Lindsay Lohan wants an apology, compensation for her misdiagnosed ADHD


There was some Lindsay Lohan news here and there over the weekend, but nothing major. First, TMZ reported that Lindsay Lohan was denied the right to workout while in rehab, which is kind of sad. If the crackhead wants to use the treadmill, let her, for goodness sake. Also, Radar is reporting that Lohan’s lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley is trying her best to ensure that Lindsay gets out of rehab this week. But the big story – the one that is most interesting to me – is about Lindsay’s alleged “misdiagnosis” of ADHD. CB reported that last week – apparently, the doctors who are working with Lindsay at the UCLA rehab now think that there is no reason for Lindsay to be on Adderall, and that this attention deficit diagnosis may be the root of her crackhead problems. Well, Fox News has an interesting addendum to that story: apparently, Lindsay is so pissed off about the misdiagnosis, she wants a formal apology and compensation from the court system! Oh, you crackhead hustler.

According to Lindsay Lohan’s latest medical report from UCLA, the actress was not addicted to cocaine as once suspected. Instead, it is believed she was misdiagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder and given the prescription drug Adderall, which may be to blame for triggering her often bizarre behavior.

Now Lohan apparently wants some form of apology or compensation from the courts.

“Lindsay is fuming – she is really upset that the courts put her through all this,” a source close to the 24-year-old told Pop Tarts, referring to Lohan’s incarceration for violating terms of her probation for a 2007 DUI, and subsequent court-ordered rehab.

The insider said Lohan’s camp was “exploring its options.” But just in case you’re thinking about it, Linds, legal action against the courts is probably out of the question.

“No judge or prosecutor could be sued under these circumstances, they have absolute immunity,” explained Santa Monica-based Criminal Defense Attorney, Steve Cron. “Judge Revel formulated her opinion of Lindsay based on the information she had at the time from another program. The judge could still be dissatisfied with the report from UCLA and seek independent opinions or insist Lindsay be enrolled in other programs.”

Lohan has admitted to trying cocaine in previous interviews, and cocaine was found on her person when she was arrested for a DUI in 2007. Pop Tarts is told that the “Mean Girls” star is more concerned with her public image, and believes the courts should issue an apology. But now that Revel voluntarily removed herself from the case, after lawyers complained that she had contacted “participants and experts” involved without notifying the lawyers in advance, it seems Lohan has a better chance of making a smooth transition back into her normal life.

“It’s a good thing for Lindsay, the new judge won’t have any stake in going above and beyond in trying to prove that what they said originally was right,” added Cron.

So given that she now may be considered “insurable” to work on films thanks to her rehab’s medical conclusions, we’re told Lohan has been entertaining a string of movie offers since regaining access to her BlackBerry last week and is “excited” to get back to work and life. However, it remains unclear when she will be released from the facility.

[From Fox News]

Yeah… it wasn’t the “courts” who were forcing Lindsay to cut Adderall into her blow and snort it with a chaser of half a dozen vodka shots. From what we know about Lindsay’s doctor-shopping – extensive – it seems like Lindsay just wanted scripts for anything that was going to f-ck her up, and it didn’t really matter what it was. And if we’re going to be talking about public apologies, how about Lindsay issuing one on behalf of all of the wasted man-hours in legal time, police time, jail time, and so much more, all because she cracked-out ass couldn’t be bothered to see a real doctor, or actually go to a rehab facility that would really deal with her issues? After all, this is her FOURTH rehab stay – and apparently, this is the first time doctors have noticed that she doesn’t actually need Adderall. What the f-ck?



Lindsay Lohan on July 20, 2010 and May 21, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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86 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan wants an apology, compensation for her misdiagnosed ADHD”

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  1. Cam says:

    she has no shame.

  2. Captaine says:

    lol bitch please.

  3. Lucy says:

    I didn’t realize judges wrote prescriptions now. Neat, thanks for the new information, Lindsay!


    Oh, I should add – I skimmed this. I don’t have the energy today for full on Lohan crap.

