Mail: Prince William’s cousins will never be working royals, because of the Sussexes!

On Tuesday, Prince William “hosted” a Buckingham Palace garden party. The weather did not agree – as the Brits say, it was pissing rain throughout the whole garden party. William also roped his cousins into showing up for the garden party – Zara and Mike Tindall, Peter Phillips, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice were all on hand, as were the Gloucesters. Only William and the Gloucesters are “working royals” and that’s the way it will remain, so says Rebecca English at the Daily Mail. English has been trying to say, for days now, that it’s very important that William’s cousins showed up for William, but they shouldn’t get any ideas about working full-time for the Firm. For reasons! Reasons involving Prince Harry and Meghan, of course. English also gave a sly update about the Princess of Wales. Some highlights:

William gets along with his family too, Harry! So much has been said about family disunity in recent years that it’s sometimes easy to forget how well our senior royals get on with each other. They are remarkably close, in fact. Standing side-by-side at a Buckingham Palace garden party yesterday, Prince William and his cousins added a welcome pop of youthful glamour not seen in the institution for a little while. How touching that the future king – knowing he would be without his wife at his side – could call on Zara, Peter, Beatrice and Eugenie for support.

An update about Kate: Encouragingly, I’ve been told by multiple sources that the Princess of Wales herself has been seen out and about more in recent weeks, although Kensington Palace has made it clear that Kate will not be returning to work until she has had the ‘green light’ from doctors. After all, she has been through major abdominal surgery and then, later, a course of ‘preventative chemotherapy’ when the presence of cancer was detected.

William is popular too, Harry! William was charming, as he always is with the public. He posed for selfies and chatted, smiling, about everything from bedtime reading for his youngest son, Prince Louis, to his weakness for cookies. He took a bag of homemade treats from one well-wisher. There’s no doubting his popularity – or that it’s growing. You could hear excited squeals and calls of ‘William, Prince William!’ as he walked past.

Whether the royal cousins could become working royals: Many royal-watchers have asked – and repeatedly: why can’t the cousins step in on a more permanent basis? For Peter and Zara, this has never been an option. From the moment their mother, Princess Anne, chose not to accept titles for them, the Phillips children were always destined to grow up away from the main royal spotlight, perhaps fortunately so. It is perfectly plausible that Charles, or more likely William when he becomes king, could call on their services more often. But they will never become full-time working royals while they have their own careers and young children. The same applies to Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who also have young families and jobs, although their father, Prince Andrew, has never made any secret of his desire to see them have prominent royal roles.

The Sussexes are to blame for the lack of youth in the royal ranks! The unfortunate truth, however, is that none of [the cousins] will be asked to support the working royals on a more permanent basis, however badly they are needed. And for that they must thank the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Those in the know tell me there is deep concern at Buckingham Palace that changing direction in this way would play into Harry and Meghan’s hands. The Sussexes had been told very firmly by the late Queen Elizabeth that their preferred option of being ‘half-in, half-out’ royals while pursuing lucrative commercial careers was simply unacceptable. This ruling was partly down to the Queen’s personal sense of service. But it also owed something to her quiet belief that Harry and Meghan’s allegiance to the almighty Dollar might supersede anything they promised to Queen and Country.

No part-time royals! At the height of the ‘Megxit’ controversy, as it became clear Harry and Meghan would relocate to North America, I was told that Her Majesty was riled by the couple’s insistence they would continue to ‘collaborate’ with her in the future. ‘No-one collaborates with the Queen. This is not one of those ‘Kate Moss X Top Shop’ tie-ups!’ raged one well-placed source at the time. Seeking commercial deals while acting on behalf of, or representing, the British head of state would also have been a clear conflict of interest, and Her Majesty knew that all too well. Harry and Meghan could never accept it, of course, and here is the consequence: there can be no relaxation of the rules for any of the younger royals. It is full time or nothing.

[From The Daily Mail]

“Those in the know tell me there is deep concern at Buckingham Palace that changing direction in this way would play into Harry and Meghan’s hands.” More like: encouraging Beatrice, Zara and Peter to undertake royal work would be an admission that the Sussexes’ half-in suggestion was actually brilliant and modern, and the inevitable way forward for a monarchy to remain relevant. But, you see, we’re not taking into account the jealousy, nor are we taking into account the laziness. William is currently half-in, half-out and he’s already briefing the press that he wants to be the Work-From-Home Heir. QEII was actually fine with her grandkids (even the ones without titles) attending royal events and doing some royal work here and there. They put this all on QEII when really it was Charles and William’s jealousy, rage and short-sightedness.

