Princess Kate will possibly make her triumphant return to work at the BAFTAs

With all of the press around the Princess of Wales’s 43rd birthday last week, we were told emphatically that no one should expect to see Kate in public very often this year. Basically, Kate can be expected to attend a handful of daytime events like Trooping the Colour and Wimbledon, but I believe they’ll be able to keep her away from “tiara events” for a while. It’s also clear that Kate has refused to do even a bare minimum of charitable visits for the time being. So only “big events” and nothing where she could wear a tiara. It would be extremely funny if, with these new rules around Kate’s public appearances and lack of work, her first outing of the year would be a trip to the BAFTAs. It would be a particular kind of admission about Kate’s priorities. Of course, it would also be sort of funny if she didn’t turn up and William once again went solo. His solo trip to the BAFTAs last year was widely criticized, for good reason. Well, there’s a rumor going around the Daily Mail that Kate will make a triumphant return to work this year at the BAFTAs.

The Princess of Wales is set to make her biggest comeback to royal working life with a show- stopping appearance at next month’s Bafta film awards. Insiders at the awards say they are ‘pulling out all the stops’ to ensure the ceremony marks Kate’s triumphant return to the red carpet after her cancer ordeal. Bafta film committee chairman Anna Higgs says she is ‘very hopeful’ Kate will accompany husband William, the academy’s president, at London’s Royal Festival Hall on February 16.

An insider adds Bafta is ‘throwing everything at securing’ Kate’s presence, aware of the worldwide fanfare her arrival will herald.

Kate finished chemotherapy in September and said that she would focus on staying ‘cancer-free’. Since then she has met families of the girls killed in the Southport knife attack, marked Remembrance Sunday and led her annual carol service at Westminster Abbey. But she has yet to return to the glamour of the red carpet.

The well-placed insider said: ‘Bafta has close ties with William and Kate and is pulling out all the stops to try to secure Kate’s presence at this year’s awards. It sent her warmest wishes when she revealed her cancer diagnosis and hopes she will appear alongside William in what will be her big showbiz return since she’s been in recovery. Anything Bafta can do to work around Kate, it will do. William and Kate love to watch the nominated films beforehand and we know Kate enjoys meeting those working in the film industry. We have been told that she wouldn’t want to miss it, so she’s hoping to be there with William.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“William and Kate love to watch the nominated films beforehand.” He didn’t last year, which caused some issues as he suggested that a film about rape would have been “fun” to act in. It’s not that I or anyone else expect the BAFTA president to watch every single film, but it’s bizarre that he couldn’t read a summary of the nominated films, right? As for Kate’s possible attendance, I love that everyone’s like, yeah, we’ve got to bribe her to do this kind of stuff now. We have to beg and pull strings and promise all kinds of sh-t to get her to put on a dress. I actually wonder if William even wants her to come to the BAFTAs?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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115 Responses to “Princess Kate will possibly make her triumphant return to work at the BAFTAs”

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  1. Tessa says:

    William did not see films ahead of time. I doubt he wants her there. She would want the audience to applaud her for showing up.

    • Yes that’s it exactly. Her “triumphant return “ to hang with celebrities. I don’t think Peg wants her in his spotlight.

      • Latte says:

        Seriously! Are we going to hear about her triumphant return every time she might attend something???

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Latte: apparently so. Everything will be her ‘first time since finishing chemotherapy’–attending the BAFTAs, the school run, shopping on the high street, getting a manicure…I don’t know, I’m running out of things she might do. Actually do.

      • Debbie says:

        I though Kate already made a “triumphant” personal hygiene commercial. What about that? Did she not get enough praise, or will every new outing after 2024 require applause for her?

    • First comment says:

      I hope there won’t be a standing ovation again for just showing up in a dress…

      • Becks1 says:

        i feel like this is one of the things that BAFTA is trying to confirm to “secure her presence” – that all attendees will give her a standing ovation when she enters.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Yeah Bafta members aren’t going to do that, and Bafta isn’t going to demand that actual celebrities especially American ones who are vastly more famous and important, applaud a consort. People might give her a sympathy clap because of the cancer thing. I’ve been to the Baftas a few times and the audience response to their presence has always been extremely muted. One year they were not present but showed some little film of William and they had to edit applause and laughter over the film for the TV broadcast because the response in the room was nothing.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right – thats kind of my point. I think it was the year she was in the white dress that they entered and there was just silence, or some scattered applause, and it was very awkward bc they were clearly expecting more. Its silly bc no one in the US gives a standing ovation when the president of the Academy shows up at the Oscars (or if they do its never televised) and I can’t imagine it happens at other awards shows. But W&K clearly expect it.