  4. Sns02215 says:

    Compensation for what? She WAS drunk driving and that is why the little spoiled diva bitch went to jail. And served, what, 14 days out of a 90-day sentence? ANd that includes being caught with coke, which is a class B felony?

    I would LOVE it this princess twat went to a REAL jail for about 5 years.

    Skanky bitch.

  5. pookie says:

    Did she ever apologize to or compensate the victims of her crazed car chase? Or to the public in general when she was driving high as a kite and could have killed someone? There is no end to the lengths this hosebeast will go to deflect blame and responsibility. I wish Hollywood would walk away from her and leave her in the gutter where she belongs.

  6. sapphire says:

    Can she say-immunity? This sounds like a truly ignorant rant.

  7. NotBuyingIt says:

    You first Linds. Perhaps you ought to be the one apologizing. You refuse to take responsibility for your actions, always blaming someone else. “the black kid did it,” “those arent my pants.”
    You can hardly blame a doctor for prescribing adderall if you go to him with all the “symptoms” of ADD. Perhaps youre a better actress then I thought you were. *rolls eyes*

  8. wonderful says:

    I……….I’m speechless.
    I am clearly in the wrong line of work, I am not getting away with NEARLY enough, evidently.
    One of my favourite sayings is: “Consider what would occur if the entire world acted as you do.” Terrifying thought when applied to this piece of work.

  9. Scribe says:

    She is poison!

  10. Schnauzers!!! says:

    WOW. That’s all I can say. These people are making sure she kills herself or someone else before something SERIOUS is done to teach her a lesson and get her clean.

  11. Innocent says:

    I heard that she genuinely did think she had ADHD and she has been taking the Adderall since 08.
    She was treated disgracefully by that Judge if the prosecution is asking for 30 days because someone missed a few classes and it wasn’t enforced for 6 months then you give them the 30 days and be done with it.
    The sentence she got was just so excessive for a non violent misdemeanor probation violation that even the prosecution didn’t agree with it.
    No one gets what she got.
    Even the UCLA doctors think the Judge “overreacted” with the 90 days and the D.A isn’t contesting this which speaks volumes.

    She had done everything and commited no new crimes there was no need for the formal probation and now it will probably be removed.

    What can you say about the DUIs other than in both especially the 1st she is lucky to be alive and that no one got hurt.

  12. wonderful says:

    You do know it’s possible that not every single detail of her case was released to the public in order to prevent her from being blacklisted, right? Also, she wrote a lot of stuff all over the place that showed she was in full contempt of the court system – whether any of this is usable, I don’t know, but it was represented in full by her middle fingernail.

  13. mimi says:

    Thats too funny considering Queen of Delusion Dina wouldnt even name the Dr. who prescribed it to her to her currrent Dr.’s. She even gave the lame excuse that he moved his office and she didnt know how to reach him. Apparently they dont have the internet or never heard of Docsearch either.
    Its obvious they sought out those scripts for the speed effect and not ADD. I doubt the Dr. would have even prescribed them without their own suggestion and probably did it over the phone or else they would be placing blame on him directly since all their problems are always someone else’s fault.
    This family is just beyond sickening.

  14. mimi says:

    LOL@ Innocent aka Dina

    actually everyone gets what she got. you and your dilusional family are the only ones that just dont get it.
    what she got exactly was preferential treatment. If it had been anyone else doing the drugs and stupid stunts she did they would have been behind bars without a pillow a lot longer than that waste of space LL.

  15. Spike says:

    Co-sign with everyone but Innocent. Pal you must be drinking the Kool-Aid with Dina and the rest of the Lohan posse. This wasn’t her first offense. This is related to her hijacking a car with passengers with blow in her pants pocket.

    Nobody got hurt. Why don’t you tell that to all the other families whose mothers, fathers, and children were killed by impaired drivers? She hit the Hollywood jackpot.

    If this was any of us, especially on repeat offenses, missing classes, blowing off court dates to party in the South of France, we would be doing hard time.

