King Charles will never endorse Harry’s ‘hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep’

It’s too early to tell if this week was some kind of turning point, but I’m starting to get the feeling that King Charles, Queen Camilla and the palace courtiers have overplayed their hand when it comes to their smear machine against Prince Harry and even casual observers are starting to notice. Harry released one gracious statement on Tuesday, saying that he would not meet his father during his trip to the UK and that this lack of meeting was due to his father’s busy schedule. The statement even included this: “The Duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.” Gracious, polite, mature. Charles and Camilla have been on the g-ddamn warpath ever since, with the palace machine going into overdrive to brief against Harry. I don’t know how he does it, but Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast always manages to get quotes from the biggest hysterics in the royal clique, and his exclusive was predictably unhinged:

The royal feud was reignited this week: King Charles’ refusal to meet with Prince Harry, send a minor royal to attend his Invictus event at St Paul’s Cathedral in London this week, or even issue a social media post in support of it is “a clear message that Harry is not welcome to conduct official, quasi-royal events in the U.K. that distract from the monarchy’s message and agenda,” a royal source has told The Daily Beast.

Charles made a point of snubbing Invictus & veterans too, all to send Harry a message: The royal source, a former staffer who worked for several royals including Charles, William, and Harry during their time in royal service, said: “Even if Charles genuinely was too busy to meet Harry and too short-staffed to send anyone to St Pauls,’ Charles’ aides could of course quite easily have issued a statement or posted a little message of congratulation for Invictus on his social media channels. The fact that they didn’t shows they don’t want to do anything to encourage Harry to spend more time in the U.K. Charles is never going to endorse a hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep. Instead, Charles sent a clear message that he is not welcome to conduct official, quasi-royal events in the U.K. that distract from the monarchy’s message and agenda.”

Harry’s statement was childish, you guys: One friend of the king and Queen Camilla said, speaking of the statement: “No-one trusted him before, and they certainly don’t now. It’s rude, undignified and childish to make these attacks on his family when he knows they can’t answer back. It’s also inconsiderate, to say the least, to make the life of an elderly man who has cancer more difficult. Charles is trying his hardest to do his job in very difficult circumstances. Harry claims to love his family. He has a funny way of showing it. It’s reminiscent of how he spent the last months of Queen Elizabeth’s life saying how much he loved her while attacking the monarchy to which she had devoted her life. Nothing has changed. We are back to square one.”

The Waleses chimed in: A friend of Prince William and Kate Middleton said: “I think people understand now why the brothers are as far apart as ever. It’s very sad, but William is right not to trust him.”

The palace didn’t want to give Harry anything, lest he speak to Nigerian media: A report in the Telegraph Thursday, also said that Harry’s decision to discuss the meeting just days after it took place had damaged trust with his family. It suggested the palace wanted to be sure there was not a repeat of the GMA situation if Harry is interviewed when he is in Nigeria in the coming days.

[From The Daily Beast]

Over the course of one week, King Charles blew up a year of palace damage-control when it came to Harry. For the past year, it’s been “of course Charles wants to mend fences, of course he loves his son, of course Charles wants to reconcile and see his grandchildren.” Then Charles and Camilla both threw enormous temper tantrums this week and now it’s “The fact that they didn’t shows they don’t want to do anything to encourage Harry to spend more time in the U.K. Charles is never going to endorse a hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep.” So much for the peacemaker king, huh? So much for even trying to be a loving father. This is the real Charles – petty, angry, sick with jealousy, intemperate, and perfectly willing to throw away his relationship with Harry because the last thing he wants is a “hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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175 Responses to “King Charles will never endorse Harry’s ‘hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep’”

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  1. nutella toast says:

    …is KC taking out all his fury and pain at his parents on his kid? Because Harry hasn’t done anything this week to invite any of this at this level of hatred.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry was actually more kind to his father via spare than Charles was to his parents and his complaints about them

      • equality says:

        He was also more kind than KC was to him all those years that he used him for distraction in the media. And now with BP’s attacks on H&M are more vile than anything PH said about Charles or Cam.

      • P says:

        That is what amazes me, how few recall that Charles did his fair share of bashing the royal family & institution in his interviews & authorized biography by Jonathan Dimbleby. St. Charles hard-done-by by an ungrateful child? Seems to be a theme with the Windsors.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I read Spare after it had been out for a while, and I thought that Harry was exceptionally gracious to Charles, all things considered.

        Someone is BIG MAD. I don’t know if it’s Charles, someone briefing for Charles (Camilla? One of the grey men?), or both. But Jesus. This is such a bad look and it will come down in history.

        ETA: isn’t the Daily Beast a “William friendly” pub? that would explain everything

    • Christine says:

      This is bonkers! The effing KING is throwing a tantrum about wounded warriors that were wounded in service to their country! Of which HE is head of state!

      • Eurydice says:

        I imagine that pretty soon we’ll be seeing a different “expert” walking this back. “Oh no, the King loves all veterans, it’s just that he’s so very busy…and Harry…and Camilla…and cancer…”

      • MY3CENTS says:

        It’s always a good look to be petty and vindictive and call the IG a hostile takeover. Never mind not showing up and supporting veterans but going out of your way to slander, it’s a whole new level.
        These people do not a one brain cell put together.

      • Renae says:

        So Charles doesn’t want Harry in the UK doing ‘quasi-royal’ something, something.
        Invictus …..we’ll see you in DC. No way should ANY thought be given to having the games in the UK.

      • Wagiman says:

        Renae I don’t believe for a second any of the royal family want invictus in Birmingham (I think it was?). If invictus is in the UK it’ll only remind them of Harry’s constant successes and their endless clownery and failures. They can’t have that.

      • Sage says:

        The intensity of anger & hate in this piece is palpable 🥹 so outsized for a statement, which is basically saying, nothing to see here guys , let’s focus on the important things , – and actually also supports the message that has been coming from B.Palace in the past two weeks that the King is focus on getting back to work and prioritizing the country – – & in other countries – this respectful statement with an empathic tone would have shift focus back to invictus BUT the media throws a tantrum and is shouting 🗣️ Rift, Snub, Unrepairable, Isolation, No family members care..ITV Royal reporter in ALL of his pieces , even about Nigeria & interviewing invictus personnel, keeps finding a way to shoehorn this snub line into every piece he writes.
        I am going to take inspiration from Archbishop Welby & activate my discernment ~ If the King & Queen of The U.K. want to convey the message that this piece is pushing, I doubt they would use the Daily Beast to be the driver of their messaging.