        And then remember – I think it was after someone (I can’t remember who) made the quip about how just like Prince Harry, I’m taking this to America – it was circulated that William wanted the attendees to sign an “honor agreement” or some nonsense that basically promised they wouldnt make fun of William or the royal family in his presence (something like that….you all remember that??)

        I dont think THAT went anywhere for good reasons but I can absolutely see william and kate demanding some sort of positive reception in return for their attendance and thats why BAFTA is trying to “pull out all the stops” to “secure her presence.” I think she wants/expects a Wimbledon reception.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I doubt Willlam himself wants to be there. He has skipped several times in the past and usually skips all the events the day before that he’s supposed to host. I think it irks him that several of his schoolmates have actually been nominated for or even won BAFTAs while all he has accomplished was being born.

      • MissF says:

        Absolutely, he was appallingly rude per usual, especially to Eddie Redmayne who was his classmate at Eton when Eddie was winning absolutely everything for his portrayal of Steven Hawkins some years back. Oh well Peg, sucks to be you, talentless and charmless.

    • swaz says:

      I wonder which one of Meghan’s outfit she’s going to copy 🤣🤣🤣

      • Unblinkered says:

        Ah, of course, that’ll be it. She’s going because she/Carol has found an amazing dress and wants the spotlight.
        She and Carol have totally demeaned the title of PoW.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        If she shows up in Meghan’s red Caroline Herrera dress that the British press cried, screamed, and threw up about for a solid month, I will laugh my ass off.

        I think BAFTAs will then be obliged to give Kate an award for “Biggest Try-hard and Pick Me Girl of 2025”. Or possibly that as a “Lifetime achievement award”. It’s the only thing she’s ever truly achieved on her own, apart from being a Mean Girl Menace, but they don’t really give awards out for that outside of the BRF Honours.

    • Lorelei says:

      I had to laugh when I saw this. It would be *classic Kate* to not do a lick of work for like a year and a half BUT to manage to rally to go to Wimbledon, high-profile balcony-type events, her moronic concert (which she only cares about because it’s all about her), and the BAFTAs.

      Absolutely none of those things entail helping other people in any way, they’re all just (highly sought after — well, besides her concert) leisure activities for her own enjoyment. Not one visit to a children’s cancer ward? She has balls of steel, truly. I guess she’ll be having a “good day” whenever the BAFTAs are.

      She’s such an embarrassment. It will be interesting to see if she feels well enough to hand out shamrocks for an hour 🫠

      Also, that photo from last year of William with the actresses was an instant classic and never gets old! It’s perfection.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Doubtful about the shamrocks – she couldn’t be arsed even pre-“cancer”.

        Gods I wish some courtier would write a tell-all about what really went down in 2023-2024.

  2. Nanea says:

    Awards show.

    Tell me you have a warped perception of real life without telling me you have a warped perception of real life.

    How utterly tonedeaf, and, at the same time, how interesting that FakeyKatie already knows she’ll be well enough to be there. Let’s hope for their sake there won’t be any gaffes like last year, when the prince of Ales liked a movie about rape, indicating he clearly hadn’t seen it.

    • Chrissy says:

      The faces of those actresses above, while Willnot laughs uproariously is the ultimate display of his lack of preparation and empathy. The look of shock on the faces of the actresses was really telling. Wow! He’s such a dolt!

    • Lala11_7 says:

      Or even WORSE…William DID see the movie about sexual assault AND STILL LIKED IT!😱😡

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    Going to an awards show is considered “work”? It’s demeaning and tacky that the British film industry is groveling to this nonentity to come to their fancy party. Clearly, the arts must take a back seat to royal egos.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      This is their new way of filling pages at the royal section of their filthy websites, so that it’s not exclusively about H and M. Maybe Kate shows up to this, there’s a rumour she might return to work at this. And it is labelled a return every single time now, while they keep churning out articles about how this is the new norm, that she is completely retired from public life.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And how many times is she going to ‘return to work’? I thought her return to work was last year’s Trooping. Oh, wait, did Wimbledon happen before that? In any case, you can only ‘return to work’ once. This is ten levels of ridiculousness! 🤦‍♀️

      • Lorelei says:

        Right? Why are they making it sound like this is the first time she’s being seen in public after all of the mystery/scandal of last year? We’ve seen her a bunch of times…? I know her fans aren’t the brightest bunch, but I’d think even they would roll their eyes at this one.