If Charles wanted to, he could snap his fingers and tell Beatrice to pick up royal work (and she would do it too). He doesn’t want to, because he can’t admit his own mistakes with the Sussex situation. Meanwhile, his heir is a lazy dipsh-t and Charles is a 75-year-old with cancer who just took on 300 new patronages.

Once again, the burying of information about Kate in other royal stories is… troubling. I genuinely hope Kate has been up and around, but seeing is believing.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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75 Responses to “Mail: Prince William’s cousins will never be working royals, because of the Sussexes!”

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  1. swaz says:

    I’m only reading this article because Harry’s name was mentioned 🤣🤣🤣I have zero interest in the others 🤣🤣🤣

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I loved that it rained on Peggy’s party.. the man should have a rain cloud following him around for the rest of his days imo. 🌧️⛈️🌧️

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        The way they enclose people behind fences to a garden party is hard to look at. They have to be contained. Looks like animals behind fences. They always keep em behind fences, except this one is not in wire with kids behind.

      • Megan says:

        Yes, Buckingham Palace has a security fence. I would think that would be rather obvious.

    • goofpuff says:

      Yeah they can’t get clicks unless someone mentions Harry or Meghan so they try to include them on every single article about the royals. Must really stings for the Windsors.

    • Kelsey says:


  2. Dee(2) says:

    Okay, for one thing Harry and Megan offered to work for them for free, so this revisionist history of them being money hungry is just ridiculous. Just say you’re angry that they’re successful and have money and can’t be controlled. Also, if Kate has been seen out and about ( by whom??) how come she can’t record a Zoom for any of her patronages or say thank you for the ” bombshell” report released earlier this week for her life’s work? It’s not like people are asking her to dig ditches. I’m not a conspiracy theorist about her at all, Occam’s Razor and all that, but they have to realize someone not being seen at all except for highly questionable and controlled video for half a year is REALLY SUSPICIOUS.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    Of course they all showed up, every single one of these cousin has housing of some sort tied to the crown and if Peggy can have his brother evicted from a property paying market rate rent with a £2.4 million deposit which was never refunded what chance do they have? This isn’t loyalty or love, it’s survival and ass kissing.

    • equality says:

      In Bea and Eugenie’s case, their parents are dependent on the royal properties and funding.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        It’s a 75 year lease that can be passed down to them..for a pittance compared to what rental costs are in the public sector. I think the York women have a vested interest in keeping that generational lease

    • Tina says:

      Exactly! Bea and Eugenie both have royal homes in London. Zara and Peter have homes on Anne’s estate but they have 5 kids between them and I’m sure they are hoping they can get little pads at St James or other royal properties when they are older. Zara’s income heavily depends on her royal adjacent status as she has multiple sponsorships and I’m sure it helps Bea and Eugenie as well. End of the day they will always choose the Windsors.

    • StellainNH says:

      On a side note. The dress that Beatrice is wearing is the best one I have seen on her. She looks great!

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Must agree with you. Beatrice does look stunning. The color looks great on her.

    • Very true Beatrice and Eugenie both have some housing so they probably felt they had to do this. Although Eugenie lives in Portugal part time I wonder if she will leave permanently. Neither of them looked to have had a good time. They did what they were supposed to do and that is all.

      • booboocita says:

        One wonders if they “did what they were supposed to do” just to protect their parents. Anne’s children are secure in their non-status, as no one is going to turf Anne from her home and her children don’t have titles to strip. But Andrew may yet lose the Crown’s protection if any more revelations of his conduct surface.

  4. Osty says:

    Kate has been seen by ” people ” and there was not even one blurred photo 🙄? These people have seen the # whereiskate resurrecting so as usual called their mouthpiece beckie with this lie hoping it would stop the rumours. If she was up and about these desperate people in the Palace wouldn’t have hidden her away, they would have arranged for pap photos to show the world. So beckie no one believes this obvious lie from u. Kp should come again

  5. ML says:

    K has “…been seen out and about more…”
    Really? Pix (unedited and unaltered) in sharp focus with members of the public?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Yeah, seen by whom and where? If anyone from the public has actually seen her, they would rush to the nearest media outlet to tell us all about it. This is like the garden store sighting. Maybe they are planning another fake video soon.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      This is as close to a direct admission that Kate is in a coma as I’ve ever seen.