        Watched a documentary this week of John K and Caroline B and how the tabloid media would smear her personality as she wasn’t responsive to them and it reminds me how this is the same tactics being used today and it’s even more lucrative so the incentive to keep doing regardless.

        Harry & Meghan look so happy and revitalised and they are building a foundation that is allowing them to do what they always want to do & carving out a place in the world for themselves & family. Not everyone is going to be happy with that and it’s ok.

        Healing in all areas of life to all , including the journalists residing in divisiveness 😘

      • yupyup says:

        @christine honestly I am enjoying this so much. H&M will love rent free in their heads and from the reception PH life is going to be a lovely ride for them. He will visit more and this IS a rival court and Charles told on himself because its winning. PH didn’t mean to create one but Charles is basically saying “yes it would have been better had my plan worked and he either came back groveling or died.”

      • TRex says:

        Exactly. Nothing written is making sense. They’re (Rota, KP, BP) speaking in riddles and contradictions – All the while H&M are getting on with it, and walking the talk.

    • goofpuff says:

      What King chuck is saying is that he doesn’t want Invictus “the rival operation” here in the UK so he is tanking the UK’s bid for the Invictus Games. DC going to get it for sure now.

      • Chrissy says:

        I’m sure the city of Birmingham and UK veterans will be thrilled by the King of England throwing his weight behind that city NOT benefiting from having the IG on their turf. Sure doesn’t sound like soft power to me. Hope there will be protests due to Chuck’s interference.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I keep coming back to the fact that there wouldn’t even BE a threat of a “hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep” if Cluck hadn’t actively worked to EXILE his son – depriving him of security & financial support. calling the media to tell them H&M’s location in Canada to put them in danger. Taking their family home in the UK that H&M were PAYING FOR.

        Tom Sykes’ articles are always a steaming pile. The man has two braincells and they’re both fighting for third place.

  2. 809Matriarch says:

    Thing is, the hostility and rivalry is coming from CHUCK & his people.

    • Jais says:

      This. How did this rivalry first start? Well, it’s all about a man who competed with his first wife and then competed with his sons. Used them to make himself look better in the press. The root is Charles with an assist from Camilla.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        The sooner this man is a footnote in the history books, the better for everyone. May he be such a disgrace that they finally abolish the current monarchy system.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Charles is pathologically jealous.

    • Lulu says:

      Clearly Chuck & Co know they lost badly to Harry this week. The competition has always been one sided and they still lost. Harry releasing that gracious statement, the really big crowd that came out to see and cheer PH, the Spencer family turning out and then Karma showed up with the pièces de résistance – guest of the garden party complaining of sewer smells. Charming all the little children at Scotty’s little Soldiers was icing on the cake. PH was FLAWLESS, Chuck looked like a FOOL.

    • swaz says:


  3. Tessa says:

    Charles did not have cancer when he took away the sussexes security and evicted them from their UK home. Charles is so blundering. All his spin cannot change that

    • GoldenMom says:

      This is a glaring example of someone showing us EXACTLY who he really is. A rubbish human being. So next time he walks it back with a dithering, mealy-mouthed whine, remember this. THIS is the real Charles.

  4. Izzy says:

    So, Invictus DC, I guess?

    • SarahCS says:

      I’m picturing Johnny Mercer the minister for veterans affairs reading this and slowly banging his head on his desk. He’s been working really hard to make Birmingham happen.

      • Eurydice says:

        *thud* *thud* *thud* “all he had to do was act royal for two seconds…” *thud*

      • Christine says:

        JFC, that poor man.

      • Laura D says:

        Agreed at SarahC – I disagree with Johnny Mercer on most things but, I do believe his efforts on behalf the veterans are sincere. What I don’t understand is why no-one from the government aren’t privately telling Charles and William “enough is enough, this whole situation has got way out of hand.” They need to be told in no uncertain terms that their behaviour towards Harry and Meghan is causing irreparable damage to the UK’s image abroad.

      • LivingDesert says:

        @Laura D: But who would that person be? Because the words probably are just spoken and that brave person would be out of a job. Please don’t forget, we are talking about a man who threw a tantrum over a fountain pen *in front of the cameras*.

        There is no decorum any longer from that side.

        I shudder what the atmosphere around Chuck III, Cloppy and The Heir must be on a day-to-day basis for those who are in their employ. Sure, The Tower as a convenient tool for keeping people in check does not quite fly any longer, but I could imagine that anybody with a brain around that trio would give up after one month. And then, who is left? Yay-sayers, boot-licker and those who are in it for their own not quite kosher reasons.

      • DetachedObserver says:

        Hm Birmingham, is it? One of two cities shortlisted for the IG? Didn’t Huevo visit a Birmingham boys’ school for the “Am I Manly Enough” (rofl) campaign a few weeks ago? And he took an unsmiling George with him to the footie match recently in…Birmingham?

        Egg and Bone’s first outing after Easter last year was to Birmingham – they traveled there by train, IIRC. Seems I recall reading something recently that there is an inpatient clinic in the area – maybe Kate is currently in Birmingham in a private inpatient program? Just a gut reaction as I keep seeing Birmingham repeat in so many news stories about WanK.

    • nutella toast says:

      I live sooo close to DC so I would LOVE an opportunity for it to be here, but tbh, I’m hoping he chooses the U.K. to show he doesn’t back down from bullies and he’s still a loyal and steadfast supporter of U.K. servicemen and women even if the royal family wear the cute “medals” and play commander or whatever. It would be the ultimate boss move and demonstrate what he conveyed the last night he was with The Royal Marines and several other “final” appearances – he is a permanent part of that community and stands by them for life even when it’s hard.

      • Surly Gale says:

        We all must remember it is not H’s decision. The board will vote, the board will decide.

