Princess Beatrice & Edo Mapelli Mozzi joined the Windsors for Christmas

Leading into Christmas, there was a lot of agitated gossip about Prince Andrew and the Yorks, meaning Sarah Ferguson, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice. Once Andrew was exposed as a compromised idiot who provided access to a Chinese spy, suddenly Andrew was no longer welcome anywhere near the Windsors for Christmas. It was widely assumed that the invitations had also been rescinded for Fergie and the York princesses. In fact, Beatrice and Eugenie both seemingly confirmed plans to spend the holidays with their respective husbands’ families. Then, just a few days before Christmas, Beatrice’s plans changed yet again. She’s in her third trimester of her second pregnancy, and her doctors told her to avoid flying. So she ended up going to Sandringham after all. Royal sources also claimed that Beatrice would not go on the Christmas morning church-walk. Whoops! Beatrice turned out with Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi and Edo’s son Wolfie.

Some of you theorized that Andrew and Fergie were probably in Sandringham for Christmas as well, but they were just staying undercover. I don’t think so, but I could be wrong. I read People Mag’s coverage of Beatrice and Edo’s appearance, and People’s sources insist that Beatrice “was the only member of the York family to join the King’s Christmas festivities. Her father Prince Andrew and mother Sarah Ferguson are keeping a low profile and staying away from Sandringham amid Andrew’s connection to an alleged Chinese ‘spy.’” People Magazine also says that Eugenie spent the holiday with her in-laws, the Brooksbanks family. So maybe Eugenie didn’t go to California to spend the holiday with her cousin???

I’m adding additional photos of some of the other royals in this post – the Duchess of Edinburgh walked alongside her daughter Lady Louise and Princess Anne’s husband Tim Laurence. Prince Edward walked alongside his sister Princess Anne. Zara and Mike Tindall were there with their kids, and Mia Tindall seems especially tight with the Wales kids. The Earl of Snowden was also in Sandringham for Christmas, as were Samuel and Arthur Chatto (Princess Margaret’s grandsons). It doesn’t look like Prince Michael and Princess Michael of Kent were invited? No Gabriella Windsor either, although they were invited to Kate’s Christmas carol thing. I have to say, Zara had the best look of royal Christmas. I love a vibrant shade of mulberry/plum.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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73 Responses to “Princess Beatrice & Edo Mapelli Mozzi joined the Windsors for Christmas”

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  1. Tessa says:

    I guess Siena was too young to go. I think Edo really wanted to do that walk and be front and center.I see Mike showed up. Z a r a needs a better hairstyle. Louise.looked nice.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Zara is cosplaying Kate – right down to the purse – from Kate’s diplomatic luncheon thingie.


      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        100%. Also what is going on with her, she looks sickly? She looks jaundiced in those photos.

    • Spartan says:

      Edo always knows where the cameras are! Not looking at anything but them.

    • Jaie says:

      Eh, am I the only one who doesn’t mind edo? I feel like him and Bea are well-matched in that they both look to the cameras. I’d guess they’re both good with using royal connections for opportunities, just like the majority of them. AFAIK he’s yet to talk ish about the Sussexes unlike Mike Tindall.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Zara needs a toner for her brassy hair.

      And MOISTURIZER! Lots of it- do women in the UK not typically moisturize, especially in the colder/ drier weather?

    • Ellie says:

      Béatrice should not wear beige. Face beige, coat beige, no style and that ridiculous band has to go.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    The Gloucesters and Kent’s don’t usually go to Sandringham. That’s why they have the pre-Christmas lunch the week before. I must have missed it but after it was announced that Beatrice was going to Sandringham I just thought it was a given that she was doing the Christmas walk. The Christmas walk is about giving the press pictures for their papers the next day so I think it was expected that all members of the family that are in Sandringham have to do the walk. And that story about Eugenie spending Christmas with Harry and Meghan seemed like a set up to me. It was probably made up so when she turned up at Sandringham the press would say that she snubbed Harry and Meghan or that she showed loyalty to the Royal Family. It’s quite possible the press always knew that Eugenie was going to spend Christmas with her in laws this year.

    • Kingston says:

      @Amy Bee
      Totally agree wth u.

      I’m always surprised & even disgusted to see folks who are not derangers and therefore should know tht when the britshitmedia says one thing, the opposite is more likely to be the truth, nevertheless persist in presenting & discussing what the shitmedia says as tho there’s any truth in it.