      It is so telling that it’s “has been seen” up and about and not the palace confirming she IS up and about. They desperately want the public to think she’s ok, but they can’t say that she’s up and about because she isn’t. They are all but telling us that they cannot go on record that Kate is improving because she is not. There is no other reason.

      We’re to believe that this royal reporter is in direct contact with the palace but on this one issue is doing man-on-the-street journalism about Kate’s whereabouts? No, sorry that’s nonsense.

    • Harper says:

      Rebecca English is the one who says she saw William visiting the London Clinic while she was also there for her own procedure. She is so invested in lying for him; he must tell her that she will get the first scoop when Kate is ready to come back and she is dim enough to believe it and do his dirty work.

      In the past week we got Kate saw the Arly years report, Kate was excited about the report, and now Kate is up and about and is seen out. They are really emphasizing her alertness and mobility for some reason yet making no official statements on her condition.

    • Becks1 says:

      If Kate was up and about and being seen in Windsor or Norfolk or wherever we would have a picture. Think of a genuine farm stand video or something. This is just English trying to cover for KP and keep on William’s good side. her insistence about his popularity just confirms that.

  6. equality says:

    I guess, Zara and Mike’s commitment is to the “almighty pound” and not the dollar so it’s not a problem.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Sounds like they’re upset Prince Harry married his own modern day version of the American Dollar Princess. Meghan isn’t an heiress, but she is a wealthy American who married an aristocratic Brit with a title but no cash.

  7. LadyUltimate says:

    Was Charles ever called the future king, and constantly so, when QEII was still alive? I can’t recall. In fact, I seem to remember that even then it’s been Willieboy who was called just that, as is now also his eldest son. Just think that’s weird, no?

    • Dot Gingell says:

      Great point, LadyU! Everyone already knew he was the heir. The ‘future’ emphasis started with the impatient and incandescent one and his supporters.

  8. Chantal1 says:

    IOW, “stop asking!” bc the younger royals will never be full time “working royals” but they will be called on for fill in the blank roles. No mention of paying them and definitely refused to mention the Sovereign Grant paying for fewer and fewer royals. Well done on the usual nonsensical Sussex dig though. And the erasure of any Kate discussion with rare Dodo bird like sightings continues. She should be called Rebecca “Rubberband” English with all of stretching she does with this propaganda masquerading as articles.

    • Jais says:

      RE’s propaganda is so blatant. Ain’t nothing subtle. There can be no doubt, absolutely no doubt, I say, of William’s popularity. It’s like, jeez, if that’s the case you don’t have to write it out like that, Rebecca.
      As for payment to the cousins? Do you think they get any money for going to the garden parties? Or at least money to buy a frock? I’m guessing no as the the heir is stingy.

  9. Jks says:

    “excited squeals and calls for William”!


    I did see that the masses were roped in and squeezed together like farm animals while Will looked like he was about to break into song and tap dance at one point.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the elderly folk woke up with a terrible cold and shivers the next day.

    • KT says:

      No-one invited to a garden party would be gauche enough to ‘squeal’.
      I meant that absolutely seriously – you’d look an utter fool.

    • Jais says:

      I didn’t notice that their were ropes until I zoomed in but it’s so bizarre. All that grass but they’re sectioned off and packed like sardines. Deeply uncomfortable optics actually.

      • Jks says:

        There are lots of photos on social media of the garden party- absolute downpour, people squeezed together under umbrellas and sectioned off by ropes. Not sure why though, with all that lawn space.

      • samipup says:

        Maybe the septic field is wet and oversaturated. How come no awnings or tents though, to protect from sun or rain?

    • Tessa says:

      Now the writers are trying to make William have squealing people around like when the Beatles first appeared in America. Trying to make huevo happen

    • Tessa says:

      Huevo is no fred astaire doing top hat dance.