      • ncboudicca says:

        @nutella: I agree – Harry would never let those petty, trifling losers keep him from doing anything for Invictus. He absolutely has an emotional attachment to the UK and the people with whom he served. On the other hand, if I’m a Board member and it’s a tossup choice because both sites are equally compelling….I’m picking DC as a big FU to the “Commander” of the UK forces. Well, on the other, other hand, I bet quite a bit of that Board is made up of former military, who won’t back down from that disgustingly rude display and lack of support and will vote for Birmingham (again, all other qualifiers being equal).

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Right @Surly Gale. Plus @Nutella Toast, it simply isn’t safe in the U.K. for the amount of time H&M would be there due to the restrictive measures of RAVEC toward Harry and his family. I am sure that the British military would try to ensure protection, but if I were H&M, I still would not feel very comfortable. Plus, the relentless tabloids would keep up a messy narrative that would distract focus from Invictus veterans. Not good! 🫤

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        nutella toast, would Harry get security–the right kind of security? Let’s remember RAVEC is the one who decides that.

      • A Magi says:

        I wonder how the British team would feel if Chucky and Billy Idle ignored the IG if it were in the UK. I would think the team would feel embarrassed about the pettiness on display for the entire world to see. It seems cruel to do that to them. Chucky is tacky and Will is vulgar. Wouldn’t be surprised if C made his appearance and support contingent on Harry being sidelined.

      • Barb Mill says:

        I really didn’t want the UK to get the bid because I thought it would be dangerous for Harry but after the Invictus event this week I wish they would get it because it would be an bigger event with more international press and would really highlight the the pettiness of the RF and Royal press. I’m sure that security around the event would be good with the military involved. It would be glorious for all the good press that they would get.

    • s808 says:

      I’ll be shocked if they choose the UK tbh. I mean the military powers that be are putting up a strong fight but the soft power players and the press refuse to play along. It’s been a no-go imo but this really seals it.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I think so.

    • Lulu says:

      I have gone back and forth on this. Clearly Harry has public support and can pull off a flawless IG in the UK and it would be a boon to the Birmingham economy. My biggest pro for DC is that I would genuinely hate what the British media would do to the competitors if IG is held in Birmingham. They are savage to everyone, even children, so they would delight in savaging wounded vet’s just to take a dig at Harry.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Last time they completely ignored the vets, no profiles, no results, the coverage was a total wipe out, nothing but malicious gossip about Harry and Meghan, we have to face it our RF don’t care about the injured vets. and neither do the media.

      • goofpuff says:

        Yes, the UK press would not be welcoming to the Invictus competitors at all. I mean they will probably trash their own veterans if they even said anything remotely complementary about Invictus without giving the Windsors credit for something.

    • Deering24 says:

      Izzy–definitely not a hard call there. 🤣😂 No way Invictus could set up in Birmingham without an insane amount of things “mysteriously” going wrong and the Rota going batshit about every triflin’ thing. For everyone’s-safety reasons alone, why risk the hassle?

  5. Agnes says:

    I’m glad, from a gossip standpoint, that Charles doesn’t realize how stupid and childish he looks because his tantrums are a hilarious way to start the day. A toddler and his nanny as head of state, this world is so ridiculous. I can’t stand the evile Huevo either, but watching Chuckie Cheese’s shenanigans makes it clear where he learned his moves.

    • Alex Can says:

      Queen Elizabeth called Charles hopeless and he sure as heck is. You’re so right to call Camilla his nanny, ewwww. But she seems to be the only one who can reach him, maybe even control him. Poor Harry, what a gross father and (evil) stepmom.

    • Lau says:

      I’ll never understand how the British people isn’t more worried when they see how badly the Windsors treat members of their own family. How can you expect to be respected and well treated as a subject ?

  6. Nubia says:

    What kind of kryptonite does Camilla have on this man!?

  7. equality says:

    They don’t want PH to “distract from the monarchy’s message and agenda”? So the monarchy’s agenda does not include support for injured soldiers or orphaned children? Good to know.

    • nutella toast says:

      “Message and agenda”…which is what? Garden parties? I know someone who is hugely royalist (and incidentally dear friends with Jason Knauff’s Mom and very biased for the RF), married to a Britt and even she is saying that the UK is on financial fire and the overall stability and mood is poor. I mean sure – if a garden party is your #1 priority, knock yourself out Charles.

    • Jais says:

      Right?? Makes you wonder, so what exactly is their message and agenda. Bc at this point the message seems to be petty, cruel and what is the point of all this anyways. Garden parties and back-stabbing.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      Ditto to all. My first thought was: “Can you print out, and remind me, what the agenda and message is, please?” There is none. Well, except for the unspoken and puerile messages. Hardly coherent and regal.

    • Lulu says:

      Agenda=Bags of Cash

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Hearing about injured soldiers and orphaned children aren’t good for recruitment.

      • ReROSA says:

        Re: Rosa MwMaid ~ You raise a valid point that some will say is outdated, it’s more 20 years ago and usually in line with populist conservatives & those who think super soldier, hard macho man is the approach to drive recruitment
        BUT the impact of IG in Germany and how it changed the perception of the armed forces dispel this view. And German culture is way more macho than UK. when there is a drop in recruitment because of apathy and fear of being dead or discarded if injured , showing that there is strong post deployment care and support plus strong support for military families coupled with a strong system for recruits ( new skills training, education, healthcare , living, family community and pension) can result in growth in recruitment. Look at the US, post deployment care has increased and even after fighting two unpopular wars recently and not so perfect VA dept , there is still high enough interest. Organizations like IG & Scotty Soldiers tell recruits and family,” we got you” and can reassure Gen Z fears.

        I think this is why IG has enjoyed the success it has – it reassures about life post deployment and the current cultural mindset of the recruitment pool is not one that has been fed a steady stream of machismo lifestyle like say in Russia, so IG & S. Soldiers involves the entire family and reassures.
        Anyway fair point!

