Are Ryan Seacrest & Julianne Hough already in couples therapy?


Julianne Hough and Ryan Seacrest began “dating” last year, I believe around May or June. So they’re coming up on their one year anniversary. Exciting, isn’t it? Contract renegotiation is in the air! I honestly thought that Ryan would jettison Julianne once he lost out on Larry King’s job at CNN, but I was wrong! True love/contracts conquer all, and Julianne seems quite content as Ryan’s girlfriend of record. After all, he takes her to Paris, he buys her things, she gets invited to big events and she has a career beyond Dancing With the Stars. Pretty sweet.

Anyway, there have long been “rumors” about Ryan and Julianne planning on getting engaged. The Enquirer had one a few months ago, claiming that Ryan finally dropped to one knee and proposed while they were in Paris. Now In Touch Weekly claims that while they are not currently engaged, it’s definitely on Ryan’s mind. He’s worried, though. So he and Julianne are going to “couples therapy”. That poor bastard therapist.

Ryan Seacrest and his girlfriend Julianne Hough are at the make-or-break point in their relationship – either they’re getting engaged or breaking up. To make sure they’re meant for each other, they’re seeing a shrink, a friend says.

“Ryan’s ready to marry her, but she’s only 22, and he’s 36,” the friend explains. “He wants to get married one and only once. He needs to know if she’s ready to commit and start a family despite her age.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

Yes, the age difference is MY biggest concern as well. I’m not concerned at all by the fact that Ryan can’t get through a red carpet without cruising all of the hot guys. I’m not concerned at all that Ryan seems like a massive bitch who would slap the hell out of anyone who dared to “cross” him. And by cross him, I mean use his lip gloss.

Speaking of Ryan and his makeup, Star Magazine’s cover story last week was all about “secrets from the stylists to the stars”. It was kind of boring, but there was a piece about Dame Seacrest and how he loves his mascara and his spray-tans. Oh, and he tints his eyelashes too. What’s funny is that “a source close to Seacrest” even bothered to deny the story to Gossip Cop. Which just makes it true, in my opinion.

Here are some photos of Julianne last night at CinemaCon, taking home an award for “Female Rising Star”. FOR BURLESQUE.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

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30 Responses to “Are Ryan Seacrest & Julianne Hough already in couples therapy?”

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  1. OriginalGracie says:

    If this is true and they are in couple’s therapy it would be for the fact that he is a closeted gay man and she is a famewhore/beard.

  2. sasa says:

    I have no clue if the relationship is real or not (he does ping the gaydar a bit) but if it is they could be quite suited to each other. I think they are both extremely work orientated and focused on success.

    Well when I put it like that, it seems they could in fact be not so well suited- if neither plans on “investing in the relationship”. Maybe they think she will be the one to do it when she gets older. She IS really young.

  3. Quest says:

    Maybe the therapy has to iron out who uses which makeup/mascara, hair tints and teeth whitening products once they wed.

    Maybe they should have a lawyer instead (to draw up the contracts)

  4. Rita says:

    Like holding her “Female Rising Star” trophy (Is there an award that has not yet been invented?), I suspect one day soon she’ll be holding her Ryan Seacrest conquest doll in the same fashion.

  5. Isabel says:

    @OriginalGracie – yep. What you said.

  6. Stephanie says:

    She is very very pretty! She looks great in these pictures.

  7. brin says:

    Well, as long as your not concerned, Kaiser, neither am I…next!

  8. mia girl says:

    If he is gay, I really don’t see why he thinks he has to remain closeted… the type of job he has doesn’t need “perception of straightness”. I mean, being openly gay does not affect Anderson Cooper at all. It’s not like Seacrest is trying for movie hetero-leading man status. I just don’t get why, if gay, he won’t just live his life.

    In fact, I don’t know why anyone in Hollywood remains closeted. It is sad.

  9. Melanie says:

    Mia, When did Anderson Cooper come out?

  10. Marjalane says:

    You know, Ryan’s “mentor”, (Older, wealthy boyfriend, ahem) was Merv Griffin, and the older Ryan gets, the more like Merv he becomes. (minus of course the good sense of humor) Merv’s beard for years was Eva Gabor, and I think this obnoxious Julianne Hough has a ways to go to be of her caliber, but she’s a big enough famewhore to keep trying. These days, Ryan is the worst part of A.I..