  10. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    I think we all know the state of the monarchy is because of the king’s wrong decision to slim down the monarchy to the point where they only hold by a thread. It’s great to see how his monarchy relies on non royal-blood married-ins, tampon mistresses, rose bushing rollout, an american actress from African descent, a son he rejects and Diana in the back of everybody’s minds. And the main characters are the ones who will fail the monarchy every time: KING charles and Prince william. Losers

  11. LadyUltimate says:

    I also occasionally stand next to colleagues or family members that I dislike or simply have no relationship to other than being colleagues or members of the same family. Standing together at a gathering doesn’t necessarily mean we are “remarkably close”, js.

    Also, aren’t the cousins also still tax payer funded? At least to some degree. Don’t they have e.g. tax payer funded apartments in London? Shouldn’t they be expected to turn up to such events therefore? Or honestly, just because their cousin invited them? Does that really stipulate that they are “remarkably close” or that someone is super popular with the fam?

    • equality says:

      Eugenie posted pictures of the garden party on her IG account, including a few of PW. I unfollowed her. There were all kinds of comments on there, basically praising her for choosing to support the monarchy.

      • aquarius64 says:

        Disappointing but not surprising. Uncle Charles the king is the reason why her dad Paedrew is not being questioned or facing charges in the US for his ties to Jeffrey Epstein. The delicious karma it well eventually be William’s responsibility to maintain Andrew’s lifestyle and avoidance from the American criminal justice system. The reign of William V is tainted before it has begun.

      • Princessk says:

        The York girls are clever and l am sure their mother is teaching them how to play the game. Just look how Fergie is back in the fold, attending Church with the royals. Make no mistake Fergie and her girls cannot stand William and Kate and vice versa but she is teaching her daughters how to play the long game, and Charles knows that it is better to have Fergie in rather than out. She knows all the secrets. Despite her husband Fergie has still been able to appear on American TV. She seems to be better received in the US than the senior royals.

  12. LadyUltimate says:

    I’m afraid if I have to read “major abdominal surgery ” one more time my eyes will be lost inside my brain forever.

    • Wagiman says:

      Exactly. I had open abdominal surgery for a serious bowel condition. Even though it was huge 8 hour surgery, massive part of my bowel removed, a lot of recovery time, but 8 weeks and I was fine to do normal things. I couldn’t push it or carry heavy stuff but I lived a mostly normal life. She supposedly had ‘abdominal’ surgery in January. Please.

  13. LadyUltimate says:

    What do you think this whole charade will look like in just a few years when all those, and let’s be frank, very old and progressively frail “working” royals will no longer be there or at least not able to “work”? Who will be left? What will those still left do?

    • Chaine says:

      It will be king Wills holding down the fort for his still recovering and invisible wife Kate. George, Charlotte, and Louis will be married with young families and thus excused from any work until all children are age 18, as was their parents’ tradition. Meanwhile elderly Edward and Sophie each do 1,000 appearances a month. Everyone else will be dead by then.

  14. kyliegirl says:

    Becky English seems to William’s last cheerleader in the RR. Her reporting on William is embarrassingly sycophantic bordering on inappropriate. The others are polite, but you can feel their disappointment. Becky is all-in on KP.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    This article is really about Harry and Meghan rather than William and his cousins.

  16. Wagiman says:

    So they’re blaming H and M for decisions Charles and willy made (about half in) because they were jealous and petty.. Got it.

  17. Jen says:

    I am *gagging* Rebecca English is sitting there writing like a petulant child “See Harry! William is popular TOO!”

    Girl bye.

  18. Draadje says:

    Fun fact: The BRF’s insistence that a ‘half-in half-out’ workload would not be possible is what made me interested in H&M. Because basically this is what several (Norway, Netherlands, Sweden) other royal families have done with the newer generations. The younger children have their own careers, lives, interests and support the monarch / heir apparent when necessary and/or appropriate. At least with the Dutch Royal Family this has been done without fuss or drama.

    • Magdalena says:

      Even more fun fact: half-in, half-out is also what the British royal family has done for decades, possibly longer. There were, and are, several members of the family who have had their own careers and still represented the family, attended garden parties and other public functions to “support” the family and even (gasp!) stood on the hallowed and crumbling balcony at Buckingham palace.