    Who would pay or even accept a free pass to watch a movie with her in it? She had a modicum of talent, but has chosen partying over building her career. It’s all on her.

    She needs to suck it up and make amends. Stop whining and do something. Misdiagnosis, my ass…You nailed it Kaiser.

  16. Morgan says:

    Even if Lindsay did genuinely think she had ADHD, she was not genuinely trying to get real help for it. I hope that if she even tries to instigate legal action for this, the prosecutor will do some very extensive research into her medical history and find out how many prescriptions she was getting for adderall every month. She was an addict long before the adderall.

  17. LindyLou says:

    Mimi – ITA. I was thinking the same thing. Innocent=Dina aka White Oprah. LOL

  18. jc126 says:

    I think her utter nerviness in threatening to sue the doctor, or whatever she’s threatening to do to get compensated, is yet another symptom of her addictions. Denial, deflection, refusal to take responsibility, minimizing her own role. She sucks.

  19. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Oh dear god…

  20. Crash2GO2 says:

    I am not a doctor, nor do I think any of you commentators are here (if you are, feel free to correct me). If her doctors say she was not addicted to anything, than she is not an addict. An asshole with a personality disorder? Yeah. But an addict? Seems not.

    When you go to your average rehab, you seldom see a real doctor. They employ lots of PAs and interns and really only care about you admitting that your an addict (whether you are nor not) and then they go from there. It doesn’t surprise me that it took a team of MDs at UCLA to see what the real issue was.

  21. Lucy says:

    Here’s your apology. I am sorry your parents are complete idiots. I am sorry that your career is over. I am sorry that you can not design a clothing line of any sort. I am sorry that you take so many drugs. I am sorry your life is in complete shambles. I am sorry that everyone in your life is out to get you, even though you never did anything wrong. I am sorry that you lie on a daily basis. Anyone else want to apologise to Miz Lohan?
    signed, Karma

  22. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Here is the only apology she deserves: FUCK OFF!

  23. lucy2 says:

    Ridiculous, because the charges and sentence against her had NOTHING to do with the ADD meds and everything to do with her getting a DUI and not meeting the terms of her probation.
    If she TRULY was misdiagnosed (and not just scamming for meds as we all suspect), she should be suing the DOCTOR, not the courts! But that would expose the truth.
    I have to LOL at how these people think everyone is as stupid as they are.

  24. wonderful says:

    Note for everyone: She was “diagnosed” in what, 2008 someone said? Please correct me if I am wrong. She and I are the same age, however, and I remember tales of her cokey fuckery (standing out amongst the rest of Hollywood, mind you, perhaps she was not too discreet) beginning way back in grade 11. When I was in my first year of university, she was in rehab. What of all that?

  25. Jeri says:

    Stupid Cow Lindsay – Doctors diagnose, not courts. Go back to the doctor that said you needed it & sue him. Geeeez!

    and, why did you do all the crackhead sh-t, car-jacking, kidnapping, DUIs, etc. Everyone certainly doesn’t pull that crap.

  26. Crash2GO2 says:

    As to her wanting the court to apologize?? That’s ridiculous. Not all misdiagnosed ADHD sufferers are out carjacking with coke in their pockets, or drinking and driving.

    Try pointing that little finger at yourself (which of course she will never do). I’m guessing Narcissistic Personality Disorder is her diagnosis.

  27. Jojo says:

    I hear this is where all the negative haters hang out.

  28. moo says:

    I want an apology and compensation every time I have to see your face on the internet and magazines!!!

  29. bellaluna says:

    Wow. Just wow.

    So, let me get this straight:

    SHE decided to “develop” symptoms to get her dirty little paws on Adderall; doctor shop, so she could mix Adderall with lots of other drugs and alcohol; drive under the influence; car-jack some dudes; violate her probation; waste EVERYBODY’S time and money; and now SHE wants an apology and compensation?!?!?!?

    Bitch, please. Is it possible to sue someone for excessive stupidity?

  30. oxa says:

    I want an apology and compenstion for all the time she interupted my shows for her court appearances and monopolized the media with her digusting parents.

