Jessica Simpson makes out with her married boyfriend in Capri

Last year Jessica Simpson was single on her 29th birthday, having been dumped by Tony Romo right before she could throw a Barbie and Ken-themed party. This year, Jessica Simpson celebrated her big 3-0 by macking all over her married boyfriend on the Italian Island of Capri. Seeing these photos I’m reminded of that beach makeout photo session she had with John Mayer a few years ago. We all know how well that worked out, but maybe this guy will last longer for her.

I had the chance to read US Weekly’s cover story on Jessica’s “married” boyfriend, and while the guy is not technically single yet he did file for divorce back in January and it’s not like he’s cheating, as Kaiser mentioned in our earlier coverage. The thing that bothers me is that Jessica’s new boyfriend, ex-NFL player Eric Johnson, is said to be incredibly controlling and to have encouraged Jessica to do that vegan diet and cleanse she was gushing over on Twitter. When a guy puts you on a diet after just a few weeks of dating, that’s definitely a warning sign.

Jessica has her sex/marriage/babies blinders on, though, and is willing to do anything to keep this guy by her side. She’s said in the past that she thought she’d have kids by 30:

Jessica Simpson won’t be alone when she turns 30 this Saturday — she’s on the romantic Italian isle of Capri with brand-new man Eric Johnson — but it’s not exactly how she imagined the birthday.

“I thought I had it figured out; I’m going to be this great pop star, be married, have babies,” Simpson has said about the 3-0 milestone.

“But things can be taken from you,” she added sadly. Indeed, after divorcing Nick Lachey in July 2006, she endured a spate of failed romances with John Mayer, Tony Romo and Billy Corgan.

Her last album — 2008’s country-music foray Do You Know — tanked, and her poorly received VH1 reality show The Price of Beauty is being “retooled” for its second season, according to a source.

But, for now, Simpson appears to be enjoying herself with new love Johnson. “I know she is really happy,” an insider says in the new Us Weekly.

[From US Weekly]

You can’t rush these things. Sometimes life changes and that doesn’t mean things are taken from you. Once you get married and have kids you don’t get another chance to be single and careless. I just get the feeling from Jessica that there’s this sadness underlying everything and that marriage and kids aren’t going to change anything for her. Even if she marries this guy and fulfills her dream to have kids it’s not like her life is going to be suddenly complete. It seems like she’s holding out for the perfect guy before she truly enjoys life and that it’s just going to end badly for her, even if she nails this one down.

Photos are from 7-10-11. Credit: Bauergriffinonline.



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43 Responses to “Jessica Simpson makes out with her married boyfriend in Capri”

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  1. denise says:

    He made her go on that vegan diet? A subtle way of telling her she’s fat, maybe. Or maybe he just wants her to be healthy. My sis keeps trying to make me do the same, but it’s a health issue with her. Anywho’s, hope she is happy.

  2. Jazz says:

    Seriously, the only publicity about this girl is who she’s dating or her weight. :-/

  3. lucy2 says:

    I think she has permanent blinders on. And every time, she follows the same pattern, with the same results. Soon I expect the gushing interview about this new guy.
    She needs to fire her dad, who I think is often responsible for the “leaks” about her private life, and find her own happiness somehow instead of relying on a guy to make her happy.

  4. constance says:

    Another muumuu? Jeezus woman!

    On another note. Is it me or are all her assistants/handlers brunette?

  5. Relli says:

    “Once you get married and have kids you don’t get another chance to be single and careless. I just get the feeling from Jessica that there’s this sadness underlying everything and that marriage and kids aren’t going to change anything for her. Even if she marries this guy and fulfills her dream to have kids it’s not like her life is going to be suddenly complete.”


    I could not have said it better myself. Having children is a full on life commitment and not necessarily the means to an end. There are a lot of things you do not know about kids before you start having them and once you do there is no turning back. I think for Jess she thinks it will complete her fairy tale, but really its the beginning of the rest of your life. Also i kind think that she will not be able to handle the amount of stress a baby can put on a relationship, it takes two very strong individuals to make it work.

  6. Persistent Cat says:

    I don’t understand why she still gets talked about. There’s plenty of other celebrities and trainwrecks to talk about, why her?