      Prince Andrew had a whole-ass business (using his HRH) with the palace as its official address. Prince and Princess Michael of Kent wrote books and ran consultancies using their HRHs and everything – and still do. Countless extended family exploited their royal adjacency for profit and were not shunned, but instead embraced. Those idiots created this new “rule” for H and M, believing that (a) they would be too scared to leave, (b) no-one would approach them or support them or do business with them and (c) they would fail if they left and go crawling back to the left behind royals for more bad treatment. Instead, the opposite happened and they are flying high, still blissfully in love and thriving. Love this for them!

  19. Becks1 says:

    The lack of timeline is interesting/concerning. I get that cancer is unpredictable and you can’t say definitively at the start of treatment how long chemo will take. But what we didn’t hear was “she’s expected to undergo X rounds and right now the doctors are saying that should take Y months and then to allow recovery time after that.”

    We just heard “she had an operation, cancer was present, preventative chemo, now back off.”

    I think the fact that we didn’t get the former says that she’s in bad shape and they are worried that either giving too many details would clue people into as to how bad, or there is no timeline for return because the doctors honestly don’t know.

    We didn’t get a lot of information for Charles either, but Charles didn’t disappear for 5 months and even after his diagnosis, Charles was photographed and very soon after that he was out and about with small groups. We saw Charles going to church, we saw him in London, etc.

    KP so badly messed up from January to March that I would have expected a little more detail in March or April just to sort of show “see? We’re trying to be as transparent as possible while also giving the princess privacy.”

    But instead we’re getting….nothing.

  20. Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

    Question – does anyone in the UK actually care about these loafs of bread? I mean, I only come here because Kaiser and you all are hilarious and I think the monarchy is an institution that should fall because it is laughably out of touch and built on a foundation of cruelty.

    But I digress…

    These tabloid articles are just the royals screaming at each other through the press right? Having hissy fits and temper tantrums non stop, attempting to seem relevant, hoping anyone cares what they think when the rest of us are just trying to pay the bills and survive. The sheer mass of “It’s HIS fault…no it’s HER fault…wah wah wah…” from these dips7ts is like a tornado of dog turds. How they think any of this makes them look good is beyond me!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Royal Donwnfall Watcher, inr! I think the Monarchy is baked into the psyche of those in the UK–and likely some of the (white) Commonwealth countries. That’s worked for them over time, but now you have the younger generations who are scratching their heads and wondering why they exist. Obviously, there are people of all ages in the UK who also do the same, but the younger generation seems to be mostly on the same page.

  21. Is that so? says:

    Talk about pulling more than your weight!

    “The Sussexes had been TOLD VERY FIRMLY BY THE LATE QUEEN ELIZABETH (BS Let’s put all the blame on the dead and unassailable who can’t contradict us, and wouldn’t if she could) that their preferred option of being ‘half-in, half-out’ royals while pursuing LUCRATIVE COMMERCIAL (isn’t Charles’s brand stuff lucrative and commercial) careers was simply unacceptable. This ruling was partly down to the QUEEN’s personal sense of service (Blame the unassailable for the racist tantrum from the heirs and the antiquated couriers). But it also owed something to HER QUIET BELIEF (so quiet, that she never heard to say anything like that about Harry ever) that Harry and Meghan’s allegiance to the almighty Dollar (Charles is thirst for the euros is something else, I guess) might Supersede anything they promised to QUEEN AND COUNTRY (not Charles the cruel or William, the incandescent).“

    • JanetDR says:

      That section had me wishing I could punch someone for the stupidity of it!

    • Square2 says:

      Those sentences were outlandish, stupid & snobbish.

      Said the old woman who inherited billions of pounds (paid no tax), owning large parts of land & sea of the UK and profited from said land & sea (paid no tax), had offshore investment accounts (paid no tax) since her 20s; whose eldest son & eldest grandson inherit the same monetary benefits when the time comes and whose other grandchildren likely didn’t get a penny from her; who never went hungry in her lifetime even during WWII; who had free high level protection wherever she went. Was she looking down people who earn their money honestly or did she (and The Firm and the RR) only single out Harry & Meghan?

      After Meghan’s treatments during her “The Firm” period, I loath the British Royal Family, government & media. Everyday they prove there’s no low they won’t go.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Is that so? It wasn’t that long ago that QE2 started selling her on alcohol (gin?). How is that not commercial?