  31. Micah says:

    Dear Lindsay,

    I would like an apology and compensation for having to share this earth, with your self entitled, arrogant self….not to mention, your horrible acting skills.

    I’m also seeking apologies and compensation from your peers…Paris Hilton, and Kim Kardashian.

  32. Lindsay Liar says:


    What an a$$hole!

  33. Eileen says:

    What I don’t understand is-if she was in jail for two weeks, didn’t that give her enough time to not show withdrawl symptoms by the time she got to rehab? So they really would have not seen the full extent of what she was on and went through in that time?

  34. dread pirate cuervo says:

    She faked ADD symptoms to get Adderall & now she wants to sue the doctor? Did she go to another doctor to get a second opinion? I bet she went to another doctor to get a second prescription. I’m not saying that ADD isn’t serious, b/c it is, but how hard can it be to fake the symptoms? “So Lindsay, why are you here today?” “Well, doctor,sometimes I have trouble concentrating and…Wow! Your pen is shiny!”

  35. Angel says:

    I really wish people here would stop genuinely thinking famous celebrities and their entourage are scouring these internet gossip sites and leaving comments. Wtf, actually. So much second-hand embarrassment.

    As for Linds. Yeah, no. Girl, I’ve got your back most of the time when the haters are full force, but hell no. Girl knows damn well she was doctor shopping for a ‘script to calm her ass down (she is so f-cking bipolar. As a bipolar myself I know it when I see it GLARING back at me) and whatever doc diagnosed and prescribed her this, probably by phone, didn’t care to properly diagnose her. Why? BECAUSE LINDSY DIDN’T CARE TO GET PROPERLY DIAGNOSED. She just wanted some good sh-t to self-medicate with. She got exactly what she wanted and worked so hard to find. To throw the dude under the bus now is shady.

    He deserves whatever comes to him honestly, whoever he is, but something doesn’t sit right with the fact that she’d play it like this. Makes me question what kind of opportunistic b-tch she might be after all. And that makes me a little sad cause I’ve held onto the belief up until now that she has been portrayed unfairly by the media. But if I hear her say even a word like this in a legitimate interview I can see myself being one of the ‘haters’.

    Girl, calm your ass down! This time you’ll be fooling NO ONE.

  36. {Po says:

    I don’t see what she is so smug about. If she’s not really an addict than her one good excuse for how she has screwed up her career is gone.
    What is she going to tell herself now? I don’t have ADD and I’m not an addict but I have stolen, ruined relationships, embarrassed myself publicly and privately, and alienated almost every major producer in Hollywood. This is not something that I would want to talk in detail about if I were her.
    What she should have done was come out of rehab quietly, gotten her act together and started building her career back up again. That would have shown her as a winner and not the loser she sounds like right now.

  37. xxodettexx says:

    can i apply for compensation for her family being forced on us???

  38. Camille says:

    She needs about a months worth of sleep, stop sunbathing and smoking, cut her parents out of her life and get some really good therapy and she may get back on track.

  39. Kiska says:

    A lot of Hollywood types take Adderall to keep their weight down. Not because of ADHD

  40. original kate says:

    oh for christ’s sake, this stupid, shallow bitch would have taken it anyway to stay skinny. she needs to shut the fuck up and sit down.

    sorry, but she makes me ill these days.

  41. emu says:

    Almost as classy as the f–k u nail.

  42. Madisyn says:

    Pookie, great post. I cracked up at hose beast, but I didn’t exactly know the definition, so I looked it up.

    Hose Beast
    *a woman who willingly performs felatio on any penis available

    Now I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with this definition of Blohan, but I looked at the next definition but with a TITLE NAME AND DEFINITION much more fitting for Blohan.

    Psycho Hose Beast
    *a person who is so needy they create a force akin to gravity, that pulls everyone’s attention, energy, and cash into their gaping maw.

    Now does that not describe this twit to a T?