  7. Ogechi says:

    Abomination if the man is still married…I don’t support this kind of union…

  8. schanuzers!!! says:

    She has no idea how much more difficult life will become when she is married and has children to think about.

  9. I want her to be happy, find the perfect boy… Thing is, happy comes from inside and she is looking all around her. Sad. I hope it works out!

  10. mel says:

    I wish she wouldnt be so public about her relationships. I’m doubting this guy is gona want to marry right after he divorces and will be probably run if she puts the pressure on him.

  11. Oi says:

    Gez Jess. Please find a real friend. Lainey has already volunteered. Call her.

  12. Shannon says:

    He looks a lot like Nick Lachey, mostly when he’s not smiling…Anyone else see the resemblance?

  13. bellaluna says:

    As a woman who had her first child at 20, left her cheating husband at 27, and re-married at 31, I absolutely know one thing as Gospel truth:

    Until you are happy with yourself, in your own skin, you will NEVER be happy with anyone else.

    You cannot look to anyone else to fill a void in your life. Take a dating sabbatical, get your head on straight, whatever you need to do. Accept that just because there’s no “man” in your life doesn’t mean you don’t have a life. Have your fun. Do your thing. If it’s meant to be, you’ll meet the right guy. Don’t waste your time chasing dreams because dreams, by their very nature, aren’t real.

  14. Karen says:

    [Standing ovation for bellaluna] Dayum girl, I find myself making the effort to comment on here so that I can co-sign one of your remarks. I’m in my late 30’s and unmarried however my nights are filled up with friends, fun and casual dates with a much younger man. I’ve watched my parents through a bad marriage and as a result, I will *never* rush a relationship or convince myself my life is worthless without children. I want children if I’m in a stable and healthy relationship. No healthy relationship = no kids for me.

    I wish Jessica the best…even though she makes me roll my eyes whenever I see her name in the gossip sites. I hope she makes an effort to keep most details of this relationship to herself. Would do her a world of good!

  15. just saying says:

    I just think everyone needs to just back off & let her be. This guy from all literature on him is a standup guy. Well schooled,single child raised very well& has no dirt as of yet attached to him. He filed or they filed in January after 5 years of marriage. Obviously they had to be separated before that filing & just couldn’t make it work. His Lawyer told either People or US that it was very amicable between him & his ex so in all likleyhood she is dating someone too. Its a piece of paper here people were dealing with at this point & nothing else. Bets are that this relationship with Jessica has been a little longer then May. May is when they decided to step it up. Before that Jessica was said to be mingling as she called it & it turns out ERIC was & is her choice. Let them enjoy what they have & see if they can keep moving forward.. Its a relationship & we all have them so deal with it. Jesssica is open & very affecionate & we all know that. She wears her heart on her sleeve & is who she is. More women should be as open & men.

  16. guesty says:

    @shannon…that’s exactly what i thought.

    he’s probably loving all this attention as much as the prospect of tapping into her millions. could be “the one” for all the wrong reasons.

  17. Nuharoo says:

    I wonder if she’ll trot out being a “Good Christian” if there’s a backlash.

  18. Zelda says:

    That dress looks horrible.

  19. LolaBella says:

    Talk about double standards!

    The fact is that he IS STILL MARRIED, yet here he is cavorting with another woman and flaunting their relationship for the the press (all part of the Pimpa Joe PR machine).

    So just because Eric and his wife have filed and separated and just need the divorce to be granted makes it okay for this behavior?

    Other female celebrities would be ripped to shreds (and have been) on this blog for this, but some of you want to give Jess a pass just because she’s dumb and ‘unlucky in love’ and ‘deserves to be happy’?? Really? REALLY??

  20. Jeri says:

    Does he do anything now?? I’ve seen him described as a “former” NFLer but what about now?

    I guess if he follows Jessica around he’s not employed currently (at least on a day-by-day basis).

  21. Mari says:

    @ bellaluna VERY well said.

  22. Stop Kidding Yourself says:

    @bellaluna, you are 100% spot on about this.

    “You cannot look to anyone else to fill a void in your life. Take a dating sabbatical, get your head on straight, whatever you need to do. Accept that just because there’s no “man” in your life doesn’t mean you don’t have a life. Have your fun. Do your thing. If it’s meant to be, you’ll meet the right guy. Don’t waste your time chasing dreams because dreams, by their very nature, aren’t real.”