    • OliviaOne says:

      I came to ask just that and wonder what the actual frig is “… the monarchy’s message and agenda,””? Because other than hoarding wealth fist over mouth created by the UK resources that should be going to the UK people, I have seen no agenda from them.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    Try as they may, the royals can’t erase Harry. He is the king’s son. And Diana’s son! Many people still cherish that memory of the sad little boy dutifully walking behind his mummy’s coffin. Harry is still loved and admired for the man he has grown into. And he has no interest in rivalry with the monarchy. But he can’t be held responsible for the fact that people identify so strongly with him and want to see him. If the Windsors insist upon seeing this as a competition, they should understand that it’s one they will always lose because of their jealous, vindictive nature. Unfortunately, William is the apple that didn’t fall far from the tree. It’s plain where all the rage and envy comes from.

    • SarahCS says:

      It’s the fact that they can’t even begin to see Invictus for what it is, only as part of Harry. They are actively shortening the fuse on the self-destruction of the monarchy. Hurrah!

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      I don’t cherish that memory, I’m appalled by it, I was also appalled when Harry and William were brought back from Balmoral to appease the hysterical public who were chanting for the children. Totally and utterly selfish. They should have stayed at Balmoral with someone who loved them. If anyone in that family did.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        You’re so right, Rosa! Cherish is the wrong word, but it’s an image burned into a lot of brains because it is a perfect example of royal toxicity and how Harry was the victim of it. I’m sure it traumatized him and many just wanted to reach out and hug him. I know I did. And I highly doubt there was anyone at Balmoral who loved them.

      • A Magi says:

        W & H were there to make sure the funeral crowd didn’t boo Charles. Horrible father.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Right Brassy, He desperately needed hugging.

  9. Wow he is mad at Harry for no longer putting up with the abuse to himself and family so let’s take it out on the Veterans that Harry’s Invictus supports. Do any of them not recognize how bad that this looks? This article is not doing the Windsors any favors. It just shows the world that Chuckles is a terrible person and a horrible King.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Yikes, so much for Birmingham’s bid for the Invictus Games.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Eurydice, does anyone want to place a bet that if it was held in Birmingham RAVEC would give him the appropriate security?

      • goofpuff says:

        They 100% would not give Harry and Meghan anything except try to get in the way of their security team in an attempt to get them hurt.

      • Eurydice says:

        Well, as with the Olympics, part of the bid to be a host city would include security plans for all the attendees, including dignitaries. I don’t know what role RAVEC would have in a case like that.

  11. Nanea says:

    “Charles made a point of snubbing Invictus & veterans too, all to send Harry a message”

    The loudest message though was that the CiC doesn’t care about veterans and their (mental) health.

    What an immature way to go if own goals are your thing, Chuck.

    I really do hope these people get phased out, and quickly.

    (OT: just saw some beautiful renovations done at Versailles ATM, and was reminded of the dilapidated Bucks House that the BaRF doesn’t really look after or care for, despite them receiving hundreds of millions for the upkeep of “their” palaces)

    • Concern Fae says:

      Buckingham Palace is no Versailles. I think some of it is that Versailles was always intended to be a public spectacle, while Buckingham Palace is an uneasy mashup of house, offices, and ceremonial spaces. Most of the French royal palaces and buildings have become either art museums or government buildings.

      • Chrissy says:

        Yes, I understand that those French historic sites are mostly open to the fee-paying public and are self-supporting in terms of upgrades so as to encourage more visits as well as preservation of historical sites.

  12. seaflower says:

    Harry was anything but hostile, and certainly not setting up as a rival royal operation.

    • Unblinkered says:

      The rival royal operation was and remains KP, W should have been reined in years ago. That’s the real thorn in Charles’s side.

  13. Concern Fae says:

    They really do seem to think that respect and popularity should follow the rules of primogeniture. But charisma is a kind of magic, you either have it or you don’t. And respect has to be earned. What’s saddest about Charles is that he did a lot of good during his single years, in the 70’s, like with the Prince’s Trust. But when Diana was more popular than he was, something broke. He’s just been the nasty aristo ever since.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles was turned down be Amanda knatchbull and Anna Wallace. And others. They may have seen the not so nice features of Charles. The queen mother spoiled Charles and enabled Charles feeling he was center of the universe Which did not help matters.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        Anna Wallace dumped Chuckles after being ignored at a party while he slobbered all over Cowmilla on the dance floor. His expectation of his affair with her being tolerated by other more suitable consorts was why he kept getting dumped by women his age. Diana didn’t know how much of a degenerate he was.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        @809Matriarch It was less about tolerating the affair and more that Charles was taking the three rules that aristocratic men are actually expected to follow and smashing them to pieces, all the while expecting everybody else to take it with a smile and/or over for him.

        Rule #1 is affairs must be discreet. It can be an open secret, but not OUT in the open where everybody can see.

        Rule #2 is you have to pretend to be a spouse that does not hate or merely tolerate your spouse in front of non-family members and in public. Attend public events with your spouse and maintain basic civility throughout the events.

        Rule #3 is that you have to suspend affairs at least until you’ve managed to produce AT LEAST an heir, preferably and a spare. This is primarily practicality, reserving one’s *potency* for the mare one is actively trying to breed, and limiting the potential spread of diseases and the horrors that venereal disease can inflict on the unborn.

        Meanwhile there’s Charles, openly insulting his new bride in front of the press and presenting it as jokes so everybody is forced to just smile and ignore him publicly humiliating his wife, slobbering all over multiple side chicks at various parties, having Camilla serve as hostess at dinner parties he put on that he didn’t invite his wife to and just generally acting at private functions within their wider social circles as though Camilla was the spouse and Diana was the mistress making trouble, and never stopped screwing around with at least 2 long-term side chicks and an unspecified number of short-terms and one-offs.

        Wow, William really is every inch his fathers’ son, isn’t he.

  14. Serena says:

    “they don’t want to do anything to encourage Harry to spend more time in the U.K. Charles is never going to endorse a hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep“ King Petty is just showing, AGAIN, he doesn’t care at all about his son. ‘Rival operation’…are we in kindergarten now? This is not Harry being a show pony, like the RF is, this is him doing good work for injuries and wounded soldiers, veterans, but that stupid king calls it a rival operation as if Harry planned it to get back at him. Hostile yes, because the whole Royal Family is full of angry vengeful fools. Chuck get over yourself!
    I hope he never gets to see the Sussexes children ever again.