  43. Anti-icon says:

    Many addicts get there start from Adderall and/or Ridalin. It’s not the damn court’s fault that LL nor her mother just blindly accept pills and powders in any form into their bodies. Yes, let’s all sue the makers of that brand of alcohol that gave us that really bad headache. Duh.

  44. gg says:

    Is she just excused from thinking for herself at ALL now? She’s been taking this drug since 08, insisting she needs it to the Court via her papers, and in jail, and NOW she wants to damn her doctor for giving her the speed she wanted?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHH, hoo, that’s funny.

  45. BethL says:

    I don’t know how legit these reports are but it seems like Lindsay isn’t a drug addict. If she was such a hardcore drug/alcohol addict she would have been in withdrawal and didn’t she pass all of her drug tests? Everybody has been saying she wasn’t experiencing any symptoms in jail or rehab. Don’t get me wrong, Lindsay is a brat with mental problems but it seems she’s actually telling the truth of not being a current addict.

  46. nanster says:

    Lindsay, STFU and grow up, while you’re at it.

  47. Hmmm says:

    The spin from people like @Innocent doesn’t matter. Lindsay Lohan is a convicted felon (not simply convicted of a misdemeanor) just like daddy, only she went one step further and endangered the lives of several people. She’s also a pathological liar just like Momma and Daddy. Kinda like the mob. Entitlement runs in the family.

    One day the Linds will drop dead. Ironically, her parents won’t care. Predictably, they’ll find ways to make money off her rotting corpse. It’s a win-win.

  48. Snarf says:

    I see Dina Lohan is likely posting as “Innocent”. Subtle.

    Lindsay was sent to the slammer for continually thumbing her nose at her probation requirements. Period.

  49. original kate says:

    “If she was such a hardcore drug/alcohol addict she would have been in withdrawal and didn’t she pass all of her drug tests?”

    @beth: it isn’t that hard to pass drug tests – people do it all the time. and withdrawal symptoms are not always as dramatic as you see in movies. the definition of an addict is a person who cannot stop drinking/taking drugs, regardless of the consequences; kind of like someone who cannot stay away from drugs and alcohol, including places where they are likely to be – like nightclubs, where lindsay lives. or how about a person who repeatedly gets DUIs? or wears a court ordered alcohol cuff and keeps drinking? or lies to her doctor in order to be prescribed drugs? if that isn’t an addict, then what do you call it?

  50. CB Rawks says:

    Damn well said, {Po!

  51. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Those who say she isn’t a drug addict because she didn’t experience withdrawl obviously have no idea about various drugs and how they work. I was addicted to a drug at one time. I quit cold turkey and did not experience withdrawl. I also passed a hair folicle test for work and I was on drugs at the time. Some drugs do give major withdrawl symptoms when you go off of them, some don’t. It depends on your body, the length of time you have done them AND what type of drug it is you are addicted to. Everyone reacts to being off of drugs differently.

    LOL@Innocent- Are the Lohan’s paying you to spread their delusions? Seriously, quit acting like the girl was treated unfairly. The only thing unfair is that she wasn’t punished long ago, and more severely.

  52. skeptical says:

    1. the point of asking for 2 weeks between her sentencing and actually going to jail may have been to do some detoxing.. get the worst of the shakes over.

    2. the whole point of the rehab house she was in before jail might have been to finish off a detox.

    3. she doesn’t have to be PHYSICALLY addicted in order to be an addict.

    Does she seek out drugs and/or alcohol? Well let’s see… caught with cocaine, multiple DUIs…. and now she somehow was “wrongly prescribed” what is basically legal speed.
    Yea she seems to seek it out.

    Does she seek out druggie environments?
    How often has she been seen partying it up? Even when she “lost her passport” and really should have been freaking out trying to get a new one.. she was papped in parties where the alcohol (and who knows what else) flowed freely.

    Yes, she is an addict. She cannot even imagine a life without her druggie, crackie, partying ways.

