want to go bc it doesn’t feel safe. Harry has said he doesn’t feel safe bringing his family. The BM speaks horribly of her and then pretends like it’s not their own treatment of her that has her staying away. It’s bc she doesn’t want to get booed? Bullshit. The BM is playing games.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I just really hope he stops returning as well. No more made up church services, no more quick visits to see his father. Just no more. I understand it’s the country of his birth but at some point enough is enough. Your family doesn’t care about you and only wants to use you for their personal benefit before they stick a knife in your and your wife’s back the second your plane leaves British airspace.

      I really hope he does any future visits (for Invictus or his charities) by video. And I really hope DC gets the IG27 Games. I just can’t see how anyone would think it’s a good idea to hold them in England when the founder and his family aren’t welcome or safe and the entire royal establishment is so petty they can’t even acknowledge the veteran athletes. What would the benefit be?

  11. Maxine Branch says:

    Hopefully Meghan is just done with the UK. Nothing more. When you are made to feel unwelcome by your husbands birth family and the gutter U.K. press, it is beyond boos this is about, finding your peace.

  12. Nanea says:

    Isn’t it Wednesday yet, Chris *Taliban* Shipwreck?

    Seriously, if Meghan hurts their fefes so much – why do they keep reporting about her, contortioning everything we know to be the truth.

    It’s not, as others have already said, about booing (BoJo and Carrie were the ones who were booed, and CS knows that), but about the lack of security, the lies, the threats, the racism.

    The way they belittle Meghan, because the other duchess, the Sick Note one, had nothing to offer, not even when she was still around regularly. Kate Missington is an intellectual lightweight, she’s lazy, all she does is KopyKeening Meghan. Unless she flashes the peasants, or does her trademark jazz hands, gurning, rictus grin, mumbling.

    But of course CS can’t be bothered to analyze that kind of behavior, so it’s back to threatening, belittling, disrespecting Meghan.

  13. Eurydice says:

    Lol. Chris, shout a bit louder; she’s not listening.

  14. Tessa says:

    She is too good for them. There are derangers who want harry to leave and take the children. There are also some scary comments. I think harry should stop his own visits

    • Giddy says:

      They never deserved her, and that goes for Harry too. So let them continue on with their international interests and philanthropy. And let salty isle have the “joy” of the jealous rage-monster left behind.

    • Jais says:

      That’s the thing. Meghan was “booed” by very few and cheered by many at the jubilee. After that, she appeared publicly for the funeral walkabout and the funeral. And she held her head high and was grace under pressure. The photos show her to be absolutely dignified graceful and pure class. Which all happened after the big “booing”🙄. So clearly she is capable of being seen in public regardless of potential booing. The issue is she just doesn’t want to be around y’all. And y’all, the BM, are feeling a type of way, which is embarrassed that this strong and graceful woman wants nothing to do with y’all. Like nothing cuz y’all are filth and not worth her time.

  15. Tessa says:

    The most horrific thing was Kate lunging at Meghan on the walkabout. The media never brings that up.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    Eff Taliban Ship. I agree Meghan DGAF about booing. She cares about protecting her mental health and prefers not to be in that toxic situation. Let’s not forget that Charles said that she wasn’t family.

    • Christine says:

      FFS, Meghan was an actress, arguably one of the top five careers for which developing a thick skin is a requirement. These people really are on a mission to make Meghan small. Keep shining, Meghan.

  17. Moniquep says:

    1. How much more unwelcome can Meghan feel when you have BM talking head trolls flat out telling her to stay away she’s not welcome.
    2. When those same talking heads repeatedly plead with her husband to dump her and their children and return to be forgiven for his sin of marrying her, that he will be welcomed with open arms.
    3. When her husband’s family and their minions repeatedly brief said BM talking heads how they will welcome her husband back if only he would divorce her and dump their children.
    4. When her FIL refuses to put a stop to the almost 8yrs of continued attacks and harassment of her and her children, including threats to their lives.

    Do I need to go on??
    It boggles the mind how these shit for brains so called ” royal experts ” all have collective amnesia when it comes to their abhorrent treatment of this woman, who most of them have never met, and she has done nothing to deserve such treatment.
    They are simply trying to goad her to prove to them that she is not afraid, and show up so they can get what they want. To make money and further abuse her.

  18. Jan says:

    The BM is use to telling the BRF jump, and they do, that sh*te don’t work with the Sussexes and they have been trying to bait them for 6 years.
    Heads up to Chris Shipwreck, last week Meghan was at an invitation only Investors meeting in Montecito.

  19. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Meghan won’t return to the UK because she is living her life, mothering her babies, running her businesses, doing her philanthropy, doing other stuff with Harry I can’t mention because this is a PG rated blog, and paying the entire country of Britain zero mind AT ALL.

    I’ve said this before, but you know that Mad Men gif where some other character goes into a tirade about how he feels sorry for Don Draper and DD simply replies, “I don’t think about you at all?” That gif is the relationship between the British media/RF and H&M in a nutshell.