    And William showing his ass again “I think people understand now why the brothers are as far apart as ever. It’s very sad, but William is right not to trust him.”, yes we do, one is a spoiled lazy heir with rage issues and the other is a hard working man whose only fault was being born into that family and wanting to speak about his traumas.

    • Giddy says:

      I picture a man-sized toddler throwing toys while sitting in his gilded high chair.

      • aftershocks says:

        Oh @Serena, your last sentence triggered my tears. 😢 That’s so true. After all the trauma of grief young Harry suffered upon losing his mother — his father, brother, Camzilla, courtiers and tabloids smothered him in more egregious suffering for their own selfish purposes. And when Harry finally met the love of his life, Meghan, the royal firm were not happy for him. Even worse, they despised Meghan for her existence and for loving Harry. The vileness of the abuse H&M suffered as newlyweds and first-time expectant parents is incredibly sad, disgusting, and utterly unforgivable. The ongoing continuation of these purposely cruel attacks, and gaslighting is beyond unconscionable! 😡

  15. Tina says:

    This was a terrible PR week for Charles. He looked small, petty and completely out of touch. The Spencer’s appearance at the event reminded the world that Harry does have a loving family in the UK and it’s Diana’s. The Windsors are really digging their own graves and it’s wonderful to see that they and their advisors are too stupid to see it.

    • lanne says:

      “How dare Harry come here and support wounded veterans instead of begging to attend my garden hat party!”

      You think that’s a good look, Chuck? The UK has a complete idiot for a king. Especially since it would be so damn easy to “look royal” just by being magnanimous and gracious. Graciousness is supposed to be hallmark of royals. The petty tyrant look went out of style a couple centuries ago.

    • windyriver says:

      Charles did significant, permanent damage to himself this week – is there no one on his staff that saw this might happen? Charles snubbing Invictus isn’t Charles vs. Harry, it’s Charles the CIC vs. his country’s disabled veterans, and his failing yet again to support them after the RF failed to support the last few IG teams. Charles’ Gibraltar Barracks photo op, and scheduling the Monday event with the Army Air Corps, Harry’s regiment, is Charles – blatantly using – his country’s military just to score petty points against his son, a military veteran. These actions aren’t subtle, and won’t be erased, or forgotten, or excused by Charles’ health status, no matter how many talking points are issued to the usual BM suspects.

      And the presence of Diana’s siblings doesn’t just show Harry does in fact have loving family in the UK, it brings Diana herself right back into the public consciousness, after years of C&C doing their best to erase her memory. It’s not just that Harry seems to have so much of his mother’s personality and commitment to doing good. Here’s her family, front and center, very publicly surrounding Harry with their love and protection in her name. It’s the last thing the Windsor crew wanted and I bet they didn’t see it coming.

  16. KeKe Swan says:


  17. JD says:

    Given KC is head of the British Army I’d love to see an anonymous poll as to how the soldiers feel about this. I know it’s never going to happen, but man, the level of ineptitude and entitlement of KC and the gang is mind boggling.
    More and more of the public are noticing, too, thanks to Kate-gate.
    Let’s hope this will be a republic before long.

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    Give that institution enough rope and it will hang itself. Imagine, a 75 yo old man sputtering about an institution message or rival royals which does not include service to country ( Invictus) and service to children of fallen veterans. Those folks are living in la la land. Count Dracula and his harlot look worst with each utterance.

  19. Monika says:

    If Charles had put his duty as king first he would have swallowed his bruised ego and attended the Invictus anniversary service for the sake of the veterans who were injured serving the king and their country. This only shows that Charles put himself first and anything else second.

    • Eurydice says:

      Charles didn’t even have to do that; he could have sent a representative. Sophie and Edward will do whatever he wants and they wouldn’t have been missed among the 8,000 at the garden party.

    • Laura D says:

      He didn’t need to send anyone. A brief video message would have been enough. Instead he’s thrown all his toys out of the pram and is looking like a small-minded, vindictive king.

    • Monika says:

      Eurydice and Laura D I agree with you. A message from the King would have done. It would have taken the heat out of the situation. BP could have used Harry and the IG for positive PR in supporting the veteran community instead they put so much effort and energy in arranging a flurry of events to take away the attention from Harry and the Invictus games , not getting that they actually fueled the fire. Charles and his PR office are so stupid.

  20. Feeshalori says:

    Charles’ (and William’s) behavior towards Harry and his spiteful actions against the Invictus community now convince me he’s deliberately sabotaging any chance Birmingham has for IG, so they can kiss those games goodbye. He said it himself that Harry is not welcome to conduct official, quasi-royal events in the U.K. that distract from Charles. Do you think he’s going to want to see a repeat of the public’s adulation for Harry and the coverage that Invictus will get on what he considers his turf? Absolutely not.

  21. Hypocrisy says:

    I agree with you that something feels like it has changed, or maybe it’s the fact that the attacks are just so viscous and one sided . Whatever it is, outside of their propaganda bubble this isn’t working anymore and they look absolutely vile. They literally took a golden pr opportunity and turned themselves into a national embarrassment, and in the process lost any grace given for that mystery cancer diagnosis.

    • Renae says:

      The *something* that has changed is Camilla has the power. She’s now Camilla the Gorilla . She has Chuck as her (second) banana.
      She recalls minutely every single snub and will throw her considerable weight against any and all. Meanwhile the banana is over-ripe and unappealing.

  22. Jais says:

    What’s interesting though is that these quotes are telling us just how they see Harry. As a rival court. And yeah his events are his alone. And yet, they’re calling them official and quasi-royal events and that he’s not welcome to do them. It’s mind boggling. So is Harry not allowed to support the IG on UK soil? Is that what they’re saying? This is the real reason they won’t grant him security.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, it sounds like Charles and William feel really threatened by Harry, like they’re actually afraid of him. It doesn’t make sense, considering they’re supposedly the big dogs in the UK. Maybe there really is something sinister lurking in those other 400 pages.

      • SurBarbri33 says:

        Yep. When Harry went, he didn’t just take all the charisma—he also took 35 years of secrets and information about the RF with him. No one so high up in the royal food chain has ever escaped like this. They were able to keep Margaret and Andrew tied to the royal purse strings, but they couldn’t keep Harry on side. And he knows everything about everybody. If I were Charles or Wills, I’d be scared too.