    I am trying my hardest to make my best 30 year old girlfriend accept the same thing. I don’t know how and why she believes that acquiring some man is the be-all end-all to her happiness. It’s wonderful to have a partner in your life to love and support you. It’s another thing to expect someone to completely fill a void of self-fulfillment that only YOU can fill. It’s kind of irrational to expect another human being to do this for you. We’re all in the same boat in regards to keeping ourselves happy and healthy. Once you are happy and healthy with yourself, you can be a PART of happy and healthy union. Hopefully J.S. knows this or will learn it fast. She seems genuinely sweet and I wish her the best.

  23. Strawberry says:

    LolaBella: I’m sorry, once you’re separated and have filed a legal motion it’s immoral if you date? What are we, the relationship police? Please…

    Shannon: I totally think he looks like a douchier Nick Lachey (if it was even possible to be goofier looking then Nick). Hopefully he has no armband tattoo, blech….

  24. lucy2 says:

    Strawberry, I agree – if he was already separated and/or filed for divorce when they met and started dating, there’s no issue. Much different than a 3rd party being involved in the end of a marriage.

    As bad as that dress thing is, it’s better than what she wore the other day! It was definitely a LOOK AT ME! outfit, which just makes me shake my head at her. I wish she’d get it together.

  25. Belle Epoch says:

    @ bellaluna you rock

    @Jeri – that’s what I want to know! Is he doing ANYTHING now – besides getting a divorce?

    He kinda looks like a mouthbreather.

  26. InVain says:

    How do we know that Eric “put” her on this diet. Perhaps she was looking for a healthy way to lose a little weight and he suggested this or knew a friend that had success doing it…but we don’t know, so I suppose the rumors will fly. If she’s happy for the time being, good for her.

    While I do think she’s looking for someone/something to fill a void we should just all let her be. She probably isn’t secure in her own skin. The only marriage she had and saved everything for failed, and the only time she gets media coverage is when she’s too chubby, wearing something ugly, or has a new boyfriend. Would you be totally secure after all that? I don’t know if I would be…she’s just now only getting out of her 20s. She has plenty of time to find herself.

  27. Mia says:

    Uber tacky to spread your legs and jump around a man in public.

    A five year old and her daddy, cute. A 30 year old and her semi divorced beau, g-r-o-s-s. But a celeb who knows people are watching and taking pics?

    Maybe it’s a way to get attention and press since she’s without career. I don’t know, it’s nasty.

  28. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I’ve known a lot of women who are obsessed with marriage and babies to the exclusion of any kind of personal growth or introspection and they’re kind of idiots, too. Because there’s nothing that a prospective partner wants more than to be saddled with your entire well-being whilst getting to be your dearly beloved means to an end. People have their own lives to worry about, they can’t and shouldn’t have to handle the complete spiritual success or failure of another person’s happiness; that’s selfish and beyond impossible, and while you’re ‘waiting’, why not become the type of person that can attract the type of person you want? That doesn’t mean prostrating yourself in front of whatever gonads happen to be in your wake, but giving as good as you deserve to get. And hell, if you ‘have’ (bleh) to be single (oh, no), you’ll be a better person for yourself and for the people who truly are in your life and care about you. Happiness and singledom aren’t mutually exclusive. You can learn, do and experience so much at any stage of your life–whatever your status–if you’d just do it. Why waste the life you’ve got and make it worse by fretting over something that likely isn’t really what you think it is, if you’re idealizing it so much?

    There’s so much more to life than a clammy, socially-sanctioned obsession, and if I were a guy, I’d run the other way, too. What exactly is the prospective partner supposed to get out of this? We all know what SHE wants, what SHE thinks is owed to her (I’m not even talking about JS specifically–obviously being the more public figure, we’re going know more about her desires), but what can she give to him? Why is she a good partner? Because she’s an overgrown woman-child who sees life as a series of mirthless checkpoints? That’s not a great sales pitch–if sales pitch is your go-strategy. It just stikes me as too hard to contort yourself into the iron mould of every expectation placed on you by whomever and then expect others to do the same. It sure doesn’t seem to be working for any of the myriad women I see doing it every day of their lives.

    Free your ass, and the rest will follow.