  53. Crash2GO2 says:

    “the definition of an addict is a person who cannot stop drinking/taking drugs, regardless of the consequences; kind of like someone who cannot stay away from drugs and alcohol, including places where they are likely to be – like nightclubs, where lindsay lives. or how about a person who repeatedly gets DUIs? or wears a court ordered alcohol cuff and keeps drinking? or lies to her doctor in order to be prescribed drugs? if that isn’t an addict, then what do you call it?”

    Self medicating to midigate the side effects of unneeded Adderall? I truly don’t know, I’m guessing that the doctors at UCLA might operate under a different paradigm than what is current and ‘hip’ @ expensive rehabs where they have their model they work from, and all people who go there must fit into that box. Sometimes it’s not that simple.

    It will be interesting to see what happens if she is able to stay off the Adderall.

  54. Innocent says:

    Lindsay is not a convicted felon she has 7 MISDEMEANORS.
    2 counts of DUI, 2 counts of driving with a BAC above 0.8% 2 counts of DWI (cocaine), & 1 count of reckless driving.
    She is currently on probation till August 2011 for 5 of the misdemeanors and her lawyer is trying to get her released tomorrow and the formal probation removed.

  55. jane16 says:

    Just when I thought I couldn’t hate her & her ugly family more…

  56. jane16 says:

    @ innocent. She’ll always be a felon to me. And she would be in the courts eyes if she wasn’t constantly being given special celebrity treatment. Any “regular” person who tried pulling the crap she has in L.A. country and Santa Monica would be doing hard time for car jacking and kidnapping, not to mention the hard drugs.

  57. Innocent says:

    Well she isn’t and she made mistakes and paid for them.
    As i have said before the 1st she had 0.4g of coke and a felony is 0.5.
    The 2nd time the evidence was contaminated.
    There are various different stories about the alleged “carjacking” and “kidnapping”.

    BTW i’m just a Lindsay fan and not Dina.
    What kind of mother goes out partying with her daughter after she has been in rehab 3 times.

  58. jane16 says:

    A lot of celebs and models take adderall becuz it gives them a “wired” buzz and helps them to stay bone thin. The ugly trollop probably asked a doc for it & got it, she probably said she needed it to “focus”. Its a very dangerous drug. I have a kid who has real ADD & the school he was at (when he was little) wanted us to put him on adderall or another drug. We refused and they retaliated by being mean to our poor kid, who is also physically disabled. We told them to kiss off, pulled our kid out of their nasty school and have been happily homeschooling ever since. He’s now 16, gpa 3.6 and already taking college courses altho he’s only a junior. ADD is certainly a problem, but the way schools teach nowadays is more of a problem. My kid, and the other kids in his homeschool group are very accomplished, high gpa’s, college scholarships, several are published authors (incl. ours!), multiple languages, they do Shakespeare plays & musicals, etc. AND they do community service. Families can accomplish a lot with their children if they want to; the Lohans are a prime example of a lazy, entitled, do-nothing-unless-it-benefits-them type of family. In fact, with all the stories I’ve heard of them ripping people off and being late or no-shows to sets, I think they’re real low lifes. Her upcoming porno film sounds repulsive. Linda Lovelaces horrible story is certainly news, but not anything I would want to see for enterainment.

  59. jane16 says:

    Dear Innocent, you sound like you’re a nice young person. I sincerely hope for you that Lindsay Lohan is not any type of role model for you. You deserve better.

  60. original kate says:

    @crash: yes, obviously lohan is self medicating – that is what addicts do. when you are ordered by the courts to stay away from alcohol and you can’t, there is a problem; it’s called addiction. the sooner lohan realizes that, takes responsibility and gets help the better off she’ll be. apologists aren’t helping her (or any addict) stay sober, it is only feeding the delusion that there is no problem.

    if it drives drunk like an addict, violates probation like an addict and sets off an alcohol cuff like an addict…it’s an addict.

  61. jane16 says:

    kaiser, did you see the latest? Michael lohan on mel gibson?!?! Hilarious!

  62. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    So she started taking the meds in 2008, but all of this is related to incidents that occurred in 2007. Are we to believe that she’s asking for an apology related to the fact that no one has taught her how cardinal numbers work?