        I thought her attendance at Trooping was her “triumphant return” to work/the public eye/whatever? These people are ridiculous.

    • Caitlin says:

      Lol – came here to say exactly that! What an insult to those who do actual “work” and are not a drain on the public purse.

  4. Tessa says:

    William had to pull away from her the last time she went with him. She Leo trying to grab him. I doubt he wants her there.

    • Tessa says:

      Edit kept trying to grab him. Spell check bad today.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah I feel like the last time she was at BAFTA with William was when he publicly swerved from holding her hand and so at some point she did her loving, ahem awkward af, butt tap.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think the gloves “might” have worked if she had completely removed the shoulder detail. And gone for different earrings. But it ended up looking fussy and cheap.

        ETA sorry this should be below with the comment about the dress and the gloves.

      • Jais says:

        There were a few GOlden globe gown and glove situations that worked, like janelle James and Christine Milioti, so yeah I could see a situation where this could’ve worked? But 8 times out of 10, I hate these gloves unless it styled well and the person can carry it. But it’s clear I have a bias so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt😂

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Kate wears the opera gloves wrong. They are not supposed to be pulled up to the arm pits. They simply have to stop a bit above the elbow. I am having second hand embarrassment here. Clearly, neither Kate nor her stylist (probably Carole) know how to wear opera gloves.

      • Jais says:

        Huh. Thank u. Maybe I could form an appreciation for opera gloves when worn correctly.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    These two are like a charisma black hole. I feel drained just looking at them all dressed up in their glittery best.

    I doubt she will go as she’d pull focus from man-baby Will and we all know he can’t stand that. He’ll go solo and awkwardly try to flirt with people again.

    • Anon says:

      yuck. I wish for the people who will be there that he wouldn’t smile at them. his smile is so sincere, warm and natural that it looks like a threat.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      The way she cheapened that white dress was so unfortunate. And no, he doesn’t want her there.

      • Jais says:

        The first time she wore it, it was lovely even if it was right after Meghan got slammed for wearing a one shoulder dress. But the second time? Idk I just didn’t like the gloves with it and I think it’s where my aversion to these types of gloves started😂

      • BeanieBean says:

        Those earrings! Those gloves! That cheek filler! So much for Ms. Accessories Buyer. 🙄

      • Lorelei says:

        The white dress with black gloves was positively tragic

  6. Afken says:

    William doesn’t and has never put on the work beforehand and that’s by his own admission. He’s literally said before hand he doesn’t read his briefing notes, when he did an event with Bollywood artists he admitted he’d never seen a Bollywood film, you think he’d watch one before the engagement but now. Also I love how this is touted as “work”.

  7. Eurydice says:

    Wasn’t Kate supposed to be triumphantly show-stopping at Easter last year?

    • Barb Mill says:

      I thought it was Trooping. I guess anytime she shows up is a triumph.

      • Lorelei says:

        We also just saw her at Christmas! It will be so irritating if every single thing she does something from now on is hailed as a “triumphant return.” Give me a break.

        Do you think that even *she’s* embarrassed by headlines and stories like this? I would be mortified.

  8. Noor says:

    Kate attending a film awards is regarded as a triumphant return to work. if the British media is not careful they will be the one leading the decline in people’s trust in the monarchy

    • Josie says:

      Put on a nice dress, add a tiara then off out to attend an awards evening is considered ‘work’? Nice job if you can get it. The ‘work’ Kate does has no value so I don’t get why they don’t let her stay home as she obviously wants to do. For some reason the British media are determined to force Kate to give them more photo opportunities and something to write about because the royals are such a dull lot. The problem is over-staffing in the Brit media with ‘royal expert’ writers without enough to do. Cull them. Whittle them down to one or two and the problem of ‘Kate’ is solved. Too many ‘experts’ scrapping over tiny portions of ‘royal news’ is the actual problem.