    • Mike E says:

      Yep. Not enough room for Gloucesters and Kents at Sandringham since Elizabeth II had part of the house pulled down in the ‘70s. That’s why they moved Christmas to Windsor, but then when Windsor was required in the late ‘80s-early ‘90s they went back to Sandringham and started having the lunch at BP for the larger family.

  3. SURE says:

    There are photos of A&F driving around Windsor on Christmas day. Are any of the usual suspects going to question whether B has fallen out with A given that she chose to spend Christmas with her uncle and not her beleaguered father?

    • Harla says:

      I too was surprised that Bea would rather spend Christmas with her uncle instead of her parents but perhaps AandF were at Sandringham, just on the down low.

  4. Janine Gregory says:

    Sophie’s daughter has definitely inherited her mother’s beauty. Such a pretty girl.

    • maggie says:

      I think the coat looks too big for her and the hat’s not the best choice but that’s just me. You never know what she’s going to turn up wearing – there were so many years where Sophie put her in dreadfully ill-fitting outfits of dubious style. I always wondered if Sophie was making sure she wasn’t overshadowed by an attractive daughter!

      • Tessa says:

        Sophie outfit is badly fitted
        Maybe away at university louise will find her own style

      • Megan says:

        Louise is a horse girl. Just let her wear her Duberrys and Barbour.

      • amb says:

        In the spirit of the season I’m gonna cut Sophie some slack here – she’s always seemed a little out of her element with her own wardrobe, so it’s no mystery if that extended to her daughter’s as well.

    • Spartan says:

      Louise is very Windsor looking.

      I just hope she doesn’t inherit her mother’s mean girl and rude tenancies. Good old Ford fiesta (and eddy) is known for rudeness. Same as Anne. They’re all pretty loathsome.

  5. Chaine says:

    Sorry but Zara’s terrible hairstyle is blinding me to what she is wearing! Someone help this woman. Everyone else pictured looks dowdy as f except Wolfie.

  6. JanetDR says:

    I really like the color of Sophies’s coat! Ann is the only one wearing a hat that has protection against cold and wind.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    I’m surprised Camillal’s kids and grandkids didn’t do the church walk since Bea’s stepson has done it and Tom Parker Bowles bragged he will going to Sandringham. William must have put his foot down and said no.

    • Tessa says:

      The Parker Bowles were probably there. Just not on the walk. Charles would put Camilla s wishes over Williams

  8. Catherine says:

    IMO. The Eugenie is going to California for Christmas was a total lie by the Fail. They seemed to be really bothered by the fact that she did not attend Kate’s Carol service. That is when the story about her going to California was posted. I would not be surprised at all if it was known privately that the York princesses were not planning to be at Sandringham before the Andrew story was made public. They would have to have informed the King of their planned absence. I think the Fail got some info about her not being at Sandringham and then made it about the Sussexes in order to create drama. Eugenie has managed to visit California at least twice that we know of without anyone finding out until after the fact. They were fishing for info and hoping to stir up hatred against the Sussexes as usual.

  9. Eurydice says:

    Is that a new outfit for Anne? I don’t usually notice her outfits because they seem to have come straight from the mothballs, but this one is kind of perky and young.

  10. Mooney says:

    Sophie’s look reminds me of wails, the whole look. And putting her daughter in an oversized coat while wearing hers tailored to an inch is definitely a choice. Whether to protect her or to not have her overshadow,is definitely a choice.

    And what’s with those headbands? Zara’s look is nice but would have looked better with a hat or beret.

    • Spartan says:

      Louise is an adult so I suspect this is her choice. She often wears oversized jackets.

    • Blithe says:

      It looks — to me — like Sophie is wearing a coat dress, while Louise is wearing an actual coat, so the differences in fit are about what I’d expect.

      I think the headbands are probably the most comfortable, minimalist options for the women who would rather not be wearing hats at all. It will be interesting to see what “rules” continue to fall by the wayside, with Zara’s very dark nail polish being a case in point.

      The only outfits I kind of like are Anne’s, and Wolfie’s — who I think is the best dressed of the bunch.

  11. MaJo says:

    I like Anne’s style the best.

  12. Libra says:

    Zara has “hangover hair” , otherwise her outfit is nice.

  13. JENNIFER says:

    Meghan really upped their coat and monochromatic game.