    Don’t get me wrong, the posters pointing out that there are legit security reasons to stay away are 100% correct!! But I also don’t think the UK takes up an atom of space in Meghan’s head anymore, because she’s moved on.

    • Moniquep says:

      ” other stuff with Harry ” lol!
      That’s part of what’s killing these people, that Harry is doing the ” stuff ” with Meghan. It probably gives them nightmares. It’s also why the derangers refuses to accept the children are real, because Harry did the “stuff ” with Meghan to produce them.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ 😉 Yep! As Harry describes to us in Spare, the ‘settled in rhythms’ of family life post Lili’s birth, “… Meg and I were skin to skin and she said: ‘I’ve never been more in love with you than in that moment [when you helped me give birth to Lili]…’ She said: ‘That was everything.’ She said: ‘That was a man.’ My love. She said: ‘That is not a Spare.'”

        In his final acknowledgements at the book’s end, Harry writes: “Thanks to my incredible wife, for too many millions of gifts and sacrifices, great and small, … Love of my life, thank you, thank you, thank you. This book would’ve been impossible … without you. Most things would be impossible without you.”

        Their profound love is the reason for all the jealousy and hate.

  20. Miranda says:

    I cannot forget how anxious Meghan looked during that walkabout. Many of us just watching from home were anxious on her behalf, and decided then and there that we didn’t want her to ever go back there. It seems that she came to the same conclusion, and that Harry is willing to make solo trips back to the UK for certain occasions. But that leaves Archie and Lili as victims of the status quo. Will it ever be safe for them to visit their father’s homeland, and see the family and friends there who have remained supportive, like their Spencer relatives? Obviously those people could travel to Montecito, but they should have the chance to see where their paternal grandmother grew up and is buried, and see the places where their father has happy memories, and pay their respects to the great-grandmother (and Lili’s namesake) they never got to know. To me, that’s the most unfair and upsetting part of all this.

    • Jais says:

      So I agree that she looked anxious at times but think that had more to do with having just been in a car with William and Kate. Kate was publicly intimidating Meghan through body language and who knows what William was like in the car. But she was lovely with the public. But yeah, I think so many behind the scene things may have happened during the funeral time that she made a choice to not engage. And yeah, it sucks. They should be able to safely visit and see friends and Spencer family. But the RF, RAVEC and the govt has made it so they can’t.

      • Lorelei says:

        I was so glad that people were giving her flowers, with many saying they were happy to see her. Didn’t one girl ask her for a hug? I was so relieved on her behalf.

  21. Tina says:

    I truly hope she never goes back there. Not even for charles’ funeral. Harry can pop in and pop right back out for it.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I feel the same, I hope she skips it all.

      • kirk says:

        Chuck told Harry he didn’t want to support Meghan financially because he was “not made of money.” When QEII died, Chuck would not allow Meghan to travel with Harry to Balmoral because she wasn’t considered “family.” Doubtful that Chuck would make any provision for Meghan at his own funeral.

  22. s808 says:

    They told Meghan to leave if she didn’t like the abuse, she did and has yet to come back. I don’t see the problem 🤷🏽‍♀️ She gave everyone what they said they wanted. C, W & K are happy to not have her around, she’s happier here with her friends and family, H is happy she and their children are alive and safe. Looks like press are the only ones not happy, but again, they told her to leave! If that’s not what they wanted, they should’ve said and acted different.

  23. Chantal1 says:

    And no sane person blames her. And sane people know why she stays away, and it’s not bc of alleged booing.

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    Given the actual threats made against her, her security probably has advised her not to go. Because the British media continue to gin up hatred against her.

    • Libra says:

      True. They pay for the best security and she would take their advise to stay away. Harry is going but I suspect is bringing security with him.

  25. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    I’m sure someone has said this also, it would simply look terrible for being known for booing as a country and people. There’s nothing tangible to boo her for, so you’d be demonstrating racism, inability to think critically, classism, a desire to harm, being paid to boo and likely a combination of all that ugly. Meghan would not care. Still, she can stay away and it’s not safe, so, of course, don’t go.

  26. ChaiLatte says:

    I hated how they were so vicious to H&M, they couldn’t even keep their nastiness in check at all! QE2 wasn’t even cold in the ground yet and they were showing their ignorant a$$es for the world to see! Meghan gave and continues to give a Masterclass on how to ignore the toxicity when it tries to pop up in your life. She continues to carry herself with grace and elegance which sends the RF, BM and all of the royalist rats into a frothing frenzy. Her living her best life will continue to put them all in a chokehold. I hope she never sets one toe back on that island.

  27. Square2 says:

    I see, formerly political reporter, “I was in the 🇳🇱 for ‘vacation’ 2022” tal1ban Ship was missing the engagement with Sussex Squad on X/Twitter. He’s longing to be roasted.