  9. First comment says:

    How many comebacks does she have since June?

  10. Rosemary says:

    I think its ma Middleton and kate using tabloids to say she is going. I still think she is bench .

  11. ThatGirlThere says:

    Of course. Because THIS time is the real time she’s going to “make her triumphant return to works.” Not the Christmas pageant or the impromptu appearance meeting in Southport…empty handed of course.

    Yes folks, THIS will be the time for Lazy Kate to come back to work.

    • Lorelei says:

      Just like how we’ve been hearing for more than a decade that “this fall” will REALLY be when she hits the ground running 🙄

  12. Amy Bee says:

    It think this is the British press telling KP that they want Kate at the BAFTAs. Why is the BAFTAs pulling out all the stops for someone who is not the President? You would think they were doing everything they can to get William to be there not Kate. William went last year because Harry and Meghan went to Vancouver and apparently the BAFTAs is going to be on the same night as the Invictus closing ceremony so William is definitely going to be there. If Kate is still competing with Meghan she’ll probably go as well. I’ll be surprised if many of the US actors go this year.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      The same night as the IG closing ceremony?? Then my guess is that neither of them is going to the BAFTAs. They cannot handle direct comparisons.

      • Amy Bee says:

        William and/or Kate did an engagement almost everyday Harry and Meghan were in Dusseldorf in 2023. It’s not about the comparison but to keep the British press’ attention on William and Kate. William’s decision to go to the BAFTAS was only made after Harry and Meghan spent most of the week in Vancouver.

      • Becks1 says:

        Oooh I disagree. I think if its the same night as the closing ceremonies they will both be there in an attempt to take the spotlight away from H&M. What they don’t realize though is that H&M are “always” more interesting than them and even if the British press puts Kate in a pretty dress (or some sort of dress) on the front page, the real interest will always lie with Meghan.

      • ShazBot says:

        They’ll claim the front pages as a win even though with time zones, the Invictus ceremonies won’t start until the next day (past newspaper printing) in the UK.

    • Gabby says:

      Agree, this is the Brit press begging, and projecting their begging onto BAFTA because they don’t have the guts to own it themselves. Didn’t Waity already have her triumphant return last summer at Trooping then at Wimbledon? After the hoped-for Easter return didn’t materialize (remember Wiglet Christ Superstar? AHAHAHAHAH)

      Note to Peg – watch the damn movies this year. DUH!

      • Jais says:

        I feel like it’s quite possible William will have some sort of “scheduling issue” and be unable to attend. Precisely bc he does not want to have to catch up on the films and nor does he want another gaffe. It’s possible this whole smoking out Kate is also about smoking out William to attend. They want at least one of them to go. Cuz otherwise it’ll be Sophie or Edward or a boring video of William saying something in lieu of going.

      • Lorelei says:

        Ooooh I didn’t know it was the same night as an IG event! LMAO, this will be interesting

  13. Tessa says:

    Isn’t Katie upstaging the winners with putting focus on herself . I can just picture her preening

  14. Ginger says:

    Going to an awards show instead of “work” is typical for her. Of course she won’t be called out on it. Kate constantly puts out that she doesn’t care about charities or helping people (especially with what she went through) She doesn’t know how well she will be for “work” but does for the awards shows, Wimbledon , and other big royal events. I hope the UK public can see how she is playing them.

    • lizziebee says:

      We can…this was one of the main comments made in the article in the Daily Mail a few days ago. Believe me there wasn’t much sympathy for the woman>
      I would love to know what the few Charities & Patronages that she’s supposedly involved with think of all this…

      • Becks1 says:

        A few people now have mentioned that the DM comments seem to be tilting away from Kate and are actually becoming quite critical.

        What I would love to know is – were those comments always there and the DM just didn’t let them go through, or is there an actual increase in the critical comments?

      • Becks1 says:

        As a follow up – I just went on the DM (ew) and looked at the comments on this article. She’s getting destroyed. Lots of “nice work if you can get it” and “of course she’ll be there, she gets to wear a fancy dress and jewels, but wont go to a charity.”

        Again wonder if those comments have always been there and just didnt get through, but either way – KP is in trouble, PR-wise. When you’ve completely lost the DM comment section…….something that we know is edited and tailored to fit the narrative the DM wants out there…….

