Katie Holmes actually wears something that I kind of like


I am a connoisseur of sweaters. My latest sweater loves are shawl sweater coats, with only two button closures and no tie at the waist. I got the sweaters in a pale green and black – I wore the black one when CB and I went to see True Grit. Now, I didn’t know that Katie Holmes did sweater coats, but here she is in New York last night, wearing a chocolate brown cable-knit sweater coat. I like the IDEA of this sweater much more than the execution. Plus, I think Katie should go down one size, because it’s kind of overwhelming her. And the excess ribbing is overwhelming me. More cable, less ribbing. Still… I want a chocolate brown cable sweater coat!

Also – are we going to talk about how Katie looks high as a kite? No? Okay. Hate the shoes too.

Last thing: Katie has been all over New York, getting pap’d constantly because she’s hard at work selling her clothing line, Holmes & Yang. According to Page Six, the Kate-bot “is making an aggressive push to retailers for her Holmes & Yang clothing line, which she launched in 2009 with her stylist, Jeanne Yang. On Tuesday, the two kicked off a series of trunk shows for their spring and fall lines at Barneys, which has carried their collection for two seasons. It remained a mystery as to whether Holmes’ daughter, Suri, contributes in any way to the line, as reporters were told by handlers that questions about the cute youngster were forbidden.” With this zombie face as the “face” of your clothing line, would you expect it sell? No. Beyond that, Katie is a crap fashion designer.





Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

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53 Responses to “Katie Holmes actually wears something that I kind of like”

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  1. kai says:

    Poor sweet little Suri. that’s all.

  2. Rita says:

    It looks heavy but there’s nothing like having a portable “woobie”.

  3. k says:

    Suri’s calling up Chris Klein’s look more every day.

  4. the original bellaluna says:

    Mom’s in jeans, a heavy sweater, and close-toed shoes; daughter’s in a short dress, a light coat, and open-toed dress-up shoes. I just can’t.

  5. The H says:

    I’d be high too. S’all I can say.

  6. whitedaisy says:

    ONCE AGAIN…… inappropriately inadequate clothing on that youngster. Get a clue, Mom.

  7. Jackson says:

    Meh. Big fuzzy sweater. Her hair looks nice and shiny though so that’s something, I guess.

  8. aenflex says:

    I like the sweater but would have put it with slimmer leggings and dressier shoes.

  9. Roma says:

    Kaiser did you see the pic on TMZ of Suri holding a box of penis gummies? My mother sent me the link and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  10. Hmmm says:

    Is the kid wearing heels????

  11. bella says:

    kaiser i can tell you that the Pre-sales for the line’s Fall 2011 collection went really well!

    don’t worry for her she is smarter than it seems.

  12. Bailey says:

    yes, she is wearing heels, Suri has a closet full of heels. Dlisted mentioned it.

  13. TG says:

    Is that makeup on that brat? Love the sweater.

  14. bella says:


    yes the kid is wearing sandles with heels…SANDLES….NO socks…legs are entirely bare…with a cotton dress, light coat…while her mom is in a warm fuzzy sweater with jeans. any idea how cold it in NYC (with the exception of today as the temps are rising)? why is that little girl always so scantily clothed? those people freak me out

  15. mln76 says:

    I love sweaters like that.

    @Roma it’s in yesterday’s links section.

  16. seVen says:

    that whole family makes me wanna stab myself with a spoon.

  17. Kasey says:

    @TG- that was pretty much my question…..How old is she? 5 going on 16?

  18. lilibet1 says:

    Got to feel sorry for little Suri …what are the chances that she won’t have had a Britney ‘episode’ by the time she’s 21yrs?!

  19. Dea says:

    I love her bag in fact. On another note US laws must change when it comes to children being photographed. Children’s faces should not be in magazines at all. I give kudos to UK laws that do not allow magazines to post children’s faces. It is not good overall and for the health of the child. You see the face of poor girl that is kind of scared being photographed and followed all the time. As much as I like the “freedom of expression and freedom of speech” the US constitution provides I think it should be restricted in certain avenues.

  20. Jackson says:

    @Dea – do you really think that Tom and Katie, et al, do not want Suri to be photographed? How many other celebrity kid’s pics do we see plastered everywhere? Not a lot, really. And you know why? Because they don’t want their kid’s pics out there all the time so they do things to prevent it. This family is all about the photo ops and that most definitely includes Suri.

  21. Isabel says:

    Holy crap, the penis gummies pic was too much. I saw it on Michael K’s site. They even reported that one of the handlers bought the gummies for Suri! What in hell?!