  22. Lau says:

    Wait, Mike Tindall was there ?! Where are the photos of William with his new brother then ?

  23. tamsin says:

    I think it’s interesting that both Beatrice and Zara chose dresses loaded with buttons, which reminds me of Kate’s fondness for buttons, and dresses that she might wear. Only Eugenie’s dress is clear of buttons, and although the dress has received a lot of criticism, I think she looks lovely. She has an hourglass
    figure, and she dresses appropriately for it. I do think the dress would look nicer in some pastel colour though.

  24. Murphy says:

    You just know the poor old Duke of Gloucester is like “argh why am I here?”

  25. Monika says:

    William is more out than in, not even half in. This whole spectacle was the response to Harry’s Invictus Service where all the Spencers showed up. This was to show that William also has family support. However I believe Zara, Philip, Mike Tindall, Beatrice and Eugenie were ordered to appear.
    ” I was told that her Majesty was riled by the couple’s insistence they would continue to ‘collaborate’ with her in the future. “No-one collaborates with the Queen. This is not one of ‘Kate Moss X shop’ tie-ups” raged one well-placed source at the time.” This are the same people saying that the Queen was angry that H&M called their daughter after the late Queen. Palace Vipers at work.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Monika, I think they’re talking about the fact that H&M said they would keep to QE2’s values, etc. That’s the only thing I can think of.

      By the way, let’s hear it for the UK media–they do a fine job of making QE2 look bad.

    • Monica says:

      Yes, this was ALL about ‘look at meeee being popular with all MY cousins’ stuff.

  26. mary mary says:

    “William was charming, as he always is with the public”


    • Monica says:

      Yeah but only with the public — whole different kettle of fish when it comes to his wife, his father, his brother, and probably all the servants and courtiers too.

  27. MsIam says:

    When they talk about pursuing “lucrative financial deals” what was that whole thing with Andrew and the Pitch @Palace? Wasn’t that shamboozle supposed to be lucrative and financial? Do Eugenie and Beatrice work for free? Big Mike’s podcast is a volunteer thing? Peter Phillips and whatever he does for a living? They all are chasing the almighty dollar (pound), including the Rota rats but they act like. Harry and Meghan are doing something nefarious by working. So disgusting how hypocritical they all are.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      MsIam, I think the more they cry about H&M making money, the more jealous they are becoming.

  28. booboocita says:

    I’m calling it: she’s dead or moribund. We’ll never see her again. The Middletons have been bought off. They’ll never see the kids again.

    The thing that convinces me that she’s dead or moribund is the fact that Willy hasn’t dragged out the kids for any reason. He took George and a friend to a football game — and George looked TRAGIC. He’s too young to be asked to smile and nod convincingly when there’s something horrible going on in his life. Willy won’t make that mistake again.

    • Tessa says:

      William who reads bedtime stories or so he says left to go to a sporting event on Charlotte birthday.

  29. maisie says:

    It’s hard to look at any of this and imagine that these people are even REAL, that all they do is dress up in ugly costumes, wear funny hats and speak in pinched, nasal voices while lookig down their noses at the peasants.

    The British royal family and the media infrastructure that props it up has become a joke, one that really hasn’t been funny for a long time.

  30. Tessa says:

    Who exactly saw Kate out and about
    Does this mean another round of fake pictures. And saying there are sqeals of delight for huevo is hilarious spin

  31. JFerber says:

    What? And it’s cold in the summer in England because of Harry, too? They’re always making up stuff. I really came to say that William should always wear a top hat, on all occasions, because it covers up the baldness and the weird head shape. No matter what else he wears, even a bathing suit or nothing at all, wear the top hat. It improves his looks by at least 20 percent.

  32. Latine says:

    They keep lying on Elizabeth. Elizabeth let everyone work. She even ignored the Kent’s running to Russia! They can make the argument that Harry is closer to the throne but come on. Elizabeth just wanted veto power. Even Charles told Harry Megan should keep working.

    The no half-in was because they wanted to financially abuse Harry. You see they need him. What do they have to talk about without him. I didn’t realize he was so valuable. It really was Elizabeth, Philip, Charles, Andrew, Harry. Those 5 were the ones running around and saying off the cuff stuff. The rest of them care about their image. William isn’t going to put himself in danger.