      • Jais says:

        So yeah, this question is interesting and one I have no answer to. Essentially how real are the comments? Were these negative comments always there but erased and now they’re not being erased? Idk, I tend to lean towards the idea that so many of these comments are contrived by the DM but maybe I’m wrong. Kate isn’t making appearances so the tabloids are unhappy. So they let her get cooked in the comments. Is it a matter of not erasing true sentiment anymore or creating a sentiment that will put pressure on Kate to make an appearance. Or a combo. Idk.

      • Me at home says:

        Speaking as a sometime DM commenter in support of Meghan, I’ve watched other comments I liked disappear. You’ll see pro-Meghan or anti-Wales posters complain about being censored once in a while. Once I even posted about how a favorite comment by somebody else had disappeared, amazingly my own comment stayed up, and a couple of other sane thinkers answered me that they also couldn’t find said post.

        It’s also odd that some of my posts don’t appear but are still there if I really, really dig into the comments. And then they don’t have any up or downvotes, as if nobody saw them. Back in the day when I was trolling the Fox News comments section after Drump’s first election (blushes), I read that major outlets sometimes use software that hides some comments from all but the original poster.

        What’s also definitely weird is the up and downvotes. I’ll get a notice saying “X and 5 others liked your comment” but when I go to the page there are only 3 green up arrows.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Regarding the DM comments section, yes they regularly delete comments they don’t like and which don’t fit their narrative. So these negative comments about Kate are certainly something new. I read somewhere that the Middleton brother frequently comments in the DM under various aliases on articles to do with H&M (negative) and W&K (positive). Then there are the paid bots. What’s also strange is that positive comments on any subject seem to get some downvotes. You have to ask yourself who on earth is doing that?

  15. Jais says:

    This doesn’t seem like a set thing yet but if I were giving advice to KP I’d say she should do some sort of charitable event before going to the BAFTAS. And maybe she will. Maybe she’s going to show up somewhere incognito in a blue hat somewhere.

  16. Becks1 says:

    this is so embarrassing for BAFTA. The awards are supposed to about the industry, the nominees and the winners, not Kate. this makes it sound like the BAFTA organizers are groveling to get Kate to appear.

    And doesnt this weaken the whole “Kate is working based on doctors advice” or whatever that we’ve heard? It shouldn’t matter whether BAFTA pulls out all the stops or not. Supposedly Kate isn’t working due to health issues so that should be that, right? The glamour of the event shouldn’t matter.

    Finally – how many “triumphant returns” is this woman going to have?!?! Trooping, Wimbledon, the Christmas concert?

    • Amy Bee says:

      It makes no sense, Kate has no association with the BAFTAs. If anything they would be doing everything they can to get William to be there not Kate. This is why I think is the press yanking KP’s chain. They want Kate to be there.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Her “Triumphant returns” are definitely getting old and stale at this point.. I personally just want to know what leverage she used to negotiate her new deal, because It sure seems like she sets the rules on everything except tiaras.

    • Nic919 says:

      They are also going to pretend no one in that BAFTA audience ever experienced cancer themselves. That won’t play well.

    • Jais says:

      It does come across as embarrassing groveling from BAFTA. So I could see the BM using BaFTA to lure Kate out. Or as some have suggested, the midds are putting it out there in hopes that Kate will go. But at the same time, didn’t the BAFTAS give William an award for one of his docs? Whoever is the head of BAFTA is likely quite cringey and groveling when it comes to the royals even if not everyone at bafta is. So it could be a little bit of all those things.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They seem to be forgetting they told us she doesn’t make decisions until she wakes up in the morning & knows how she feels. Is it a good day? Then she’ll rouse herself; if not, not.

    • Christine says:

      This really is embarrassing for the BAFTAs. They are basically screeching, “here, Kitty, Kitty!” with this article. Actual movie stars will be there, so I think they will be fine.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    Kate doesn’t make appearances for charities. Cement in people’s minds that Kate will show up for glamor events.

  18. Tina says:

    Another triumphant return? Which involves getting her hair and makeup done, a new dress and posing for photos? Lordy.

  19. 809Matriarch says:

    How many triumphant returns is this weirdo going to have?