  14. Fastgran50 says:

    Oh look Zara and Mike holding hands. The BM always go beserk when Harry and Meghan do it. Double standards

  15. tamsin says:

    I wonder how Wolfie is treated by the other children. Hope he is made to feel a part of the group. I think George and Louis are the only other boys amongst the children.

    • Chrissy says:

      Actually, I think Zara’s youngest is a boy as well.

    • Tessa says:

      Wolfies parents share custody. And he can be close to relatives on both sides of the family. And he will imo be close to siblings through beatrice.and edo. George and Louis have male relatives their age through second cousins etc and their maternal cousins are there as well.

  16. Lucía says:

    Beatrice is pregnant? And that far along??? Would’ve never guessed.

  17. Call_Me_AL says:

    The Snowdons and Chattos have some nice looking kids.

    Zara looks like shit, as usual. This time, her hair/mane coordinates with her horse mean girl face.

  18. smee says:

    Z looks rough.

    Only outfit I like is Anne’s (dislike her tho)

  19. Gabby says:

    I am sorry for Beatrice. Why did she haul herself out to participate in this? She has the resources to quietly duck out of this royal BS and her life will be the better for it. And that headband needs to go. It’s almost a neck pillow FFS.

    • ecsmom says:

      I think Beatrice has always wanted to be a working royal and she is in it to win it. I think she is in Sandringham with Andrew’s blessing.

      For a while there William was looking really bad, like he might not be able to take on being King. If that happened George is King, but he needs a regent which would be Harry. I doubt he would step up and put his family in danger. It then goes to the pedophile, who would be forced to decline and then Beatrice. That would be a position of great power. I can see playing the game on the slim chance (maybe not slim at times) William (has to) abdicates.

      • Angied says:

        As much as William is on the outs with his brother he would not have anyone else but him look out for his children if something would happen. No way in hell would he trust the York’s.

      • Tessa says:

        Harry won’t go back and leave his family to watch Williams kids. William made it clear he does not like harry and has people around like Mike
        . If William u
        Is so hostile to William no way would he have the nerve to ask harry to take care of his kids. No way would harry trust Wil liam

      • Tessa says:

        There’s Edward and Sophie. No way is harry going back there and leave his wife and children

      • Tessa says:

        No chance of William abdicating . He wants to be a statesman

      • Jais says:

        Yep. To me, if there was ever a need for a regent, whether it was through accident or something else, it would be Beatrice. I’m not saying there’s a need for one or that there ever even will be but there’s a bunch of monarchists who think in terms of succession. . I don’t see Harry bringing his kids back to subject them to the tabloids even if he does win all his court cases. I don’t see it ever. And I’m gonna guess Andrew even knows he should never step up or all hell would break lose. But his daughter? Yeah, he’d step aside for her. And I’m not saying that a regent will ever happen but there are a lot of people who pay attention to the line of succession. So yeah I do think there’s a reason she’s at sandringham
        and not royal lodge and that her parents are good with it.

      • Spartan says:

        William cannot abdicate otherwise they are taxed (is my understanding). Euro royals can, Brit king /queen can’t. Correct me if I’m wrong but it must be a monarch to monarch transition.

      • Blubb says:

        I do think the line of regent doesn’t have exactly follow the line of succession. There were queens taking regency for underaged sons. In my opinion it could be Anne or Edward too. And there still would be a mother taking care of the children’s daily life.

    • Tessa says:

      I think Edo wants them out there.

      • Libra says:

        Yes, I think Edo is encouraging her to be seen in a more public role. Game of thrones perhaps; be ready when the sh*t hits the fan. Maybe he suspects something is coming down.

  20. Athena says:

    Wolfie looks more comfortable with the crowd than George and the other Wales children.

    The hat style worn by Kate, Louise and Camilla was a nod to Meghan. Very similar to what Meghan wore for her Sandringham walk. Meghan is still living rent free in their heads.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wolfie looks a very sweet child – nice to see. It’s clear that Beatrice has a relationship with him, which is also nice.

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    Wolfie has more style than all of the Windsors combined.

    • Tessa says:

      has the advantage that he does not have to be there full time with dysfunctional royals. He spends time with his mother since she and his father share custody.

  23. JFerber says:

    I think Wolfie is an adorable child. And Louise looked nice and more confident than I’ve ever seen her. Maybe university is helping her to be more confident and more herself. Good for her.