    Katie didn’t even notice…and honestly, as the mother of a 2.5 year old, kids are sneaky and can get into stuff when you’re not looking. But I absolutely cannot imagine HOLDING my kid while he waved a box of penis candy and not noticing at all. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS!

    Re: the coat…I want to love it, I really do. It looks like cashmere…and I want to wrap myself in it like a Snuggie. But, like everything else Katie wears, it’s a dud on her. Except maybe in those pics where she’s exiting the building and holding Suri’s hand. It looks more reasonable there.

  22. Siren6 says:

    It does beg the question: why would we shell out money for designs from a woman who is happy to tell people her toddler dresses her? (And who misses the mark more than she hits it?)

  23. mln76 says:

    @Isabel I think she knew there is a pic where she is looking straight at the camera and smirking. According to Scientology Katie can’t say no to Suri. Suri is supposed to be a fully formed adult and able to make her own decisions. I think it was a total lack of judgment because it may have been funny in private but she knew the paps were right there and there are pervs on the internet. Just imagine if Angelina Jolie let one of her kids play with that candy? CPS would be knocking on her door as we speak.

  24. Waldemar says:

    Also – are we going to talk about how Katie looks high as a kite? No? Okay.

    Well I am. I noticed in the penis gummies post yesterday that her eyes look a lot like the sad eyes Britney is sporting these days. What is going on?

  25. jessica says:

    ROMA!! Yes I saw that box of candy peter!! LOL!! WHERE WERE THEY!? and HOW DO I GET SOME!! LOL

  26. Lisa Turtle says:

    Suri is tragic. She was born to be entrapped in a cult. At least Katie “chose” this life, poor Suri is just stuck in it.

  27. sasa says:

    Suri’s legs freak me out. Am I the only one? Kids her age still have those child mushy X legs but hers have definition, calf tone and everything! It’s like she’s a mini grown up and the shoes don’t help one bit.

  28. Lynnie says:

    It’s still freakin’ WINTER. Please, for the love of Pete, somebody make that kid wear some tights or pants to cover her cold, white, little legs!

  29. Isabel says:

    @mln76 How incredibly psychotic! Where are the lines? It’s fruitless for me to get into just how wrong such a belief system is…I think we’re all in agreement on that one…but it’s simply mind blowing to me. What would be a simple, no-brainer act of parenting to me has such deep roots with them…it’s too weird.

    Oh man, if one of Angie’s kids had that box…the headline would be, “ANGIE AND BRAD FORCE CHILDREN TO EAT PENIS CANDY.” Or if it were cute little Shiloh…”Angie tries to to make the little Shiloh lesbian straight by feeding her penis candy! Angie is intolerant!”

  30. Relli says:

    @ K. I know i totally obsessed with the fact that she is really Chris’ child. Seriously, his downward spiral after he split form Kate-Bot, the rumors of abuse which, would make sense why she choose to raise her with someones else. Also, how is he surviving, its not like he has tons of work and those American pie residuals cannot be that great.


  31. Trace says:

    Sorry, Kaiser, but that coat is hideous. Maybe it’s the material. She looks like she’s wearing a dead animal.

  32. lulu says:

    The thing with Suri and the bare legs happens too often for it just to be an oversight, or a phase.

    When was the last time she wore trousers, tights, leggings…anything on her legs (that’s pants, pantyhose, leggings for US readers)? I have NEVER seen a 4 year old spend an entire winter with bare legs, in freezing temperatures, that wasn’t underprivileged.

  33. mln76 says:

    Uhm to be fair last night in NY it was pretty warm and I have a feeling the kid just runs hot and would fuss in warm clothing. I still can’t stand the Scientology.

  34. TeeTee says:

    I saw the pic of Suri clutching a box of gummie penises, and Katie looking out of it AGAIN!


  35. Dirty Martini says:

    Katie’s all bunded up. Suri looks like shes a stripper in those shoes. Beween those shoes and her headdress, I don’t want to know what’s under that trench coat.

    This is one messed up family.

  36. DesertRose says:

    Miss Katie always looks stoned, or like she’s on tranquilizers, but hey, I’d want to be comfortably numb too if I had her husband =)
    It seems like pot would be her drug of choice, I can’t imagine what the cult would say if they found out she had been taking psyche meds lol

  37. bluhare says:

    A few days ago, Surly was wandering around sucking on her binky, and now they’re letting her suck on Penis Gummies????

    The Cruises have a few screws loose, and that’s being kind. That kid looks like one of the most entitled spoilt kids ever.