  20. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I’m looking at the films on BAFTA View right now (the members’ only streaming service that BAFTA jurors use to view the films) and it’s mainly very serious, arthouse-type films. There are two films about Palestine, one about women in Iran, etc. Not light hearted Hollywood blockbusters. I don’t believe for a second that Kate is going to watch any of them.

  21. Lady Esther says:

    That “what in the hot mess hell” outfit still sears my retinas….I just can’t even with all of the mishmashed things thrown together from the black opera gloves to the ruffly Grecian gown to the bright spangly gold earrings, the terrible hairstyle, and IIRC terrible shoes as well. I said at the time it looks like she got dressed in the dark. A definite low for Kate

  22. Libra says:

    A show stopping attention getter!! World wide fans!! We promise a standing ovation. Please show up and give us something to write about so we can compare our sweet Angel Catherine to that horrible other woman. PLEASE. Signed, your faithful employees at the DM.

    • Josie says:

      That’s exactly what it’s about; Daily Mail noses in the royal trough. Reporters must write stories about the royal family and Kate photographs better than the rest. ‘Expert’ writers only get paid by the published number of their words/lines. If they write about Kate they can then ‘compare’ her to Meghan with follow up articles already written (wink wink). More hate lines from desperate reporters behind with their rent / mortgage, forced to compete with each other. That’s why the DM has so many ‘experts’. It ‘retains’ reporters’, reducing their combined status to desperate beggars waiting on crumbs from his lordship’s table.

  23. Fastgran50 says:

    It’s been months since she gloriously announced she was free from cancer. She has not done anything bad work . Briefly appeared at events she had to with the rest of the royals. What is the British taxpayer giving her money for. Their wages are over inflated for what they do. Charles even thinks he’s relevant to people in Uk.

  24. Jay says:

    This is basically the Rota ( and the BAFTAs) publicly begging Kate to throw them a bone. I get the sense that everyone is tired of Will’s “sexy single dad” era, leering at the young actresses, running his mouth about films he clearly had not seen, and just generally being a public embarrassment.

    Kate isn’t much, but she’s the closest thing to glamour that the RF has to offer, now with the added bonus that she is returning from a health scare. It makes sense for the BAFTAS to want some of that shine, however dim it may be.

    However, clearly, it’s neither the press nor Kate who calls the shots, and I think TOB is not ready for his “hunky”single dad era to end. So my prediction is another awkward solo outing for W, and more hilarity for all of us!

    • Nic919 says:

      The BAFTAs have stars with real glamour attend so they don’t need kate. I think this is someone from the Middleton camp putting a feeler out there to see if people are clamouring for her attempts at glamour.

      • Moondust says:

        I too think it comes from the Middletons. Sadly the comments were not kind. Even the DF readers are fed up and wondering how her good days are only for glamour (so to speak ) events.

        I’m sure the Middletons think she’d have a standing ovation. I’d be disgusted if she has one. One year they asked everyone to wear black in solidarity of #metoo. Guess who didn’t wear black?

  25. Jaded says:

    This is not work, nor is it triumphant. No way she’s showing up for this either with or without her erstwhile husband who won’t even arse himself to see the movies. Remember the shocked reaction last time when he made some trite comment about “that must have been fun!” talking about a traumatizing movie rape scene and the LOOKS on the actress’s faces. Kate coming in and swanning around like she’s doing something meaningful will go over like a lead fart.

  26. Nerd says:

    This sounds as if any appearances she makes requires bribery. We know that she is likely to go to anything that is glamorous where it can easily become centered on Kate’s physical appearance. I wonder if it’s a ploy on her part to get more favorable attention from those in attendance. Similar to when she went to Wimbledon, which let’s be honest, the standing ovation was way too much and came across as something she insisted on in order to attend. Even though we all knew she was going to be there, I think she is insisting on extra ass kissing in order to quiet the talks about their marriage. She’s always about appearances because for the longest time that’s all she’s had over all of the other royal wives, until Meghan came along and out royal’d all of them. This seems like a ploy to get the standing ovation, cover story and all the attention for herself. The Baftas are about celebrating the achievements of actors and actresses work in the film industry, not about someone who doesn’t know what work is and is only concerned with being seen in pretty clothes. So to not focus on them, but Kate who isn’t even the Bafta president, it seems very contrived.