  63. pookie says:

    @original Kate: good point! And didn’t they say that Lindsay was able to keep taking certain drugs while she was in jail because they were prescribed? If so, she would definitely not show withdrawl.

    @Madisyn: HA! I should have included the “psycho” in there – absolutely accurate!

  64. Angel says:

    @ jo mama

    Your posts are always so on point & as usual, you are SO right; the craziness started in 07, this ‘script in ’08! HAH, so to even try and act like this Doctor and his evil Adderall Heist is the real villain is just too friggin’ much. She really is so FOS with this.

    *shakes head*

  65. Ticia says:

    Then sue your dam Doctor you moron!!!

  66. bellaluna says:

    Again, I say:

    Blohan started taking Adderall when she was with SamRo. They engaged in competitive under-eating; it was a competition to see who would be the thinnest. Blohan liked the attention she got from the tabs & paps about how much weight she lost/how thin she was, and she hasn’t stopped since.

    @ jane16 –

    Over-worked teachers in over-crowded classrooms are objects of my affection as well as my contempt: they want any “high energy” child put on meds to avoid detracting their attention from the rest of the class. I thank God that my eldest’s teacher was honest with me when I thought he was hyper. She said “On a scale of 1 – 10, he’s about a 4.” I was also lucky enough to have a doctor who told me even if he was hyper, the first thing we’d try was a cup of black coffee. Like Adderall, it actually has a calming effect on hyperactive children.

  67. Sackboy says:

    oh gosh Lindsay you’re full damn junkie and you can’t even admit you need help and you never take responsibility for your selfish action you have done and you’re spoiled selfish person who doesn’t respect her life only wants get high and drunk of her ass and you want the court to apology hell no you don’t deserved it at all know why?
    Because Lindsay it own damn fault you’re this in big mess you created

  68. Mouse says:

    “She’s really upset that the courts put her through this.” Holy crap on a stick. I used to feel sorry for this girl, but now I see it was a waste of my pity.

    I agree, #42 Madisyn. This trash bag is a psycho hose beast. She also looks just like her dad in that bottom pick.

  69. jane16 says:

    @ bellaluna, oh I agree with you about teachers, certainly, and not sure why I went off on such a crazy sounding rant! (Reading about the horrible lohans makes me crazy, I really shouldn’t do it anymore!) Actually, I teach part time myself. Thanks for the coffee tip! I will remember that & pass it on.

  70. CB Rawks says:

    “Lindsay is not a convicted felon she has 7 MISDEMEANORS.”

    That’s seven *documented* times when she BROKE THE LAW (and was actually written up).
    So that’s okay with you? She can just break the law over and over for her own amusement? She doesn’t have to care about anyone else’s safety?
    God that makes me angry.

  71. Anon says:

    Notice how she doesn’t want compensation from a “doctor” who misdiagnosed her, since she was never diagnosed and she used adderall for recreation…she wants compensation from the court…obviously, she’s just as delusional as ever.

    It’s obvious, that the doctors at UCLA, just want her the hell out of there…can you imagine having to deal with her in a confined setting?

  72. BethL says:

    Everybody knows she’s a drug addict but I’m talking about current use not from 2 or 3 years ago. Saying she goes to clubs every night doesn’t mean she’s using drugs. Every other celebrity under 30 is seen at clubs/house parties every night. I never claimed to know everything about drugs or said that Lindsay had to have convulsions to be in withdrawal but I do find it hard to believe that if she’s heavily using cocaine, subscription meds, alcohol at the same time, she would show effects from not using. Based on interviews and her random comments she’s a psycho brat.

  73. Liana says:

    She wasn’t in jail because of the Adderall – she was allowed to KEEP TAKING THE ADDERALL. She was in jail because she failed to follow the terms of her probation and showed contempt all the way. God, she’s such a delusional little brat.

  74. Crash2GO2 says:

    @original kate: “yes, obviously lohan is self medicating…that is what addicts do. when you are ordered by the courts to stay away from alcohol and you can’t, there is a problem; it’s called addiction.”