    Duchess Meghan kept her smile when mean girls Invisible KKKate & Sophie the Fiesta snubbed her on live TV broadcast; remained her serenity throughout the whole 2020 Commonwealth Service; she is not afraid of booing. In my opinion, it’s the name-calling from Charles the day QE2 died (what words he used to induced talking back from Harry?) & the nightmarish weeks of QE2 funeral solidified her resolution to stand up for herself & set up well-defined boundary. I’ll never forget how different Meg was 2 days ago in Germany & the day of walkabout. Even during the bullying racism years working for RF, she never lost her composure in the public, but she looked so frightened at the walkabout, something must have happened to made her so. We will never know.

    The Sussex family’s safety & her children’s happiness will always be priority to Meghan. What other people, especially those not important to Meghan, think of her is of no consequence.

    • Jais says:

      All of this. Meghan kept her smile and maintained her serenity in public during the funeral events. Which was after the “jubilee booing” so clearly she wasn’t afraid of booing. There’s evidence that clearly Stella us she’s not afraid of booing and yet the journalist Chris Ship is acting like that didn’t happen. So he can create a narrative that is simply untrue but makes Meghan look bad. And yes, during the funeral time, that family acted in a way that we will never know.

  28. Nerd says:

    I don’t believe that Charles and Camilla saw them when they visited the Queen just before The Hague. Just as I don’t believe Charles has ever met Lilibet because never once have Harry or Meghan confirmed either meeting. Hatry made it very clear about them seeing her both times and never has never confirmed it with Charles and Camilla.

    CS (with a P not a T) is appropriately nicknamed because the stuff they comes out of his mouth are lies and complete BS. He has no idea what he is talking about just based on his assumption in his very first sentence. There was a plant who was sent there to boo at one of their final engagements as senior royals, yet they continued with numerous other engagements that trip and have returned multiple times since. In fact, both of them were in the UK for the WellChild event when the Queen passed away, so being booed by some random person who was sent by the media or doesn’t have enough brains to know when they have been manipulated to hate a woman isn’t going to detour Meghan or Harry from going to the UK. Harry made it very clear that his family will not return without security. Security they need because of people like CS and the rest of the British media. The only thing that has changed since she hasn’t returned to the UK, is the Queen is no longer alive and doing the minimum to ensure the safety of Harry, Meghan and their children. Instead the most worthless father, husband and man is now the king and has shown how petty and heartless he is to his son, biracial DIL and biracial grandchildren. Just as Harry hasn’t worn the medal for his father’s conAnation, Meghan hasn’t returned to the UK because Charles is in charge and the monarchy has been falling apart ever since.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Nerd, do we know that Harry got a medal for KFC’s conAnation? I have to wonder.

  29. Kristina says:

    Let’s correct this shall we? “Duchess Meghan won’t return to the UK because she’s afraid of being MURDERED”.

  30. Amiblue says:

    Is “booed” a synonym for “killed” in the U.K.?

  31. JJ says:

    Chris Ship and these other racists in the royal rota who speak of Meghan as their subhuman belonging are abusive a–holes so no, the person you abused won’t come back to you to subject herself to more abuse. Deal with it and focus on the fact that you have an MIA princess and a barely visible prince.

  32. Saucy&Sassy says:

    She’s afraid of being booed. Okay, whatever floats your boat.

    Obviously, it’s clear that the brf (and perhaps the government) doesn’t want her in the Country. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a continuous stream of vitriolic articles from the bm.

    I find the position that the bm finds itself really amusing. You’re doing it to yourselves, idiots.

  33. Lulu says:

    I don’t remember Meghan at the coronation last year, but I remember boo’s and ‘not my king’ could be heard INSIDE!! LOL.

    • Lorelei says:

      And that one perfect photo of the “Not my King” sign framed through the window of the carriage Chuck was riding in ☠️

  34. Over it says:

    Chris sh-ttt should retire to continue doing what his name sake is and stay in there . Stop assuming because apparently it’s coming out of your ass

  35. Carol says:

    The Rota is so pathologically sadistic – yes, let’s try and shame/blame this woman to comeback to the space where *you* made her suicidal ffs, and alternately created a lying narrative that made other people, strangers, want to *kill* her…who could turn that down??

    Makes me wonder about the DV vibe in the Rota’s personal relationships, frankly…

  36. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    My two take-aways from this article :
    (1) William is still b_tt hurt that he was booed in America, and fired by Jamaica on camera during his disastrous Caribben tour. And (2) they are anticipating Meghan will be hugely popular in Nigeria, so they have to preemptively attack her with speculative and non-existent boos she would hypothetically receive if she came to England, to off-set her popularity elsewhere. So pathetic and desperate. Someone should tell Charles and William that jealousy is not a good look.

  37. Freddy says:

    In the late 90s when I was a scout for the Elite Modeling Agency in NYC, I went to Mississippi and Alabama for a scouting trip. As a Black gay man traveling with my White female colleague, I never received so much open racist hostility in my life (and I grew up in NC). I pledged to NEVER set foot in either state ever again..and I haven’t. Perhaps the UK is to Meghan what the Deep South is to me. Screw those people.