  27. Pam says:

    It’s going to involve putting on a dress that cost more than several of our yearly salaries, swanning about and basking in the applause. No speaking, as far as I know. I still wonder if she’s picking things where she doesn’t need to make any speeches or engage in any conversation that doesn’t involve what she’s wearing or the children.

    • Unblinkered says:

      I’ve always thought that – she’s socially inept, awkward and has no confidence. Sit down meals or receptions involving conversations she can’t do.

  28. LionHeartGal says:

    Attending an Awards show is considered “work”? Give me a break 🙄

    • SURE says:

      Well, attending Wimbledon, a carol service and a marching parade to celebrate your FIL’s birthday are also considered “work” by Windsor standards. We plebs wouldn’t understand the work ethic and sense of duty required to undertake this kind of work.

  29. Lady Digby says:

    Last year’s BAFTAS saw Michael Sheen given ole Willy the stink eye as he strutted past. The same Michael Sheen is FUNDING the new theatre of Wales. What has Will ever done for Wales? Has he ever funded anything for Wales?

  30. Kat says:

    I know I have said this before on here but here goes again; ‘’’ An occasion that brings her joy’’
    She makes me want to vomit

  31. sevenblue says:

    Can’t wait watching Kate groping her husband’s ass again when he refuses to touch her hand. Also, who knows, maybe this year, he actually holds her hand? Go, fetch your man, Kate! I believe in you.

  32. BeanieBean says:

    I thought her return to ‘work’ was last year’s Trooping. Apparently they’re going to slide right on past that. Sure, sure it was before her little Springtime for Kate video, but still.

  33. Weatherby says:

    This remains one of the ugliest ensembles she’s ever worn. Just shows a painful lack of taste. The dress by itself is lovely – in fact, each piece individually is fabulous.

    But black opera gloves with a white billowy dress? And oversized bronze earrings? Carole Middleton has no style whatsoever. She needs to stop thinking she can dress her daughter.

    If they read this blog, someone please toss this look into the fire.

    • Paddingtonjr says:

      But that’s Kate’s style. The individual pieces are okay on their own, but something gets lost when she puts everything together. It’s like she thinks: “white dress, good. Black gloves, good. Bronze earrings, good. Therefore, all together, great!” Or maybe I’m giving her too much credit.

  34. Over it says:

    Kate staff to Kate, mam, how about you do some charity events this month? Kate to them , no , sorry I have pre-cancer cells. Trying to stay cancer free and all . Okay . Well there is the Baftas coming up and. Kate to her staff . The Baftas? Well hang on , I need a new dress. Get me my Meghan look book . Celebs will be there . Do you think I can get them to all give me a standing ovation because cancer and all you see.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    White opera gloves might have saved that look. And an updo and simpler earrings. But holy moly, that ensemble is a mess.

    She has yet to thank her medical team. She’s appalling.

    • Josie says:

      What pre-cancerous medical team? I suspect those sly royal ‘expert’ reporters slip her ‘brave fight’ to avoid cancer into every article, as punishment for making such a fool of them when she resurfaced after that long mysterious illness. She must cringe every time she reads that. Must be time to update the invisible contract, with Kate offering up a juicy substitute gardening yarn in return for reporters’ forgetting about pre-cancerous courage. She has serious bargaining power when it comes to roses. Could be a good time to show her ‘brave heartache’ and ‘brave battle to save her marriage’ from thorny intruders.

    • Unblinkered says:

      @QuiteContrary – agree. It was also her hair, that flat flat uber straight flat styling with centre parting was ghastly on her. An updo would have flattered her.
      And someone with style and a little wit would have done something clever with the gloves – black & white striped? metallic? Carol needs to butt out, now and forever.

  36. L4Frimaire says:

    Is this her 3rd or 4th triumphant return? An awards show. Nice work if you can get it.

  37. wolfmamma says:


  38. Anonymous says:

    I would love to see her waving triumphantly at the BAFTA’s, like she won something!

  39. Unblinkered says:

    Breaking news now on Sky, KM visited the London Royal Marsden cancer hospital today to thank the staff where she was treated. Doesn’t say what type of cancer. She chose to wear hair extensions down to her waist whilst visiting poor souls bald or with cold caps hoping not to lose their hair, as the photographs painfully show.
    Tone deaf?