    Again, I was talking about her misdiagnosed ADHD and prescribed Adderall. Since she didn’t really need it, it revved her up and she self medicated to mitigate the effects. I don’t think that qualifies as addictive behavior.

    Again, if the doctors at UCLA don’t think she’s an addict, I will defer to their expertise. I really don’t understand the need people have here to label her an addict. Yes, she is a gigantic jerk and she broke the law and endangered other people. Isn’t that enough to be mad about? Her sneaking drinks while ordered not to may very well be a symptom of her personality disorder. I am not saying she doesn’t have problems, but apparently they are not addiction problems.

    Maybe addiction is easier for people to clarify and distance from themselves and they need to do that in order to reassure themselves that they will never end up like Lindsay. I don’t know.

  75. anoneemouse says:

    Here we go:

    We are SORRY Lindsay that you chose to get in a car when you were high and drunk and got caught

    We are SORRY Lindsay that after you got caught the first time, you got arrested again

    We are SORRY Lindsay that after two drink driving arrests you had to spend 82 minutes in jail

    We are SORRY Lindsay that you chose not to attend mandatory classes as others in your situation have to do which resulted in you being where you are

    We are SORRY Lindsay that after all is said and done you still choose to deflect responsibility for your own actions

    We are SORRY Lindsay that despite 4 rehab stays you clearly can’t own up to your own mistakes.

    There. Feel better now?

  76. Majosha says:

    She looks like her father in drag in that last photo (with dark hair). Hideous.

  77. Jill says:

    When will SHE issue an apology to US for thrusting her stupidity and her parents on the public??

  78. original kate says:

    why are the doctors at UCLA issuing statments about a patient in the first place, epsecially while she’s still in treatment? as for lindsay’s addictions, people can keep making excuses for her, but she has a free will and CHOSE to shop for doctors, drive drunk, get caught with blow in her purse, violate her probabtion, etc. her doctor didn’t do those things, she did. how is that not her responsibility? i guess when she ODs her apologists will finally see that she has a problem with drugs & alcohol.

  79. Crash2GO2 says:

    @original kate: On last post on this with you: I must have missed where it has been proven that she doctor shopped for the original Adderall prescription?

  80. original kate says:

    @ crash, i never said she doctor shopped for her original adderall prescription. i was using doctor shopping to prove my point that she is addicted to drugs. people without addiction don’t doctor shop in order to get prescription drugs. debate with me all day, but please don’t put words in my mouth.

  81. TQB says:

    @crash, not specific to Adderall, but I believe during the hearings when Lohan had to list all her meds it was revealed that they had been prescribed by several different doctors. Doctor shopping sounds like a reasonable inference.

    I actually don’t think she doctor-shopped for the Adderall; I think waaaaay too many doctors hand that stuff over like it’s candy. But I do think she’s demonstrated a willingness to go to as many doctors as necessary to get what she wants.

  82. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Thanks, Angel. It’s mindblowing stuff, you know?

  83. mollination says:

    I tried to fake ADD when I was 17 years old so I could get a script for adderall too. And how old was she when she was diagnosed? 8 years old in elementary where one would first catch these things? Nope….17.

    She did this to herself, but the truth is, this diagnosis/early release is probably the best thing that ever happened to this girl.

  84. Julia says:

    Lol. She doctor shopped for an Adderall scrip. It’s one of the newer drugs people love to abuse, popular for weight loss and in college for pulling all-nighters. Nice try, Lilo.

  85. Julia says:

    And no, I don’t think you can justify her other substance abuses as a result of her misdiagnosis/taking Adderall. “She self-medicated to mitigate the effects”? Bullshit. That’s like saying she drank to mitigate the effects of snorting coke, which also “revs” people up. 🙂 She knows she’s not ADD/ADHD. All those college kids who trade it like it’s candy know it, too.

  86. WhtEv says:

    ADD? no sweety you have FWD–Fame Whore’s highly contagious in holly wood, but you appear to have the worst case ever…