      • Tina says:

        I think they are also afraid of the court cases. I wondered if during the 30 min meeting earlier this year Charles asked him to stand down. Maybe offered ravec protection or something else. I had originally thought that meeting was going to foster more dialogue and was the start of thawing of relations to some degree but it seems like it was actually closing a door. Charles could easily have seen Harry on this visit it was a real choice not to.

      • Jais says:

        @tina, okay that’s an idea. I’ve never believed that Charles asked Harry to take on any duties during that 30m meeting. But him asking harry to stand down in his tabloid court cases? That I can see. Darling boy, I’m sick with cancer so can’t you just drop these cases for me.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        I think these tabloid cases are touching on how deeply Charles and Camilla are embedded with the paparazzi that stalked Diana and led to her death.

        We might learn that she wanted security. We might learn how close C and C are with the tabloids that chased Diana. There’s a lot they can’t afford to have get out, and who knows what else Harry knows.

        One thing is for sure he is committed to doing whatever it takes to get to the truth.

        Just shows how much C and C have to hide.

      • Deering24 says:

        SurBarbri33–thank you! I never could understand the RF’s “rival court” ravings–but the fact that Harry has several decades of killer paper on these folks makes their terror make sense. 😈🤣 And it’s true–his escape and success outside The Firm is unprecedented. They have no hold over him, so it’s no wonder they treat him like a ticking bomb. Which, for some mad reason, they keep poking at. 🙄

  23. MsIam says:

    They know the Unroyals came out of this looking petty and terrible and there is not a damn thing they can do about it. And all of their media minions are making them look worse, from Jobson’s “no formal request was made” to now this nastiness from Sykes. Bunch of old fossils scheduled for the mausoleum of history.

  24. LadyE says:

    Prince Harry’s statement BEGINS with: “In response to the many inquiries and continued speculation…”. The fact of the matter is that *before* Prince Harry’s on the record response, the tabloids (and I would note People Magazine) were non-stop full of articles saying that the King would not see Harry because he was too busy. This disgusting snubbing of Harry story was released BY Buckingham Palace. All articles are cited to Palace sources. Camilla and Charles can f right off with their ‘how dare Harry issue this statement’ bs. The answer is simple. They need to learn to shut *their* mouths and control their damn staff and there will be no need for Harry to respond. They brought this on themselves. Idiots.

    • Monika says:

      It looks like Harry’s PR office was bombarded with requests for comments or statements. When they knew a meeting between Charles and Harry is not going to happen they came out and said so. How dare that Harry took the initiative before Charles and BP could put out their spin.

  25. Patricia says:

    KC appears to be a very, very. disturbed person, egged on by his own Lady Macbeth. (Someone referred to her as Cloppy yesterday and I’m still laughing.) Get some help for your anger Charlie and leave Harry and Meghan alone. And don’t think about laying a finger on those beautiful children either. We all will be watching their welfare closely.

    Please don’t think you and Floppy are going to get away with another conveniently planned accident like the last time. The truth has a way of coming to the fore. And this time the Spencers will know exactly what you’re up too as well. They knew then, they would be certain if it should happen again. We would put nothing past you and your “wife.”

    Harry has done nothing wrong. It’s all in your sad little mind. He wants a father’s love and you are incapable of that gift. You made that clear with what you said at you first engagement. Dear Diana should have been forewarned.

    Sadly, you and Lady Mac are in for some rough times if you don’t get yourself straightened out. Either that, or the cancer wins. Your behaviour is indefensible and it would nice if you got exactly what you deserve. We can only hope.

  26. Emily says:

    KC and Bill actually seem mentally unwell. There is something wrong with them.

  27. Ameerah M says:

    People always talk about William’s pettiness and jealousy and while I think those are inherent parts of who he is – he has also had that modeled for him at every turn by his father. Besides Camilla, one of the main issues Diana and Charles had was Charles’ jealousy over Diana’s popularity. It’s why he turned on Harry and Meghan. He is a tiny little man in spirit and always has been. And because Harry is SO much like Diana I think he has no issues throwing him under the bus as well. I think Harry’s “Diana-ness” has always been the REAL reason why he was so ignored and neglected as a child and young adult.

  28. Amy Bee says:

    This was such an easy win for Charles and he couldn’t take it. In the end, the Royal Family just got overshadowed by Harry. Pathetic. I would be surprised if the UK wins IG 2027 after what happened this week.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      MsIam, I would got a step further and say that not only did the Unroyals come out looking petty and terrible, but the Spencers came out on top by a mile.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Amy Bee, this was supposed to post above.

  29. Wagiman says:

    I don’t have X or tik tok only insta, but I’m enjoying the hell out of the pics of Nigeria.. What I love the most is it really DOES look like a royal tour. This is totally going to burn what’s left of their worm-infested dead brains. I’m. Here for all of it..

    • Feeshalori says:

      I’m on Instagram, what is the handle where I can look at these pictures? Thanks.

  30. B says:

    According to the Brits royalty is about blood and marriage. You can’t get rid of it and the royal in question will always have a familial tie to any other royal.

    So when Chuck says he doesn’t want a “hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep” what he’s saying is he doesn’t want ANY family members around who are more popular than him. We knew this. Its why he was so resentful of Diana and its why he won’t provide adequate security for his son, daughter in law and grandkids. We knew he couldn’t stand it when others were more popular than him but its still shocking to me that he would let his mouthpieces say it. Its still shocking to me that he or people around him don’t understand how EVIL it is that he could hate his first wife, kids, and grand children and intentionally put them in harm’s way just because they get more attention than him.

    They tried making it sound like it was high crimes and treason that Diana “overshadowed” him. Now they use language similar to warring with a hostile country to describe Harry and Meghan existing and working. They can spin all they want but other royals being more popular than Chuck is not crime or a “threat to the monarchy”. It just bruises Chuck’s insanely fragile ego and disturbs his evil spirit.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Frankly, these pieces today make it really clear that it’s Charles and Camilla who are putting Harry, Meghan and their children in danger.