  29. bellaluna says:

    @ Karen, Mari, Stop Kidding, & Belle Epoch –

    Thank you! I learned my lessons the hard way, but I am just so much happier for having learned them! One of the thing my hubby loves most about me is that I’m fun and don’t act my age. My thinking is “age is just a number” and I’m loving my life!

  30. Kbomb says:

    Who gives a $hit if he is still married? There is a big difference between having a relationship when you are separated and having an affair while you are still living with your spouse. It sounds to me like he is separated, so why the judging? No one knows the reasons behind his separation (** see below) nor can judge why he does or doesn’t have the right to happiness with someone else. Perhaps this sounds really liberal to some, and I do honor and believe in the sanctity of marriage, but I don’t understand why we keep hearing the word ‘married’ precede ‘boyfriend’ as if he is doing something punishable.

    **PLEASE NOTE: don’t kill me if there are details about this dude I have missed to date. If he did dump his perfectly innocent wife for JS then I will agree he is potentially a scumbag, but I still maintain that no one knows what happens behind the closed doors of a relationship unless they are the ones behind them.

  31. t says:

    Did Joe hire her a boyfriend for public makeout sessions orchestrated for publicity, so he wouldn’t have to resort to peddling stories to the tabloids about Jessica’s farts and poor oral hygiene anymore?

    Or maybe they are trying to sell him as part of the reality show “retooling” to VH1

  32. Marjalane says:

    So are we going to politely not mention her single digit I.Q. having any play in all this?

  33. Pamela says:

    I’m pretty sure when Nick and Vanessa were making out in Cabo while he was still married to Jessica no one was plastering Vanessa’s face all over and calling her out for dating a “technically” married man. If I recall, people were talking about how great it was that Nick moved on and how horrible Jessica was for leaving him. Double standard.

  34. Boombeeba says:

    I’m generally the LAST person to be “judgemental” BUT sleeping around & goin on vaycaze with married men is something I see a desperate teenager doing (such as my former self) but when you are in your thirties I would imagine one to be & act more maturely. Add the fact that Jsimp has a notorious history of not being able to keep a man (for whatever reason) she really shouldn’t be engaging in such activities. What irks me most is when a woman is a mans “mistress” he leaves his wife & kids for her, dissolves the marriage, marries the mistress & the mistress gets mad & cannot utterly believe that her hubby is cheating on her (a la Sandy Bollocks 😉 That man is NO GOOD Jess, ur not ugly & I’m positive u can find a man who isn’t already married (unless that’s what u want) That Is All…

  35. snick says:

    Oh Jesus, just let the girl enjoy herself.

  36. I Choose Me says:

    Yes! to everything Jo ‘Mama’ said.

  37. Cruisin Through says:

    First of all, it’s so misleading and tacky to refer to him as her “married boyfriend” The papers have been filed. They are doing nothing wrong.

    But who would want to date her when she goes on record saying she brushes her teeth twice a week? She’s lucky anyone wants to kiss her.

  38. Camille says:

    July 12th, 2010 at 2:01 pm : This!

    I agree with you, why do some get a pass and not others? After all the guy is STILL married. It is all the same no matter how some people try to paint it.
    Personally however, I couldn’t care less what JS does in her dating life (I think she is an utter idiot). These 2 look like they might just be a match for each other though.

  39. Kiska says:

    She could be married with babies if she stayed with husband #1.

  40. tomcat1020 says:

    I knew Eric Johnson from his hometown in Needham, MA. He is a very nice person and has remained his old humble, quirky, funny self and kept up the same friendships no matter what success in life materially or otherwise he has achieved. He truly was never conceited or arrogant to anyone ever and everyone who knows him will tell you he is a genuinely nice guy. I am very happy to see him happy with Jessica Simpson and I am sure that if it is the real thing than Jessica should consider herself a lucky girl and he a very lucky man. I feel like the good guys have a fair fight now if Eric can be with Jessica Simpson.

  41. tomcat1020 says:

    And another thing. I don’t know the exact details on his marital status. But I have dated a married woman before who had filed for divorce and had not been with her husband for over a year and it takes that long for the official divorce decree to be settled. Probably because it happens so often the courts are way backed up Over a year. Of course people awaiting the divorce decrees date other people if they want to get remarried. Some people’s attitudes about that are straight out of 1920’s? Who are they kidding?

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