  11. Eve says:

    Already in couples therapy? With so much (a.k.a. P-E-N-I-S) in common you’d think they didn’t have problems at all.

  12. sorrento says:

    the gaydar bell just rung so loudly it fell off its stand
    we had gay Ken now we have his gay beard, hello? the closet is open, come out and play.

  13. Devon says:

    Anderson Cooper has not come out. He avoids talking about his personal life. Lots of people suspect but he’s never said a word about it. Something to do with how his mother was always in the tabloids or something.

    While 22 is young, not all 22 year olds don’t want to ge married. My husband was 20 when we got married and we’ve been married almost 4 years now. If Ryan is having issues with it, he should have thought of that prior to dating her. It’s not like she suddenly became 14 years younger over night.

  14. DGO says:

    Like this relationship is real. Julianne can’t commit to anyone and Ryan is gay.

  15. MB says:

    Im pretty sure there are a few not-so-blind items about Julianna being unashamedly opportunistic and befriending only people that could push her career further or make her a lot of money. This relationship is FAKE.

  16. John Wayne Lives says:

    They will never get married. Gay or not, it won’t happen. Imo.

  17. samihami says:

    Eh, I don’t think he’s gay-just metrosexual. And if they are in couples therapy, that might be a good sign for them. I’ve known several couples who went to couples therapy before marrying, because they wanted to make sure that they were marrying the right person for the right reasons and to work out any issues before they walked down the aisle.

  18. albeli says:


  19. Melanie says:

    I also have know couples that you swear the man or woman is gayer than gay but they have children and seem to be in a hetro relationship. It is perplexing.

  20. curmudgeon says:

    From the buzz that I remember in LA this guy is actually straight. Hes just glaringly and sickeningly metro. However, I do think he is arrogant/immature enough to need to date someone young and naive. Having said that I cannot imagine him being able to date someone older in ten years. So then he’ll be 46 and dating a 22 year old. He might as well have a go at this one.

  21. Someone Else says:

    According to my (gay) friend Rob, most middle age gay men are married with children and truly love their families.

    It’s the sex thing that can be problematic. Until we live in a society where homosexuals really don’t have to worry about it, I don’t see bearding stopping anytime soon.

  22. original kate says:

    if i were dating a gay man i’d be in couples therapy, too…not that there’s anything wrong with it.

  23. Melanie says:

    A lot of Republican senators seem to have the Gaycrest problem too. snicker.

  24. Cha Cha Loca says:

    She’s too young for him. He wants to settle down and her life/career are just getting started. If he likes them young, he needs to find a hot bimbo with no ambition.

  25. danielle says:

    I know quite a few people who when commenting on a gay actor say “why is he playing that (straight) roll – he’s gay!) Irritates me – “that’s why it’s called acting!” But I think that is why actors stay in the closet.

  26. mia girl says:

    @Devon: You are right that Anderson Cooper has never “come out” officially – if that means being on the cover of a magazine saying it, or talking about his personal life in a public media forum.

    But he lives his life as a gay man. Everyone knows it, he doesn’t try to hide it (aka beard) or deny it and is seen frequently with his boyfriend around NY (and in photos). That is sort of my point about Seacrest (if he is gay). Anderson Cooper just lives his life… he doesn’t need to publicize it but he is true to himself.

  27. Jayna says:

    I’m sure they are …… over she doesn’t understands why he wants so little sex.

  28. Ruffian9 says:

    Um, isn’t she just bearding so he can date her brother?

  29. Dana M says:

    My BFF’s sister-in-law was a beard for 20 years to a man that was gay. When I met him, He immediately set off my gaydar barometer. He was a lawyer by day and interior designer by night. Recently, he freaked out and couldn’t take it anymore. He left his wife and two kids (ages 14&16). He is now openly gay and whoring himself in all of the gay bars around town. The law firm even fired him because he started to show up to work drunk and messed up. Moral of the story, kids, is that these closeted men will eventually crack. Why can’t these gay men just be themselves? They would be so much happier to be true to themselves. Who cares what other people think.

  30. Rockamama says:

    Why do any of your care about their personal lives? Leave them alone!