      They pulled security from them,,maybe not in an attempt to bring them to heel, but just like they did to Diana, to leave them vulnerable to “paparazzi” chases like we saw in NYC.

      I don’t think I’ve ever been more certain that they engineered Diana’s death and want to do to the same to his son, his wife, and his grandchildren.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Other royals’ being more popular than Charles is inevitable. He’s digging a grave for himself, with his petulant attitude.

  31. Beech says:

    KC is unhinged. End of.

  32. Julie says:

    I believe that so far , when in the UK, Harry was keeping a very low profile. The difference with this trip is that he spoke to the medias and publicly, was seen a lot and even went to meet the people. He clap back to his father about them meeting, but stayed respectful. For the first time since they left, it was obvious that he is loved more than what the toxic press suggest. I hope he does a similar trip (with many engagements) in the UK in the fall. Also, so far their trip to Nigeria is amazing and I bet some CW countries are observing and thinking about a reason to bring them.

  33. Lulu says:

    I’m gonna have to say, extending an olive branch doesn’t mean what bp thinks it means.

  34. BettyD says:

    I swear, I would pay a historian to look KC and Willy dead in the eyes and say “this is all just unbearably Hanoverian of you.”

  35. Lisa Meyrose says:

    These people are done for! Everyone in the World is watching this show! Time is not on their side!

  36. kelleybelle says:

    What a vile, ugly human being.

  37. Hypocrisy says:

    This man is so petty and hateful it truly wouldn’t surprise me if he bans the Sussex’s from his funeral for fear of being upstaged in death.

  38. vpd4 says:

    Camilla is so ugly.

  39. sparrow says:

    This week has been friends say this, friends say that. I’ve never thought they have many friends, other than family, hers in particular. And weren’t we told their confidantes were too discreet to ever talk to the press. This indicates W&K are saying all this stuff obliquely.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      sparrow, I agree, but are we sure that KFC and the Escort isn’t behind any of this? I think it sounds like KFC. The escort is probably throwing in stuff because she wants Harry gone.

  40. Kateee says:

    He thinks his garden parties and handing out nonsense titles is a rival to what Harry is doing, with no royal backing? ::::snort::::

    Sorry, your institution is 1000 years old and it shows.

  41. Oh come on. says:

    King Snubby—anointed by God, head of the Church of England—wants everyone to know he will never, ever forgive his “darling boy” for refusing to divorce his wife on Snubby’s say-so.

  42. Princessk says:

    What is the ‘GMA situation’ please?

    • Magdalena says:

      I think it was when the leftover royals ran to the press to claim the high ground by announcing that they had spoken with Harry a few years ago, and with the press then claiming it was a sign of progress and olive branches etc., and then Gayle King told her American audience that she had spoken with Prince Harry (?) or a spokesperson and that she was told that the talks were “not productive”. And that made the Windsors and their media mouthpieces BIG mad, because correcting the record in person was apparently worse than leaking things about H to make themselves look good at his expense.

      Either that, or this is a flunkey worrying that Harry might reveal in an interview that he was wanted to make sure that his father has the right people around him, like he did with his grandmother, which also drove the courtiers who had been gatekeeping her extra mad. Because in this case, there is a possibility that the courtiers were the ones who interfered and blocked a meeting between H and Charles like they had done with the queen.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      PrincessK, I wondered if it had anything to do with the short interview he gave in Canada.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, I think it’s the fact that Harry had that gma interview for Vancouver IG and was asked about seeing his dad for that quick visit in February. Harry kept his answer super vague and revealed nothing but the rota screeched about how dare he talk about meeting with his father. So they’re saying if Charles had met with Harry then maybe he’d “blab” about it in Nigeria to a reporter.

  43. phlyfiremama says:

    And now, because a petty, vindictive, want to be TYRANT had a temper tantrum the UK will now miss out on HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of whatever denomination they call their money in tourist dollars injected into the local economy. BECAUSE A PETUILANT 74 year old threw a tantrum that would disgrace a 3 year old. *Slow Clap

    • Deering24 says:

      Ehehehehe. What’s that old saying about not getting in your enemy’s way when they are shooting themselves in the foot?

      • phlyfiremama says:

        Right?! The BRF isn’t even playing checkers, they are playing paper-rock-Harry and Harry wins EVERY TIME. 😂

  44. Eos says:

    This place is lit today! Every line a gem of a read.
    Imagine! Charles has literally the whole royal family and apparatus plus the 4 who control 80% of British media on his side vs Harry and Meghan but Charles is knocked down by a single Harry in UK visit. I am here for it.
    Charles, Geeeet Uppppp! Hahahah!!!

  45. Monc says:

    The RF lives on their own planet….. these aren’t “owns” against Harry , but against military vets…. and the optics truly suck….

  46. Carol says:

    I can promise you the rage-iest royal right now is Camilla. This event and the Spencer’s solidarity completely brought back Diana’s haunting ghost and undermined decades of Camilla trying to rehab her image, by hook and by crook. She will release the biggest Rota rats left in the dungeon to attempt damage control, meaning more vicious attacks on HnM. And it won’t ultimately work. I don’t absolve Charles of any responsibility, but I’m positive she’s been Iago-ing poison in Charles’ ear against Harry, and making the most innocent thing an insidious attack on the Crown (him). She’d support Charles’ worst instincts, because it’s better for her. “Maybe if she was happier, she’d be less dangerous” said Harry.

    I’ve been ambiguous about conspiracies re Diana’s death, but I can’t help but worry that this Royal desperation (because they’re right, it’s existential), might cause some peril to Harry and Meghan. There are too many royalist sycophants whose whole identity and fortune are tied up in the existence of a Royal family. This is no small boat that Harry and Meghan are (inadvertently) rocking.

    • Harper says:

      I agree. The Spencers, St. Paul’s, waving crowds. Too close to Diana’s wedding day legacy for comfort. Diana’s dead, but Cams is still pissed off that she is not the beautiful one, the beloved one. But what is left for Cams to use against Harry and Meghan? If she’s unhappy and needs a diversion she’d be better off making some mischief with the heir and his missing wife. I think she really enjoyed showing Willy up at the London Clinic as the better spouse.