  38. Ruby Red Lips says:

    K and Relli, I have to totally disagree with u both, in the pic of Suri looking straight in the camera, her upper face is a mini Tom Cruise… No questions, tho convinced Suri’s conception was the modern day version of an immaculate conception! Doubt TC went anywhere near Katie

  39. Anon73 says:

    let’s be real : if Katie Holmes did not have the $ to front her own business financing, she would never be associated with a fashion label. let alone be the “creative genius” behind it.

  40. marion says:

    holmes and yang is making BARNEY’S NY a lot of money, because the line is actually good. you may not want to give katie credit for it, but the Yang part of the line is second only to rachel zoe as the top stylist in LA. As for the people who commented on Suri’s leg PERVY MUCH?

  41. UnAttributableSpoon says:

    Marion, #40: Making an observation like that isn’t that pervy…unless it was “Suri’s legs look hot with those shoes…She’s so sexy in those skirts” or something rather creepy and in bad taste like that. It’s the internets, there are pervs everywhere, but that kind of hypersensitivity about it isn’t terribly healthy. What should she wear, a burqa to protect her from scary men? My issue is that it’s gotta still be pretty chilly in NYC now (hell, it’s barely above freezing out here in Wyoming >.<), no matter what the child’s preference, they need to be bundled. But I’m from an area where it’s supercommon to get winter temperatures below zero with -40F windchills, so I might be more obsessed about it. I do run hot though, and can understand about that…but damn, the child at least needs to wear some freaking socks!

    I agree with Sasa @ #27 though, usually at that age kids’ legs are still a bit chubby…maybe they’re just long or she works out with her mom or something. Who knows.

  42. ladybug says:

    i think she’s covering up her pregnancy.

  43. e,non says:

    that poor kid is so traumatized by those friggin paps; imagine what that is doing to her psyche — day after day after day, every time she goes out, she’s trailed with people screaming her name and flashing those friggin cameras in her face.

    and her idiot mother is completely oblivious.

    they so deserve the monster they are creating.

  44. Sue says:

    marion@ A lot of their line is a copy of other designer stuff and thing that were in style a year or two ago I bet that the people who are buying the clothes are other Scientologists just like when Katie was on Broadway the Scientologists came out to support their own which there is nothing wrong with that but would the clothing line be doing just as good without the Scientologists to back it up. If Jeanne Yang is dressing Katie because she been on the worst dress list a lot over the years.

  45. Fue McCormick says:

    Those shoes and jeans are all kinds of tragic …
    With all that friggin money, I don’t care how miserable I was or am … I would still take the time to look fabulous. This woman is just a mess.

  46. Newbie says:

    @mln76: well…Jolie buys her children knives and the CPS hasn’t shown up at her doorstep so far as we know. Just food for thought.

  47. Newbie says:

    I’m sorry Kaiser. I think Holmes looks like a friggin’ bear in these shots.

  48. Tara says:

    Normally, Suri news just sort of annoys me but for the first time I really feel sorry for the little girl. New York is not warm yet and the days are still quite chilly and windy. Why is Suri out in thin summer wear while her mom is nice and toasty in her designer Snuggli (with the Lands’ End shoes)?!

    And the look on this poor kid’s face while the paps are snapping pics of them is truly heart-breaking. Suri looks like an extra from Les Miserables. Mom of the freakin year.

  49. Crash2GO2 says:

    OK, so this finally bugs me. It’s night in NYC, Katie is wearing a big sweater and Suri is bare legged in sandals? At some point, Mom knows better how child should be dressed. Get a clue you f*cking scientologists. And Katie looks completely awful as always – what a laugh that she has a clothing line.

  50. CB Rawks says:

    That brown thing? She looks like the carpet monster in an episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

  51. truthzbetta says:

    I think it’s time to quit running pics of this kid.

    Tell me Katie and Tom can’t get the paps to lay off this kid. I mean, it seems like they’re using the fact that they made a child (allegedly) for publicity and it seems abuse-y and all kinds of wrong. Couch jumper will do anything to keep the keep the career going a day longer.

  52. sasa says:

    Pervy? Really?
    Man, I haven’t been called that yet. That’s funny.

  53. SHump says:

    It’s not an over sight or a phase. Suri doesn’t wear tights or heavy coats because she doesn’t want to. And they don’t force her to, because they are members of a cult that encourages parents to treat their children like little adults. Scientologists are not big on “rules” for children, they encourage a sort of learning through experience approach…even with toddlers and pre schoolers. I don’t believe for a second Katie didn’t notice the penis gummies either. She looks like she’s laughing in all the photos. This is also why she still drinks from a bottle and uses a pacifier. They just do not say “no” to that child. Ever. About anything. And they really believe that they are being good parents by doing so.