    • Jais says:

      Oh yeah. Diana is haunting both Camilla and Charles through Harry. The Spencers at St. Paul’s and then Nigeria gifted Harry with a portrait of him and Diana. Amazing. And yeah, I’m shuddering at what they’re going to do next. Mostly bc it’ll be some heinous bad energy, which yeah will boomerang back, but these people better keep Lili and Archie’s names out of their mouths. But that’s future bs and right now I’m reminding myself to stay in the present where it is so so good.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        That portrait made me cry. And he turned away for a second, he seemed emotional. It was so beautiful.

        Charles and Camilla are desperate right now. We all know what happened the last time they were desperate. Thank god M and H have excellent security and are already out from the power stranglehold of these evil people.

        But yeah. If they say one word about these precious children the whole world is going to flip on them and they will regret it.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @WiththeAmerican, do you have a link to the video?

      • AC says:

        This proves to the world even more so the bitter, not relatable, out of touch, jealous C and his sidekick. They will never ever be popular as Diana, Never! Many People still have not forgotten how badly he treated Diana (and H ) and that will be part of his legacy. CC may have some support base in the UK on their side- but their supporters have only been Regional and NOT Global impacts.
        I don’t even know the justification for continuing to pay taxes for these people. Heck even Mickey and Minnie Mouse have more influence than the left overs – And we don’t even pay taxes for them.

  47. QuiteContrary says:

    Yikes, that is unhinged even for Charles and William. A “hostile, rival royal operation” on the king’s doorstep?

    What part of Harry’s conduct in the UK this week was hostile? Playing games with bereaved military kids? Celebrating wounded military members?

    Charles was SHOOKETH by Harry’s embraces with the Spencers in full view of the world’s cameras. And Harry’s not a rival — he’s left their sad little royal games in the dust.

    • Will Scarlet says:

      Possibly a reference to Harry and Meghan’s plans to raise a small private army in Africa, set sail for a secluded Cornish port and join the rebel Spencers in seizing the throne.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Will Scarlet, the only issue I have with your statement is: Who wants the British Monarchy? I don’t know at this point if it can be modernized. Can it be salvaged?

      • Sigrid Maelstrom says:

        @ Will Scarlet: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  48. SIde Eye says:

    What a terrible, terrible look. Charles needs to stop taking advice from his horse and listen to someone who knows what they are doing. Geez Louise. At a minimum, as stated above he could have done a video message showing his support for veterans and their families.

    But think about the glowing headlines had Charles understood PR and how this was a golden opportunity to show up. Of course he should have showed up to support his son but he doesn’t think in those terms. He’s not a good dad. From a PR perspective, if he shows up, the moment becomes about how “hip” (lol I picture him using that word) Charles is. A giant hug for Harry for all the cameras (the headlines write themselves the prodigal son returns home! Charles forgives Harry! We’d have weeks of the press churning out this glowing BS – all pro-Charles! Let’s not forget, how Charles could have greeted the Spencer Family warmly, even if he was smiling through clenched teeth or looking uncomfortable, the headlines would have been GLOWING.

    Instead we have this dude shaking a liver spotted fist in the air saying get off my lawn, only the lawn is an entire country and he is yelling at his own son. What a petty and abusive person Charles is and his heir is just like him! This was a beachball coming in slow motion at them while at bat – they had weeks to plan it, and instead they somehow managed to swing at it and miss.

    Monarchy, you in danger girl!

  49. Tashiro says:

    I thought this was the guy who said Charles et al were being short sighted? If not this piece is very hateful not a good look.

  50. Alexandria says:

    Consistently short slighted and dumb af. What rival court? Does H have hostile palace staff working for him? He visits Britain like once a year and does his own thing. If he wanted to build a rival court he wouldn’t have left. He’d played the game.

  51. Chelsea says:

    What even is that last excerpt? Harry did not discuss his meeting with Charles in the GMA interview. When asked about his view on the King’s health he explicitly said that it was private and between him and his father. All that he said in that interview was that he was happy his father agreed to see him; instead of BP just using that for good PR for Charles to paint him as a loving father BP threw a hissy fit. It’s bizarre. These people are not smart. At all.

  52. ArtHistorian says:

    The amazing welcome that Harry was given by the public has really reawakened Charles’ pathological jealousy. And the people around him will fan it for all it is worth. So he will continue to cut off his nose to spite his face.

  53. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Do people want Invictus in England? Do they want to see Harry doing events back home? Do they want to see Harry and Meghan injecting some much-needed humanity, compassion, and star power at royal events and patronages? Well, they won’t. And they know exactly who is to blame for that. As an American, I can say their loss is our gain, USA! USA!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mrs.Krabapple, well, the fact that the 2027 IG has been publicly stated to be between the UK and US BEFORE this 10-year anniversary service, I have to say that the brf does not want it in the UK. Is it limited to the brf or is the government also against it? If the UK was chosen, who knows if Harry would even get proper security. The bm would be insisting they could all be there and we know that Invictus limits the number of press. I’m guessing the bm doesn’t want the IG in the UK either, or there wouldn’t be all of these articles.

  54. bisynaptic says:

    Charles already has a rival royal operation on his doorstep — William’s.

  55. HuffnPuff says:

    I keep going back to these are adults. A family member wrote a book with his thoughts on the rest of the family and he and his wife did an interview where they confirmed the relationship between the media and the BRF. Yes, there was inflammatory information revealed but watching how the BRF have handled it is shocking. No introspection at all. Just public displays about how butt hurt they still are. And oh now we have cancer so of course all that negative info is null and void and the Sussexes are the meanies for living their lives. Also we need cover for our laziest “working” royals and our shady non-working one so we’re going to double down on the anti-Harry campaign. All of it is disgusting. You can see why QEII didn’t hand the crown over to King ManChild earlier. She obviously didn’t want to have to watch her son f it all up.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      HuffnPuff, but is this about pain? Everything that the brf has done since H&M left has been punishment or vindictiveness. I’m not sure that they can get past their anger to ever get to pain.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        No it’s not pain from being butt hurt. Just anger and embarrassment from having their true selves revealed. It’s funny that they are worried about a book and an interview though when they constantly troll the Sussexes and feed the press stories that just back up what was said about them.